Women with Animals

How I became a Whore for Animal Cock


(c) 2013 by dogslut67

Part One

I was working the night shift at the social care farm where I’d been working for the past year. I am a 20-year-old well-shaped girl, long blond hair and people tell me I’m really pretty. I was quietly reading a magazine in the living room, when suddenly Pete, one of our clients rushed in shouting that something was wrong with one of the horses. Of course I immediately got up and followed him to the stables. As soon as we entered the stables I heard the door slam shut behind me and Pete turned around with that smirk on his face that I’d seen so often before and that said that what he’d really like to do is rip my clothes off and fuck me.

I looked behind me and saw that Hank and Billy were standing there in front of the closed-door. “Shit, now what”, was what went through my head. The answer came immediately as Pete grabbed me, and Hank and Billy started ripping off my dress. I screamed at them to stop, but they just laughed and threw my ripped dress behind them. Then they tore off my bra and panties, and I was completely naked and at the mercy of three lightly mentally handicapped men of about 25 years old.

Pete grabbed my hair and pulled me towards the middle of the pathway and Hank put a collar on me. They then continued to chain me to both sides of the pathway where the horse stalls were. They fixed the chain so low that it was impossible for me to get up, so I sat there on my hands and knees.

Even though I didn’t want this and was scared out of my mind my pussy was getting wet. Hank dropped his trousers and held his limp dick in front of my face. I knew I didn’t have much choice, but also, I was getting horny. I had never done any kinky stuff, I wasn’t a virgin, but I sure wasn’t very adventurous either. Now, however, it almost felt like someone else was taking over and I wasn’t me anymore. My pussy was gushing, I wanted these cocks, but I also felt ashamed at being chained naked on my hands and knees, with 3 men looking at me and about to rape me.

I felt a cock entering my now very wet pussy and I couldn’t help myself, I moaned. As Billy shoved his cock in my cunt I gasped and Hank took the opportunity to put his dick in my mouth. By the taste of it, he hadn’t washed it for a couple of days. Strangely enough, this made me even hornier. I started sucking his dick like I was starving and it quickly became erect. Billy took his dick out of my cunt and started pushing it into my asshole. I tried to say no, but couldn’t get anything intelligible past the 8 inch dick in my mouth. I tried to relax my anus and as Billy pushed harder his well lubricated dick slid into my ass. He started fucking me hard and I moaned, because God help me, it felt good.

Hank started shooting his cum into my mouth, pulled his dick out and came all over my face. Damn, I felt like a slut, I felt ashamed that I enjoyed this so much. “I shouldn’t like this, I’m being raped”, was going through my head, but at the same time I wanted more. Billy pulled his dick out of my ass and came in front of me and showed me his dick. I felt Pete push his dick in my now empty ass and his dick was even bigger than Hank’s, it must have been 10 inches. He started fucking me really hard and I moaned and then I came. It was the best orgasm I ever had and it lasted forever. Pete just kept on fucking me. I looked at Billy’s cock in front of me and saw that it was coated with my shit.

I looked up and looked him in his eyes. He looked down and grinned, “You’re gonna clean me right up, aren’t you Donna?” I looked back down at his dirty shit-caked cock and opened my mouth. As dirty and low and ashamed as I felt, I wanted to do this. The confusion in my mind was immense as I licked my shit from Billy’s dick. How was it possible that I was getting off on this? I had read about slave girls, and such on occasion, but even then I had never imagined that I would enjoy being dominated and even raped. Billy started shooting his cum in my mouth and stuck his dick way down my throat. Every last drop of his sperm went directly into my stomach. That’s when Pete came and filled my ass with his cum. After he finished, he pulled out and I felt his cum running down my legs. I felt dirty and used, but also more satisfied than I ever had before.

That’s when Hank came out of one of the stalls with Thor, the Rottweiler, on a leash behind him. “Here’s some desert for you, bitch”.

“Oh fuck, they wouldn’t…” Was running through my mind, but even then I knew that they would. What was more important was that I would.

By now I felt like I was some other person that I didn’t even know, and apparently that person enjoyed being used and raped and licking her own shit off her rapist’s cock. So when Hank held out Thor’s veiny dog cock in front of my face I was mainly curious. I looked up into Hank’s eyes and opened my mouth. He stuck Thor’s dick in and I started sucking it and stroking it with my tongue. The knowledge that I was forced to suck a dog cock while three men watched made me the horniest I had ever been. “You see, I told you she’s a slut”, Hank said to his two compatriots. “Hell yeah, she likes it!”, Billy added. Thor’s dick started to spasm and then he filled my mouth with jet after jet of his slimy doggy sperm. It was too much to swallow so most of it ran down my chin and neck. It tasted salty, and I kinda liked it.

They then led Thor to my rear end and had him mount me. Thor was quite the man because even though he had just cum in my mouth he was good to go. Hank guided his dog cock into my pussy and he immediately started humping. His pace increased until it felt like I was being jack-hammered. I moaned and yelled and I heard myself crying out for more. No man had ever fucked me like this, this was the best fuck of my life. I felt him growing even bigger and then he came and filled my womb with more and more of his seed. I never knew a dog could have so much sperm in his balls. He kept on spurting his hot seed into my belly while he turned around and we stood there, ass to ass. After a couple of minutes his knot diminished and he slipped out of me and dog seed gushed out of my pussy and ran down my legs.

Hank undid the chains that kept me up, and I immediately sagged onto the cold concrete floor. Hank, Billy and Pete looked at me and then all three of them started spitting on me. In my face, on my tits, my legs, all the while laughing and remarking to themselves what a tremendous slut I was. Even now I just felt horny, confused, but also very horny. I rubbed their spit over my tits, my face and licked my hands clean. That’s when Billy decided to take a piss, in my face. He was quickly joined by Hank and Pete, who obviously thought that was a splendid idea. I opened my mouth and let their piss enter, I swallowed. Even through all my confusion, I thoroughly enjoyed being their slut. When they were done pissing, they pulled on their pants.

I was lying there in a puddle of cum, spit and piss, with dog sperm leaking from my cunt. A man, somebody I didn’t know, stepped out of the stall right in front of me. He was holding a camera in his left hand, smiled at Hank and said, “Well done, I got some really good footage, we’re really gonna have some fun with this!”

Before walking away and leaving through the back door. Hank, Billy and Pete left through the door back into the house. As I was alone, I slowly came back to myself and started wondering what had just happened. I couldn’t have stopped it, but how was it possible for me to enjoy it this much? I realized some stranger had filmed the whole thing and with a shock, I also realized that with that film he could blackmail me into doing whatever he wanted. And then the thought of that turned me on all over again…

I got up and covered myself as best I could with what was left of my dress, and went back to the living room. I didn’t see Hank, Billy or Pete anywhere. Apparently they had gone off to bed. I took a shower and cleaned myself up. Luckily I had some clean clothes in my bag. I dressed and sat out the remainder of my shift. Every time I thought back to what happened, and to what was likely to happen in the near future, my nipples got hard and my pussy got wet.

When I got home, I undressed and went to bed, I almost immediately fell asleep, being completely knackered from being up all night and all the emotions I had experienced.

I didn’t have to work the next four days, so I didn’t have to face Hank, Billy and Pete. I thought about going to the police, but with an unknown person in possession of a videotape of me eagerly sucking dog cock and licking my shit off a rapist’s dick. Well, the idea didn’t appeal to me.

Then of course Saturday came around and my next shift. It was a late shift, not a night-shift, so I wouldn’t be all alone with my rapists, as I was working with a colleague. The shift was mostly uneventful, apart from the knowing looks of Hank, Billy and Pete. Just when I was about to get in my car to go home, Pete came up and gave me a box. He smiled at me, and said, “Present from you know who.”

