Women with Animals
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Planet Earth Revisited


(c) by Aphroditus

Chapter One

Ariadne (or Ari for her friends) is a quite normal girl in a normal town. She is an eighteen year old girl and was about to start college. She lives in a medium-sized European town, with her little sister and her parents. She has nice red long hair. Her boobs and ass weren’t as big as her classmate’s and due to them making fun of it she had became quite shy over the years. All in all everything’s normal.

But that changed during summer holiday. She was at home during holidays. It didn’t bother her much that her family didn’t like travelling, now she could go to concerts with her friends. After one concert she arrived home late. Her parents already went to bed and because Ari was bored she decided to turn on the tv. What she saw first was the news. The anchor told her audience that something exciting was going to happen: the Lennon-McCartney comet would pass Earth at a short distance. It would be a spectacular sight that same night. Ari didn’t bother. All she knew is: she was tired as hell. So she decided to go to bed. After some minutes tossing she doze off to a good regular sleeping.

What happened the following hours will always be a mystery. If Ari would be awake that night and looked out of the window, she would notice a bright red flash of light that lit up the whole sky. It was just three seconds, but it changed the world forever. After that no car was heard parking. No tv could be heard in any living room. Overflying aircraft would never be seen again.

Ari woke up at 10 o’clock in the morning. She noticed the house was very silent. Too silent. When she went to the living room she didn’t see her parents. No note was left. Confused she decided to make breakfast. After eating she called her mom on her phone, but no-one answered. Now really worried she went out to the police station. During her walk she noticed that nobody seemed to be in town except her. The police station off course, was also empty. She started to wonder if she was the last girl on earth now.

When she was almost heard she heard a familiar noise: a dog barking. Inside a house she saw a big black Rottweiler. It was trapped in the house of his former owners and had no food and water. Ari thought it must been starving, so she ran around the house to see if she could get in somehow. All doors were locked so she picked up a brick and smashed it through the window. She went inside the house and the dog walked to her, happy to see someone again. Ari found its bowl and gave him some water. The dog gratefully drank it and while Ari sat on the bench wondering what to do next, the dog came up to her and gave her a thankful lick on her face. She thought ‘If he likes me now, he can keep me company so I’m not alone’ and took him home. As her now owner, she decided to name him Romulus.

That afternoon she and Romulus formed a bond while playing and walking through the deserted town. He was a playful dog, and very friendly and calm too. After that they ate their dinner. Ari was lucky, because the shops were still full so she could take all the food she needed to survive. She didn’t know where everyone else went to but she hoped everyone was ok. In the evening she and Romulus cuddled on the bench. What else could they do? When they both were getting tired Romulus lay down in the corner of the living room and fell asleep. Ari herself went up to her bedroom, took her clothes of and fell asleep too.

Again that night a second red flash could be seen, if there was somebody to see it. This one reshaped the earth. In five seconds, where once large acres were, were now forests. Overfished oceans were full of life again. New strange species were created, like God decided to run Genesis 2.0. And it changed Ari and Romulus too.

When Ari woke up she was a bit dizzy. She felt … different. Somehow she didn’t worry about her former family, instead she was eager to explore the earth now she was limited of her former boundaries: family, school, expectations… ‘How strange, ‘ she thought, the clothes she wore yesterday weren’t there anymore. Ow well, I just take a look in the closet then. But no clothes there either. Feeling a bit ashamed she went downstairs. There was no-one to look at her, so what the heck.

She immediately saw the interior of the room had changed. TV and radio, and all electronics, were gone. Romulus greeted her with a bark. Not feeling hungry at all, like she would never be again, she sat down on the bench in the living room. What would she dow now, in this strange world? Ari decided that she would do what she always wanted: to travel around the world! So she and Romulus left the house. Without packing (there was nothing to pack), nude, and just the two of them.

Ari noticed that the pavers in town were gone too. Now the streets were covered with soft grass, which she found very comfortable. Ari and Romulus decided to take a last walk around town before setting off to the big world.

After a while again a bark could be heard. A Labrador was walking the streets. It was a female, and Romulus noticed that too. He walked up to the female and smelled her ass. How lucky, she was in heat! Romulus became very excited and Ari could see the tip of his dick coming out of his sheath. She wasn’t grossed out by this, or shocked, no she found it quite … exciting. The female lab presented herself to Romulus and he put his paws around the lab. His now completely erect penis, which Ari could see measured 11 inches, quickly disappeared in the female. Romulus started to hammer her like a turbine. Ari started to feel a feeling in her belly … she started to feel horny! She was never into boys, or girls, but seeing this strange scene in front of her made her pussy very wet. She started to wonder how that big dick would feel inside of her, instead of that lab bitch.

She laid down in the grass and slowly started to finger herself, never losing sight of Romulus. He had already knotted the bitch and while Ari was masturbating she could see Romulus pull himself free from the female dog. Out of her pussy came his still erect penis, those astonishing 11 inches. And a lot of cum too! Seeing that drove Ari over the edge and she came very hard. The lab quickly run away, not in for another round.

A few minutes later Ari and Romulus went as well and set off to the forest near their hometown. Romulus noticed a strange smell. It was a bit like a bitch in heat, but there were no dogs around anymore. Thinking of the wonderful experience he just had, he started to get horny again. If he only knew where that smell came from! Ari noticed Romulus getting a bit frisky and stopped walking to see what was going on.

So she sat down near a tree and called Romulus over. Now she could see the pink tip of Romulus’ penis extending from his sheath again! She became wet again. Romulus noticed this too, the smell he hat noticed earlier was getting more intense and he now located the source: it was Ari her pussy juice. Was she a bitch too then, he wondered. That would mean he could fuck whenever he wanted!

Now even more horny he decided to check things out and to Ari’s surprise he dove his tongue straight into her pussy. She didn’t freak out, rather it felt to her like it was very normal. Romulus quickly lapped up her juices and found out she was as horny as he was. So he kept licking. It drove Ari wild!

“Oh Romulus good boy LICK MEEEEE!”

And boy he did. He licked her clit and deep in her pussy. Ari loved it. And in a sudden she gave a loud scream and came HARD. A powerful orgasm hit her. Her pussy went very wet again and Romulus licked those juices up as well, causing a second orgasm.

