English Books Women with Animals
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Farm Wife’s Pets



Pretty, eighteen-year-old Sissy Clanton got out of bed yawning. She stood on tiptoe and stretched her slim arms above her rich blonde hair. Her naked body arched slightly and her young tits rose up and jutted hard. Her pink nipples pointed stiffly. Her tuft of golden pussy-hair poked out as her back bowed. Her curvy ass firmed up like her tits. In the distance, a rooster crowed.

Her husband murmured in his sleep and Sissy turned and peered at him. It had been another hot, clammy night, and the sheet was thrown carelessly across his lower belly. Her blue eyes traveled to the spot where his hairy thighs came together, just below the sheet. Her pink tongue slipped across her pouting pink lips and she sighed.

“Hollis,” she whispered. “You awake?”

The young man smacked his lips and muttered, “Hmmm? Yeah, yeah.”

Sissy gazed at the bulge in the sheet and a longing softened her eyes. She fought the urge to get back into bed with him, and a tremor ran through her body. She wanted to crawl on the bed and pull the sheet away from his body. She wanted to lean down near his thighs and gaze for a long time at his prick. She wanted to take his cock in her hand and stroke his prick until his cock was big and stiff, and then she wanted to close her fist around his prick and pump his cock up and down.

A whole series of desires ran through her young mind in those moments, and they took her breath away. Her tits rose and fell faster as she thought her secret thoughts.

It was hard for her to resist the impulse to do the things she was thinking about. But she knew she wouldn’t do them, couldn’t do them. Not with Hollis Clanton.

She turned away sadly and lifted her dress from the back of a chair. She pulled it on over her head and tugged at it. It was ah old dress, left over from her high school days when her body was less developed. Now her luscious tits strained in it, and her high, firm ass made the dress shorter than it really was.

“Sun’s up,” she said, fluffing her hair.

Hollis rolled out of bed, murmured something, and plodded across the room to the bathroom. Sissy shot a quick glance at him and for a second she saw his cock – thick and long, dangling loosely between his legs.

The bathroom door closed, and Sissy thought she’d cry. She caught her lower lip between her teeth and fought the tears back. She didn’t want to behave childishly. Yet, at the same time, she felt so abandoned, so alone, so frustrated. She knew it was her own fault, and that made it even worse.

Hollis Clanton believed he had married a nice girl. How she had pretended! But she had wanted to catch Hollis, just like every other girl in Elmtown. So she went to a lot of church picnics to meet him and attract him and catch him. And she’d won. Now she was Mrs. Hollis Clanton, and she lived on the Clanton farm on the county line. Her mother told her she was the luckiest girl this side of the Mississippi, that she had everything a girl could want.

Almost everything, Sissy thought sadly, looking at herself in the mirror on the wall. Hollis was very religious in a sickening sort of way, always trying to live up to the standards set by clergymen and his parents. Sissy had thought she could handle that. Now it was driving her crazy.

She tore herself away from the mirror. To see her curvy young body reminded her what she really wanted, and she couldn’t bear the thought right now. She’d always known she was a sexy girl, but she hadn’t known until recently just how much her body craved fucking.

She went into the kitchen and busied herself fixing breakfast to keep her mind off sex. The activity didn’t help much. She kept thinking how nice it would be if Hollis were different, if he would wake up in the morning with a huge hard-on for her. Just the thought excited her, and she squeezed her thighs together tightly as she fried bacon and eggs.

Her firm thighs clamped on her furry, young pussy and her pussy-lips clenched her little, pink clit. Her clit was stiff again, and Sissy heaved a sigh. She hadn’t known much about her clit as a little girl, only that her clit was a special spot to rub, but since her wedding night, her clit often swelled up and tingled and made her cunt hungry.

The sun filled the window above the sink, already intense, and Sissy squinted her eyes against the glare. Chickens cackled and roosters crowed. A horse neighed in the corral. Another day had begun, and Sissy already felt bored with it.

Hollis came into the kitchen and sat at the table. Sissy served breakfast and sat down. A rattle-trap pickup truck jounced into the front yard, and Sissy felt another routine day already closing in on her. In the truck would be old Jed and his dimwitted son Cal, Hollis’ underpaid hired hands. Jed would slop the pigs and feed the horses, Cal would milk the cows.

Hollis wolfed his food down and rambled on and on about the work he was doing on the south forty. Then he griped again about the trouble he was having with the old tractor. Sissy crossed her legs and worked her pussy muscles like she used to do in school. She caught some egg-slime on her fork and lifted it to her mouth. She rolled the glob of silky goo on her tongue and thought about male cum.

She glanced at her good-looking husband and let the egg-slime slip down her throat. She wondered why Hollis never asked her to lick his prick. She had sucked a few cocks before she was married to keep boys from fucking her, and she had grown to like the feeling of a stiff boner pumping thick cum down her throat.

She lifted a slice of crisp bacon in her fingers and nibbled on it. Hollis didn’t know she liked to suck cock. How could he? He thought she was a nice Christian girl who would never do such a thing. If only he knew!

“Gotta get going,” Hollis said and pushed away from the table.

Sissy watched him move to the kitchen screen door without even kissing her. Her eyes glued to his ass, strong and firm in his tight denims. He turned and waved, and Sissy saw his crotch. How chunky his cock was. But what a waste!

The screen door slammed behind him, and a few seconds later, Sissy heard him talking with Jed and Cal. She peered around the familiar kitchen and sighed wearily.

Is this all there is, she thought. God, I thought marriage would be so exciting!

She sipped the rest of her coffee and daydreamed about her first week of marriage. That was the closest she’d come to getting what every young girl looks for in marriage. Especially the third night. Hollis had drunk too much corn liquor, and, for that night, at least, he had been like an animal with her.

Sissy trembled to remember how wild he’d gotten. He had spent lots of time loving and licking her tits that night. And he’d eaten her pussy, too. Twice! He even said “tits” and “pussy” once when he was fucking her silly.

But that was six months ago. Since then, there was nothing but the Saturday night ritual. Every Saturday night, just before going to sleep, Hollis kissed her, felt her tits, climbed between her legs, fucked her pussy, got his rocks off, then rolled over and went to sleep.

Here it was Tuesday, and Sissy knew she wouldn’t feel his cock again for five whole days. And nights. The thought filled her with despair. Her cunt despaired most of all. Her pussy was alive and vibrant between her clenched thighs. That only made her more miserable. How was a girl supposed to keep her mind off sex when her cunt was always so tingly and excited?

Sissy’s gaze roamed to the large vegetable drawer in the sink cabinet. She heaved a sigh that made her tits threaten to leap over the low neckline of her dress. She bit her lower lip, resisting the urge to go to the drawer for what was in there.

It was too childish, she told herself. It was something she’d done a lot as a little girl. But she was eighteen now. And married.

But her young pussy would give her no peace. Her cunt was feverish and juicy and all tingly. Sissy looked at the breakfast dishes and sighed again. She couldn’t do her chores while she was feeling this way. She had to do something about her condition.

Well, maybe just a little while, she thought.

She got up and went to the drawer. She pled it open and picked out a large ear of corn. At the sink she peeled it, tossing the husks aside. She stripped it clean of its silky, golden strands, then gazed at it. She curled her fingers around the smooth kernels and ran her fist up and down a few times.

A flood of girlhood memories filled her head, and a small moan escaped her lips as she squeezed the corn. Ears of corn had been a regular part of her childhood-behind the barn, in the outhouse, under the porch – much like hot dogs and hair-brush handles are important to city girls.

She clutched the long, thick vegetable to her tits and pranced out of the kitchen. She rushed to her bedroom and, as she’d done hundreds of times as a kid, she sat on her bed with her back against the pillows. Breathing a little faster, she drew her knees up and spread them apart. Slipping her arms under her creamy thighs, she gripped the ear of corn in both hands and pulled it to her crotch. She rested her head back against the wall and closed her eyes. Then, with great care, she started rubbing her little clit with the end of the corn.

“Ewww,” she cooed as thrills rippled through her cunt.

Breathing faster, she rubbed the end of the ear up and down along her cunt-slit until her pussy-lips were wet. Her pretty mouth went slack, and she breathed heavily as the ear of corn lodged in her juicy cunt-mouth.

She got a good hold on the yellow sex-toy and pulled hard. Half the ear speared up into her cunt, and she caught her breath. Her pussy-lips stretched wide. Her cunt-mouth made a big O around the thickest part of the corn.

A moment later, she was running the ear of corn in and out of her pussy, humping her cunt and moaning hornily.

“Uh-uh-uhhhhh,” she groaned, pulling the corn up into her furry pussy-slit again and again. The wetter her cunt got, the faster she was able to slide the ear of corn in and out. Hot seconds later, she was panting rapidly and fucking herself wildly with seven inches of soaked corn. Her belly tensed, her cunt humped, and as she gasped and moaned, her pussy-juices flowed. She enjoyed a beautiful cum that made her whole body shake and jerk violently. Moaning passionately, fucking her cunt faster and harder, she threw herself on her side on the bed and quivered with extreme orgasm.

“Oh-oh-ohhhh,” she moaned, rocking and humping and cumming. Her body whipped and thrashed on the bed as her hot cunt creamed. Finally, she flopped on her back, quivering and gasping for breath.

With her eyes closed, her mouth open for air, and her cunt still creaming wetly, she left the ear of corn wedged up her twisting pussy and used her hands to soothe her aching tits. She pulled her neckline down and grabbed her naked tits. She squeezed them and fondled them and caressed them as her cunt kept up a steady fucking motion on the thick vegetable crammed up her fuck-hole. Deep in her fiery belly, the end of the ear of corn stroked her pussy-walls, making her cum repeatedly.

“Ohhhmmmmm,” she moaned with satisfaction. Her pussy rested, oozing fuck-juices, and she pet ted her tits gently, bathing in the afterglow of her creamy cum.

Now she felt she could get on with her chores. She covered her heaving tits and withdrew the ear of corn from her spasming cunt. Both her pussy and the corn were drenched. She smiled prettily and brought the wet ear of corn to her mouth. She eased it between her sensual lips and sucked it off, pretending it was a nice stiff cock. Then she licked all her cum-juice from the glistening yellow kernels.

Feeling more cheerful with her nipple’s tingling and pussy purring, she got off the bed and returned to the kitchen. She deposited the ear of corn in the refrigerator for later use in her husband’s dinner. It gave her a wickedly exciting feeling to know that Hollis had to eat her cum whether he wanted to or not.

Humming softly, she cleared the table and fed the scraps to the dogs in the backyard. As usual, old Rex managed to get into the kitchen.

“Sorry, Rex,” Sissy laughed. “That’s all I’ve got for you this morning. Better get yours before Lady gobbles it all up.”

As far as the dog was concerned, that wasn’t all she had for him. When Sissy stood at the sink to do the dishes, Rex sniffed the air. His brown eyes darted. His ears pricked up.

Following the scent of hot female cunt, he padded across the room and poked his wet nose under Sissy’s short dress.

“Yikes!” she shrieked when she felt him nudge her ass. She almost dropped a dish. Her body jerk ed forward and she twisted to look over her shoulder.

“Rex!” she squealed as the dog sniffed at her ass and cunt. “Stop that! Bad dog! Back!”

For a moment, Sissy was horrified. But just when she might have gotten mean with the dog, Rex shot his long tongue out and flicked her naked flesh just below the curves of her ass-cheeks, near her pussy.

“Oh, my God!” Sissy rasped. She reached behind her and pushed the dog’s snout away from her body. She turned and shoved at his massive head.

“What’s the matter with you?” she scolded. She pressed her ass back against the sink to escape his eager nose. “What a thing to do!” she gasped.

Rex evaded her hands, and his snout poked at her naked thighs, tickling her. Sissy laughed and warded off his attack. But he tried again, as if he were hell-bent on getting his snout under her dress.

“Rex, stop,” she breathed. “What are you trying to do?”

Then she really wanted to know what he wanted to do. With a curious look on her pretty face, she dropped her hands to her sides and peered down to see what the dog would do next.

To her surprise, he lifted her dress on his snout and licked his tongue at her pussy.

“Oh, my God,” she said breathlessly. Rex’s tongue lapped at her pussy-hair. He licked her cunt-lips. She felt his tongue scrape like sandpaper against the tip of her clit.

The wicked thought occurred to her that she could let the dog make her cum. Her face reddened. But then she glanced out the window. The big oaf Cal was pushing a wheelbarrow into the barn. She could hear Jed hammering something in the front of the house. Hollis was way out in the fields on his tractor. Who would know?

Fearfully, but curiously, she hiked her dress up in front and watched the dog go at her. Her white thighs were together, and Rex licked at them, at her wet cunt-hairs, and at her pussy. His tongue gave her the strangest feeling.

“You really want to lick my cunt, don’t you?” she whispered.

An old scary feeling filled her belly. She used to get it as a little girl when she was afraid someone would catch her sucking some boy’s prick. But it wasn’t only a scary feeling – it was also a thrilling sensation that always made her do naughty things.

Rex grew impatient. The aroma of hot, wet pussy drove him wild. He twisted his large head to one side and tried to get his tongue between Sissy’s thighs. Gasping, Sissy squeezed her thighs tighter together. It was obvious to her what the dog wanted to do, and she was torn between letting him and stopping him…

As the fat doggie-tongue lapped at her creamy thighs and soft pussy-hair, she wondered what his tongue would feel like right up against her cunt. Would it be nice? His tongue was so sandpapery! If her clit stuck out like when she played with herself, then his big tongue would be able to lick her clit!

Breathing heavily, she let her legs open just a little, just to see if she was right.

Rex’s long tongue slurped up between her thighs, lashed her cunt, and licked up some of her cum-juice.

Sissy gasped because not only did the doggie-tongue feel good on her pussy, but as it slid back to Rex’s mouth, creamed with her cum, it dragged across her tingly little clit. That felt better than her own fingers or the end of an ear of corn!

She panted softly, and she let her legs open a little wider. Rex’s big, red tongue lashed faster, as if he were trying to lap water from a rain puddle. Sissy caught her breath.

A soft moan escaped her lips as the dog licked at her partially exposed pussy. Her tits quivered, and her fingers trembled as she hiked her dress higher on her tense belly.

A mind-boggling feeling of sex-pleasure over whelmed her, and she knew that, as much as she wanted to, she couldn’t let the dog stop now. Not when he was so intent upon licking her juicy cunt. Not when every fiber of her being was crying out for more cummy pleasure.

“Oh, Rex, you crazy dog,” she breathed hotly.



Sissy was hot and curious, so she leaned forward to watch the dog lick her furry cunt. She opened her legs real wide to let him lap hungrily at her juicy pussy.

Her breathing quickened. She hiked her dress up higher and set her feet wide apart, exposing all of her furry young cunt. She stared hotly as Rex’s tongue licked and lapped and lashed wildly. The tickle in her belly erupted into an urge to cum.

“Oh!” she gasped. “Oh-h-hhhh, Rex. Wait. Ohhh, come here.”

She dashed to a chair, holding her dress up, her sweet ass swinging cutely. She sat on the chair and pulled her dress way up and opened her legs as wide as she could get them. She slumped hornily on the chair and let the thirsty dog eat her inflamed cunt. She had called him a bad dog and had tried to stop him earlier. Now her tune had changed completely.

“Good boy, Rex,” she panted, rubbing her hot pussy against his licking tongue. “Good boy. Ohhh, lick me, lick my cunt! Um-um-ummmmm, more, more! Ewww, that’s it. Good boy, Rex. Ohhh, eat me!”

Her eyes closed, and her head rocked loosely as she lifted her cunt in the air for him. She humped her pussy hotly as the dog licked her to a crazed cum.

Her cute ass pitched and her legs flailed as her pussy flooded with burning fuck-juices. Rex lapped the fuck-fluids up, his rough tongue turning her pussy pink. And he kept on licking until Sissy thought she’d die of cummy pleasure. It was too good for a girl to refuse.

Impassioned now, she thrust her hands down to her twitching crotch. Gasping for breath, she used her fingers to pry open the hot lips of her cunt. Then she pushed her gaping pussy-hole at the dog. Rex’s overactive tongue licked into her cunt-hole and Sissy went crazy as he tongue-fucked her.

Erotic laughter bubbled out of her throat as streams of juicy cunt-cream bubbled out of her pussy.

“Ohhh, good boy, Rex!” she shrieked, cumming and cumming. “Who needs Hollis when I’ve got a dog like you around? Uh-uh-uhhhhh, I’m cumming so good! Ummmm, good boy, Rex, good boy!”

She was delirious with cum-pleasure as the dog snuffled and slurped her hot pussy. Long-desired sex thrills washed through her cunt, excited her tits, boggled her mind. In a fit of unleashed female lust, she humped her squishy cunt viciously as she came, loving the new feelings created by a dog eating her pussy out.

Driven to extremes by the joy of it all, she clutched the dog’s head and yanked him forward. Rex’s snout wedged in her horny, wet fuck-hole, and, as his snorting breath filled her pussy-channel, she squealed and came violently.

Her body whipped and thrashed on the chair and Rex, struggling to breathe, pulled back. As Sissy churned and writhed before him, he sneezed a few times and gave his head a shake, spraying her pussy-juice all over. He licked his nose, felt better about it, and resumed licking Sissy’s cunt. She whimpered constantly as the doggie-tongue lapped her pussy dry.

She sat spread-legged for long, hot moments, panting hornily as Rex licked her pussy. When he stopped, she gazed at him through glazed, heavy lidded eyes which sparkled with pleasure. Rex sat on his haunches and looked at her cunt as if he knew exactly what he had done.

That thought made Sissy laugh and she giggled. “You’re a male dog, all right!”

But her laughter died away as she gazed at the animal. She had always thought of Rex as a mere dog, a companion, a pet. But now she fully recognized that he was a male – an animal, yes – but a male animal who had just licked her cunt.

Her blue eyes fell and peered between his front legs. They followed his body downward, then she saw it. His cock was erect – a long, thick hunk of red prick protruding from his hairy sheath. His cock was throbbing and glistening wetly.

“Golly, you are a male!” she breathed.

Heady with sex-pleasure, she couldn’t resist. She slipped off the chair to her knees and ran her hand under him to his rigid prick. She touched his cock experimentally, watching Rex’s face. The dog’s eyes softened. A funny sound came out of his throat as her fingers fondled him.

Sissy’s eyes widened with wonder when she saw that he liked what she was doing to him. “Why, you want me to play with your prick, don’t you?” she murmured in amazement.

Turned on by the dog’s reaction, she grasped his hot cock and milked his prick up and down. Leaning into him, she fondled his boner and jerked his prick slowly, liking the feel of his cock in her soft hand.

“Ohhmmm,” she moaned, sliding her hand in his wetness, “I think I like this more than you do.”