I didn’t bother to tell him I didn’t know who, I just took the box and got in my car. Back home, I put the box on the kitchen table and looked at it. “Well, no use putting this off”, I thought to myself and opened it. The first thing I pulled out was a long black leather coat. It must have cost a fortune. I looked in the box and pulled out this black leather body, crutchless and with holes where my tits were gonna poke through. I looked in the box. Next I pulled out a pair of black stilettos. There was another item, a black leather collar with chrome letters reading “WHORE” and a note. Just thinking about wearing this outfit made my nipples hard and my pussy wet. I had spent the past couple of days fantasizing about being raped and dog fucked again one minute, and wondering what the hell was wrong with me the next. Now however, I was 100% horny just looking at this stuff and holding that collar in my hands. I tried it on, it was a perfect fit. I read the note. It said to come to a certain address wearing my new outfit Sunday evening.

I went to bed wearing my collar and masturbated myself to four orgasms before I fell asleep.


The next day was spent lazing around my apartment. I shaved my legs, showered and dressed in my WHORE gear and put on my make-up. I looked at myself in the mirror. I looked like a porn goddess, and the sight really turned me on. My tits were standing up nicely through the holes in the body, my nipples erect. My pussy lips were glistening. I stuck a finger in my pussy and tasted myself. After a moment’s hesitation, I stuck my finger in my pussy again to lubricate it and then slowly stuck it all the way up my ass. I wiggled around in there for a bit, becoming even hornier, then pulled my finger out and licked it clean, while watching myself in the mirror. The word on my collar described me well. I put on the long leather jacket, locked the door to my apartment and got into my car and drove over to the address on the note. It was a big farm.

I parked, took a deep breathe, thought of the video that would ruin my life if it got out, took another deep breath and walked up to the door and rang the bell.

The door opened and I was welcomed by a good-looking man of about 40. “Hi Donna, I’ll take your coat”, was what he said, as if this was some normal visit.

For a second I desperately wanted to turn around and get the hell out of there, then I realized that the train had left the station, so to speak. I handed him my coat and stood there with my tits and pussy revealed as he hung to coat on a peg on the wall. “Follow me”, were his next words, so I did.

We walked through a long corridor, went through a door and then stood in a big barn. The barn was mostly dark, except for a circle of light in the centre. The man led me into the light and told me to kneel. I knelt and felt him shackle my ankles to the rough concrete floor. He grabbed my hair and roughly pulled me forward so I ended up on my hands and knees. He then shackled my wrists to the floor. I felt him attach a chain to my collar, so I was forced in this kneeling position. I couldn’t get up and I couldn’t lay down and curl up.

He walked out of the light. I just sat there, wondering what the hell would happen next. I heard somebody cough and looked around. Now that I really looked I could see there were people in the dark, at least 20 or so. The fact that here I was, dressed in this body which revealed all my sensitive parts, wearing a collar that read “WHORE”, and chained to the floor, while 20 men were watching me made me really horny. I felt my pussy juice starting to run down my legs.

“SNAP!” I screamed as the whip hit my ass. “Shit, if you’re gonna make this much noise, I had better gag you”, some guy said as he stepped around me.

He was dressed all in black and quickly put a small dildo in my mouth, which he fastened with a strap around my head. He disappeared from sight just before I felt the whip strike my ass again. It really hurt and I tried to scream, but couldn’t get much sound past the dildo in my mouth. He kept whipping me for what felt like a long time, but what was probably a minute. My ass was burning and I was shocked at what was happening. I had expected to be fucked, gang-raped even, and to be fucked by dogs. I had not expected to be whipped. I felt intensely humiliated, but confusingly that was also a huge turn-on. I felt hands fondle my breasts, and then a sharp pain in my nipples as quickly nipple-clamps were fastened on both my nipples. I whined into my gag, because my nipples had always been sensitive and the clamps really hurt.

The whip struck my ass again and I cried out. Somebody was standing in front of me. I looked up. It was the guy who had been filming when Hank, Billy and Pete had raped me. He spit in my face. Then he continued to spit in my face until my whole face was covered with his spit and it ran down my chin. “I am your Master, you are my whore”, he said. “So whore, you better get used this!”

“Everybody come break this whore in!” He yelled and suddenly all the men in the barn moved into the light.

All of them were naked and wore masks, so they couldn’t be recognized. A few had cameras and were filming. Someone started to push his dick into my ass and started fucking me. Someone else removed the gag from my mouth and made me suck his dick. His dick tasted really rancid. He probably hadn’t washed it for a week. “That’s right, whore, you like a dirty dick, don’t you?” He said. I didn’t react, so he pulled hard on one of the nipple clamps and said, “Answer me, whore!” He pulled his dick out of my mouth. “Well?”

“Yes, I do”, I answered and strangely enough I meant it.

He stuck his dick back in my mouth and started face fucking me. I felt the guy behind me shoot his load into my ass and immediately his dick was replaced with another. The guy in front of me shot a load into my mouth, pulled back and sprayed the rest of his slimy cum on my face. I licked my lips while I waited for the next dick to be shoved into my mouth. Slightly to the right of me was a guy with a camera filming my face close-up. I looked into the lens, then felt a stream of warm liquid hit my face. I looked up and saw the guy who had just pissed on my face. I opened my mouth and swallowed some and let the rest run back out and down my chin, while I looked back in the lens. I felt immensely humiliated, but I was also hornier than I had ever been before.

This continued for two hours or so with everyone taking turns fucking me, face fucking me, and filling me up with cum. I was repeatedly whipped, or someone would pull on the nipple-clamps. They would spit in my face, piss in my mouth, call me dirty whore or a slut. They would ask me if I liked it and I would answer affirmatively.

After two hours everybody backed off. I was dripping with cum, piss and spit, my ass and tits were burning and I felt exhausted. If I had hoped that it was over now, I was wrong.

Somebody brought in two German Shepherds. They had one mounting me from the back and he immediately started fucking my cunt. The other one was laid in front of me, with his ass towards my face. Someone reached under him and then held out his big slimy dog cock in front of my mouth. I hesitated just a moment, I don’t know why, after all I had endured this evening. Somebody yanked on a nipple-clamp and I screamed in pain. “Now you’ll have to beg for it, whore”, the man holding the dog’s cock said.

When I didn’t beg quick enough the other guy pulled a nipple-clamp again and I heard myself scream, “Please let me suck his dick!”

“Are you sure you want to suck this dog’s cock, bitch?” The man holding the dog’s cock asked.

“Yes, yes, please let me suck it”, I whimpered.

The man holding the camera came in even closer as the slimy dog cock, dripping pre-cum slid between my lips and I started sucking and licking it. I felt the dog cock in my cunt grow and then felt his knot enter my cunt. I was filled up, and my pussy is so sensitive from all the fucking made me have the most intense orgasm I ever had. It went on for minutes and I just sat there, shackled on my hands and knees, shivering from orgasmic pleasure, with another dog cock in my mouth. The dog behind me turned around and started pulling, but couldn’t get his knot out of my cunt yet. Another orgasm hit me, the dog cock in my mouth started shooting jet after jet of slimy dog cum into my mouth. I tried to swallow it all, but it was just too much and more than half ran down my chin. The man holding the dog’s cock used it to smear the dog cum all over my face. I felt the dog knot slip out of my cunt and I felt the dog cum running down my legs. Both dogs were led away, and all the men left as well.

The man who had let me in when I arrived, walked up to me, undid the nipple-clamps, which hurt even worse as the blood flowed back into my abused nipples. He undid the shackles and helped me to my feet.