After she came again she rolled over and went down on her knees, ready to stand up and walk further. But while she came, Romulus didn’t and he desperately wanted to. So he put is front paws on Ari’s shoulders, and with that extra weight she had to go on all fours if she didn’t want to smack her face to the ground. This left her ass high up in the air.

Now Romulus had her where he wanted her. He positioned him behind her and with one mighty thrust he drove his dick right in Ari’s still wet pussy. It was heaven! For Ari this happened in less than ten seconds and while she still had to figure out what actually happened, all she knew is that a big dog dick was hammering her pussy and it felt very good. She felt Romulus hitting spots she didn’t even know they existed! Romulus thrusted as hard as he could because he wanted to breed Ari as good as he could do. He just loved the feeling of soft human flesh around his dick. Ari let out another scream and experienced her fourth orgasm that day.

Suddenly she felt something very big entering her pussy. She quickly realized it was Romulus’ knot. He started thrusting very fast, and then held still. Then Ari could feel gallons of dog cum invading her pussy. The thought alone made her cum again. After the last drip she and Romulus were locked for about twenty minutes and then Romulus could pull out. Also out came his own cum which left a cum pool under Ari.

Romulus started licking Ari cleand, lapping up a mixture of her and his juices. He did it so well that Ari didn’t even feel the need to clean up. Somehow she liked it, being literally a dirty girl. Exhausted by the fucking she hugged Romulus and they rested a bit.

The evening fell. Since Ari didn’t bring anything with her she decided to sleep on an open spot in the forest. She was still tired from fucking so she quickly fell asleep. In her sleep she spread her legs which would give any passengers a wonderful view of her pussy. They would see a tight pussy with a little red bush. And a very interested big black dog!

Romulus himself was very horny again but he understood Ari wasn’t available now. So he decided to take things in his own hands. He licked Ari’s pussy until he thought it was wet enough to fuck it again. His cock became hard and he stepped over Ari’s body with his front paws next to her breasts.

Now he moved into Ari’s body and started pumping in a calm rhythm. He just loved the feeling of pussy around his cock. He began to increase the rhythm and saw Ari’s small body shaking slightly now. He particularly noted her small breasts bouncing and that sight drove him crazy. He now knew what he wanted. When he fell his orgasm coming, he pulled out and pressed his penis between her breasts. A few strokes more and then he came all over her breats, stomach and pussy. He gently cleaned her body and satisfied, he dozed off to sleep.


Chapter Two

Now that night a third red flash appeared.

Ari woke up and to her surprise she didn’t see Romulus. Immediately she knew that he wasn’t on earth anymore, but she did not have to worry because he now was where everyone else was. She couldn’t explain it, she just knew it.

She began wandering through the forest. It wasn’t a big forest so she quickly found the entrance. She knew exactly where she was. A kilometer away was the former highway, and the nearest town would be some kilometers more.

There were farms all over the region, and after an hour she spotted one and went to see what traces of humanity were left there. In the house next to the farm she found nothing, but luckily for her in the stable was one stallion. This would mean she didn’t have to walk anymore! She led him out of the stables and examined him. He was a large white animal, beautiful. He was happy to be out again, freed by this small creature. In the old days he used to be the stud of the farm, now there weren’t any mares around. He guessed he had to live with it then.

Ari sensed the animal wouldn’t hurt her and she mounted the horse. When she thought of the direction that she wanted to go, the horse started to walk in that same direction. That’s strange … so Ari thought ‘go left’ and the horse did that. That was easy! Now she directed the horse to the highway she saw earlier and they followed it. The horse walked in a calm tempo and while he did that Ari’s bare pussy was stroked by the hairs and the spine of the horse. This excited her a lot and she bent over a bit so she could press her clit on the horse’s back. Her pussy started to get very wet when she felt the stimulation on her clit. A bit later she came hard while the horse kept walking. She thought this was a great way to spend time and she repeated this ten times again.

The stallion now had smelled Ari’s juices too and he was eager to find out that his new mate could be the small creature on his back. Unknown to Ari he also became hot and if she could see beneath his belly she would have seen it’s 30 inch penis dangling beneath it. He now slapped it against his belly, so horny was he.

Ari heard it and decided to check out what was going on. She dismounted and saw an impressive big cock hanging under the horse. It made her wonder if every living being she encountered was having the hots for her!

She decided to thank the horse for the trip and gripped the horse penis. It became hard as she began to stroke it. It’s massive dick, as large as Ari’s arm, hardened and enlarged in the girl’s caring hands. Not strange, since the beast enjoyed the feeling of young human fingers on his sensitive member. It had been long since anything touched it, actually. The stallion was happy to feel a familiar feeling and he began to hump forward and backward like he was fucking. This excited Ari and she gave the cock a small kiss. She could taste a small amount of precum dripping from it. It didn’t taste very bad.

She took the head of the penis in her mouth and gently began to suck the horse off. First she put the tip of her tongue on the cockhead, then she circled around it. The horse let out an encouraging neigh. She put her lips around its dick and began to suck like she used to suck on lollipops. She put both hands around the organ and so she could suck and jack the horse off at the same time.

Ari wanted to explore the horse more and cupped one of his balls with her right hand while she kept stroking with the other hand. Now the horse was stimulated in three ways. She could sense the horse’s excitement growing. The animal was driven mad by the desire to cum. With a touch like this he couldn’t hold out any longer. Ari then felt his balls contracting and with that the horse orgasmed. His semen spurt out of his penis right into Ari’s mouth. While she tried to drink it all she couldn’t keep up with the amount of liquid and it dripped out of her mouth right between her breasts an all over her body.

After the last gallons she looked at herself: a once innocent teen now drowned in equine semen. This made her horny again and while still under the horse she fingered herself, taking semen inside her during the process. She came hard and pulled her fingers out. She then licked them clean, now tasting both horse semen and her own juice.

She cleaned herself up in a nearby ditch. When she came back the horse was back in a calm state and they rode to the next town. There Ari left the horse, knowing the next day it wouldn’t be on earth anyway. She found an abandoned hotel, walked in and fell asleep on the first bed she found.