She inched closer to his massive body and reached lower. She explored his cock and balls with her naughty fingers. She liked what she discovered, and she liked the way it made her feel.

Stroking his doggie-prick made her hot. She wanted to see his hard-on with her own eyes, wanted to watch his cock throb as she played with his hard-on.

“Lay down, Rex,” she panted. “Come on, down. Down, Rex.”

The dog was more than willing. His great body thumped onto the floor and Sissy helped him onto his back. His hind legs fell open and there, on his belly, his big cock throbbed hotly.

Sissy leaned down and caressed his prick again, gazing at his boner as she toyed with his hard-on. She put her face very close to his cock and looked to her heart’s content.

“God, why didn’t I think of this sooner?” she breathed, milking his prick faster.

Other farm girls had told Sissy about fucking with animals, but she’d never gotten around to it herself. She had watched animals fucking, and the sight had gotten her hot and sometimes she had fingerfucked herself while watching, but other than that, her contact with barnyard creatures had been only friendly.

Today was different. Now she was older and hornier. Now she was married to a guy who didn’t really know how to fuck a pretty girl. Now she felt like a very lovable girl trapped on a farm with a man who’d rather sleep than fuck. And now a big, stiff doggie-cock looked awfully inviting.

“I’ve been wanting a cock to play with,” she murmured. “Now I’ve got one.”

She jerked Rex’s prick and enjoyed watching her hand move back and forth. Smiling sexily, she fondled his hot balls making Rex writhe and moan. She curled her fingers around his soaked boner and pumped his hard-on a while. Rex made a noise that told Sissy he liked what she was doing.

“You’ve got a nice prick,” she whispered, as if he could understand. “How do you get your cock in Lady’s little cunt? It’s so big. I’ll bet she loves it when you fuck her.”

She giggled then and said, “This is fun. I can talk naughty and play with your cock all I want to, and… and…”

Her face flushed and her pink tongue darted across her suddenly dry lips. The mere thought that she was free to do anything she wanted to do made her tremble. Why, if she wanted to, she could even lick his cock!

Her fingers traveled up the full length of his stiff prick and she whispered, “Why not? You licked me nice.”

Her golden hair fell on the dog’s belly as she tilted her head. She settled her cheek on his belly. The end of his throbbing prick was just inches from her mouth.

She gazed hotly at his cock as her fingers slid up and down on his boner. She teased and pleased his prick until cock was even hotter in her hand. She moaned softly, liking the look and feel of his rigid prick. A shiver of new excitement shot through her body as she realized what she wanted to do.

She stuck her tongue out and touched the tip to the wet end of his doggie-prick. She gave his cock a little lick. She gave his prick another lick. Then another. Her breathing quickened, and her tits started to quiver.

“Oh, golly,” she murmured, and gave his boner another lick, a longer one this time. Rex made a low, growling sound and his hind legs began to shake as the girl jerked his cock and licked his prick with her tongue.

“Ohhh, this is wicked,” Sissy breathed. She swirled her gentle tongue around the dog’s cock-head. His wetness tasted good to her and she licked it up.

Her nostrils flared as she smelled the musty odor of hot cock. The taste and smell reminded her of sucking boys’ pricks, and she moaned softly. It had been a long time since she had had her pretty mouth filled with cock-cream. She hotly wondered what it would be like to suck off a horny dog.

She snuggled closer to Rex’s warm, trembling body and grasped his long prick lovingly. Filled with a desire to eat male cum again, she inched her face forward and took the pulsing dog-cock into her soft mouth.

“Mmmm,” she moaned, closing her lips around his boner. She started sliding her mouth on his prick and licked his cock-head with her tongue at the same time. Her fingers moved to his balls and her eyes closed as she toyed with them and sucked him off.

With her eyes closed, Rex’s horny prick tasted just like a boy’s. She fondled and squeezed his balls and slid her mouth faster on his rigid cock.

Her sexy, sucking mouth must have felt like a bitch’s cunt to Rex. Instinct took over, and he started hunching his haunches. As Sissy sucked him, his throbbing, red cock fucked in and out of her mouth.

She moaned and lashed his plunging prick with her tongue. She knew he was going to shoot his cum into her mouth. His balls tightened up beneath her playful fingers, and his boner grew big and hot in her sucking, young mouth. Then he started grunting, just like a boy on the verge of busting his balls. Sissy licked and sucked harder, driving the poor dog out of his head.

Unaccustomed to the intense pleasure of a girl’s sucking mouth, Rex tried to roll away from her, tried to escape this mouth that could do things no bitch’s pussy could do to his prick. Sissy moaned in protest and pinned him down with her body. Having come this far in such a lewd and exciting act, she wasn’t about to miss out on her reward. She wanted his jism more than ever.

She grasped his haunches between her hands and crushed her tits against him, holding him in place. She sucked his cock faster. Her tongue lashed and swirled, and she took all of his wild prick into her mouth. She moaned softly as his cock-head fucked her throat.

Rex howled as if he were howling at the moon, and Sissy sucked harder and faster, wanting him to cum. All of a sudden, his cock gushed huge quantities of burning jism into her hotly sucking mouth.

“Mmmm!” Sissy moaned in alarm. She didn’t know that dogs came more juicily and wildly than boys did. Now she knew. Rex’s fucking prick kept spitting and shooting and squirting and pumping.

Sissy gulped and gulped his hot cum, afraid not to for fear Rex would gush jism all over the kitchen floor. Her mouth filled with cum, and she moaned, swallowing it down. Rex refilled her hot mouth, and she had to swallow faster to keep up with him.

Just when she thought the dog ought to be easing up, Rex pumped even more jism, faster and faster. First to her amazement, then to her secret delight, the dog shot all the creamy cum a girl could possibly want. Sissy quivered with excitement and sucked his pumping prick faster as thick doggie cum puffed her cheeks. She gulped his jism down, but some still managed to squish from the corners of her mouth.

She moaned hornily then, getting turned on by the dog’s big, pumping cock. She giggled on his prick and sucked him off obscenely, thrilling to the taste as she ate him. Rex’s hind legs jiggled, his haunches hunched wildly, and his spitting prick fucked her sucking mouth hornily. Sissy loved every moment.

Moments later, she panted hotly and licked his doggie-prick clean. Then she kissed his cock slowly a few times and gazed at Rex with love in her eyes.

“What a surprise that was,” she said to her pet as she let him up.

Rex bounded to his feet and panted as hard as Sissy. She sat on the floor and looked at him as he gazed at her. Something erotic bound them

together, human female and male animal, and she felt very close and intimate.

“Oh, Rex,” she purred, “what a nice dog you are.”

She caught his head between her hands and planted a kiss on the end of his nose. His big tongue licked her mouth and, to Sissy’s surprise, it gave her a funny feeling in her belly.

Rex smelled his own cum on her lips and started lapping it off. Sissy moaned as his tongue lashed her sensitive lips. It felt so good that she parted her lips and stuck her tongue out and let the beast lick her mouth all over.

“Ohhh,” she moaned, “what you do to me! I’ve never been kissed by a dog before!” She felt like he was licking her cunt.

Caught up by it, she licked her tongue at his as he lapped at her. This wild kissing made her dizzy and her head fell back loosely. Rex’s big tongue licked up and down her soft throat. Sissy gasped.

She didn’t know what made her do it. It seemed a natural thing to do. She bared her jutting young tits and lifted them up, panting. Rex’s thick tongue laved them all over.

Sissy caught her breath. She whimpered when her pink nipples stood up rigidly, sensitive and tingly. Her fingers trembled as she pulled her dress up around her waist, then higher and higher. She stripped it off and let it fall beside her.

Moaning hotly, she rolled onto her back and surrendered her beautiful body to the dog. Rex licked her face, her shoulders, her tits, her rib cage, her belly, her thighs, her pussy.

“Oh, my God,” Sissy panted. Her eyes closed and her lips parted. She dropped her arms above her head and opened her legs wide. Rex had a feast.

Panting loudly, drooling saliva, he lapped at every inch of Sissy’s body. She went lax and helpless under the tongue-lashing. Her luscious body started to writhe, then pitched around. She panted and moaned and twisted and humped as his amazing doggie-tongue inflamed her flesh, lapped her tits, and licked her hot cunt.

Moments later she was whimpering and moaning hornily, rolling around on the floor as his doggie tongue licked her front and back.

“Oh, dear God,” she gasped, writhing and humping under Rex’s lashing tongue. “Ohh, mama. Oh, Rex, Rex, do more, do more! Ohhhh, lick me, lick me!”

The horny animal leapt this way and that, nosing and licking her creamy white curves. He slurped at her panting mouth, lapped her hard, thrusting tits, soaked her pussy-hair with his saliva, scraped her quivery clit with his rough tongue.

Sissy rolled, moaning, onto her belly, and his relentless doggie-tongue lashed her quivering ass-cheeks. Snorting, Rex buried his wet snout between her trembling thighs and licked her cunt to a fast and furious cum.

“Oh!” Sissy squealed. She flipped onto her back, gasping. She pulled her knees up and threw them open. She thrust her hot ass up off the floor and pushed her pussy heavenward.

“Here! Here!” she gasped. “Lick my cunt!”

Rex leapt into position, wanting to lick her pussy as much as she wanted her cunt licked. His wild tongue flicked and licked her pussy, driving Sissy to another hot cum. Then, as the twisting, humping girl squeezed her tits and massaged her nipples, Rex licked up all her fuck-juices, his tongue keeping her drenched cunt in a state of wetness.

“Oh, ohhhhh, I can’t take any more!” Sissy gasped. “My God, you’ll eat me alive!”

She rolled onto her tits and pressed her tingly clit hard on the floor, grinding. She lay panting and moaning as the dog went on licking her body from neck to ass. Each time his tongue dragged across her tight young ass, she moaned with pleasure. No one had ever licked her ass before.

When she thought the new pleasure would drive her out of her mind, she rolled over once again. She stared glassy-eyed at the ceiling as the tireless dog licked her soaked pussy.

Rex stood at her side with his snout at her cunt. She saw his ass next to her and she reached a hand under his body. His cock was extended out of his cum-matted sheath as stiff as ever.

“Ohhh,” Sissy moaned, and took his prick into her hand. She jerked his cock slowly as he lapped her clit and pussy-hair. Sharp thrills shot up through her juicy fuck-hole, making her shudder and moan hotly.

“Ohhh, that’s enough for now,” she rasped. She sat up and pulled the dog’s big head away from her frothy pussy. She hugged his head to her thrusting tits and pressed her mouth to him with love.

“Good boy, Rex,” she said soothingly. “Good boy. But you have to calm down now. You don’t want to drive Sissy crazy, do you? We’ll do more later.” She giggled and rasped, “You can bet on it!”

She struggled to her feet and grabbed Rex by the fur on his neck to keep his eager nose out of her cunt. She pulled at him.

“Come on, now,” she commanded, tugging him across the floor. “Outside with you. I’ll let you in later. I’ve got chores to do. Come on. Out!”

Rex was reluctant, but Sissy was determined, and she finally managed to shove him out the door. He tried to get back in, and she had to kick at him. She didn’t want to push him into the yard for fear Jed or Cal would see her stark naked.

She shut the door and leaned against it to catch her breath. She smiled slowly. Her hand caressed her hard tits, while the other petted her pussy.

“Goodness,” she breathed. “What a wild thing to do!” She giggled and added, “But how nice!”

Laughing naughtily at her own wicked behavior, she crossed the room and picked up her dress. She wiggled into it and zipped it up. With her young mind filled with lewd thoughts about herself and Rex, she went to the sink and started the dishes.



Sissy’s lewd and luscious thoughts about Rex kept her in a steady state of the hots. At sunset, when Jed and Cal drove away in their pickup and her husband trudged into the kitchen, her cunt was buzzing.

As Hollis stood by the door, slapping dust and hay from his overalls onto the kitchen floor, Sissy looked at his chunky crotch and licked her lips. When he looked at her, she gazed into his eyes with longing.

Oh, Hollis, she thought as he peered at her, if you ever wanted to fuck me, now’s the time!

But Hollis had no idea why his pretty wife’s eyes looked so soft and lazy. “You look sleepy,” he muttered. He sat at the table and kicked off his mud-and-shit-caked boots. “What’s for supper?”

Sissy bit her lower lip and turned to the stove so he wouldn’t see the tears he had caused. She wiped her eyes as she stirred the stew. She dished out the meal and sat with Hollis and watched him wolf down the food. Each time he took a mouthful of corn, she remembered that it had once been stuffed up her cunt. When he lifted his bowl and slurped down the stew juices, she could only imagine how nice it would feel if he were slurping down her pussy-juices. She crossed her thighs tightly and came a little.

“That was mighty good,” Hollis said. He tossed his spoon onto the table and stood up. Sissy watched him turn and amble into the living room.

A few seconds later she heard the TV set go on loudly. Then the rocking chair creaked. New tears welled in her eyes and she wept softly as she did the dishes. Feeling lost and alone, she swept up the mess Hollis had left near the kitchen door, then toted his heavy boots into the bedroom.

She glanced into the living room and saw Hollis laughing at the TV show. She went to the door and eased it closed. Then she moved to the bed and got on her knees and elbows.

She snuggled her soft cheek into the bed and started a slow rocking motion that made her pointed tits rub against the blanket. Getting good feelings in her tits, she spread her knees apart. Her forefinger rubbed her stiff little clit and her middle finger drilled up into her hungry pussy. Her eyes fluttered as she moaned softly and humped her fingers. As Hollis chuckled and laughed in the living room, Sissy came a few times in the bedroom. Then she was able to bear another night of boring television.

During the long evening, she filled Hollis’ coffee cup every time it needed it. When he ran out of cigarettes she pranced into the bedroom and fetched him a fresh pack. She put his feet up on a stool. She gave him a pillow for his back. She did everything in her power to make him comfortable and happy. She hoped he would warm to her and prayed that his mind would turn to thoughts of love and pussy.

Her hopes were dashed to pieces at eleven o’clock when Hollis stood up and stretched, yawning.

“Time for bed,” he murmured. Sissy’s cunt warmed up, and she got to the bedroom before he did. She kicked off her sandals and peeled her dress off. She pretended to be fixing her hair in the mirror so Hollis could get an eyeful of her tits and cunt and ass.

But he gazed at his pillow on the bed and said, “God, that looks good!” he stripped to his shorts and hopped into bed.

Sissy’s heart fell and she wondered, sadly, if Hollis would ever again say something like that to her, about her. She turned out the light and crawled into bed, soft and available. Then she heard Hollis snoring.

Oh, God, she thought, running her hand down onto her pussy, I can’t wait till Saturday night!

Her furry little cunt wanted love. She could tell by the way she creamed as she stroked her pussy. She caught her breath and sucked her lower lip as she came juicily on her fingers. Her senses reeled and her tits hardened and her pussy oozed. Wave after wave of sensual pleasure washed through her straining young body as she quietly but strenuously got herself off a few times. The wet cumming only turned her on for more of the same. Her pussy was so hungry!

Aching for a stiff cock after such creamy cumming, she yielded to a wild and wooly idea that leapt into her pretty head. She slipped out of bed and padded naked in the darkness to the kitchen. She eased the back door open and rasped, “Rex! Rex! Here, Rex!”

Receiving no answer, she stepped outside into the pale moonlight and peered around. She kept her voice as low as possible and called out again. Still no response.

“Oh, darn,” she murmured in disappointment. Rex was probably off in the fields somewhere getting his rocks off. And here she was all alone, aching for sex – any kind of sex.

She heard a noise and turned. She squinted and peered across the yard to see Lady trotting up.

“Lady!” she breathed. “Good girl! Come here, girl, come here!”

The sleek dog came up to her looking for food and Sissy grabbed her by the scruff of the neck. She gripped the dog’s neck in both hands and pulled her snout to her pussy.

“Lick it, Lady,” she panted, rubbing her cunt against the dog’s nose. “Come on, girl, lick Sissy nice.”

But Lady wasn’t as eager to lap cunt as Rex was. Sissy had a hell of a time because she had to do most of the work, grinding her pussy against the dog’s unwilling snout.

“Oh, come on!” she snapped angrily. “You’re a dog, ain’t you? You must want to lick my cunt!”

Lady tried again and again to twist away from her horny mistress. As far as the dog was concerned, Sissy was behaving rather strangely.

Sissy felt strange, too. She felt strangely horny, strangely excited, strangely anxious for cummy pleasure. She wanted to get her rocks off. She wanted to cream in her cunt. She wanted to cum and cum and cum – like she had with Rex.

Because of her tremendous sex needs, she wouldn’t let loose of the reluctant dog. Lady tried to back off, to twist away, to jump and run. But Sissy had a strangle hold on her.

“You’re gonna lick my pussy or I’ll know why!” Sissy said through her teeth.

She grappled with the slender dog and wrestled her to the ground. Holding her down with her tits, she pushed her pussy against Lady’s nose and reached down with her hand.

Her fingers felt around until she found the bitch’s pussy. “Now you’ll lick my cunt, you bitch,” she said. She pushed her fingertip into the dog’s cunt. Once she had her finger wedged there, she eased all of it into the tight pussy. Lady whined.

Giggling, Sissy started working her slim finger in and out of Lady’s cunt and the dog apparently liked it. She seemed to go soft and lax and began fucking her twat on Sissy’s finger.

Sissy laughed sensuously then, because it felt nice fingerfucking the dog’s tight little pussy, she worked her finger into Lady’s cunt past her knuckle and started jabbing her finger deeply.

Lady whimpered, twisted her cunt, and started licking Sissy’s pussy wildly. Sissy heaved a sigh of relief and opened her legs wide so her doggie-tongue could get at her horny pussy.

Lady whined and whimpered as the girl finger fucked her cunt, and she licked Sissy’s pussy faster and faster. Soon Sissy was whimpering and moaning, too.

The feelings up her cunt got to be so good that Sissy was caught off guard. Shivering with cum pleasure, she relaxed her hold on the bitch. Suddenly Lady sprang to her feet and darted off into the night.

Sissy fell back on her ass, scratching her ass-cheeks on rocks. “Ohh, you fuckin’ bitch!” she panted. “Oh, just wait till morning. You’ll starve before I feed you again! Ohhhh, my pussy’s so hot!”

It doubly aggravated Sissy to think that the bitch, made horny by her finger, was out in a field getting fucked by a big, stiff cock.

She leaned back on one elbow and spread her legs. Drawing a knee up, she rubbed her moist cunt feverishly until her clit was stiff and tingly. Then she inserted her finger into her horny cunt-hole and started fucking her digit in and out, twisting her pussy all the while.

“It isn’t fair,” she panted, fucking her drilling finger. “It just ain’t fair. Every female animal on this damned farm gets fucked – but not me!”

Suddenly jealous of the female animals, she got to her feet and padded barefoot around the house, her lithe young body gleaming in the moonlight.