I followed him back through the corridor where he handed me my coat and opened the door. I figured it was pretty useless to ask if I could shower so I stepped outside and walked to my car. As I drove home, I could feel everything sticking to me. My face was completely covered in slimy dog cum, dog cum was leaking out of my cunt, I smelled of piss, cum and spit…. And I felt so sexy! I had never been so used and humiliated in my life before, but I felt sexy as hell, feeling all the slimy cum and spit of 20 men and 2 dogs covering pretty much my whole body.

When I got home, I looked at myself in the mirror, and I liked what I saw. A slut, a whore who didn’t mind getting gang fucked by 20 men and 2 dogs, who liked to be raped, dog fucked, pissed and spit on. I couldn’t help it, I just loved my new self. I didn’t shower, didn’t undress, I just went to bed, felt the sheets sticking to my slimy body and revelled in feeling used.


Part Two

Two days later I found an envelope in my mailbox, I opened it and there was just one sheet of paper. It looked like a page from a website that someone had printed. I started to read and quickly realized it was from a bestiality website. It was an ad. I read it. “Master offers his beautiful female slave to dog owners who want to give their canine a good time. Come to the fountain in Jefferson Park on Friday evening 10:30 with your dog. Five dollars per dog, and yes, you can film it so you can enjoy the memories in the comfort of your own home.”

I held my breath as I sat down on the couch in my living room. My heart was beating somewhere in my throat and trying to fight its way out through my mouth. Where was this all going?? Now people, lots of people I assumed, were going to make their own little movies of me doing the nasty with their dog. Again, I considered going to the cops, but what was I gonna say? And what would happen next? I didn’t know where my “master” lived. By now he had a couple of hours of me being raped and fucked by dogs and enjoying it. Also, my pussy was getting really wet just thinking about this. The next couple of days went by in a daze, I worked two shifts, but hardly noticed Hank, Billy and Pete, and as they were dayshifts there were plenty of people around so they couldn’t bother me.


Friday morning UPS delivered a package. I opened it and inside were a pair of leather wrist cuffs and a pair of ankle cuffs. Oh, and of course a note. It said to wear just the cuffs, my “WHORE” collar and the long leather coat and to be outside my apartment at 10 o’clock. So there I was standing on the sidewalk. At exactly 10 a car drove up, and the back door opened. I looked in and there was the “master”. “Get in whore”, he said.

I got in. I still didn’t think of him as my master I realized, although I did everything and anything he ordered. I was completely in his control. I couldn’t refuse him anything, I realized. With a sense of great shame and humiliation it dawned on me that he literally owned me. At the same time the realization that he really was my Master and I really was his slave, to be fucked by as many men or dogs as he wished, to be spit and pissed on, to be whipped when he felt like it made me horny as hell! I guess he had somehow awakened something in me that had been asleep ’till now, and that something was my submissive nature.

We stopped at the entrance to the park, we got out and started walking towards the fountain. At least it was dark and the park was pretty much deserted. I followed my Master, it was easier now to really think of him as “my Master”, having somewhat come to terms with the fact that I was a submissive slut. After a short walk we came to the fountain, which was in the middle of a small square, ringed by benches. All in all there were 14 people sitting on the benches, each with their dog and 4 of them had two dogs. I could feel my pussy juices running down my legs. My Master took my coat and draped it over a bench and told me to get down on my hands and knees, in a specific spot. I realized why the spot was so specific, as he quickly clicked my cuffs to rings in the pavement. He must have had those fixed in preparation for this.

Now I was sitting there on my hands and knees cuffed to the pavement with my legs spread so there was ample access to my pussy and ass. There were chains fastened to my wrist cuffs so I could move my hands about 15 inches. The men on the benches all looked at me in appreciation and started to take pictures. I felt my cheeks go red with the shame of what was about to happen. My Master told the first man to come forward, took his five bucks and told him that I was all his dogs. The man patted the small of my back and his dog, a big cross-breed jumped up and immediately started humping. The man reached under the dog, took its cock and inserted it in my pussy, took it out again and pushed the tip into my anus. He released the dog’s cock and the dog took that opportunity to push it all the way in, all in one fierce shove.

I gasped as the dog immediately started to fuck me at speed. If I hadn’t been cuffed to the pavement, he would have pushed me right out of the little square. All the men were now taking pictures and filming as there was enough light from the streetlights to do so. I had my hair up in a high pigtail so my face was kept free of hair and I was easily recognizable by anyone who would ever see those pics or films. That had been another stipulation from my Master. Some guy was taking close-ups of my face while I was gasping. I looked straight in his lens and licked my lips. Might as well give him his money’s worth, I figured. The dog was still humping, my ass was too tight to accommodate his knot.

I felt him starting to spasm and then he shot load after load of his dog cum in my ass. I felt his warm cum way in my belly and it felt so good I yelled out for more. I had really had my turning point and accepted my role as a submissive dog whore. That allowed me to really enjoy what was happening, but at the same time was a cause for more feelings of shame, but then I enjoyed that sensation of feeling ashamed and dominated and abused. The dog stepped back and was led by his owner to my face. “Now lick him clean, you dirty dog whore”, he said.

I looked him straight in the eyes as I took the slimy, smelly dog cock in my mouth and started to lick it clean. I could taste the slimy dog sperm mixed with the taste of my shit and the complete depravity of the act made me glow from head to toe. Of course, all the men were clicking away with their cameras to get all the action. I looked in some guy’s lens as I took the slimy dog cock out of my mouth and slowly licked along its length, then sucked on the tip and then took it all the way in again.

The next guy came up leading two dogs. He too patted my back and one of the dogs jumped up and started humping. He almost immediately found his mark and shoved his dick all the way into my pussy after which he started to fuck at a steady pace. I was made to suck the other dog and I did so without hesitation. I sucked and licked it and enjoyed its taste and feel. That’s when my first orgasm hit me and I don’t know how long it lasted but it seemed like forever.

Just when the spasms subsided, I felt the knot enter my pussy and it started all over again. He kept pumping and the friction of that big knot in my cunt made me come over and over. I felt him shoot my womb full of his dog sperm and it just made me come harder. It made it hard to focus on the blowjob I was giving the other dog, but I mechanically went on licking and sucking its big slimy dick until he came. I took the cock out of my mouth, kept my mouth open and stuck out my tongue and had him spurt all his slimy dog cum over my tongue, in my mouth and all over my face. All the while I looked at the camera’s that were zooming in the action.

The dogs came and went, some fucked my pussy, and others my ass, and some shot their load in my face and mouth. I lost count of how many dogs had fucked me, I was experiencing one great orgasm. My pussy and ass became so sensitive that I would start to come as soon as a dog started to fuck me. Then all of a sudden, there was this massive Danish Dog standing in front of me with the biggest dog cock I had ever seen. I grabbed his slimy veiny cock behind the knot and started licking and sucking it. I tasted the dog cum and the taste of my ass and realized this was the dog that had been fucking my pussy first and then my ass for the past half hour.

It had been the biggest cock I had ever had and I had felt as if he would stretch my ass beyond its limits. I sucked that big cock into my mouth and decided to see how far I could take it. It was at least ten inches long and two wide at its widest point. I opened my throat and felt that big dog cock enter and bit by bit I took him further down my throat. I did it slowly, concentrating on breathing through my nose, until finally his knot hit my lips. I knew I could never take that in my mouth, it was just too big. I slowly pulled back on his cock and then sucked him all the way down again. I felt like I was the biggest slut in the world.