Ari woke up and noticed her body had changed! Where small A-sized breasts once had been she now had a nice c-cup! And whilst continuing checking her new self out, she could also see a beautiful round ass had developed. Cool! She felt sexy! She stroked her new tits and enjoyed the feeling of her now big boobs. She grabbed her pillow, put it between her legs and started humping whilst grabbing her new boobs, exploring them, pushing them together and licking her nipples. The pressure on her clit was intense and she quickly reached orgasm. When she came, the pillow was soaked with her juices.

After she came back on earth Ari decided to check out the town. It proved to be a large city with a military lab next to it. Ari knew that during the eighties the government did experiments on animals to see if they could survive several amounts of radiation. It was thought to be a way to see if humans could ever survive a nuclear war, which was a big threat at the time. The experiments had stopped but because the effects the radiation had on the animals should be kept secret, they were set free. Nobody from the city ever saw the animals again, but military personal would occasionally see some animals wandering around their former home.

When Ari explored the remains of the now gone labaratoria, she walked through the gate and entered the courtyard. There were some trees standing there and she heard a high shriek coming from one of them. Curious, she walked over to the relevant tree and looked up.

Out of the tree, down to Ari came a small monkey that was furious to see an intruder. It now ran around on the ground, shrieking angry at Ari. She looked at it and recognized it as a squirrel monkey, with a skull-like black sign at his head. It was approximately 30 centimeters in length. It was obviously a he because like any other living being on the planet it became highly aroused by the naked human female and so it quickly sported a 2-inch boner. But not one … it were two! It must have been a result of the radiation experiments, Ari thought.

The monkey was still angry that a stranger had entered his territory so it kept shrieking while also dribbling pre-cum out of his dicks. Ari thought it was quite cute though, so she went down at all fours and looked at the monkey at his own hight: “aww, you don’t like me? I will make it up for you”. The monkey understood what she meant, and what she wanted, but an evil plan began appearing in his mind. You see, the radiation gave him a lot more changes in his body.

Ari laid down at her back and pulled the monkey towards her. She held the monkey above her head and kissed its little penises. Then she laid the animal next to her pussy and pushed its little dicks in her. It made her very horny and she drove herself to a climax while holding the animal and using it like an improvised sex toy. The monkey was humiliated by this but also found it strangely arousing and he came too for the first time in his life.

When Ari let him go she kept laying on her back and suddenly felt the monkey pushing at her side. She guessed it wanted to fuck her doggy style so she went down on hands and knees. The animal climbed on her legs and positioned itself behind her ass. Its little dicks were long enough to let one enter her pussy and one in her ass. Ari laughed at this, how would this little fella fill her up?

Then the evil plot began to sprout. The monkey pulled out and Ari looked beneath her belly to see why. Then she saw something she didn’t expect. The two tiny dicks began to grow! They grew and thickened to the pont where they were 40 cm, even longer than the monkey itself! She started to think if she wouldn’t enjoy it this time and seeing the evil grin on the monkey’s face, she was sure.

He put his arms around Ari’s hips and holding her tight he put one big dick at the entrance of her asshole, and the other one at her pussy. Now he pushed, or more pulled, himself in her. Ari screamed from the pain. The cocks were just so big and long! It stretched her to the limit. The monkey simply ignored Ari’s screams and started pumping with a fast speed. Some minutes later, Ari’s body betrayed her and she became wet. The pain had faded away and now she was enjoying herself being raped by this small evil creature. Inside her the dicks even grew some more but Ari didn’t care. When she looked down again she saw the monkey’s hind legs standing on her calves and the dick in his pussy created a stomach bulge. This drove her wild and she came hard at both dicks, her pussy and ass contracting what also drove the monkey over the edge.

Being able to change the size of his dicks wasn’t the only mutation the monkey went through. He was able to stay hard after he had come now. And talking about cum, his balls were producing semen at high speed. So fast, that when he came hard in Ari’s holes, he could keep filling her, liters if he wanted to. He kept cumming in her until the cum squirted out of her both entrances. He put his cocks on Ari’s back and showered her body too. Now before she could regain senses again he gave her body a hard push and she landed on her back.

Now she lay on the ground on a mattress of mud on the ground and the cum shower on her back. The monkey’s dicks shrank a bit and he walked over to her face. He put his front legs at her shoulders and his hind legs next to her ears. The dick that had been in her pussy was positioned above her lips, and the other one was now sliding between her boobies.

Ari did not have the energy to fight back so she obeyed to the monkey and opened her mouth. The monkey pushed in deep and his dicks began to grow back to 50 cm. He squirted a bit sperm between her boobs to make that area slippery enough for a titfuck. He put his front legs/hands at her boobs now and pushed them together so he could slide his dick between them. This way he rode her tits while he also hammered her throat.

He increased the rhythm again. He felt that he was complete in charge now. The humiliated Ari couldn’t bring herself to resist anymore so the monkey simply fucked himself to orgasm without giving Ari intended pleasure. He enjoyed the feeling of her boobs a lot. The feeling of this soft love cushions drove him mad and he came hard again. He filled Ari’s throat with seed. She quickly swallowed but it wasn’t enough and the cum overflowed her mouth. The monkey pulled that dick out and keep spraying cum on her face until that was covered too. His other dick between her boobs launched his seed as well and it first covered Ari’s stomach and then her breasts and chest as well.

The monkey was still not satisfied. He wanted to torture Ari again. So he now put his both two big cocks in her now slime-covered pussy and started hammering again. Ari couldn’t take the pain and started screaming loud. This encouraged and aroused the monkey and he pumped even faster now. A few minutes later he orgasmed again and sprayed Ari with a new layer of semen.

Ari thought the monkey was tired now because he let his penises shrink again and walked to the walls of the lab and sat down. Ari, still tired, tried to silently crawl away to the gate (she was too tired to stand up).

Suddenly the monkey came running het her again, crawling. She couldn’t see this because he did it very silent and she was crawling in the opposite directon. When she felt him it was already too late. He jumped up at her and grabbed her upper legs with his own lower legs. His upper legs were put around her hips again. He pushed his already growing dicks in her ass and pussy again, stretching her.

