Women with Animals
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Kathy’s Big Wish


(c) by unknown

My wife Kathy is in her mid-forties but looks much younger because she works out at the gym every day and watches her figure. She loves makeup, jewelry, and shoes. She likes to change hairstyles and color. One day I said to her, “Why do you change so often?”

Kathy replied, “I get bored and need a new look sometimes. I feel like a different woman. It’s just a girl thing,” and smiled.

I laughed, and said, “Have you ever thought of changing husbands?”

She looked at me with a puzzled look and said, “Changing husbands? Why would I do that? I’m perfectly happy with the man I’ve got, besides you have everything it takes to satisfy a woman.”

I said, “The other day I was surfing the internet, and by mistake, I clicked on an animal porn video.”

“Animal porn?”

“It was by accident.”

She said, “I’m listening.”

“Well…” I replied, “what came up was a website called empire films. They were looking for new actors for their films, no experience required.”

Kathy said, “What kind of films?”

I said, “Doing sex scenes with animals.”

“Animals, that sounds awful. How can women make such degrading films?

I said, “There is a market for every niche.”

Kathy replied, “I’ve heard about these films.”

“You have?”

“Yes, from Gladys, a woman who sits next to me at the hair salon,” Kathy said. “Gladys told me she found evidence on her husband’s computer when he forgot to delete his search history.”


“Gladys said although it was the most sinful website she ever saw, she found herself doing the same thing, and said she was soon addicted to porn like a heroin addict.”

“Gladys, a porn addict, that’s funny,” I said and laughed.
Kathy looked at me, and said, “Why didn’t you just turn the computer off?”

“I would have lost a lot of important data.”

Kathy kept asking questions about the site. Her curiosity had been tweaked, and so I gave her as much information as I had. Knowing how religious she was and modest despite her great looks I knew she would never visit the sites.


That night Kathy could not stop thinking of our conversation, and in the middle of the night, she got up to pee. As she walked to the bathroom, she noticed my computer and hesitated. Then sat down her boobs almost touching the keypad and found Google then typed empire films. The website appeared on the screen showing a naked man and woman between them a donkey. At the bottom was a new actor’s welcome notice, experience preferred but not required—will train. She wrote down the toll-free number and slid it into the drawer.

Kathy lay in bed and could not stop thinking about the website and the talk she had with Gladys. Kathy felt conflicted her religious faith was something she held all her life. Yet this website was beginning to pull her in a direction she never anticipated. She felt almost a deep biological as well as psychological need to enter this new depraved world. Like she would have to choose between her faith and all its goodness, then the devil and his offer of ultimate satisfaction of the flesh. All week she agonized over the decision she would have to make.

As the website more and more entered her thoughts, she opened the drawer and pulled out the number she felt her heart race as her finger punched the number a soft female voice answered.

“Empire Films, may I be of service?”

“Yes…” Kathy said, “I read your ad on the internet, and it said no experience necessary.”

“Yes, dear,” the woman said. “Are you interested in filming?”


“Empire Films makes the best animal porn productions, well be happy to have you on board. I’ll need more information and a recent picture not more than six months old. A full head to toe shot.”

Kathy said, “I have one.”

“Good, we will send you a form; it’s a questionnaire, with some intimate details required. What’s your address?” Kathy tells her, and then the woman said, “Just return the form and enclose the picture with a self-addressed stamped envelope. We will contact you within three to five days after receipt. Thank you for calling Empire Films, have a nice day.”


The form arrived two days later, and Kathy completed it, slipped in a photo as the woman requested and mailed it the next day. Within three days, Kathy received a response she almost tore the envelope open she was so excited the heading read ‘congratulations you have been hired by Empire Films, enclosed is a contract agreeing to do whatever we request.’ Kathy read and signed the form. The date and times listed for her first shoot. She hurried to the nearest mailbox and in dropped the forms. She was getting more excited by the day thinking how I would tell my husband? She bit her lower lip and got up the nerve.

That night before bedtime she chose a sexy nightie. They were ready for bed when she said, “Peter, I have a secret.”

“Oh?” I said.

“You know that animal porn website you accidentally clicked on?”


“Well, I found their toll free number, and they accepted me as a new hire,” Kathy said proudly.

Peter smiled, and said, “If that’s what you want, go for it.”

She threw her arms around me, and said, “A woman couldn’t ask for a more understanding husband.”

I said, “When?”

“Tomorrow at 4 pm, we must be at the studio.


At 4pm the next day, Peter and Kathy were at the studio. The door said Empire Films maker of the best animal porn films. The door opened, and an attractive woman appeared. “You must be Kathy and Peter? I’m Sandy,” she said. “Come in, we’ve been waiting for you.”

She led them down a hall and opened the door to a larger room with a camera and lighting. There were several people some were sitting others standing. Sandy said, “Meet our film crew…” When the introductions were finished, Sandy said, “Kathy will be appearing in her first film. Make her feel at ease, guys.”

Sandy motioned to Kathy to follow her she led my wife down the hall and opened the door to another room. “This is our makeup department,” Sandy said. “It is their job to get you ready. Meet Patty, our makeup artist… This is Jill who’s a tattooist, and the last is Otto who does body piercing. They are all good at what they do. Now, sweetie, take off your clothes.”