Here I was chained to the pavement, deep-throating the big cock of a Danish Dog, dripping slimy dog cum from my cunt and ass. My face was covered with more dog cum and it was still running down my chin and neck and my hair was sticking together as well. Where dog cum had missed my face but hit my hair. All this in a public park, with about twenty-five men and six women watching and taking pictures and filming the action. I realized with a shock that there were more men now than when this whole thing started, some apparently with their wives or girlfriends, and decided some people must have just walked in on the action.

The big dog was enjoying the deep-throat thing and started humping which made it harder for me to breath. I just managed not to choke. I couldn’t swallow the slime that came back every time he pulled back and it slowly dribbled down my chin and onto my tits. It still surprised me when he came, shooting jet after jet of his hot slimy seed in my throat. I tried to swallow all of it, but it was just too much and a lot of it ran down my chin and neck to join the slime that was already covering my tits. I could sit back a little, and I did, trying to catch my breath. I had no time to react when the Dane lifted his leg, pointed his cock at my face and started to piss.

Being chained up I couldn’t have done much anyway. His hot piss hit my face and streamed down my body. Of course, everybody started filming and taking pictures as crazy. Must have been the opportunity of a lifetime to see a depraved whore like me, chained to the pavement in a park, getting pissed on by a big dog. I looked around, at all the camera’s, opened my mouth, grabbed the big dog cock that was still pissing all over me and directed the warm yellow stream of dog piss in my mouth. I figured I might as well be as depraved as possible. I had already sunk so low, why not go all the way? Also, truthfully, I was curious if I would like drinking dog piss.

I was getting off on all the rest after all. As I swallowed some of his piss and let the rest run down my body I realized that there probably wasn’t anything I wouldn’t do, and that I might be the most depraved dirty animal whore in the world. I wondered if I would enjoy letting a dog shit in my face. I decided that for now I hoped I wouldn’t find out. The Danish Dog ran out of piss and I released his cock and licked my lips. I heard the crowd talking and saying what a dirty whore I was and that they had never seen such a wanton slut. That they would never have imagined a twenty year old girl doing stuff like that.

I felt my cheeks redden as the lust wore off and I realized that about thirty people had witnessed me doing all sorts of unspeakable things and drinking dog piss as dessert, and had proof as well. They were probably all going to show it to their friends and put it on the internet or whatever. This town wasn’t that big and this was bound to come back to me big time. I felt my cheeks glow and my heart beat faster when I realized all the implications of this evening.

My Master came up and undid the chains to my wrists and ankles. He handed me my coat and said, “Well, you can walk home, whore, you’re not getting in my car like that.”

He walked away and I just stood there. I hadn’t expected him to just leave me by myself. I heard people snicker and laugh. One of the women walked up to me and spit me in my face. “That’s for being a dirty fucking animal whore, you cunt”, she said.

More people decided that was a good idea and came up to spit in my face. A guy walked up and said, “Open your fucking mouth, whore”.

By now I felt so completely degraded and humiliated that I just did what he said and opened my mouth and stuck out my tongue. The guy grinned and proceeded to spit into my mouth until my mouth was full and his spit was dripping down my tongue and onto my tits. Other guys and some of the women joined him. I just stood there and let them fill my mouth with their spit while they called me a dirty whore, a slut, animal cocksucker and so on. Slowly but surely, however the crowd thinned. I wasn’t raped as nobody wanted to touch me.

After all, I was still dripping with dog cum and piss and spit from the crowd. When the last guy decided that he was done spitting in my mouth and left, I picked up the long leather coat and put it on. It stuck to my slime covered skin and felt awkward. I left the park. This is a Friday evening and the park being in the centre of town there were still plenty people around. I saw pretty much everybody looking at me. I must have been quit the sight, with my face and hair covered in cum and spit and wearing a collar that said “WHORE”.

I realized that life as I had known it was probably over. People I knew and called my friends were bound to hear about this or see pictures or film of me.

When I got home, I was confused and emotional and I just put the leather coat on my bed, curled up on top of that and pulled the duvet up to cover my sticky slime covered body. After about ten minutes or so my mobile made the sound that said I had a text message. I really didn’t want to look. How fast was this going to spread? Had my friends found out already? Or my employer?
I picked up my phone and read the message. “Whore, whatever happens, I’ll take care of you, your Master”.


Part Three

It was 10:15 the next morning when the phone rang. I woke up and without thinking picked it up. It was Frank, my employer. “What the hell Donna? Are you crazy?? You’re fired!!”

I tried to respond “Frank, just please listen….”

“NO! I’m not listening to you, stupid cunt, you’re fired!”

I looked at the phone as we were disconnected. He must have hung up. I lay back in bed, my cheeks glowing with shame. This had all spiralled out of control so quickly, I had never wanted this, I had been completely taken over by my lust when it happened, but thinking now of what I had done, and of my boss’s reaction I realized what I had done was not normal, was in fact extremely perverted. I had let myself be used by many men and dogs, they had spit and pissed in my mouth, I had licked my shit off a rapist’s dick. I had willingly drunk dog piss, no one had forced me to do that. All this had been filmed, and it must have shown clearly that I wasn’t struggling too hard, that I was in fact quite enjoying myself, as I was coming over and over, screaming and begging for more. My whole body glowed with the shame.

The phone rang again, I looked at the number on the screen, my dad. Oh God, I just hoped he hadn’t seen any of this, didn’t know. I picked it up and immediately heard my dad’s calm voice. Because he was so calm and sounded so normal it took a couple of seconds before the words started registering. “… Don’t ever wanna see you again, you’ve brought shame to us all. How am I gonna look into my friends’ faces now? How could you do these things? We raised you right. When did you decide to become a fucking animal whore? Don’t ever come around the house again, don’t call us, you’re not our daughter anymore!”

He disconnected and I just lay there, crying. There was no way I could ever make this go away again. Now I had no job, no family. I wondered if I should call Lucia, my best friend. She had always been the wilder one of the two of us. Clinging to a last shred of hope I wondered if she would understand what had happened, if she would listen to me, if she would still be my friend.

I went to the bathroom, and drank a glass of water. I looked in the mirror. I was still wearing the cuffs and the “WHORE” collar, I had dried cum, spit and piss all over my face and in my hair. God, I looked a mess. My cheeks glowed with the shame of what I had turned into. At the same time I felt my pussy getting wet and my nipples harden… God, how was this possible? I didn’t want to be turned on by this. I took off the cuffs and the collar and stepped into the shower. It took me about an hour to get the last of the cum out of my hair. I towelled off and put on my robe. I picked up my phone, took a deep breath and called Lucia. Lucia spoke just one sentence. “Don’t ever fucking call me again, you fucking whore!!” That was all. We had been best friends since kindergarten, but she didn’t even give me a chance to explain. She wouldn’t let me say a word… I didn’t bother calling other friends. I didn’t have that many friends anyway, and if Lucia wouldn’t listen to me, no one would.

I got up and slowly walked to the bathroom. I picked up the cuffs and the collar and cleaned them in the sink. I dried them off and put the collar on, then the wrist cuffs, then the ankle cuffs. I looked in the mirror, at the word “WHORE” on the collar. It was all I had left. I hoped my Master would call soon. He didn’t.


Two days later, I was all out of groceries. There was no escaping it, I had to go to the shop. None of my friends had called me, in fact, I had been all alone in these past two days, wondering if by now the whole town knew. I was still wearing the collar and cuffs, I had not taken them off, I felt it was all I had left. I didn’t take them off now. I just put on the body my Master had given me and the long leather coat. I had taken the time to clean both. Of course the inside of the leather coat was ruined, what with all the cum stains, but that didn’t show while wearing it. I stepped out the door and turned left. The shop was just three blocks down and there weren’t that many people out. It was Monday and most people had to work after all.