Now he didn’t do anything more than that. So Ari tried crawling further but while she did that the penises were moving back and forth thanks to her own movements. It didn’t feel bad at all for her, now her holes were well lubricated. She even started to enjoy the feeling. She was raped, he hurt her, and she was still horny! ‘What is wrong with me?’ she thought. Crawling further the feelings in her pussy led her to a second orgasm. The monkey felt this and came too. His seed invaded her for another time.

Ari was so ashamed now, the monkey sensed this and it made him feel great. Ari crawled further, and during the kilometers she did this with the monkey dicks in her like a living dildo, she came a lot more. As a last gift the monkey now put both dicks in her ass and again Ari enjoyed it. Her asshole now widely stretched was fucked hard and she came again. Then, exhausted, she passed out. The monkey shot his final load and he ejected his cum so much that it came out of her ass like a fountain. Now satisfiet he put his dicks out and walked around Ari, still shooting sperm and covering Ari again. Then he shrank his cocks again and walked away like nothing happened.

When Ari woke up later that afternoon she was covered in cum. She cleaned herself when she found a small river. A large cloud of semen flowed away downstream with the river. Her holes strange enough didn’t hurt anymore, so she set off again to unknown adventures.


Chapter Three

Ari walked followed the river and after a few kilometers she saw a building. Getting closer she saw it had a huge garden at the back with trees and plants all over and in the back of the garden she could see a big glass house.

She entered the house. It must have been home to a highly educated person because she saw books all over the place. Taking a look she saw they were about the Amazonian rainforest. Interested, she searched the house and found a diary. It became clear that the former owner of the house was a professor who had worked as a biologist in Brazil. He saw what humans had done to nature and had built the glass house because he wasn’t sure if all of the many species that inhabited the Amazon jungle would survive there. To make a living visitors could take a tour through it and he would explain what animals they saw and how they lived. This way he hoped to make people aware of the current situation. As a hobby the biologist now also cultivated plants in the garden.

Curious she decided to check out these foreign animals. She walked through the garden first, seeing all kinds of plants. She regognized one of them as it was a banana tree. Its banana’s were ripe so she picked one and had just peeled the beginning of the banana peel off when she reached the glass house. She found the door and walked through it. She was greeted by a hot moist air that made her skin feel sticky.

Inside the professor had created a mini rainforest with rocks, large plants, and flowing water so the animals inside would easily consider it their home. That definitely succeeded because when she looked to her right she saw two small red monkeys mating. They were about 25 cm in length with long tails. The information sign next to them said they were golden lion tamarins, an endangered species that lived near the Brazil coast. Well, if they keep fucking like that they will survive, was Ari’s first thought.

She became a bit aroused and sat down next to the horny monkeys. They looked at her for a moment and then continued with what they were doing.

‘Little perverts’, Ari thought.

The male monkey then ejaculated in the female and they dismounted. They both walked over to Ari, or more to the banana. Ari could imagine why they were hungry and a dirty idea came to her mind. She peeled the banana, spread her legs wide and put the banana inside her wet cunt.

“Who’s hungry?” Ari said to the monkeys.

As if it could understand her the male climbed over to her pussy and began eating. When he ate the piece of fruit sticking out of her she pushed a bit with her vaginal muscles and a new piece, full of girl juice came out, what the monkey also eagerly ate.

The female monkey was also aroused by this scene, smelling Ari’s own arousal in the air. Ari saw the little monkey became wet also and she picked it up. She brought the monkey cunt to her mouth and started licking. It was small but she succeeded in finding her little clit and started sucking, licking and entering her girly areas. Both obviously never had such an experience and soon they were both orgasming. The female monkey let out a shriek and Ari could then taste female monkey cum on her tongue. This drove her over the edge and she came, covering the last bit of banana with new juice.

The male monkey had watched the whole lesbian interspecies encounter in front of him and after he ate the last bit of banana he wanted that human mouth too. He climbed on Ari’s belly, over her breasts and Ari could see he had a 3-inch hard-on. On its own initiative the male monkey put it between Ari’s lips and well since she was a generous person she sucked his little monkey dick until he came in her mouth. Then he jumped off Ari and climbed into the trees with the female.

They have had a peeper the whole time. A small hummingbird had watched from a distance and when Ari stood up he flew to her. Ari watched its movements and saw it spotted a tiny erection (previous most birds had a cloaca but thanks to the red flashes now every male creature has a penis). It moved until it hovered against her right tit and then it started humping his cock against her soft breast skin. Ari awarded the little bird by staying still, watching her little admirer enjoying himself. The bird came and a drop of sperm landed on her breast. Then the hummingbird flew away.

Now Ari wanted to cool off a bit so she walked outside again into the gardens. She learned of the rainforest fauna and tasted fruits she had never heard of. She suddenly spotted a strange plant in a corner. It looked a bit like a butterwort on a steel. It had four long narrow leaves with a suction cup on the end of each leaf. In the middle of the plant stood a 20 cm, wide upright tentacle.

‘I think I can use that one for fun, hihi’, Ari thought.

She squatted down on the plant and pushed its hard solid tentacle in her pussy.

“Aaaahhhhh!’”she shouted out.

This was exactly what she needed after the previous oral sex session. She had humped up and down the shaft just for a short time when she came already. Her cunt covered the plant with her cum.

Unknown to Ari the plant then sensed that he could use the girl for enjoyment too. When Ari tried to pull the plant out again his leaves shot up from the floor and sucked themselves onto Ari’s body: one leaf covering and attached to her pubic area, two on her buttocks, and one on each hip. The plant now pulled Ari against him until his dick-like appendage was put deep in her cunt again. Ari didn’t want this and tried to push herself of the ground with her feet, hoping the plant would let her go. Instead the plant let his stem break on purpose and pushed itself in as deep as he could.

It now started to push himself in and out again, as if it was fucking her. Ow well actually it wás fucking her. And Ari started to enjoy this vegetal rape. She was still wet and the plant fucked her comfortable. She decided she needed something to lean against and she walked/crawled to a low hanging branch and bent over it. Now when she looked under the branch she could see five leaves with a huge dick between them fucking her madly. In and out it went, ever going faster and faster until it was pumping her with the speed of an engine turbine. Ari moaned hard at assault. It was just so hot! She had come for 20 times already when she finally felt the plant spewing its seeds in her. The plant now pulled out, released Ari from its grip and fell down to the floor. It would grow roots again and wait for the next victim.

