Women with Animals

College Girl Meets the King


(c) 2021 by SilkMoon

Part I

“There are still some things you don’t know about me, you know.” Maddy said, tracing her hand down Paige’s back to her round little ass, nude and wiggling on the bed.

There’s stuff you haven’t told me? About guys?” Paige asked

“Kind of. I haven’t told anyone.”

“You can tell me anything. Remember? No judgment, not ever.” Paige said.

“Remember that guy Mark, the one that kept asking me to come over to his place all the time.”

“The construction guy? I remember. You finally did, and you told me all about it. He had this sex room at his house, his kinks. He got a little upset when you broke it off.”

“Yea, well, I wasn’t fucking him.” Maddy said.

“You weren’t? So he begged you to come over for what?” Paige asked.

“It was a threesome…kind of. I mean, he came in my mouth a couple of times, most of the time he masturbated and I finished him off. He wanted me to come over so he could watch someone else fuck me.”

“Mmmm, OK. Who?”

“OK, here’s the whole story. We were getting together for about two months. I would come over to his place and get him off. You know about that.”

“Yea, he had a playroom, you guys always fucked on the big sectional, watching porn on a big screen.” Paige said.

“I told you that I would go over to his place, have a drink, play with his dog King a bit and then he would take King out back, let him out into the back yard and we would go to the room and get naked.” Maddy continued.

“That’s the huge dog he has, right?” Paige asked.

“Yea, he’s a Great Dane, giant but a real sweetie. Except, he didn’t take him outside. He came in the playroom with us”

“That huge dog?” Paige said, raising her eyebrows at the thought of the big dog in the small room.

“I mean, King really liked me. He got super excited when I came over. He was so big, he could knock me over if he wanted to, but he was really gentle.

Mark said he was a yard tall.

The first day I came over, I pet King a little, I’m playing with him and he’s all happy..

We go into the “play room” and start to get naked, and King comes in there too. Mark closes the door, and turns on a video.

Mark tells me to get naked, so I’m sitting on the couch, nude, kinda sitting on the edge and I reach for Mark’s cock, you know.

Mark is standing there, pulling out his hard-on and I’m stroking it, getting ready to suck him a little.

King is like, looking at us and whining a bit. He gets up and trots over, putting his head on the couch next to me.

I put my hand on his head, just pet him a bit and he starts licking my thigh.

I was like ‘Hey that tickles’ or something – then he just sort of moved Mark out of the way and stuck his nose in my pussy, sniffing right?

Before I could do anything he started licking my pussy! I mean that huge tongue went straight there and lapped me.

I jumped back like ‘Whoa..King!’

I expected Mark to be pissed, but he was all smiles and said,

‘King really likes you Maddy.’

It was a shock, totally unexpected, you know?

But Mark said

‘Didn’t that feel good? Let him try it again, that was fucking hot.’

He sat down on the end of the couch, watching and stroking his cock. I sorta opened my legs up again and scooted forward, my pussy hanging off the edge of the cushions. Mark reached over and put a big pillow behind me and King came walking over.

He was a little shy, I think I scared him when I freaked out a little, but one sniff and his huge head was between my legs.

I’ve had a lot of guys eat my pussy, but nothing felt like King’s big, wet tongue lapping at me. Every lick covered my cunt from bottom to clit…the roughness of his tongue was crazy, it was super fast, wet and really firm.

Add to it, I’m looking at this big animal between my legs, licking away.

I was watching his big head between my thighs, and his giant tongue slurping me, suddenly

I had a huge fucking orgasm, bucking and shaking like crazy.

Mark was there, his hands were on my tits I think, he was saying something in my ear, but I was cumming hard, you know?.

I was still coming down when I saw what was between King’s legs.

His cock was hanging there , hard, and really long. Massive. Red and thick. I had never seen it like this.

Mark said something like

‘He’s really turned on baby.’

I my head I was thinking,

‘What am I supposed to do with this huge cock?’

I was super curious though, so asked Mark,

‘Can I touch it?’

He said I could, and that King would like it if I did..

I got on the floor, and ran my hand under his belly, and held the big thing. It was soft, warm and wet. I could just barely get my hand around it.

Mark said,

‘That’s his precum baby, he really likes that.’

While I was down on all fours, King was sniffing my pussy running his tongue between my legs.. This dog is so huge, I was holding his cock and his big head was sniffing and licking my pussy. I’m running my hands along his cock, just looking at it. It was red, it had a narrow head, kinda tapered, and it was long, like 8 inches or more and really thick. I started jerking it like a guy, you know?

And I said,

‘Does he want to cum?’ or something like that.

Mark says,

‘He wants it in you, baby.’

I must have paused or something because Mark said,

‘He’s super gentle, you’ll love it. He’s trained.’

I remember looking at that big cock, wondering what it would feel like and saying,


Mark turned me around and laid me on the front of the couch, my knees on the floor.

King didn’t need any instructions, his big paws came up on both sides of me and I felt that big cock sliding around on my butt, spreading his precum on me.

I felt Marks hand back there, guiding King’s cock in.

I spread my knees apart a little more and lifted my butt up, you know?

And then this huge dog cock slid into me. It was like being shocked with a cattle prod.

Every inch of his warm slick cock pushed inside my cunt.

Then he started fucking me, fast and hard.

I’ve been fucked hard before, but this was like a pounding, and never that fast.

The feeling was amazing, totally different everything, so fast, so hard.

I couldn’t believe a dog was fucking me.

Mark told King,

‘Slow, slow.’

And he got still and started fucking me slower, but still hard. He would thrust his big cock into me, boom, boom. He was so strong.

This dog was towering over me, his big body pinning me, I couldn’t move. My brain was like, I have a big animal holding me down, fucking me, overpowering me. He weighed a ton and he made sure I wasn’t going anywhere, not as long as that big dick was in me.

I reached back and felt that wet cock going into me. It was all slick and my cunt was dripping, Kings precum I guess. I was pretty wet too.

He started fucking me fast again, I was oohing and ahing and then I was cumming.

I just touched my clit and I was jerking and cumming and a huge dog was fucking me. I couldn’t stop cumming.

King got still and just stood over me, his cock buried in my pussy.

I could feel Marks hand by my pussy and he said

‘He’s cumming in you.’

I could feel the big dog’s cock squirming in me, he stood over me like that for a while, it felt warm and I realized that it was his cum.

Then he pulled out, I felt his wet thing just slip out and a stream of cum flowed out of me.

King went to his dog bed and laid down.

I turned over and just laid there , I was still tingling you know? This dog just fucked the shit out of me.

Mark came over to me and knelt on the couch, his cock was hard and he was stroking it.

Before I could say anything he was cumming, shooting all over my tits.

I finished him off in my mouth.

He told me that King loved fucking woman, and he had a couple of woman that would come over once a month to ‘doggy sit’ and have King fuck them while he watched.”

