Men with Animals
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Minotaur Man


(c) 2005 by ozzalone65 (Ozorli / Orlirz)

Chapter One

I had been imprisoned for attempting to kill Caesar. I was to be sentenced in the morning. I sat in my stone cell waiting for the dawn. I had been betrayed by Cervious, someone I thought my friend. But now I’m here waiting to die. The early evening came and I heard the cell door opening. A large guard came in to give me my food. He was massive, about 6’4″ and muscular. His large thighs were covered in dark fur. I gazed up at him. He had a ruggedly handsome face under his full beard. His large arms crossed as he watched me. I ate quickly knowing that he may pull it away from me at any time. But I kept finding myself looking at his powerful form. Those sumptuous legs beckoned at me. I wanted to touch him so desperately. To have one last moment of pleasure before death came. He sensed my desire as he watched me. He pulled my food away.

“No more for you, for you die tomorrow” He growled.

I grabbed at his arm to reach for the food. It knocked him off balance. He fell over the skirt that covered his loins pulled up and I saw a large lump in garments. I fell on him, my face landing at his upper thigh. The rough hair raked at my face. I looked up to see the large mass pulse. I was about to grab for it when he pulled away from me. He hit me and pushed me down again.

“Touch a roman guard will you” He growled.

“When I come back later I will teach you a lesson boy”

With that he picked up the plate and walked out closing the door behind him.

About 3 hours later I was starting to fall asleep on the fur rug below my when the guard came back. He flung open the door, and quickly grabbed me. He lifted his garment and shove my face in his groin. I could smell the sweat rising off his crotch.

“This is what you desired scum. Now take it” He growled.

He ground my face into his pouch for several moments. I felt his dick harden and it rubbed my face. He pushed me back onto the rug. Removed his uniform and stood before me. He was a masterpiece of a man. His big strong chest covered in the dark hair that was on his legs. He came close to me and pulled my face to his pouch again. Then he lifted the hem of it up and his huge equipment fell out. He was utterly massive.

“Open your mouth or I’ll smash your face” He yelled.

I did as he commanded. He slid the large head of his shaft into my mouth. His taste was strong and unclean. He drove his huge tool into my throat, pulling on the back of my head to dig it in deeper.

His heavy balls hit my chin as his cock was fed down all the way into my throat.

“Eat my shaft boy” He grunted as he pulled back and slammed down my throat again.

The pungent taste began to excite me. I reached for my own shaft and pulled it from my robe. I stroked myself to match his pushing his large dick into my mouth. My tongue licked and drooled about his enlarged head. I slurped him deeply into my hungry throat. His balls continued to hit my chin.

“Ugh, Ugh, Ugh, Ugh” moaning sounds came from him.

“Yes. That feels ever so good. You would make a wonderful slave”

His body began to twitch as I lavished his cock with my tongues love. Then he pulled out abruptly.

“We need to stop or I’ll explode in your mouth.”

“Yes” I shrieked. “I want to taste your seed master”

“No” he growled. “I must rut you like an animal”

He pushed me down on my back and lifted my legs up. He lowered his face to my hole.

“I must have your anus boy” he said.

With that he stuck his tongue out and lick my ass hole. The wet slab of meat pushed into my chute. I shrieked from the pleasure as he began to eat at my ass. His bearded face raking at the tender hole drove me utterly mad. I reached for his head and held him down on me.

“MMMM. Yes master. Feast on my hungry hole. Please” I begged.

I grabbed my dick again and pumped hard to milk my balls. I twitched on his face as he drilled his tongue deep in my ass.

“UGGHH, oh yes, UGHH”

Then he pulled off and lifted my legs over his shoulders. He looked down at me with lustful eyes.

“Take my shaft boy” he growled.

I looked down to see his 10 inch cock ready to pierce me. It was so thick and it glistened from spit.

Then I felt his heavy club push at my chute. He pulled on my legs and slammed down hard into me.

“AAAWWWWW” I groaned as his cock sunk deep into me. He didn’t stop until he hit my button, as he smashed into my button, his head flexed on it. That was my trigger. I gripped my shaft hard and by body shook violently in orgasm.

“OH my Caesar, I’m going to explode. Oh by the Gods. Here I go” I screamed.

My cum shot out several feet into the air. Some flew over my head, and some hit my face. This excited him as he pulled on my body and began to fuck me madly. I looked up at him. He plowed his gut crusher into me like an animal, quick jabbing thrusts in and out my aching hole. As my body stopped shaking I grabbed his strong arms and pulled him down to me, his arms on the floor on each side of me. He continued to pump his heavy dick furiously at my ass, my ass walls stretching to accommodate his thickening shaft. I felt full inside from his thick cock. I pulled myself up and began to kiss and nibble at his hairy brute chest. He was sweating profusely now. I could taste it on him. I wrapped my arms around his large torso as I worshipped his upper body. My dick rubbed against his furry body, creating an intense friction on it.

“YES my master. Take me now. I belong to you.”

He grunted his responses. “MMPH, Ugh, Ugh, MMph”

“Yes father of my lust. Crush at my love button. Shatter it with you member”

He picked up the pace. His arms slid under me as he held me on his big shaft. His large balls slapped against my aching ass repeatedly. The slapping noises filling my empty room. I felt my cock stiffen again as he kept hitting my prostate. He continued to push into me for the next 20 minutes.

“This hole is making me delirious” He shouted.

My cock rubbed against his furry gut. I was coming close to another blissful orgasm. I needed not touch myself from the feeling of the wiry hair on his massive body. Then my body tensed again. I was about to shoot another load. My balls began to erupt again. This caused my ass walls to clamp down on his thick cock, squeezing down on his shaft.

“AAAIIIEE” I shrieked. “I’m shooting again”

He reared up and slammed down into me. My ass walls raked along every inch of his big dick forcing him to join me in orgasm, he shook ever so violently.


He bucked madly into me as he came. I felt the first fiery bullet tear into me. It hit my button, burning at it like molten lava. He continued to pump my chute as he unloaded a dozen volleys into me. I bit down on his furry nipple as my orgasm continued. Mine subsided as his continued. He drowned my insides with his precious seed.

After several moments he stopped. He slowed and hugged me. Then he pressed his lips to mine, and kissed me.

“You are an incredible lover” He said lightly.

He kissed me again. Then he rolled off me and lay there on the rug. Panting and catching his breath. I crawled up onto him and kissed his big chest.

