Men with Animals
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My First Knot


(c) 2019 by Cloud2299

Part I

To start with, I’m just your average guy. 6 ft, 170 lbs. Brown hair and eyes, nothing out of the ordinary. I guess I am bi, because I have had a couple of sexual experiences with men in my life, and I liked it. When I was a teenager, however, I had my first K9 experience.

I had an old hound dog of mixed breed named Blue who always follwied me around the yard and down into the forest when I would go for walks. I was probably around 14 or 15, so this was also the age where I started masturbating… a lot.

One day, Blue and I were out in the woods, just walking and enjoying nature, when I got the urge to masturbate. This was something I had never done outside of my room, so the idea was very exciting.

Taking a quick look around to make sure no one else was out there with me, I took my shorts and underwear off and lay down on some moss that was growing nearby. I wrapped my hand around my already throbbing cock and began to slowly stroke and touch and tease myself in all the ways that I had figured out felt good.

At this point, I had already figured out that a finger up my ass felt really good while I was stroking my cock, and it made me cum even harder. So, I licked the finger of my left hand to get it wet, and slowly worked it up my asshole while I continued stroking with my right.

I was getting very worked up, and started feeling that familar feeling deep inside, when out of the blue, I felt a very warm and very wet tongue, lick me from the finger in my ass all the way up, over my balls, to the very head of my cock!

I came immediately. Cum just erupted from my cock in a fountain, straight up, and then back down to splatter all over my chest and face.

Before I could even register what had just happenedn Blue started licking the cum from off my body.

At first, I was disgusted, and scolded him for being a bad dog. Dogs and people aren’t supposed to do stuff like that together!

I ripped up some moss and wiped myself off the best I could, got dressed, and mademmy way home.

Later that day, while in the shower, I really started thinking about what had happened, and how that had been the biggest orgasm of my life so far. I immediately got hard again and had jerk off while in the shower, blowing another large load of cum everywhere. I also went to bed thinking about how good that tongue had felt. Which led to another jerk and cum before I went to sleep.

Fast forward almost a week…

I had been thinking about that hot and wet tongue for iver a week now, and I was staying on the verge of cumming in my pants during school every day. I was also sliwly making a plan.

Friday afternoon, I told my parents that I was going camping with some friends for the weekend down in the woods, something I did quite a bit, packed up my stuff, and hike into the woods with Blue in tow. I hiked quiet a ways down into the woods before reaching my usual camping spot. Deserted this weekend, of course.

I spent about an hour setting up camp and getting the fire going and such, beforr deciding that all was right.

My plan was simple. Jerk my cock and somehow try to convince Blue to licj me again while I was jerking. I also had the vague thouvht of maybe getting him to mount me, like I had seen other dogs do over the years. Wasn’t sure how that would turn out, but figured it was worth a shot.

I started out by coaxing Blue into the tent with me, where he immediately lay down and curled up. I stripped off all of my clothes and exposed my engorged cock, which was throbbing in anticipation and general teenage hormones. Pre-cum was already leaking out of the end I was so horny.

I lay down on my sleeping bag and started slowly stroking my cock, while calling to Blue and patting my inner thigh to get his attention.

Well it worked, he got and walked over to me, sniffing around my heneral crotch area. Be gave me a couple of experimental licks on my inner thigh and across the bittom of my ball sack. Looking at me to make sure he wasn’t doing something wrong, he started licking all over my balls, cock, and ass. It felt amazing!

I was stroking slowly as I didn’t want this to stop yet. That’s when I noticed his red doggy cock starting to poke out of its sheath. I decided it was time to put part two of the plan i to action.

I turned over onto my belly and raised up enought to grab Blue’s front paws. Pulling him up onto my back, I reached back and started stroking his doggy cock. He immediately started humping the air, so I pointed his cock at my puckered, mostly virgin, punk asshole. I felt him stab my inner thigh three times with his bony feeling cock before he found his mark. Once he felt the warmth of my little asshole, he dove in like a madman. He jammed a good 5 inches of bony little cock up my ass in one hard shove!