There was a little group of teens coming toward me, probably playing hooky. They were looking at me and snickering. They obviously knew. I held my head high and looked straight ahead trying to salvage whatever was left of my pride. “Fucking animal whore,” I overheard while I passed them.

My cheeks started glowing again with the shame. Not much use trying to salvage what was left of my pride when everyone in town knew me, knew what I was, what I had done. Knew that I was an animal whore, that I would suck a dog’s red veiny slime covered cock and come hard while doing it. I entered the store and started to fill my cart with groceries, better get a lot. There weren’t many people in the store, just a couple which looked at me and quickly looked away.

As I pass the storage area I felt arms grabbing me and pulling me off my feet, I yelled as I was pulled through the big rubber flaps that sealed the storage area of the store. “Shut up whore,” somebody whispered in my ear.

The hatred in the voice scared me enough that I didn’t dare yell again. They, I realized there were two of them, pulled and pushed me further into the storage area. We entered a square area with a couple of parked forklifts. Two more guys were waiting there. I stood there, surrounded by four men, everyone looking at me like he hated my guts.

“Take the damn coat off, bitch!”

I hesitated just a moment. There was nothing I could do. I took off the coat and stood there, wearing the crotchless body that left my tits poking out, wearing my “WHORE” collar. I must have looked like I wanted this to happen. The men looked just a bit shocked at seeing me like this, they must not have expected me to be wearing the “WHORE” outfit while going shopping. The sheer lust was clearly visible on their faces as they licked their lips in anticipation. I felt my nipples stiffen and my pussy get wet.

One of the men grabbed my arms from behind and another tied the cuffs together with a piece of rope. Another piece of rope was used to tie my arms together above the elbow. Then I was pushed towards a couple of boxes on a pallet and my ankles were tied to the corners of the pallet, spreading my legs wide. I was pushed forward over the pallet, a piece of rope was threaded through the ring in my collar and the other end was tied to the pallet below me. I didn’t protest as I knew it wouldn’t do any good, and would probably just aggravate them. “SMACK, SMACK, SMACK”, someone was whipping me. I yelled.

Somebody filled my open mouth with a dirty unwashed cock and I started sucking it, pretty much automatically. “SMACK, SMACK, SMACK, SMACK”, the whipping continued. The guy was really giving it his best and my ass was a glowing furnace of pain. I couldn’t yell anymore as I was busy sucking dick, but I did whimper and moan. Then I felt hands reach under me and pull my breasts roughly to the side. They continued to pinch my nipples really hard. As I said I have very sensitive nipples and it really hurt. I just kept on sucking though as there wasn’t much else I could do. The guy had threaded his hands in my hair and pulled my head back so my face was turned up towards him and my throat was accessible for his cock.

I looked in his eyes. He pulled out his dick, released one hand from my hair and started to slap my cheeks, hard. My cheeks glowing red and dazed from the stinging slaps I didn’t even respond when he said “Don’t fucking look at me, whore, all you get to look at is my cock!” He slapped me again and after three more slaps I quickly lowered my eyes to his cock. He held my head in both hands and started face fucking me, driving his cock deep into my throat with each thrust. The guy behind me had decided that it would be more fun fucking me than whipping me for now and shoved is cock into my sopping pussy. I couldn’t believe how wet I was. I glowed all over inside with the shame of what was happening, these men doing whatever they wanted with no regard for me whatsoever.

The guy in front of me started to come and pulled his dick back to shoot his load all over my face. He wiped his dick clean in my hair, pulled my head back and spit in my open mouth and face, he kept spitting ‘till he ran out of spit and the spit was dripping down my face. The guy behind me came as well, filling my pussy with his sperm. He slapped my ass hard, said, “Thank you, whore,” and pulled out.

I felt his warm cum running down my legs. The next guy came up, stuck his dick in my pussy, pulled it out and shoved it in my ass in one fierce push. I gasped. He started brutally fucking me, as hard as he could. I gasped with every push. I licked my lips, wet from Mr. Whoever’s spit and moaned. Guy number four came up and presented his dick in my face and I opened my mouth for another face fuck. He didn’t last long. Probably wasn’t getting any at home.

He blew his slimy cum all over my face, wiped his dick clean in my hair, zipped up and walked away. The guy fucking my ass continued to fuck me as hard as he could for a couple more minutes, then I felt him shoot his cum deep into my ass. I moaned, I couldn’t help it. It just felt good. I was horny as fuck as no one had fucked me long and hard enough to give me an orgasm. He walked around me and presented his dirty cock in my face. There were brown streaks on it. My shit. I stuck out my tongue and started licking it off, looking up into his eyes. I kept looking at him while I licked the shit off his dick, then sucked it clean.

He zipped up, untied my ankles, then my head, then my arms. I stood up and looked at him. He smiled and pushed my cart to me. “Don’t forget your groceries, bitch! By the way, you can shop here anytime!” He laughed.

I quickly put the groceries in my shopping bag, all the while feeling cum running down my legs and cum and spit down my face. I put on my coat and looked around. “That way, bitch, back door!” He said.

I looked to the back door, walked that way opened it and stepped outside. I was standing in the warm sunshine, cum running down my legs and cum and spit drying on my face. I sighed. At least this street was quiet, only used by trucks making deliveries. I turned left, three blocks to go.

I had only gone one block, not seeing anyone, when I passed a metal door. The door opened and I was pulled through. There were two guys facing me, and one locking the metal door behind me. “Shit, look at this mess, I’m not gonna fuck this”, one of the guys in front of me said.

“Neither am I”, said number two, “but Hannibal and Lector won’t mind! Get her ready!”

With that, he walked off. The guy behind me said, “Take off the coat, you’re gonna get dog fucked, bitch!”

I took off the coat and sat it down next to my groceries. The guy came back with two big Rottweilers, pulling on their leashes and growling and looking really mean. “Fuck”, I thought to myself.

“Better get down on your hands and knees if you want to be their bitch!” The guy behind me said.

I got down on my hands and knees and didn’t have to wait long. Immediately I felt one of the dogs jump on my back and started humping me. It took him a couple of thrusts, but then he found his mark and shoved his slimy dog cock into my pussy. I moaned while he fucked me with his big dog cock. “Ah, ah, ah, ooh”, this felt so good.

No man could fuck this way. Meanwhile the other dog was getting restless and frustrated. I looked at one of the men and said “Bring him over here, let me suck him off”.

All three of the men looked at me as if I was from another planet. “Well, I saw the movie, but I never really thought she’d ask for it!”

“Please, please let me suck his big slimy dog cock”, I said again, “I really want to taste his slimy cum in my mouth, feel it all over my face as he shoots his hot sperm all over me!”

My cheeks were glowing with the shame while I said this, but I couldn’t help myself, I wanted this. Of course the men quickly obliged and brought the dog to me. I grabbed his exposed cock behind the big knot that I knew felt so good in my pussy. I started licking the pointed end of the dog’s cock, and within thirty seconds he was spraying pre-cum in my face. I started sucking and licking that slimy cock, looking up I saw one of the guys taking pictures with his mobile. It didn’t matter anymore, I had lost everything already, and this was the only thing left to me. Being a rape bitch and an animal whore. I felt the knot enter my pussy and I started coming with a grunt.