Kathy saw the first chair was a padded recliner, and a full-length mirror in front Kathy was now undressed. Jill smiled, and said, “You will be given a full body tattoo. Are you nervous?”

Kathy said, “A little.”

“That’s expected, please sit, and look at these tattoos we want you to make a selection.”

Kathy started turning the pages when she saw one that jumped off the page. It was a two-headed devil with one body and two tails running down. Both heads were sticking out their long forked snake-like tongues. Kathy pointed, and said, “I want this one.”

Jill looked, and said, “Good choice, one on your left breast the other on your right. The tongues will touch each nipple, and their tails will run down your belly and barely touch you vaginal hair. You must make one more selection.”

Kathy noticed a hairy spider and said, “That one…”

Jill looked, and said, “That will go on your vagina so when you open your legs its body will move like you are both having sex.”

When Jill was finished, she brought Kathy to the full-length mirror. Kathy could not stop the feeling she’s beginning to have.

“Do you like?” Jill asked.

“Like?” Kathy said. “I love it. I love it.”

She kissed Jill and Sandy came over. “Kathy, apply this lipstick,” Sandy said, “and here are your new shoes.” They were 6-inch spiked heels red in color. Sandy said, “I think the crew is ready. I gave your husband a front row seat.”

Kathy smiled, and Sandy took her hand and led her to the film room. Kathy noticed the camera and the lighting there was also a padded platform with four legs about three feet high.

Sandy said, “Everyone, meet Kathy, Empire’s newest star.”

I looked at my wife and couldn’t believe the transformation, I almost came in my pants. A man named Bruno brought in ‘Hector.’ Sandy said to Kathy, “Meet Hector your future husband and co-star, Kathy.”

My wife looked at the donkey and smiled.

Sandy said, “Kathy run your fingers over his main.”

Kathy’s long painted nails were now brushing his main. Sandy asks, “How does he feel?” Kathy replied, “He feels so muscular and strong, just what I need to bring out the beast in me.”

As the camera rolled, Sandy said, “You and Hector are about to get married. Do you agree to be his bride?”

“Yes,” my wife replied.

“Let the ceremony begin. Bruno will conduct the marriage.”

Bruno led Hector to Kathy and then placed a wedding veil on Kathy’s head. He took out a book with a triangle on the cover, and said, “Place your hand on the book.” Kathy gently placed her hand on the book. Bruno said, “We are to join Hector and Kathy in solemn marriage.”

Bruno instructed Kathy to lift her veil she took her left hand and gently placed the veil on her head. Bruno continued, “Kathy, repeat after me… I, Kathy, in order to experience the sexual passion that only the devil can give, renounce all my religious beliefs and embrace evil in all its depravity.”

Kathy said eagerly, “I, Kathy, in order to experience the sexual passion that only the devil can give, renounce all my religious beliefs and embrace evil in all its depravity and I take Hector as my husband.

“I now pronounce you husband and wife, let the marriage be consummated,” Bruno declared. Bruno brought Kathy to the platform, and she faced the cameras allowing it a full view of her tattoos. The camera moved from the devils on her boobs to the spider on her vagina. The platform left plenty of space between Hector and Kathy so one of the crew could film every detail. Soon Bruno placed Kathy on the platform and brought Hector over. I kept watching, and my dick was pulsating with every move my wife was about to do.

Hector was soon over Kathy in the 69-position, unsheathed penis in line with her mouth. One of the camera operators had a handheld video camera to capture the details. Bruno said to Kathy, “Remove your veil.” She obeyed. “Now, show us how much you love your husband.”

Kathy spread her legs as the camera the revealed the spider tattoo. Her vagina was now open wide as the spider began undulating soon she could feel Hector’s tongue lap her pussy. It was the longest and wettest she had ever felt. He was licking slowly to give her the most pleasure she took her right hand and gently massaged his sheath until his dick protruded. She began stroking it and was now hard and huge. Kathy started to lick the shaft up and down, sucking the head.

Hector, the donkey, licked her wet vagina brushing the hair aside sucking the lips and then finding her clit, he moved it back and forth with his tongue. She was now panting her boobs heaving up and down. Bruno changed their positions. She spread her legs as wide as she could to allow the donkeys’ enormous cock—full entry. She felt him move deeper inside her and his cock was now up to her belly button as he moved in and out. Kathy matched him stroke for stroke.

He moved faster his cock finding her clit she was almost insane with passion the camera kept rolling and she was having multiple orgasms. Eventually, Kathy felt him explode filling her with a river of donkey cum. She put her legs around his back and kissed him passionately. “My husband,” Kathy said. “I am so proud to be your bride.” She placed her hand on her belly, and said, “I can almost feel my baby bump.”

After the filming, Kathy came to me and asked, “Peter, do you like your new animal porn star wife?”

I said, “I’m so proud to see my wife is now a big star.”

We kissed, and she asked Sandy, “When is my next shoot?”

Sandy smiled, and said, “Friday, I have three gorgeous male Great Danes that want to meet you.”

Kathy said, “I can hardly wait.”

The End.

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