Women with Animals
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Sarah’s Adventure (by Golden02)


(c) 2018 by Golden02

Chapter 1: Sarah, King and Dad

My name is Sarah, I’m a 16-year-old high school junior. It was a normal Friday and I had just come home from School. My parents weren’t home yet, as they were always working, so it was just me and my dog King. King is a big German Shepard he’s about 6 years old.

As usual, King would jump at me excitedly as I came through the door, which I wouldn’t have minded if he wasn’t so big! He could’ve easily knocked me over since I’m only 5-foot tall weight no more than a hundred pound if I wasn’t prepared for him.

I started to walk up the stairs and he came up behind me and dug his face in my ass to get a sniff. I was horny from just being with my boyfriend Jimmy. Jimmy is a nice guy but sometimes I wish he was more demanding, I still had his cum running out of me.

I pushed King away instantly, but I did like the pressure and warmth it felt, it felt really nice. I eventually got to my bedroom and shut the door, so that he couldn’t come in. I dropped my bag on the floor and flung my shoes across the room, before flopping onto my bed. I pulled out my phone and I started to look through my Facebook page as I usually do. But I couldn’t get that feeling of King’s face out of my head. Just thinking about it was turning me on. I tried to keep looking at my Facebook page, but I kept imagining what would’ve happened if I didn’t stop him was distracting me. I had to do something about it.

I started searching the internet for sex stories. I eventually found a website about bestiality stories and started looking through the different titles and descriptions. One of them stood out to me. It was about a girl getting fucked by her dog and her dad. In the story she was their slave, its really turning me on and I had to relieve myself. I got myself undress and I looked at myself in my full-length mirror in my room. I have little boobs with big nipples. I do shave my pussy because Jimmy likes it that way. I so love Jimmy sucking on my little breasts. My bald pussy was dripping with my juices and his cum.

I didn’t have any sex toys, considering I was only 16. And touching myself didn’t really get me off, so I tend to rub my clit against something until I orgasm. Like my bedpost, my pillow or the corner of my desk just about anything.

This time I pick my bedpost. So I placed my phone on the bed facing me and positioned my slit on the corner of the post. As I read the story, I imagined myself in the story. I would hump away until I am orgasmed. Usually, I have to wait a while to calm my body down, but I was still ready for more. The only bad part was that my clit would get sore if I humped my bedpost to long it would start to hurt.

I heard King whining outside my bedroom door wanting to come in. I wonder if he could smell me?

I wasn’t sure what I was going to do exactly, but I opened the door and I let him in. He got excited and started sniffing me all over again. The scent of my pussy must have been strong because after a few seconds he buried his head into my crotch and started licking me. That feeling of his rough tongue against my bald pussy was amazing and I needed more. I lay back down on my bed, spread my legs and I allowed him to do his thing. Although it was nice, I needed more. My parents wouldn’t be home for at least another 30 minutes or so.

I thought why don’t I spread my legs open farther and move my legs up and over myself. So He could lick my pussy and ass at the same time.

It took a minute or so for King to realize I was inviting him back. He got up on the bed and stuck his face in my cunt. He then started to lick me all over again. My head was under him as I let King licking continue for another few minutes. I was pleasantly surprised when his tongue entered my vagina. I wasn’t expecting it, but oh I definitely wasn’t going to stop it. I felt something wet hitting me face, I looked up to see King’s big red cock sticking out just inches from my face, it was squirting his pre-cum onto my face. I opened my mouth and let it go into my mouth. It tasted different than Jimmy’s cum but I liked it. I then started to lick the tip of his cock. Omg, I’m licking a dogs cock, I can’t believe it and I love it.

After another few minutes, I started to cum and King licked all of my juices up. I couldn’t handle anymore, so I closed my legs and ushered him out of the room. I quickly got into my pajamas, a loose long t-shirt and sat back on my bed before my parents came home. I just can’t believe what I had just done. If I had more time would I sucked him off or even let him fuck me? All I know is I’ll let him lick me again and soon.

About 10 minutes later, my dad came home he was a little early I’m glad I had stopped when I did. He stayed downstairs and watched tv. 40 minutes later mom came home. I went downstairs to help mom make dinner. It’s not unusual for me to walk around in just my pajamas t-shirt.

All thought dinner dad kept looking at me. Maybe I should have put on a bra my nipples were sticking out like headlights.

