Women with Animals
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The Dog Pound


(c) by FOXI2

Chapter 1: The worse Day of Her Life

Mia got the news in Boston and almost passed out from shock. Her aunt, back home in Michigan, told her that her mom was in a serious car crash and had died and to please come home.

It was the worst day of her life.

She packed and caught the first red-eye available. She knew she looked awful. Red puffy eyes from crying always did that and, of course, lack of sleep. But even then, she was extraordinarily beautiful, like her mom.

Mia looked at the last picture she had taken of her mom and her. It was like looking at sisters. Her mom had long black hair like her and the same crystal green eyes. Their bodies, though different only by age, were similar. Petite and shapely, with large breasts. Both spent much time keeping toned and tight in all the right places.

As she stared at the clouds beneath her through the window on the flight, she thought of all the e-mails they shared when she moved, all the tearful goodbyes by a child who was leaving the nest. Though they kept in contact with each other, they hadn’t seen each other in over a year. Mia was scheduled for a vacation from the company in another month and was planning to come home. Now, this.

When they landed, her aunt met her at the gate and hugged her, both shedding tears. She needed to see her mom one last time and went to the funeral director, who brought her to see the body before it was cremated. Her mom’s face was untouched by the accident, and she kissed it and wept. She noticed on the inner thigh, which showed a bit beneath the cloth, a tattoo. She looked more closely to see a tattoo of an animal paw. It was small and delicately placed near her vagina, which to her surprise, was cleanly shaved. She filed it away and left.

The funereal was the next day, and she prepared herself for the worst, not knowing how she would be able to take it all. Family and friends filled the home, and she did not know most of them. Many were women that approached her and tearfully gave their condolences. All were stunning in their beauty.

By the end of the day, she was spent and went to stay at her aunt’s house. According to the will, she had inherited her mom’s house, their house. She called Boston to tell them that she could set up her computer at the house and work there temporarily until her mom’s things were cared for. They accepted.


The house looked no different, and she hesitated to enter, knowing that she was once again engaging in a history she longed for, a past that she wanted to remember fondly. She loved her mother and wanted her back but knew that it was not to be.

The house was clean and near spotless. Her mom was always a fanatic about cleanliness. The house was a beautiful Victorian and was worth six figures even in the market today. She knew she would have to sell it, but first, she needed to go through her mom’s things and make sure all was cared for.

Her mom’s bedroom was large and brightly colored. Pictures hung on the wall, and little knick-knacks were placed all over. She was very surprised to see that all the little toys and statues were of dogs. She had to laugh. Her mom had succumbed to being like so many others who collected frogs or elephants. They were everywhere. She opened drawers and found old envelopes and various memorabilia. One drawer was filled with lacy panties, and Mia held one up. It was sheer and see-through. Her eyes opened wider to see that the crotch was open.

“My. my, mom, there was a hidden side to you after all,” she said aloud.

But more was forthcoming, and she found several vibrators of various sizes in a drawer by the bed. She stared at them for a long time, amazed at how sexual her mom was, how very sexual.

She reached down and took one out. It was at least eight inches in length and very thick. Mia couldn’t believe her mom took that inside her. She sat on the bed and looked at the others. One was oddly shaped, and for the life of her, she could not see a human shape to it.

Mia was not ignorant about sex. She had a lover back in Boston, a business associate, who came over once in and while. “Fuck buddies” was the term used. Nothing serious, just pure sexual satisfaction.

In the drawer was a black card, the shape of a credit card. She removed it and turned it over to read the writing. “The Dog Pound.”

There was no address or other identification. It had a security strip on the back, which meant it was used to open a door, but little else was remarkable about it. Mia would look into it later.

In another drawer, she found several very sexy bras and, to her amazement, dog collars. She held them up and saw her mom’s name on each one. One had diamonds on it, other studs.

“My God, mother, what the hell was you into?”

She placed them back into the drawer and quickly shut it, and hopefully, the image forever.


Mia got back into a routine of running every morning and working throughout the day on her laptop for the Boston firm. She needed a better exercise routine and found a health club only a few blocks from the house.

She joined it and began to visit it three times a week. While there, she noticed one of the women who came to her mom’s funeral. She was beautiful, with short-cropped blond hair and grey-green eyes that lit up when she saw Mia.

“Hi,” said Mia putting her hand out. The other took it and gave her a small smile.

“Hi, yourself. How are things going? I know it’s only been a few weeks.”

Mia gave a wan smile and nodded. It would actually take forever. But the woman was so sincere.

“I’m doing alright. Living in the house. I’m sorry, what’s your name?”

The woman laughed.

“Dina. I already know your name. We all do. Mia, is that right?”

“You all do?” Asked Mia, looking confused.

“Yes, all your mother’s friends. You saw a number of them at the funereal. We loved her greatly. She told us all about you.”

“I see,” said Mia, more relaxed now but still not understanding where all these friends came from. She had never met any of them.

“I know it might be a bit strange to know that your mom had friends that you may not have known. But she had many, and we loved her,” said Dina moving closer to Mia and taking both her hands.

“I hope to see more of you here and around,” she winked at Mia and walked away. Mia watched her, seeing how incredibly stunning the woman looked, even all sweaty from her workout.

Later she went to the showers and saw Dina in the midst of taking one herself. She watched her briefly, not as a voyeur but as someone of interest. Immediately she saw the tattoo on the woman’s inner thigh. At first, she thought it amazingly weird that someone would have the same tattoo as her mom and be in the very same location.

Dina looked up and saw her staring and smiling. She approached her as she grabbed her towel.

“Did you see something you liked, Mia?” she asked in a sultry, deep voice. She walked past her and to her locker as Mia stood there in mute, shocked silence.


That night she lay in bed wondering what sort of friends her mom had. All were beautiful, and if they were anything like Dina, sexual to the max. She had the black card in her hand and studied it. She would have to find out more about this place.

She looked in the yellow pages and found nothing under the name; “The Dog Pound.” No matter what she looked up, either online or elsewhere, she found nothing.

At the health club, she approached Dina, who was on the running machine, and slowed it to a stop to speak with her.

“Hi, Mia,” she said softly as she looked deeply into her eyes.

Mia felt strange and yet excited at this beautiful woman’s intense look. Mia held out the card, and Dina saw it and smiled.

“I hope you can help me with a mystery, Dina. I found this, and I was hoping that you could tell me what it is?”

Dina stared at the card and then back at Mia.

“It’s a very special pass to a very special club. One your mother was a member of.”

“I tried to find it, even looked online. I can’t find such a place,” said Mia, who was beginning to get upset, and Dina saw this.

“I’m sorry, Mia. You won’t find it listed anywhere. It’s a private club. Only members can go to it. I’m sorry you went through all that trouble,” said Dina.

“What kind of club is it?” asked Mia, afraid to really know.

Dina’s smile widened, and she shook her head.

“I’m sorry, Mia, I can’t tell you. I wish I could. You look so much like your mom.”

“I’d like to see this club, Dina. I wanted to know what my mom was into. Is it some sort of sex club? I found things back at the house.”

Dina could just imagine what sort of things she had indeed found. But she would not help the girl.

“Let’s go out for a drink, and maybe I’ll be able to help. Are you sure you really want to know?”

Mia nodded and put the card into her pocket.


“First,” said Dina, “why did you approach me with your question and the card?”

They sat in a bar not far from the health spa. They shared a booth. It was private, and the music was loud enough for no one to hear.

“I saw your tattoo in the shower. My mom had one just like it, in the same place. I assumed that the title of the club and the tattoo went together. That’s all.”

Dina nodded and leaned closer.

“I’ll answer your question only because I respected your mom and the others did also. But you may not like what you hear.”

Mia thought about it and knew that her mom was into something sexual. She needed to know, wanted to know, and told Dina so.

“To answer your question, yes, it is a sex club, a unique club, only for women.”

Mia felt her heart skip a beat and her breath catch in her throat.

“You mean my mom was a lesbian…?” she said haltingly.

“Your mom loved women, yes. But it’s much more than that. I know this is hard for you to understand. Your father divorced her, and she turned to others, and we gave her comfort and so much more. We all loved her,” said Dina.

“I can’t believe this,” said Mia, feeling her mind spinning with so much information.

“I found dog collars and dildos in her room. Also clothing…” said Mia taking a long swallow of her drink.

Dina took her hand and squeezed it. She felt for the girl. She had no knowledge of her mom’s sexual life.

“I’m sorry, Mia. But she was a queen among us, a very loved woman. Many will miss her. I can’t tell you everything.”

“The tattoo, what does it mean?” asked Mia, now a feeling the drinks she had.

Dina sat back and shook her head.

“Only members have a tattoo. I won’t tell you what it means, Mia. You have to be a member.”

“How can I be a member?” asked Mia.

Dina moved closer, making Mia very aware of her presence.

“How sexual are you? You have to have one of the members offer you to the club.”

“Offer me?” said Mia, her voice soft.

“Yes, Mia. A member must offer her to the others and that only after making sure she is sexually qualified to be part of the club.”

Mia sat stunned. Her mother was used and offered. She accepted this and became some sort of “queen” among them. It was all too much, and she told Dina so.

“I think you’ve had enough, Mia. I’m taking you home.”

Dina drove her home and brought her to her front door. It was late, and the street was quiet. She helped her with her keys and opened the door. Then, unexpectedly, she kissed Mia on the lips lightly.

Mia felt the woman’s lips on hers, the soft warmth, her breath. She felt her body tingle and almost go limp from the touch. No other woman had ever kissed her. Dina pulled away and told her goodbye. Mia watched her go to her car and drive away, leaving her breathless.