The big knot rubbed my insides and I just kept coming while the dog shot his hot slimy cum into my womb. God, I felt so horny, so depraved, such a whore, while I sat there on hands and knees knotted to a big Rottweiler shooting his seed into my belly, sucking on another big Rottweiler’s slimy cock and looking into some guys mobile taking pictures. I felt the dog in front of me stiffen and spasm and then he started to shoot his load in my mouth. I swallowed some then pulled his cock out of my mouth and let him shoot the rest in my face. I licked every drop of cum from that dog cock, still being knotted to the other dog who had turned around and now started to pull.

He was so big that there was nothing I could do, but crawl backwards, following him and trying to keep up. The guys laughed. “Look at that bitch! Ha-ha!” Finally, the knot shrank and the dog cock released me. I felt dog cum flowing from my cunt and down my legs. I got up, caught my coat as one of the guys threw it to me, picked up my groceries and turned towards the metal door. One of the guys opened it and I stepped through. I turned left and walked the two blocks to my apartment without further incidents. Back home, I put my groceries away, spread a towel on my bed and lay down on it. Running my hands over my slim body, I wondered when my Master would call. He was now all I had left. I had truly become an animal whore and his slave.


Part Four

The next day I received a text message from my Master. It said to be home at 10 in the morning. Nothing more. I made sure I was home and prepared, shaved legs, that sort of thing. I realized I wanted to please my Master. Exactly 10 o’clock the doorbell rang. I opened up and my Master walked in, together with another man, who looked Latin American. My Master gave me a big shopping bag and told me to get dressed. I pulled out a pair of thigh high vinyl “fuck me” boots, a vinyl micro skirt and a leather jacket. I put on the skirt, it was so short it didn’t even totally cover my butt.

I pulled on the boots and looked at the jacket. It had a big circular emblem on the back, it was an embroidered picture of myself looking at my horniest, mouth open, cum dripping off my face. At the top it said “BITCH IN HEAT” and on the bottom were flames. I put it on. I was still wearing the wrist cuffs and my “WHORE” collar. I never took those off, except when I took a shower. Just being dressed like this started the glow in my belly and I felt it rise up to my cheeks, shame and lust battled each other and as usual lately, lust won. Big time.

I followed my Master and the other man who had not been introduced to me out the door and onto the street. “I have a nice assignment for you”, my Master said. “Your father is walking the dog, you’re gonna go up to him and persuade him to let you suck the dog.”

I gasped. “I can’t… I….” I stuttered.

“If you don’t, or he won’t let you, I’m gonna do to your little sister exactly what I did to you”.

“Shit! Lisa!” I mumbled.

My little sister! She was just a couple of years younger than me, but so sweet, so innocent. Going through what I had gone through would destroy her even worse than me. “Yes, Lisa”, my Master said.

I was silent, rage was building inside of me. How dare he threaten my little sister! There was nothing I could do, though. Except to try to persuade my dad to let me suck off his Doberman.

By now we were in the park and I already spotted my dad walking ahead of us. “Go”, my Master ordered. I quickly overtook my father. “Dad”, I said. He turned around and looked at me. Looked at me like he saw an alien, that is. Then he just looked disgusted and started to turn away. “Listen to me! For Lisa’s sake, dammit!”, I almost shouted. Well, at least now I had his attention. “Listen dad, and listen good. If you don’t let me suck off Bruno, they’re gonna do to Lisa what they did to me. They’re gonna turn her into a sex slave, there’s nothing we can do to stop them!!”

My father looked at me. Disgust was clear on his face, but as the words registered it was replaced with fear. “But, but, the police, we…”, he stammered.

“No dad, the police can’t do anything, you’re gonna have to let me do this, to keep Lisa safe!”

Confusion, disgust and fear flashed across his face, then resignation. He must have had a hard couple of weeks.

“Okay, do it,” he mumbled.

I quickly got on my knees and started stroking Bruno’s sheath. It took only a minute before he had raging hard on. I started licking and sucking on that big red slimy dog cock. I couldn’t help it, I was getting horny and felt my pussy get wet. We were in a little corner of the park, which was always really quiet and now we were the only one’s there. Of course, my Master would be watching somewhere, together with his companion. I looked up into my father’s face. He stood there looking down at me, disgust on his face. I felt my cheeks redden. I lowered my eyes and then noticed the bulge in his pants. Hell, he had a boner! That must have confused for him, being disgusted with his daughter on her knees in front of him, sucking his dog’s slimy cock in public, and then also being turned on by the sight.

I looked at Bruno’s veiny dick and concentrated on sucking and licking him some more. I moaned. I couldn’t help it. The fact that here I was in public sucking Bruno’s dick with my dad watching and getting excited made me really horny. I looked up again and saw my dad had been joined by two teenage boys and girls. “Hey, that’s the dog whore”, one of the boys said.

Just then Bruno came and filled my mouth with his slimy cum. I had been distracted and some of it went down my windpipe. I pulled Bruno’s cock out of my mouth and spit and coughed while Bruno splattered my face with his hot slimy cum. I let go of his cock and sat there for a moment catching my breath. I looked up just as one of the boys spits in my face. The other boy joined him in spitting in my face, the girls giggled and then joined in the fun. “Open your fucking mouth, whore”, one of the boys said.

I opened my mouth and they filled my mouth with their spit until it spilled out and ran down my chin. My father just stood there and watched. Then he turned around and walked away. The boys continued spitting in my face for a minute, calling me dog whore and dirty cunt, then just walked off. I got off my knees and looked around. My Master was nowhere to be seen. I slowly walked home. Just as I reached the front door my Master and his companion joined me. Inside my Master told me to clean my face. I did. When I came back from the bathroom, he told me to get my passport. I did that too. By now I was so used to being degraded, humiliated and ordered around, I just didn’t question. We went outside again, and got in the Master’s car. That’s when he told me he had sold me to the other guy, Mr. Lopez.

Mr. Lopez was going to take me to Mexico, where I was going to work for him as an actress in zoo and BDSM movies. I was shocked, I hadn’t expected this. I remained silent, though. I just didn’t know what to say or do anyway. Up until now I had least been in my hometown, I had known the people. Now I was going into completely uncharted territory, but there was nothing I could do. We arrived at the small airport outside of town. Some guy looked at my passport, was given a couple of bills to forget he ever saw me, and I was led to a private plane.

Inside the plane, I was led to a bench, like they use for dogs. I started to struggle. Somebody jabbed me with a cattle prod or a Taser and I went rigid, almost bit my fucking tongue off. I was put on the bench and it was locked. “We don’t want you to panic and causing an accident, cunt!” Mr Lopez said.

Well, at least he spoke English. I laid down on the blanket on the bench and felt the plane taxi to the runway. Five minutes later we were flying at altitude, heading south.


The plane had touched down at a private airstrip on a big hacienda in Mexico somewhere, in the proverbial middle of fucking nowhere. I was taken to a house and told to thoroughly shower and shave, which I did. Then I was strapped in a gynaecologist’s chair. I was apprehensive. What the fuck were they going to do to me now? A woman in a nurse’s uniform came in carrying a tray, which she put down on a table next to me. Oh shit, a tattoo gun and some needles and lots of little rings. They were going to tattoo and pierce me! And probably in painful places!

She introduced herself as Layla and told me not to worry, it wouldn’t hurt as much as I thought. She started by tattooing the word “SLAVE” on the upper part of my left breast. I looked at it and felt the blood rise to my cheeks in shame. That was what I was now. A slave. Nothing more. Somebody had bought me. And now they had marked me with a tattoo that would never go away. At least she used artsy letters. And she was right, it didn’t hurt as much as I thought. When she was done, she pierced my nipples and put the rings on. That didn’t hurt quite as bad as I had feared either. It did result in me having very puffed up nipples. She then pierced my clit hood and put a ring in with a little chain dangling from it and from the end of the chain a little star with blunted points. This was so I would be continually stimulated she explained. Then she pierced my outer labia and put three rings in on either side.