“What’s your name my master?” I asked.

“Brutus” He answered. “And you my lover?”

“I am Joshua my master” I continued. “Tis a shame I am to die tomorrow. I would wish to be your slave if you would have me sir”

As I looked at his handsome face, he nodded off to sleep. I lay there with him for an hour. Then when I knew he was totally asleep. I crawled up off him and made my escape in walked out my cell and snuck out. I found some clothes drying on a string and changed. I walked right out the city and left forever.

I had been walking for days it seemed, finding it hard to find food. But I ate what ever small animals or even bugs that crossed my path, the hills and forests surrounding me. Then I came to a clearing. There was a large cave before me. I figured to stay the night there. I walked in and saw human bones. At first I was afraid, but thought better just to stay here. I walked over to a small rise in the cave, climbed up and fell to sleep there. The morning came quickly as I woke to the sounds of heavy foot steps. Then I heard a man scream below.

“No. please let me go.” He shrieked.

I looked down to see the fairly large chunky man was being dragged into the cave by a huge beast of some sort. The monster was almost 9 feet tall. It had the body of a man and the head of a bull, albeit the body was incredibly built. The man’s body it had was huge. He had giant arms and a massive chest that was covered in a lustrous fur. He legs were like tree trunks and he had hooves instead of feet. His lower body was covered in a large draping loin cloth made of animal skins. I found myself almost aroused by the sight of the beast. He dragged the man into the depths of the caves. I ducked my head when the beast stopped. He looked around and sniffed at the air.

“Gads, could he smell me” I thought. He looked about for another moment. Snorted and walked into the cave. I crawled down from my stoop and was about to leave when I heard the man scream again. Then I heard the beast speak, a low guttural roar.

“Silence slave” He growled. “You will now pleasure me”


Chapter Two

I had been now trapped in the beasts cave trying to help his victim….

“Silence slave” He growled. “You will now pleasure me” he had said to the man held captive by him….

What had I heard. I became more than curious by the statement. So rather than flee as I should have, I went back to the cave. I crept in ever so slowly as I came closer. I looked around a corner to see a lighted area which apparently was the beasts home. The huge monster sat down on a rock before the man, glowering down at him.

“Come here slave” He bellowed. The man made no move. As I looked upon the beast I now recalled the tale of the Minotaur. A beast described as I looked upon him. The stories were frightening, stories of him eating his prey. I began to feel very afraid and was about to leave again. then the minotaur pulled his covering over and there before me was the most gigantic penis I had ever seen. It was almost 11 inches but it was soft. It was as thick as my wrist. And below the monster dick was equally massive balls. I was transfixed by the sight, I couldn’t move at all. He grabbed the man and pulled him close to him. he snorted at him.

“You will pleasure my loins” He Picked the man up in one hand and drove 2 massive fingers into the man’s ass. The man screamed as the two fingers were as thick as any cock I had ever had. He dug the large digits which had to be 8 or nine inches long up into him. The man’s body shook as the thick fingers must have hit his prostate. He pumped the fat digits into the man, then turned him upside down.

“Now suck your master boy” Said the beast. The man quickly had succumb to his master. The fat fingers ripping into him must have done it. He with 2 hands grabbed at the monster cock before him, and licked at the oddly shaped sheath covering it. He opened his mouth to suck on the tip. His face grimaced from what must have been a strong smelled coming off the covered dick head. He dug his tongue into the fleshy tube. The beast pushed a third huge finger up the man’s ass, the man screamed again. With that the beast pushed his huge soft dick into the mans mouth, the man only took about 4 or five inches into him. The beast grabbed at his massive cock and squeezed roughly at the shaft. I watched in amazement as he squeezed it, the shaft expanded getting fatter and the tube grew and pushed deeper into the man’s mouth. He gagged as a good 8 inches plowed into hi stretching mouth. The huge cock fattened and pried the man’s mouth open. The man was luckily able to spit out the enormous intruder. I bounced up and smacked him across the face. The massive tube was a good 14 or 15 inches now. The sheath still covered most of the massively thick head, but I could see the tip of it, there was a large drop of goo on the end. i was mezmerized by the sight. the beasts massive club was actually exiting me just from the sight of it. I gripped at my own cock and began to play with it. Then the minotaur grunted and picked the man up and held him over his huge cock. He took 2 fingers and shoved them up the man’s mouth, digging down his throat. This will open for me. The man vomited up the sudden intrusion, his stomach spilling over the fat dick below. Then after a few moments of his jerking around the intruding figures the man relaxed. Then the minotaur slammed him face first onto his monster cock. I looked in horror as his throat expanded to accommodate the huge member. A good 11 inches buried up into him. His body jerked a twitched about as the huge dick was slammed into his gut through his mouth. His eyes bugged out and his body wouldn’t stop shaking as he choked on the enormous dick. Then the beast pulled out the giant meat was even larger now. It swelled to nearly 18 inches, and was as fat as my forearm. Blood dripped from the man’s mouth as his throat was apparently torn open. But he was still alive. The man gasp for precious breath as he spit out blood.

But then I saw something that was too strange to understand. The man regained his composure and grabbed for the mass of meat, His fear had turned to lust. He grabbed at the monster cock and tried to swallow it again. He slobbered and drooled over the massive stem. He sucked down inch after inch after inch of it. He sucked down a good 12 inches and I could hear him as he drooled over it.

“MMMPH, MMMPH, MMMPH” He stroked the remaining length with his hands, pumping at the massive thickness. I pumped my own dick like crazy as I watched in awe at the sight. He grabbed at the giant balls and kneaded them, trying to drain the milk from them. The minotaur then pulled his slave off the engorged dick.

“Now I will have you” he roared.

He drove the 3 fingers back up into the man’s ass, fucked him with them. The man gave into desire and came. The beast put his mouth over the man’s dick and suckled the spilling juice from him. Then he pulled his fingers from the man and grabbed at his massive trunk. The head flared up and popped out from the sheath. It glistened with his pre lube. Then he pulled the man down on his monster. The pleasure on his face turned to horror as he was skewered by the giant dick. The head tore into the man’s ass, the huge head ripping at his ass ring. The man clawed at the beast to pull the invading phallus from him. I watched as inch by inch he was impaled on the monster.

“ARRRh, ARRRGH. TAKE IT OUT” He screamed.

