Women with Animals
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Mrs Miller, Lisa and the Dog


(c) 2020 by night

Part I

Lisa rang the doorbell and went right in. “Hi Ms Miller, it s me”. Grace Miller was 51, a widow, very well off and was just about ready to leave for her book club. “I will just be a minute, Lisa, please let Dexter out in the back for a few minutes. ” Lisa, just 18, ready to enjoy the summer before starting college, walked right to the kitchen and let Dexter out into the yard. She kicked off her flip flops in the hallway and took in the grandeur of the house. What a place!

Grace Miller came down to the foyer and greeted her dog – sitter who was dressed casually in shorts and a tank. Grace had always liked this girl and noticed how cute she looked in her summer attire. “OK, Lisa, I don t know how late i will be, but there s lots of snacks in the fridge and make yourself at home. “No worries, Ms Miller, have a good time!”

After the Uber picked Ms. Miller up, Lisa went back to the living room and started flipping through the channels, looking for something interesting to watch. The house was amazing. It had every convenience and the satellite TV seemed to have endless channels. Lisa got herself a bag of chips and a sprite from the kitchen, settled down in the living room and began flipping. Then she remembered Dexter outside. Lisa went to the kitchen and let him back inside. The dog was a 4 year black lab, muscular and very well disciplined. “Hey Dex, I will get your food ready in a bit, you good boy!” Lisa left him in the kitchen and returned to the living room to continue her channel surfing.

The variety of channels was unlike anything Lisa had encountered. Eventually, she landed on a porn channel which was showing a graphic movie. Lisa felt a little uncomfortable but was completely entranced by the images she was viewing. She couldn t take her eyes off the screen. A totally hot guy was undressing a ridiculously well – endowed woman whose breasts seemed to flow off the screen! Lisa envied the actress and wished her little 30 B boobs were even half the size of the actress s. When the male actor undid his pants to show his enormous cock, Lisa gasped with interest. She began to rub between her legs as the sex scene developed. Because she was beginning to get a little wet there, Lisa slid off her shorts and panties. Lisa was really getting into the mood when a darn ad came on which suspended the scene.

Lisa needed a refill of her sprite, so she got up and went into the kitchen. Dexter watched the girl as she walked into the kitchen and opened the fridge in search of a new can of sprite. The dog smelled a sweet scent coming from the half – naked girl who had walked into the room. He got up. Lisa was rooting through the opened fridge, looking for the sprite. She was oblivious to the dog who was directly behind her. Eventually Lisa saw the case of sprite way down at the bottom of the fridge. As she bent down to retrieve a can, Dexter followed his scent and drove his snout into the source of the sweet smell.

Lisa screamed in shock as she felt something cold and wet push against her backside. She dropped the can and immediately turned around to see what it was. As she turned around with her bare bottom against the fridge, Dexter pushed his snout and long tongue into the source of the sweet scent. The girl had nowhere to back up as her bum was against the fridge door. Dexter licked the girl s exposed vulva before she could even respond.

Lisa gasped with shock and embarrassment. But then when the dog licked her as she was trapped against the fridge, she felt something that she had never ever experienced before. She seemed to pause as the dog drew his tongue against her exposed vulva. She was frozen in shock – and sensation. “BAD DOG, DEXTER!, WHAT ARE YOU DOING??” But the girl s protests gave way to her simply standing there as he continued to lick. Lisa felt her legs getting wobbly; she would not be able to keep standing here against the fridge. Lisa walked back to the living room.

Dexter followed the girl. Lisa sat down on the carpet. She did not not know what to do. Her legs were rubber and her vulva area was simply on fire. Dexter, however, followed his nose. As Lisa sat on the floor he worked his way between her feet. Lisa was conflicted. She knew this was bad; she should go lock herself in the bathroom away from the stupid dog. But instead Lisa gradually opened her legs and allowed Dexter access to what he desired. Lisa laid back on the carpet and shut her eyes. The dog licked her feet, her thighs and eventually worked his way up to the small, tight crevice that sourced the nectar he craved.

Lisa kept her eyes closed tight. But she felt the dog s large, wet and bumpy tongue find its way to her most private place. She couldn t believe this was happening. While she had rubbed herself on previous occasions, this sensation was completely different! As the dog s rough tongue continued to assail her vulva, she felt that wave start in the deep of her little tummy The dog was relentless. His tongue never stopped licking and in short measure, young Lisa had the most tremendous orgasm she had ever experienced. She almost fainted.

After she recovered, Lisa got up from the floor and went to the bathroom where she cleaned up the wetness and stickiness that was on her thighs and vulva. She felt numb. Lisa put on her panties and shorts and awaited Mrs Miller s return.

After Lisa had left for home in the Uber, Grace Miller did a quick check to ensure the doors were locked and lights out. As she walked through the living room, she noticed a small stain on

the carpet. It was slightly wet to the touch. Grace put her finger to her nose and it smelled conspicuously like sex, How could this be? She had told Lisa that under no circumstances was anyone allowed in the house! If Lisa had had a boy over, then there would be hell to pay! But Grace did not want to believe that her young dog sitter would betray her like this. Frankly, she did not think Lisa was really that sexually sophisticated – while the girl was a pretty little thing for sure, she did not believe she was experienced in that way. One way to find out: Next weekend when Lisa was scheduled to sit, Grace would put the covert video security cameras on. Her late husband had installed them a few years before his death on account of the value of the house and its contents. Grace did not want to do this, but she felt it necessary. Hopefully, her suspicions regarding Lisa would turn out to be unfounded.