Ari rested for a while, letting the sperm drip out from her. Then she examined herself. She was dirty from all the semen and the bark from the branch. So she sought for a way to clean herself. She left the house behind her and walked until she saw water at the horizon. It turned out to be the ocean. She walked unto the beach, sprinted to the water and dived in. It felt good to feel the water flow against her body. She was a good swimmer and decided to swim offshore and then get back for a sunbath. When she swam away a strong stream picked her up, moving her offshore fast. She tried to swim back but to no avail. She saw the coast getting further and further away until it disappeared under the horizon. And still she floated around in this huge body of water, moving to an unknown destination.


Chapter Four

The sea touched her over her whole body, and kept Ari afloat. It wasn’t even needed to make an effort to swim. It looked like the sea had a mind on its own. Ari was very sure of that when she was risen up.

Now her tits were in the air. They were quickly covered by a layer of water, it just moved on its own! Ari then felt tentacles, also of water, move around her legs, waist and arms. They held her tight and lifted her up high above the water. She could now see the waves far under her whilst she was held 200 meters above the sea. She could see she was still traveling with high speed. Another three tentacles moved out of the water towards her. One entered her pussy, which was now wet (as if it wasn’t already from all that water), one moved into her ass and the other one remained under her.

Whilst the first two started moving inside Ari, the third one started to grow until it had the size of a mini tornado. It moved towards Ari and encircled her. Now her body was covered until her shoulders and penetrated. The water freely flowed around her body, stroking her nipples, her clit and the rest of her. This erotic massage started to get Ari horny and soon moans could be heard. The feeling was incredible. She soon came, but unfortunately for her the water didn’t stop. It kept fucking her for hours and hours, she lost count how many orgasms she had. It felt like it was just one big orgasm. This way her journey continued, coming over and over again. She then saw land, and even the buildings of a coastal city ahead, but due to the constant stimulation she soon passed out.

She woke up at a beach. The sea had gently laid her down when she reached shore. When she opened her eyes she saw several feet on the ground before her. Then she looked up and saw something that she didn’t know what it was. In front of her stood beautiful humanoid creatures. They looked like female top models, the only differences with humans were that they wore no clothes, had no body hair, had a blue skin and apparently there were no males around. Instead she saw girls like her, and girls with a dick instead of a pussy. Shemales were the second sex here. Their cocks were almost horse like, being easily twice as long as human ones and being a bit thicker at the tip. One of the creatures stepped forward and telepatically talked to Ari.

“Hi, human. Yes we know what you are. We have lived next to you for millions of years. We originated from small bacteria, and we still were before those big red flashes you must have seen. In one hour your time, our time went thousand times faster and we went through the same evolution your species had. Now you can see, we are as intelligent as you. What’s your name and what are you doing here?”

Ari then introduced herself and told what happened to her the last days. The woman nodded understandingly and told she was actually the mayor of a city nearby. The creatures, they called themselves Caerulii, had built a city that was even more advanced than the cities Ari used to know. They were highly civilized and very intelligent. It was eventually decided Ari would not be a threat to their community and she would be given a foster family to live with. That way she had a home and someone who could show her how the Caerulii lived.

She was placed in the Cyana family. It consisted of a near 40 years old woman, Viola, and her shemale daughter that was of the same age as Ari. Her name was Azura. They were both beautiful and very friendly. So the three entered the family’s house. It was placed just outside the city. There the girls chatted for a while and talked about their hobbies. Ari couldn’t keep her eyes of the Cyana’s and they kept looking at the hot redhead in front of them. When they all noticed they blushed.

Then it was decided to give Ari a tour of the city. During the walk to the city Viola explained that her people were not only very smart, but also very sexual beings. So Ari shouldn’t be suprised if she saw an erection or two. Azura jokingly added that at home she had a hard time not getting an boner, because she wasn’t sure if Ari would get offended.

“Well, I’ve seen enough dicks now, I’m not shocked easy haha,” she assured the girl.

“Yay!” Azura shouted and gave Ari a suprise hug.

“Can I look at you freely?”

“Oh, sure, why not?” Ari answered.

And now both women were ranking Ari’s body parts. They found her beautiful too, for them she was really exotic. Ari noticed Azura getting an erection, it soon measured 25 centimeters easily.

She didn’t seem to be ashamed of showing her dick off. No, she told Ari, in their culture sex was something you could enjoy, not something to cover. She told Ari that Caerulii shemales could choose if they wanted to shoot sperm cells when they orgasmed or not, so that way no unwanted pregnancies occured and STD’s didn’t exist either.

The sight of this girl talking so freely about sex and exposing her boner aroused Ari a bit. Curious the asked if she could touch it. Offcourse she could, and then she put her hand around Azura’s penis. All three women acted like it was the most normal case of the world, which it actually was too now. They continued walking and by the movements made by them while walking to the city Ari stroked Azura’s dick until she suddenly came and spurted out cum. Ari then heard Viola saying:

“Look what you have done, now your cock is dirty AGAIN.”

Then Ari saw Viola bending down and licking Azura’s penis clean! Her dick was licked by her own mother! What a strange world she had entered, Ari thought.

The women entered the city and it looked quite like a 21-st century human one, except everyone was naked. There were cars driving around, large warehouses and broad streets. The news of Ari’s arrival quickly spread around town and when they entered the main street everyone was looking at Ari. And as expected almost the whole shemale population got a boner when they saw her. Ari could even see a shemale leaning to the wall of the grocery store while her girlfriend was giving her a blowjob, when the three walked by the girl stopped and said her ‘boyfriend’ found Ari one of the most astonishing creatures he ever saw. Then she went back on sucking ‘his’ dick. Ari could now easily see how sexual these people were. All around, next to people going to work or chatting, there were people publicly engaging in secual acts.

When Ari was shown all the touristic hotspots the family returned home. It was just 15:00 so Azura and Ari decided to leave Viola back home and to hang around in the tree house in the garden. It stood some 200 meters away from the house, covered by other trees. It was quite large and had a tv, a computer, a microwave and a mini fridge. Azura would often sit there for hours, watching the dirtiest porn she could find, masturbating all the time. And sometimes Viola came in too, sucking off her daughter all those hours when she was watching porn.