His ass was truly being destroyed by the beast’s monster dick. The beast pushed further into him. I could take no more as I came. I squealed lightly. The beast looked up and sniffed the air. He stopped his progress up the man’s battered ass. I pulled back as not to be seen then he resumed. I saw 2/3 rds of the giant meat tear into the man. His body went limp as he must have lost consciousness. Then the beast stood up, the man impaled on his cock. He moved over to a large area that must have been his bed because it was covered in fur pelts. He put several layers of pelt under the man and lay him down on the bed. He lowered himself onto the man. I could see the giant tool buried deeply into the gaping ass, the ass ring was swollen and red. The beast pushed into him, his giant balls dragging below him, touching the pelts below. My cock still hard even after my explosion dribbled some more precum out. I watched as the beast began to plow into the man faster, his huge cock driving deeper and deeper with every thrust. He was grunting madly now.


Then I jerked at my dick again to match the beast’s thrusts. He rose up of the bed and pulled nearly all the way out, his cock was covered in blood. He reared up and slammed his monster all the way in, his balls slamming into the man below him. I stared in fear as the beast literally ripped into the man’s gut. I thought I heard a tearing noise. The beast bucked and rutted like a bull in heat as he gunned into the destroyed man. The monster balls shifted as he blew a giant load into the man. His balls bounced madly as his entire body erupted from orgasm. I also erupted for the second time. I blew another load in front of me. The beast got up again. He pulled the giant bloodied cock from the man’s ass. There was a loud pop as the head pulled out of the gaping hole. He turned in my direction. Sniffed about and walked toward me, his giant monster bouncing before him. I ran out as quickly as I could. I quickly climbed up on the stoop in had been on earlier. For I knew if I ran out he would see me. He moved past me, snorting as he walked out the cave. When he was gone I crawled back down and ran to help the man inside the cave. I reached him and called to him.

“Sir we need to flee before he returns.”


Chapter Three

I looked at his eyes. There seemed no life in them. I shook him lightly. He started to breath albeit ragged. I looked at his destroyed ass, it was leaking blood and cum like a river. And his ass ring was gaping open. I touched it and his body twitched. Another flood of liquid poured out his ass. As I tried to move him I heard the beast returning. I quickly hid behind a large stone in the corner of the room. He came over to his victim and smelled him. “Someone’s been here” He said. “I will find him” Lowered his head to the man’s ass and dug his tongue into the gaping ass. I saw a long pointed tongue bury itself into the man’s ass. It drew out some of the seed that was still inside. The beast relished in his own taste. Then lay down next to the man.

“You will not last my friend” He said.

I waited for several hours for the beast to fall to sleep, so that I may make my escape. When I heard him snoring I moved. I cautiously moved across the large room to leave. Looking back constantly at the beast. He lay there on his back, the large cock on his thigh. I was still quite in awe at its size. I was not looking where I was going when I stumbled over something, falling over creating a clattering of noise. The beast rose up and stared right at me.

“There you are” He growled. “I knew I smelled someone in here.”

He quickly got up and reached for me. I got up and ran heading out of the cave. But I was no more than a few feet from the cave when his huge hands grabbed at me. I stumbled and fell to the ground. The beast stopped and hovered over me. I looked up at his huge member. It was soft again, the sheath covering it draped over the giant head. I looked to see his giant balls shifting. Then his meat twitched. He looked down and sneered and grunted.

“You will be my next toy” He grabbed at me.

He picked me up and carried me into his lair. He sat me down and placed chains around me to keep me there. Then he turned and left. I looked at the man who was lying not more than a few feet from me. He barely moved when I called to him.

“Sir you must help me. Release me from my bondage and we will escape.” He opened his eyes and looked at me. He coughed and a bit more blood came out his mouth. But he did nothing. He may be bleeding to death internally. The man was beyond help now, and I feared that I would be next to be destroyed by the giant beast. After an hours time the beast came back and looked me down. He lowered himself to me and said. You will watch as I pleasure myself in this man so you may see what it to befall upon you. He pulled off the cloth that covered his monster weapon and brought it to my face. It was enormous, already a good 12 inches of soft meat. He tore my clothes away and said.

“Kiss the head” He commanded The head was covered in the large sheath and he pushed it at my face. He gripped at the ends and pulled open the covering and pushed it at my nose. My nose and face was covered in the sheath. I could smell the rankness of his cock. But my own cock betrayed me as it sprang upward to say hello. I could not take it. I stuck my tongue out and dug it into his cock sheath. The taste was deliriously wonderful. I spooned out the funk from his head and chewed on it. “Release my hands master” I said. “I want to touch this magnificent meat” He complied and I immediately wrapped my hands around the girth of his cock. I was still fairly soft but was thicker than my own cock at its hardest. I opened wide and took his huge member in my mouth. It stretched at my jaws and entered my throat. My tongue still digging into the giant sheath. The enormous head was at my face. I opened my mouth instinctively and he slipped about 4 inches into me. He did taste quite incredible. I lost my inhibitions and began to suck on his large member willingly. My two hands stroking as much of his huge cock as I could hold in them. The giant head enflamed and grew in my mouth. The shaft extended to a giant trunk of flesh sticking out from his groin. Then after a few moments of this. He pulled the giant meat from my mouth. I yearned for its mass to be returned to me. But he got up and crawled over to the broken man. Lifted him up in his massive arms and brought the man’s ass to my mouth.

“Lick it” He commanded.

He lowered the man’s body to my face. I looked up at the huge gaping hole that was once the man’s anus. Then the beast forced the ass onto my face. I had no choice but to comply. I dug into the man’s destroyed hole and licked at it. He tasted of old cum and blood. Then the beast pulled my mouth from the ass and took my hand and shoved it up into the man. That’s when the near dead man responded. He lightly squeaked as my entire hand slid up into his huge hole.

“Uuugghhhhh” escaped his lips. The beast rode the man on my arm for several minutes until he felt his own desires consume him. He turned around with his huge ass facing me. He lowered the man before me and climbed up onto him. Then with one motion plunged a good 11 inches of cock into the man. I looked at the minotaur’s fur covered ass and longed to touch it. He growled at me.

“Grab onto my sacks boy, feel the seed boil inside me” I needed no further encouragement. I reached for the giant orbs. One in each hand and fondled them gingerly. I did indeed feel them churning the precious seed within. I could take no more as I pushed my face into them. They were so large the covered my face entirely. I licked and chewed on the massive balls.