On Saturday afternoon of the next weekend, Lisa came right on time at 5 pm. Mrs Miller gave the usual instructions and left for her dinner with friends. After about 15 minutes, Lisa took a few deep breaths and got Dexter from the back yard. She led him into the living room. “OK Dex, I want you to lick me like you did the last time, OK, good boy?” With that, Lisa pulled off her jean shorts and removed her cotton panties. She was so nervous about this but had been thinking about it all week. The dog watched as the girl removed her clothing and he could already smell her essence. Like the last time, Lisa laid on the floor on her back with her slender legs apart.

Dexter lost no time in getting to work. He moved between the girl s legs and began to lick between them. Immediately Lisa felt the sensation that she had been dreaming of all week. It was unbelievable. Lisa had never had oral sex before and had only heard the inflated stories that her girlfriends had recounted. As Dexter s tongue worked its magic on the young girl, she soon came to a crashing orgasm. But Dexter was not letting up with the licking! Lisa tried to shoo him away but he would not stop. In desperation, Lisa simply rolled onto her tummy to prevent him from continuing to lick her swollen vulva which was numb with sensation.

As she lay on her tummy, she felt him begin to smell and lick the back of her legs. Then he worked up to her bare bum. “OMG, he is licking my bum!” As the dog began to lick the crevice of Lisa s ass, Lisa began to feel an entirely new sensation. Again, it was unlike anything she had ever felt before. As he continued to lick her ass, Lisa lifted up a bit to give him more access. The big lab responded by massaging his big bumpy tongue over all parts of her now partially exposed nether region. The tongue eventually began to reach to the bottom of her swollen labia and the young girl was overcome with the novel sensation. Although Lisa could not see, the dog s penis had begun to protrude from its sheath.

Lisa was so enjoying this new sensation to her bare bum when Dexter stopped his licking and started to wrestle with her. He had put his paws on her shoulder area for some reason. “Dexter, stop wrestling with me and go back to licking my bum!” She was disappointed that he had stopped licking and started shifting on her knees to get him off of her back. Wow, he was so heavy! Lisa wanted to get him off her back but was not having any success in throwing him off. Meanwhile the dog seemed to want to wrestle with her! “Dex!! Get Off of me Now!” But it was no use, the dog was not listening and was now beginning to be really annoying. Lisa was getting really tired and weak trying to throw him off.

Lisa had had enough of this and her knees were beginning to hurt. So, she mustered up all her strength to try and throw him off her back. She tried to sway from side to side to throw him off balance. No success. So, in the end Lisa decided to try to lift herself up vertically. As she lifted up on her arms and knees she felt something hitting her bum area. With one last big push she arched her bum up to throw Dexter off. But the arched angle provided the dog the opportunity to drive home his intent. His phallus had been thrashing randomly on her ass area. As she lifted her ass on that last desperate attempt, Dexter s dick hit the tight opening he was seeking. It did not enter the first thrust. But he knew he had found the mark and the immediate second ferocious thrust shattered her hymen and entered her virgin chamber entirely.

Lisa screamed with agony. She had no idea what was happening. One minute there was immense pleasure from his tongue on her private areas, then Dexter was wrestling on her back and being a real annoyance. Then suddenly she felt something hard, not like his tongue, hitting her bum and nether regions. Then, incredible pain and a feeling of tightness and swelling, She felt completely stuck and couldn t move. Even Dexter was no longer moving. He was on her back but not moving and she was in incredible pain. What was happening?

Dexter had fucked a number of neighborhood dogs in the off – leash area of the park. But they were fleeting, quick couplings done in the wild. This creature he was fucking was different. Her skin was not hairy, it was smooth and her opening was much tighter than he was used to. As a result, his dick and knot was enlarged more than normal. Once his phallus and knot were inside the narrow chamber, pure instinct took over and he laid on top, stuck, to his bitch while nature took its course.

Poor Lisa was sobbing as she lay on the floor with the dog impaled inside her, She had no idea what was happening, she could not see that his entire dick and knot had penetrated the narrow confines of her small vagina. But then all of a sudden she felt something entirely different deep inside her. In addition to the sheer tightness and pain, it felt almost wet.

Finally the dog completed nature s cycle. He who had given so much pleasure to this young girl through his licking, experienced his own relief by cumming deep inside her virgin womb. Four months of pent – up semen emptied into the exquisite reservoir.

After what seemed like an eternity, Dexter finally disengaged himself from the girl. He got off her, walked into the kitchen and licked his receding penis clean. As Lisa turned over onto her back to get up, she noticed a strange liquid leaking from her very swollen and sore vulva. She went immediately to the bathroom and did her best to clean up. She had a very bad feeling about this. Very few words were spoken to Mrs. Miller upon her return and Lisa was glad to leave in the Uber for the comfort of her home. She did not know yet the nature of what had happened. More importantly, she had no idea that her encounter with the dog had been fully videotaped.


Part II

After Lisa had left for home in the Uber, Grace Miller poured herself a nightcap and headed for bed. As she got her nightclothes on, she remembered that she was going to check the security video from the living room to see if Lisa had had anyone over, contrary to her rules. She therefore programmed the video footage to play on the large screen tv in her bedroom. The recorded footage had no audio component, but the images were quite good quality. As Grace watched the beginning of the evening s recorded events she was relieved to see that it captured only Lisa in the living room.

Just as she was about to turn it off and head for bed, Grace observed something quite surprising: the girl was taking off her shorts and her panties? Then, she appeared to lay down on the carpet and Dexter entered the picture frame. Her big black lab stepped in between the girls parted legs and unmistakably began licking her feet and legs. Grace could not believe what her eyes were seeing. Dexter was clearly licking the young girl s exposed genitals and it was equally clear from the expression on Lisa s face that she was in a rapture. “My oh my! Dexter, what have you been up to with our pretty young sitter?” Now Grace s attention was fixed on the video – she wished that it also recorded sound. After a few minutes, the girl tried to push the dog away and turned over onto her front.