Mia lay in bed thinking about what Dina said, but mostly about the kiss. That kiss. The one that made her body so electrified. She was never one to imagine herself as a lesbian or even bi-sexual. Her lover in Boston liked to imagine such a thing and even used it as a fantasy with her in it. But to actually think of doing it, no.

She looked at the drawer next to the bed and opened it. The dildos were still there. She did not move them. Why she didn’t know. But she removed the eight-inch plastic cock from the drawer and held it. No doubt her mom used it, and she wanted to very much right now. Her pussy was on fire, whether from Dina’s kiss or just the drinks. It didn’t matter. All that mattered was that she needed some loving. Her nipples were rock hard, and her clit was swollen. She rubbed the cock up and down the length of her body, always rubbing it over her large clit.

She groaned as she twisted the dial and felt the vibrator hum into action. Her clit sent waves of pleasure through her, and she immediately squirted. She cupped one of her breasts and squeezed her nipple as she continued to rub the plastic cock back and forth over her soaked slit.

“Ohhhh god, this is so good. I need this, ohhhh…” she moaned.

Her legs opened wide as she aimed the head of the cock against her wet opening and pushed. Slowly the cock entered her, inch by inch, the thickness stretching her insides so nicely. Then she began to push it back and forth, imagining her mom doing the same, cumming on the cock just like she was doing now. The cock was covered in hot wet juices as she squirted over and over.

Soon she let the cock rest inside her cunt, and she raised her thighs off the bed. Both hands squeezed her nipples, and she came again.

‘My, God, what was happening to her,’ thought Mia. The dildo fell from her wet pussy, and she lay still and soon fell asleep.


She could not get the image of Dina kissing her from her mind. It was difficult to do her work. Her body was telegraphing to her cunt that it needed more sex, more excitement. But she fought it, determined to finish her job.

The phone rang, and she picked it up. It was Dina.

“Hi, Mia. It’s Dina. I just wanted to say I’m sorry for, you know, kissing you last night. It was a, how do you say, impulsive act on my part.”

“It’s alright, Dina. Really it is. We were both a bit drunk, and now I know what your preference is. It’s understandable. Don’t worry about it.” Said Mia, somehow feeling a bit disappointed that Dina thought it a mistake.

“Good. I was hoping that we could go out again tonight and I could buy you another drink? If that’s ok, I promise not to attack you.” she laughed.

Mia thought about the invitation. Yes, she would like it. She needed a friend right now, even if that friend was a lesbian.

“Alright, same place?”

“Yes.” Dina’s voice sounded so excited. And Mia felt it too.


Mia saw her first, sitting at the bar, drink in hand and another by her elbow. They waved at each other, and Dina grabbed the drinks and headed toward her. She looked especially sexy as all eyes at the bar and those sitting watched her. She wore tight low fitting jeans and a tight t-shirt with no bra. Her breasts jiggled, and her nipples poked against the fabric, making most guys grab their crotches as she walked by. But she paid little attention to them. Her eyes were on Mia only.

“Here you go,” said Dina handing her first drink of the night.

“Thanks, I need it. Lots of work,” said Mia as they both found a booth. Mia sipped her drink and found it very strong. This one drink would really tip her over tonight.

“You always look so hot, Mia. Like your mom. She was especially hot,” said Dina looking at her up and down like a lioness looking at its next meal.

Strangely, Mia liked it. Liked knowing that her hard work at keeping her body in shape paid off, even if it was a girl who appreciated it. She relaxed, liking Dina’s company. They joked and talked about work. Finally, Mia brought up the subject of the club.

“I want to know more about the club, Dina. I want to understand why my mom went there, what she did there.”

Dina sipped her drink and gave her a long look.

“You have to be invited. Only the really sexual women can be invited, Mia. You have to prove it.” She gave her a sexy smile.

Mia drank more, and her body suddenly turned on by the thought of doing such a thing. Her mom did it, wanted it, and was accepted. She must have been extraordinary. Was she like her? Had her mom known this all along?

“I want to see it…please,” said Mia, in a soft, almost begging voice.

Dina drank the rest of her drink and got up, taking Mia’s hand, leading her out of the bar. They drove to Dina’s apartment in the city, and both went inside. As soon as Dina shut the door, she pushed Mia against it and kissed her hotly. Mia, surprised, succumbed to Dina’s sexual advances. The kiss was so hot, and Mia felt Dina’s tongue enter her mouth. It was so wet and so very sexy.

Dina wasted no time and slid her hand between the girl’s legs, rubbing the palm of her hand over the jean-clad pussy and making Mia moan into her mouth. She broke off the kiss and whispered in her ear as she groped her harder. “Show me how hot you can be, baby.”

Mia groaned as she began to move her thighs hard against Dina’s hand, rotating her ass and making Dina kiss her harder. Never before had Mia felt like this. So on fire, so sexually turned on in every way.

“Mmmmmmm, that’s it, Mia. Yes, just like your mom, so fucking hot.”

Mia felt the woman’s fingers pulling down her zipper, unbuttoning her jeans, and sliding her fingers inside her soaked panties.

“So wet, Mia… yesssss,” hissed Dina as she drove a finger up inside the girl.

Mia moaned as she felt the finger slide deliciously inside her. She began to cum fast and hard as Dina moved it in and out, flicking her clit along the way.

They got naked quickly, Dina dominating Mia, making her perform for her, making her cum. Mia was so turned on at this first encounter with another woman. She now understood why her mom did this. Dina licked at her swollen clit, sucked it inside her hot mouth, and made Mia push her ass upwards, wanting more.

Dina wanted to make her orgasm over and over, realize her potential. Then she would tell her about the club. Soon Dina straddled her cunt over Mia’s face, rubbing her pussy over the luscious girl’s face. She took to it like a fish to water, and soon Dina could feel Mia’s tongue sliding all over her ass and clit. She came hard and squirted into the girl’s mouth and face. Mia swallowed and groaned with each orgasm.

After an hour of this, Dina lay next to her, holding her and kissing her mouth tenderly.

“You are very good, Mia. You learn fast.”

Mia, her world turned upside down, smiled and looked at her new lover through lust-filled eyes. Yes, she wanted to learn, to make love to her the way she wanted. Dina was aggressive and so very sexy. She loved it. Loved to be taken.

“You wanted to know about the club and my tattoo. I’ll tell you, but promise not to hate me, or more importantly, your mother,” said Dina lovingly.

Mia nodded, waiting, almost holding her breath.

“The club is hidden in the city. The building is owned by the members. Only a member can use the card you own to enter. It’s a key card, and it opens the door to a new world. One that has been in place for many years. Your mother loved the club. In fact, she soon became the leader of all of us. The tattoo is given once the new member becomes initiated. You must have it done. It’s a sign that you’ve been taken and used.”

Mia remembered the tattoo and wondered why it was in the shape of a paw.

“The women of the club not only have sex with each other but with the animals within. It’s called the Dog Pound for that reason.”

At first, Mia didn’t quite understand. Then it quickly dawned on her the significance of Dina’s words. Her mind raced with what she was being told. How could her mother have sex with—she couldn’t even say it. But the image forcefully entered her mind. A dog.

Dina, seeing her anguish, kissed her softly. Mia’s eyes sought hers.

“You’re telling me that my mom had sex with dogs? Real dogs, the four-footed kind?”

Dina nodded.

“We all do. It’s one of the sexiest things I’ve ever done, still do. I cum just thinking about it, Mia. I’d love to see you do it too, and maybe then you would understand why your mom loved it so much.”

Mia felt Dina’s fingers toying with her swollen clit, rubbing it, pulling it. Her mind, though disturbed over this new revelation, still felt incredibly hot with this woman. In no time, Dina had her cumming again, squirting over her fingers that were deep inside her slippery wet cunt.

Later Dina watched Mia dress as she called a taxi for her.

“Do you still wish to see the club, my darling?” asked Dina, still naked on the floor.

Mia, her body, still filled with pleasure from Dina, nodded. She wanted to very badly. She needed to know, to understand. Her body also did.


Chapter 2: Revelations About Mom!

Mia woke to feel a bit sore from the night before. Dina made love to her in a way unknown to her. She had always had male lovers with who she wanted to take their time, be soft and gentle in their lovemaking.

Dina was entirely different. She was rough, aggressive, and purely dominant in every way. At first, it was too much for someone like her. But she began to enjoy the way she took over and demanded from her all she had. It made her feel alive. It also made her orgasm in ways she had never known before. Dina drove her fingers deep and hard inside her pussy, almost tearing her apart. But she found that it excited her, made her be even sluttier for want of more orgasms.

She knew that Dina had overwhelmed her, taken her, and submitted her in a degrading fashion, but she didn’t care. She wanted to know her mother, to understand why she was drawn to such a lifestyle, especially one that included bestiality.

Mia got up and showered, taking time to clean her pussy and asshole, the areas that Dina took such pleasure ravaging. The thought of what she did to her made her wet all over again. Mia couldn’t believe she became so horny, so often like this. Her clit was swollen and peeked its head out from under its hood, and she did as Dina had done, pulling on it and rubbing it until she started to squirt her juices against the shower wall. Her clit was so sensitive, and she could not stop herself. She leaned against the shower dial and pushed her crotch onto it, feeling the long handle touch her clit. Slowly, sensuously, she began to hump it, her body moving up and down.