“Yes boy. That is good” He said. “Milk me with you mouth.” I tried in vein to get one orb in my mouth but it was too large to do so. So I made due with chewing on the tender flesh encircling the giant nut. My hands gripped around the massive base at his shaft and stroked him while he plunged deeper and deeper into his victim. His giant shaft plowed deeply into his broken victim. The man’s body shook and twitched under the assault from the behemoth.

“Yes taste my balls boy. Milk my seed into this hole” He growled.

Then the beast grabbed my hand and said. “Eat my hole slave” I complied to my master and shoved my face into his stinking hole. My tongue slid in easily into the ring that surrounded the opening.

“Yes eat boy. Taste me” I chewed on his hole for several minutes before he ordered me to take his own ass.

“I want you to seed me as I seed this body.” So I climbed up behind the beast and quickly drove my raging 7 inches up into him. He snorted and clamped hard on my shaft. I felt he might snap me in half at my dick. Then he pushed back at me to take my full length.

“Yes” he growled. “I have been needing that for some time.” Then in horror I saw him slam down into the man with all his might. My cock slipped from the monsters ass and he drove his entire length into the man’s body. All fat 18+ inches tore into the destroyed man. I saw the beast balls digging at the gaping bleeding hole. But to my alarm. The man did not move on bit.

“Get back in my anus NOW” the beast bellowed.

I shoved back into him, afraid he might kill me for not obeying his order. He madly plowed his entire cock into the man’s body. I just sat behind him as the beast did all the work. Each down stroke pull my cock from him and as he pulled from the man’s ass he met my dick and it plunged into his ass. I felt his thick furry legs as he rutted his bitch below.

“Close, very close” he decreed. Then he growled and grunted like the beast he is and plunged back down into his victim. Snorting and shaking as he blew another massive load into him. His ass clamped down hard on my dick again and I too exploded up into the beast’ s bowels.

“Yes boy. Seed me, yeesssss” He grunted.

I grabbed his balls and could feel the shower of cum spilling from them then he pushed me off of him when he had enough of me. I looked down to see a torrent of blood spilling from the man’s ass. Then the white cream of the beast followed. He reached back and grabbed me.

“Drink” As he shoved me face into the man’s ass. I could smell as his bowels emptied there remains at me. I pulled away but the beast forced my face down into the stink.

“Eat.” He growled at me.

So I did, afraid he may kill me if I did not obey. I looked to the man and he was dead. The beast then picked him up and took the body out of the cave. He came back and bound me again. Then he laid down and shortly after he was asleep. I looked between his huge legs at the sleeping giant between them I both wanted it and feared it. I knew I would be next. So I had to get out of there. Shortly after I heard someone outside. I couldn’t shout as I was afraid of waking the beast. Then he came into the room. It was the guard from my imprisonment. He looked upon me with recognition.

“Help me” I said softly.

He looked at the huge minotaur and gazed upon the large cock. He was mesmerized by its size. Then I called out to him again and he looked at me. He tried to unclasp the chains I was bound to.

“They won’t come loose.” He said

I looked down at his crotch and could see he was excited by the minotaur’s penis. Then he finally is able to loosen the chains and releases me from my bondage. But as he drops the chains they clank hard on the stone floor. The Minotaur wakes and looks over at us.

“Run” I shriek. We get outside before the minotaur grabs my hero and pulls him back towards the cave. I stop to turn back and try and help him. even though I knew it would be the end of me if I was captured again.


Chapter Four

I had to save him if I could. He was my hero. And I loved him. The beast would surely kill him. And soon after me if he captured me again. But I had to try something. I rushed back to the beasts lair. Once near the entrance I stopped and moved quietly, cautiously. I surmised he would be too busy to notice me.

“Nooo!” Came the screams from my hero

The beast would take him fast. I knew he would. I turned the corner to see my hero quickly strapped to an alter at the corner of the room. He was bent over a large stone. Then I saw the best come up behind him. The monsters massive balls hanging down below as he moved in for the taking of his victim. He grabbed my hero’s hair and pulled back his head. The beast leaned in and huffed at him. Then he spoke in a deep angry tone.

“I will show you what happens to those who steal from me” He growled

“Noooo. Noo” Came the cries from the man below

“I will take you roughly”

“Tear this flesh hole with my weapon”

The best thrust a big heavy finger into my hero. Then he shoved in a second.

“Ughnnn. Nooo” He cried beneath the assault


I moved in closer. Looking for a weapon. or something I could grab to attack the beast. The staff my hero had was laying on the floor some feet from the beast. As he thrust his digits roughly into my man, I moved across the room. Trying to be as quiet as possible. I tiptoed towards the staff.

“Ughnn. Ughnn” I heard from my man

The thrust from those large fingers may not have been so terrible. I thought. I would have taken them.

“I will now take this as payment for the loss of my toy” The beast said

“I will ruin you sir”

The beast pulled his digits from my hero. Then he spit down on his huge rod. I gazed at it from my angle. It was so large, so frightening. But so awesome to behold nonetheless. If he couldn’t kill me with it I would try it. But that’s when I stepped on something and near fell over in a clatter. The beast turned at the sounds. That’s when he saw me

“You” He growled

“Come back to your master”

He turned towards me. I dove for the staff. Grabbing at and quickly turning on the monster. He came at me. But then I swung. He landed on the staff. It dug into his shoulder. The beast roared as pain took him.

“Arrrghhh!” He howled

Then the beast fell over onto his back. I then grabbed a large rock. It was heavy. Bust I rushed over and smashed it over his head, just as he was moving to get at me. The rock was enough to knock the monster unconscious. I quickly unstrabbed my hero from his bonds. He looked at me and smiled. I again shouted that we should escape.

“He won’t be out long” I shouted

“No!” He said stopping me

“This monster must be destroyed”

“There will be an end to him.”

Then he rushed to strap the beast down as he had been.

“Quickly” he shouted.

“Help me bind him down”

“I want him to wake as I slay him”

“But he must not be able to attack”

So I did help him. We dragged the huge heavy beast to the posting that had held his victims.they were large wood posting driven deep into the ground below. Then we strapped the giant to them. Then doubly strapped him.and even more so.

“Here grab these chains” he said

“I don’t know if the ropes will hold his. “

“But these will. “

He finished binding the monster to the posts. Chains and all. I had strapped the beasts legs to other areas so his legs could not move either. That’s when I looked at the beast. It’s firm was phenomenal to say the least. Huge and muscular. And then my eyes gazed upon the massive member between the animals thighs. Those thick muscular legs it possessed. And I licked my lips as desire took hold. My hero saw me and how lust was taking me.