Nothing could have prepared Grace Miller for the spectacle that she then witnessed. Although there was no sound, it was obvious to Grace what the big lab had in mind. It was equally obvious that the girl, whose back was to the dog, had no idea what would happen next as she tried in desperation to get the big animal off her slender back. Grace could see her dog s fully erect phallus ready to find its mark. Lisa s pretty little bum was floundering in the effort to throw the big dog off her back. The girl did not realize that in lifting her bum up, she exposed her petite vulva lips to the advancing animal. She would have been better off just lying flat on the floor.

Grace gasped as she observed her dog violently penetrate the girl. While the camera was not positioned to show the actual violation, it was clear from the body language of the dog and the body language of the girl what had happened. Suddenly, Lisa was still and the animal was no longer thrashing around on her back. For a good 12 minutes, Grace watched little movement between the dog and the girl as he lay on top of her back. Grace knew enough about dog mating practices to infer what was happening.

Grace Miller re – watched the video several times as she lay in her bed. She found it strangely erotic and masturbated to it several times. While Grace had never had lesbian tendencies before, she found the petite body of the girl highly arousing. She would make a copy of this videotape. She formulated a plan for this tape and next steps.


Part III

The next weekend, Lisa dreaded coming to dog – sit for Mrs Miller. She resolved that she would put Dexter out in the backyard for most of the evening and avoid him at all costs. She rang the doorbell and Mrs Miller greeted her and invited her in. Fortunately the dog was not in the hallway. “Lisa, theres been a change in my plans tonight and I am not going out after – all. ” “Oh, I can go back home then, Mrs Miller, thats not a problem” replied Lisa. “No my dear, you come right in, we have things to discuss. Come right his way. ” Grace Miller led the teen into the living room. “Just have a seat, I have something to show you on the screen. “

Before Lisa could begin thinking what this was about, Mrs Miller activated the large flat screen tv affixed to the wall. Immediately, Lisa s heart skipped a beat: on the screen she saw herself in the same living room in which she was currently seated. After a few minutes, she saw herself remove her shorts and panties and saw Dexter step in between her parted legs. Lisa began to sob and tried to speak. “Just keep quiet Lisa and watch the screen” Mrs Miller said in a no – nonsense tone. Lisa watched the silent screen and its footage in horror.

After the episode came to an end, Grace Miller shut the tv off. She looked straight at the young girl and said: “I have made multiple copies of this tape, do you think your parents and your teachers would like to have a copy to view?” “OMG, Mrs. Miller, please, I beg you dont do that! It was something that was a total accident, I dont know what happened, honestly, that stupid dog like raped me!!”

“Oh sweetie, Dexter did not rape you at all. He simply took what you offered him and followed his natural instinct. He had obviously provided you with great pleasure as he licked your pussy to orgasm – I assume he had done the same for you the week previous when you were here. Then when you offered him your pussy from behind when you were kneeling, he did what is completely natural and instinctive. I realize that you did not know what was going to happen but that changes nothing. After all the pleasure he had given you, do you not think he deserved some pleasure and release too?”

Lisa was speechless from her shock, her embarrassment and her fear. Grace Miller moved in for the kill. “Lisa, many women use their dogs for sexual pleasure. Unlike men, and in your case, immature boys, dogs cannot tell or brag to anyone about their exploits, dogs cannot give you an STD and dogs cannot make you pregnant. I will agree not to disclose this tape to people who will use it against you on condition that you do as I say. My late husband made his fortune producing documentaries and has many international contacts in the film industry. I have provided this tape of you losing your virginity to Dexter to one of his former colleagues and he has some ideas about making some additional, better quality recordings of you. “

“More recordings??” asked Lisa. “Yes, much better recordings of you and Dexter with sound. You see, there is a small market for this kind of niche pornography – mostly in Japan, South East Asia and a few European centres. Most actors who fuck dogs are older, tattooed and drug – addicted women who are nowhere nearly as young, fresh, pretty or virginal as you are, my dear. You will attend back here at my house when I tell you to on the pretext of dog – sitting Dexter and we shall proceed from there. Do you understand?

Lisa was still speechless as she was pondering what Mrs Miller said. But her fear of having her parents, teachers and friends finding out about her and Dexter weighed heavily in her mind. “OK, I will try to do what you say then, but please not today, Mrs Miller”. “No worries my dear about today, in fact I put Dexter outside in the back so that we could have this private chat. Besides, the film technician who will be directing and filming the segments is not here in any event. But he did say to me that he requires some full body pictures of you in advance so that he can begin formulating the scenes. I have a good camera to take your pictures, so please remove all your clothing. “

Lisa felt she had no choice but to comply. In a minute, the petite girl was nude. Grace Miller marvelled at the beautiful, flawless skin of this lovely creature. She was slim with small perky breasts and a flat stomach. As Grace s camera clicked lower she got close – up pictures of her exquisite shaven vulva. The lips were perfectly proportioned and displayed a compact and tight opening. Grace thought to herself how very lucky her dog was to have been the first creature to break through this alluring orifice. She had Lisa turn around and the girl s bottom was equally splendid: small, shapely and round. She had Lisa bend over to touch her toes and the camera recorded the beautiful spreading of the tiny pussy lips opening from behind. It was no wonder Dexter could not resist such a view when he was on her back and proceeded to take her from behind. Even the girls cute little feet were pretty: all properly pedicured with a nice pink gloss polish.