After we had dinner I went upstairs to finish my homework. I like to have it done so I could spend more time with Jimmy on the weekends.

I was lying in bed. I couldn’t get that feeling of King licking my pussy out of my mind and I imagined what it would be like if I let him fuck me. I definitely think I would be able to handle it, I had the best orgasm in my life from him earlier.

My mom came into my room a short time later to tell me that she was heading out with her friends for a girls night out and wouldn’t be home until tomorrow.

After I had my homework done I went back downstairs to watch a little tv with dad. He had some baseball game on.

I sat down and took out my phone and got on Facebook. After a while, I looked up and dad was looking at me kinda funny.

“What?” I said.

He said nothing. He got his phone out and was looking at something. He then said; “what do you want to watch on tv Sarah? lucky dog, Lassie, Clifford the Big Red Dog, Scooby-Doo?

I just looked at him not knowing what’s going on with him.

I got up and said goodnight to my dad. I went up to my bedroom, while my dad stayed up and watched the game downstairs.

I must have fallen asleep, It was the middle of the night I started to dream, and my dream soon turned from innocent to me fucking King. I was on all fours, and he was on top of me, do me hard and fast. This was turning me on. I was enjoying it so much. It started to feel like I was really being fucked.

That’s because I was. This feeling became stronger and stronger and I eventually started to wake up from it. As my eyes fluttered open slightly, I could see a figure of somebody in front of me. My eyes drifted down to see the outline of an arm near my leg, and I soon realized that they were burying there fingers deep within my pussy. I would have screamed, but I was enjoying it far too much, so I pretended to still be asleep. Would they eventually leave or stop? Why were they even fingering me in the first place? Who is it? I eventually realized that my dad was the only other person in the house, so unless it was an intruder it was my dad who was fingering me. I had thought about and had read about incest before, but I would never ever do it in real life. As my mind continued to question what was happening, I failed to realize that he had stopped fingering me and he was now pulling something out of his pants. He flipped me fully onto my back, spread my legs and pushed his dick inside of me. I’m not a virgin, so this was not the first time I had ever had a cock inside of me. His was bigger than Jimmy’s. He must have been at least 8 inches long and he was pretty thick too. He started to thrust slowly in and out of me, maybe trying not to wake me? I’m not going to lie, it felt fucking amazing, but this was my father and I couldn’t continue on. I fully opened my eyes this time and I put my hands on his shoulders to push him away, but I could feel myself beginning to climax so I ended up pulling him into me harder.

“Fuck me harder, Daddy” Is all I could say in my half awake, half asleep state.

“Anything for you, Baby,” He said huskily, before ramming his cock deep within me. I had never felt anything like it in my life, but I didn’t want it to stop.

“Daddy, I’m about to cum”

“Not yet.” With that, he pulled out of me and stood up.

“What are you doing?! I was about to cum!” I yelled at him. He said nothing and grabbed my arms pulling me up off of the bed with him. He spun me around and pushed me onto the floor on my hands and knees. He then opened the bedroom door and King came running in. Dad held me down as King jumped up on my back and before I knew it king was inside me.

Dad put his phone to my face to show me a picture of me getting licked and me licking King’s big red doggie cock.

“Your boyfriend wants you too Bitch. For now on when your mother is away and she will be away a lot since she got that new job. You will be my doggy loving bitch, you will be my puppy too. You will be naked at all times, you will not use the inside bathroom, you will do your business outside like your boyfriend King. Any time King or I want you-you will be available for us.”

I then started to have an orgasm, the thought of me belonging to King and my dad made me squirt out an earth-shattering orgasm. Dad started to jack off onto my face as King was knotted in me. I could feel his hot cum shooting inside of me, and my Dad’s cum running down my face. I don’t need Jimmy anymore, he’s too much of a wimp for me. I have two strong alphas males I will gladly serve.


Chapter 2: Pet Shop

After my dad came on my face. He got up and left me with King’s balls knotted in me. King tried to pull out but all he did was drag me around with him. It hurt like hell but I kept on having orgasm after orgasms.

After like 10 minutes of pain he finally was able to pull out. He went to the corner of my bedroom and started to lick himself clean. I was so tired I just curdled up in a ball on my floor and fell asleep.