The warm handle slid against her slit and clit, making her groan. Faster, she moved, making sure to make contact with her clit. Soon she shuttered and shook as her body orgasmed. She left the shower weak-kneed and very much aware of how slutty she had become. Masturbating against the shower handle was new and totally not her.

Mia dressed and went to get some groceries, now that she had decided to stay a bit longer and settle her mother’s affairs. But she knew it was much more than that. Dina had shown her a new world and wanted to let her into another that she wasn’t sure she really wanted to know.

The store was a mile from her house, and she walked it. The items she needed were basic and would last a week or so. In the third aisle, a woman, beautiful and sensuous, came up to her. Mia stopped and looked into the most beautiful eyes she had ever seen. Crystal blue and so large.

“Hi, Mia. So very nice to see you. I see you’re planning to stay around a bit longer? My name is Tanya.”

She put her hand out to shake Mia’s, and Mia took it.

“Nice to meet you. You must have been at the funereal. I’m sorry, I’m just getting to know mom’s friends,” said Mia, aware that the woman was looking her up and down.

“Actually, I must apologize. I wasn’t at the funereal. I was away. I loved your mother very much, as did everyone. But I’m very happy to see that you’re still here. I hope we get the chance to meet again.”

At that, she wheeled her carriage around Mia’s and left the aisle, leaving Mia amazed at how many total strangers knew her.

She took a cab home and was putting away the groceries when the phone rang. It was Dina, and Mia immediately felt her heart race and her body tingle.

“Hi, love. I was wondering if you were up for another session of hot sex?”

Mia felt her knees get a bit wobbly and licked her bottom lip. The mere mention of another session with Dina made her cunt get wet.

“Yes, I’d love it. When?” asked Mia, already willing to degrade herself further.

“Tonight. I want you to come with me to the club.”

Mia’s breath came up short, and she imagined herself inside a lion’s den filled with aggressive, hot women. She wasn’t sure she was ready for it now that it was actually happening and told Dina so.

“You said that you wished to know what your mother was into love. This is your chance to see paradise. Tell me you want to come with me, Mia. I want to show you off to all the other sexy girls.”

Mia said yes and was soon being given instructions on
how to dress and how to clean herself.

“Remember, Mia, my love. Shave clean and no underwear. Your prettiest evening dress too.”

She hung up and took her first deep breath.


Mia waited at her front door like a high school girl looking for her hot date. But this was much more than that, and she knew it. It was a peek inside the sanctuary, the holy sex place of these women. She was afraid and anxious, aware that she might find what her mother did disgusting, perverted, and make her look at her in a new light.

She shaved her cunt and felt the smoothness of it. It made her look like a pre-teenager. Her nipples were hard and sensitive as they rubbed against the soft dress material. Dina was going to pick her up, and she looked at the clock. It was certainly time. She held a small purse with the black card in it as well as some cash, just in case.

A long black limo pulled up with dark windows. The door flew open, and Dina stared up at her with her incredible smile and yelled, “Come on, Mia. We don’t want to be late, you hot little thing.”

Mia laughed and bounced down the stairs realizing that she was even acting the part of a high school girl in her excitement. Once in the limo, she found herself attacked by Dina, who covered her in kisses and made sure to slide her hand under her dress to rub her soft, smooth cunt.

“Mmmmm, good girl. That’s the way we like our girls, all silky smooth.”

She gave her a drink and told her not to worry, and they had their designated driver. Mia giggled and drank up. She was glad they had the limo. It took the worry from her about being too wasted to get home.

Dina pulled her close, kissing her hotly, her tongue pushing inside Mia’s wet mouth.

“You’re mine tonight. No one else can have you. Do you understand? Many of the girls will want to fuck you tonight, but you can only do that with me for now. This is going to be an eye-opening experience for you, Mia. If you feel uncomfortable, tell me. We’ll leave. I want you to love this life.”

For the next fifteen minutes, they groped and touched and fingered each other. Mia came instantly, wetting the seat. Dina made sure to lick her clean before they went into the club. She knew that some of the patrons, animals, would get a whiff of her and want her.

The club was behind a tall twenty-story complex in the heart of the city. A narrow driveway took the limo to a parking lot unseen by the normal city resident. He parked by the door, which was a huge wooden and steel masterpiece of art, and let them out.

A small electronic box at the right of the door lit as Dina slid her key card into it, making the huge door click open.

“Now you, Mia,” she pointed to the black card she was holding. Mia did as she did, and the device clicked green again.

They entered into a world filled with loud music, liquor, and incredibly beautiful women. Soft blue lights lit the background of the bar that was lined with women in all stages of dress. Some wore leather and some, like her, evening dresses. Some had dog collars on, and she immediately thought of the ones her mom had. The club was immense. Tables were scattered about the place, and all were filled. Long rows of couches and seating lined the walls, all aimed toward a stage that rose slightly above everything else.

Dina held her hand, and she followed like someone in a dream. The atmosphere was heavy with sex, and she could not take her eyes off couples making out, some fucking slowly, sensuously on one of the couches. Mia jumped as a large dog slid by her, his fur making contact with her bare leg. That was when she noticed that there were many about the club. Some are lying on the floor, others with couples.

She could not avert her eyes from the one girl they passed that had her legs opened wide, her dress bunched up high as a dog was licking her wet open cunt. Mia was shocked and amazed at such behavior but continued to be led deeper into the cavernous club by Dina.

Finally, they found a spot at the end of a long velvet couch and retreated. A young girl dressed in nothing but a dog collar stood before them, wanting to know what they wanted for drinks. Dina ordered for them both. Mia looked at the young, beautiful creature before her and was stirred by her amazing body. As she left, many in the room touched her, and she let them, allowing them to fondle her breasts and slide fingers over her pussy.

The whole experience thus far was surrealistic, and Mia was caught up in it immediately. It was the total expression of freedom sexually, and these women wanted it here and now.

A tall woman came up to Dina and kissed her in greeting, and looked at Mia.

“Mmmmmm, Dina, you’ve always had such good taste. What an incredible sexy bitch you’ve brought us.”

At first, she took insult at the woman calling her a bitch, but then realized she was referring to her status in the club, along with many others who made love to the dogs. They were all bitches.

Even in the dark surroundings of the club, she could see others, like herself, new, aware, looking about in excitement, fear. They were young and beautiful, about to be initiated into taboo sex life.

Dina pulled her close and kissed her.

“What do you think so far, Mia?”

Mia was in awe at the collection of so many enticing and voluptuous women in one place. It was like she was inside a fashion magazine. She stopped for a second in shock at one of the women she recognized, who was a famous movie star. It was immediate recognition. She was as stunning as she was in her films, and here she was in the club.

“It’s incredible, Dina. I can’t believe all of this, really.”

Dina kissed her again and repeated to her that she would take her home if she felt uncomfortable in any way. Mia nodded and sipped her drink, feeling better and better as she felt the strong liquor hit her.

Suddenly the club lights flickered, and the room went quiet. Mia watched as the stage lights slowly grew, revealing a young beauty with golden hair upon a small divan. Her naked body was magnificent to look at. Her hair was short, almost boyish, and she stretched her limbs, opening her legs wide for all to see. Mia’s breath quickly came as she noticed how wet and opened the girl’s cunt was. Dina watched her, curious as to what would happen once the show continued to its ultimate conclusion.

From the wings came a large dog, black as night and groomed to perfection. He trotted towards the girl, his excitement evident as was hers as she held out her arms to him. He came to her as he was obviously trained to do, and to Mia’s surprise, the young girl kissed the animal full on the mouth.

Several in the room groaned in pleasure from the sight, and Mia knew that Dina was very aware of her demeanor during such a sexual union. Mia could not take her eyes off the animal and girl who now held the dog’s face between her delicate hands and lavished him with kisses. The dog reciprocated, using his tongue to swipe at her face, at times entering her open mouth. The girl moaned aloud for all to hear.

“So beautiful,” came a voice to her left from a woman and her companion, a young girl that looked all of fourteen. The girl was masturbating as she watched the show before her, her fingers rubbing her pussy in abandon.

Others in the crowd did the same. Mia looked over at the starlet whom she recognized and saw another woman between her legs licking her cunt. The movie star was spreading her legs wider as others looked on.

The young girl on the stage now reached under the animal and began to fondle the dog’s genitals. The dog moved closer, allowing the girl to get a better grip. Soon his large, red, spear-like cock showed itself. Mia had never seen such a thing before and stared at the growing member. It continued to grow until it swelled at least to eight or more inches of thick red cock.

“Beautiful dog cock isn’t it, Mia,” said Dina in her ear, kissing it as she turned to watch.

Mia wasn’t sure if that was the case since it was the first time she ever saw one, but it made her cunt get wetter just looking at it.

The girl upon the stage moved off the couch and knelt below the animal and took the cock into her mouth, slowly sucking it. She made the dog lay upon its side and began to jerk its large cock as she sucked it. She cradled its balls in one hand as she licked them and up to the tip that was leaking fluids.

All in the club were fully engaged in the sight, and many were getting undressed to partake of their own bestial delights. Dina’s hand slid over Mia’s cunt, pushing the dress high enough to reveal her to any that looked their way. At first, she felt vulnerable and open. Then as Dina’s fingers found her engorged clit she found herself spreading her legs wider, knowing that those near them were watching and getting turned on by them.

More drinks were put on their table, and Dina encouraged Mia to partake, which she did, gladly, feeling the room’s sexual atmosphere overwhelming her.