She approached the pig sty and roused the beasts until they were snorting and grunting. Some thought she was here to slop them. Sissy thought about going to get some slops, but changed her mind. She had no time to coax a pig into sex. She was horny and would rape the porker if she had to.

She reached through the fencing and grabbed the first male pig she could find. The animal squealed and slipped right out of her hands. Sissy wasn’t discouraged. She’d had plenty of farm experience at catching slippery pigs and hogs.

She threw one naked leg into the pen and leaned inside. She caught the medium-sized pig by a hind leg and dragged him outside. Grasping him under her arm, she ran giggling into the barn. She needed more privacy for what she intended to do.

She pranced into a stall in the barn and found herself a nice stack of hay. Laughing, she spread herself out and clutched the wiggly animal between her splayed thighs. Crushing the pig’s fat head to her tits – which felt pretty good by itself – she reached down and started playing with the animal’s slender prick.

Sissy knew something about pig’s cocks. She’d seen enough of them mating to know that a pig’s prick was a corkscrew affair, thin but stiff. And she’d heard enough female pigs hooting and hollering to believe that even a pig’s cock was better than none.

With that lewd thought in her young mind, she jerked and fondled the piggie-prick until he was ready for action. Then she re-gripped the animal in both arms and hunched her pussy around under him until she could feel the end of his prick jabbing at her cunt.

“Uh-uh-uhhhh,” she gasped, twisting this way and that. It wasn’t easy to hold onto a struggling pig and get its cock up her pussy at the same time. But the end result was worth all the effort.

She squirmed her pussy around until she had her cunt-hole lined up with the wiggly cock. Then with a gasp, she thrust her cunt upward. The funny piggie-cock speared into her horny pussy-hole.

“Ewwww,” she cooed, feeling the strange prick delighting her pussy.

The pig, by instinct, started fucking her pussy. All he knew was that he had a stiff boner and a cunt to fuck. Grunting and snorting, dribbling saliva and snot onto Sissy’s jutting tits, the pig fucked her relentlessly, like ah animal does.

With tireless energy, the beast fucked and humped and pounded her pussy, turning Sissy into a mass of rocking, panting female flesh.

“Ohhh, how nice,” she panted, fucking her hot pussy faster on the drilling pig-cock. “It feels so funny. It feels so… so goooood!”

It was a special fucking for the young girl. The length and odd shape of the animal-prick was enough to make her cunt twist and hump and reach for more.

Her nipples spiked and tingled with pleasure as the piggie-prick ramrodded her cunt. Pretty soon, she was enjoying the fucking thoroughly, moaning some, giggling some, and always moving her pussy.

Her eyelids fluttered, and she gasped for breath as she felt something building up in her belly. The tickle deep inside was getting wilder and wilder. The more the pig-cock fucked her pussy, the hornier she got. Her cum built higher and higher.

“Oh-oh-ohhhhhhh,” she moaned, on the brink of orgasm. She clung to the animal and twisted her juicy cunt viciously. She hunched up and churned her pussy and the piggie-prick, plunging deep in her fuck-channel, got her off a good one.

Her eyes rolled in her head. Her tits strained and twisted against the pig’s wet snout. Her cunt grasped tightly onto his spearing cock and sucked on his prick as he fucked in and out of her pussy-hole.

“Ohhhhh,” she whimpered helplessly, cumming violently.

She threw her cunt up in the air and pulled the snorting pig more tightly to her crotch. His drilling, stiff prick fucked into her harder and faster and her whole body shivered and shuddered. Streams of horny cum-juices poured through her hot pussy-canal and splashed from her cunt all over the hay.

The animal, by instinct, fucked even harder. Its instinctive job was to plant cum deep in a female pig’s pussy. Driven by that natural power, the pig fucked wildly. His corkscrew cock burrowed up into Sissy’s writhing little cunt, which was pure pleasure for the human female. Animals can fuck better than men, she thought.

She had no time to think of men, or of Hollis, for that matter. The sweating, grunting, fucking pig was driving her toward another orgasm. Wanting to cum badly, Sissy screwed her wet pussy wildly on the plunging piggie-prick.

“Oh, oh, I’ll cum again!” she gasped, humping her ass hotly.

She threw her head back and panted for breath as the powerful fucking continued. This is what I needed, she thought lewdly – hot and heavy fucking! She was a growing girl. She had needs. Fuck needs!

A sensuous giggle erupted from her throat as the first quivers of her second climax rippled over her fucking body. Humping without letup, she curled her curvy legs around the pig’s pumping body and yanked hard to get all of his cock up into her juicy cunt. The feeling got her off right then and there.

She bit her lip to keep from squealing just like a pig as her pussy twisted and thrust hard. The pig’s cock burrowed into her cunt, ramming and plowing her silly. Sissy loved every luscious moment of the pig-fuck.

The pig groveled at her tits, soaking them with spit and snot, and fucked his horny cock up into her heaving cunt. To Sissy’s surprise and joy, the fucking animal started going like hell on her, shivering and shuddering as much as she did.

The pig-cock seemed to bury itself in her pussy and enlarge there. Sissy whimpered helplessly as his prick fucked her cunt deep and started shooting big gushes of hot cum. It felt like someone was shooting hot water up her cunt.

“Oh, oh, ohhhhhmmmmmm,” she moaned. Her cunt clenched the animal-cock and humped furiously, actually whacking and sucking the pig prick off. The pig grunted loudly. His whole body shook. And his prick pumped and gushed and squirted hornily.

“Oh, my God!” Sissy gasped, screwing her ass around. She bumped and fucked and lifted and turned hotly, panting and moaning as the cumming piggie-prick made her burning pussy flood with her own cum-juices again.

She hugged the pig like she loved him, crushing him against her heaving young tits. Whimpering with intense fuck-pleasure, she scraped her aching tits against the animal until they hurt, making her nipples tingle. Coupled with that feeling was the feeling in her pussy as she creamed wetly all over the fucking pig-cock.

In the final moments of her cum, she humped her ass and screwed her pussy for maximum pleasure, getting all she could out of the startled animal. Shuddering with her cum, she released the pig and be pulled his cock out of her horny cunt. He went squealing out of the barn, back to the safety of the pen.

Sissy giggled hornily, massaging her tits and writhing her ass pleasurably. Moments later, she struggled her feet smiling. She pranced out of the barn and trotted down the slope to the small pond in back.

She waded into the water in the moonlight, a beautiful sight for the sky and night creatures. The water lapped gently around her ankles, then her calves, her thighs, her ass and cunt. She moved farther out until the water came up to her jutting tits. Then she hummed softly and washed the pig-cum and saliva off her smooth white flesh.

Later she rested on the grass, petting her pussy lightly and dozing.



Sissy was startled awake by the break of day. Her eyes fluttered open, and for a moment, she wondered where she was. Then she realized she was stark naked on the grass near the pond. She had fallen asleep.

She bolted to her feet and rushed up the slope to the house, hoping no one would see her. But someone did. Jonathan Sutter, the old man who owned the farm a few miles west, was already in his field working when he thought he saw a beautiful, naked girl prancing up the slope in the distance. He rubbed his eyes and took another look, squinting. Sure in hell, that was a nude girl darting into the Clanton house. His mouth fell open when he realized it had to be that young buck’s woman, Sissy.

“Well, bless my soul,” he said to himself as his cock erected in his overalls. “Now I wonder what that cute little thing was doing out so early in the buff? Guess I’m gonna have to watch the Clanton place more closely from now on. I think I’m missin’ something.”

Sissy raced into the bedroom just in time to see Hollis yawning in bed, waking up.

“Mornin’,” he murmured.

Sissy swallowed nervously and, though her heart was racing yet, she said softly, “Good morning, Hollis. I’ll have breakfast ready in a few minutes.”

She pulled on her tight dress and hurried into the kitchen. As she fixed breakfast, she chuckled softly to herself. Her thoughts dwelled on last night, on her first pig-fuck.

How different it was, she thought as Hollis came to sit down. I came a lot.

She glanced at her husband a few times as she prepared his meal for him, and a deliciously wicked thought occurred to her. Maybe Sundays to Fridays weren’t going to be so bad after all from now on!

She sat down to eat with a smile on her lips. Maybe she couldn’t have Hollis’ cock anytime she needed, but his wasn’t the only prick on the farm!

As she ate, she thought about Rex’s stiff prick, so red and wet. She daydreamed about Lady’s tongue lapping her cunt. She remembered how she had fingerfucked the bitch’s tight little pussy and that made her giggle.

Hollis peered at her. “Whatcha laughin’ about?”

“Oh, nothing,” Sissy cooed. “Just feeling good this morning.”

Hollis smiled at her and said, “I’m glad to see you in good spirits, honey. I’ve been a little concerned about you.”

“You have?” Sissy chirped, surprised.

“Of course. Don’t you think I’ve noticed how you’ve been down in the dumps? Figured you was goin’ through a spell of something. Glad to see you comin’ out of it, I’ll tell ya.”

“Why, how sweet!” Sissy bubbled, tickled that he even thought of her. She went to him and gave him a big hug and kissed him softly on the mouth.

Hollis held her at arms length. “My pa always told me it takes time for a girl to get used to marriage. Told me to be real patient with ya. He was right, I guess. You sure look pretty when you’re smilin’. You’ve been lookin’ kinda grim lately.”

Sissy realized that he didn’t want her to be pressing her tits all over him. She picked up the dishes and took them to the sink.

“Well, everything’s fine now,” she said. “Just fine.”

“That’s wonderful, Sissy,” Hollis said, getting to his feet. “I want ya to enjoy yer home. That’s why I work so hard to make it nice for ya. I gotta get goin’ now, but you have fun today, ya hear? Yer Mrs. Clanton now and it’s about time ya started appreciating everything I’ve been doin’ fer ya.”

“Yes, Hollis,” she said dutifully. Her blue eyes twinkled as she gazed at him, and she flashed him the kind of pretty smile he liked on a country girl’s face.

“Don’t worry no more about me,” she said. “I’m gonna have a marvelous time today. And I am grateful for all you’re doing to make me happy, honey. This is a mighty fine farm. I’m gonna start getting a lot out of it.”

“Good girl,” Hollis said, and moved out of the kitchen. “See ya tonight.”

Sissy did the dishes with enthusiasm, almost cheerfully, as she hummed a catchy tune.

She remained in a happy mood as she made the bed and completed her housework. In this frame of mind, the day looked beautiful, life was a joy, and Sissy felt at ease with herself.

Feeling gay and carefree, she stepped out onto the front porch to feel the warmth of the sun on her body. She pranced down the steps and saw Jed under the porch on his back.

“Hi, Jed,” she greeted cheerfully. “How’s it coming?”

“Uhh, just fine, Sissy, just fine,” the old man replied. His eyes traveled up the length of her curvy young legs. He had a worm’s-eye view of her smooth white thighs.

For the first time in a long time, Sissy paused to chat with him about the job he was doing on the wooden porch. It was quite a treat for Jed. Sissy usually treated hired hands like slaves, as if they weren’t really human. But she was in a good mood today, so she was kinder.

She squatted down with her pert knees together to talk with Jed, and the old goat smiled to himself. Sissy was successful in keeping her thighs closed, but she was beautifully naive as far as Jed was concerned. Squatting before him, he could see under her thighs. He shifted his position on his back as Sissy prattled on about what a lovely day it was. Pretending to work on the porch above him, he peered under her thighs, beneath her dress, and ogled the smooth flesh of her delightful young ass.

“Well, I’ll see you later,” Sissy cooed, standing up. Jed peered up at her sharply thrusting tits. In the darkness under the porch his cock bulged to great length and thickness.

When Sissy walked away, he quickly twisted his head and watched her cute ass sway. He gripped his hard-on and nursed his prick as she wiggled away.

Goddam, he thought lewdly, what a nice fucking ass! Wonder if that young buck Hollis knows what he’s got there? Damn fool boy spends the whole fucking day out in the fields. Lord, Lord, I’d like to shove my cock up her sweet little cunt!

Sissy ambled past the pig sty and giggled to herself, wondering which piglet she had fucked. Moving toward the barn, she spotted Cal in the corral, grooming a horse.

She waved to him and yelled, “Hello, Cal. Nice day, ain’t it?”

The overgrown lad didn’t answer. He stopped brushing the horse and stood tall but stooped at the shoulders, a hulking mass of male flesh. He stared at Sissy as she walked.

Sissy didn’t expect the guy to reply to her greeting. Everybody knew Cal was slow in the head. He rarely spoke to anyone but his dad. It didn’t bother her either that the oaf stared right at her tits and pussy. He was known to do that.

Poor guy, she thought. He’ll never get married. Must he over twenty now. What girl would have him? No money, no farm, nothing to offer a girl. She glanced at his lower body and smiled to herself. Well, he’s got something to offer, all right, but what girl could take it? I’ll bet he’s hung like that horse he’s brushing!

Cal stared dumbly at the pretty girl, feeling a fire raging in his balls. His cock, like his father’s, shot up immediately, and strange thoughts boggled his weak mind, pictures of bulls fucking cows and stallions fucking mares.

When Sissy disappeared into the barn, the deep-breathing lad stepped around the horse and whipped out his huge, dripping prick. Catching his thick tongue between his teeth he whacked it off violently, grunting like an animal. His big fist pumped up and down furiously on his enormous boner and he growled deep in his chest as his prick shot big wads of thick cum all over the ground. Spurt after spurt of creamy cock-juice fired into the air and arced to the ground, splatting there.

Sissy stepped into the coolness of the barn and sighed. She loved barns and, she paused

to breathe in the country smell of manure and warm cow’s milk and hay. One cow was still in its yoke chewing cud. Chickens scooted away from her feet.

Sissy smiled brightly, watching baby chicks scurry after their mother hen. One little yellow fur ball darted in the wrong direction, scooted under a yoke rail into a stall.

Sissy laughed and ran after it. She reached down over the cow railings to catch the little creature.

“No, no, little one,” she giggled, trying to catch the peeping chick to save it from itself. She reached down further and all of a sudden the cow yoke fell.

“Oh, darn it,” she said. She tried to raise up, thinking the yoke would lift on her shoulders. But it didn’t. It was locked tight, and Sissy was a captive, bent at the waist with her pretty head caught like a cow’s.

That’s how the dog Rex found her when he entered the barn. Sissy was struggling and grunting, trying to free herself.

Curious, Rex padded up behind her. When he was close, he smelled a familiar aroma. Without hesitation, he dipped his wet nose under her short dress between her creamy thighs. His snout felt like a big cock as it hit her naked little cunt.

“What!” she squealed.

She caught her breath and twisted the best she could to see through the railings.

“Rex!” she cried. “No, no! Don’t do that here! No, Rex! Stop!”

But time and place meant nothing to an animal. Maybe girls needed the privacy of their homes and secrecy about fucking animals, but four-footed creatures went by instinct.

So Rex buried his nose between her thighs and licked his big tongue up around her juicy cunt. His tongue-tip lashed her clit and pussy-lips until Sissy thought she’d die. What if Cal or Jed saw this! Or – God forbid! – Hollis!

“Ohh, nooo, Rex,” she panted helplessly. “Please not now! Ohhh, stop that! Bad dog! Oh! I’ll wring your neck, you stupid dog! Stop! Stop!”

She kicked her leg back at him like a mule, but that only opened her crotch for a new assault. Rex thought she was playing. He dodged her foot and rammed his wet snout at her pussy, licking her hard. Sissy’s kicking leg dropped, and she quivered as the doggie-tongue lapped her sensitive clit. Tremors ran through her defenseless pussy, and she knew she would cum. She could feel it happening in her belly as the thick, rough tongue lashed her pussy.

Panting hotly, her body went lax. She held onto a railing and let her legs part. If she was quiet, maybe she could get her rocks off without anyone knowing. She caught her lower lip between her teeth and moaned softly, letting the dog lick her hot cunt.

When she ceased struggling, it apparently gave the canine new ideas. His big, brown eyes gazed at her open, wet pussy. He stopped licking. He sniffed her cunt. He backed away.

Sissy was puzzled. It hurt her neck to twist around to see, so she panted, “Rex? Are you still there? What’s the matter? Where are you?”

She could hear him shuffling in the hay behind her ass, but couldn’t figure out what he was doing. She soon found out.

Rex, with natural animal logic, mounted her body. He jumped up and got his forelegs around her slim waist and started humping his erect cock at her ass.

Sissy gasped. “Wh-what are you doing?” She gasped again. “Oh, my God, he’s trying to fuck me!”

A horny kind of panic seized her. She felt Rex’s dog-cock prodding her ass through her dress. She felt his saliva drip onto her back as he hunched his body to fuck her.

It suddenly occurred to Sissy that he could really fuck her pussy – if he knew where it was! She listened for sounds, heard Hollis’ tractor way off in the distance. She heard Jed hammering under the porch. She had to assume that Cal was busy in the corral.

With perverse desires suddenly burning in her body, she lifted her ass up a little. Rex’s stiff boner poked wetly at the backs of her naked thighs. Sissy knew she was on the right track.

“Oh, wait, you dumb dog!” she panted. “If you’re gonna fuck me, do it right!”

Exasperated with the animal’s stupidity, desperate now to feel a doggie-cock ramming into her cunt, she turned her ass this way and that, trying to catch the darting dog-prick with her horny pussy.

She moaned and twisted her pussy to the left. She grunted and lifted her ass just a little higher. She gasped and moved her cunt to the right. Rex’s stiff cock jabbed her thigh, an ass-cheek, then the sensitive area between her asshole and cunt-crack.

Finally, forcing the breath right out of her, Rex’s boner hit home. Since his cock was soaked with his pre-cum and since Sissy’s cunt was moist with excitement, his long thick prick rushed right up into her pussy.

“Oh!” Sissy shrieked and had an immediate fit of tremors.

Rex, panting and drooling over the girl’s body, brought his hind legs closer to her. This natural movement sent his prick ramming into her juicy little fuck-hole. Then, with his belly plastered against her ass, he hunched his haunches and pistoned his lower body, fucking her pussy hotly.

“Ohhhhh,” Sissy moaned. Her senses reeled and her tits tingled as his doggie-cock drilled into her cunt. He fucked her pussy now just the way he had fucked her mouth the day before, and Sissy loved it just as much.

Her eyes rolled in her head as stinging pleasure rippled through her whole body. Rex’s big cock was even better than the pig’s prick as he fucked rapidly in and out of her squishy little cunt.

Gripping the fence railing tightly, Sissy started humping her cunt on the fucking dog-cock, just like a bitch in heat. Her passion increased and her lust swelled.

“Oh, oh, you crazy dog,” she moaned, fucking her ass hotly. “Ummm, fuck me, Rex, fuck me! Eww, push it deep! Ohhhh, how you fuck! Lady must cum in quarts when you fuck her!”