It was early in the morning when my dad came into my room, he pulled me up by my hair and he said; “your mom will be home soon so go take a shower.” He then leads me to the bathroom by my hair. I sat down on the toilet, but dad pulled me up by my hair and said; “what the fuck are you doing, you are a dog and dogs go outside.” He then dragged me outside and told me to piss like a dog. I got on all fours, And I looked around, it’s a good thing we live out in the country no one for miles. I started to pee and dad was looking right at me, I am so embarrassed but I am also so turned on.

After I was done I started to get up but dad stopped me. “No, not yet,” dad said; “I have to go too. Now lay down on your back.”

He took out his cock and aimed it between my legs. After a couple of seconds, he began to pee. The stream hit my pussy, it was hot and kinda smelly. He then moved it up higher and he is now peeing on my little tits. I hoped he would stop there but I was wrong. He moved the stream up to my face. I moved my face away from the stream. “Don’t turn your head! Open your mouth bitch!” Dad said angrily. I turned back around and I opened my mouth. He filled my mouth with his stinky pee, he then stopped and told me to swallow it all. It was horrible but it was making me so horny doing something that is so wrong but it felt so good.

“Monday your mom will be going on a business trip, she will be gone for a week. When you get home from school you will undress as soon as you get home, you will get on your hands and knees. You will walk like a dog, and you will not talk because you are a dog. If King wants you, you will let him. When I get home from work I’m going to give you something to wear, we will be going to a pet store to buy you a dog collar. Now take a shower and be a good girl when your mom gets home.”

Dad then took me back upstairs to the bathroom. I looked at myself in the mirror. I had what is left of my Dad’s dry cum on my face but the rest had washed off from his pee. Looking at myself in the mirror was turning me on even more. I look down on my body to my bald pussy, it was all wet with Dad’s pee.

I took a long hot shower. I couldn’t believe what my Dad did to me last night. He had raped me and then he had King rape me too. Then this morning he had me pee outside like a dog, then I drink his pee. But was it rape if I liked it? And would I want it to happen again? The answer was yes I want it again. I more submissive than I thought I was.

After my shower, I got dressed and went downstairs. Dad had left to go play golf, and Mom was cleaning the house. I got out my corn flakes and set down to eat my breakfast.

I Watched my Mom clean. It was a typical Saturday, Dad playing golf, and Mom cleaning the house. Jimmy will call soon and I will leave and go to his house. But today I’m just going to stay home. I don’t want jimmy anymore.

My Mom works very hard at work, and at home. She is a Union Vice President. She would go all over the USA to help get Union employees a contract. But right now she is mopping the floor. I got up and started to help her clean up the house.

“Thank you, Sarah, for helping me. You do know that I’m going to be gone all next week and you will have to help your Dad since he can’t cook or knows how to clean up the house, you will be the lady of the house, so obey your Dad.”

“Yes, mom I will.”

Just then the phone rang mom picked it up. “Hello Jimmy, yes she is home hold on a second.”

Mom gave me the phone. “Hi, Jimmy.”

“Aren’t you going to come over? My parents are gone and I need to fuck you, then we can play video games.”

I so wanted to get laid but not from Jimmy, I wanted to get naked and have King or my Dad fuck me all day long. But I have to wait until Monday when Mom goes away.

“I’m sorry Jimmy I’m helping my Mom clean the house. I’ll see you at school on Monday.”

“But I need to put my big cock in you now.”

Right, his big 4-inch cock, compare to my Dad’s, and King’s 8-inch cock. I’m starting to get very wet thinking about it. I just wish Mom would go shopping or something. “I’m sorry Jimmy I can’t, Good-bye.”

I then hung up the phone. I looked at Mom and she then said; “the house is clean you can go if you want.”

Mom looked like she really wanted me to go for some reason. Jimmy called a couple more times. The last time he told me he is through with me, and he said he had called Tiffany and she will come over to take care of him. Fine with me, that fat-14-year-old big breast slut can have him and his little cock.

After a while mom told me she is going out, and will be back by 5.

Sunday my Dad watched football and Mom went out for a couple of hours again. Just as soon as Mom walked out the door Dad said; “did you stay home all day yesterday?”

“Yes, I did.”

Dad walked up to me and slapped me hard on my face. “When your Mom is not here you will say; “Yes Master!”

“Yes, Master sorry Master.”

“That’s better now did your mom go out at anytime.”

“Yes Master she did.”

“Get undress and go to your room and have King use your body for his pleasure. I’ll be up as soon as the game is over.”

“Yes, Master.” I undress in front of my Dad, I could tell he was getting hard under his jeans. After I had undress he looked me over.