“Nooo. Do not foul yourself with Desires of the flesh for this.. Creature!’he bellowed

“But look at it” I said

“It is truly an imposing thing”

“Massive even it’s current state”

I had to have it. I crawled between the beasts legs. But that when it woke. I looked up at my hero and myself. It huffed and growled at us.

“Release me ” it ordered

“I will destroy you both”

“No you shall not” shouted my man

He grabbed the staff that had pierce the monster. He twisted it in the beats shoulder. The beast roared in pain again. Then he pulled at his bindings.

“I will crush you both.” It yelled

My hero then pulled the staff from the wound. The beast grimaced. Then it looked over to me. I was not myself. The feral animal lust that the beast exuded had taken me. I had to have his massive member. I dropped between the beasts thighs and grabbed for its cock. It was flaccid, yet more than eight inches in length. And as thick as my forearms was now. I remembered how huge it was when fully erect.

“I must have this before you take his life” I said

I licked my lips and went down on the beasts dick I opened my hungry mouth wide. And I swallowed up more than half the giant cock. The beast moaned in pleasure. The. It began to laugh. My hero stared him down. He somehow held back the urge to run the monster in. Just the sight of me on the massive dick. Or maybe the full animal lust was creeping into him. Like an aphrodisiac the beast oozed it.

“Your week countenance fails you” it glowered

“My prowess consumes him”

“Soon it will you too”

It bellowed in its laughter.

“Noooooo” my hero said almost defeated

“You won’t. Win”

Meanwhile I was slobbering down on the monsters gigantic weapon. My lust was unquenched. I desired the beasts member more than anything. My mouth opened to maximum as I swallowed the large thing down. I could only get So far though. The girth of the thing was an obstacle. I grasped at the base of the beasts weapon with both hands. Then my slobbering mouth licked and suck at the tip and maybe a much as 6 inches. But the stretching of my mouth had my face aching.

“Such a magnificent thing” I moaned

“I see why he is such a feared beast.”

“This drives a man to such Desires”

I looked back at my hero. He had dropped the staff. He was standing there and pulling in his own rod. His eyes glazed over in his own desire. I reached for his hand and brought him down to my side. Closer to the beasts organs of pleasure.

He gazed in awe at the large orbs below my hands. His mouth agape with lust. He licked at his lips for the want of what he saw. I reached for his head and pulled him to the beats column of flesh.

“Take my hero” I said to him

“It is such a thing to be worshipped”

I then offered him the rod in my hands. Again he licked his wanton lips. Then he opened his mouth. His tongue releasing from it. Then he licked at the head of the massive weapon I held. Then he tatsed it. This was his last feign of denial for it. And he gave into his desire. He opened his mouth and took down the stem I held. He then took it into his hand. Swallowing it down many inches as I have done.

“Ughnnn yesss” the beast moaned

Then I gazed at the gigantic orbs of creation. I grasp them in my hands. They were of such mass that both hands could not hold them. I then pressed my face to them. The rich scents of pleasure on them infiltrated my nasal cavity.

“Such incredible smells” I said in a groan

Then I licked at them. Lovingly worshipping them with mouth and tongue. The beast again moaned. His organs were now all being worshipped. So he groaned deeply.

“Yes my slaves” he bellowed

“Take my staff and orbs”

“Take them and feast”


Chapter Five

Our escape was somehow foiled. We could have fled as I had taken the beast down with a hard blow. The staff piercing it’s thick hide. But as it lay there, waiting for my hero to do it in. The beast somehow released a scent upon us. Ascent as aprodiasiac. It was too strong to fight.

I was the first to fall under the spell. Then my hero followed. And now we both kneel there between ths beasts thighs. Consumed by an unquenchable desire for it. My hero swallowing the Minotaurs massive member. I could hear as he slurped with mouth on the gigantic thing.

Myself I was buried face first into the beasts sexual orbs. I inhaled the richest scent of desire anyone could imagine. And I was chewing and licking on them.

“Ohhh my master” I cried

“These are godlike”

I continued to worship his massive balls. They were so big, they covered my entire face. But I just didn’t want to let them go. My hero mean time was trying to swallow the mammoth cock into his face. I looked up at his wide opened face. He was down but a few inches at best. But as myself consumed with the desire to feast upon the Minotaur.

“Yesss” hummed the beast

“My weapon enlarges as you take it”

“Soon one of you will feel it in your bodies”


He was right after all. I could feel the most delicious tingle in my loins. I longed to throw myself upon his giant weapon of carnal desires. I pulled away from his balls. And then licked up the shaft of his cock.

“Feast on my hole my hero” I cooed to the man

“I must be prepared for this mighty thing”

He looked at me with puzzlement and some concern. But he did as I requested. His own desire to see this spectacle urging him to the deed. Then he crawled behind me. I again swooped in and gorged myself on the beasts member. Opening ever so wide to accommodate it.

“Feast” i cooed again

Then I felt his wet mouth in my backside. Then his tongue pierced my anus. Going into me. I groaned even as I slobbered in the massive tube in my hungry mouth. I then licked up and down the monstrous trunk in my hands. Veins feeling as large ripples in the ground. I felt as the blood of the beast rushed through them. My hansd gripped at the base of the staff. And al the boulders of his balls. Pulling on them. Wanting them to create the beats thick seeed. That seed I desired to fill me now.

“Ughnnn. Ohh yes my hero” I cooed

“Feast on my womb”

“Push into me now”

That’s when he crawled up on my back. And while I stuffed as much beast cock into my face as I could. My hero drove his large member into my ass. I groaned as his large wonderful cock pierced me. Digging into my hungry hole. He was soon pounding away at me. Groaning with such wanton desires. And I loved it. His own sizeable weapon filling me entirely. His own large balls smashing against me.

“Yesss sirr” i moaned under him

“More. More. More”

“Do this more. Ughnnn”

“This will open me for this thing I must have”

I swung that gigantic cock at him.

“This shall have me” I said

“My desires demand it”

I went back to licking and sucking on the giant cock. Up and down the mighty ebony shaft. It was now a steely mast larger than any man’s rod I had ever had. And I planned in impaling myself onto it.

My hero continued to drive his own large weapon into my bowels. He huffed and panted in his own desires. Pushing down to my deepest parts over and over again. His eyes pulling back into his head as he forced himself on my body over and over.