All Sissy knew for sure was that she came in quarts! Rex seemed able to fuck and fuck and fuck! His stony prick ramrodded and drilled and burrowed in her hot cunt, and Sissy kept moaning and cumming.

Her head lolled loosely in her trap. Her fingers whitened on the clenched railing. And her pretty cunt twisted and churned on the drilling dog-prick. Hot cum rushed from her humping belly through her pussy-channel to drench the doggie-cock.

Rex’s saliva dripped faster and his cock rammed harder and quicker, jabbing hotly into her writhing young cunt-hole. Sissy creamed more and more.

Her best cum of all happened when Rex’s cock developed a big, knobby bulge at the base of his prick. It enlarged as his tight balls rammed against her juicy pussy-lips, and Sissy felt the knob knocking into her cunt-walls. Tremendous feelings of cum-pleasure mounted in her belly, and she moaned passionately as her final cum materialized.

Rex’s cock drilled into her pussy violently with fantastic jabs that sent amazing thrills through Sissy’s sex-hungry young body. She cried out when she felt his prick enlarge and fuck deeply in her hot belly. She knew he was going to let loose with a powerful load of jism, and she sensed that his cum would get her off something fierce. She was right.

Rex’s horny cock streaked up into her tight little pussy and started pumping great quantities of dog jism into her. Sissy whimpered with intense pleasure. Every inch of her straining, fucking body felt the good feelings. Her tits hardened and her pink nipples poked stiffly in her dress as her pussy creamed violently.

Moaning and groaning, she fucked her wet cunt hornily on the drilling dog-cock and came in a flood. Hot cunt-cream squished from around the sides of Rex’s plunging prick and oozed warmly down her inner thighs.

Rex drooled lots of saliva on the back of her dress and panted as he pumped his thick cum up her cunt, as if he’d just run many miles. His muscles rippled and his haunches humped furiously as he fucked his spitting prick into the girl’s screwing, twisting pussy.

“Oh, oh, ohhhhh,” Sissy moaned, loving the fuck-feelings shooting throughout her young body. “Ohhh, Rex, good boy! Ummmm, how you fuck a girl! God, we’re gonna have to do this more! Umm, ewwwmmm, mmmmm!”

She trembled as her pussy oozed her cum. Little shivers of sexual delight rippled over her body. Her ass churned slowly, and her cunt sucked on the dog-cock.

Rex, like a typical disinterested animal, fucked his cum into her hot pussy and backed off when he was finished. He jerked his stiff boner out of Sissy’s sucking cunt and jumped down. He trotted out of the barn, leaving the girl gasping and shuddering helplessly, still trapped in the yoke.

When Sissy was able to breathe normally again, she resumed her efforts to get herself out of this embarrassing situation. What if Rex came back for more pussy? What if someone saw him fucking her? Worst of all, what if she wanted him to fuck her all day like this?

She giggled when she lewdly thought of all the barnyard creatures lined up behind her like animals entering the ark, waiting to fuck her hot little cunt. Imagine bulls and stallions and dogs and pigs – all hot to trot with her! Maybe even wild deer, an elk or two, even a bear!

“Oh, Sissy, you silly thing.” She laughed at herself. She struggled with the yoke, pushed at it, tried again and again to get free.

Trees rustled outside as a wind came up. Bits of hay and leaves swirled around Sissy’s feet. The barn became a wind tunnel for a few moments as the strong summer breeze ripped through it. A gust of wind whipped Sissy’s dress up, flapped it like a flag. She gasped when it whipped up onto her back and laid flat. She was exposed from the waist down!

“Oh, my God!” she gasped, wiggling her ass, trying to make her dress fall back into place. Dust flew up into her eyes, making them hurt and burn. She squinted them closed, shaking her head.

“God!” she blurted. “What else can happen?” She struggled more violently in the yoke. Now she was naked and couldn’t see!

She heard the footfalls of a min, and her heart froze behind her heaving young tits.

“Hollis?” she gasped. But she knew it wasn’t Hollis. She could still hear his tractor in the far distance. Nervousness and anxiety made her pretend it was her husband.

“Get me out of this thing,” she said. “I’ve got dirt in my eyes. I can’t see! Help me, Hollis. Don’t just stand there!”

But the man standing just inside the barn door was having a damned good time. He’d always wondered what Sissy Clanton looked like naked. He couldn’t see her tits, of course, but what an ass! What a cute, furry cunt!

Sissy heard his footsteps as he moved up to her, behind her!

“Wh-who is it?” she rasped. “Hollis? Jed? Cal?” Gripped by panic, she choked, “Please! Don’t embarrass me this way! Please, help me! Get this yoke off me! Who is it? Please, I feel so stupid. God, I must look silly.”

But she didn’t look silly at all. Not to the man staring at her creamy young ass and cute little pussy. His cock was pleasurably huge, throbbing in his overalls. And Sissy Clanton was at his mercy.



Sissy knew what was going to happen to her even before the man’s hands touched her body.

“No!” she shrieked, trembling. “Don’t you dare touch me! I’ll tell Hollis! I’ll tell!”

Big, rough, gnarled hands gripped her lithe young hips and stroked them for a moment before they gripped her tightly to make her stop wiggling around. A moment later, Sissy felt a huge, wet, hot, human cock-head kiss the lips of her pussy.

“I’ll tell, I’ll tell,” she whimpered, but there was no force to her words as the silent man rubbed his stiff prick up and down her cunt-crack. Then the enormously big knob of hot flesh wedged between her tight little pussy-lips and lodged itself in her squishy cunt-mouth.

“Ohhh, nooo,” Sissy moaned as the thick hunk of meat stretched her pussy-hole into a big O.

The man started breathing loud and fast just to feel the young girl’s pussy clenched around his massive cock. It was all he had dreamed it would be – and more! Sissy’s cunt was so tight, so hot, so juicy! The horny man didn’t know that a dog had just fucked the hell out of the whimpering girl.

All he knew was that he’d been eyeing her for a long time, watching her prance around the farm, aching with lewd thoughts of her young body. All he knew was that he envied young Hollis and wished many times that he could fuck this delicious young thing. Now he knew he could. Fate was on his side. She was his captive, helpless, defenseless. Her pretty head was locked in the yoke, her dress was up on her back, and her ass belonged to him right now.

With that horny thought impelling him to bolder acts, he grasped her smooth white hips and inched his stiff boner up into her spasming little cunt. Sissy gasped and choked as the unseen man took advantage of her situation and position.

“I-I’m gonna tell,” she panted weakly as the man’s big, thick prick invaded the privacy of her sweet pussy. “I’ll tell, I’ll tell.”

Her voice was as weak as her body. The inching, wedging cock took her breath away. Her head spun as more and more of the amazing prick entered her body. She gasped in alarm, wondering if the stiff cock would split her up the middle.

The man chuckled with pleasure to see what his huge cock was doing to the girl. She kept protesting, but look how she was writhing her pussy on his invading prick! He thoroughly enjoyed the slow penetration of such a youthful pussy.

When there was but an inch left of his long, thick cock, he braced himself and rammed his prick up into her cunt.

“Oh!” Sissy squealed as his whole cock filled her cunt-hole. She felt his bulging cock-head deep in her pussy, throbbing there like a live thing. The sensation drove her wild, and she couldn’t help twisting her cunt a little on his enormous boner. She heard the man chuckle.

She caught her breath. The man’s prick was so big! Bigger than Hollis’ by far! Probably the biggest cock she’d ever had shoved up her cunt! How could she breath normally when such a huge cock was sunk in her pussy?

She made a whimpering sound and shivered, knowing she wanted the giant prick to fuck her. She didn’t have the strength to protest now. All she could do was go weak and open up to a good fucking. She writhed her pussy on his cock and shuddered with deep feelings, wanting to be fucked hornily the way Rex had screwed her. She didn’t want the man to know she felt like that, but her vibrating young body gave her away.

“You’ll be sorry,” she panted hotly. “Ohh, you’ll pay for this. Hollis will kill you! You’ll see!”

The man chuckled and slowly backed his thick hunk of cock-meat out of her straining pussy. His massive cock-head drew back to the mouth of her palpitating cunt-hole. He took a firmer grip on her hips, then drilled every solid inch of his boner up into her pussy. Sissy shrieked as his huge cock-head hit her cunt-walls.

She shivered then, and the narrow, hair-lined slit of her quivery cunt clenched tightly around his cock. The man groaned when he felt her do that and to get her to do it again, he pulled his prick back and plowed into her pussy once more. That did the trick. Sissy’s hot cunt spasmed wildly, choking his huge prick like a fist.

Her delicious young pussy infuriated the man’s aching cock. He withdrew and thrust deep, withdrew and plunged stiffly, withdrew and rammed. Sissy wailed and whimpered, and her whole body trembled with unexpected pleasure as her attacker began to fuck his boner in and out of her juicy cunt with a long and regular, but violent rhythm. With her pussy impaled on his muscular cock, she writhed and thrashed, moaning hornily. Out of her head with delight, she humped her pussy up to meet his every thrust, twisting her hips, screwing her soaked little pussy around on his plunging cock.

Her helpless fucking sent a new excitement hammering through the man’s blood. Sissy wasn’t only young and pretty, she was a sucker for a stiff, fuck mg prick. He continued to fuck her defenseless cunt, but at the same time, he leaned over her curvy ass and ran his hands under her to her straining young tits.

Sissy gasped as he pulled her dress down in front and grabbed her aching tits. Her whole body shuddered as his hands roughly teased her tits and his horny cock plowed her pussy.

Sissy groaned and lurched beneath him, thrilled by the violence of the man’s attack, by the way he kept fucking her tight pussy with his massive cock.

Without realizing it, she whimpered, “Ohhh, it’s so fucking big! Oh, oh, ohhhh, your cock is soooo biiiiiig!”

A moment later, gyrating her pussy hotly, she shivered with rapture. The man was obviously burning with lust, and he fucked her cunt like her pussy was the finest he had ever had.

He drilled his prick deep into her squirming pussy and as his massive cock fucked her cunt, his rough hands mauled the hell out of her tender tits.

Sissy squealed with pleasure-pain, and she humped her hungry pussy on his cock in wilder and wilder abandon. His huge cock-pole was more than she dreamed a prick could be, and his cock turned her on as nothing else had ever done. She lost all interest in who her attacker was. His identity meant nothing as her cunt creamed all over his marvelous, thick prick.

The man plunged his cock into her squishy pussy-channel again, making her cum and cum, and he felt a maddening gut-twisting pleasure as he squeezed her pretty tits and fucked her hornily.

He grunted like a hurt animal and groaned with mounting erotic pleasure, his hands and cock driving the young girl into a tizzy. His fingers tweaked her sensitive, pink nipples, making her whimper, and his cock drilled in and out of her tight pussy, making her moan.

Panting hotly, Sissy opened her legs still wider as the man continued his dual ravishment of her tits and cunt, her juicy cum flooding profusely down her legs.

The man groaned as loudly as Sissy was panting and moaning, pressure mounting behind his hot balls to an almost unbearable intensity. His cock was going to burst in Sissy’s young, sucking pussy, and the feeling was delightful.

Working toward that wonderful moment, he fucked her pussy harder and faster, drilling his big cock relentlessly. His balls slapped heavily against her upturned cunt as his rigid boner fucked in and out of her hot pussy. He’d never fucked such a young girl before, and it felt so good on his horny cock that he fucked her brutally. Sissy walled and squealed as the violent man drove her pussy wild with his enormous boner.

Her eyes rolled in her head as the violent fucking intensified. Her face twisted with lewd joy. As the man’s massive cock ravished her helpless cunt, she whined like Lady getting fucked by Rex.

Something came over her, something that turned her into a soft, fucking female, and she whimpered, “Fuck me, whoever you are – Oh, dear God! – Fuck me! Fuck me! Ohhhh, my cunt’s gonna cum again!”

Her whole cunt reached up and out to him, and her hungrily sucking pussy-hole drew his massive prick deep into her cunt. The man responded by driving his cock-head hard into her cunt-walls while she continued to cry, “Fuck me, fuck me, fuck me…”

The man went on fucking his prick in and out of her clenching cunt in a thrilling thunder of lust that drove both of them to peaks of ecstasy. He reached a plateau of erotic pleasure that told him the fuck mg girl’s sweet cunt was going to rip the jism right out of his hot balls.

He groaned as Sissy whimpered and screwed. Her tight, clenching pussy shivered and let loose with a torrent of silky fluids that seeped around and under his pistoning prick and bathed his cock in warmth.

Sissy seesawed her tight cunt back and forth on the man’s plowing cock. Her eyes glazed over and her mouth went lax. Then she shrieked, “Oh! Ohhh! Ohhhhh! I’m-I’m cummmiiing!” She almost swooned as her pussy creamed wetly.

At the same time, the man shoved all of his stiff boner up into her spasming cunt and started pumping his thick jism into her squirming pussy. He reared back and drove his cock up her pussy and fired gigantic wads of cock-cream. Wild fire spread in his horny balls. His prick bolted and disgorged huge amounts of creamy cum. He fucked and shot his load, fucked her pussy and filled her cunt with cock-cream. The girl went so wild on his prick, cumming and moaning so hornily, that he squeezed her tits and sent the full length of his spitting cock into her juicy cunt.

His prick jerked violently within the tight confines of Sissy’s squirming pussy. His cock gushed and spurted in her twisting belly, setting her off again. As he fucked her and pumped his cum into her, she moaned hotly and screwed her ass round and round, getting all the kicks she could from his pounding, pumping prick.

Both their bodies jerked and humped with final shudders of cummy pleasure. Then the violence subsided, slowly at first, and, with a long, loud moan, Sissy’s body collapsed.

The man pulled his long wet prick out of her twisting cunt, and Sissy moaned loudly, quivering all over. The man slipped out of the barn, but not before he quietly unlatched the yoke across Sissy’s neck.

“Oh, ohhhh,” she moaned, trembling after such a forceful fucking. “You’ll pay for this. You can’t fuck another man’s wife this way. When I get out of here, I’ll… I’ll…”

She twisted her head and the yoke came loose. “Are you here?” she panted.

She freed her head from the yoke and rubbed the dust out of her eyes. She sank to the ground in a heap, still weak from the violent fucking. Her naked tits were tingling and her pussy was buzzing. She rubbed her eyes again and looked around her. She was alone.

She quickly covered her tits and cunt and sat dazed for a few moments. Who was that? Not Hollis. She could still hear his tractor far away. No, Hollis didn’t have the balls to fuck a girl that way!

Jed? My God, she thought hotly, that old man didn’t fuck me, did he?

She leapt to her feet and dashed to the door of the barn. Jed was under the porch of the house, working. He couldn’t have gotten way over there in such a short time.

She looked the other way and saw Cal in the corral. Was it him? He could have gotten back to the corral fast. Sissy peered at him. If it was him, there wasn’t much use in telling on him. He had to be forgiven, no matter what he did. He didn’t have all his marbles. Everybody knew that.

But Sissy had to know. She just had to! A girl just couldn’t forget a cock like that! She couldn’t get fucked so wildly and just go on her merry way. She had to know!

She strolled slowly toward the corral, her eyes searching the hulking young man for some sign that he had been her rapist. She went up to the fence and peered at Cal.

“Cal,” she said, getting his attention away from the horses. “Was it you?”

The lad looked at her oddly. He had no idea what she meant, but he wasn’t so dumb that he didn’t admire the thrust of her cute tits and the shortness of her tight dress.

“Cal,” Sissy repeated. “Was it you? You can tell me. I won’t tattle, I promise. I just want to know if it was you.”

The lad’s lips moved for a moment, then he grumbled, “Huh?”

Sissy looked around to make sure no one else would overhear what she had to say. Then she turned to the dumfounded guy and said, “I was just in the barn, you hear? Were you in the barn? Were you, Cal?”

Cal looked at the barn dumbly. “The barn?” he muttered.

“Yes!” Sissy exclaimed. “I was just in the barn and my head was caught and somebody… Oh, come with me, Cal!”

She ordered him over the corral fence and took his huge hand in hers as if he were a child. Cal didn’t understand words too well and he often had to be shown what was meant. One time, when Sissy wanted him to wash the kitchen floor for her, she had to demonstrate how it was done before he could do it.

She guided him into the barn and pointed to the yoke she had been trapped in.

“See? Here. I was caught in here. Were you in here with me, Cal? Fess up, now, were you?”

Cal looked from the yoke to the upset girl. “Huh?” he said.

His dumbness infuriated Sissy. “Like this!” she barked. She bent over in front of him and held on to the fencing without putting her head back in the yoke.

“See?” she said like a teacher explaining to a slow student. “I was like this, then you – somebody – came in and…”

Her words caught in her throat and her eyes shot wide open. Cal dropped his bib overalls, and, below his filthy old shirt, his enormous, swollen cock throbbed menacingly in the air, all wet and stiff.

Before Sissy could turn, he was on her like a duck on a bug. He grabbed her hips and without bothering to raise her short dress, he rammed his boner under the garment, right up into her cunt. He drove his cock home with such force and power that Sissy’s head crashed into the fence. It knocked her senseless for a few moments, long enough for Cal to get a good hold on her lithe young hips and start fucking her pussy with his giant prick.

Sissy moaned, almost passing out. Her hands slipped and she fell on her face. Cal, grunting like a wild animal, dropped to his knees with his thick cock stuffed up her pussy. Breathing in short snorts, he fucked her pussy brutally, violently, as Sissy’s face got crammed into hay.

“Cal!” she squealed, panting, “No, Cal, no, nooooo. Stop… Stop…”

But Cal couldn’t hear her. His hot blood pound ed in his ears, deafening him to her cries. Like the farm animals he tended, he went by instinct. His cock was stiff and hot, and Sissy’s cunt was just fine. There was nothing to do but fuck her pussy.

He drove his wild prick into her squishy little cunt with such violence that Sissy’s whole body went weak. Each thrust of his mighty cock sent her knees scooting on the ground, and he fucked her so fast that in no time at all he drove her right into a stall.

Sissy’s head rapped against the barn wall and it suddenly dawned on her what had happened. The cock drilling into her defenseless pussy was gigantic, for one thing. The feeling was so thrilling that she couldn’t cry out any more. She could only moan. And now she couldn’t be pushed anywhere. With her head pressed against the back of the stall, her uplifted ass was stationary for the wild young man. Like a bull in heat, Cal fucked his wet cock in and out of her cunt-hole with a fury.

Sissy’s hands kept opening and closing in the hay. Her eyes rolled in her head. Her nipples strained so stiffly she thought they’d burst in her dress. And in her tightened young belly, the biggest cock she’d ever felt kept fucking into her, making her cum profusely.

The cummy pleasure rendered her as senseless as the knocks on the head had. She was out of her mind with dizzying joy. She felt her juicy cunt sucking on the monstrous prick that drilled and fucked into her pussy. And her silky cunt-cream flowed and flooded and washed in torrents through her pussy-channel.