“Fuck Maddy. That’s incredible.” Paige finally said.

“You can see why I didn’t say anything.”

“Have you done it since?”

“Just a couple more times. It’s…a little addicting, you know?. It’s just different than fucking a guy. Mark liked me a lot, and we had a few arguments about other stuff and I haven’t seen him since.”

“Fuck, I’m wet after hearing that.” Paige said, one hand exploring her pussy.

“Me too.” Maddy admitted.

There was a long pause.

“I want to try it.” Paige said suddenly..

“Yes, I miss it too, but Mark is still pissed at me for breaking it off.” Maddy replied.

“What if we just talked to him, couldn’t we convince him?”

“I doubt it. But…” Maddy stopped short.

“But what?”

“I know his schedule. He’s gone super early to sometimes eight at night. King has an auto feeder and door to the backyard, he’s alone there all day.”

“You want to break into his house?” Paige asked.

“King’s there all alone. He’ll be glad to see me. I’ll introduce him to you and you can try it.”

“I don’t know.”

We’re not taking anything, Mark will never know. I know the code to the front door and the alarm.”

“Alright. Let’s do it.” Paige said.

The older man’s playroom was sparse, featuring a large flat screen TV, big sectional couch and a big dog bed in the corner.

The girls had gained entry easy enough, Maddy opening the front door and turning off the alarm at the keypad.

King was there to greet them, wagging his tail at the sight of Maddy.

Maddy led the huge animal into the playroom, with Paige following.

“OK, let’s get naked.”

“Wow.” You’re bigger than I remember. You’re a big boy, aren’t you?” Paige said, rubbing the dog’s huge head.

King was standing between the undressing girls, wagging his tail. He did stand over thirty-two inches tall, and was broad and long.

Paige slipped out of her sweatpants and tank top, her black hair in a ponytail. Her round, firm 32 B cup boobs swayed slightly as she stepped out of her panties.

Maddys big tits were out as well, her short blonde hair messy from pulling off her shirt.

Paige was five foot four, and felt dwarfed by the big dog as she stood next to him.

“Good boy.” Paige said, running her hand along the Great Dane’s enormous back.

“He’s so soft.” she said, rubbing his big head.

“I know, right?” Maddy replied, now nude as well, running both hands on the massive dog’s sides.

“He’s a soft, sexy boy, aren’t you?” Maddy said to King.

King was enjoying the attention moving from one girl to the other, tongue out and happy.

Suddenly the massive dog stuck his nose in Maddy’s crotch.

“Whoa there…not me big guy.” She said laughing.

“Ok, Paige, sit on the couch, let him check you out.”

Paige sat down on the big sectional couch, nervously opening her legs a bit.

“OK. Like this?” She asked.

“Yeah. Just let him smell your pussy.”

Maddy led King over to the young girl.

The giant dog sniffed her legs and made up her thighs to her cunt, pink and open wide.

“Fuck that tickles!” Paige said, watching the huge dog sniff her pussy.

After a few sniffs the big dog turned to Maddy

“Good boy, King. It’s OK. Lick. Lick her!” Maddy said.

King turned back to the young girl’s open legs and his massive tongue reached out with a few tentative licks.

He picked up the pace, and soon was lapping hungrily at the young brunette’s cunt.

Paige gasped as the huge dog’s rough wet tongue wet her pussy from top to bottom.

“Oh fuck…that’s good.” Page exclaimed as King continued to lick her.

The pale, dark-haired girl was leaning back on the couch, her hands pulling her thighs back, legs spread wide, head on the cushions watching the animal lapping her pussy.

Her round firm tits were jiggling slightly with the force of the big dog’s tongue.

“Fuck, fuck, oh, oh, oh, ummm…”

Paige became quiet, and for a long moment there was only the sound of the big dog’s tongue lapping at the girl’s wet pussy.

“Oh, oh, oh, …cumming…” The young girl squealed.

Maddy kneeled next to her friend, one hand on the big dog’s head and the other on the young brunettes tit.

She watched her friend shaking and quivering in pleasure as the big dog continued licking her.

“Oh FUUUUCK. Unnng, unnnng, unnnng!” The slight, busty girl grunted as the intense orgasm jolted through her, intensified by the big dog’s fast, wet and wide tongue.

The Great Dane pulled away, leaving the young girl quivering on the couch.

Maddy ran her hands over her friend’s tits as Paige continued to shiver, her orgasm fading.

“Fuck that was good.” Paige said. ‘That was different. Oh my God.”

“Right?” Maddy said. “And look at his cock now.”

King was standing in the middle of the room panting, his cock pushed completely out of the big sheath revealing his long, thick red shaft.

“Fuck.” Paige said. “He’s huge.”

Maddy ran her hands over the big dog, kneeling next to him and reaching for his cock.

“Come and see, honey.” Maddy said, stroking King’s thick cock.

“He’s so wet, so slick.” Paige remarked, kneeling next to the massive dog and grasping the long fat cock with her small hand.

“He’s squirting, is he cumming?”

“That’s his precum, he’s really turned on.”

“I want to…” Paige broke off as she leaned forward and took the big dog’s cock in her mouth.

“Mm, that tastes OK.” she said, and gave the red, twitching cock a few long sucks.

“Are you ready to fuck him?” Maddy said, “Because I will if you aren’t ready!”

“Yeah, I think so. How do we do this?”

“Ok, you’re a little smaller than me, so let’s put you over the end of the couch. Lay over the end, on your stomach, butt in the air, feet on the floor. Like this.” Maddy said, positioning the short brunette.

King had followed the girls over to the couch and was standing near, sniffing the air.

“King, look. Here, look boy.” Maddy commanded.

The huge dog stepped over the end of the couch, both front legs on either side of Paige.

His huge cock was resting between her butt cheeks, squirting precum on her round little butt as he shifted his back legs.

The dog was so big his huge back legs were on either side of Paige’s legs, straddling her.

“Oo, perfect.” Maddy said, as she took King’s still squirting cock in her hand, and rubbed Paige’s pussy lips with it.

“Fuuuck. It’s so warm.” Paige said

“Mmm, feel that?” Maddy said, probing her friend’s pussy with the big dog’s cock.

Suddenly King thrust forward and the dog’s huge cock slipped into her Paige’s cunt, spreading her lips wide.

“Ohhh, fuck! Uuunnnngg.” Paige moaned as the large Great Dane thrust the length of his massive dripping cock into the young girl.

Now filling the girl’s cunt, King started thrusting, driving all eight inches of his wet, thick cock into her with a rapid pace.

King’s powerful rear legs drove his hips forward, his cock filling her with each powerful thrust.

“Ooooooohhhhh…he’s fucking me…uh, uh, uhhhhhhh.” Paige moaned low and long as King’s frantic thrusting pushed her to a climax, the big dog’s cock pounding her pussy.