Azura let Ari in and they talked about their lives. It became clear Ari and Azula had the same hobbies: doing sports, listening to music, discovering the beauty of the world and off course sex. Azura showed how flexible she was by doing a split on the ground, her dick already straight up again. It proved to be an exciting sight for Ari.

She wanted to impress Azura and did a handstand to the wall. She then spread her legs in the air and said:

“See, I can do that upside down, now you again!”

Azura stepped over to Ari and moved down a bit.

“Yeah … you’re better than me … let me congratulate you”.

She then held Ari’s legs horizontal and buried her tongue in Ari’s pussy. It was three times as long as a human one so it went deep into Ari. The latter was getting wet quick and Azura started licking up her delicious love juice. Azura let Ari’s legs go and pulled her tongue out of her. She grabbed her waist instead and lifted her up of the ground.

“Hey, what are you doing?”

“You’ll see, just grab my hips now.”

After Ari followed the instruction, Azura directed her head towards her cock. Ari understood what she had to do and took it in her mouth. Azura pushed her down, forcing Ari to deepthroat her. So now Azura pushed Ari up and down, forcing her cock deep into Ari’s throat. This way they continued, Ari serving as a fleshlight for Azura.

Both girls enjoyed this idea of bonding very much. Azura screamed and moaned so hard that even Viola could hear her. She walked outside and jokingly screamed “Not so loud!” Ari scared, and her body shocked. This drove Azura’s tongue deeper in her pussy, and Ari over the edge. Azura told her to keep quiet and silently Ari orgasmed. Azura got her up on her feet and Ari sat down. Azura was close to orgasm too and whispered:

“Watch this”.

She walked to the window of the treehouse Viola was standing under, gave her dick a few strokes and climaxed. The next moment Viola was surprised when a rain of sperm hit her body from above. Laughing at the prank of her daughter, she went back to take a shower.

A few minutes later Azura instructed Ari to follow her. They climbed out of the treehouse to a shed. There stood a beautiful large horse. Azura explained it was a cyborg, most of it machine but its skin was nothing but living tissue. So that way it had beautiful manes and looked very real. Its brain was controlled by a computer chip, but the factory that made cyborg animals had left enough space for a horse’s natural behaviour to not look like a mindless puppet.

“We can take a ride around the area,” Azura suggested. Ari liked the idea so the girls led the horse outside. It could be instructed telepatically, just like Ari and Azura were talking to eachother. Azura mounted the back of the horse. She then stood upright in the stirrups and out of the horse’s back came a metallic dildo. Azura sat down on it and pushed it into her asshole.

“Much better!”

“But where do I sit?” asked Ari.

Azura pointed to the part of the horse’s back before her and said: “Here!” So Ari mounted the horse too and felt Azura’s boobs against her back. They rode a few steps away from the shed when Azura told Ari to bend over a bit. She did, but Azura told her “More!” Ari pressed her tits agains the horse’s manes, giving Azura a nice view of her nether regions. She then felt something against her pussy. It was Azura pushing her hardening cock inside.

“This is so much more fun,” the latter concluded. She then gave the horse the instruction trot forward. The movements of the horse shoved Azura up and down Ari’s pussy. She was rock hard now and Ari was also enjoying the ride. Ari slapped her ass. “Told you it was fun!”

They continued this way until Azura instructed the horse again and now it went into gallop, what made the fucking on his back a rough wild sex session. Now Azura rode Ari hard, Ari was stimulated more by the horse manes stroking against her boobs. Azura was being double fucked with the dildo in her ass too. Both girls enjoyed the feeling of the horse’s back hairs stroking Ari’s pussy and Azura’s penis and balls. They rode this way all over the plains moaning, screaming, sweating and breeding. When the girls came Ari was pumped full of Azura’s sperm and both girls left a pool of their joined cunt juice on the horse back. Azura stopped the horse whereupon both girls dismounted the horse and laid down in the grass to rest for a while.

Azura stood up and told Ari she had another secret. “Watch this.” Out of the horses side came four claw-like robot arms, two on each side. Azura stepped under the horse with her head to its rear and laid herself down on the arms. She let her shoulders rest on one set and her waist on the other one. Now another set appeared and those two gripped her thighs. Now she was held horizontally with her boobs and dick against the horse’s belly, and her head hanging upside down.

“You see, one thing of this horsey is almost unknown: it has a penis! I like to hang in here and suck his seed while travelling, that way I don’t have to eat and I do someone a favor too”. The horse was already getting an erection. Azura took it into her mouth, shoving it down deep. Then the horse started pushing itself in and out, fucking her throat as it had done many times before. It didn’t take him long to come and a gush of horse semen raced down Azura’s throat. She pulled the dick out, and stepped out of robot arms. With cum dripping from her mouth, she asked her friend:

“Want some too?”

“Fuck yeah!”

Ari noticed that the horse cock was still hard after he had come. Azura explained that the penis’ insides were filled with plastic. That way it could stay hard on commando. Ari was led into the robot claws and also took the horse cock in her mouth. She liked to to such nasty things with Azura watching. Azura then instructed the horse to walk around. This drove its cock deeper in Ari and that made both girls horny again! Azura started masturbating while walking next to Ari and the horse. The horse came deep inside Ari filling her stomach. Azura could also not hold out longer, pointed her penis at Ari and showered her with some aditional semen. After that Ari was led out of the robot arms, which were put back into the horse’s robot body.

It was time to go back home. Azura mounted the horse again with her ass being entered with the dildo. Ari stood next to the horse.

“Are you going to come up here or what?”

“I have a better idea! Can you extend the robot arms again?”

Azura obeyed and was checking what Ari was planning. She did step in the arms, but then Azura noticed she did it the wrong way. Or not? Ari stepped in with her head under the horses chest, leaving her pussy right in line with the horse cock. With her feet she stroked the flaccid cock and it sprang back to life. It pressed against Ari’s cunt now. The horse understood what she wanted to do. He pushed his cock down into Ari’s waiting pussy. This was way better than a throat! A soft love tunnel giving his organ delicious feelings, wherever he pushed in it.