The girl upon the stage got on all fours, her luscious ass high in the air facing Mia, and called to the dog. All in the audience leaned a bit closer, knowing that they were about to witness a union of animal and female. The dog mounted the girl, who grasped the dog’s front paws and pulled them around her waist. Then she reached back to grasp the large red cock, placing it at the entrance to her sex.

Mia watched as if hypnotized as the dog pushed forward instinctively, his cock slipping all the way inside the lovely girl. The girl loudly moaned as she felt the animal’s cock spear her to the hilt, its balls slapping her ass hard with each thrust. She pushed back also, wanting to fuck the animal with sexual abandon. Soon she was cumming, her juices spilling from her cunt around the large red cock. Then she cried out, and several in the audience moved even closer.

The animal stopped fucking her and remained still upon her back as she continued to move her ass back against him. Then he pulled out of her. Mia sat stunned at the massive ball of muscle that stretched the girl’s cunt wide like giving birth, and soon its massive length followed along with a river of hot doggie cum.

The audience erupted in cheers and applause. Dina whispered into Mia’s ear.

“Did you like what you saw, my love?”

She knew that it was an incredible sight she had just witnessed. One that was as old as time and as taboo now as in the beginning.

“Is this what my mom did? Like the girl on the stage?” she asked Dina.

Dina nodded and took her hand in hers.

“Yes. She was amazing to watch. There wasn’t a dry pussy in the place. You’re very much like her.”

Mia wondered if that really were the case. And yet, here she was, among a crowd of bestial lovers, being made love to by another woman. Maybe this was how her mom started. She didn’t get up and run from the place. Instead, she remained fascinated by what was on the stage.

Mia still had her legs opened wide, her cunt flowered open by Dina’s ministrations. She was aware of how she looked, but it was no different than everyone else in the club. The freedom of sexual expression was what made her stay. She admired it, though she wasn’t quite convinced that she was ready for dog fucking. But it did excite her to watch. Her pussy told a different tale. It was soaked.

She drank more and felt completely at ease with Dina. Many came over to the table to talk with Dina and eye her incredible pussy. One leaned down to whisper in her ear;

“Let me know when you’re available beautiful girl, and I’d love to fuck you.”The woman was the actress, and Mia almost came from her comment.

Dina smiled knowingly.

“Watch out for her, darling. She’s a bit much for you right now. She’s into bigger cock.”

Mia stared at the woman as she walked away. The place exuded sex, and she felt it down to her loins. Suddenly a dog moved between her legs, and she quickly closed them to stop it from licking her. Dina saw this and patted her knee.

“Watch,” she said as she spread her legs before the dog.

Immediately it zeroed in on her cunt, its nose pressed tightly against her open pussy, its tongue slathering over her slit. Mia watched, her mind in a whirl of confusing passion, as Dina lifted her ass from the couch and allowed the dog even more access to her. She ground her cunt against the dog’s face as it shot its tongue into her pussy over and over until she cried out and squirted all over the creature’s muzzle. The dog moved away to its next target, a young girl who was already being fucked by a Great Dane.

Dina, her eyes mere slits of lust, kissed Mia hotly, drawing her to her, fingering her clit. Mia fell into the woman’s passion, her world gone crazy with conflicting sexual needs. They made love right there, in the club, among the many who participated in their own orgies. Mia felt Dina’s fingers entering her, fucking her until she squirted juices everywhere. Several near them groaned from watching and came themselves.

Soon they left the club and entered the limo. Dina held Mia lovingly. They kissed tenderly.

“Now you know what your mother loved about the club. Do you want me to take the card from you? Will this satisfy you before you go back to Boston?”

Mia held the card and then at Dina. She was unsure of herself, unsure as to what she really wanted now that she had a taste of this deviant lifestyle. Could she reconcile her life to something so alien to most? Her body cried out, yes. Her heart felt different. She loved her mother now more than ever, even though she could not imagine her doing such things. But even she allowed her wall to come down inside the club, short of a bestial act. If she continued, would that wall crumble also?

She would stay a little longer and see.


Chapter 3: The Day After The Dog Show!

Mia awoke alone. Dina had spent the night with her and had obviously left without her knowing. She lay back and tried to remember everything she had experienced. It was indeed surrealistic in every way. But she had responded to it all, her body tempted by the lust that permeated the club’s atmosphere. Like a wanton whore displayed herself as others watched and let Dina use her before any onlooker. She was embarrassed to think about it now, but it did raise some doubts as to her moral stability.

A note was on Dina’s pillow, and she opened it and read it.

‘My love,

You are so beautiful and exquisite, like your mother. I think that you have the desires as she had but are afraid to act upon them. I cannot see you again until you do. I hope you understand, my lovely Mia. I took your card to the club. It was your mother’s, and you’ve not earned the right to have it yet. I hope you do soon, for I will miss you otherwise.

Love, Dina’

Mia sat up and read the note again. She knew what Dina was referring to, the fact that she would not yet enter into bestiality sex. But it was her decision, and so far, it was not what she wanted, even though the sight of the young girl on the stage at the club sent shivers of pleasure through her. She remembered Dina’s frown when she would not let the dog lick her. But she wasn’t ready yet. If ever.

Tears formed in her eyes, knowing that her new lover had gone. One that showed her what sex could be. She got up quickly and showered, grabbed her gym bag, and all but ran to the health club. She looked for Dina, but she wasn’t there. Each day was the same. It was as if she never existed at all. She didn’t have her phone number or where she lived.

A week later, the doorbell rang, and she ran to the front door expecting Dina, only to be surprised by a tall, slender woman with short greyish hair. She was stunning to look at, incredibly beautiful with green penetrating eyes. Next to her was a handsome bulldog.

“May I come in, or should I just stand here a talk to you, my dear,” said the woman.

Mia let her in and led her to the living room. They sat opposite each other. The dog lay by the chair of its mistress.

“My name is Nora Chaplain. I knew your mother well. We have been lovers over the past year. I wanted to meet you and introduce myself.”

Her voice was silky smooth, and Mia was at a loss for words at her introduction. They shook hands, and Mia asked why she had come.

“I saw you at the club the other night with Dina. Dina has spoken much about you. Many have. You seemed to have caused a sexual stir among many of the members.”

Mia smiled and waited, not knowing what to say to such a compliment.

“I came for several reasons, all of them important. I knew that you needed an understanding of why Dina could no longer see you at the moment. Few girls, Mia, are invited to the club. Even though we live in a world where sexual freedom is claimed, few would go as far as we do to claim it. When Dina asked you to join her, she was in hopes that you would enjoy, so to speak, the sexual activity more. If a girl refuses the attention of any dog, she is not asked back.”

Mia felt her heart pounding in her chest, her mind not wanting all of this to end, not yet. She was trying to understand, accepting, but it was difficult.

“I know it is not easy to open oneself to such depraved behavior, and one cannot expect miracles, but we cannot take the chance that a girl might create future problems for us. Your mother was one of the most beautiful and sexual creatures I have ever known. I will miss her greatly. She took to sexual activities like a fish to water and even participated in the shows. All wanted to be there when she performed.”

Nora reached into her pocketbook and removed a DVD.

“Your mother and I made this as a laugh, but it turned out to be a very revealing tape. I listened to it yesterday and found myself wishing she were still with me. But I also knew it would be important for you to see it. Your mother is very sexual on the DVD, and there are some things she speaks of that will be most important for you. Don’t be offended by what you see and hear, please, Mia.”

Nora stood as did the dog.

“I won’t stay long, and I hope that you will think about the club and also reconsider opening up to all we have to offer.”

She paused, looking at Mia.

“May I ask a favor? I know it will be a strange one, but you look so much like your mother. Could I see you naked?”

At first, Mia stood speechless and then realized who was asking. This was a woman who was the epitome of sex. Slowly she removed her clothes, aware that the tall, beautiful woman was watching her. She stood naked before her, and the woman approached her and kissed her lightly on the lips.

“So, like your mother.” She turned and let herself out while Mia stood naked.


Mia sat before her computer, DVD in hand, wondering if she should play it. It was such a private DVD, one in which two lovers shared. Yet she had to see her mother, know what she had been like in her other life. She clicked the enter button starting the DVD. It began with her mom on the bed in a sheer nightgown and Nora setting up the video camera.

Nora: I’ve always wanted to do this.

Mom: You’ve always been such a little pervert (laughter)

Nora: You inspire me, love.

Her mom lays back, revealing that she is naked beneath the sheer night gown. Her body is so beautiful, her breasts large and firm, her nipples hard and thick. She spreads her legs wide, showing Nora her wet open pussy that is clean-shaven.

Nora: Naughty girl. You love to show off.

Mom: Never heard you complain. You like my shows, and it makes you cum hard, lover.

Nora: Mmmmm. It does. Your last show was particularly nasty.

Both laugh, and Nora joins her mom on the bed. They kiss and fondle. Mia is a bit uncomfortable seeing her mom do these things. She doesn’t like to be a voyeur. Yet, at the same time, she is enticed to know more.

Nora: My God girl, do you ever stay dry down there. So wet.

Mom: I can’t help it, you know that. I’m horny all the time.

Nora: Yes, I know. I love it.

They kiss more, and soon her mother is sucking Nora’s incredible small breasts. Taking her nipples into her mouth and sucking them as she fingers the woman. Moans and groans are heard as they make love slowly, intensely. Soon, Nora is licking her mom’s cunt, making her squirt hard. Mia is close to shutting off the DVD, not sure if this is how she wants to remember her, but her body is responding to the sex before her even though it is her mom.

Mom: Fuck me, Nora. Ohhhhhhh, I love that.