Now I had never had more than a finger up my ass before, so this felt like something huge was splitting me in half! But Blue didn’t care. All he cared about was impregnating this bitch that he had just found. With an almost mindless ferocity, Blue pummelled my poor little asshole with his cock. And then I felt him start getting bigger! I was hard as hell and relentlessly pumping my cock with my right hand as he was pounding my ass over and over, with a speed I had never dreamed of. That’s when I felt something even larger start bumping against my ass with every thrust. It was probably a good thing that I was mostly an anal virgin. I think that’s the only thing that saved me from getting knotted that day and getting my ass ripped apart!

He fucked me me good for probably 10 minutes or so, his cock getting bigger the whole time, before he finally stopped and pulled his cock out of me with a slurping sound, followed by a huge load of dog cum. I shot my load all over my sleeping bag as he was pulling out, and then collapsed in the puddle that I had just made, exhausted and sore…


Part II

Fast forward several years.

Blue never knotted me. I never allowed it. And I never had the opportunity to play with another dog for a long time. But I did continue with my ass play. My ex wife was into it too, so we explored anal fun for many years. Of course, i bought progressively larger dildos and strapons over the years. I even took her fist a couple of times. But, that’s a different story, and all of that ended about 8 years ago.

Last Wednesday, I had got home from work around 3 a.m. (I work nights), and, as usual, I went inside, took off my boots, grabbed a couple of beers out of the fridge, and stepped back out on the porch to smoke.

That’s when something happened that inspired me to create an account and write this.

Every night when I get home, my brother’s dogs come over from next door to see who is at my house. They are father and son blue pits, (zeus and Thor, Zeus is the father and the alpha male) and of course both are very good boys. They come up on my porch and sniff me, and everyone gets ears scratched, then I tell them about my day.

This night was no different, except that I was extremely horny for some reason. As I was scratching ears and telling them they were good boys, I noticed Zeus’ cock was poking out of his sheath. I immediately remembered Blue and all the fun that we had when I was younger. My cock started getting hard in my jeans, so I took them off and laid them beside the chair I was sitting in.

Thor got curious and came over to give my now naked cock a couple of licks. This turned my semi-hard cock into a raging hard on.

Maybe I had too many beers, or was just really horny, I don’t know. But I had the sudden urge to reach for Thor’s cock. He shied away as soon as I touched his sheath and I thought “oh well. Too good to be true I guess”.

That’s when Zeus got up and came over to see what was going. I figured What the hell, I’ll try him too. I reached down to stroke his sheath as I was petting his head. Zeus didn’t pull away from me like Thor had.

Encouraged, I slowly stroked him until his cock started to emerge from the sheath and he started humping the air. By this time, I was rock hard, and needing something in my ass so I could have a really good orgasm.

I got out of my chair and dropped down on all fours, memories of Blue going thru my mind. Reaching behind me, I grabbed Zeus’ front legs and pulled him onto my back. My cock was already leaking precum all over the place, and bobbing up and down in time to my heartbeat. I reached back and stroked Zeus’ furry sheath a couple of times.

That’s all he needed. He started thrusting like crazy! He stabbed my inner thigh twice, and my ball sack once, before hitting his mark. I was so horny as his bony cock slid into my asshole, I forgot about his knot. I was stroking my cock like a crazy man as Zeus started pounding my ass for all he was worth.

All I could think was I’m getting dog-fucked again and it feels amazing!

Zeus pounded my ass like I was his bitch in heat. Which, at the moment, I was. As his cock started to grow, I felt the knot expanding too. Too late, I tried to reach back and stop his knot from entering me. Just as I was about to grab it, he sank it all the way into me!

He wrapped his paws tighter around my waist, and proceeded to drive his cock, knot and all, as deep as he could. It felt amazing! All I could do was stroke my cock and rock back into his thrusts.

He thrust a few more times before his knot got so big that he couldn’t move anymore. My cock was pouring precum now from the prostate stimulation.

That’s when he buried his cock into me one last time, as far as he could go, and then stood still. I felt him start to cum for real then! His cock continued to grow inside my ass as he spurted doggy cum deep into my bowels. It was a little uncomfortable, but the pressure on my prostate had me dripping all over the floor.

I moaned loudly and rocked back against his cock. His cock kept getting bigger and bigger! How big was he? I had never seen him completely engorged.