The fat knot at the base of the huge dog’s cock was pushing up against her clit with each thrust.

“Ohhh fuuuck…I’m going to cummmmm.” Paige wailed, and started to convulse and shake with a powerful orgasm, the huge dog still thrusting into her.

“Slow, King, slow.” Maddy commanded, and the huge Great Dane paused his powerful thrusting, and began to stroke the young girl’s pussy with a slower pace.

Paige continued quivering, orgasming with the big dogs massive hard-on inside her. Whether King could feel her pussy twitching or not, the giant dog began picking up the pace again.

“Ung, uggn, ugn,oh, oh, fuck,” Paige gasped with each thrust.

Slamming his muscular hips into Paige’s’ thighs and driving his fat, red cock deep into the girl.

Suddenly he became still and stood panting, his cock buried in her pussy.

“He’s cumming.” Maddy said, taking hold of his cock just in front of the knot and holding it, locking the dog’s cock in her cunt.

“Fuck..I feel it. He’s cumming in me!” Paige said, lifting her head to look back.

His heavy body pinning her to the couch, Paige could feel the Great Danes thick cock pulsing as he unloaded deep in her, his big balls emptying.

“This could take a while.” Maddy said, “Just enjoy it.”

Maddy had been kneeling next to her friend, rubbing her own clit as she watched the massive dog fucking Paige. It was the first time she had watched King fucking someone else, and she had orgasmed seeing his big red cock furiously stroking her friend.

“It’s so warm. Fuck, he’s filling me”.

After a couple of minutes of ejaculating into Paige, King’s fat dick slipped out of her pussy.

A stream of the huge dogs cum poured from her cunt, still gaping a bit from the large cock that had just slipped from it.

The big Great Dane stood over the young girl, panting, his long thick cock hanging, pressed against her pussy, dripping clear cum down her leg.

“He really likes you. Look at him guarding you. You’re one of King’s girls now honey.”

King, satisfied, retreated to the dog bed in the corner and laid down to lick himself clean.

Maddy helped Paige straighten up, as her pussy continued to drip..

“Here, over this towel.” Maddy said.

Paige straddled the towel and flexed. Another stream of the big dogs cum flowed out of her.

“Jesus, he came so much.” Paige said, marveling at the amount of the dog jizz flowing from her.

“I mean, look at the size of him.” Maddy said, indicating the huge animal sprawled out on the dog bed.

Paige had collapsed on the big couch.

“You’re right. That was…so hard and fast, totally different. So big.” She said weakly.

“That looked so hot honey, that huge dog’s cock in you. Your face was like bliss and surprise.” Maddy said laughing.

“We should get out of here. He won’t be home for another hour or more but…you never know.” The blonde continued.

“You didn’t get a turn.” Paige said, pulling on her bra.

“Next time.” Maddy said, rubbing the Great Dane on the top of his huge head. “Right boy?”

King could only wag his tail.

Thirty six miles away on the job site he managed, Mark looked at the app on his phone. He had gotten an alert that his front door had opened. This was strange, as he had no dog walker or deliveries scheduled today.

He scrolled through the camera feeds of the tiny cams hidden throughout the house until he came to the playroom.

There he saw the two attractive young women undressing.

One he recognized as Madison, the busty blonde he had worked so hard to get to the playroom.

Seeing King take the young girl was everything he hoped it would be, and he was thrilled to see her back in the room, even if she had broken in to do it.

The other young beauty was a raven-haired knockout with perfect round firm tits, an amazing ass and an electric smile.

He watched as they prepped King, stroking and sucking the huge dog.

Then he watched the beautiful young dark haired girl, positioned herself over the side of the couch, her perfect ass in the air.

He saw King mount her and begin thrusting

He could see the ecstasy on her face clearly,

The camera was perfectly positioned. He watched her soft round tits swinging as the massive dog pounded her, he saw her reach between her legs to touch her clit.

He watched, transfixed as the young beauty orgasmed, quivering and shaking with the big dog’s cock inside her cunt. He saw Maddy holding King’s huge cock in her hand, locking them together as King unloaded in her pussy.

He could even see the big dog’s cum running out of her slit as he pulled away.

He pressed “Save” on the security video feed and watched it again..

“Watch ya got there Mark?” A guy in a hard hat called out.

“My friend Maddy sent me video.” he said smiling

“The blonde with the tits? Man, I’d love to hit that.”

“Too late. She’s already spoken for. But you never know.” Mark said, slipping the phone into his jacket.

Tonight he would send Maddy a text, inviting her and her dark-haired friend over for dinner.

“They won’t be able to refuse,” he thought to himself, “once they hear about the video.”

“I wonder,” he said to himself, “which one of them do I want to fuck? I really like the brunette, but then, so does King.”


Part II

Mark’s house was a spacious, modern bachelor pad with all the amenities. The girls had been here before, but today was different.

Maddy had received a text that asked both girls to come for a talk. Attached was a video of the girls having sex with Mark’s giant Great Dane, King.

Reluctantly the two young women showed up as instructed.

“Thanks for coming.” Mark said, looking over the two young women in his living room.

“You really didn’t give us much of a choice.” Maddy retorted.

Maddy, with her short blonde hair and big boobs straining under the athletic top she was wearing, stood with her hands on her hips, blue eyes looking him over.

The girl Mark knew as Paige stood just to her left, a little shorter with dark hair, green eyes and round, firm tits clearly defined in the tight silk top she was wearing. He looked at the short tennis skirt she was wearing and felt his cock twitch, remembering the video image of her perfect little ass.

“Please, come in, sit down. Can I get you anything? How about something to drink?” Mark said, smiling.

The girls reluctantly moved to the couch and sat.

Mark handed the girls each a beer, and settled into the big recliner opposite them.

“So, you saw the video of you two and King. I just sent you a few clips, but the whole time you were here was recorded. The system is designed to catch everything in hi-def. Even sound. It was very hot, I have to say. I forgave you for breaking into my house right away.”

The two young girls sat silently, holding their beers.

“Relax. No one is in trouble. I just want a favor or two from you both.” Mark said, smiling at the girls.

“Like what?” Maddy asked.

“Relax, OK? Drink your beers. We’re all friends here. Alright, here’s the deal ladies. I like both of you. You’re both beautiful, sexy and obviously are into some fringe stuff. I’d like us to get together and have some fun. Like Maddy and I used to. Paige, I don’t know you yet, but we’re going to be great friends. Maddy, I’d like to pick up where we left off.”

The girls stirred nervously.

“Look, you two don’t want this video on the internet. None of us do. So your job now is to keep me and King happy. I’m going to get mine, and King is going to get his. Whenever we want. When I call, you come. Sometimes both of you, sometimes I’ll just want one. Sometimes I’m going to want to fuck who’s here, sometimes I’m going to let King do it and watch him fuck you. There may be times I fuck one of you and King fucks the other. You get the picture.”