“Yess. Your cavity takes me so well boy” he shouted

“I will seed you soon”

“Yesss doo it” growled the beast ahead of me

“Fill this vessel with your seed”

“Then we will combine as I take him”

And he did seed. For that’s when my hero thrust in a final time. I felt the wonderful flow of his juices pour into me. I kissed and licked at the giant staff in my hands bowing to its grace.

“Yes sir” I cooed

“Empty those sacks into me”


Then when he was done he climbed up off of me. That’s when I released the mammoth meat I was sucking on. The long and large ebony obelisk sticking up into the air before me. I then crawled up and over the beast.

“Help me” I asked my hero

“Help me lower myself to this”


I was almost begging him. I needed to take that monster meat into me desperately. So I stood up and over the giant weapon if destruction. Even as I stood it almost reached my loins from its position. I held to the mighty thing as my hero came to my side. His strong arms held me steady as I hovered over the obelisk I would soon have piercing my anus.

I began to lower myself to it. My eyes filled with such lust for he beast. I was to the tip of his weapon within inches if my crouching down. I felt the wide blunt head of his staff at my entrance. It truly was a massive thing. For even as I pressed myself to the tip I felt it’s girth unable to press into me. It was so wide.

“Do it boy” the beast moaned

“Drop down on my flesh”

I grasped at the thick shaft again. Then rubbed it at my drooling hole. My hero’s seed acting as a natural lubricant for entry. The huge head pressed against my anus again and again as each time I pushed to let it in. Again I was unable to my entry would not open for it. It seemed defiant to my desires.

“Here let me aid you” my hero then said.

I was pulled up several inches again. Then he thrust his fingers into me. Then he shook at my hole. My gateway. Flexing his digits in me and pulling at my hole. Trying to loosen me more. His seed trickled out of more.

He also grasped the massive tube and swallowed it diwn. He drooling his own spittle over the head and shaft. Spitting on it several times. Then he brought me back down on the beasts weapon. It was again rubbed against my hole more.

“Ohhh yess” I moaned as I felt my hole give

“Ughnn. Aweeeee !”

Then the large head of the thing pried my hole opened. The beast moaned as he felt my anus clamp around his member. But he then thrust his hips upwards. As he felt my hole on his staff he thrust.

That’s when my lust for what I wanted, his giant ebony meat, stopped. Stopped as horrific pain tore through my body. I was now impaled on more than half of the beasts staff. My body shook. My legs quaked as I tried to stay up over him. For if my legs gave I would fall on his weapon and be utterly implaed on him. I reached for my hero. Grasping at him to not let me fall. But the pain. The sheer pain in my anus. It reverberated through me and I did lose my footing as ly legs gave. I fell further down but was caught by him.

“Ughn. Awwwe. Helpp! I blubbered

I wanted off the thing. I need to be released of this suffering. But my hero just held me to the beasts member. He was in awe at the sight of me on the massive stem. I was trying to climb off of it. It was just to large.

The Minotaur again pushed at me. More of his emense weapon drove itself itno me. I do not know how much, but it was more man meat than I have ever taken. Ever so large, ever so thick.

“Ughhh. Ughhn” I groaned again.

Then I heard the beast call to my hero. My hero who now seemed under his spell.

“Free me” he siad

“Free me so that I may take what is mine”

“N-n-nooo” I shrieked

I looked at him. He left my side and I hung there over the beast. Completely attached to his massive stem. I fell back. My arms finding footing with the heat of the beasts flesh below. I then tried to pull myself off the thing.

My hero was moving now to release the monster. To free his arms from the binds holding him down. He attempted to losen them now.

“Nooo!” I shrieked again

“He will kill is sir”

I then was able to pry myself from the thing lodged inside my. I fell from it. Then down to the ground below. I had trouble getting up as my legs fell weak from the pain I had in my loins. Had the brief time in the beasts weapon damaged me? I wondered this. But as I knew, he could not be freed. It would be my end. Our end.

I crawled to his feet. Grabbed at my hero and pulled. Still calling to him. To wake him from his list endused trance. All I knew was I was ripped from that state upon my impalement.

“By the gods stop!” I cried again

Then I was able to pull him to tumble down. But he has already loosened much of the minotaurs one arm. He started to pull at it. Tugging hard on the bindings. Then he broke them. I saw as his hand reached for me. I pulled myself up. Grasping at my hero.

“Come. We must flee” I said

The fall woke him from his own trance as well. But he was sitting there in confusion. I strapped on my clothes and pulled him up.

“Run. He will get free” I yelled

So we did. As fast as our feet could take us from that place. I could still hear the Minotaur calling out.

“I will get you. I will get you” he bellowed.


Chapter Six

It had been more than a year since my hero and I escaped the beast. And after such time I believed myself to be safe of the monster. We had left the lands I knew and went to beyond the black mountains and onto new lands.

We found a small place that had been left abandoned. There we decided to make our home together. My hero and I. We lived by the land and made love each and every day. It was paradise, I felt it was. And I never thought that we were not safe there.

We were far and away from anyone there. So of course I surmised we would be safe. It was just the two of us out there in the wilderness. No one for many miles.

So it was a shock to find that the beast had found us.

“Take me” I had said to my hero

“Take me as you have done so before”

“For I am yours”

We had made love that morning when it found us. I was just arising up from the passions we shared but moments before. Then there came a crashing sound in the trees near our home.

The sounds of animals scurrying. It was startled by the crash. My lover still in his slumber from falling back to it after our passions.

“What is that sound?” I said with a start

I looked out the window that face the front of my home. There in the trees he was. The minotaur. He growled and huffed his anger. A tree was brought down a mere 30 or so yards from the house.

“I have found you humans” he shouted

“Now I will have what is to be mine”

I gasped as I looked upon him. I rushed to the bed to wake my hero. Tapping at his face in haste.

“Wake” I called

“You must wake”

“He has found us”

“He has found us “

His eyes opened lazily. I fear we had but moments beforethe beast would be upon us.

“We must flee sir” I said as I pulled at him.

His eyes grew wide from the realization of what I was saying to him. We indeed had been found. But how?. He threw on his garments and we rushed out the only other window on the north side of the house.

That’s when the door crashed opened and the beast pushed his way to get in. He saw me as I was crawling through the window. I quickly jumped outside. Then grabbing for my hero’s arm as he also flung himself out the window.

“I smell you” he growled

“I know your smells”

“Come here”

His huge hand and arm reached inside as if to grab at us. But we were already outside. Then we dashed through the trees behind the house.