“You need to shave your cunt better, now turn around and spread your ass cheeks apart.” I did as I was told. Dad then said; “I’ll have to take you somewhere to have your ass hair pluck out. Now go, King is waiting for his Bitch.”

I went to my room and King was waiting for me, I got down and King then jumped up on top of me, and he fucked me for the next 10 to 15 minutes. He fucked me hard and fast, I orgasm over and over again.

After King got off me I noticed Dad standing there with a video camera. “Very nice Sarah now crawl over to me and suck me off.”

I unhooked his belt and pulled his zipper down. I then pulled down his jeans. His big cock sprang out and hit me in the face. I love his cock, it’s so big and thick. I then gave him the best blow job I could give. He came down my throat.

“Go get cleaned up, your Mother will be home soon.”

“Yes, Master.”

The rest of the day was normal. I did watch Mom more carefully, she seems different. Every time Dad asked for something Mom would jump up and do it. Thinking about it, my mom has always been like that for as long as I can remember. Is my Mom a submissive like I am? To Dad?

It was like 9 pm when Dad said; “Sarah time for bed.” What the fuck! I usually don’t go to bed until 10 pm. I look at him, and the look he gave back to me told me I better go, so I got up and said my good nights and went upstairs.

After getting ready for bed I got onto the bed naked. I then heard my parents in their room, they were not quiet, I know Dad was fucking my Mom hard, Mom was screaming. I could hear daddy calling my Mom some bad names, like Bitch, cunt, whore. One time I heard Mom screamed; “I love it up my ass!”

Dad then said; “does he fuck your ass too bitch?”

“Yes he does, and he’s very good too.”

I started to rub myself just wishing it was me in there. Who were they talking about?

I could hear the bed squeaking loudly. I got out of bed and I walked quietly to my parent’s bedroom door. I turned the door nob, it was locked. I couldn’t hear much going on in there now. So I went downstairs to get King, maybe I can get a quicky from him. I Couldn’t find him, he must be outside.

I got to thinking that maybe it was a little dangerous to take King up to my room. What if Mom would come out of her room to check up on me and I was knotted up with King. I decided to just wait to see what happens tomorrow. I went back upstairs to my room. I got back into bed, it was quiet In my parent’s bedroom now. I then went to sleep. But not after rubbing myself to a small orgasm.

The next morning my alarm woke me up, I used the toilet then took my shower. After my shower, I got ready for school. When I was done I went downstairs to the kitchen. Mom and Dad were up and they were almost done with their breakfast. We talked for a little bit. Mom told me to be good and obey my dad. I told her I will. I was still eating when my parents left for the airport. I’ll have to ride the school bus today.

The school was the same except Jimmy did not walk or talk to me all day. He had that slut Tiffany all over him.

When I got home I undressed and got on the floor. King hasn’t been outside all day so I crawled to the back door and open it to let him out. I don’t know why I’m crawling on the floor when nobody’s here to see me. How would Dad know if I was walking around or not?

After a little bit, I let King back inside. The first thing he did was put his nose into my pussy and started to lick me, I didn’t have time to close the door. He then quickly jumped on top of me, he had trouble finding my pussy, so I reach down took his big cock and lined it up to my cunt. He fucked me very good for about 10 minutes. He then came deep inside of me, with his knot inside. After another 10 minutes of him stuck in me he finally pulled out and his cum came pouring out of me. King then laid down and started to lick himself clean.

That is when Dad came home. “What are you doing, it’s your job to clean your Master! Go over there and clean him up, you stupid Bitch.”

I crawled over to King and started to lick his cock clean at the same time he was. We were also licking each other’s tongues. When King had enough he got up and walked away. Dad said; “you made a mess on the floor, go clean it up. I crawled over to the sink to get a towel, then I started to crawl back to the wet spot on the floor, Dad than slapped my ass and said; “with your tongue you stupid bitch.” So I lean down and I started licking the dirty floor clean of King’s cum and mine. I was so fucking turn on I would have done anything that my Dad told me to do.

After a while, Dad told me to stop and go clean up and put on the dress he had laid out on my bed. I crawled up to my bedroom and into my bathroom. I took a hot shower. I cleaned myself the best I could do. I Dried myself off. I then went into the bedroom and put on a very short-blue-thin-dress. No bra or panties.