“OK Lisa, you can now get dressed. I will send these photos on to the technician and I will contact you in a few days to arrange the first shooting. In the meantime, please keep your private areas completely shaven and when you attend next time i want you to wear your hair in pig tails. Can you do that?” Lisa shook her head in the affirmative and left for home in the Uber that was waiting for her outside. After the girl had gone, Grace Miller quickly went through the 100 or so photos she had taken and saved them in her computer file. These photos themselves would fetch a good price: pretty young virginal white girls were quite a prize in the porn market. Then she sent the photo album to the film technician. All she needed to do now was await his instructions.


Part IV

Lisa was contacted by Mrs Miller two weeks later to come back to the house to dog – sit Dexter. She complied with the request because she realized that if she did not cooperate, that awful tape of her and the dog would destroy her life. She had a lump in her throat as she rang the doorbell at the Miller residence. A middle aged man opened the door much to the surprise of Lisa. “Hello Lisa, I am Jack, the producer, and I am so glad to meet you, please come in. ” Lisa walked into the hallway and Mrs. Miller appeared. “Hi sweetie, come with me and I will tell you what Jack and I have arranged. “

Lisa followed Mrs Miller to the living room. “OK, just have a seat and we will tell you what we are going to do. ” Lisa looked around the familiar room but noticed some major changes. For some reason a plain single bed was in the middle of the room. It had a pretty comforter on top and a series of spotlights on pedestals were all arranged around it. At least 3 video tripods were positioned in different parts of the living room, all facing the bed.

“As we discussed Lisa, Jack is going to make a video/audio recording of you and Dexter. You are going to use the bed to sit on while Jack films the two of you. “Mrs Miller, I am so afraid of this whole thing, you have no idea how much my accident hurt me. Can we please do something else without Dexter?”

“My dear girl, did you not enjoy Dexter s licking of your private parts? Certainly, your facial expressions recorded on the security tape suggested otherwise. ” “It was like nothing I had ever felt before, Mrs. Miller, but it was the other part that really hurt me. “

“Yes Lisa, when you get fucked the first time as a virgin, it always hurts. Plus, you were not expecting to be penetrated and the whole thing was a frightening ordeal. But this time, you will have the assistance of Jack and me and we will take steps to ensure that your experience will be better. We have no interest in recording an innocent girl like you suffering pain. Just follow our directions and you will enjoy it immensely. You are a beautiful girl and you deserve to feel good about yourself. Jack has studied your photos that I took and says that you are the prettiest 18 year old he has ever seen! OK, let s not waste time, please undress. “

Lisa complied. When she was nude, Jack directed her to sit on the edge of the bed with her slender legs spread wide. As she sat in that position, Jack began recording every inch of her nubile body using a remote converter device that controlled all 3 cameras. Mrs Miller ushered Dexter in. The dog was wearing cloth padding over his forepaws. Dexter seemed disoriented, probably because of the additional lighting and the foreign bed that was situated in the middle of the living room.

But then Dexter smelled and spotted Lisa sitting on the edge of the bed. Once again he followed his nose and came to her cute feet which he began to lick. Up her feet he progressed to her slender calves and lithe milky thighs. Lisa was frozen. The dog stuck his snout between her legs into her crotch and began to lick the source of the nectar which he first smelled. Lisa s face turned ecstatic and Jack made sure one camera caught her facial expression. The other 2 cameras were trained on her beautiful pussy which the dogs licking was beginning to swell. The cameras caught his bumpy tongue repeatedly caressing the soft folds of her tight, smooth labia. Lisa could not suppress her gasps of pleasure and she began to quietly moan. This went on for about 2 minutes. As Lisa was clearly approaching orgasm, Jack interrupted the proceedings and sharply directed Lisa to turn over onto the edge of the bed with her waist over the edge and legs spread touching the ground. Lisa was so disappointed as she felt that she was on the verge of having an orgasm.

Again, Lisa complied. For a minute the dog did not know what to do. But then his smell and sight instincts brought him back to the lovely girls ass and exposed pussy. He began licking with vigor. Lisa began moaning audibly. Dexters red phallus at this time was fully unsheathed and Jack ensured that the cameras recorded it. The dog followed his natural instinct and put his forepaws up on the girls shoulders in an attempt to mount her. For a frenzied minute or so, he thrashed about trying to direct his dick into the promised land. Lisa had been on the edge of cumming, but now she feared the excruciating pain would take over as it had that other fateful night.

Dexter tried repeatedly to find the mark but was missing. Jack called out to Lisa to raise her ass a little bit. The poor girl complied. Then, after several more thrusts, Dexter felt his penis strike the tight opening of her vulva. Lisa felt the hammer of the strike and froze in terror. But the dog was one step ahead of her and used her hesitation to drive his engorged dick into the narrow cavity. Lisa cried out in pain but Dexter had found his target and pounded it home. After a couple of rapid thrusts, his penis and knot were well beyond Lisa s tight opening.

Then, there was relative stillness. As the dogs phallus and knot began to expand inside the girl s vagina, the stark pain that Lisa felt began to be replaced by a kind of pressurized pleasure. The feelings of ecstasy she had been climaxing towards just before Jack called out to her to flip over began to return. As before, the dog was now relatively motionless on top of her her, waiting for his reproductive instincts to finish the act. Jack ensured that the cameras fully recorded, in zoom focus, the big dogs blue balls swaying against the tiny, perfect shaved pussy which was filled to the hilt with Dexter s cock. Jack had never had a shot like this before and could not believe his luck.

The dogs cock and knot continued to expand in preparation of the deposit of his semen and the pressure against the girl s tightened pussy brought her over the edge. What had caused her excruciating pain on the first occasion, now triggered an earth – shattering orgasm. Lisa moaned in ecstasy as the dog s cock and knot tightened and released its payload. Dexter emptied his semen deep inside the young girls womb and the wet sensation simply increased her pleasure. Mrs Miller and Jack remained silent and transfixed.