I felt like a baseball was shoved up my ass, and it kept getting bigger! Zeus finally started squirming around, trying to turn away from me. It hurt like hell! But he finally got turned around so we were butt to butt. That’s when he started a gentle tugging, and my cum exploded everywhere!

We were tied for over 30 minutes. I could feel his cum shooting deep into my bowels. Every spurt felt like hot water shooting up my ass. His giant knot was putting constant pressure on my prostate. I came seven times, without even touching my cock. My whole body was shaking, my arms were going to sleep from holding me up underneath him, I was sweating profusely, and his cock was starting to get very uncomfortable in my ass.

I started trying to expel him, knowing the whole time that it was probably going to hurt. Finally, with a loud plop, his engorged cock popped out of my ass. Followed by a torrent of doggy cum.

I was right. It hurt like hell!

That’s when I got my first look at his fully erect cock. It was at least nine inches! And his knot was the size of a softball! I couldn’t believe I had that shoved up my ass only seconds before!

Zeus licked his cock until the swelling went down, and then licked my ass until it was clean from his cum. All I could do was collapse right there on the porch in the puddle of cum and tell Zeus what a good boy he was.


Part III

So there I was, exhausted and sore, lying in a puddle of mixed cum on my front porch. That’s when I noticed that the sky was getting a little lighter off to the east.

I thought that I had better drag myself inside before it got daylight. Didn’t want anybody to see me like this.

So I started trying to get up. My whole body was shaking from all of the intense stimulation I had just been through. As I made it to my hands and knees, I got the second surprise of the night.

I immediately felt paws grab my waist, hot breath on my back, and a bony cock probing my ass, searching for a hole.

Apparently, Thor had been watching Zeus mount me, and now he wanted his turn with this bitch in heat.

Before I could even do anything or move, his cock found my hole and slipped right in with no resistance at all. Five thrusts later, his knot was inside and already starting to swell.

Thor’s knot popped in and out of my stretched asshole several times before it got too large to go back in. I thought I was safe, as he pounded the outside of my hole with his knot. I figured he would just give me a few good thrusts and then pop out of my ass when he tried to turn around. No problem. But, that’s when he really grabbed my waist and shoved with everything he had! His baseball sized knot popped past my stretched sphincter and he was in!

Now the thing about Thor is this, he is about two years old and has never bred a bitch before. He is also about twenty pounds larger than his father, Zeus. Well, his cock was larger, too.

As he started to swell inside me, the pressure on my prostate grew quickly uncomfortable. As well as the pressure on my sphincter. His cock was getting longer, too. I could already feel it past my inner sphincter, knocking on my bowels, it felt like.

Then, with a final thrust, Thor shoved his cock even deeper inside me. I felt like it was going to come out of mouth he was so deep inside! As I said, i had been into anal play for a while, but I had never had anything this large or deep inside of me! His knot felt at least as large as a grapefruit!

And then, his hot cum started shooting deep into my bowels. I could feel his cock twitch with every spurt. And that’s when my first prostate orgasm started. My body started shaking and trying to expel this huge intruder from my ass, but he was way too big for that. Cum erupted from my semi-hard cock and my arms gave out. I fell face first onto the floor of the porch. Thor’s knot buried up my ass was the only thing keeping my legs from collapsing, as well.

He shot spurt after spurt of hot dog cum up my ass as I lay there, like a good little bitch. I was whimpering and moaning from the constant stimulation on muly prostate.

I felt another orgasm building! When it hit me, it was almost painful. My body shook on the end of his cock like a rag dog and my asshole spasmed around hus huge knot. Two pitiful drops of cum leaked out of my quickly shriveling cock before it passed.

Thor’s massive cock was still twitching and spurting inside of me when I heard a noise to my left. Turning my head, the firat thing I saw was a pair of work boots and blue jeans.

Oh my God! Somebody was standing there!

As I let my eyes travel upward, face burning with shame, I saw about an eight inch cock hanging out, being stroked by a big, calloused hand. A plaid shirt. A beard. And finally, my other neighbor’s face.

John was watching me be knotted by Thor! And stroking his cock while he was watching!

He said, “I was headed to my truck and heard a commotion and figured I better see what was going on over here. I always thought you might be a little odd, but never figure you for a freak! I’ve seen women do this on the internet, hut didn’t know it was posaible for a man to take a knot”.