I was unstrapped and she led me to the bedroom and told me to get some sleep. I heard the door being locked behind me. I figured it wouldn’t be any use to bang the door and demand to be let out, so I got into bed and pulled up the covers. Eventually I nodded off.


Part Five

I had pretty much been left alone for three weeks, so my tattoo and piercing’s could heal. Apparently my holiday was over. Mr. Lopez together with another man came over to me as I was sitting in a chair. I was wearing the “WHORE” collar and my wrist cuffs. I wasn’t allowed to take those off, except when I showered. Other than that I was naked. They took me through a corridor and we entered a large room. One half of it looked like a SM dungeon, with grey concrete walls, chains hanging from the ceiling and there was a cage in one corner. The other half was filled with lights and cameras.

I was cuffed to a chain hanging from the ceiling. A light was directed on to me and camera’s started whirring. There I stood on my toes, stretched out, the word “SLAVE” tattooed on my left breast, my pierced nipples getting hard and my pierced pussy already getting wet. Everything was on display. This is what I now was, a slave, a whore, marked, just living to be used and abused by whoever and whatever pleased my owner.

Some guy with a whip stepped up. I sucked in a breath as the whip struck my ass. I moaned in anticipation of more. The whip struck me again, harder this time and I grunted. He kept whipping me until my ass was burning with pain and I was moaning and whimpering with each strike. He then put the whip away and I sighed in relief. I could not have taken much more without crying. He stepped in front of me and fastened a clamp to my right nipple and then to my left nipple. My nipples had gotten a lot more sensitive since they’d gotten pierced, and they had been sensitive to begin with.

The nipple clamps hurt like crazy and I sucked air in through my mouth. He then fastened a chain to a ring in the back of my collar with a ring low on my back. Little chains were fastened to the rings in my pussy lips and they were fastened to the ring on my lower back, stretching my pussy wide open. He then slapped both my tits a couple of times which hurt like crazy. I yelled; I just couldn’t help myself, it just hurt so much.

Next they led a big German Shepherd up to me. Even with all the pain, which I really wasn’t enjoying, my humiliation had my pussy dripping anyway. The dog didn’t waste any time and immediately started licking my pussy. Because my pussy was stretched open wide by the chains he could really reach all the most sensitive parts with his big soft tongue. I moaned as quickly lust and pleasure drove the pain from the clamps and the whipping to the background. I looked into the lens of a big camera as I licked my lips in anticipation of my coming orgasm. “SMACK, SMACK, SMACK”, the whipping resumed. I yelled in shock and pain. He was really laying into me now! The orgasm I had anticipated never materialized as the pain took over again. He stepped around me and whipped my clamped tits. “AAAAHHH!!!” I screamed as tears started to roll down my cheeks.

Slowly I registered that the dog was still licking me, as the pain receded somewhat. Just as I was about to come, the dog was led away and I was left there, hanging from the chain, panting. I couldn’t keep myself standing anymore, so I just hung limp in the chain. The cameras zoomed in on my face as Mr. Lopez stepped up and spit in my face. He kept spitting until his spit dripped down my face and onto my tits. “Open your fucking mouth, whore!” He growled.

I looked him in the eyes defiantly as I opened my mouth and stuck out my tongue. He kept spitting in my mouth until it all ran down my tongue and chin and onto my tits and down my belly into my stretched open cunt.

I really didn’t like Mr. Lopez, I decided. Something to do with his eyes. They were cold and lifeless. He would torture me to death if it brought him money or pleasure. I was suddenly scared. I realized it was true. He was a psychopath, and I was probably only useful to him as long as I generated money for him. Pretty young girls enough. When he tired of me, what would he do? I had heard of snuff movies.

Somebody undid the cuffs from the chain and I fell down on my hands and knees. The dog was led back to me and somebody guided its cock into my ass. He immediately started pumping his big slimy cock into my ass and I grunted and moaned. I looked into the camera and licked my lips again. Better keep Mr. Lopez happy, I figured. I felt his knot grow and I felt my ass stretch to the limits as it was locked inside. I felt his hot slimy dog cum shoot into my ass. I moaned. It still felt good, but I couldn’t get fully into it. The fear that had crept into my heart was too intense. Then I realized I was only twenty years old and he probably wouldn’t torture me to death anytime soon, if ever. Maybe he would just let me go when he had no more use for me.

I felt the knot shrink and the dog cum runs down my thighs as the slimy dog cock slipped from my ass. I guided the dog towards my face, where the cameras could get the action and started licking my own shit from the dog’s slimy cock. When it was clean I sucked that slimy dog cock into my mouth and started deep throating him. “SMACK, SMACK, SMACK”, my ass burned as the whip hit me again and again. I kept sucking on that big dog cock. It was the only thing distracting me from the pain in my nipples and ass. The dog started to spasm and shot a load of slimy dog cum into my mouth. I pulled it out of my mouth and kept licking it while it shot load after load of slimy dog sperm on my face.

The dog was led away and I sat up on my knees. Mr. Lopez stepped up and pulled his cock out of his pants. “Open your fucking mouth, whore!” He growled.

I opened my mouth while I wondered if that was all he would ever say to me. A stream of warm yellow piss hit my cheek, then entered my mouth. I swallowed, then stuck out my tongue. The piss ran down my tongue and onto my still clamped and very painful nipples, down my belly and between my stretched open pussy lips. He then directed the stream onto my head and continued to piss until all my hair was soaking wet with his piss. When he was done pissing, he started jacking off. I kept on sitting there dripping piss, with my mouth open and my tongue stuck out. He stiffened and shot jet after jet of cum onto my tongue, into my mouth and onto my face. Then he just turned around and walked away.

The cameras clicked off, the lights went out and I just sat there, ignored. I felt even more humiliated than ever. I sat there and watched everybody leave. I took off the nipple clamps and my tits burned like crazy as the blood flowed back into them. After five minutes I got up and slowly walked to my room. I took off the collar and cuffs and got into the shower. While showering, I decided I somehow had to escape from this place. Back in my hometown things had been crazy, I had been raped and abused and humiliated, but I had never feared for my life. Here I knew my life wasn’t worth anything and I could just disappear without anyone ever even looking for me.


Part Six

The next morning when I woke up my nipples were still hurting and I could feel the welts that the whip had left. I walked into the kitchen and had some breakfast. I was naked except for the “WHORE” collar and the wrist cuffs. That was how Mr. Lopez liked it. The delivery guy came through the back door and put a couple of boxes in the corner. Another guy walked into the kitchen and asked if he wanted coffee. He said “yes”, and they left together to go into the living room.

I quickly put my plate and knife and fork in the dishwasher and stepped out the back door. I looked in the back of the pick-up truck and saw a couple of sacks and rags. “This might me my chance”, I thought as I quickly got in and covered myself with the sacks and rags.

I hardly dared to breathe as I lay there waiting. After fifteen minutes or so, I heard a door slam, the truck moved, the engine started and then we were moving. He kept on driving for thirty minutes or so and I made sure to stay covered. The truck stopped. I heard a lot of voices but couldn’t make out any words. Then suddenly I heard Mr. Lopez’ voice above all the others. “You might as well come out now, whore!” I didn’t react, my heart was beating in my throat trying to hammer a way out of my chest. I was caught, set up! Somebody started pulling the sacks off me and then grabbed my hair and pulled me from the truck. He threw me down on my knees in front of Mr. Lopez and I just laid there. “So, you don’t like my hospitality? Let’s see how you like theirs!” He said.