Jack made sure that his video cameras stayed trained on the main event and when the dog eventually withdrew his bloated phallus, the cameras caught the engorged knot and shaft leaving her pussy perfectly. Jack directed Lisa to stay completely still. In a matter of seconds, a steady flow of cum dripped out of the violated vulva lips and dripped down the slim legs of the girl. It was an amazing capture!

Lisa was breathless. Grace Miller said to her, “Well done, my dear, I could tell you enjoyed it much more this time – you simply have to listen to Jack and I and we will never lead you astray. Now, go clean yourself up a bit, have a soda and come back in 15 minutes. We will take one more video. “

When Lisa was in the bathroom, Jack told Grace that an anal session would bring in more money than they could imagine. “But Jack, you have seen how petite the girl is, we cannot do that to her – her pussy is as tight as can be, can you imagine how tight her asshole would be? She could never handle Dexter s cock there without causing physical harm!” “Don t worry Grace, all you need to do is lubricate her hole and sphincter and it will go in. We will make sure his knot doesnt penetrate. Look, just try it and if it doesnt work, we will call it quits.

Lisa returned to the room, somewhat refreshed but definitely tired. She still looked amazing. “Ok, Lisa, just lay on your tummy again with your beautiful bum facing out and we will try it one more time. In order to ensure you are comfortable, Mrs Miller is going to apply some lubrication. ” Grace walked over to the girl as she was in the position and rubbed gel on her lips and, more importantly, over her asshole and poking a little bit into her sphincter. Lisa was still quite numb from Dexter s fucking so did not really differentiate that Mrs Miller was lubricating her asshole more than her vulva. Grace marvelled at how smooth, beautiful and tight the girl s genitals and ass felt against her probing fingers. She was completely aroused touching the girl this way.

The dog was brought back in and immediately went towards the waiting girl. He licked for a short while but moved on to mounting her back. Jack spoke up: “Ok Lisa, you dont have to raise your bum so high this time, I know you are tired. Instead, just really spread your lovely legs as wide as you can, ok?”

Lisa did as she was told. The dog began probing with his cock, already hard again. He was having no success, It kept hitting her lower back and upper bum. “OK, Lisa, let me just help you position yourself. ” Jack left the camera controls and walked over to the bed where the dog was trying to penetrate the girl. Gently, he positioned the girls hips so that they more closely aligned to the dogs rigid phallus, Then he centred the dog so that he would have a clear path to the tiny butt hole that was conveniently placed. Lisa was so tired and still flush from her previous orgasm that she did not notice that the dogs probing dick was bumping her asshole, not her vulva. Finally, Jack centred her body so that the dog s phallus was right in front of her tiny opening. “Ok, Lisa, spread your legs as far as you are able. “

Dexter pushed his dick and it rebounded against her very tight, but very lubricated asshole. But the dog felt an opening and he instinctively thrust a second and third time. On the third time, Lisa s sphincter gave way a little bit and the dog entered the cavity about half way. Lisa gasped with the pressure she felt but did not realize it was her asshole he was penetrating, not her vagina. Nonetheless, the sensations around the area started to give her sexual pleasure. The dog s phallus was inside as far as he could push it and he remained still. Jack returned to his cameras.

The cameras recorded the dog s bloated dick about 2/3 of the way inside the tiny ass. Lisa was once again moaning, although it was unclear whether it was from pleasure or discomfort. After about 5 mins, the dog s prominent balls began shaking revealing the unmistakable fact that he was once again ejaculating inside the girl. But this time he was anally fucking her. When he withdrew his cock from her ass, Jack was careful to get close up footage of the friction and, minutes later, the steady stream of dog semen dripping from Lisa s ass down her gorgeous legs. It was a career moment for sure! Jack had videoed several dog – woman copulations before: but never one with such a young, innocent girl and certainly never one involving anal fucking!

“Well done, Lisa!” said Mrs Miller. Why dont you have a nice long hot shower and get cleaned up and I will order an Uber to take you home. I will be in touch in a couple of weeks regarding the next project. You are doing so well and have nothing to worry about!” While Lisa was showering, Jack told Grace that this footage, once he had edited and mastered it it would be a hit in elite porn circles in Europe, Japan and SE Asia. A lot of models masked their faces from the embarrassment of being identified fucking animals, but since no one would know Lisa, there was no risk producing it as is. It would fetch a lot of money. His mind was racing and he remarked to Grace that for the next session, he was thinking about something quite different: fish.


Part V

Three weeks had passed before Mrs Miller contacted Lisa to tell her to come on the Saturday evening. Lisa reluctantly agreed as she knew she had little choice. She did not want to have to submit herself again to Dexter but what could she do? “Hello dear, come right in, Jack has been working hard at planning something very special and unique. ” Lisa noticed that the living room was back to normal, no bed in the middle, and Dexter was nowhere to be seen. Grace Miller led Lisa down the stairs to the lower level where the gym, indoor pool, spa and hot tub were located. As she entered the space, she saw Jack doing something with the hot tub.

“Hello beautiful, how are you today?” Before Lisa could answer, Jack continued: “Lisa, have you ever had a massage before?” “I did have a facial once with my mom at her spa place. ” Ok, well today, you are going to have a water massage that will make you more relaxed and alive than you have ever felt before. ” I want you to remove your clothes and Mrs Miller will apply some special lotions to your body which will enhance the massage treatment. While she does that, I will get the hot tub ready.