Thinking as quickly and clearly as I could with a huge dog knot up my ass, I looked at him and said, “Its not what you think, Mark. Honest. This is all just a big mistake. I swear!”

“Maybe so,” he replied. “But I won’t let that stop my plans!. Smule for the camera!”

Before I could turn away, he snapped a picture of my situation with his cell phone and shiwed it to me. You could seplainly see my face, and see Thor fucking me up the ass.

I dropped my head in shame. This was terrible. And it was getting daylight.

And that’s when another prostate orgasm hit me, of course. My body started shaking again, my asshole convulsing around Thor’s cock. But,my balls were empty. There was no cum left inside me at all. My stomach clenched and my balls drew up tighter. My completley limp cock twitched over and over. But, no cum came out. It was the most painful thing I had ever experienced, so naturally, I moaned and groaned a bit.

That’s when I realuzed that Mark was taking more pics of the whole situation. He was getting whole body shots, close ups, you name it. And then he came back toward my head.

“Unless you want these pics to leak out to all of your friends and neighbors, we’re going to have some fun,” he said to me.”Do you want that to happen?”

I immediatley replied,”No! Of course not! I told you, this is all just a big mistake!”

“Mistake or no, are you going to do what I tell you?”

“Yes” I meekly replied.

“Very good, bitch. Now turn your face and look at me.”

I turned my face toward him and was rewarded with a thick stream of ropey cum from his cock hitting me square in the mouth and nose…


Part IV

I turned my head just in time to be rewarded with a spurt of hot, sticky cum hitting my nose and open mouth.

“That’s right bitch! Eat my cum!” John urged through gritted teeth, as spurt after spurt of his cum hit me in the face. I have only tasted cum once before, and that was my own. I was alone and very horny and figured I’d try it. Didn’t really care for it. John’s cum was thicker than mine, and tasted much saltier. I liked his cum even less than my own. But, remembering the pics and his threats, I dutifully swallowed all I could of it, and licked what my tongue would reach off of my face.

This was about the time that Thor decided he was ready to turn around on me and really lock his knot into this bitch. I groaned as he threw a leg over my back and turned butt to butt with me. His massive dong and knot slowly twisting inside my guts, and putting new pressure on my prostate. He started to pull then, slowly dragging me bodily towards the steps leading off of the porch. I somehow managed to get my exhausted arms under me and start a slow, awkward, backwards crawl to keep up with him, since I knew his huge knot wasn’t ready to leave my ass yet.

As he started down the stairs, his massive cock turned to a new angle, adding a different pressure on my prostate. I immediately felt an orgasm coming. It started at my prostate and radiated out through my body. My shrunken balls tried to go further up inside me, while my pitifully limp cock started twitching. Trying to expel a load of cum that just wasn’t there. I was completely dried up. There wasn’t even any precum left to ooze out of my limp cock. My loins and balls ached with each spasm that rocked my body. My arms started shaking and then collapsed again, allowing my face to hit the porch unhindered.

Once again, I was shaking like a rag doll on the end of Thor’s humongous cock. His knot in my asshole was the only thing holding me up. Thor didn’t seem to notice. He kept pulling me off of the porch and onto the dew-drenched grass. My face and chest scraped across the rough surface of the porch and into the grass.

That’s when I noticed three things:

It was full daylight now. Anyone stepping outside or driving past could see me.

Thor was dragging me to his house because it was almost his feeding time.

Thor’s knot had gone down a little bit.

I was not going to be seen like this! Thor was not going to drag me back to my brother’s house and wait on food with me still impaled on his cock!

I gathered enough strength in my arms and hands to dig first my fingernails, and then my toenails into the dirt. I started pulling back against Thor, stopping his progress. Knowing it was going to hurt, I also started pushing with my ass muscles, trying to expel his engorged cock and knot. I could feel his knot starting to slip a little bit. It was moving, if only barely!

Thor’s knot was crowning in my stretched asshole when I felt another orgasm start to build. Not again! I couldn’t go through another one just yet! I tried to fight it off and redoubled my efforts to expel this massive intruder from my ass. I could feel my shrunken balls trying to pull further up inside me. My shriveled cock was starting to twitch again as the orgasm built.