Nora: So good, you taste so good.

They finger each other deeply, and soon one of the dogs joins in. A large Doberman licks at her mother’s pussy as Nora licks it. Both tongues are enjoying her, and her mother is arching her back in pleasure. She spreads her legs wider, allowing for the ultimate access, and the dog takes advantage of her, driving his long tongue inside her. Nora backs away and watches, masturbating. The dog jumps on the bed and licks over her mom’s nipples, and soon they are kissing hotly, their tongues entwined in lovers’ kisses.

The dog’s cock is huge and so red. Her mother grabs it and places it at the entrance to her pussy, and wraps her arms about the neck of the dog as it enters her.

Mia feels her cunt wet, the sight before her making her so horny. She cannot believe what she sees but cannot take her eyes away from it. Without thought, she reaches between her legs and begins to play with her pussy as Nora is also doing, both enjoying the show her mom is giving.

The dog is pounding her hard as she lifts her ass from the bed to meet his hard thrusts. Soon he stops, and she cries out. He is cumming inside her mom, and she loves it. She is kissing the animal fully on the mouth as he fills her cunt with sperm. The dog pulls out of her, releasing a river of cum to the bed below. Nora rejoins her on the bed.

Nora: So beautiful, my love. I came just watching you.

Mom: I love you, Nora. I love doing this so much.

Nora: I wonder, my love, if your daughter might one day join us?

Mom: She is so beautiful, isn’t she, Nora. I wish she would come to me.

Nora: I love having my daughter at the club. Love watching her fuck. It’s so thrilling.

Mom: I envy you, lover. I’m not sure if Mia is made of the same stuff.

Nora: Time will tell. I’d love to see you train her if she did come around.

Mom: Mmmmmm. I bet you would. I loved watching you turn Cara into a hot little slut. Bad girl.

Nora: Not too far to go there. The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree.

Mom: It’s one of my fantasies to see my lovely daughter fuck like you and me.

Nora: I want to be a fly on the wall when she does want to. I’d love to see you lick that hot pussy.

The DVD ended there, and Mia sat in stunned silence. Her mother’s fantasy was to fuck her and turn her into a whore. The mere thought of such a depraved act at first angered her, and then she wondered what it would have been like. Her fingers still played with her swollen clit. Would she have liked to be Nora in the film? The image haunted her for the rest of the day.


Another week passed, and she was tortured by her loss of Dina. Her body was demanding attention, and her mom’s dildos were a poor substitute. She could not stop thinking about the club, the women, the sex. She even looked up animal sex sites to masturbate to, getting turned on to them, learning to appreciate the act itself. She thought about Nora’s dog and wondered what it would be like to let it mount her and fuck her, many times cumming to the thought.

She realized that she was changing, becoming what the club wanted her to become. A hot bitch.

The phone rang one day, and it was Dina. Mia’s heart raced at the sound of her voice.

“Hi, Mia,” came Dina’s soft voice.

“Hi. I miss you, Dina.” came her reply.

Mia’s body was getting turned on just listening to the girl’s voice.

“Can I come over? I want to see you, please?”

“Yes, ohhhh, yes. Come now.”

Mia hung up and got ready for Dina, cleaning herself and making sure her pussy was smooth. When the doorbell rang, she opened the door and saw Dina holding the leash of a large dog that was groomed to perfection.

“I hope you don’t mind if Max joins us. I didn’t want to leave him home alone. He won’t bother you.”

They both immediately kissed hard and held each other for a long time.

“I missed you,” said Mia as she kissed her again.

“And you, my lover,” said Dina as she pulled her to her again to kiss her hotly.

They went to her bedroom and quickly shed their clothes. Both embraced and made love. Dina wasted no time as she spread Mia’s legs wide, licking her way to her open wet cunt. She began to suck her swollen clit into her mouth and drive her tongue deep inside her asshole and pussy, making Mia arch her back as she squirted. Hot splashes of her cum filled Dina’s mouth, and she swallowed it lovingly. Mia did the same to Dina, taking her time to make her cum hard and licking her pussy of all her juices.

Max walked into the room and stood staring at them. He sniffed the air and knew that the females before him
were in heat. Dina saw him first and smiled.”It seems my lover has sensed our sexy reunion. Poor Max.”

Mia looked over at the handsome animal. She saw her mom in her mind fucking the dog on the DVD and then saw herself. She called the dog to her. Dina watched in surprise as Mia held the dog’s face in her hands and kissed him. The dog, trained and bred for just this purpose, responded in kind.

To Dina’s delight, she watched as Mia and Max made out, their tongues flicking in and out of each other’s mouths. Quickly she knelt by the dog and began to rub its furry pouch, jerking it smoothly back and forth as the head of its huge cock peeked out.

Mia’s body was on fire, her decision to finally indulge in bestiality, releasing a large weight from her moral shoulders and making her want to fuck so badly, wanting to please Dina, wanting to be back in the club, where she belonged. Her mind was firm, as was her hot body.

Max licked and licked into the female’s mouth as his cock was being made hard by his mistress. Soon Dina took him inside her mouth, sucking his cock as it grew and showed itself fully. Max began to hump her mouth, and she licked it and sucked it as he did so.

Mia was in her own world now, one that her mom created and that she wanted to be part of. Max licked down now, swiping her breasts and making her moan as he licked her nipples. She held his head as he did so, kissing it as his tongue slathered her breasts.

Dina moved up onto the bed and spread Mia’s legs wide as Max licked his way down her stomach to her open pussy. Both girls kissed, and Dina pulled the dog’s head to Mia’s cunt. Immediately the animal licked over Mia’s pussy slit, running its tongue over and over her swollen clit down to her asshole.

“Ughhhhh YESSSS!” she cried out as she felt the dog’s long tongue slip inside her.

“That’s it, Mia, open for him, let him in.”

The dog’s muzzle was firm against her cunt as he licked deeply, driving his tongue over and over into her pussy, tasting her juices as she squirted in orgasm. Mia was in heaven, finally letting her body win in its decision to do this. She was free and loving it.

“Turn over, darling,” said Dina.

Mia knew this was the ultimate test, the final submission. She turned over and got on all fours, just
like the girl in the club. Dina positioned her further, spreading her legs wider and raising her ass higher. The dog knew what to do from then on as it quickly mounted Mia with its front paws gripping her sides. It humped air at first as it struggled to get its cock inside her, and Dina reached out and positioned him against her wet opening.

That was when Mia knew she had crossed the line sexually. The dog’s cock slipped into her, stretching her, and she cried out, not in pain but in absolute pleasure. Max slammed into her like a jackhammer, his furry body moving quickly above hers. His stomach rested on her back as she pushed back to capture all of him.

Dina lovingly reached under Mia and pulled on her clit as she fucked Max, making her squirt over and over with each thrust of the animal’s huge spear-like cock.

“Ohhhhh Dina, I love it. Ugh!” she cried out as Max drove his cock deeper.

Dina kissed her and licked at her nipples that rubbed against the bed. Then went back to pulling and rubbing her swollen clit. Max’s head rested on Mia’s shoulder as he fucked her, and occasionally he licked out his tongue, catching her mouth. She reciprocated by licking out also. Soon his knot expanded, and Mia moaned as her cunt stretched wider and wider. Then she felt it. Max was cumming. His hot squirts of dog cum were hitting the walls of her cunt. She started to cum also.

When he finally pulled out, their mingled juices flowed from her gaping pussy and ran down her leg and onto the bed sheets. Dina quickly went behind her and began to lick her slit up and down. Her chin was covered in dog cum, and she swallowed it as she licked.

Max left the room to clean himself, and Dina and Mia held each other.

“Does this mean I’m accepted now,” asked Mia as she kissed Dina?

“Yes, my love, it does. You’re just like your mother, so sexy, so hot. I wish you could have seen her.”

Mia didn’t tell her that she had indeed seen her in action. She wanted to be just like her now.

“I want to do all the things she did, Dina. Do you think I can?”

Dina pulled her closer. Their nipples pressed together.

“Mia, your mother was exceptional. She did things that were so hot and exciting. Her shows at the club were sought out by everyone. The place was always packed.”

“Tell me about them,” asked Mia as she felt Dina’s fingers play over her asshole. She opened her legs a bit, allowing her to touch her more.

“I remember one show that made me cum so much. She was on stage with two dogs, and both were so handsome. Both were huge beasts. She sucked them to hardness and had them both fucking her mouth. The dogs loved her. Then she lay on her back as one fucked her, and she sucked the other. It was so amazing.”

Mia felt a finger enter her ass, and she closed her eyes, loving the feeling.

“Will I be able to satisfy them as she did?” asked Mia as she began to push back against Dina’s finger, feeling it slide deep inside her asshole.

“Yes, my love, I know you will and more. You’re very sexual and so very hot. Max came so fast. You excited him. I want to see you on the stage fucking dogs and so much more.”

“More?” asked Mia as she felt a second finger enter her.

“Oh yes, some of the girls like to fuck donkeys and horses. They like to take huge cock. You’ll love it.”

Mia, her mind in a whirl of imagination, couldn’t imagine such a huge cock entering her, but she would fantasize about it.

“Turn over, darling,” said Dina. Mia did, her stomach against the bed and her ass accessible to Dina. Dina fingered her asshole faster and harder. The girl’s wet cunt juices are making her slippery. Mia loved how it felt. She had never taken anything back there before. Now Dina was fucking her, and it felt wonderful.

“That’s it, relax Mia, and let me fuck you.”