To her complete amazement, the violent fucking ended as quickly as it had started. Cal, in his wild state of animal lust, simply wanted to empty his big, hurting balls into something soft and feminine. He often used the cunts of female animals, but Sissy’s pussy felt even better. Her cunt moved so nice on his powerful cock.

He shoved his stiff boner up into her squirming pussy and pumped her cunt full of thick cock-cream. Great gushes of jism pounded into her twisting young cunt, and the more his huge cock jerked and pumped, the more Sissy’s pussy came. She almost passed out from the extreme pleasure.

She was still cumming wetly and moaning helplessly when Cal suddenly pulled his giant cock out of her pussy. Sissy collapsed in the hay, gasping for breath.

Cal muttered something, and Sissy heard him stomp out of the barn. Shivering and shuddering, panting hotly, she crawled on all fours out of the stall. Mustering all the strength she could, she made her way across the barn floor to the door. She peered out and through glazed eyes she saw Cal in the corral, steadily grooming a horse as if nothing at all had happened.

“My God,” Sissy gasped. “Oh, my God.”

She dropped her head to her arms and laid there in the doorway of the barn for a few moments. One thing was clear to her – Cal had not fucked her the first time. The first man had been rough, but not as brutal as Cal. The first cock had been large, but not as giant as Cal’s. No, Cal wasn’t the one who had taken advantage of her when she was trapped in the yoke.

She got up into a sitting position and peered out the door to see Jed still working beneath the front porch of the house. It had to be him! It had to be! Hollis’ tractor was still rumbling in the distance. So it had to be Jed who had fucked her!

What she didn’t know was that, just a few miles down the road, Jonathan Sutter was chuckling to himself as he plowed a field. What a stroke of luck he’d had! Imagine, finding that pretty Sissy caught in a yoke! By God, he had fucked the cute little thing!

He gripped his bulging hard-on and nursed his cock as he remembered Sissy’s tight young pussy.

“Gonna have to get some more of that,” he murmured to himself. “Sure do.”

Sissy backed into the barn, afraid Jed would see her looking at him. A little embarrassed, she settled back in a pile of hay to think. Cal was o

ne thing, Jed was another. If Cal told anybody he had fucked Sissy Clanton, he wouldn’t be believed. No problem there. But his father! Why, every man in the county would believe Jed!

“Golly!” she gasped. “He just can’t go telling! He just can’t!”

She racked her brains to figure out a way to keep him from tattling on her, from spreading that story about her being caught in a yoke and fucking so hotly. That was the worst part – she had liked the fuck, and Jed must know that! How could he miss it when her pussy got so horny and wet?

She lay back, and as she pondered her problem, her hands smoothed over her tits and cunt. Her clit was still very sensitive after such violent fucking and she moaned when she touched her pussy.

She drew her knees up and spread them open. Her slim fingers danced lightly all over her pussy. She rubbed her stiff little clit. One fingertip slid up and down her juicy cunt-crack. Her breathing grew deeper and her tits started rising and falling faster.

The aroma of her hot cunt filled the air and, like a juicy piece of meat, attracted the dogs. Rex and Lady came bounding into the barn as if she had called them to dinner. She gasped when she saw them, and she caught her breath as Lady stuffed her wet snout between her legs and licked at her cunt and hand. Rex licked her face and neck.

“Oh, golly,” she panted. She opened her dress and let Rex lap his big, red tongue all over her aching tits as Lady licked into her horny cunt.

Her problem would have to wait, she knew. There were more important things to do right now. A smile lifted the corners of her pretty mouth. She dropped her arms loosely above her head. Her legs opened wide. Her tits thrust up. She moaned softly as the two dogs licked her all over, making her cum many times in the soft hay.



Sissy’s problem returned to plague her. She was preoccupied by it all through supper that evening. She hardly heard Hollis talking about the work he had to do around the farm. She had to think of something to do about Jed.

When she and Hollis were in the living room watching TV, she wondered if it would help if she were friendlier with the old man. She had to admit that she hadn’t been very nice to him. After all, he was old enough to be her grandfather – even if he did have eyes that seemed to see right through her dress!

Maybe I’ll bring him a cup of coffee tomorrow, she thought. Yes, that would be nice. He works hard out there and, God knows, Hollis doesn’t pay him much. Maybe if I’m nice to him, we can just forget the whole thing.

Sissy got into a more comfortable position on the sofa. As she did so, she felt her nipples press hard against the fabric of her dress. The pressure felt nice.

She knew that old Jed was always thinking of her body. That was why she usually avoided going near him. He was always staring at her tits and ass! It was quite obvious to her that he wanted to fuck her.

Now he had! She blushed to remember how she must have looked in the barn, bent over like that, trapped in the yoke.

No wonder he took advantage of me, she thought. She couldn’t help smiling just a little. She must have looked mighty tempting to the old geezer. How could he resist fucking her? Heck, she was a captive! She couldn’t see! What man wouldn’t take advantage of a pretty girl in that position?

But that doesn’t excuse him, she went on thinking. What a nasty thing to do to a girl! And a married girl at that! He ought to be shot for fucking me that way!

She glanced at her husband and entertained the thought of telling him. Would he get jealous and start fucking her more often? Maybe it would get him fired up and then she’d get more of his cock.

Her eyes darkened then. What if he really did shoot Jed, though? How horrible! She glanced at the shotgun over the fireplace and shuddered.

No, the best thing to do was to be nice to Jed. That way Hollis would know nothing of the matter, Jed would feel safe, and the whole thing could be forgiven and forgotten.

Satisfied at last with her decision Sissy crawled into bed with Hollis feeling secure. Hollis rolled over and started snoring. Sissy gave him a few minutes, then she stole out of bed and padded naked into the kitchen.

She cracked the back door and let Rex inside. Whispering hotly, she led the dog into her bedroom. She lay down beside her husband and let one leg fall off the side of the bed. She let Rex lick her cunt until she came and came. When his big tongue was tired, she crawled out of bed and helped the reluctant dog out the window. Then she curled up next to Hollis and went to sleep. Rex had made her cum twelve times!

She awoke early the next morning feeling creamy-dreamy. All that pussy-licking was good for her, and she knew it. A girl like her needed lots of cumming. She got out of bed smiling, happy that she had finally discovered her animals. Why shouldn’t she have some fun with them? After all, it wasn’t like she was cheating on Hollis. Only bad wives did things like that.

Cheating made her think of old Jed again. Today she would simply have to get this matter over with. A man just couldn’t go around fucking her like that!

The minute she heard Hollis’ tractor start up in the field, she stepped out onto the front porch. The bright sun lit up her soft hair and made it look more golden than it was. As she stepped down into the front yard, she felt the rays of the sun warm against her body.

Jed heard her coming and saw her the minute she appeared in the yard. His cock erected as his gaze ran over her curvy young body, so luscious in her tight little dress.

“Mornin’, Sissy,” he greeted.

Sissy eyed him curiously. A sudden anger made her tits lift up. “How can you even talk to me after what you did?” she blurted. “Don’t you have any shame?”

The old man’s mouth opened, but he held his tongue. He was a wise old bastard and knew from past experience that it was best to keep quiet at times like this. Besides, whatever the girl was talking about, she sure was pretty to look at. Her strange behavior only made her prettier. She was emotional about something.

Sissy’s face reddened. She hadn’t wanted to get angry. She couldn’t afford to rile the man.

“I’m sorry,” she said softly. “I guess I shouldn’t have snapped at you.”

Jed was mightily puzzled. Maybe she’s having her period, he thought. Wonder what’s bothering her? God, I’d sure like to get a piece of that!

“Maybe we’d better talk about it,” Sissy said then.

“Uhhh, yeah,” Jed muttered, wondering what in hell the kid was talking about.

“Come inside for a minute, will you?” she asked.

That dazed Jed. In this part of the country, a man just wasn’t invited into another man’s house this way.

“Sure,” he said, and scooted from under the porch. He dusted himself off and followed Sissy’s cute, swaying ass into the house.

“Sit down, I’ll get some coffee,” she said, hurrying into the kitchen.

“I’ll be damned,” Jed muttered to himself. He sat down and frowned with deepening curiosity.

Sissy returned with a cup of coffee and sat down on the sofa next to him as she handed the cup to him. He took a long pull of the black liquid and set the cup down.

Sissy made a few false starts to talk. She fidgeted. She wrung her hands in her lap while her jutting young tits rose and fell delightfully before Jed’s pleased eyes. Then she finally braced herself.

“Please let me talk,” she said, a little breathlessly. This wasn’t easy for her. “We have to talk about it sooner or later.”

Jed curbed his amazement. He settled back on the sofa and took his time eyeing her beauties. Opportunity was knocking. Then, too, if he let her do the talking, he might find out what in hell this was all about.

“I know how I look to you, Jed,” Sissy said, searching his eyes with her own. “But you shouldn’t have done that to me in the barn.” She heaved a sigh and went on, “But it’s done now. I just don’t want you to go around talking about it. I know I’m pretty, and when you saw me bent over that way, you probably couldn’t help yourself. But you just can’t go talking about it. It wasn’t like I wanted you to do it to me. Right?”

Jed licked his lips. “Uhhh, right,” he agreed.

His amazement and curiosity turned into mind boggling lust as he put the pieces together. This luscious little thing was telling him that somebody had caught her in the barn and fucked her! And she thought it was him!

“The way you’ve been looking at me, I guess it was bound to happen,” Sissy continued. “I only wish you hadn’t done it. Now I have this problem. You know what happens to a girl’s reputation in these hills once men start talking about her.”

Just the thought of it made Sissy tremble. She impulsively reached over and pressed her hand on his, on his thigh.

“You’ve just got to promise me you won’t tell,” she pleaded. She looked so weak and helpless.

Jed’s cock throbbed violently, right near their hand. Sissy was leaning forward to plead with him, and he could see the smooth, creamy tops of her young tits. And her small hand so close to his boner was enough to make him want to shoot a load of cum in his overalls.

Jed’s silence worried her. “You won’t tell anybody, will you?” she pleaded, squeezing his hand. “Please promise me you won’t. I can tell by your eyes that you don’t even care. Just like a man! You think it’s fun to go around bragging about the girls you nail.”

Jed just looked into her eyes, not quite sure what he should say, if anything. His gaze made Sissy think he was cruel. She had to do something to win his friendship! She had to make him understand!

Her lower lip quivered and her blue eyes got moist. “I know I said some naughty things when you were doing it to me, but I couldn’t help it. I mean, I’m only human. When you kept pushing it in me, I went to pieces. I’d never tell this to anyone for all the world, but me and Hollis haven’t been – well – you know. I guess that’s why I said those things and acted as if I liked what you were doing to me. Please try to understand, Jed.”

She leaned closer to him, hoping she could melt his cold heart the way she used to her daddy’s. She’d had her father wrapped around her little finger for years. Maybe she could charm this old geezer the same way.

But there was a glint in Jed’s eyes, a gleam that told her he wasn’t a nice man at all. He was thinking of only one thing.

“You want to do it to me again, don’t you?” she said. “Oh, you don’t fool me. I can see it in your eyes. How can you look at another man’s wife like that? Don’t you think it bothers a girl to be looked at like that? I have feelings, too, you know. You shouldn’t make me think this way.”

“What way?” Jed asked hoarsely. His cock bolted in his overalls and Sissy couldn’t miss the movement – like a snake in the grass.

“Don’t toy with me, Jed,” Sissy snapped. “You act like it’s nothing! It was a terrible thing to do to me! It’s even more terrible that you want to do it again!”

She heaved a sigh and went sort of weak. “I’ve thought all night about this,” she said. “I guess I knew it would come to this. I’d be fooling myself to think you’d be nice about it. I know what you want and I guess I’m gonna have to give it to you.”

She sighed again before going on, then she said, “If I do – I mean, if I let you – will you promise never to tell?”

Jed swallowed hard. Was she talking about giving him her sweet little cunt? Was he going out of his mind or was Sissy Clanton offering her ass?

“I promise,” he said thickly. He thought his prick would burst right through his denims.

To his surprise, those two words created a miracle. Sissy’s hand trembled on his. Her fingers moved to the right – slowly, tantalizingly. She looked agonized about something as she slipped her hand onto his bulging hard-on. Her fingers curled around his cock-shaft and she squeezed his prick gently.

“This is what you want, isn’t it?” she breathed. Her hand started moving on his cock in a slow pumping movement.

Jed’s tongue stuck to the roof of his mouth. Sissy was opening his fly, getting his rigid prick out. He stared down in amazement as his unruly cock leapt into her gently massaging hand. She took his prick into her fist and jerked his cock up and down.

“It’s bigger than I remember,” she panted.

Jed went to pieces. He grabbed her by the shoulders and pushed her down on her back along the sofa. Sissy moaned as he pulled her dress up and got between her thighs. Jed groaned as he shoved his big, wet cock up into her tight little pussy.

Sissy’s slim arms twined around his bull neck and she whimpered, “Ohhhh, you terrible man.”

Jed kissed her mouth hornily and fucked his stony prick in and out of her cunt smoothly. So smoothly that Sissy began to wonder about something. As Jed kissed her and played with her tits and sucked her nipples and fucked his stiff boner in and out of her cumming pussy, she wondered why he was so gentle.

Jed couldn’t take much of her tight, fucking cunt, and he shot a fiery load of thick cum into her. Sissy’s mind whirled, and she threw her pussy up in the air and came wetly on his fucking, cumming prick.

It took her some time to get her breath back, and by then, Jed was withdrawing his thick, wet cock from her squirmy cunt. He left her there on the sofa, practically naked, panting like a tired kitten. He put his cock away and walked out of the house. In a daze, he returned to his work.

“Bless my soul,” he said, crawling under the porch.

Sissy was in a muddle. She caressed her tits and pussy, wondering, wondering, wondering. It couldn’t have been Jed who had fucked her in the barn! Whoever had fucked her there had been brutal, violent, extremely horny. Jed had been gentle, almost loving. In fact, getting fucked by Jed had been rather nice.

So who had fucked her in the barn?



Sissy was bound to find out who had fucked her in the barn. It was inevitable because she lived just up the road from her unknown assailant. And her secret attacker wanted more of her young body, her pretty tits, and her hot little cunt. For two whole days Jonathan Sutter could think of nothing else.

So when he saw Sissy prancing across his property on her way to the local pond, he did something he’d always wanted to do but never dared. He set his twin German shepherds on her.

He unleashed the powerful animals from their chains in the barn and pointed his arm across the field at the blonde-haired girl running into the woods.

“Chief! Baron!” he ordered. “Down!”

Sutter’s dogs were well trained to handle trespassers. “Down” to them meant charge the person pointed to and bring him down to the ground.

With deep growls in their throats, the huge dogs took out after their prey. Sutter stood at his barn door with a grin on his lined face as his dogs disappeared from view. He watched the waist-high grasses part and sway, marking the rapid advance of the two animals.

Sissy was well into the woods, stepping over fallen trees and moving through underbrush. She was anticipating a cool dip in the pond, eager to submerge her naked body in the refreshing water. The pond was in sight when she heard grass being thrashed somewhere behind her.

She turned, curious, and gasped to see the Sutter dogs charging her. She screamed, alarmed to see them unleashed, which they rarely were. She turned on her heels and ran shrieking toward the water. Her heart pounded and her blood rushed as she ran as fast as her young legs would carry her.

Suddenly something heavy hit her right between the shoulder blades with such impact that she went flying. She stumbled over a tree trunk and landed on her tits, her face hitting the ground hard. Instinctively, she tried to escape by rolling, but instantly a huge animal was on here his hand legs be tween her splayed thighs, his forelegs planted firmly on her chest. His teeth were bared, white and gleaming, and his eyes looked deadly. His growl was enough to make Sissy tremble in fear.

“Chief, Baron,” she gasped. She knew the dogs, but she also knew they weren’t pets. She remembered what they had done to a city slicker one day when he tried to hornswaggle Mr. Sutter.

“I-I’m Sissy,” she whimpered fearfully, as if that would make a difference.

Baron stood firmly near her head, glaring as though he was daring her to move. Chief looked like he wanted to bury his fangs in her throat.

Sissy froze with terror, but her mind went a mile a minute. The dogs must have broken loose when they saw me running across the field, she thought. Only Mr. Sutter could control them. How could she call to him?

She knew she had to think of a way. She was so far from the houses, she’d have to scream awfully loud to be heard. At least the dogs weren’t chewing her to pieces, that was one consolation. She felt safe for the moment.

Except for the rapid rise and fall of her straining tits, she lay absolutely still so as not to provoke the beasts. Her young mind frantically sought some solution.

In fear for her life, she kept her eyes fixed on Chief’s. She didn’t dare move her arms lest Baron tear her apart. But she had an idea – a wild, woolly idea. From her own experiences, she knew two things that calmed animals down – food and sex.

She wished she had some bloody meat to throw to the snarling dogs, but she didn’t. She did have sex, however – if it would work. She had to find out.

Slowly, carefully, she eased one foot out of her sandal. She held her breath. Her pink tongue flashed across her parted lips. Then she slowly lifted her bare foot up under Chief’s massive body.

She swallowed tensely. Her foot trembled. Her leg began to shake, and she slowly let her breath out, trying to be calm.

“It’s all right, Chief. Good Chief. Nice Chief. Easy, boy,” she panted.

Her toys touched his belly. She wiggled them, moved her foot, contacted his thick, furry cock sheath. Breathing heavily, her tits almost bursting, she inched her toes down to the animal’s balls.

Chief growled when the girl’s toes rubbed his balls. But Sissy saw something change in his big brown eyes as she wiggled her toes on his balls, and she knew she was on the right track.

“Oh, thank God,” she breathed, seeing that her ploy was working. “Good boy, Chief. Nice Chief. Doesn’t that feel good on your balls? Easy now, easy. Sissy’ll make you feel real good.”

She drew her toes up along his sheath and felt something hard growing there.

“That’s it,” she murmured soothingly. “Get a nice big hard-on for Sissy. Come on, Chief, bring your cock out. Good boy. Mmmm, doesn’t that feel nice?”

Chief’s enormous red boner slithered wetly out of his hairy sac, and Sissy quickly rubbed his cock into greater stiffness with her foot. His prick was soon long, thick and erect, and Sissy slid her toes up and down its full length.

Jonathan Sutter couldn’t believe his eyes. He peered from behind a tree and stared in amazement as Sissy tamed the ferocious dog with her foot! He had expected her to scream her fool head off, and he’d intended to rescue her from his dogs and then claim the reward of her cunt.

But Sissy wasn’t screaming. She was talking the dog down, by God! Sutter had to admire the girl’s spunk. Most people were deathly afraid of his wolf-like animals. Sissy seemed to have a way with them – a very sexy way.

