Women with Animals

A Deer Friend


(c) by Dragontail

Julia Sande is thirty-eight, single, and constantly horny. Laying on her bed, she was rolling her clit with her fingers. While humping madly against her purple friend, while not the biggest in her drawer of toys it never failed to bring to orgasm.

Suddenly, she heard the front door open and heard her daughter Amber and her friend Sandy come in the front door. “Mom, mom…” she heard Amber shouting.

Quickly pushing her toy under her pillow, she pulled on her skirt and tee-shirt, before they came around the corner to her room. The damn door was open wide as she was thinking she had a few hours of privacy.

Both girls were laughing like crazy. “Oh my god, mom, you will not believe what happened.”

While being flushed and denied orgasm the girls didn’t notice. “What happened?” Julia asked, trying to sound normal.

“Omigod, it was surreal,” Sandy gushed like a naïve teenager, and laughed.

“We were walking in the woods near Millar’s Pond when a wild buck came out and attacked us,” Amber said in excitement.

Julia broke into a deep frown of concern. “Attacked you? Are you OK?” Julia asked, scanning her daughter for any obvious signs of injury.

Sandy snorted, laughing loudly again.

“Chill out, mom, we’re OK. It wasn’t like that,” Amber said, dismissing her mother’s concern.

Julia’s head snapped back and she rose an eyebrow in response. She asked sarcastically, “What was it like then?”

The sarcasm went over the teenagers head. “The damn thing tried to hump us. We tried to get out of there, but each time he would jump up on us,” Amber said.

She started laughing as she looked at Sandy, who was grinning widely. “You should’ve seen the size of its thingy while it jumped on Amber.”

Amber slapper her friend on the arm, saying, “Yeah, right, I think it wanted you more.”

Julia sighed in annoyance. “Girls, girls, you know you shouldn’t go near the woods during rutting season. Those Bucks can be dangerous.”

“Dangerous to a girl’s virginity, maybe,” Sandy said and laughed stupidly.

“As if you’re one of those,” Amber replied.

Julia suddenly grabbed Amber’s arm firmly snapping both girl’s out of their ribald revelry. She held Ambers gaze for a moment using her best displeased parent look. “Promise me you won’t go near those woods until rutting season is over,” she demanded.

“Mom,” Amber said in a half-whining, half-annoyed teenage voice.

“Promise me!” Julia demanded.

“OK, I promise,” Amber said like a child caught doing something wrong.

Julia looked at Sandy with narrow eyes. “You too!”

Sandy sighed, and said, “I promise.”

She let go of Amber’s arm, and said, “Good, now go get out of your school clothes.”
The two girl’s walked past her and just as they were about to enter Amber’s room one of them guffawed, and the other laughed.


Julia’s mind raced. She thought about the horny buck and her own sexually frustrated state of mind. Quickly grabbing her keys, she hurried out the door. Julia drove down to Millar’s pond, as it was getting late the place was quiet and no cars were around. The area is popular for hiking as well as fishing. The other rumour was that kids would come out to smoke a joint or two.

Leaving her keys in the car she headed off down the trail, she really had not thought it through. Sex with a deer wasn’t really on her mind, only sex with a real live cock inside of her. Tired of masturbating and toys, she wanted more.

Twenty minutes of walking passed and she was getting pissed, why the damn deer would want young girls when she’s still good-looking with a good body.

Turning to head back home, she was startled to see a proud buck standing behind her, it was following her for some time. It pawed the ground and she got a little frightened. “What the hell was I thinking?” Julia said out loud.

She tried to walk around the deer as it approached, nose to the air. The deer got closer and jumped up on her back trying to wrap its legs around her.

“Holy fuck,” she whispered.

Trying to back away, she could see the pencil thick cock sticking out a full nine-inches. Well, she guessed it was more like a thick pencil. The same thickness of her middle finger, but damn well long enough.

Turning to run she tripped and fell to her knees. That’s all it needed, jumping on her back, he pulled her off-balance and back onto its erection. It the fight her dress rode up exposing her.

She froze as she felt the cock come in contact with her pussy. The deer didn’t freeze though, it knew what it was feeling and took full advantage. Pulling her close he humped forward at the same time. Fate or nature took its course and the entire nine-inches drove into her.

Her breath got knocked out of her. Here she is getting raped by a male deer and she was liking it, no loving it. The cock pistoned in and out. The live hot feeling travelled throughout her body.

The hot fur against her back, the nuts slapping her clit as it went crazy to fill her with its seed. The buck trembled and she felt the warmth gush into her. The damn thing filled her with its cum.

Jumping off her back, she whimpered in frustration. Again she had been denied orgasm. She stayed on her knees, panting trying to catch her breath. Moments passed, and the randy deer mounted her again.

“So quick! Come on, fucker, make me cum,” she shouted at the Buck!

The buck again pulled her closer this time she was lower or it was higher. The cock was aligned with her ass. Not being one for anal masturbation, she wasn’t experienced with anal sex. As the cock was pretty thin and she was pretty wet, the entire spear drove deep into her colon.


She almost screamed in pain as it plugged and plunged into her ass. Then something happened, her pleasure centre drove off the chart and she orgasmed. The unexpected pleasure drove her over the edge. Her pussy actually squirted, further driving the deer’s lust.

When it came this time she was spent. The powerful orgasm was more than she had expected.

Panting as the deer beat a retreat into the woods, she saw a pair of boots not far to her front. Slowly looking up her eyes travelled higher and higher until she was looking at Paul Thomas, the park ranger and game warden.

Trying to salvage the situation, she whispered, “It raped me… I was walking down the path when it jumped me.”

The smile on his face froze her. “Well, which time did it rape you? The first or the second, and of course was it raping you when you begged it to make you cum?”

He walked around her rear, looking at her exposed body. When she tried to get up, she stopped cold when he commanded, “Don’t move, don’t move at all or I’ll arrest you and then we’ll see what really happened to you.”

She hung her head in shame as she knew there’s nothing she could do. Walking behind her he crouched down to get a fine in close look.

“Well… Let’s see here… Looks like the old boy dropped a load in your nicely shaved pussy and one in your ass. You’re leaking somethin’ fierce.”

She grimaced as she felt his fingers run over her wet slit and thumb rub her anal opening.

“I’m so rock hard, horny, I really need a fuck as well,” he partly spoke to himself. “That was the darndest thing I ever watched.”

She heard him unbuckle his pants and lower his zipper.

“Julia, I’m going to fuck you and just maybe we can let this little incidence be our little secret.”

She closed her eyes and did not say anything as she felt him place his hands on her hips. She felt him run his cock up and down her leaking pussy getting it wet.

“Ahhhh…” both groaned as he sank himself into her.

He was not nine inches, more like six, but Paul’s cock is much thicker, like a cock should be. They grunted and moaned as he fucked her doggy style in the woods. He pumped into her not really thinking about her pleasure, but nonetheless they both began their climax. When she felt him cum inside her, she orgasmed as well.

“Fuck yeah,” he whispered as he slowly softened and watched as his cock slipped out of her abused pussy that leaked more and more cum.

Helping her to her feet, she quickly crouched over as cum started to run down her legs. He sat watching as cum plopped to the ground in a puddle. Closing her eyes, she let her pee flow hoping to clean herself out a little.

“Damn, woman,” he whispered. “You keep that up I might have to do that ass.”

Standing, she smiled. “Maybe next time,” she said with a slanted smile.

He nodded, kissed her, and they headed in their own directions.

The End.

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