Lisa removed her clothes and Grace Miller told her to stand with her legs apart. Grace dipped her hands into a bowl which was filled with sticky honey combined with flakes of fish food. Grace rubbed the mixture on the girls small areolas and nipples (Oh, how firm and perky they were!). Next, Grace rubbed copious amounts of the sticky mixture around the entire area of Lisa s smooth pussy, carefully ensuring to push some of the mixture inside her vagina. “Ok, now I want you to turn around and bend over. ” Grace then applied the mixture to Lisas asshole area, inside the crevice of her beautiful ass cheeks and all the way to the bottom of her vagina lips.

“Ok Lisa, I want you to carefully step into the tub, kneel down on the two foam cushions I have placed on the bottom and lean forward so that your beautiful body is all submerged except for your head which you can rest on the edge. ” Lisa complied with the direction. “Ok, thats excellent, now it is really important that you do not move during the massage, OK?” Lisa nodded. “I will start the massage process in a minute”.

Jack had replaced the usual chlorinated water in the tub with tepid salt water that is suitable for fish. The water jets on the side and bottom of the tub had been replaced by high fidelity video cameras that captured all angles of the underwater. As Lisa kneeled in the tub motionless, Jack turned on the lights and video cameras and looked on his laptop screen. It was perfect. The cameras caught all of Lisas submerged nubile body and the sticky mixture was working as all of the food flakes remained stuck to her nipples, her spread pussy area and the lovely contours of her ass crack.

“Ok, Lisa, just relax and wait for the water massage to start pulsating”. Jack was located behind the girl and he quickly reached into a cooler beside him and removed a large jar containing 75 miniature garra rufa fish. He had purchased these exotic fish from a specialty Thailand aquarium supplier, together with 4 small 6 inch eels. Garra rufa fish are used by some specialized spas to provide feet manicures to clients. Clients feet are submerged in a tank and the fish nibble away at dead skin and improve circulation and appearance.

Very carefully, Jack emptied the jar containing the 75 fish into the hot tub near Lisas feet. each fish was no longer than an inch and a half. At first the school of fish remained motionless, unsure of the foreign environment. But after a couple of minutes, a few of them ventured out and began to swim around Lisas submerged body. Then the fish smelled the flakes of food stuck to the girls intimate areas and gave in to the instinct to feed. Lisa was positioned as she had been told and was looking forward towards the end of the room, completely unaware of what was inside the tub with her.

The school of fish followed the scent of the food and began to gently suck, nibble and chew from the girls areolas and nipples. Others fed from her exposed pussy and anal regions. Lisa could not believe how gentle and relaxing the water jets were. She began to become sexually aroused.

Jack and Grace were transfixed by what they were watching on the screen. The entire school of fish were busily eating from all of her intimate areas. Her small nipples had transformed into little bullets, her smooth pussy was beginning to swell with sexual desire and the delicate crevice of her ass was covered with the hungry fish. It was clear that Lisa was nearing orgasm as she began to pant and breath heavily. The girl had no chance against the sensations of the feeding fish and she let out a loud moan as she climaxed. The cameras and audio were recording it all.

“Mrs, Miller, could we please take a break, I have to pee badly!” “Just remain where you are, Lisa, you can go in the hot tub, dont worry about it, everyone does” responded Jack without hesitation. As Jack and Grace continued to watch the screen, the cameras recorded a slight current of pale yellow fluid dispel from Lisas vagina. Her porcelain lips fluttered in the water. As she relieved herself, the flow of urine gently pushed a handful of fish off of her delicate lips. They returned to feed on her pussy once the flow finished. It was a strangely erotic and totally unplanned bonus – a unique feature of an underwater video shoot that was going to earn a lot of money!

Jack then spoke up and told Lisa to continue to stay still as the second massage process would begin. He then reached into the cooler and removed the jar containing the 4 eels. Again, he gently emptied them at the back of the tub next to Lisas feet. Unlike the garra rufa fish, the eels did not stay motionless: they are predatory and sensed that there was food available. They swam towards the smell of the food. The fish mostly scattered to avoid being eaten. That left the flakes on the girls intimate parts for them. The eels did not waste time.

One eel began nibbling on Lisas left breast, one centred on her asshole and the remaining two fed on her swollen pussy lips. Lisa couldnt believe how amazing these water jets were – Jack had obviously increased the water pressure. The helpless girl was beginning to lose control again.

Grace and Jack were glued to the screen. Four 6 inch eels were ravaging the helpless teenager. One of the eels on her pussy smelled that there was food inside her opening. Eels are particularly capable of squeezing themselves into small crevices of rocks in the ocean. The soft tight crevice of the girls vagina was no different. They watched as the eel slithered its slimy form into the crack between her lips. It practically burrowed into her vagina and all that was left to see was the end of its tail. As the eel forced its way into her pussy, it put poor Lisa over the edge and she gasped in a ferocious climax. Had she known what was truly causing all this rapture, she would have fainted in disgust.

Now that Jack had the “money shot” of his career, he decided to bring the video to a close. “Ok Lisa, you were fantastic and I am so glad this time that you enjoyed the process more. Mrs Miller is going to help you out and clean up while I put stuff away. ” Grace helped the weak – kneed girl out of the tub and ushered her immediately to the shower in the adjoining bathroom. Meanwhile, Jack got his little fish net and retrieved all the fish from the hot tub. Several were dead. He could only find 3 of the eels.

Mrs Miller called the Uber and told Lisa that she was doing just great and soon would be done with her obligation. One more session would be all that was required and she would contact her in a few weeks time. Lisa was exhausted when she got home and went straight to bed. During the night she had a wet dream about something sexual that she couldnt remember in the morning. She had no idea that during the climax of the dream, a very satisfied 6 inch eel slithered its way out from her pussy and into the bed sheets.