Just watching the girl gave him a whopping hard-on, and he pulled his cock out to jack off while he looked on in wonder. His fist pumped up and down on his thick cock-shaft as he watched Sissy gain full control of the meanest dogs in the county.

Her cute toes excited Chief’s balls and prick so much that his prick started leaking pre-cum. The scent attracted Baron, he turned to Chief, and stuck his snout under the other dog’s belly. A second later, he was lapping his huge tongue all over Chief’s wet cock.

Sutter whacked his own immense prick and stared hotly as Sissy reached up and grasped Baron’s huge cock. She jerked his prick as she rub bed Chief’s cock with her foot. The dogs stopped growling. Sutter couldn’t believe his eyes.

Sissy was relieved. “Thank God for sex,” she breathed. Now she was able to relax a little and concentrate on the dog-cocks.

Baron’s tongue, lashing Chief’s prick, licked Sissy’s toes at the same time, and she giggled. The giggle gave her relief and now that the terror was past, pleasure set in.

“Mmmm,” she moaned, caressing Baron’s giant cock and toeing Chief’s boner. “You two are hung! I wouldn’t mind getting fucked by these pricks!”

The mere thought of being fucked excited her pussy, which was already tingling from the excitement of the chase and the danger.

She remembered what had attracted her own dogs to her, and she used her free hand on her cunt to get her pussy juicy and make her smell hot. It took only a few rubs and a little fingering to make her pussy-hole ooze silky fluids.

Baron, with his snout under Chief’s belly, smelled her scent first. Being male, the aroma of female cunt held a greater fascination for him than a stiff, leaking cock and he dropped his nose to Sissy’s pussy.

“Ohhh,” she moaned when his big tongue licked her fur. She hiked her dress way up and hunched her pussy up. Baron’s tongue lashed wildly at her exposed young cunt.

Chief soon detected what was going on and wanted some of the action. He always joined Baron in the kill of a rat or a rabbit. Why not join him in licking a hot little cunt?

He backed up, as if on command, and Sissy opened her legs wide. She caught her breath and massaged her tits as the two dogs licked her wet snatch.

Sutter whacked his massive prick faster as he listened to Sissy’s hot moans. He stared hornily as she bared her luscious tits and squeezed them and humped her cunt beneath the licking, lapping doggie-tongues.

He knew he’d bust his balls, but he didn’t want to. Not now. Not this way. When he could stand it no longer, when pretty Sissy Clanton looked like she was aching for a fuck, he stepped around the tree.

“Chief! Baron! Heel!” he commanded.

Surprisingly, the dogs backed off and stood like statues. They knew the sting of Sutter’s thick leather belt only too well.

“Mr. Sutter!” Sissy gasped, seeing him through her glazed eyes.

He closed in on her and dropped to his knees right between her trembling thighs. His eyes burned into her pink and white pussy. “I can do more for you than them fucking dogs,” he said hotly.

Sissy eyed his prick with mounting hunger. She was already on the verge of cumming. The horny dog-tongues had whipped her cunt into a hot froth. Aching for relief, she boldly reached down and grabbed Sutter’s huge cock.

“Yes, yes,” she panted, and pulled his prick to her juicy cunt. “You can! Ohhh, your cock is so hard!”

She guided his prick to the hungry mouth of her cunt and Sutter, anxious to fuck this pretty girl, drove all of his cock into her as he lowered his massive chest to her jutting tits.

“Ohhhhh!” Sissy squealed as his long, thick boner drilled into her tight pussy. Her arms flew around his neck and her head snapped back.

“Fuck me!” she cried. Her outburst was so loud that it frightened the birds in the trees and they flew away noisily.

Sutter sucked a pink nipple into his mouth and fucked his stiff cock into her humping pussy with ever faster plunges. Sissy came like crazy as his enormous boner seesawed in and out of her twisting young cunt.

Sutter was as horny to fuck her as Sissy was to be fucked. The dogs looked on as the old man and the young girl fucked as wildly as animals.

It was a fast and furious fuck. Sutter liked making her moan and screw for him, and he fucked her pussy with a vengeance. Sissy whimpered as if she were being whipped by the man, and her hot pussy creamed juicily on his drilling, plunging prick.

In the throes of her third cum, the truth came to her in a flash. “It was you!” she shrieked, fucking her cunt violently. “You fucked me in the barn!”

Sutter chuckled and moved his hot mouth to her cute little ear. He nibbled it like he’d nibbled her tits and rasped, “You’re Goddamned right it was me. I’ve been waiting a long time to fuck you!”

“Ohhhh,” Sissy moaned, thrusting her cunt up to meet his wild plunges. “And I always thought you were a nice man!”

In her next panting breath she gasped, “Ohhh, your cock is soooo biiiiig! Ummmmm, give it to me, give it to me! Oh, ohhh, ohhhhh. If you ever wanted to fuck me, now’s the time! Your dogs got me so hot!”

Sutter sucked on her ear and pumped his load of jism up her cunt. Sissy quivered and gasped as his swollen cock ravished her furry little cunt. When his prick exploded in her heaving pussy, she shuddered violently and sucked the cum out of his balls. Grunting and groaning, she twisted her fist-tight pussy hotly on his drilling, shooting cock and soaked his prick in her steaming fuck-juices.

Sutter’s big cock rammed into her pussy-hole and spurted the last of his wild cock-cream. Sissy moaned and shivered, cumming beautifully. She came so much that it took her breath away.

“Oh, ohh, ohhhhh,” she moaned as Sutter panted over her. “I figured you had a big cock, but I never dreamed your prick was this big!”

Sutter raised up from her hard, pointed tits and grinned at her. “Like it, huh?”

Sissy was starry-eyed. “More than you know,” she panted. “Hollis ain’t been giving me much lately. I must sound wicked, but your cock is marvelous!”

Sutter lowered his face to her young tits, the youngest he’d ever licked, and he gave them a tongue job while Sissy purred like a kitten with a belly full of warm milk. She was obviously in need of some wild sex.

Sissy knew that better than he did. The excitement with the dogs and Sutter’s brutal fucking only tuned her sex-starved body for more chills and thrills.

She lifted his head between her hands and gazed into his eyes. “Your cock is still big in me. It feels so good there. A girl could go crazy with a cock like that. I’ll bet your prick would feel real nice in my mouth.”

“Jesus,” Sutter groaned. He never expected Sissy to say a thing like that.

She licked her lips teasingly. “Would you like me to suck you off?”

Sutter swallowed hard. “You want to do that?”

“Yessssss,” she hissed hornily. “You cum so hard. I want to feel your cock shooting in my mouth. You’ve got me feeling so naughty.”

Sutter wasted no time. He pulled his thick, red prick out of her wet pussy and rolled onto his back like a dog. He propped himself up on his elbows so he could watch the sexy girl suck his prick.

Sissy got on all fours and caressed his cock tenderly. Holding his prick up, she licked his cock with her tongue until his hard-on stood tall by itself.

The dogs apparently could take no more either. As Sissy licked Sutter’s prick, her cute ass wiggled. Her cunt, oozing her juices and Sutter’s jism, smelled delicious to them, and they approached her slowly. Their tongues licked at her pussy.

Sutter saw his dogs disobeying his orders and he yelled, “Hey, you fucking mongrels! Back! Back!”

“Oh, don’t,” Sissy moaned. “Don’t make them stop. They make my pussy feel so good. I’ll suck your cock like it’s never been sucked!”

“Lord Almighty,” Sutter groaned. “Never knew you was such a hot little bitch.”

The dogs were confused, torn between obeying their master and licking Sissy’s cunt.

“Git to it!” Sutter commanded.

The noses of the dogs met at Sissy’s ass and their tongues lapped rapidly at her cunt, licking up the male and female cum. Sissy spread her knees apart to expose all of her pussy. Then she took Sutter’s huge boner into her mouth and sucked him off as his dogs licked her to a wonderful cum.

Sissy really liked what the dogs were doing to her. The more they lashed her pussy and ass-crack, the faster and hotter she blew Sutter’s big cock. She moaned and brushed her hair back and plunged her mouth up and down on his boner. Her moans grew louder as the sandpapery doggie-tongues delighted her pussy. Her cute little ass started moving round and round and she took every inch of the man’s prick up into her hotly sucking mouth.

The dog-tongues lashed her pussy into a fury. The hotter her cunt got, the harder she sucked Sutter’s cock. Her hot young mouth felt so good on his prick that he fell back and gasped. His stony cock thrust in the air, up into Sissy’s mouth, and she caressed his prick with her hands as she bobbed her pretty head up and down.

She felt her cum building up in her belly and she sucked faster on the swollen cock throbbing in her mouth. She drew her head up and sucked in her cheeks and laved Sutter’s bulging cock-head with her tongue. She wanted his prick to feel as good as her pussy felt.

“Mmmmmm!” she moaned, twisting her hot ass hornily. She pushed her pussy hard against the dogs’ noses and tongues and pulled even harder on Sutter’s monstrous

boner with her mouth.

“Jesus!” he yelled, and his horny cock let loose with another fiery load of thick jism. Sissy quivered and trembled as her pussy creamed hotly, and she gulped and gulped, sucking all the cum up out of Sutter’s hairy balls. As the dogs licked her cunt-cream, she cleaned Sutter’s prick with her tongue.

“Never been blowed like that,” he groaned. Sissy giggled and peered up at him. “You can thank your dogs for that,” she purred. She didn’t tell him that she liked sucking him off, but liked the dogs’ tongues licking her hot pussy even better.



Sissy had never felt better in her life. She got out of bed humming a happy tune and went naked into the bathroom. When she came out, Hollis was awake, and he took a look at her creamy, curvy young body. He smiled.

“Yer sure lookin’ purty this mornin’, Sissy,” he said.

That made her stop and look at him. He rarely made remarks about her beauty, much less her body. She turned so he could see all of her ripe young tits and furry pussy-hair. Her gaze gravitated to his lap.

“You feelin’ horny, Hollis?” she asked.

“Huh? No, no, it ain’t that,” he said quickly, climbing out of bed as if she would attack him if he didn’t. “Just remarkin’.”

He hurried into the bathroom. Sissy felt just a little twinge of desire for his big, thick cock. She smiled to herself then. She didn’t have to feel sad anymore because Hollis wouldn’t fuck her.

She pulled her old dress on over her curvy body and tugged it into place. The material felt nice and tight across her ass and tits. She liked that. It made her feel sexy.

She smiled again as she left the room I ain’t gonna fret over Hollis ever again, she thought. This farm is chock-full of nice pricks for a girl who ain’t afraid to go after ’em. And I ain’t afraid. I like cock too much!

She laughed lightly at the kitchen stove as her mind turned to memories of Rex and Lady and Mr. Sutter’s horny dogs and her own pig.

“Whatcha laughin’ about?” Hollis wanted to know, coming into the kitchen.

“Nothin’,” Sissy replied, and busied herself preparing his breakfast. Now she was in a hurry for him to get out of the house.

When Hollis was finished eating and was pulling on his old boots, Sissy carried the dishes to the sink. She glanced out the window at a bright new day, a day she planned to make the most of.

She heard scuffling noises and stood on tiptoe and peered through the window. Rex was after Lady again, as horny as ever. Sissy watched him snuff his nose under Lady’s tail. The sight made her pussy tingle and she found herself rooting for the male hound.

Git her ass, she thought feverishly. Hurry, Rex! Git yer big cock up her tight little cunt! Fuck the hell out of ‘er! Git ‘er, boy, git ‘er!

But Lady kept escaping the raunchy mutt. Sissy could see Rex’s problem immediately. There was too God damned much room for Lady to run in.

Well, we’ll soon change that, she thought wickedly. A naughty grin lifted the corners of her pretty mouth.

“See ya tonight,” Hollis said at the door.

Sissy turned and said good-bye to her husband. He didn’t notice that her cheeks were flushed, that her eyes were gleaming, that her jutting young tits were rising and falling faster with her more rapid breathing.

Sissy gave Hollis a few moments to get away from the house. She stood tensely, feeling hot and nervous in her belly. Then she saw him walking through the field, heading for his tractor.

She pranced to the door and pulled it open. She poked her head out to make sure Jed and Cal weren’t around. Then she called the dogs.

“Here Rex! Here Lady!” she coaxed.

Rex was so preoccupied with Lady’s wet cunt that he paid no mind. Sissy turned and grabbed the remainder of Hollis’ bacon from his plate and waved it out the door. Both dogs came bounding into the house.

Sissy laughed excitedly as Rex and Lady jumped and leapt around. She tossed the scraps of bacon to them and let them have a little feast. Then she locked the back door and stared at the animals.

“Okay, Rex,” she giggled. “Lady’s all yours now. She can’t git out of the house. Fuck her all you want to!”

In spite of her words, it took Rex a few minutes for his mind to return to the thought of hot pussy. But it did. With the bacon all gone and no more forthcoming, he turned on Lady and tried to mount her. Lady took off like a shot. Rex chased, hot on her heels.

Sissy pranced laughing into the living room and watched the horny chase, both dogs panting hotly, the female trying to escape a fucking, the male try mg to get fucked. The sight excited Sissy very much, and her own cunt started creaming.

Her blue eyes grew big and round as she hotly watched Rex pursue his quarry around the sofa. Lady was cornered then, and she made the mistake of turning her ass to Rex. The horny male dog was on her like a flash. He mounted her hard, gripped her ribs between his forelegs and shoved all of his stiff prick up into her defenseless little cunt.

“Ohhhhh,” Sissy moaned. The scene inflamed her mind and her pussy. She staggered a little, then leaned against the wall, her eyes glued to Rex as he fucked Lady relentlessly. His eager prick fucked rapidly in and out of the female dog’s tight little pussy.

Turned on by the raunchy sex scene, Sissy hotly pulled her dress way up on her belly and crammed a hand between her thighs. She spread her legs and rubbed her horny cunt wildly as Rex fucked the hell out of a whining, whimpering Lady.

The mere sight of Rex’s strong haunches pump mg at the bitch made Sissy’s cunt hotter and hotter. Her eyes grew heavy and her tits started heaving as she stared. She opened her thighs wider and worked a slim finger up into her squirmy cunt hole. Then, as Rex fucked Lady with increasing force and power, Sissy hunched her pussy on her fingers and came juicily again and again.

The dog-fucking went on so long and so hotly, and her pussy got so tingly and excited, that Sissy had to get off of her trembling legs. Her back slid down the wall and she landed on her curvy young ass. She spread her legs wider and fucked her finger faster in and out of her cunt as she watched Lady getting fucked wildly by horny, brutal Rex.

Her cummy cunt felt so hot that Sissy couldn’t take much more. She mauled her tits and finger fucked her pussy until all she could think of was getting fucked.

Panting hotly, licking her lips continually, she crawled across the floor to the fucking dogs, never removing her wet finger from her horny pussy. When she reached the animals, only then did she take her finger out of her cunt-hole. She grabbed Lady and forcefully separated her from Rex’s fucking cock.

Gasping for breath now, she dragged the whining dog to the back door, unlocked it, opened it, and shoved the bitch outside. Rex tried to follow.

“Oh, no you don’t!” Sissy panted, slamming the door. “You ain’t goin’ nowhere till I git a good mornin’ fuck!”

With that, she dropped down onto all fours and turned her ass to the dog. Laughing sensuously, she hiked her dress up in back and exposed her ass and cunt. Rex forgot all about Lady immediately. He stuck his snout up against her moist puss-lips and gave them a few licks.

Sissy shuddered and moaned. She spread her knees apart and Rex was then able to lick the tip of his tongue along her sweet cunt-crack. When his tongue lashed her clit, Sissy whimpered as helplessly as Lady. And just as hornily.

“Ohhhhh, good boy, Rex, good boy,” she panted, wiggling her ass and twisting her pussy as his tongue whipped her cunt. “Lick Sissy nice. Mmmm, good boy. Eat me, Rex. Ummmmm, lick me good!”

Little shivers fan through her young body as the doggie-tongue turned her into a mass of writhing female flesh. Her head spun and her tits felt like they’d burst with pure pleasure. This was how she wanted to feel – all sexy and wet and fucked. This was what she wanted Hollis to do to her in the morning. What a way for a girl to wake up!

Even as Rex licked her pussy to a creamy cum, Sissy was sure that this was the way she was sup posed to be. She didn’t want to be a good little girl any more. She wanted to be a woman. She wanted to be desired, sought after, pursued-then kissed and licked and sucked and fucked like mad! She needed sex very much.

She twisted her juicy cunt hard against Rex’s lashing tongue. She recalled the way Rex had chased Lady around the room, how he had cornered her and shoved his stiff prick up her pussy. Sissy wanted that, too!

Panting hotly, she giggled and started crawling away from Rex. The dog took a few steps and buried his wet snout into her pussy again. But her cunt moved once more, inched away, drawing him on, just like Lady did to him. Sissy giggled girlishly and wiggled away from his eager tongue, making him come after her playful cunt.

Like a little girl playing on a lawn, she scooted quickly around the sofa. Rex bounded after her. She darted again and he chased again, making her laugh and cum. She knew if she teased him long enough, he would eventually think of fucking her. He’d fucked her in the barn, hadn’t he?

She dived under the coffee table, but left her curvy little ass up and out. Sure enough, the horny dog leapt up onto her back. His front paws hit the surface of the table with a bang and slid on the smoothness of it, knocking off an ashtray. Sissy didn’t care about that. The important thing was that the dog was in a good position now, his hot belly pressed against her ass.

Panting with horniness and giggling with excitement, she thrust a hand between her thighs and gripped Rex’s stiff, wet boner. With a little moan of desire, she guided his stabbing prick to the juicy mouth of her cunt. Rex’s long, wet cock sliced up into her pussy.

“Oh!” she cried as his prick drilled right into her horny pussy-hole.

Rex’s tongue hung from his mouth, drooling saliva onto the coffee table. Panting as hotly as his mistress, he hunched his mighty haunches rapidly in quick-fire jabs that kept his stony prick fucking into her pussy. He fucked her like an animal, and Sissy whimpered like a bitch in heat as his long, stiff cock fucked in and out of her tight little pussy.

“Ewww, give it to me,” she panted, fucking her cunt back at him each time his cock speared into her pussy. “Ohhhh, fuck me, fuck me! Mmmm, it feels so good! Ohhh, what a stiff cock you’ve got! Fuck my cunt, Rex, fuck my cunt! Mmmm, give it to me!”

Rex groaned wildly. His enlarging cock wedged up into her twisty little pussy and pumped faster, harder. Sissy moaned and humped with short rapid motions. She knew her pet was going to discharge a big load of cum up her cunt, and she also knew his cum was going to make her cum.

This was what she wanted, what she needed. She screwed her ass round and round hornily as Rex fucked his cock into her cunt faster and faster. She could feel his prick thickening between the tight walls of her cunt. This fucking was even better than the last one he gave her, and she wondered why.