“We have lives, you know.” Maddy said.

“I’m sure there are other guys, yadda yadda. I’m out front now ladies. Everyone else is secondary. Lucky for you, I’m a busy guy, I have a lot of projects happening, so it’s not going to be everyday, OK? And It will be a lot of fun. Paige, Maddy will tell you, I’m hung pretty good, I like to lick pussy. I’m not bad looking right?”

The two young women smiled weakly.

“Ok, your turn. Not much to say but, what’s on your mind?”

“What can we say? We have to agree.” Paige said finally.

“Look, don’t be like that. This is going to be fun for everyone involved. I have a beautiful house with a pool, hot tub, sauna, and a huge shower – I’m willing to share it all with you two.”

“We agree.” Maddy said sullenly, drinking.

“There’s someone else that wants to see you.” Mark said, rising and opening the back door.

Mark’s Great Dane trotted in, going straight to the girls, tail wagging. The enormous dog was nearly a yard tall, two hundred pounds of silky brown muscle. King licked the face of both girls as they ran their hands over his soft coat and rubbed his head.

Finally he sat, laying his huge head in Paige’s lap.

Mark was looking at Paige when he spoke.

“So, do you want to start today? I haven’t been laid in a few weeks.”

“Yeah. I can stay.” Paige said, finishing her beer and flashing her green eyes at Mark.

“Ok, that’s all for today. Paige, you stay. I want to get to know you better, OK Baby?”

Maddy started to speak and Paige raised her hand.

“It’s OK Maddy, I got us into this.” Paige siad.

“Maddy, I’ll see you later. Paige, come into the playroom.” Mark said pleasantly.

King followed them into the playroom, tail wagging.

“Look how happy he is to see you.” Mark said.

“Hi Baby.” Paige said, rubbing the head of the huge Great Dane and running her hand over his soft coat.

“There’s something new here. I just built it myself. It’s very comfy.” Mark said.

It looked like a weight bench, four dark wood legs and padded leather cushion about two feet wide and four feet long. The legs of the bench had wooden dowels like motorcycle pegs sticking out, with a few hand holds along the top edge. The wood was polished and finished to high gloss.

“You lay here, you’re the perfect height for King, on your back or on your stomach. There are places for your hands, so you don’t get pushed off. You can use the pegs to lift your butt if your feet don’t touch the floor, or hook your feet on them so you can push back against him. If you’re on your back you can plant your feet here and lift your pelvis up. Cool huh?”

“Nice” Paige said, running her hand over the leather.

“Sit.” Mark said, sitting down on the large sectional. “I know this is a weird situation, but I like you a lot, and I think we could have some real fun together.”

“I’d like that.” Paige said, sitting next to the redheaded older man. “Maddy told me a lot about you, what you did together. I did think about calling you.”

“I wish you would have, you’re so beautiful, Baby.” Mark replied, moving in close to the dark-haired girl.

The young brunette leaned in to kiss the older man, and his hand slipped under her loose blouse as their lips met.

His hand cupped one of Paige’s round, full tits, and he felt her nipple harden.

As he rolled the stiff, pink nipple under his finger he felt her hand moving up his thigh to the bulge in his pants.

He slipped his tongue into her mouth as her hand began firmly rubbing his hard cock under the denim.

The slim redhead broke off the kiss to stand and undo his belt, Paige’s hands were there to unbutton his jeans and unzip them.

She pulled the worn Wranglers down and the redhead’s long, thick cock was bulging in his boxer-briefs, the outline clearly visible. A dark wet spot of precum marked the spot where the head of his dick pressed against the cotton material.

Paige pulled the boxers down letting the ginger’s long cock spring free, hard and wet.

The young brunette took the head of Mark’s cock in her mouth and began stroking the length of the shaft with one hand.

Mark stood, his feet shoulder width apart and watched the beautiful young woman suck him.

“Get undressed.” he commanded, and Paige began to unbutton her shirt.

Mark sat on the large couch to watch, stroking his hard-on as the slim busty brunette peeled away her clothes and stood nude in the room.

“Mmm, you’re perfect, you know that? You should be a model. That or a porn star. Come here and take care of my cock some more, Baby.” Mark ordered.

Paige complied, crawling between the older man’s legs on all fours to take his thick, dripping cock in one hand. She ran her tongue over the sharply defined fat head and down the shaft, licking the length of his dick slowly and seductively before taking the entire cock in her mouth.

One of her small hands held his thick cock at the base and the other traced the ab muscles of the older man’s stomach.

“I could have you do this all day.” The lanky redhead said, as he watched the knob of his cock disappear in the young girl’s mouth again.

King rushed over, tongue out and wagging his tail, whining a bit. The big dog’s nose sniffed Paige’s smooth round ass wiggling in the air as she kneeled between Mark’s legs.

“King wants some too.” Mark observed. “Sit back and spread your legs for him, Baby.”

Paige sat back on the sectional, spreading her legs for the big dog. King immediately took a sniff and put his huge head between the girl’s thighs. He began licking the young girl’s cunt, his huge wet tongue covering her pussy from top to bottom as he lapped away.

“Ohhhh fuck…thats so gooood.” Paige wailed as the dog’s long wet tongue continued to work her pussy over.

Mark stood on the sectional and leaning against the cushion and lowered his cock into Paige’s waiting mouth.

The huge dog’s tongue lapping her pussy and the fat cock in her mouth quickly brought Paige to the brink of an orgasm.

The young girl began convulsing as King’s big tongue lapped away at her clit.

“Mmmm, mmm. Mmm.” she moaned, her mouth full of Mark’s thick cock.

“Yes, cum for me Baby…doesn’t King do a good job?…feels so good.” Mark whispered as Paige continued to moan and spasm.

Mark was fucking her mouth now, the shaft slipping back and forth between her lips, the fat head bumping the back of her throat.

“Fuck Baby, here it comes.” Mark exclaimed, pausing his thrusting.

She felt the first squirt of the older man’s cum on her tongue, silky and salty. His cock began pulsing as he unloaded into her mouth, pumping cum powerfully. Paige relaxed her throat and swallowed, feeding from the long cock stretching her mouth open.

“Fuuuuuuck, yes . Oh fuck Baby, oh fuck oh fuck.” Mark stammered as

his thick cock pulsed in the brunette’s mouth.

Paige had one hand on his cock, milking it into her mouth and the other on the huge dogs head as he confined hungrily licking her pussy

She jerked the last few drops out of his cock onto her tongue.

“Oh Baby. That was fucking amazing.” he said, a large hand massaging of one of Paiges round tits.

The brunette was still gently stroking the redhead’s softening cock, licking the last few drops off the head.