Ari was stretched to her limits and moaned loud from excitement. Both horse and Ari were in heaven! Azura decided to help too and got the horse galloping again. The three of them now had the times of their life. Azura was fucked hard by her dildo now. She came hard, and much. Often Ari saw cum falling down or dribbling down the horse’s body. She herself was fucked hard too. The horse cock pushed deep until it reached her cervix. It still wanted more and pushed down in one fast move. Now Ari’s cervix started to open and happily the horse pushed in. Now his whole cock was inside the ginger girl. His balls slapped her ass and her nipples were rubbed against his fur. She had come many times, when they started approaching the family’s house.

Viola stood outside watching this awesome scene before her eyes. She was masturbating now. The front door had a door stopper so the doorknob wouldn’t smash through the windows. Viola squatted down on it and started humping it madly. Meanwhile Ari and Azura were reaching one of their many orgasms and now the horses balls also started boiling. Sensing the horse would soon climax, Azura led it another lap in front of the house. She made the horse take a run-up towards the house. It began running faster and faster.

Just when it was about to orgasm, Azura made it prancing. This drove her deep down on her dildo. Ari was pushed down on the horse cock when the cyborg beast jumped up. Loud neighing could be heard from the cyborg stud. The horses cockhead flared up and cum started shooting from his balls. Viola came first on the door stop. Almost at the same town her daughter shot another sperm load through the air. Ari came hard, impaled on the horse cock. And the horse itself climaxed harder than he ever had before, filling Ari’s womb with his seed, flooding it, letting it overflow so it spurted outside her cunt as well. It kept filling her until a pool of sperm grew under Ari. Azura was the first one to calm down. She dismounted the still cumming horse and also freed Ari. Now both girls dived under the horse, letting semen fly all over their face and bodies. They smeared eachother with it until both girls were completely covered and the horse was spent.

Viola walked up to them, first led the horse in the shed, and returned. “Well well, that was a great sight. I guess you girls need a shower?” The girls nodded and Viola led them into the garden. She grabbed the garden hose and washed them with the water. For her own pleasure she stroked the girls boobs as well. Temporarily laying down the hose she started stroking her daughter’s dick and fingering Ari. After a while the girls orgasmed for the last time, Ari covering Viola’s hand with horse cum fresh from her pussy and Azura shooting her load on her mother’s face. The girls washed themselves another time and then went inside for dinner.


Chapter Five

A new day. It was a sunny day so Ari and Azura decided to go to the beach to get a tan. The city’s biggest beach was in front of the mighty city’s boulevard. When the two arrived it was quite crowded so they walked along the shoreline to find a spot to lay down. Sunbathing wasn’t the only activity going on they saw. Many shemales were receiving blowjobs and likewise the same amount of pussies were being licked. Pussies were pounded and assholes received delivery from outside too. Now if that didn’t get the girls itching genitals it was a girl in front of them who did. She had brought her dog with her and with no shame at all he was fucking her wild on public display.

Ari giggled when Azura’s penis got stiff. She bent over and kissed the top. “Welcome back my dear!” Azura smacked Ari’s ass: “Thanks!” The girls laid down on the sand. They had a good view of the dogfucking girl. This made both young women hot as hell. Ari climbed over Azura’s face and put her pussy over Azura’s mouth. “Lick! Now!” Ari ordered. Azura started lapping furiously while Ari bent over, taking the tip of Azura’s hard cock in her mouth. Feeling the new sensation Azura pushed her dick in Ari’s throat. That place felt like heaven to park a cock. She kept pushing until the tip of her dick almost reached Ari’s stomach. This meant her balls were near the latter’s lips. Ari seized the opportunity and started to massage them while her own pussy was being licked. Azura came first. Big spurts of semen filled Ari’s belly. If she was hungry before she definitely wasn’t now! A minute later Ari orgasmed too and Azura eagerly slurped up the fresh pussy juice.

A moment later the girls again attempted to relax and laid down again. “Oh shit I forgot the sunblock!” “Don’t worry,” said Azura, “I got one”. With that she started masturbating and soon covered Ari with a layer of cum. She massaged it all over her breasts, her body and her arms and legs. Laughing Ari said: “Silly you! Now I have to clean up first!” So Ari walked to the ocean, leaving a trail of semen behind.

She dived into the warm ocean. Azura’s semen became a white cloud in the blue water. A school of garra rufa-like fish appeared and swam around to take a look. They were small sleek brown fishes, not longer than two centimeters. The school decided the cloud was food and sped up into it to eat. There was some sperm left on Ari her body, and about half of the school swam up to her. They started nibbling all over her body. To Ari this felt very sensual, feeling small mouths caressing her. The fish soon found her sensitive spots. Three fish started working on her left nipple. Soon five joined their colleagues on her right nipple. These unknown stimulations were very pleasurable to Ari.

One curious fish had the courage to dive deeper and attached itself to Ari’s clit. This has two results. One was that it drove Ari over the edge, giving her her second orgasm that day. The second was that while being underwater she just had to scream out, which meant she was out of air. She had been floating underwater for a while now and unknown to her she had drifted quite offshore now. She was trapped, far underwater. Well, if she had to die, it was a nice way to do so. Her mouth started to fill with water. But, instead of drowning, she found herself breathing like she was used to do. Ari could breathe underwater! She didn’t have much time to be grateful for that. There was a reason why Ari had drifted away. A thunderstorm had been developing and while Ari was underwater it created strong winds which made the sea move. You could guess the beach was empty now. Ari couldn’t swim back either. The fish were gone so she was alone 10 meters below sea level moving towards the big dark ocean again.

The sea circled around her, taking her deeper and deeper downwards. While she was getting used to her new-found ability, she also struggled to orientate. She tumbled further and further away of the sea surface. She became a bit frightened when she heard a high-pitched squeal. Again she heard it. It was like someone was singing to her. The sound was familiar too, she thought.

The maelstrom around her luckily had faded away. Now Ari wanted to find out what had caused the strange squeal. The sea surrounding her was darker than just below sea level. So it was quite hard to recognize any objects. She looked around but saw nothing. So she looked around to behold her surroundings. All around her it was dark blue. No ocean floor could be seen. Above her she could only see a light blueish color where the surface must have been.