Dina’s fingers flew in and out of her tight asshole, making sucking noises, and soon she added a third. She knew she was ready for Max again. She called Max, and he jumped up onto the bed. His cock was hard, and she made him mount her a second time to Mia’s delight. But she wasn’t aware that Max was going to ass fuck her until Dina put his cock against her asshole.

“Ohhhh, Dina, I don’t know…” she started to say, and then Max slid forward, his cock impaling her ass in one quick thrust. She was so tight that he had to drive his cock into her several times before his balls slapped against her ass.

“Let him do the work, lover. Relax, open for him. I promise it will drive you crazy.”

She tried to relax, but his huge cock was giving her pain. The more he fucked her, the more the pain subsided. Soon she was slowly pushing back, loving the intense pleasure the dog was giving her as her ass spread open for him. Dina held the dog’s cock as he drove deeply into Mia, making sure that his knot did not go inside her ass and hurt her. Soon Max’s knot swelled, and he was cumming inside Mia’s ass.

Mia cried out as she squirted hot and heavy onto the bed beneath. She had never felt anything like it before and kept pushing her ass back to take his cock inside her asshole.

“Oh, baby,” said Dina. “You’re so fucking hot. Fuck him, fuck him hard.”

Mia did. Her ass pushed up to meet the dog’s thrusts, driving his thick cock deep inside her ass. His sperm filled her, and she could feel his hot spurts over and over.

Finally, she fell to the bed, tired and fulfilled. Dina kissed her and Max.

“My two lovers. I will pick you up tonight. We’re going to the club. Dress appropriately, my love. No underwear. I want to show off my hot little bitch.”

Mia smiled. Indeed she was. Like her mother, she was going to be a very hot little bitch.


Chapter 4: A Dog Slut Is Born

The limo stopped at the entranceway to the club. Mia sat in the car with Dina thinking about how her life had suddenly taken a unique turn. It was one that she could never have imagined. Within six months, she had left her job in Boston, lived full time in her mother’s house, which she inherited, and took a new lover, Dina, in a lesbian relationship.

More than that, she was a solid member of the one place she could no longer live without, The Dog Pound. She had found sex there to be satisfying to the utmost degree and knew she would never find it better elsewhere. Both Dina and she visited the club weekly, sometimes more
when they were very horny.

Tonight was a special night, and Dina would not tell her what the special occasion was. Instead, they dressed up as slutty as possible and headed for the club.

When they entered, they were greeted by Nora, the tall grey-haired beauty that visited Mia and gave her the DVD that changed her life. Next to her was her daughter, Lisa, the beauty who Mia saw the first time at the club fucking the dog on the stage. They held each other and kissed Mia and Dina, then each other. Mia felt her pulse race at the sight of such open incest.

“May we sit with you tonight?” asked Nora, who followed them towards the front of the club and to a large couch with a table.

“Of course,” said Dina, who kissed Mia hotly, making sure that she reached under her micro skirt to feel her lover’s wet open pussy. They both dressed like hot little schoolgirls, with knee socks and uniforms. The skirts were incredibly short, and when Mia sat, she was fully exposed to the delight of the other patrons.

“You look so fucking hot tonight,” said Lisa as she cuddled closer to her mom, liking her mother’s hand that roamed over her tight little body.

Mia opened her legs wide to show them that she was indeed quite wet and open.

“I’m so horny tonight. Dina wants to surprise me with something, and she’s got me all wet.”

Both Nora and Lisa laughed, and Mia moved closer to them, loving the way they touched and fondled each other. It was turning her on even more.

Dina kissed her and told her not to move. Her surprise was almost ready, and she left. A young girl that couldn’t have been more than fourteen waited at their table and brought drinks. She wore a diamond-studded collar and stared at Mia with lust in her eyes. The girl was small and very petite, with almost no breasts. But her form was stunning, as was her small tight little ass, and Mia at first imagined that she was the surprise. But that was not to be.

The lights flickered, and all in the club drew quiet. The lights grew upon the stage, and there was Dina in her schoolgirl uniform. Everyone in the club moaned at the sight of her. She made herself look like a pre-school student. Nora leaned over towards Mia and smiled, as did her daughter.

Mia surprised and sexually charged at seeing her lover on stage, sat back and began to play with her pussy. She knew what it meant to be on stage. To let everyone see you, to perform. Dina’s surprise was incredible, and she wanted it to be for her.

Soft music played as Dina made believed she was doing her homework, but inside the school, the book was a dirty magazine filled with hot girls. Dina looked around and slid her hand over her white cotton panties, and moaned loudly. Several in the audience followed suit, their sexual temperature rising several degrees.

Soon Dina slid her hand inside her panties, closing her eyes as she moved her fingers over her drenched cunt. Her ass moved slowly, tantalizingly, teasing the crowd as she played with herself. At the end of the stage stood a huge black Great Dane, its immense size scared Mia, but she knew that if it were her up there, she would easily succumb to it, as would most in the audience.

Its ears perked up as it heard the moans coming from Dina. It sniffed the air and sensed that the female before him was indeed in heat. But it did not move yet.

Dina pulled down her panties, revealing her smooth hairless pussy, and pulled back her clitoral hood to reveal her huge swollen clit. Mia groaned at the sight of it, knowing how much she loved to suck it and feel it against her own clit, especially when they ground their cunts together in a heated love session.

Now the dog was let loose and moved quickly across the stage to where the hot female was. Dina feigned fear, tossing the book and magazine to the floor. But it was too late as the animal quickly moved between her long supple legs. She made motions to push him away but knew there was little chance as he licked out at her exposed cunt.

Nora and Lisa were making out between glances at the stage. Nora’s fingers were pulling her daughter’s clit back and forth, making her grind down upon the couch in a circular motion. Lisa rested her hand on Mia’s leg, constantly letting it glide upwards to her sopping cunt and flicking at Mia’s clit. Mia was so turned on that she immediately began to squirt hard, her cum shooting outwards over the table.

The young waitress came over to clean up the mess by licking it up and eventually made her way to Mia’s cunt. Mia watched the young beauty, her mouth fully on her cunt, licking softly, delicately, taking her clit and sucking it like a boy’s cock.

Dina cried out as the dog forced his way between her legs and began to lick over her pussy, from ass to clit and back again. Dina fell upon the bed, her body writhing in passion as the animal pleased her. The huge dog bounded upon the bed, and Dina was biting her lip like a petulant schoolgirl, slowly undressed.

Naked, she made the dog lie down on its back, legs up as she took hold of the dog’s growing cock. Mia watched as the young waitress licked her cunt, amazed at the size of the animal’s thick prick. It must have been 10 inches long.

Dina licked it and fondled the dog’s balls. Then she took it inside her mouth, sucking it deep. The crowd went crazy as she almost deep throated the entire length. The dog, well trained, laid still, its long tongue hanging out of its mouth, panting as he was sucked.

Mia turned to look at Nora and Lisa. They were kissing hotly, tongues flickering in and out. Lisa had several fingers inside her mother’s cunt, and Mia could hear the wet slopping sounds as she fucked her. The waitress finished cleaning Mia of her orgasm was surprised when Mia came again, right in her hot little mouth. She gagged and let it dribble down her young baby face.

Dina had the beast in hand, her fingers wrapped under the massive knot as she sucked it. Then she climbed onto
the dog, slowly lowering herself onto him. The animal’s bright red spear began to disappear into Dina’s hot open cunt inch by inch. Dina’s breathing was fast and excited. This was not some small cock that she could easily take, and so she slowly began to fuck the animal, taking only half of his length at first. She grunted as her cunt was stretched wide.

Mia watched in amazement at what her partner could do. She wished she could join her. She wanted to see if she could take such girth inside her cunt. The audience filled the club with moans and groans of pleasure with occasional cries of orgasm. Naked members were everywhere, and the dogs that roamed the club had their fill of hot bodies and fucking.

Dina rode the dog, fucking him hotly, her body moving up and down, her ass grinding onto him. Soon only a small portion of the animal’s cock showed as she pushed down hard to take it all. She reached up to fondle her nipples, pulling them as she fucked. Her eyes closed, her mouth open, filled with passion.

Faster, she moved her ass. Hot wet sounds emanated from the stage. The audience knew that soon one or both would cum. Dina leaned down, kissing the dog’s face and mouth, sending her tongue out to lick it. The animal responded back, driving his tongue into Dina’s mouth. Dina finally placed her mouth fully over the dogs as they kissed.

Her hot silky body ground down harder until the animal’s cock was fully inside her stretched, slippery cunt. The dog, trained to lay still, began to bark as Dina drove her cunt down harder and harder. She cried out as she came. Her cunt exploded with wet juices. Then she felt the knot swell inside her, the massive ball stretching her cuntal walls ever wider until the dog gave a sharp whine and started to shoot his hot sperm into her.

The stage shifted, moved so that their union was fully before the members and they watched in heated silence as a river of hot cum poured from Dina’s cunt onto the dog below.

Mia squirted at sight. It was the most erotic show she had ever seen. Dina was cumming along with the dog, and their mingled orgasm was shooting out from her cunt. Slowly, she raised herself from the animal. Her gaping cunt let loose a river of cum as she knelt and took the huge red cock back into her mouth. She licked its length, then back up to the tip that still squirted cum. It covered her face and chin. She made sure to take it into her mouth and swallow the rich juices. Then she licked the beast’s balls, taking one then the other into her mouth. Dina was so turned on that she licked further down, tonguing the dog’s asshole as she reached down to play with her engorged clit.