King was panting, his huge red cock hanging between his legs.

“King’s turn.” Mark said, rising from the couch. “Get on the bench baby.”

The young nude girl rose from the couch, pausing as Mark stopped her halfway to kiss her again, and ran his hands over her firm tits, down her flat stomach to her pussy.

As he kissed the beautiful young brunette he slipped a long, calloused finger into her wetness.

“Lay down on your stomach, ass up a little bit baby.” he commanded.

Paige did as she was told.

King came over to the young girl’s raised butt immediately, sniffing at the air, his cock swinging between his legs.

Her round smooth, ass cheeks were parted to reveal her pink pussy, the full lips hanging just a bit.

Her feet were on the bench leg pegs, lifting her butt up into the air.

Her cunt was glistening with wetness.

King straddled the girl laying on the bench and stood over her, his massive head nuzzling her neck. The huge dog easily stood over the bench and the young girl laying on it.

His massive cock was hanging between her ass cheeks, hot and wet.

She could feel the big dog’s cock pumping out precum on her butt and then Mark’s hand guiding the thick red cock into her pussy.

King began thrusting as soon as the tapered tip of his thick red cock slipped into her wet cunt.

“Oh fuck! Uh, uh, uh, UH, UH Ohhh!” Paige cried out as the huge dog thrust his thick, veiny cock inside her with one motion.

As soon as his hard cock was snug inside the girl, King began a frantic fucking of her little pink pussy. His powerful haunches thrusting against the girl.

The huge Great Danes cock stretched her pussy open, precum from both her and the animal dripping from her pussy.

“Fuck her slow King. Slow boy.” Mark commanded, and the big dog slowed a bit, still ramming his cock in hard, but the pace was slower, twice a second, then a few thrusts close together, then slow again.

“Ohh fuuuck…cumming…” Paige wailed.

Mark could see her fingers between her legs rubbing her clit as the big dog’s massive cock slipped in and out of her.

The young girl’s back arched and she began to spasm as she orgasmed, jerking over and over .

“Fuck her King”. Mark said, and King began his rapid pace again, his powerful legs thrusting his cock into the girl.

The huge dog’s front legs were in front of her shoulders, holding her in position as he plunged his dick into her sopping pussy over and over.

“Let’s get his knot into you.” Mark said, taking the dog’s cock in his hand. “Relax Baby. He’s big.”

Mark pushed the bulging knot at the base of the dog’s cock against the young girl’s cunt. Slowly the fat knot gaped her open and slipped inside her pussy.

“Oh God…ungggg..fuck.” Paige cried out.

“Just relax Baby. It’s all inside you now.” Mark said, sitting back on the couch.

He was watching the enormous dog stand over the girl, his huge cock now locked into her.

He could see her still playing with her clit, spasms running through her body as King stood over her, panting.

“Fuuuuck, he’s cumming so much.” Paige moaned from under the huge dog, her head down, still stroking her clit, her body jerking with little spasms as she continued cumming.

The dog’s bulging knot had disappeared into Paige’s cunt, locking them together. She could feel the giant animal’s cock ejaculating inside her, filling her with warm cum.

The huge Great Dane was still holding her in place as he emptied his balls into pussy, all two hundred pounds of him pressing into the young girl as he bred her.

The huge animal nuzzled the neck of the young brunette, whining softly.

One of her arms was up and around the big dog’s head, holding and rubbing his soft coat as his cock continued to twitch inside her.

Cum was leaking out from around the big dog’s cock and dripping on the floor under the bench.

“Good boy. Wow, he loves you so much.” Mark said to King as the big dog continued to hold his cock deep in the beautiful girl. He could see his dog’s balls twitching, and King excitedly pushing his cock deeper into her every now and then.

Mark noticed his cock was getting a little hard again, so he rose and walked to the end of the bench.

Taking the brunette’s chin in his hand he lifted her mouth up to his growing cock.

The beautiful girl, weak from being fucked by the giant dog, compliantly opened her mouth and he slipped his cock inside. Holding her head he began gently fucking her mouth.

His big dog’s head was on her shoulder, allowing him to pet his large head as he slowly fucked her mouth.

He and King had shared a female before, so there were no hard feelings or growling.

After a few moments of stroking into her mouth Mark’s cock squirted again, a small orgasm compared to the eruption of earlier. He stood spasming as his cock spurted cum into Paige’s lovely mouth for the second time.

He couldn’t remember the last time he had come twice in one hour, and he chalked it up to the extremely beautiful young woman he was sharing with King.

Mark slipped his cock out of Paige’s mouth and bent down to kiss her, tasting his semen in her mouth.

King stepped back and the big knot popped out of Paiges pussy, followed by the dog’s thick cock. A stream of cum flowed out of the young girl’s cunt, still gaping from the big canine’s knot.

A towel on the floor caught most of the cum as the dog’s semen poured out of the girl.

“Fuuuuuck…oh my god.” Paige moaned, flexing and pushing another stream of King’s cum from her pussy.

The brunette was still laying on the bench, her head now down in the soft leather.

Mark ran his hand along the young girls shapely back and down to her round little ass and stood watching his massive dogs cum leak out of her.

“Here, sit up baby, squat right over the towel. There you go.” Mark said, watching the last of the big dogs semen flow out of her.

He lifted the young girl up, limp in his arms and he ran his hands over her perfect round tits and nuzzled her neck.

He gave her pussy a last wipe with a soft towel and led her to the couch.

“Let’s chill here Baby, then we’ll go shower, OK.” Mark said softly.

Paige nodded, still shaking from the fucking she had just endured.

“That was fucking amazing.” She said finally.

“Just the beginning, Beautiful. We’re going to have a lot of fun.” Mark said, taking the quivering young girl in his arms.

Paige curled up to the sinewy muscled redhead.

“Are you going to fuck me next time, Baby? Or let King have me every time?” Paige asked.

King’s ears lifted at the sound of his name, and the giant dog abandoned his bed in the corner to walk over to the couple. The big dog placed his head on Paige’s lap, and her small hand lazily rubbed him between the ears as he gazed at her.

“I know you like King, and he really loves you, but I may want you for myself.”

“Whatever you want, Baby.” Paige purred. “I just can’t believe it.

“Believe what Baby?”

“Having sex with this huge animal. And it’s amazing.”

“You wouldn’t believe the women that ask me about him. I have two clients that come once a month, sometimes more.” Mark said.

“It’s addictive. It’s so primal, forbidden.” Paige said, her hand resting on the huge dog’s head.

“Being taken by an animal? Very taboo, Baby.” Mark said.

“But he’s so gorgeous, and sweet. Aren’t you sweetie?” Paige said, taking the dog’s huge head in both hands.

“Next time we’ll have dinner, and you can spend the night with me upstairs.” Mark replied. “And I’ll take care of you myself. You can compare King and me.”