“Run into the forest” my hero shouted

“He will have issue moving through the trees”

So we ran into the forest behind us. Rushing through and between trees as we ran from the Minotaur. How could he have found us? We were hundreds of miles from the old lands. His lands.

At that moment. All I new was i we needed to flee. I turned and twisted and ran through the forest. Trying to bring distance between us and the Minotaur. I could hear his bellows behind us a ways. And we seemed to be moving away from him. The trees were a help.

“Hurry. Run” my Savior called ahead of me

“We are losing him. “

And we seemed to be. But then the forest seemed to end. And we reached a clearing. Then beyond it was a river. He grabbed my hand.

“Come we shall cross the river” he said

“This will dullen our scent”

So we waded through the waters shallows. Then once in the deeper part, swam towards the other side. When we reached the other side I could hear the beasts bellows again. The river had slowed us down and he was able to gain ground in us. We rushed into the trees on the other side. And paused as we waited to see what the beast would do.

I saw as he reached the shore. He stopped and just stood there for a few moments. His body was imposing as ever. The huge man’s frame holding up the beast like head. His horns large and frightening to behold.

“Sush a huge beast” I said I awe.

I was still taken at the sheer magnificence of his body. Muscle on muscle. The huge chest a wide swath of flesh and hair. His arms like thick branches on the mightiest oak. The same for the thick muscled legs on the monster. He had but a loin of sorts that covered his weapon. The awesome weapon of the beast. The weapon that I was so consumed with desire for the last time he was near.

“Shh” he scolded.

“He may hear you”

Then the Minotaur lifted his head. Then even from where we were I could hear him. He sniffed at the air. His head angling towards where he felt the smell came from. Our smell.

“I can still smell you” he growled

“You cannot escape me”


We then ran again.through the forest we went. He saw our movements and came after us. The beast crossed the river quickly as his size offered him larger strides. He was on the banks in moments. I looked back to see him in the distance and beyond the trees. But that’s when I fell.

My foot hit a stone or branch or something in the ground and I tumbled. I felt forward hard to the ground hitting my sides. I cried out as I fell. My hero looked back to see me in the ground.

“Noo!” I shouted

“Flee. Save yourself”

“You must”

He saw the beast coming through the trees behind us. So he did run. He dashed through the forest to get away. I myself crawled over to a large fallen tree. I crawled around and behind the thing. Cowering in a nitch in the side.

“Just pass me beast” I said softly

“Pass me and continue on”

I then heard ad he passed by me. But then he stopped. I heard him huffing and then sniffing again. I pushed myself more against the nitch in the tree. Trying to crawl under if I could. I hoped it would be enough. I sat there crunched close to it. Trying not to breathe.

I heard as he slowly moved about somewhere on the other side of my hiding place. Hearing as he snorted and sniffed around. I felt my heart as it pounded in my chest. A hard beating against my flesh.

“Go away” I hugged silently

“Leave me demon”

“Go away”

Tears streamed down my face now as I feared he would sniff me out. I felt his weight on the tree against me. I almost cried out, but placed my hands over my mouth to stifle it.

It felt as if my heart would pop through my chest for the intense beating it was doing. I feared he could hear my heart pounding away. I surely could. It boomed in my head.

“You are around here somewhere” the beast finally said

“I shall find you flesh”

Then he seems to turn and walk away from me. Maybe he caught my hero’s smell in the wind. I heard as he moved away from my spot. I stayed there in my spot. Huddled against the tree for some time. Looking around to see if there was someplace to run to. To make a dash from where I was. But all there was was trees and forest. And I didn’t know where he was.

“Is he gone?” I thought

“I do not hear his snorts”

“Nor his foot falls anymore.”


Chapter Seven

I wanted to go. But my fear held me there to my spot. I began to dig myself into the ground Neath the three stump. Digging a hole to crawl into. Just in case he came back. I would hide there for as long as I must.

I was able to dig down several inches to a spot in the nitch. I crawled there and bent myself into a tiny ball. I then grabbed brush and leaves around me and covered myself with them. I proposed I was daily well hidden now.

“I shall stay here for as long as I must” I said softly

Then I heard him again. He had come back from where ever he had been. He must have given up on other scents. Then came back to mine. I looked up from my spot and up to the area above me.

I then gasped as I saw the beast. He was now on my side of the tree stump. I prayed that my camouflage would keep me hidden. I prayed he would just give up and go. To leave me and move on. He sniffed around the area.

“Where are you flesh” he said.

“I can smell you around here somewhere”

“I will find you”

Then he seemed to look down to my spot. I was looking up at the beast. His huge form hovering near my hiding place. I shut my eyes in fear he would see me. I nfear that he would grab me and kill me.

My heart began to beat madly in my chest. I prayed to the gods he would go. Prayed and prayed softly in my head to them. I heard the rustling of leaves and movement again. Then I looked up and he was gone again. The it grew very still. There seemed no breeze anymore. No song birds in the distance. Nothing. Nothing but the pounding in my chest.

“Please be gone beast ” I said again softly

I again waited some time there. In the stillness. I could see the light and shadows of day were shifting. I needed to move. To go. There had been no sounds for over an hour. Just that stillness. The beating if my heart calmed andiI surmised he did move on.

“I should now go” I said.

“Go back towards the river and then move north”

“Or South”

I knew not. I just knew I had to go before he came back. I then slowly, cautiously removed my covering. Then again crawling out slowly from my hiding place. Trying to make as little sounds as possible. Just in case he was still in the vicinity.

I was now crouched next to the fallen tree. I looked around and beyond the area before me. All was still. Then I looked back and started around the tree to get back towards the river.

But as I made my way around the fallen tree, I saw him. There was the beast seated in the other side of my stump, asleep. I had to hold my hand to my mouth so as not to gasp.

“Nnooo” my head screamed

I looked upon his massive frame as he slept there. His magnificent body all of muscle and flesh and hair. His large muscular arms cradled on his chest as he sat there. His muscular thighs splayed and legs opened.

I felt desire creep back into me. I hadn’t seen the beast in so long. And I had forgotten his proximity brought logpngings of the flesh. I licked my lips as I gazed at him. Want returning. My loins becoming hardened by my desire.

“Look at him” I said softly.

I needed to flee, but found I did not. I was actually moving in closer to him. Like a moth to the proverbial flame. I could not stop my self. I was dooming myself and my mind knew this. But I had to touch him again. I had to feel his weapon again.