Suddenly she heard the noise again. Now she recognized it. It was the sound whales made. And indeed, a big form drifted into view. It appeared to be a blue whale, the biggest creature that ever lived on the planet. It seemed it had spotted her already, because it came closer. Now more details could be seen. Its head came into view with the baleens in front of its mouth. Behind it its massive body came into view with the small dorsal fin and the last piece was the tail. But what shocked Ari the most, was its size. It looked to be something like 40 meters, as big as a flat. But its behavior was calm so she relaxed while the whale swam underneath her. It drifted away in the darkness.

Ari didn’t feel entirely comfortable in the deep so she set off to the surface. She swam towards the light above her. Somehow it had something spooky: being naked and alone in the dark sea. She was delighted when the sun could clearly be seen underwater and the water temperature rose. It became even better when she felt her head leave the water. She gasped with relief. Although the shore was not to be found, she felt it was a relief to have at least some fresh air around her. She thought that she could use the sun for orientation and then, well, she would see where she would go.

Out of nowhere came a big noise of splashing water. ‘What the fuck was that?’ Ari thought. Turning around she saw it was the whale she saw earlier coming up for fresh air. In the distance, some hundred meters away, it let out a fountain of water from its blowhole. It continued to drift on the surface, slowly coming towards Ari.

Then it dived underwater again. Slowly it sunk away. But when Ari thought it had disappeared, she suddenly felt something under her feet. Did she see a dorsal fin in front of her? Yes it goddamn was one. The whale had dived just under the surface and now the redhead stood on it. It slowly moved upwards. Ari was lifted from the water and fell on its back. What was it going to do? She could no nothing but holding on, laying flat with her belly and her boobs on the rough surface of the whale’s back.

It started swimming again but while Ari thought it would dive again, it stayed at the surface and slowly swam away. It almost behaved like a boat. ‘This is not scary at all. It’s like I’m on a cruise’ the girl thought. She moved up on hands and feet and crawled over the whale. It was really going slow, so she carefully attempted to stand up. Now she could see how big the whale actually was. In front, the viewable part of the whale ended where his head was. It’s eyes were underwater, only the blowhole was visible. In the back, it’s tail gracefully moved slightly up and down the provide the thrust needed to calmly travel further. The whale’s body moved up and down a bit, but Ari could walk around.

‘What the fuck is this. I’m walking on the back of a whale and it just lets me. Why would it do that?’ Ari wondered. She decided to make the best of it. She laid down to relax, and maybe get a tan.

Her memory started to drift away to the animals she had fucked earlier. ‘Mmm Azura’s robot horse was definitely a good fuck. I wish I could go back…’ Unknowingly her hand found her pussy and she slowly started to finger herself. In and out her fingers went, caressing her insides and clitoris. She couldn’t stop thinking of the giant horse cock she had earlier. An orgasm seemed inescapable.

But then the whale jumped out of the water. ‘God damnit what is this!?’ Ari woke up from her daydreaming. She was launched in the air. While the whale dived under water for the first time it had carried her, Ari landed with a splash in the water. She sank underwater and saw the whale again. It now swam right over her. It’s massive body blocked the sun from Ari’s view. And there was something else that came into her eye. It hang from the whale’s sheath, was 5 meters long, thick as a big tube and confirmed the whale was male. It was his giant erect dick.

“You want a reward big boy? That can be arranged” Ari spoke, knowing that the whale couldn’t react anyway. When the massive cock hovered above her, Ari grabbed it by putting her arms around it. It was so big her fingers could barely touch each other on the other side. Ari tried to wrestle herself around it. She managed to climb on it, so her body was positioned between the whale’s torso and the free-hanging cetacean penis.

Now how to fuck a enormous whale? Ari decided to start grinding first. She grabbed the penis at its flanks and pushed her pussy on the organ. The contact of her clit with the giant cock sent a pulse through her body. Then she started humping. With her arms and legs firmly around the penis she grinded her tits and cunt along and against the whale’s tool. It was so erotic. Never had she thought that she would have to fuck a dick that was more than two times as big as her. ‘Ah, ah, aaah’ the feeling was so intense. ‘Hmmm I love you big free willy’ and she kissed his dick. At the same time she felt a familiar feeling in her loins. Her first orgasm hit her while she was humping the whale furiously. She collapsed on the penis but managed to hold on.

Being the horny beast she had became, Ari was soon in for lap two. This time she would be a bit more daring. It was unfair to let the whale not come too, she thought. So she climbed along the penis to it’s tip. Can you imagine a girl climbing a tick like it is a pole? She reached the tip. It was pointy with a big hole in the middle. She could easily stick a finger in it. Maybe even her whole arm. So she pointed her hand at the entrance and started pushing in. But then the whale shocked. It didn’t seem to like it so Ari pulled out as fast as she could.

Then a naughty idea came into her mind. Ari turned around. She put her feet along the shaft and as far as was possible she grabbed the penis with her hands. Going through her knees she was able to set her pussy up right at the tip. She pushed down. Slightly the enormous cock started to enter her. ‘Ooooh yes you are even better than that bloody horse’ she screamed into the sea. ‘Fuck me!’ She pushed down hard and managed to push an impressive 40 centimeters inside her. She couldn’t go further because the penis was too wide after that. But it was impossible to hold on. She had to let the penis go. ‘Fuck…’

Ari did not have to fear that it would slip out. Suddenly the sea once more acted like it was a person. As if many hands suddenly grabbed her, she found herself being impaled on the whale by an unseen force. She was now pushing in and out, not even by herself. ‘Oh yes, oh yes, OH YES!’ It stretched her to the max, but she didn’t care. The eighteen-year old was in heaven. Soon she felt a second orgasm coming. ‘Aaaaaaaaah!’ she screamed without any shame. ‘Ugh oooh yeeeaaahh….’ Then she felt the cock in her shivering. It seemed the whale was to come too. And there came a massive flood. The whale’s seed spurted out with an incredible speed. And it wasn’t the least that came out. Ari was launched by a powerful jet stream of semen. She was covered in a white cloud now, containing millions of what could had become young whales.

Swimming through it to reach clear water was a strange feeling. The slimy semen felt foreign on her body, but erotic at the same time. When Ari swam out of it, the whale already was out of sight. So she swam to the surface, to find a way to recover from this great fuck. When she emerged from the sea, she saw an island at the horizon. So she set off to it, ready for new adventures to come.

The End

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