“I’d like that.”

“I wish Maddy was as agreeable.” Mark said.

“She’ll come around. She wants some of this too.” Paige replied. “Now let’s have that shower.”


Part III

“OK ladies, as you know we have VIP company tonight. You’re the evening eye-candy for a very rich owner of another contracting business. We’re having dinner, drinks and more.”

“More? Are we going to fuck him?” Maddy asked.

“There is a very good chance things are going to get sexy. He’s older and twice-divorced. My secretary says he’s good looking. I’m trying to get him to close a deal with me, and I want both of you to be extra friendly. After dinner we’ll retire to the playroom and see what happens. And, I happen to know what his big kink is. Once we get to the playroom, listen, obey and let’s have some fun.”

“OK, I’m curious. What does Mr. Rich like?” Paige asked.

“Like a lot of men, he likes young, beautiful, submissive girls. And he also likes this.”

Mark opened a video on his phone and showed the two young women.

“Oh. OK. Nice.” Maddy observed, watching the video.

“Have an edible, have a drink, a little E, and let’s get ready to for Mr. Ueler.” Mark said, clapping his hands.

Dan Ueler was the 50 year old owner of a large local contractor business. He was a little over six foot, tan with dark wavy hair bearing a touch of grey, like his short salt and pepper beard. His thick arms and neck revealed a life in construction, and his ample belly revealed a few years in management and later, ownership.

He wore a gold chain around his tan neck that hung down into his curly black chest hair, a reminder of his success.

“I think we can work together to get that Big Creek development off the ground and done.” Mark said, lifting a glass of Scotch.

“Mm, maybe.” Dan replied. He was distracted by the two girls in the room. One was a beautiful dark-haired girl with green eyes, now busy clearing the dinner table. She was introduced to him earlier as Paige.

The other, named Madison, was a blue-eyed blond with short cropped hair and big, firm-looking tits, now rounding the table pouring more Scotch.

They had both been at dinner sitting quietly and eating for the most part. Just sitting there listening and being beautiful.

They were both in short white dresses Dan thought might be silk. After trying to avoid looking at their clearly visible nipples pressing against the sheer material he gave up and brazenly gazed at the young girl’s tits.

They didn’t seem to care, or mind his gaze at all.

“So, how do you two know Mark? You seem a little out of his league.” Dan inquired.

“We’re old friends.” Maddy replied, smiling.

“He’s trying to find out if you’re professionals.” Mark said laughing.

“Just friends.” Paige said sweetly.

Let’s take our drinks into the other room.” Mark suggested. “I call it the ‘playroom’.”

The two men entered the room and settled on the large sectional couch as the girls filed in.

“Beautiful girls huh?” Mark asked, setting the Scotch down.

“Yes. Gorgeous.” Dan replied, taking the opportunity to look the two young women over fully.

“Madison. Paige. Why don’t you get naked, girls.” Dan instructed.

Dan was pleased to see Maddy turn to Paige, unzip the short white dress and let it fall off of her shoulders.

Her perfect tits fell free like two perfect pale globes. Her pink nipples were up high on her breasts, Dan observed, just the way he liked. Her dark hair fell across her back, her high cheekbones, pert nose,full lips and green eyes were almost perfection.

The slight girl turned to the blond and did the same for her.

Maddy’s big tits swung into sight, perfect C cups with long hard nipples. Both girls were short, with slim hips and lovely small asses.

They tossed their dresses onto a chair and the raven-haired girl and the blonde stood in front of the men, nude. Dan observed that Maddy was nonchalantly rubbing Paige’s back as they stood facing the men.

“Go ahead Dan. Tell them what you want.” Mark said, ice clinking in his glass.

“Kiss her.” Dan ordered.

Maddy turned to the shorter girl and put one hand on her neck, bringing her lips over to hers. As they stood in the middle of the room making out, Paige’s hand cupped one of Maddy’s large firm tits.

Dan could see her squeezing it gently, and pulling on her nipple.

The young girls kissed passionately for a few minutes, Maddy’s hand between Paige’s thighs. In the stillness they could hear the wet sound of Maddy’s fingers fucking the girl.

Paige’s knees buckled a bit, and she held on to the blonde as Maddy’s fingers continued exploring her pussy.

“Mmm. OK, Paige …show me that wet pussy.” Dan said.

Paige sat on the leather bench and put a leg up, spreading her pussy with one hand for the men. Her full lips glistened with moisture as she spread them.

“Mmm. Jesus…” Dan murmured.

“It’s alright Dan. Whatever you want them to do. Play with your pussy, Baby.” Mark ordered.

The young girl shuddered with pleasure as she touched her clit, leaning her head back. Her other hand moved to grasp one of her soft, round tits, squeezing it gently and pulling on the hard nipple. Maddy massaged her shoulders, watching.

“See? That easy.” Mark said, gesturing. “Maybe have Maddy eat her pussy?”

“What about…what we talked about.”

“King? Sure. King, come. Show time.”

The massive dog jumped up from the corner bed.

“Which one would you like to see him with?” Mark asked. “Your pick.”

“Her. Paige.” The older man said

“Go to Paige boy. Good boy.” Mark commanded.

The giant Great Dane trotted over, tail wagging, to a smiling Paige.

The nude young girl ran her hands over the big animal, letting the men see her round tits rubbing over his soft coat as she hugged the huge dog.

She stood nude beside the beast, her five foot two frame at sixty-two inches was half of King’s thirty-four inch height. The Great Dane’s back was level with the slight, busty girl’s tummy. She rubbed his back, head to tail, pressing her tits into his soft fur, rubbing his sides and his belly.

The men watched as King’s cock began to emerge from its sheath, long thick and dark red. Paige knelt down to reach the big dog’s growing hard-on, his fat shaft slowly sliding from the furry sheath. It looked even bigger in her small hand as she stroked it, smiling as it continued to grow.

King’s cock was a thick eight inches if not a bit longer, and the knot was as big as a small fist.

It was a cock fit for such an enormous animal.

Soon wet and slick in her hand, the big dog’s long dick dripped precum from the tapered tip.

Paige knelt on both knees under the tall dog, and slipped his thick cock into her mouth. The tapered tip was wet with precum, which she licked and sucked gently, before taking the thick red shaft deep into her mouth.

One of her hands held the dog’s big cock at the right angle for sucking, and stroked it softly. Her other hand was rubbing her clit as she sucked the enormous animal.

Dan was breathing hard on the couch.

King shifted a bit as the young girl sucked his massive cock, whining impatiently.

He knew what was coming, but the big dog patiently allowed his woman to lick and suck him.

Maddy sat between the two men, nude, a hand on each of their thighs.

Paige gave the thick cock she was holding a quick kiss and stood, moving to the bench with King in tow. She sat on the end of the wooden leather-padded bench, rubbing the huge dog’s head with both hands, her round tits jigging with the motion.