The audience let loose with groans as they squirted and came. Then, slowly, the lights dimmed, and the crowd roared its approval. The music resumed, and after a time, Dina came to Mia, who hugged and kissed her passionately.

“Did you like my surprise, my love?” she asked.

Mia nodded.

“I came seven times. You were wonderful. I will have to clean you up later, with my tongue, bad girl.” She giggled.

“One day, you will have to perform for us, Mia,” said Mora, who was even now being cleaned by her daughter. Lisa was on her knees before her tonguing her clit.

“I hope so. They haven’t asked yet.” She said in a sad voice. But Dina immediately kissed her.

“It may be sooner than you think. Too many in this place want to see you fuck. I would guess that they will be approaching you rather quickly to appease the demand.”

The actress that Mia knew approached the table. By her side was a beautiful pit bull. His large cock was dangling in full view. She was stunning and looked even better in person than on film. Her long dark hair and tattoos were famous. Her husband even more so. It was amazing that she could get away from the many children she adopted. Her lips were full as she smiled down at Dina.

“Incredible performance, Dina. You made me cum so much. Buster had a great time tonight.”

She looked at Mia, her eyes taking in her lovely body.

“I hope we see you soon, Mia. That’s one night I won’t want to miss. Maybe, if your lover can free you long enough, we could meet for drinks. We can swap hot nasty stories.”

“I’d love that,” said Mia, knowing that Dina was watching her closely.

“Good, I’ll call you soon.” Then she turned and left.

“Watch out for that one,” said Nora. Lisa nodded.

“She’ll have her fist inside you in no time. She likes to use girls.”

Though it was a warning, it also sounded to Mia like she longed for such a touch.

“Be careful,” said Dina. “She is a bit over the top. I know of some girls who she fucked, and they were ruined. She had them doing horses and donkeys. Their poor cunts were no longer able to enjoy the dogs. Now they’re slaves to her delights at her stables.”

Mia thought about how incredible that must be. To be fucked by such huge cocks. Yet, at the same time, frightening.

“I’ll be very careful, my love,” she said to Dina as they cuddled.

The night was just beginning, and Mia loved being there. Other shows were performed by members, and Dina made her cum again and again.

When they got home, a message was on their answering machine. It was the actress. She wanted to meet Mia at a restaurant the next day and to please call her back.

Dina sighed and looked at Mia.

“Well, I’ll give her credit. She doesn’t waste time. When she wants a girl, she goes right for them.”

“Don’t worry, Dina, I’ll be careful. Really I will.”

But she did worry, and she knew that this woman was wilder than most; it was written law in the club that if requested by another member, you had to go. The only reason to refuse was if real danger was involved. But as far as she knew, none was, even though a warning was given.

Mia would call her and meet her. Even though she feared her a bit, she was also excited. The idea of such animals making love to her made her cunt wet all over again.


Chapter 5: Whore, Thy Name Is Mia!

The day was rainy and miserable, and Mia wanted very much not to go out. But she had little choice in the matter. Dina comforted her and gave advice, but it did little to stop the anguish she felt over her date with Angi, the actress who demanded her company that afternoon.

Her reputation was widely known in the club, and many avoided her for her extreme sexual tastes. Those that did like her company were deviant hardcore girls who liked many things that Mia and Dina would never get involved with. Though Mia was curious, she could only go by the advice given about the strikingly beautiful Angi.

Over the past six months, her whole life had changed. Gone was the normal work girl who thought sex was a semi-weekly event that she cared less about. Gone were her boundaries of morality. Even her lovers had drastically changed. There were no more men in her life. Now it was women, girls, and to her surprise, animals who loved her better than most of the men did.

She did not know how far she would go, but she was open to change and sexual preferences. She knew that Angi liked to train girls to fuck her stable of horses and donkeys. The thought of doing such a thing did not disgust her, but it did frighten her. She had succumbed to dogs and loved the feel of their beautiful cocks inside her. But Angi’s animals were far different and life-changing at the very least.

But the offer from Angi was for a coffee or drank only and not a session with animals. At least she assumed that. Nonetheless, she prepared herself. She cleaned up, shaved her pussy, and dressed sexily. Dina watched her getting ready and frowned at how sexy Mia looked. Dina did not want to be jealous, but she had a strong feelings for her new lover. Also, she worried about what might happen to her in the hands of such a dominant person as Angi.

“I have to meet her at the restaurant in fifteen minutes,” said Mia.

“I’ll call a cab for you,” said Dina, who hugged her and kissed her.

The cab came, and Mia got waving goodbye to Dina, who stood by the window. Mia took a deep breath and sat back, awaiting her fate with the beautiful Angi.

The restaurant was in the downtown area, and as the cab pulled up, she noticed a long limo parked in the lot. As she got out, one of the windows quietly slid down. Angi popped her head out, smiling, and waved her over.

“Hurry, love, get in,” she said as Mia did so. “I’ve decided that this place wasn’t good enough for us.”

Mia sat close to Angi, smelling her expensive perfume and aware of how incredible she looked.

“I’m so happy you decided to meet me. I’ve had my eye on you since you first entered the club. At first, I thought I was looking at a ghost. You look so much like your mother. She was so lovely, so very hot.”

All Mia could think of saying was thank you. The ride was luxurious, and the interior cabin was fitted with a portable bar.

“Please have a drink with me, Mia. I promise I won’t bite,” smiled Angi, who filled a glass with whiskey.

Mia excepted a drink and sipped it. It was strong and intoxicating. It was obvious that Angi’s world was filled with the very best of everything. Yet, she seemed to be without her family often.

“My hubby is on location in Europe. The kids are away on a skiing trip in Switzerland with their aunt, and poor little me has the country home all to myself. So I’m very happy that you could join me today, my little sexy girl.”

Mia, feeling the first drink, accepted another and took smaller sips. She didn’t want to lose control before she ever made it to their destination, wherever that might be. They left the city and took the road into the suburbs, which soon led them over an hour later to the hills and countryside. Mia now knew that their destination would be Angi’s country home or farm. Her fears were becoming realized, as also her curiosity. She could feel the drinks doing their work, tearing down her barriers, one brick at a time.

Angi moved closer to her, sending sexual waves over Mia, who couldn’t believe she was with this famous actress. Angi kissed her softly at first, then harder just as they entered the grounds of her country home.

“You’re going to love this place, Mia. So many things to do here, though I only want one thing with you.” Came
her sultry voice as she reached out to cup Mia’s breast making the young girl moan.

They got out of the limo and quickly went into the house. Mia was awestruck by the immensity of the place. It seemed to go on forever. Pictures of her famous husband and family decorated the walls. Many of her awards were strategically placed throughout. Mia was like a wide-eyed admirer ready to get an autograph, but Angi had other ideas.

She led Mia toward the rear of the house and to a large media room. It looked like a regular movie theater, only slightly smaller.

“I think you’re going to love what I have for a surprise, love. It’s one that I think you’ll appreciate.”

They sat together, Angi’s hand sliding over Mia’s thighs. The room went dark, and the screen lit up. To Mia’s surprise, her mother’s face showed on the large screen. She was smiling and happy. Beside her was Angi holding her hand. Both were naked and inside a barn. She assumed it was the one they passed on the property. Someone was running the camera, but Mia could not see who it was.

“Hi,” said Mia’s mom to the camera. “We’re here to have fun and do very naughty things.”

Angi bent low to suck her mom’s nipples making Mia’s mom close her eyes in pleasure. Angi sucked and nibbled away at her mother’s fabulous breasts. Soon both were on the floor writhing and licking and fingering. Mia watched in amazement as her mom and Angi fucked. The camera person left no angle untouched as Angi’s fingers slid in and out of her mother’s wet luscious cunt. Her mother moaned and begged for more like a whore as Angi slid another finger and another until her whole hand slid wetly inside her. Her mother’s legs spread wide as she bucked upwards to accept Angi’s small hand.

Mia felt Angi pressing her fingers between her legs and closing her eyes, loving the pressure she was making. Her clit was so sensitive, and Angi made a point of rubbing over it. That and seeing her mother squirm under the same woman were overwhelming.

“Like my little film, darling,” asked Angi as she rubbed Mia’s cunt through her panties.

Mia, unable to speak, only nodded. Her senses were being assaulted sexually, and she was lost in what was happening. Now she knew why so many feared this woman. She was an expert in seducing girls and making them do whatever she wished, and it appeared that she was on her way to being another notch in Angi’s well-renowned stable.

The movie got hotter as both women began to rub their crotches together, pussy on pussy. Angi took control as she ground her pelvis onto her mom’s. They fucked sweetly, both cumming often. Then from the left of the screen came a horse, a very large one. Mia watched as if hypnotized as the stallion’s head moved down behind their writhing forms to sniff at their heated thighs. Angi looked behind her and winked at the camera person, and raised her ass a bit as the horse sent out its long tongue to swipe at her upraised ass. She groaned in pleasure at the invasion, and to Mia’s surprise, her mom opened her legs even wider as the horse dug its nose into her crotch.

“Watch, my little beauty. Your mother was a true slut. She was the best of them,” said Angi as she slid her hand inside Mia’s damp panties.

Mia, her eyes just lust-filled slits, did watch as she saw her mother moan as the horse’s tongue entered her cunt. All the while, Angi was licking her nipples and rubbing her clit. Each woman enjoyed the attention of the horse, and soon both moved to the rear of the animal, taking turns sucking its cock. Mia had never seen such a huge cock in her life. Its length had to be at least twenty inches and as thick as her arm.