The orgasm hit right as Thor’s knot popped out of my ass! My whole body was shaking and convulsing as I dropped to the ground, finally freed from his monstrous invader. My stomach cramped, my asshole burned, and my flaccid cock twitched as what felt like two gallons of dog cum erupted from my abused asshole. The cum eventually died down to a dribble, dripping down my shriveled balls and cock. My painful dry orgasm finally subsided and I knew it was time to get inside, quickly.

I gathered my strength and pushed myself up on all fours. No sooner had I got my arms under me I felt a painful kick to my overworked balls, causing me to grunt and fall back down to the ground. I had forgotten John was there, witnessing all of my shame!

‘Where the fuck you think you’re going bitch? I’m not done with you yet!” John said.

I tried to answer that I was going inside, but was met with another painful kick to my crotch.

As I lay there, holding my crotch, rolling around and moaning in pain, John said,”The second kick was for trying to speak. Now its my turn bitch. Since bitch dogs don’t talk, or walk on their hind legs, you’re going to follow me inside on all fours, like a good little bitch. And remember, no talking!”

John went ahead of me and opened the door to my house. I followed, with my face burning in shame. What else did he want from me? I would soon find out.

As soon as I was inside, John shut and locked the door. “I’m such a good master, I’m goung to give you something to watch while I fuck your bitch hole”. With that, he dropped his pants all the way, exposing his newly aroused and throbbing cock, and shoved his phone in front of my face. He pressed play and I watched myself being dragged across my porch by Thor’s massive cock as John buried his shaft up my ass in one thrust. My asshole was so stretched that I barely felt it. He started slamming his cock into me, his balls slapping my sack and slimy dog cum squishing out of my stretched hole with every thrust.

As I lay there, semi-unconcious, feeling John’s pelvis slam into my asscheeks, he suddenly stopped pounding. “This won’t do at all bitch. You were moaning and squirming on that dog cock. You’re going to do the same for me”.

With that, he grabbed my still shrunken ball sack and coaxed my balls back out some. Holding them tightly in one hand, he made a fist with the other and punched me hard right in the balls. Pain exploded in my balls and I groaned and started to fall down, but John grabbed my hips and held me up. As I groaned and writhed under him, he started jackhammering my asshole with his throbbing cock again, “That’s more like it bitch!” He shouted at me. “Moan and squirm on this cock”.

I don’t know how long he fucked me, but every time I would get too still or quiet, he would punch me in the balls again to get me moving around.

Finally, as I felt him start to stiffen and pound my ass harder, getting ready to cum, I watched Thor’s knot pop out of my over-stretched asshole on the video in front of me. It was massive! At least 11 inches long and his knot was the size of a grapefruit! No wonder I could barely feel John’s cock in my ass now!

That’s when John gave me a surprise. He shoved four fingers of his left hand into my asshole, along with his meaty cock. I felt that! Curling his fingers, he rubbed my prostate while he continued to pound my ass. I felt another prostate orgasm coming. I couldn’t stop it. My body started to convulse and shake. My asshole was opening and closing around John’s cock and fingers. My flaccid cock was twitching, my abs ached so bad I was almost crying. John gave one final thrust and emptied his cum deep into my bowels as my body shook from head to toe. I lost conciousness…

When I came to, I was lying naked in my living room floor, cum pooled under me and still oozing out of my abused asshole. My balls were swollen to twice their normal size and black and blue from the abuse. John was nowhere to be seen.

I managed to crawl to the bathroom and take a sitting down shower, letting the hot water run over my ravaged body and was away the mixed cum and sweat. It stung something fierce when it hit my ass and, strangely, my face. That’s when I remembered Thor dragging me across the porch on my face. Oh well, I will investigate that later.

I crawled out of the shower, not even bothering to dry off, and made my way to bed, where I collapsed and slept till after dark.

I awoke to a message on my phone… from John…

“That was fun bitch. Had to go to work tho. You’ll be hearing from me again real soon. Don’t forget, I have pics and video”


This concludes part 4. As stated, this is a true story. Only the names have been changed for privacy. If more happens, I will relay it to you. Thank you for reading. Comments are welcome.

The End

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