I crawled back to the living room. My ass was showing because the dress was so short. We went out into the garage. Dad had me get into the front seat. We pulled out of the garage and onto the street. Dad told me to pull up my dress and play with my pussy as he drove to the pet store, he wanted me to be wet and smell like sex.

When we got to the pet store Dad parked in the back row. We then walked up and into the store. Dad took me to the aisle where all the collars and leashes are at. He picked up a pink collar and put it around my neck to see if it would fit. Just then an older gentleman walked by us and he smiles. He then whispered to my dad; “is she your pet?”

Dad looked around, he could see no one else was around. “Yes she is, I’m new at this,” Dad told the man. The gentleman said; “is she your daughter? I have two pets of my own at home. I came to get some food for them. They are identical twins. Do you know there is a place downtown that has bondage stuff and they have collars and leashes for your pets, that’s where I get all my stuff for my pets.”

The man put out his hand and said; “Hi I’m James.”

Dad shook his hand and said; “I’m Donald and this is Sarah.”

James said; “I love that name, one of my pets name is Sara, the other one is Kara.” Looking at me James continue, “She is very pretty, would you like to switch pets for a day or a couple of days if you want?”

I like how they were talking about me like I wasn’t even there. And did he say, Kara and Sara? I think I know them. They go to the same school I go to.

Dad said; “are they your daughters?”

“No, they are my granddaughters and don’t worry their mom knows and she is okay with it. Tell you what, I’ll go home and get my pets and I’ll meet you downtown on 34th and main street at 10:30.”

“Ok, sure I’ll meet you there,” Dad said.

All three of us walked out of the store and into the parking lot. When we got to Jame’s van he turned to Dad and said; “may I have a peek and see what your pet looks like under her dress?”

Dad said; “sure can, take off your dress!”

“Dad, we are right in the middle of the parking lot! Everyone can see me.” I said nervously.

Dad said; “bitch take your dress off now, or you are going to get a whipping when we get home!”

So I reach down and pull my dress up and off of me and I handed it to Dad. James looked at me and said; “my granddaughters have no tits too.” He then reached over and Pinched my nipples hard, I just stood there. “How long have you been training her?”

“Since Friday,” Dad said.

“Wow, You are new then! What has she done so far?” I looked at dad and I was hoping he won’t tell him. We had just met this man, he could be a kidnapper, a murderer, a rapist, or even a cop!

“She had been fucked by a dog. She also sucked him off too, and she has drunk my piss,” Dad said with a smile.

“My pets are into that too. I have to piss now is it ok if I use her?”

I said to myself, no Daddy please no!!

“Sure you can, on your knees Sarah and drink this nice man’s golden champagne.”

I started to cry as I got on my knees. James just stood there. Dad then said; “Sarah he’s not going to piss in his pants you have to take it out.”

I reached up and unzip his pants. I reached in and took out his cock. I opened my mouth and I put his cock in my mouth. A couple of seconds later he started to pee, a little at a time so I was able to drink all of it. After he was done I put his cock back into his pants and zipped him back up.

Dad and James just looked at me. After a minute James said; “since you are new at this I won’t get mad and spank you but you’re supposed to thank me for giving you a treat.”

I had tears running down my cheeks I looked up at him and said; “thank you, sir, for your treat.”

“What was your treat slut?”

“Thank you for letting me drink your pee sir.”

“We are going to have to work on that bitch!” Dad said.

James said; “that’s OK Don they will learn, or learn the hard way. They both start to laugh.

James looked at his watch, he then turned to my dad and said; “we can play with our pets later, I do have to go.”

James got back into his van and drove off. Dad gave me my dress to put it back on. Then we walked to the car and went home.


We did meet Master James and his pets that night. I was right, I did know them from school. We became very close friends.

The week when my mom was at her Business trip, it was more than a business trip. My mom was having an affair, with her boss. When she came home she filed for divorce, and daddy gladly expects it. Since I was 16 the judge asked me who I wanted to live with. Without blinking I said, Daddy. To my surprise, mom was ok with it.

Master Daddy and Master James became good friends. They love to share their toys.


Five years later I’m still daddy’s pet, I’m sitting in the hospital bed naked feeding my little baby girl. Master James is with me and so is Kara, who is nine months pregnant with her baby girl. Sara is in the birthing room giving birth to her baby girl and Master Daddy is with her. The three of us got pregnant at the same time. None of us know who the father is and we don’t care.

I have to go, Kara’s water just broke, I’m so happy.

The End

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