Looking at the men, then King, Paige leaned back on the padded bench, her legs spread and bent at the knees. She pulled her legs back, revealing her wet pussy, the lips glistening in the soft overhead light. Looking down at her cunt she ran a finger between her wide lips, pink as a rose petal.

Her pussy was wet and dripping, her finger emerged wet as well.

King placed his large head between her smooth, pale thighs, sniffed and began licking the girl’s pussy.

The men could hear the sound of his wet tongue on the young girl’s cunt over her soft moaning. King moved in closer as his rough tongue ran up her full lips and clit again and again.

As he became more excited the massive dog’s cock began to pulse, precum dripping from the tip of the thick member.

Paige was holding her pussy open with both hands now, exposing her clit to the dog’s rapidly lapping tongue.

“Oh, fuck…fuck, fuck…cumming..ung, ung, ugggggg…” The young brunette exclaimed.

The men watched as the small, busty girl began to orgasm in a series of spasms that racked her body. She threw her head back, gasping, her long black hair hanging down her back.

King did not stop licking.

“Oo, ooo, oo,ung, ung, ohhhh.” The pale beauty groaned, shuddering in ecstasy as the big dog’s long, wide tongue lapped her pussy.

On the couch, Maddy had both men’s cocks out, one in each hand, and she slowly stroked them as they watched Paige convulsing with pleasure.

“Maddy, take care of Dan, OK?” Mark said.

Maddy lay her head on Dan’s belly and nuzzled the head of the long cock protruding from his jeans. A few licks of her tongue cleared away the precum and she took the shaft in her warm mouth.

Dan put his hands on the young blonds head as she began softly sucking him, and stared at the girl on the wooden bench in front of him.

He could not believe what he was seeing.

One of the most beautiful women he’d ever met and the biggest dog he had ever seen were together.

She had orgasmed and now was about to take the biggest dog cock he’d ever seen.

He had fantasized for years about it, and watched countless hours of video. He had heard rumors and now, in front of his eyes…

The blonde, Maddy was laying across his tan stomach, licking his cock as one of his beefy hands kneaded one of her large, firm tits.

All he could think of was the raven-haired beauty on the leather bench about to be fucked as he watched.

He looked over at Mark and he was peeling off his shirt, his cock out and hard. Mark put both hands on Maddy’s hips and moved in behind her, rubbing his cock on her pussy.

The blonde turned over on all fours, sucking Dan’s cock and offering her pussy to the lanky redhead behind her.

“Ohhh, yes Baby.” Maddy gasped as Mark slowly slid his cock inside her.

Dan turned his attention back to the massive Great Dane, standing over the young girl on the bench.

She was now lying on her stomach, her little ass up in the air, the big dog’s cock angled down, sandwiched between her cheeks as he probed for her pussy. The precum leaking from the Great Dane’s massive cock had her ass cheeks glistening.

A large drop of precum stretched from her pussy lips to the floor.

The young girl reached back between her legs and lifted the tapered end of the dog’s wet cock into her cunt.

With a quick thrust half of the thing disappeared inside the girl.

“Ohhhh, fuck, yesyesyesyes. Fuuuuck.” The girl babbled, head down, fingers now on her clit as the big dog’s cock slid inside her.

The huge animal adjusted his stance and the rest of his fat, red member slipped into the young girl’s pussy.

King began rapidly thrusting into the girl.

Dan could hear the wet sound as the dog’s cock plunged into her cunt, even over the cries of the girl being fucked.

“Ohhhh fuck me….fuck, fuck…yes yes yes.” The girl moaned, one hand gripping the bench as the big animal rhythmically and rapidly stroked her.

“Slow boy. Slow down.” Mark’s voice commanded.

Whining a little, the mammoth dog paused his frantic fucking and held his cock inside the young girl.

As Dan watched, King began thrusting slowly and steadily, about one lunge a second.

A few times instinct got the better of training and the massive dog plunged his cock in her two or three times in succession.

He quickly returned to the steady pace, jolting the girl with each thrust, his powerful haunches against the back of her thighs.

The enormous dog lowered his head next to Paige to lick her cheek, and she raised an arm over his neck, hugging him and whispering something to the giant animal.

Dan strained to hear what the girl was saying to King, but only caught a few words.

.”…your bitch…you like fucking….cum in me…want it….hard ….all yours..” She whispered to the beast.

Maybe three or four minutes of the Great Dane steady thrusting into the girl had gone by. Dan had lost track of time and it seemed the large dog had been inside the brunette for a very long time..

King was vocalizing and whining, his big body quivering with anticipation.

“OK, King. Fuck her boy.” Mark’s voice ordered.

The massive Great Dane adjusted his stance again and began rapidly plunging into the girl.

Suddenly King paused, whining a bit, nuzzling Paige’s neck and licking her ear.

“Oooooh…he’s cumming.” Paige moaned.

Dan was amazed to see that King had pushed the fat knot at the base of his penis inside the young girl’s pussy.

Now as the massive dog began ejaculating, he and the girl were locked together until he was done with her.

“Do you want her now, or after King is finished?” Mark asked, still fucking Maddy on the couch.

“Now, while he’s in her.” Dan said, standing to remove his pants and boxers

“King. Turn boy. Turn around.” Mark commanded.

With his right leg, then his back leg, the huge dog turned 180 degrees, stepped over the young girl on the bench and stood with his haunches pressed to her, like he would any bitch he was breeding.

In one move he was facing away, his thick cock and massive knot still locked inside the girl’s dripping pussy.

The large Great Dane’s cock pulsed and twitched, pumping his cum into the young woman.

Dan moved to the front of the bench, his long cock stiff in his hand.

Paige raised her head and hungrily took the big man’s cock into her mouth, sliding the shaft down her throat until the slim head at the end of his dick reached the back.

The big man took a handful of her dark hair and held it behind her head like a ponytail, and began stroking her open mouth.

Feet shoulder width apart, he watched the gorgeous brunette take his cock as the huge dog stood at the other end of the bench, stretching her pussy.

He reached down and took a round firm tit in one big hand, feeling the silky softness and milking the nipple.

Paige paused to take a breath and ran her tongue around the head of his cock, wet with saliva and precum.

Both of her hands were on the bench hand-grips, pushing back against the large dog’s shifting and probing cock, still pumping cum into her.

The big older man looked down at the young thing sucking him and spoke.

“Feel good, Honey? Such a big dog in you?” the older man asked the young brunette.

“Y…yes. Oh fuck yes. So good.” The slight pale brunette gasped, one hand holding the older man’s dripping hard on.

“You love being fucked by him, don;t you?”

“Y..yes. I love it.”

“Say ‘I love his cock’ for me, Honey.” Dan requested, softly rubbing her back.

“I love it. I love his cock.”