Part VI

Len Grant said no right off the bat. He was not going to let his apiary be used for the depraved purpose of this porn film maker. But then when Jack offered him $5000 for his services, he had to give it a second thought. Len explained to Jack that honey bees were not by nature aggressive. They were sturdy workers and only resorted to stinging when they felt frightened by an aggressor. When the honey bees were affected by the chemical smoker, they were quite harmless. Indeed, that was the precaution that Len took when he harvested their honeycombs. These bees were about 3/4 of an inch long, had 2 sets of wings, 6 legs and a tongue (called a proboscis) which they inserted deep inside flowers in order to reach the nectar.

Jack outlined to Len that they were going to film a young actress who would have a sugar – based solution applied to the intimate parts of her body. She would then lay out – stretched on a lounge chair while the bees went about their work. Would she risk getting stung, asked Jack? Not if she remained still and perhaps had her legs and arms secured to prevent any inadvertent motions, replied Len. Bees that harvest nectar from flowers do not sting the petals, so if the girl remained motionless, there was no chance that she would get stung – especially if the bees had been smoked. Jack could not wait to make this film; it was deliciously weird and decadent.

When Lisa arrived at the Miller residence, Grace Miller was already in her Audi on the driveway and motioned to Lisa to get inside. “Hi sweetheart, we are going to film the session today in a pretty country estate. ” Grace began to drive. “Do you remember how much you enjoyed the last water massage session?” “Yes, it didn t hurt me like Dexter did. ” “Well, my dear, the session today will be an outside air massage and the pleasure that you experience will not involve any uncomfortable pressure on your beautiful little pussy. No dog will be fucking you with his cock. It will be like the water massage, only a hundred times better! Now, since we will be filming outside in the sun, I dont want you to get dehydrated. So, drink this bottle of water now to keep yourself healthy. ” Mrs Miller handed the young girl a large bottle of chilled water. She drank. What Lisa did not know was that it contained a sedative that Grace occasionally took when she could not sleep at nights.

An hour later, the Audi turned onto a concession road with a sign that pointed to “Grant s Apiary”. Lisa read the sign but did not know what apiary meant. The car rolled into the driveway of the farm and Jack and the apiarist walked up to the car. “Hello Lisa, you look lovely as usual”, said Jack. Len Grant stayed back and just watched. He could not believe how pretty the girl was: she did not look a day over 16!

Jack moved quickly. “Come with me, love. ” Jack led her to a courtyard surrounded by willow trees where there was a modified beach cot chair that had its end raised up at the feet. “Just remove your clothes Lisa and lay down on your back. There is a nice soft pillow to put your head against. ” Lisa did as she was directed and laid down, nude, on the soft comfortable chair.

Len could not believe his eyes. This girl was a vision. She was not at all what he expected to see. The girl was pale white, petite in stature with small perky tits, a tiny round ass and a bald pussy which displayed a thin shapely crack along its virginal looking contours. She had no tats, no piercings and she could not have been more than 110 lbs soaking wet. Len was 59 but he felt the stirrings of his cock pushing against his boxers.

Then Jack spread the girl s legs wide open and gently tied the girl s ankles to the outer edges of the chair with pink ribbon – it matched the pink nail polish on her pretty pedicured toes. Jack then similarly tied her wrists to the end of the arm rests on the beach chair. The girl seemed quite still as she lay on top of the chair, outstretched, with her gorgeous ass and splendid pussy exposed. Then, Mrs Miller approached the girl laid out on the chair.

“Ok, Lisa, we are almost ready, I am going to apply some ointment to your body which will help you enjoy the experience even more. Stay still. ” Grace rubbed the sugar based solution all over Lisa s pussy, inside her vagina crack, the cleft of her ass and on both breasts – with special attention to the areolas and nipples. At Jack s request, she also spread the sweet sticky solution on the toes of Lisa s left foot: Jack remarked that many clients had a foot fetish and that Lisa s pretty little feet would attract that base.

The sedative that Grace had secreted in Lisa s water bottle had affected the girl: while she was fully awake, everything seemed a bit fuzzy to her and she had little control or recognition over what was happening. She did feel the pleasant rays of sunshine on her spread out naked body.

Finally, Len, the bee keeper, walked up to the bound girl and carefully placed an apiarists hat and veil over her head, shielding the girls entire face and neck with the mesh. At Jacks signal, Len then undid the cover of the wooden beehive. At first, there was no motion from the hive. The bees had been smoked and were lethargic. After a few minutes, a few worker bees emerged from the hive and began to buzz around. Mrs Miller, Jack and the apiarist, Len, stood by, at the end of the courtyard in anticipation.

The worker bees noted a sweet essence in the air and followed their senses to its source. It was not green and leafy or producing any flower. But a couple of them buzzed around Lisa s outstretched foot and alighted on her sticky toes. They drank in the sugary solution and returned back to the hive. Then a large number of new bees arose from the shelf of the hive and headed towards the prone girl. Some went to her toes, others the clefts of her ass, others the slightly swelled curves of her perky tits, and finally, most landed on her spread open pussy. The girl could feel the gentle buzzing bodies of the insects but, because of her drowsiness, had no idea what the source of the contact was. The 3 spectators were transfixed.

The 30 or so bees who were busy extracting the sugary syrup from the girl s body were soon joined by the rest of the partial beehive. At least 300 bees buzzed around Lisa s

exposed body. Lisa felt a tickling sensation on her left foot and then she felt a certain very light pressure to her breasts, ass and pussy. Jack was absorbed with the video cameras which were trained on the girl s body. He zoomed in on about 60 buzzing bees alighting on Lisa s exposed pussy, clinging and buzzing around the highly sensitive lips, sticking their probing tongues into the crevice and clit of the helpless girl. The constant darting of the bees probiscis into her most sensitive regions quickly accelerated her mounting orgasm.