“Because I want it,” she panted, fucking her cunt on his rampaging prick. “That’s why. My pussy’s so fucking hot! I wanna fuck!”

She pressed her hot cheek against her arm under the coffee table and humped her cunt hornily on Rex’s stiff, drilling prick. Fucking was all that mattered now. Her nipples were tingling like hell and her pussy was hornier than ever, and her dog’s cock felt marvelous.

“Give it to me, Rex!” she gasped, screwing her cunt harder. “Shoot your cum up my cunt! Ohhh, make me cum, Rex, make me cummmmm!”

As if on command, the dog’s swollen cock rammed into her pussy, lodged in her womb, and let loose with a salvo of fiery shots. Huge wads of doggie-jism crashed into her twisty cunt-hole. Sissy creamed immediately.

“Oh, my God!” she cried, shuddering with orgasm. “Ohhh, fucking is so good! Ummm, fuck it into me, Rex! Give it to me! Ohhh, I’m cumming, I’m cumming! Fuck me! Fuck me! Fuck my pussy! Fuck my cunt! Oh-ohh-ohhhhh, I’m cummmihnng!”

Her whole body shuddered and shivered and she bit her lower lip, moaning loudly as his doggie-cock fucked thick wads of cum into her hot cunt. Her pussy-cream flowed wetly, juicily, and made her pussy feel the way she wanted her cunt to feel. She moaned constantly. It was all so new to her. The dog-cock was new. Her horniness was new. Even her pussy felt brand new – a fresh, pink cunt, hot to fuck.

Rex was relentless. His front paws slipped and slid all over the table top but Sissy’s pussy felt so good around his slip-sliding cock that he hung on for dear life and fucked the hell out of her. Sissy enjoyed every fucking minute!

She moaned hotly and quivered all over as Rex completed his monstrous fucking. He worked his stony cock in and out of her tight pussy until all of his jism was pumped into her heaving young cunt. Only then did he withdraw his prick from her fuck hole and stand back. Sissy collapsed, moaning, as Rex finished her off by licking her pussy clean.

After a few moments of that excitement, she rolled around onto her lithe back and spread her legs wide for the cunt-licking mongrel. Rex, his prick dripping, lapped her pussy rapidly, eating her cum and his own. Sissy swooned and raised her horny cunt up in the air. She used her fingers to pry apart the hot lips of her young cunt and exposed her pussy-hole to his doggie-tongue. The effect was electric.

Her eyes rolled in her head, her breathing grew rapid, her aching tits heaved faster, and her cunt hunched and thrust and twisted and screwed as the thick, scrapy doggie-tongue got her off in a series of mind-boggling cums.

“Ohhh, ohhh, ohhhhmmmmm,” she moaned with pleasure. Rex seemed to have no sense of time, no thought of stopping. And this drove Sissy out of her young mind with intense pleasure. She tore her dress open in front and bared her beautiful young tits. She writhed on the floor until she was twisted around. Caressing her jutting tits, she fed them, one at a time, to the doggie-tongue, loving every lick. Her pink nipples got as stiff and tingly as her clit. Just the tit-licking was enough to make her cum again, and she drilled two fingers up into her cumming cunt as Rex laved her tits.

Instinctively, almost naturally, she reached up under the licking animal with her free hand and grasped his wet, pink prick. As Rex licked her tits and she fingerfucked her juice cunt, she jerked him off. She wrapped her fingers around his meaty cock and pumped his prick with pleasure. Every once in a while she stopped jerking long enough to play with his cock, to feel his prick all over, to tease and please him. She toyed with his big hot balls and enjoyed that, too, thinking about how nice it would be to have a man’s balls and cock to play with.

Her mind naturally turned to thoughts of Cal and Jed. They were men! Horny men. Strangers who liked fucking young girls. They had sure fucked her! She jerked Rex’s stiff prick and day-dreamed about Jed’s enormous boner. He was right outside working.

She giggled to remember that she had actually put out for him because she’d thought he had fucked her in the barn. But he hadn’t! It had been Mr. Sutter! Yet she’d given her pussy to Jed and he did fuck her. What a cock he had!

Thinking of Jed’s cock while she was jerking Rex’s dog-prick only made Sissy very horny. Her cunt was burning and her tits were aching. Getting fucked by the animal had only turned her on for more sex. She wanted more erotic pleasure, greater thrills in her lithe young body, more kicks to get her dizzy and juicy.

In this frame of mind, she pulled at Rex and toppled him. His big body thumped to the floor and she rolled him over. He seemed to remember what she did the last time, so he didn’t move away. His big hind legs fell open.

Sissy cuddled up to him and took his stiff prick in her fist. She looked at his cock sliding in and out of her hand as she jerked him slowly, lovingly. Her pink tongue slipped across her ripe lips and her eyes sparkled with female lust.

A soft moan escaped her throat and she laid her head down on Rex’s huge belly. She inched her lips toward his prick and parted them. Moaning softly, she took his cock into her mouth and started sucking him off.

She slid her mouth up and down on his boner, licking his cock with her tongue at the same time that she toyed with his balls. His cock felt good between her sensitive lips, so good that the feeling evoked naughty thoughts of sucking off Hollis’ cock and Cal’s cock and Jed’s cock and Mr. Sutter’s cock. Right now she just wanted a stiff boner moving in and out of her mouth – any boner, every boner! She sucked with a passion.

As far as the dog was concerned, the sucking female mouth felt like a hot female cunt, and he started fucking her mouth as he would a pussy. Sissy liked that a lot, and she moaned her pleasure. In response to the mouth-fucking, she licked her tongue faster all over his stabbing cock.

“Mmmmm,” she moaned, feeling his prick thickening like it had in her cunt. She tightened her mouth around his drilling cock and sucked harder. She squeezed his balls and lashed with her tongue until the doggie-cock was pumping huge wads of thick cock-cream into her mouth. She panted hotly and gulped all his jism down her throat, writhing hornily on the floor as the dog shot a big load of jism into her mouth. This was all very sexy to Sissy, and she came without even touching her excited young pussy.

After she’d eaten Rex, she rolled onto her back and let him lick the hell out of her pussy again. She played with her aching tits and squeezed her pink nipples a lot while she came and came all over his sandpapery tongue.

Then she had him fuck her once more before she put him outside. She came twice on his fucking cum-shooting cock.



Sissy managed to get through her housework only because she stopped frequently to play with her tits and rub her cunt now and then. By the time she finished, she felt all cummy and sexy.

She put the broom away and fluffed her hair. She gave her tight dress a few tugs to get the hem down below her cunt and ass. Then she stepped out onto the front porch. She had stiff cock on her mind.

She smiled to herself as she pranced down the porch steps. How frightened she used to be of Cal and Jed. She always knew what they were thinking about when they saw her. Now she wondered why that had scared her. Maybe she wasn’t scared now because both led and Cal had already fucked her once.

She moved past old Jed and cooed, “Good mornin’.”

Jed saw her naked legs go by and he dropped his hammer. His cock got big between his legs as he twisted around to watch Sissy’s cute ass wiggle away. He saw her wave cheerily to Cal, then go into the barn.

“Damned if that filly ain’t hankerin’ for cock,” he murmured. He rolled from under the porch and got to his feet.

“Cal!” he called, heading for the barn. “God dammit, boy, git yer ass over here!”

Cal came trotting from the corral like a stallion, hurrying to please his easily angered pa.

Jed stood in the doorway of the barn and watched Sissy. She moved to a stall and turned. She leaned back against a post and looked good enough to eat. She tilted her head prettily and smiled in a way that said, “Come and get it.”

Her blue eyes brightened when she saw both Jed and the lumbering Cal come inside the barn. She glanced at their crotches and felt flames of desire burning hotly in her cunt. She inhaled deeply to make her tits rise up and out and she liked the way the men eyed her. They were instantly horny, she could see that. Two huge bulges appeared in their overalls and Sissy thought she’d cum right then and there.

“Yer looking fer cock, huh?” Jed chuckled.

“Why, Jed,” Sissy cooed. “How dare you talk a girl that way.”

Her teasing manner inflamed the old man and he lunged at her. That was exactly what Sissy wanted. She squealed and ran from them, ass jiggling cutely. She laughed excitedly and dodged Jed’s horny lunge at her.

“Git ‘er!” he barked at his dimwitted son. “God dammit, git ‘er!”

Cal’s lower jaw went slack. “Git ‘er, Pa?”

Jed blocked Sissy’s escape through the rear door of the barn and glared at his boy. “Yes, you fuckin’ idiot! Ya wanna fuck her cute little cunt, don’t ya? Well, git ‘er!”

“Her cunt?” Cal slurred, drooling at the thought. “Uhhh, yeah, Pa, I wanna fuck ‘er. Yeah, I’ll git ‘er.”

Sissy giggled and ran to the ladder leading up the loft. Laughing heatedly, she scrambled up the ladder, ass wiggling sexily as she climbed upward. Both Jed and Cal met at the foot of the ladder at the same time and stared up wide eyed.

Sissy paused at the top of the ladder and peered down at the staring males. She let one foot float out loosely and gave the men a good look at her sweet round ass and furry young cunt.

“Jesus,” Jed groaned, eyeing her twat.

“God Almighty,” Cal muttered, his eyes bugged.

“Come on!” Jed growled. He grabbed a rung of the ladder and pulled his big frame skyward.

Sissy squealed again and scrambled into the loft on hands and knees. She could feel the whole barn shaking as the two big men came after her. It was like being pursued by two bulls.

She crawled across the hay on all fours, hoping to hide, but the men were hot for her and fast. She whirled and fell onto her back as Jed and Cal stomped into the loft and stood over her like giants. Her breathing was fast and her cute tits strained hard in her tight little dress.

Jed unhooked his bib overalls and shoved them down. Sissy’s eyes went wide as he exposed hairy thighs, two huge balls, and a gigantic, wet cock. Cal copied his pa’s actions, and a moment later, she stared wide eyed at two mighty pricks, throbbing hornily at her.

“Oh, golly,” she panted. The big cocks took her breath away and made her pussy feel funny. It excited her to know that she was going to be fucked by both of them at the same time.

Jed stepped up to her, towering over her. He gripped his huge boner in his fist and said, “This is what you want, ain’t it?”

Sissy shivered. Her pink tongue flashed across her ripe young lips. “Y-yes,” she said weakly.

“Well, don’t you worry none, pretty thing,” he grinned lewdly, “’cause yer gonna git plenty of cock.”

“Ohhhh,” Sissy moaned.

“Take that fuckin’ dress off,” Jed ordered.

Sissy obeyed instantly. She lifted her dress and peeled it over her head, then laid back, stark naked, so the two men could feast their eyes.

They also wanted to feast their hands. Jed dropped to his knees and mauled her ripe, thrusting tits, and pinched her nipples till Sissy whimpered. Cal followed suit and dropped to his knees, his cock dripping pre-cum into the hay as he rubbed Sissy’s cute cunt.

The four male hands running up and down her naked body did things to her. Her senses reeled and her legs opened wide, and she moaned repeatedly as the men felt her up all they wanted to. After a few minutes of the exquisite torture, she raised her arms above her head and surrendered her whole body to them. Her tits and pussy and ass belonged to them now, and she wanted it that way. She wanted to be used, pleased, turned on, fucked. Every inch of her youthful body ached for sexual treatment.

The men seemed to sense that, and they acted accordingly. They took her like animals take other animals – brutally, instinctively, wildly.

Jed grabbed her slim wrist and pulled at her as he sat down in the hay. He threw his legs wide and dragged her to his enormous cock.

“Suck me off,” he said hornily.

Sissy whimpered and obeyed. She wrapped both hands tightly around his throbbing prick and licked her cute tongue up and down his cock-shaft. Then she took his giant cock-head into her mouth and sucked on his prick hotly, moaning all the while.

“Kneel up, you hot little bitch,” Jed commanded.

With his erect boner stuck in her sucking mouth, she got up on all fours as she was told. When her naked ass was sticking up in the air, Jed jerked his head at his wide-eyed son.

“Well, don’t just stand there, you dumb bastard,” he growled. “Git yer cock up her cunt!”

Dumbly, but hornily, Cal dropped to his knees behind Sissy and gripped his stony cock in his big fist. Grasping his prick tightly, he inched his cock toward her pink, wet pussy. His juicy cock-head pressed against her cunt-hole, and Sissy rnoaned on Jed’s horny cock.

While she sucked Jed’s prick, Cal’s mighty cock penetrated the tightness of her pretty pussy. His prick was so big that her pussy-mouth stretched a lot.

“Mmmm!” Sissy moaned as his enormous boner crept into her pussy-hole. His cock felt so good that she pushed back to get his prick up her cunt faster. She sucked hard on Jed’s prick in gratitude.

A moment later, she sucked feverishly on the old man’s horny cock as his dim-witted boy fucked the shit out of her tender pussy.

Cal panted like a stallion as he fucked her. He gripped her lithe young hips and drilled his cock into her juicy cunt-hole with increasing lust. Making low animal sounds, he fucked her pussy almost angrily, brutally assaulting her tight little hole.

Sissy’s senses whirled then as both cocks brought her much of the pleasure she usually dreamed about. There was something highly sensual about being raped by two big pricks at once. These country males were so fucking horny for her body! How they liked to push their stiff pricks in her holes!

Cal’s big hands dug into the flesh of Sissy’s hips, and he reared back and drilled forward again and again. His big, thick cock speared into her pussy and his huge balls slapped her clit till she thought her pussy would cream like crazy. The harder Cal fucked her cunt, the faster she sucked Jed’s big prick.

Her hot young body was a tremendous turn-on for the two strapping males, and they couldn’t possibly hold back their wild cum. But they didn’t care either. They knew Sissy wasn’t going anywhere until they’d had their fill of her.

“Give it to ‘er,” Jed groaned at his fucking son. “Shove yer cock up ‘er cunt and shoot yer load, boy.”

Cal obeyed as usual. He pulled Sissy’s hips back and shoved all of his huge cock up her cunt at the same time. With his cock-head lodged in her womb, he fucked her deep and shot his load of hot jism into her screwing cunt as his father’s prick pumped thick cum into her sucking mouth.

Both cocks went crazy in Sissy’s young holes and Sissy went dizzy with orgasm. Her pretty mouth filled again and again with hot jism, and she gulped and gulped as Cal’s shooting cock made her pussy cum and cum and cum.

She came more than both men put together and the fantastic orgasm left her breathless and weak. It also left her looking awfully sexy and fuckable. Her whole body seemed to vibrate with sexual pleasure as the big pricks pumped cum into her body, and she shivered from head to toe with obvious pleasure.

When the thick wet pricks pulled out of her juicy holes, she thought she could rest and catch her breath. But she didn’t know how sexy she looked, all naked and curvy and sweet. Nor did she know just how raunchy these hired hands were.

Before she realized what was happening, Cal was seated at her head, pulling her mouth down on his thickening, stiffening cock. Behind her, Jed pulled her sweet ass upward and shoved his big cock up her cunt. Sissy moaned helplessly as the sucking and fucking continued.

Jed gripped her hips and drilled his rigid prick up into her soaked cunt. Sissy writhed and humped her pussy on his cock. He rammed his iron-hard cock into her cunt. She whimpered and groaned as he pistoned his merciless prick in and out of her tingling pussy. She sucked Cal like there was no tomorrow.

In spite of her whirling head and dazed mind, she humped her cunt up to meet every solid thrust of Jed’s relentless prick. Her pussy creamed again and again as he fucked her brutally, savagely. She couldn’t help liking this treatment. It was vicious but, oh, so exciting!

She humped her pussy out to Jed and he slammed his cock into her cunt-hole for her. Sissy went lax, as if she were being beaten. She trembled weakly, but was still able to fuck the life out of his stony prick. She screwed her cunt like crazy and sucked Cal’s enormous boner with passion. These savage cocks were exactly what she needed. She wanted to suck. She needed to fuck.

Jed rammed his enlarged prick into her cunt some more. He gave her such brutal thrusts that his bulging cock-head literally tore through her cunt channel up into her writhing young belly. Each thrust made her cum, and Sissy moaned passionately, feeling her pussy getting wetter and wetter as his mighty prick ravished her.

She was beyond caring now. She had only one desire burning behind her taut young tits, the need to make these giant cocks shoot some more jism for her. She was anxious to feel them spitting in her mouth and cunt. Every fiber of her body ached to be fucked. All sense was al

ready fucked out of her, and now, she wanted to be fucked like an animal. Even as she sucked wantonly on Cal’s enormous boner and screwed her hot cunt on Jed’s big cock, she daydreamed about getting fucked by a gorilla, by a bull, by a bear. A host of big-cocked, wild animals danced in her pretty head as she hornily sucked and fucked the two men.

Her horny thoughts turned her on even more. She thought about Rex fucking her, and how nice that was. She remembered Mr. Sutter’s two dogs licking her pussy and that made her cum even more on Jed’s pumping prick.

As Cal’s hot cum crashed down her gulping throat and Jed’s cock fired shots of jism up her cunt, she couldn’t help thinking about her new found pets. Men were nice to fuck, of course, but how wild the animals were. She recalled fucking the pig and her pussy creamed wetly.

In her advanced state of female lust, it was difficult for her to separate between human and animal sex. And then she didn’t want to. She wanted to feel like an animal. She wanted to feel like a soft and sexy and female animal on the prowl, aching for big cocks. That’s what this wild fucking did to her.

“Mm-mm-mmmm,” she moaned on Cal’s spitting cock. She crushed her aching tits against the floor boards of the loft and twisted her burning cunt on Jed’s cum-gushing cock. Her mouth sucked Cal’s jism up out of his hot balls, and her cunt sucked Jed’s cum out of his. She was one hot sucking, fucking machine now, horny out of her mind, as savage as the wildest female animal on the farm.

When the two men released her body, she collapsed whimpering in the hay, as beautiful as a picture. Jed and Cal grinned with satisfaction, their cocks dripping wetly.

If they thought Sissy had had enough, they had another think coming. She rolled onto her back and writhed sexily before their feasting eyes, all curves and hotness.

“Don’t go yet,” she panted, gazing at them through very sexy eyes.

Jed grinned. “I think you’ve had enough cock for a while, young lady.”

“No, no, not yet,” Sissy pleaded. “Please don’t leave me. I haven’t been fucked that good in a long time. I’ve been so horny lately. Hollis just doesn’t fuck me enough. Please. Don’t take your cocks away.”

“Hot damn!” Cal groaned hornily. His big cock started rising again.

Jed stared at the young girl and wondered if she still had her senses. How could she still be horny after all that cock? Was she going nympho? Maybe they were driving her wild!

Sissy twisted around and laid on her aching tits. She displayed her curvy little ass. Her hand moved around to her ass-cheeks and smoothed over her smooth flesh.

“Please,” she panted. “One of you fuck me in the ass.”