I looked around. We were in the middle of small town, everybody looking at me, including a couple of Mexican cops. Somebody got a chain and chained me to a ring on the ground. “She’s yours for the whole weekend!” Mr. Lopez shouted to the assembled throng. A cheer went up. “You can fuck her, whip her, piss on her, hell, she likes dogs best!!” He shouted.

More cheers. Mr. Lopez got in a car and drove away after giving some guy orders to make sure I didn’t escape. Then it began. A guy came with a riding crop and started whipping my already sore ass. I tried not to scream but as the whipping went on, the pain became too much and I screamed and begged for him to stop. Finally, he did. He took his cock out of his pants and pressed it into my face. I wondered if he had ever washed it, it smelled so strong. “Lick it, whore! Or would you like some more whipping instead?”

I started to lick the white cheesy stuff from his dick. I kept on licking and as the pain from the whipping receded a little I even felt my pussy get wet. I looked around and saw everybody watching me licking the dick cheese from this guy’s cock. There must have been at least 70 people watching. By now I was used to being degraded and humiliated, but I still felt the red glow of shame creep into my cheeks. The guy grabbed my hair on both sides of my head and started face fucking me. After two minutes or so he filled my mouth with his slimy cum. I swallowed what I could and let the rest dribble down my chin.

He wiped his cock clean in my hair and walked away. After that it was a free for all. All the men ran up and started to pull my nipples, whip me, had me suck their cocks and fucked me. When one had filled my ass or cunt with his cum he would have me lick his dick clean or wipe it clean in my hair. This went on for the entire afternoon. I was exhausted and hurt pretty much everywhere. When it got dark somebody put a spotlight on me as I lay curled up on the ground. I heard growling and yapping and looked up. “I heard you liked dogs! We’ve got a lot of dogs! Big ones!” Some guy said. He then smeared some smelly substance on my ass, cunt and face. “Piss from a bitch in heat, whore!” He said.

I got on my hands and knees to prepare for what was about to happen. There was a definite pecking order amongst the dogs. At least they didn’t fight. The biggest one came up to my face, sniffed, jumped up and started humping my face. I took his big slimy dog cock in my right hand and started sucking him off. I was chained to the ground and couldn’t move back, so as the dog pumped his slimy cock in my throat I had nowhere to go. After a couple of minutes the dog started spurting his slimy cum down my throat and I had no choice but to swallow.

Apparently satisfied, he walked away and the other dogs came up. The pecking order diminished as the lead dog was not interested anymore and the dogs started humping me wherever they could. I felt a big dog cock enter my ass and grunted as he started fucking me hard. Other dogs just humped against my sides, shooting their slimy pre cum all over me. Another one found my face and humped my face a couple of times until I opened my mouth and started sucking him off. This one was smaller than the first one and I could control how far into my throat his cock went. At least that made for easier breathing. When he started shooting his slimy dog cum into my mouth, I was able to let most of it run down my chin. This went on for some three hours until all the dogs had cum in or over me a couple of times.

As the last dog wandered off I laid down again, completely exhausted. Some guy came up and said “Open your mouth, whore!”

I looked up, rolled onto my back and opened my mouth as the warm yellow piss hit my face. I swallowed what I could and the rest just ran down the sides of my face and formed a puddle around my head. The guy walked away, laughing. Then one of the dogs thought that was a good idea and also started pissing in my mouth. I swallowed some, but it was way too much and most of it ran down the sides of my face and into the puddle that was already there.


As I lay there in a puddle of piss, most of it a dog’s, chained to the ground, completely covered in dog cum, too exhausted to even get up, I wondered how I had succumbed to this. I felt so ashamed, so used and abused, utterly degraded, but also more satisfied than I had ever felt.

I heard a “Whoomp”, looked up and saw my guard slumped in his chair. A girl my age walked up to me and quickly undid the chain and helped me up. She helped me into a pick-up truck, got in on the driver’s side and quickly drove off.

“I’m getting you out of here”, she said.

I was too exhausted to respond so I just sat there. After a half hour we came to a place a recognized. “But that, that’s Mr. Lopez’ place,” I said.

“Yup, we’re taking his plane!” She grinned back at me.

She drove right up to the plane and we both got in, she started the engines and started to taxi. Five minutes later we were high up, flying North. “Why are you doing this? I asked, he will surely catch us again.”

“Because he’s a fucking asshole drug smuggler and, well, look what he does to you!” She answered. “I emailed his entire illegal bookkeeping to the Federales, the FBI and the CIA, believe me, we’re the least of his problems right now!”

She told me her name was Carmelita and Mr. Lopez had killed her father and mother and her brother when her brother had lost a drug shipment. He had not killed her, but raped her repeatedly until she thought she was broken. She had been planning a revenge ever since. I asked her how she had learned to fly and she explained that one of the pilots had taught her. She then asked how I had become Mr. Lopez’ slave. I told her about the rape, the video, the blackmail. I also told her of the lust that taken over, how I enjoyed being used and humiliated.

“But the dogs… Isn’t that disgusting?” She asked.

I told her no man could compare to a dog when it came to fucking and that for me there was no greater thrill than sucking off a dog’s slimy cock while people were watching and filming. I told her that I couldn’t help myself, that I was a submissive dog whore through and through. She looked at me with dreamy eyes as if she was imagining the things I told her. She slowly moved towards me and kissed me on my lips. She started and moved away. “I’m so sorry”, she mumbled.

I took her face in both my hands, looked her in the eyes and kissed her, deeply. Our tongues met and pushed against each other and wrestled. After a minute or so I broke off the kiss and looked at her. “Don’t be,” I whispered.

“We’ll be landing at some illegal deserted airstrip in 15 minutes. Better put something on, there is a coverall in the back”, she warned me.

Carmelita landed the plane and taxied to the end of the runway. We got out of the plane and she led me to a shed which was almost hidden by trees and bushes. Inside was a big four wheel drive. The keys were hanging on a nail in one of the beams. We got in and she drove away from the airstrip. As soon as we hit a major road I knew where we were. It was not that far from my hometown.

After a four hour drive Carmelita parked in front of my apartment. I retrieved the spare key from the flower bed and opened the door. I locked the door behind me. I made us something to eat, we had coffee and then we got into my bed. We talked a lot and found we really enjoyed each other’s company. She kissed me, tentatively at first, but then more passionately. She pushed me onto my back, held my wrists, which were still cuffed and kept on kissing me and licking my neck. I moaned as she bit my nipples. “Ah, you like that, huh?” She asked seductively.

“Hmm, yes…” I answered. She bit down hard on my left nipple and I moaned louder. She pulled on the nipple with her teeth and I drew in a sharp breath. “Uuuungh, yessss…”I moaned as my cunt got wetter.

She let go of my nipple and looked at me. Our faces were about 14 inches apart, she was beautiful. Carmelita suddenly spit in my face. Then she did it again, and again. I struggled, but she was strong and on top of me and her hands were like grips, she didn’t let go. “You like that, don’t you, you whore! Look at you, you’re still wearing that WHORE collar! It’s what you are, a whore!” She hissed in my face.

She moved up and started grinding her cunt into my mouth. I opened my mouth and started licking. Her cunt tasted really good. She kept grinding until she came and her juices were all over my face. Then she kissed me again. I lay there, my face covered with her pussy juice and I felt used again, Carmelita had had an orgasm, I didn’t.

I liked feeling used, though, it was now the purpose of my life. To be a slut.

The End

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Views: 3724

One thought on “How I became a Whore for Animal Cock

  1. I loved the part where she got the letter with the ad to meet in the park 🙂 Hope the story will continue. It mentioned a sister…mmm

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