100s of other bees were busy congregating and feeding off her anal region and her swelling nipples. The spectators were spellbound as they watched the hive of bees feeding en mass on the little girl s most private and sensitive body parts. The constant vibrations of 100s of bees clinging to her body and sticking their sharp little tongues into her most delicate of orifices caused a momentous orgasm in the helpless girl. Lisa wailed in ecstasy as she gave in to the insects relentless probings. As soon as she climaxed, her pussy released its natural juices which only served to spread the sugary nectar of her pussy even wider. The bees continued to feed with abandon.

Jack could see through his telephoto lens that the girl s pussy lips were swollen with desire; they were at once puffy and pink. Her tiny breasts and nipples had also expanded in size and from what he could see of her delicious ass crack, it too was becoming pink with heat. Len marveled at the spectacle he was witnessing. He was wondering what effect the girls private sex juices would have on the taste of the honey that the bees were making. Once each bee filled its reservoir with Lisa s sweet nectar, it returned to the hive to deposit it into the hive and then immediately returned to this most marvelous flower.

Poor Lisa was becoming delirious. She could get no break from the continuing ecstasy. Each time she had a thundering climax, her swollen, numb pussy would be immediately reengaged and triggered by hundreds of other bees who were busy probing her pussy, her ass, her nipples and her toes. She had no control over her body and it was continuing to orgasm involuntarily. Each climax brought new, sweet nectar to the industrious bees who were lapping it all up. Jack s camera caught it all. Her pussy was literally glistening from the constant rush of orgasm. Her clit, which had previously been a tiny little bud, was engorged and more than twice its previous size. Eventually poor Lisa could take no more of the constant orgasms and lapsed into a deep, sedative and orgasm – induced sleep. She had been gang raped by about 300 honey bees but had experienced more intense sexual pleasure than she would ever do so again in her life.

Eventually the honey bees had taken their fill of Lisas sweet nectar and all returned to their hive. Jack was busy collecting his 3 video cameras and carefully saving the footage. Grace had received an unexpected email from her real estate agent and had to return immediately to the city. Lisa was still in a deep sleep on the beach chair, so Grace asked Len Grant to put the girl on an Uber to take her directly home when she awakened. Mrs Miller would, of course, reimburse the apiarist for his expenses in that regard.

Len carefully returned the bee hive back to its normal place back in the field. When he returned to the courtyard, he could see that Lisa was still fast asleep. She looked uncomfortable so Len gently undid the pink bindings on her ankles and wrists. She still looked awkward on the chair, so he decided to take her inside, out of the afternoon sun, into the house. He put his arms underneath her waist and legs and effortlessly lifted her up and took her inside to his modest quarters. She was so light! As he laid her, still naked, on his couch he took the time to size up her beauty. A pretty girl – next – door type for sure!. She was a vision.

As he gazed upon her sleeping peacefully on his couch, his eyes centred on the gorgeous sight between her legs. Her vagina was slightly parted and still glistening and pink from the bees work. Len looked around. He was alone (as usual). He unzipped his fly and pulled out his erect cock and started stroking it as he stared at Lisas exquisite pussy. It had been many years since he had fucked a woman who was not a prostitute and he at once became very envious of his bees who had had full access to this treasure.

Against his better instincts, Len approached the couch where the girl was in a deep sleep and pulled her waist towards the edge. He then slowly but surely pushed his stiff cock against the opening of her glistening lips. Although it was wet and somewhat slippery, it felt tight. Len pushed his cock inside her cavity and gasped with the feeling of pressure. He could not resist any further and gently pushed his cock all the way in. It was heaven. He slowly pumped her pussy, careful to not wake the sleeping angel. Len did not realize of course that his old cock was the very first human cock to ever penetrate this wondrous tunnel. Len was enjoying every second of the tight sensations against his engorged cock. But he realized he needed to withdraw and cum in a tissue. But lust and nature got the best of the old apiarist and he was unable (or unwilling) to pull out. He gasped with sheer delight as his old cock exploded with pleasure inside the small pussy of this little girl who was young enough to be his grand daughter. He could not remember cumming with such force, such pleasure and such a load before.

Later, Lisa finally awakened and the kind bee keeper allowed her to dress in private and ordered her an Uber which took her straight home. Finally, Lisa thought, she was done with this.



Exactly one week after the apiary visit, the Miller house was quietly sold to a numbered company. With notice to no one, Grace Miller moved permanently to the beach house she and her late husband had purchased years earlier on the western shore of Thailand. The airport in nearby Bangkok provided her efficient access to Japan, Russia and several Eastern European countries. The underground porn markets in those centres paid Grace lucrative compensation on the sale, distribution and royalties of the films involving Lisa.

Jack spent many hours editing the video and audio footage of the 4 sessions of the young girl. The first video was limited because it was automatically recorded by the Miller home security system. But this initial tape was essential to the series as it documented vividly the innocent, inadvertent but brutal loss of Lisas virginity to the large dog. The subsequent 3 videos that Jack filmed involving the dog again, the fish and the honey bees were masterpieces in the fetish genre. The bizarre and depraved footage distinguished these films from most others in the industry. the clarity of the close – up images, the girl s authentic cries of distress and ecstasy and the fact that she was a fresh – faced amateur whose face and body were fully exposed made an instant impact. While Lisa was an unknown teenager in America, she rapidly became a lusted – after sex object amongst males (and females) from 16 to 70 years of age in this part of the world.

Exactly 9 months after the apiary visit, Lisa gave birth to a little girl about whose conception she knew nothing. While her parents demanded to know who the boy was that got her pregnant, she tearfully (and honestly) maintained that she had no idea. No one knew or would ever know that the father was the old bee keeper from Grant s Apiary, north of the city.

The End

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