“Jesus Christ,” Jed murmured. “Do I hear you right?”

“Yes, yes!” Sissy cried, twisting her ass teasingly. “You’re always eyeing my ass. Wouldn’t you like to push your stiff prick up my asshole?”

Cal wiped the drool from his thick lips with the back of his hand and gasped, “Can I, Pa? Huh, Pa? Can I, huh? Jeez, I’d sure like to fuck ‘er up the ass. Sure is a nice ass, Pa. Can I, Pa? Huh?”

Jed looked from Sissy’s writhing ass to his overgrown, big-cocked boy. “Okay, boy,” he said lewdly, “shove it to ‘er.”

Cal leapt at the chance to fuck such a tight little ass. He dropped to his knees between Sissy’s trembling thighs and guided his cock to her cute little asshole. She bit her lower lip as the witless lad wedged his big cock-head between her tight ass-cheeks.

“Owwwww!” she howled as his thick dick lodged in the small mouth of her asshole. “Ohhh, you’ll split me up the middle!”

Her breath caught in her throat and her fists filled with hay as she grit her teeth and bore it. Cal, mindless with lust, simply pushed his monstrous cock into the tightness of her asshole and started fucking her hornily. Despite her cries and whimpers, he drove his prick into her ass savagely, fucking her ass as he had fucked her pussy once.

Sissy rose to seventh heaven. This was what she needed from Hollis, from her loving husband, but Hollis was out in the field on his fucking tractor. How was a girl to get what she needed if not from men who were willing to provide her needs?

“Ohhhh, give it to me,” she panted, screwing her ass hotly. “Don’t mind my screams. Just fuck me!”

Cal didn’t hear her shrieks and squeals anyway. He was out of his mind with lust for her young body. The tight asshole sucking on his enormous boner was all he cared about. He thrust his big, calloused hands under Sissy’s body and mauled the hell out of her tight tits while his cock pummeled her ass. His bulging cock-head drilled into her asshole with relentless fury and fucked her ass so hard that Sissy didn’t know if she was cumming or peeing. All she knew was that extreme pleasure was all hers. She loved it.

Jed had a hell of a time watching what his boy was doing to the pretty young girl. He’d thought he could stand by and get an eyeful, but now his cock was killing him. Watching the hulk of his son fucking Sissy’s cute ass was enough to drive him crazy with lust.

“Cal,” he groaned. “Git yer nuts off and git the hell off of ‘er!”

Always ready to obey his father, Cal drove all of his rigid prick into Sissy’s juicy asshole and fucked all of his hot cum into her ass. She came like crazy as his enormous cock pumped his fiery load into her.

She lay gasping when Cal rolled off her trembling body. But not for long. A second later, she shrieked again as Jed replaced his boy up her tight ass. He drilled his horny, stiff cock into her asshole and fucked the living daylights out of her. Sissy actually passed out for some seconds as the man’s gigantic prick invaded her super-sensitive asshole. And he fucked her ass so viciously that she lost consciousness.

She came to with Jed’s stiff dick stuffed up her asshole and spitting savagely into her softened ass. His thick, creamy cum mixed with his boy’s, and Sissy felt his big cock sliding in and out of her ass with ease now, titillating her, exciting her, making her fuck hornily for him. Her asshole liked the fucking now, and she proved it by twisting and writhing passionately under him, giving him one damned good piece of ass.



Sissy fucked Jed and Cal for as long as she could. After the day in the loft, she fucked Cal in a haystack in the field. She sucked Jed off as he worked under the porch. Every day for two whole weeks she gave the two men her mouth, ass and cunt. But then their work around the farm was finished.

That didn’t end Sissy’s fucking. It just ended her fucking Jed and Cal. They left on a Saturday evening. That night, Hollis gave Sissy his ritual fucking.

His prick seemed awfully small to her, and his style in bed left a lot to be desired. He didn’t even suck her tits!

On Sunday morning after church, Sissy was hot to trot. The preacher talked so much about the evil of sex and adultery and fucking animals that Sissy’s cunt was dripping by the time she got home.

Hollis usually spent Sundays at home, watching TV, but the work he was trying to accomplish in the south forty lured him away like a woman lures a husband. So Sissy put her idle time to good use.

Once Hollis was safely away from the house, she stole out of the house and made her way down to Mr. Sutter’s place. She approached the barn stealthily, hoping to catch Mr. Sutter off guard. She giggled, thinking to strip naked and jump in the barn at him. But Sutter was in the house with his wife.

That didn’t dismay Sissy too long. She went into the barn anyway. The minute the German shepherds saw her, they started panting. They didn’t even bark.

“You horny cocks,” she cooed affectionately. She peeled her dress off and went to the chained dogs and knelt down and gave them warm hugs. They immediately licked at her face and neck and tits.

Sissy leaned back and exposed her tits and cunt to their eager tongues. She leaned way back on her hands and thrust her tits up and opened her knees wide. Doggie-tongues lashed her pink nipples and clit. Sissy moaned hotly and started writhing for sex.

It didn’t take much licking of her taut young body to get her motor started. She wanted to fuck. With great care – because these dogs were wild compared to Rex and Lady – she got one beast down on his back and took his prick in her mouth. Twisting her naked ass around, she soon coaxed the other animal to mount her. He climbed aboard and dicked the hell out of her furry, hot cunt.

Her pretty head bobbed rapidly and the doggie-cock slipped easily in and out of her wet, sucking mouth. She blew him hornily as the other animal’s big dick seesawed in and out of her tight little cunt. Both cocks spurted savagely into her, and she drank and fucked hornily. Gulping down one dog’s jism, she fucked her pussy hotly on the other, making him cum in quarts up her cunt.

Then she twisted around and exchanged dogs. She blew the one that had fucked her and fucked the one she had just blown. The dogs were instinctively tireless, ready to fuck any cunt that came along, especially since they had been chained up for so long. Sissy moaned with increasing pleasure as every inch of her turned-on body responded to this animal love.

Her twat tightened up around the dog’s pistoning prick and she fucked him with pleasure. She humped and screwed and twisted her pussy, getting fantastic thrills in her cunt as the doggie-cock drilled into her.

She closed her hot mouth tightly on the doggie-prick sliding in and out of her lips. She gripped his thick, throbbing prick and lashed the cock-head with her tongue. She liked feeling it grow larger and hornier in her mouth, getting ready to supply her with a load of jism. It was so sexy to suck off a dog.

Because she wanted him to cum a lot, she toyed with his balls as she blew his cock. She kept her little tongue on the move all the while, driving the animal crazy. He hunched his haunches as if he were fucking a bitch’s cunt and Sissy loved that, too. It felt nice having a thick doggie-prick fucking her mouth.

At the right moment, she grabbed his thick cock-shaft between two fingers and her thumb and jerked his prick violently as she sucked him off. His cock exploded with a fury and pumped huge wads of creamy jism into her sucking young mouth. Sissy moaned hornily and sucked all his cum out of him while she screwed her hot pussy crazily on the other dog’s rampaging cock.

Then the cock up her cunt let loose with a fiery load of cum. It was very satisfying to Sissy. As she finished sucking the one doggie-cock, the other made her cum like crazy, shooting its supply of jism into her twisty belly.

Moaning and panting, she crawled around onto her knees and resumed her initial position so the dogs could lick her tits and cunt again. She liked to be licked by their scrapy tongues after a good fucking. She purred like a kitten as both doggie-tongues lapped her pussy clean of cum-juices.

She got dressed afterward and took her time strolling back to her house. She couldn’t help but wonder why Hollis didn’t want to fuck her more often. She knew she was a beautiful and sexy girl. Why didn’t he get a hard-on more often?

She entered the house by the kitchen door and went to her bedroom. She posed before her mirror, eyeing the thrust of her hard, young tits. She cupped them and turned sideways to admire herself. Then she pulled her dress up and faced the mirror and peered at her curly pussy-fur.

“Such a pretty pussy,” she told herself, giving her cunt a few gentle rubs. “Why doesn’t Hollis want to eat it?”

She set one foot up on a chair and hunched her lower body forward. Her gaze danced over her cute pussy as her fingers explored her cunt slowly. She couldn’t figure out why Hollis didn’t rape her like Cal and Jed raped her. She was sure any man in the county would fuck her silly if he had the chance. Here she was, totally at Hollis’ disposal, but he rarely touched her.

Was it just his religion, she wondered. Or was it something else? Did he fuck the female animals out in the field? Was that it? Maybe he came home tuckered out because he’d been getting his rocks off all day!

She gave up trying to figure it out. She went into the kitchen and ate lunch with one hand while the other petted her pussy. She wanted to keep her cunt wet from now on. It was nice being all wet and horny. It made her feel so feminine.

After lunch, because of all her pussy-playing, she was ripe for some more animal fun. She got Rex into the house by bribing him with a pork chop bone. She let him go at that, then she lured him into her bedroom and closed the door so he couldn’t get out.

“Come on, Rex,” she cooed. “Up on the bed with Sissy. Let’s have some fun.”

She stripped her dress off and climbed onto the bed naked. When Rex wouldn’t follow, she got off the bed and turned her back to him and leaned over. He snuffled her ass and cunt and started lick mg at her. She let him do that until he was really interested, then she got back onto the bed. Rex followed immediately, lured by her furry little cunt.

Sissy giggled at his eagerness and rolled onto her back. She threw her arms high over her head and spread her legs wide. She fed her cunt to Rex and let him lick her to a tremendous cum. She was still in the wild throes of cumming when the door swung open and Hollis stood there, wide eyed.

“Hollis!” Sissy squealed, horrified. In a flash she saw everything going down the drain – her marriage, her reputation, her honor, her very life. She had to talk fast.

“Hollis, please, try to understand,” she panted, trying to get Rex to stop licking her cunt. “I’ve needed sex so bad. You only fuck me on Saturday nights. Please, Hollis, don’t get mad at me. Don’t beat me or leave me or tell anybody. I couldn’t help it! My pussy gets so hot lately! Oh, Hollis, if you have any Christian charity in you, forgive me I’ll never do it again. I swear on the Bible!”

She was scared to death, no doubt about it. But Hollis didn’t look mad. He looked stunned. Even interested.

“Never do it again?” he muttered, staring at Rex’s tongue lashing her cunt. “But I want you to do it again.”

Sissy’s mouth fell open. Her tits heaved. “Wh-what do you mean?” she gasped.

“I’ve never seen you look so beautiful,” he said thickly. He seemed drunk, staring wide eyed.

“Hollis,” she rasped. “I don’t understand.” Hollis stepped toward the bed, his eyes glued to what Rex was doing to his pretty wife. “I’ve always wanted to see a girl fuck an animal.”

Sissy was stunned. “You have?” she squeaked.

“Yes, yes,” he said hotly, and his prick erected a bulge in his overalls. “Ever since I was a little boy, I’ve heard about the evils of girls with farm animals. But I never saw it happen. Only in my head. Always in my head. God, all that jerking off all my life, dreaming about pretty girls fucking animals. Now here I have my very own pretty girl and you like sex with animals.”

“Hollis,” Sissy said, watching him closely. “You look funny. Why are you staring like that? Hollis? Can you hear me? Wh-what’s the matter?”

There was something definitely the matter with her husband. He was in a daze, rather glassy eyed, and breathing awfully hard. And his hard-on looked monstrous!

Moving as dumbly as dimwitted Cal, he went up to the bed and took his wife by the wrist. He pulled her to her feet, across the floor.

“Hollis!” Sissy cried. “What are you doing? Where are you taking me?”

A new fear gripped her heart and her naked tits heaved rapidly as Hollis pulled her through the house and out the front door. That really scared her – he didn’t care that she was stark naked. He walked like a man determined, and he pulled her across the yard and into the barn.

“Hollis, please,” Sissy gasped. “You’re hurting my arm. What are you doing?”

He said nothing. He yanked at her, dragging her along behind him. He pulled her into the tackle room and suddenly slammed her ass up against the wall. It knocked the breath out of Sissy, and she started to cry.

Hollis grabbed her wrists and pinned them high over her head. He lashed them to the post with a strip of leather.

“Hollis,” she gasped, sniffling. “What are you going to do to me? Please tell me! You’re scaring me!”

A strange grin crossed her husband’s face and she didn’t recognize it. She’d never seen him grin like that before.

“Don’t worry,” he said in strange voice. “I ain’t gonna do anything you won’t like.”

He turned away from her and dragged a long wooden bench away from the wall and centered it in the room. Sissy burned with curiosity and fear.

“What are you doing?” she asked in a strained voice.

Hollis just gazed at her. Her tits looked good with her arms above her head, so hard and pointed. Her cunt looked juicy from Rex’s licking tongue.

Hollis’ cock throbbed visibly and Sissy was shocked simply because she’d never seen his prick so bold and stiff.

His silence drove her out of her mind. When he turned and abruptly left her alone, she thought she’d go completely crazy. What was this all about? What was he doing out there? She could hear him over by the corral.

A moment later Hollis reappeared leading a Shetland pony by a rope halter. He tied the animal up to the tackle room, then went to Sissy. Without looking into her eyes, which were trying to search his, he untied her hands and pulled her to the long bench.

“Lay down,” he said gruffly.

Sissy looked from him to the rough wooden bench. “Wh-why?”

He pushed her toward the bench and said, “If you want to keep your little secret and if you don’t want me to whip the living shit out of you, just do as I say. Now lay down there and shut up!”

Sissy’s lower lip quivered and her tits trembled, but she did as she was told, staring up at her strange husband with startled eyes.

Hollis gripped her thighs and pulled her ass along the bench until she was positioned right on the edge. Then he lashed her wrists under the bench.

He stood back and examined his handiwork. Satisfied, he untied the Shetland pony and led it into the stall.

Sissy’s eyes went wide. She couldn’t believe what her husband wanted to do to her. But it was true! He was guiding the pony so that its forelegs straddled the bench and Sissy’s body.

“Hollis!” she gasped. “You aren’t – you can’t mean… Oh, my God, you aren’t!”

But he was, and he did. To Sissy’s amazement, horror and unexpected pleasure, Hollis guided the pony forward until he could get his huge cock into Sissy’s tight little pussy.

Sissy screamed when she felt the animal’s prick first entering her little cunt. The leather cords cut into her wrists as she twisted to get away. Then all hell broke loose. The pony-cock stretched her pussy-hole wide and inched relentlessly up into her cunt. Her senses reeled and saliva drooled from the corners of her mouth as the giant cock fucked hard into her pussy.

“Hollis!” she shrieked. “Oh, my God, don’t! Oh, his cock is so big! It won’t fit! Hollis, Hollis, help me! Oh, noooo, it’s too big! Oh, no, no, nooooo.”

Hollis chuckled lewdly and smacked the pony’s rump. The animal’s rear hooves stomped the ground and he inched forward. More of his gigantically thick prick wedged into Sissy’s pretty little cunt. She screamed.

She wanted to cry out, tell him to stop, but the big cock up her cunt had taken her voice away. All she could do was turn and twist and writhe as the pony started fucking her cunt with his monstrous prick. The huge cock slid in and out of her tight cunt faster and faster. The pain of the pony-fuck gave way to a remarkable pleasure that dazzled Sissy.

“Oh, my God!” she gasped, able to speak again. “It’s-it’s not too big! It’s – ohhhh – it’s in me! He’s fucking me! Oh, dear God! Oh, mama! Ew! Oh! Ummmm, it feels so good up my cunt! Hollis, Hollis, he’s fucking me!”

For the next ten minutes, the room was filled with Sissy’s cries and whimpers and gasps and moans. Her whole body started fucking back at the huge animal-cock. Her pussy expanded and juiced up enough to take all of the pony-prick. She swooned as the animal fucked her silly.

One moment, she was moaning hornily, fucking her cunt hotly on the huge cock, and in the next moment, she was unconscious, a mass of panting flesh getting fucked royally by the horny pony-prick. A moment later her eyelids fluttered open and through glazed eyes she saw a blurred Hollis across the room, jacking his cock feverishly, shooting cum all over the place. His eyes were glued to the pony fucking his young wife.

The big cock drilling in and out of her pussy drove Sissy crazy with female lust. The huge prick was enough to get her off dozens of times in very little time and the cummy pleasure only made her horny. Her cumming husband looked on as she started fucking back at the animal like she needed the prick.

Sissy closed her eyes and gave herself up to the intense sexual pleasure. Her whole cunt was stuffed by the animal’s wonderful dick and she loved the pony-fuck. She humped her pussy beautifully, so beautifully that Hollis got off another load of jism with his pumping fist. As he shot thick cock-cream into the hay, the pony fucked violently into Sissy’s spasming cunt.

“Ohhhhh, Hollisssssss,” she moaned. “I feel so hornyyyyyyy! Ohhhhmmmmm, I’m getting so fucked!”

“You’ll be getting fucked plenty from now on,” he said thickly. “You’re gonna get fucked by every animal on this here farm. And I’m gonna see to it!”

“Oh, golly,” Sissy gasped, and a tremor of new excitement flashed through her pussy. A whole new rash of erotic thoughts ran through her head as her fucking pussy creamed all over the giant pony-cock ravishing her cunt.

Even as she tried to think ahead to what Hollis implied, Rex and Lady trotted into the barn, following the scent of Sissy’s wet cunt.

To her erotic alarm, Hollis grabbed Lady and tied the bitch’s head to a post in such a way that she couldn’t turn and bite him. Then, as the pony went on pounding Sissy’s horny cunt, Hollis mounted the bitch and fucked his stiff boner in and out of her tight little cunt. Sissy looked on in amazement as her husband fucked the female dog relentlessly with a boner that wouldn’t quit. Lady whined and whimpered louder than she ever had with Rex! The mere sight of Hollis fucking the dog made Sissy cum, and the pony-cock rode easily up into her belly, fucking her silly.

Rex, not to be left out, padded up to the pony and stuck his snout under him to where his big cock was slicing in and out of Sissy’s sweet pussy. Sissy cried out with insane erotic pleasure as the doggie tongue and the pony-prick drove her pussy crazy.

That was just the beginning for Sissy. From that day on, Hollis rarely went into the fields. He hired Jed and Cal to tend to things. He kept busy introducing his cute young wife to new animals. Over the months, he trained lots of pigs and ponies and dogs to fuck Sissy in the mouth, up the ass, and in her tight little cunt.

Every night, they took two animals into their bedroom with them, one male, the other female. While Hollis fucked the female, the male animal fucked Sissy. Night in and night out, Hollis and Sissy came again and again with their pets. Sissy became a very happy girl on the farm after that, loving every day and cherishing every night. Hollis was so good to her now. He always saw to it that she got plenty of animal cock to fuck and suck!

In time, Hollis and Sissy became known throughout the county as the happiest couple around. Even the preacher remarked one Sunday that theirs was the ideal relationship, a marriage made in heaven. Hollis and Sissy agreed.

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