“What kind of cock do you love, Honey?” The big man prompted.

“Big cock. Big dog cock.” Paige managed to gasp.

“What do you want it to do, Honey?”

“Fuck me. Cum in me.” The young girl blurted out.

“That’s right Honey. A big dog cock fucking you. Cumming in you. Can you feel it?”


“Play with your clit, Honey.” The older man commanded

Paige reached between her legs.

“It’s so wet…” she mewed

“Wet with his cum. Rub your clit with his cum, Honey. Rub it for me”.

Paige began orgasming almost immediately, shivering and trembling as the waves of pleasure shook her slight body.

“Ohh, fuck, oh, oh oh oh…mmmm mmm mm.” Paige exclaimed, shuddering as she continued climaxing.

He slipped his hard-on past her full lips and back into her open mouth.

Dan took another handful of her dark hair and picked up the pace, sawing his cock back and forth in her mouth.

The pretty brunette was still convulsing with ecstasy as this new orgasm rippled through her.

He looked at where the massive cock of the Great Dane disappeared into her pussy, just below her heart-shaped ass.

He looked at Mark on the couch, now on top of Maddy, between her legs and pounding her pussy, her big tits quivering.

One hand was curled around her around the neck, the other pushing a leg down exposing her pussy for his long, slim cock. Maddy was furiously rubbing her clit, mouth open and gasping.

Dan felt his entire body tense with the approaching orgasm.

The burly man paused to let the feeling wash over him, focusing on the young dark-haired girl’s mouth around his cock.

Suddenly his long, hard-on jerked with the first spurt of cum into the young girl’s mouth.

She made a small sound as she swallowed the older man’s thick semen.

Silky seed pulsed again and again from the long cock she was holding in her mouth.

Spasm after spasm jerked through the older man’s body, until he began to feel the orgasm fading.

He could hear Dan cry out as he began cumming inside of Maddy on the couch, but he couldn’t take his eyes off of the beautiful girl feeding from his long cock.

Dan pulled his softening cock out of the pretty brunette’s mouth and stroked it, watching the last silky drops fall from the tip onto her tongue.

The big man slumped to his knees in front of the bench. Taking the girl’s head in his hands he began kissing her, his tongue gently exploring her lovely mouth, tasting his semen on her tongue.

He reached under her and took both her perfect tits in his big hands, massaging them, marveling at their firmness.

He felt her body moving and he knew the giant dog was still breeding her.

“He’s still coming in you, Baby. Can you feel it?” The older man whispered in her ear.

“Y..Y..Yes..so warm.”

“He’s going to fill you with his cum, Honey. “ Dan continued, whispering.

The girl moaned.

“Tell me what you love, Baby.”

“His cock. His cum.”

“The cum from that big dog?”


The older man rose and moved to get a closer look.

King eyed him warily as Dan approached the other end of the bench.

“Easy boy. Good boy” said Mark as Dan took in the sight.

King’s enormous penis knot was bulging out of her pussy, stretching it open wide.

The girl moaned and Dan put his hand on her shoulders, running it down the curve of her back to her perfect ass.

He knelt down beside her and ran his hands under her, feeling her firm round tits, reaching down to her pussy, finding her clit. Feeling where her cunt lips were spread wide by the big animal’s cock. Dan stood up, awed by the size of the animal up close, immensely excited to see the big dog’s cock was still in her, pulsing.

King stepped forward, the big knot and his thick cock slipped out wetly, still leaking cum.

A long stream of semen flowed from between the girl’s wide pussy lips.

“Oooohh fuuuck….mmmmmm.” Paige moaned as she flexed her cunt pushed another stream of cum from her pussy

“Amazing.” Dan said finally, staring at Paige’s swollen cunt, still dripping.

King stood nearby, jealousy guarding his bitch, his cock still long and twitching.

“Maddy, would you clean up King, please?”

The blonde got on her knees and took the big dog’s long, wet, cock in her hand and slipped it in her mouth, until it nearly disappeared.

King stood and allowed his other bitch to clean him, wagging his tail happily.

The young blonde sucked the large dog’s shrinking cock until it began to slide back into its sheath, clean and wet.

The men sat on each end of the couch, watching Maddy fellatiate the massive dog as Paige sat on the bench, mopping cum from her pussy, still shivering.

Finally, King had retreated to his large corner bed.

“Girls, go get showered, we’re going to the pool for some more Scotch.” Mark said.

The two young girls gathered their clothes and left, Paige catching the eye of Dan and giving him a smile.

Dan was dressing now, still looking at the leather topped bench.

“Incredible. I don’t know what else to say.” Dan finally said.

“Welcome to the club, Old Man.” Mark said.

“Who else gets to partake?” Dan said.

“One other guy, Marcus. He comes in for one of my other clients. She requested a Black dude to pair with King. Didn’t take long to find someone twisted enough.”

“Like me?” The older man said laughing.

“I’ve seen your porn collection.”

“Fair enough, What other clients? Women?” Dan asked.

“They pay me to be with King. Some don’t feel safe with a man. Some just tried it and loved it. A couple of big chicks. An older woman. A lesbian couple. They would have their own dog but for whatever reason, cost, living conditions or family, they can’t. So I provide what they want.”

“The rates?”

“Fairly steep. I do offer discounts for…allowing participation.” Mark said, smiling.

“I bet.”

“Where did you find those two babes?” The older man asked.

Let’s just say, they owe me.” Mark said laughing.

“OK. How much is this going to cost me to…participate?” Dan asked.

“Just keep growing our friendship and keep our business working together. That’s all.” Mark replied.

“Let’s start with the Big Creek development.” Dan said.

‘Deal.” Mark agreed.

“So, what’s the deal with Paige?” Dan asked inquisitively.

“She’s my girlfriend, brother. No can do.” Mark replied.

“OK Mark, fair enough.”

One week later, Dan was laying back on the array of down pillows on his King bed.

“Do you have to go?” he asked. His cock was laying across his thigh, long and limp. A drop of cum emerging from the tip.

“Yes, Baby. I have to get back.” the pale girl said, noticing the older man’s cock.

“I thought I got all of that.” she said, leaning over to take his cock in her hand. Lifting it to her mouth, her tongue snaked out and licked the drop away.

She joined the big man on the bed kissing him deeply. His large, tan arms contrasted with her small pale body. The older man ran his hands over her perfect round tits, pulling her in tight.

“Mark won’t miss you.” Dan said.

“I’m his girlfriend. You heard him.” Paige replied, sitting and pulling on her bra.

“For now.” The older man grinned. “Construction is a dangerous business.”

“That it is.”

“If I buy a dog, will that keep you here?” Dan asked, smiling.

“You don’t need a dog to keep me here, Baby. But it wouldn’t hurt.” Paige replied, smiling wickedly.

The End (?)

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