I stepped in withing feet of the massive beast now. The loin that cover that which I desired could barely contain it. His bull orbs dragging it to the ground between his thick legs. I had to have the beast. So I dropped down between his thighs. I hit the ground with a thud. I then just buried my face into his loin covering.

“Hnnrff” he snorted as he woke

He looked down and saw my face in his groin. I was inhaling his powerful smell. The smell of my doom as it was. But I would have him finally.

“You” he gawfed

“I knew you were around here somewhere”

“You are mine now “

And I was. I pulled opened his loins and went for his massive rod.

“Yes my master” I finally said

“I am”

I grasped his huge weapon and began to swallow it into my hungry mouth. I was ravenous for it. I was more hungry for him than even my lover that had fled. I somehow unhinged my jaw and took several mammoth inches of his stem. He cooed in delight as he lay there letting me have his rod.

“Yes my flesh” he groaned

“Feast, feast”

“Such pleasure”

I couldn’t believe I was swallowing as much as I had. Although now there was such an ache in my jaw bone. I had to stop. Regardless of my lust for his mammoth rod, I had to stop.

“I wish to feel this” I said

“But I fear it will kill me master”

“Come” he said to me

“I shall lubricate your womb with my tongue”

I did as he said. I had to have his weapon. Even if it would be my death. I had to have it. I crawled uo his awesome form and straddled the beasts face. I grasped the horns in his head and then his tongue entered me. It was long , so he gave me such pleasure. I writhed on his face in utter plapeasure.

“Ohh master. Yesss. Take my womb” i cried

“Ughhn. That is the most incredible…”

He feasted on my anus. Driving his long wet tongue into me. Fast thrusts with his mouth organ drove me to frenzy. I could take no more.

“I must have you master” I yelled.

That’s when I pulled from his long luscious tongue. Then I lowered myself to his massive stem. I then pushed myself onto him. The huge head of his weapon pushed at my anus. And to my surprise he rod popped in with not too much trouble. I gasped as I felt my hole open. Open wider than I have ever been opened.

“Uughnn. Goddess” I yelped

Then I thrust myself down on his weapon. My eyes rolled up in my skull and I could not breath. I then fell into a dizzied state of uphoria unlike anything I have ever experienced.

I fell forward onto his massive body. My face digging to his chest. His massive arms held me as I was impaled on him. And it was at least half of his monstrous rod that I was taking. My body had never been so filled. So utterly filled with a man’s penis.

“You are mine now flesh” he bellowed

Then the beast pulled my body upwards. Then he began to thrust into me. Hard long powerful thrusts. His gigantic rod pushing up into me further than any before. My body was racked with spasm as his member pushed beyond my limits within.

“Ughnn. Master” I cooed

“Take it master.”

“Ughn. Ughn. Ughn”

I kissed his vast chest. Burrying my face in his fur. And I was actually beggin him for more. I wanted more. I could not believe my words, but I wanted more if this pain.

” I shall give this to you flesh” he stated

Then he turned me around and I was pushed to the ground by the beast. He had pulled most of his massive thing from my body. I felt my insides had been pulled out to extremes by his huge weapon of death. But I was still here. There was pain. Oh God there was pain, but no sense of destruction.

“I told you I would have you boy” he growled down at me

“And I shall take you again and again”

“There will be nothing left of you when I am done”

So he planned on killing me. But I could not escape him now. I didn’t want to either. I belonged to the Minotaur.

Then he realinged his weapon and body over me. His huge arms holding him up at my sides. The muscle in them flexing as he moved. His huge chest also flexing. It was extraordinary to see. I reached up to touch his body again.

That’s when he plunged back into my bowels. My hand stopped, my breath stopped and my eyes again rolled up into my head.

“Ughnn. M-m-masterrr!” Was all I could speak

Then the beast began to drive himself into me at speed. His grunts booming in my head. Echoes of his sounds reverberated in my head and body. Then there was a sense of floating up and up.

But surprisingly, the pain was minimal. Just the feeling of being filled to maximum. The huge trunk of his stem slicing into my body. His gigantic sack dragging across the ground below. My insides throbbing in a dull oulse. Was it my heart beat? I surmised it to be

“Arrghh!” He bellowed above me

“You are mine. Ughnn. Mine!” He yelled

Then unconsciousness fell. My eyes drooped and sleep came. He must have killed me, my head thought. For this dizzying state could only be the death looming above me.

Somewhere off in the distance was his constant bellows. Or where they just the echoes etched in my mind. Again I knew not.

Then I heard my own voice above me. As if hanging over the assault in my body by this beast of beasts. It softly spoke to me. Assurance that all would be well all would be well.

“Of course” I said to my own voice

“This wonderful beast has taken me beyond life”

“His wonderful filling attack in my body has freed me”

Still there was his bellows. Then a deep sounded roar. Heard as if through a funnel. Then a warmth that flooded my body. Such a wonderful warmth. It ooth me as a mother embrace soothed a crying child.

Then all was silent. All was quiet for some time. And all I could hear was my own breaths. Calm and peaceful they were.

“Rise my boy” came a deep voice after some time just breathing


I opened my eyes. Slowly vision returned. Slowly a form above me came to focus. It was large and dark. At there were horns on it. It was the beast. Had he followed me into death?

He looked down at me and seemed to smile. I lifted my head as I looked at the beast still with me. I was not dead. I was still there on the ground where he had taken me. His large body was covered in a damp sweat. He shimmered in the light falling in his magnificent form.

“How?” I questioned

“How be it. I am not dead?” I bravely stated

“Because you are mine”

“The one meant to be with me”

His huge hand stroked my face. I looked down at his body. Below was his weapon that had taken me. It retreated to a less formidable size. But still larger than any man.

I then felt a dull numbing ache in my body. And a fullness in my belly. As if I had been impregnated by him. Filled to the edges with his seed.

“I don’t understand” I said

He looked at me and spoke more clearly

“I have searched for you” he said

“The one who would be mine for the ages to come”

“No one could consume me”

“Until you”

Then I felt I needed to release my bowels for the fullness in me. So I let out a flatuation. And a river of his seed poured from my bowels. I felt my belly deflate and the discomfort ended.

Then I felt the liquid beneath me and all around me. Soo much seed. And he had given it to me. This beast of beasts. And I loved it.

“Yess” I said to him

“Yess my master”

And I was his from that day forward. My Minotaurman.

The End

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