Her mother, like the whore she was, took the head of it into her waiting mouth. The horse snorted and slightly moved as she licked and swallowed more of it. Then it was Angi’s turn as she licked the large balls and worked her way to the flanged head, taking it into her hot mouth.

Both worked on the animal, making it whinny and snort in excitement. Then the shot of Mia’s mom laying upon a bench beneath the animal, her long legs wide, her cunt juicy and gaping with Angi aiming the large flanged head of the creature at her cunt. The next shot showed her mom taking half of the horse’s length inside her and her crying out in orgasm as the horse moved in jerks to fuck her. Angi knelt to the side, occasionally looking at the camera, smiling.

The horse’s cock was buried deep inside her mom’s cunt now, and she was holding onto the creature’s belly as it fucked her. Then came the horse’s orgasm. Mia could not take her eyes off the screen as a flood of horse cum sprayed out everywhere as it popped from her mother’s wide-open cunt.

The film ended, and Angi turned to Mia, who was spread legged as she felt Angi’s fingers inside her.

“What do you think, my hot bitch. Like seeing your lovely mom sucking and fucking my prize stallion?”

Mia, her mind racing, her body so horny, could only nod. Angi’s fingers were moving in and out, her cunt was on fire, and the wet sticky sounds from being finger fucked sounded so loud in the quiet theater. They kissed hard, and Angi whispered into her ear.

“Your mother fucked all my stallions. She loved their cocks. She also loved my donkeys. She loved to take them in her tight ass. I bet you are just like her, my dear. I’d love to see you fuck my babies.”

Mia knew she was fighting a losing battle as Angi slid three fingers inside her dripping pussy. Her panties were on the floor of the theater, and her legs were hanging on either side of the chair arms.

“I don’t think I could handle those kinds of cock,” said Mia softly.

Angi kissed her and smiled.

“Yes, you can, like mother, like daughter. I bet I can fist fuck this beautiful cunt. If I can, will you try one of my lovely stallions?”

Mia, her bottom moving up and down upon the seat matching Angi’s fingers, nodded. She had lost. She knew this and didn’t care. Maybe she was exactly like her mom. Maybe she was intended to be a slut, a whore. In either case, she loved what this woman was doing to her and wanted to please her.

“Mmmmmmm…good girl. Relax, baby, and let Angi take care of you.”

Slowly Angi moved her fingers inside the girl’s silky smooth cunt. She was so wet it was easy to get the first three fingers deep inside her. She wished that the girl’s mother hadn’t died but lived and helped to prepare her baby girl. That would have been something to see. Mother and daughter, incest and horse fucking. Just the thought of it made her cunt shutter.

Mia did relax, loving the feel of Angi’s fingers inside her. It felt so good, and she played with her nipples as she felt another finger push its way inside her open cunt. It hurt, and she groaned.

“That’s it, baby, take it. You’ll really love it soon enough,” said Angi as she pushed the four fingers all the way inside the young girl. Her thumb slid over the girl’s engorged clit.

Mia cried out in orgasm, spraying Angi’s hand with her cum. The four fingers were lubricated and now moved much easier. Now came the final act as Angi added the last finger, pushing easily, turning her hand this way and that until her knuckles and then hand slipped inside the girl’s pussy.

“Yesssss,” said Angi softly as she began to move her fist in and out. Mia was moaning at the intrusion, but it was not pain. It was an absolute pleasure. Like her mother, she enjoyed being taken, used, and fucked hard and deep. She now knew what it was like to be fisted, and Angi wasted no time ramming her hand in and out of her sopping cunt.

“That’s it, Mia, fuck me, use that body for what it was intended for, to be used for sex.”

Mia pushed against Angi’s hand, driving it past the woman’s wrist and deeper still. The feeling was one of complete fulfillment and of being filled. She loved it and came again as Angi began to suck her swollen clit into her mouth.

After she came again, she felt Angi slowly remove her hand from her. She groaned in disappointment with the loss of it, but Angi had other plans.

“Come,” she said as she led Mia from the theater and out to the barn.

Mia now began to feel fear. She was going to be introduced to one of Angi’s stallions, and she was not sure if that was a good idea, though her body thought otherwise. She was so turned on and horny that she would have fucked a fencepost. Her cunt was on fire after being fisted, and Mia knew that she was capable of being stretched wide.

Angi undressed and held Mia close, their nipples pressing together as they kissed.

“You’re so fucking beautiful, Mia. Your cunt is special, and I want to show you why.”

She left and returned with one of the most spectacular horses that she had ever seen. It had a coat that was shiny black with a long mane that was combed to perfection.

“This is my stallion, Warlord. He is my prize stud. He especially loves tight young cunt. He is well trained, my hot little bitch.”

Mia moved towards the incredible animal, and the horse nuzzled her face. She giggled and was rewarded by the horse’s long tongue swiping at her breasts. It was so long that it ran across both breasts, making her nipples hard.

“He likes you, my love. He knows how much you want him. Look…” Angi pointed to the rear of the horse. The creature’s cock was almost dangling to the barn floor. He was huge.

Angi led her to the rear of the horse, and both knelt on either side.

“Like this,” said Angi as she grasped the long, leathery-looking cock in her hand and then began to take it into her mouth, sucking it in long deep movements.

Then she handed the cock over to Mia, who grabbed it delicately. She could not believe she was actually doing this, actually handling a horse’s cock. But it was such a beautiful thing, and she lowered her mouth onto the head of it. It tasted so good, so big in her mouth. The horse snorted as it felt the hot mouth cover his cock, and Angi soothed it with soft words.

“That’s the way to do it, Mia. Suck it nice and smooth. He likes that. Take more into your mouth, yes, like that, my dear,” Angi said as she taught the young girl to service her horse.

Mia obeyed, sucking more of the huge prick, filling her mouth with it. She was giving the horse a blow job and loving it. She looked over to find Angi, but she was at the other end of the stable getting a long bench. She told Mia to lie upon it and spread her legs very wide.

Mia knew what was about to happen and did as she was told, being a good submissive girl to Angi. Angi took a tube of KY jelly and rubbed it over her cunt and inside. Then began to fuck her cunt with her fingers again until her whole hand was once again inside her. Mia was in heaven as she began to squirt cum everywhere. She loved the feeling of so much inside her cunt and then a new feeling.

She looked down to see Angi maneuvering the horse’s huge cock against her cunt. Fear overtook her as she saw the massive prick poised at her pussy. She wanted to get up and run from the barn but remained, her body demanding to be like her mother, to take this cock and experience all that her mom did.

The horse’s cock head pushed into her, and she felt its heat and girth as it stretched her pussy wider than it had ever been.

“Relax, baby. Let him do the work. He’s trained for just this. Open your legs wide and move forward more. That’s right, Mia. Mmmmmm. You’re going to love this.” said Angi as she reached up to fondle the horse’s balls.

The horse jerked forward, driving his cock into the girl, feeling the tightness surrounding his cock as he had done so many times before. Mia groaned as she felt her cunt being opened wide with every inch the animal pushed into her tight pussy. It was hurting now as its thickness widened.

“Angi, it hurts… ohhhhhhhhh!” she cried out.

Angi moved to her, her hand moving between her legs, capturing her clit and pulling it as she licked her hard nipples. This helped Mia as the horse moved back and forth. Her cunt was getting wetter and wetter. The size of the cock was stretching her, and she was finally getting used to it. More of the cock entered her, and she wondered if she could take much more, but she did as ten inches disappeared.

Her legs moved up on either side of the horse’s flank as she began to move her ass up to meet its thrusts. Angi smiled in victory as she won over another hot girl to her stables. This girl was particularly hot. She took to horse cock well, and she was witnessing it even now. Mia was fucking back as the horse thrusts over and over into her. His large, thick cock flew in and out, covered with her juices.

Then Mia felt the cock expand and knew what was coming. The horse snorted and drove its cock deep as it came. Hot strong bursts of cum filled her cunt, filling her and pouring out in a wave of sperm as she cried out in orgasm. The horse pulled out, leaving Mia’s cunt gaping and drenched in horse cum.

Angi took the horse away, leaving Mia on the bench, spent with her legs still wide open. When she came back, she knelt between the girl’s thighs and began to eat her cunt. Mia moaned as she felt Angi’s tongue licking inside her cunt and over it, taking time on her swollen clit.

“Did my little girl like that?” she asked as she nibbled on Mia’s clit.

“Yesssss….’” said Mia in a soft ethereal voice.

“Stay the weekend, my little horse whore, and experience all of them with me. I’ll teach you even more.”

With that, she slid her tongue inside Mia’s asshole, fucking her with it. Mia moaned and grabbed at Angi’s head, pulling it into her. She would stay and let this woman use her, teach her. She wanted to fuck everything and anything Angi wanted her to fuck.

“Mmmmmm…I’m guessing that means, yes.”

Indeed it was. She would have to call Dina. She knew that it was not going to be a good call. But her body was very demanding, and she had to fulfill its wants and needs.

“Come, my little Mia. I want to introduce you to my lovely donkey, Julio. He loves to slide his big cock into little girl’s asses.”

Mia got up and followed her. She was now Angi’s slave. She could not wait to experience it all.

The End.

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One thought on “The Dog Pound

  1. Thanks for the awesome story. I have a girlfriend that’s into bestiality she have ask me questions about what would I do if someone tied her up and allowed their pet ( DOG ) to
    lick and have sex with her. My reply was do you have fantasies about something like that.
    We enjoy fuck each other all the time If I knew some one that was into ( B ) I would make
    her fantasy come true

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