Women with Animals

The Universal Shift


The date is March 15th, five days before the spring equinox. A group of friends are planning a trip down the Rio Grande River. The group is Leann, Melonee, Thomas and Jeff. Two per raft. They are warned that during the spring equinox do not travel on the river. During a full moon on the spring equinox strange things happen. It is said that a fog appears on the river and all who enter vanish. Ignoring the warning, the group plans their trip. Arriving the day before the equinox they head down river. The girls in one boat, the men in the other. The men lead the way, looking out for rocks and shallow spots in the river.

The next day, the spring equinox, they all sit around the camp, telling stories and having a few beers. By sunset all are bored and a bit hammered from the beer. The girls ask, haven’t we waited long enough to continue down river? Thomas and Jeff say let’s wait a bit longer. The men stretch out and take a nap. The women laughing at the men all passed out, decided to sneak down river. Leaving a note for the men, telling them to catch up when they sober up.

Melonee and Leann pack their raft and quietly head down river. Paddling the raft down stream, laughing at the warning.

Leann says “what could possibly happen?” “The men are just pussies!” Said Melonee. As they go around a bend, a strange fog fills the air. The girls start back paddling, but the current pulls them into the fog. Lightning and thunder have the girls cover up. The raft drifted deeper into the fog. Suddenly the sky cleared and the sun was shining. Leann asked “wasn’t it nighttime when we headed down the river?” Melonee says “yes it was, what is going on?” The girls paddle to the river bank. The sun is shining and birds are flying around. As the birds get closer and closer to the girls, they notice these large birds and they have arms. Thinking these were birds, the girls are surprised when the birds fly close enough for them to see these are pixies. Little flying people, pixies are known for their mischief. The girls unload the raft, talking about how they are going to get back home. Leann tells Melonee “those pixies are getting closer!” They can see the sun will be setting soon, so they gather wood to build a fire. The fire should offer warmth and protection from the pixies.

The pixies wait until the girls fall asleep, then the fun begins. The pixies start taunting the girls. The pixies swarm around each girl, like bees around a hive. As the pixies swarm each girl they are grabbing and pinching them all over. What the girls don’t know is that the pixies are a distraction for the gnomes. The gnomes lay in wait. The girls, exhausted from fighting the pixies, are ready for some sleep. The gnomes are like midgets, short but anatomically correct. Five gnomes spring onto each girl. They team up on the girls. The gnomes grab their arms and legs, spreading them wide. The girls start yelling and screaming as the gnomes rip the clothes from the girls bodies. Holding the girls spread eagle the one gnome releases his cock, covers it with spit and forces it into a waiting pussy.

Leann grunts as the gnome cock spreads her pussy lips. In comparison the gnome’s cock is a bit larger than a man’s cock. Melonee’s gnome pushes his cock deep into her asshole. She yells “oh fuck, he just rammed my ass!” Leann starts to moan as the gnome cock begins to satisfy her body’s desire. Melonee relaxes as the gnome’s balls slap against her butt cheeks. The gnomes holding their arms and legs release their grip as the girls begin thrusting against the cocks. The gnomes attach to the girls breasts. Sucking and massaging, like nursing babies. The gnomes fuck a hole and move so the next cock gets a turn. Leann just had her ass filled with gnome cock. Melonee’s pussy now feels the full length of a well hung gnome. The girls orgasm time and time again as the gnomes continue to fuck then move. As the girls lay back in a state of orgasmic bliss the gnomes circle around each girl, stroking their cocks until they cover the girls in gnome cum. Covered from their face to their pussy the girls rub the cum all around their bodies.

The gnomes quickly leave. The girls, warmed by the fire, fall asleep.

As the sun rises, the girls wake, wash off in the river and find clothes to cover up. After grabbing some protein bars for breakfast they are ready to head down river. The girls pack up the raft and continue down river. Floating down stream, the sun beating down on the girls, Melonee looked in the sky and noticed two moons in the sky.

She tells Leann “something is definitely different, do you think the legend of the equinox is true?” Leann replies “things have been really odd.” The girls continue down the river. Finding a nice spot the girls steer to the shore. Walking in the woods gathering firewood, the girls are noticed by a pack of Hellhounds lurking in the brush. The girls build their fire to heat up the lunch meals. With the scent of the meals cooling, and scent of the girls, the hounds move closer. The girls talking and enjoying the meal, are unaware the Hellhounds are sneaking closer. The Hellhounds suddenly rush in, the girls are frozen with fear. These hounds are quite large and growling at the girls. Melonee tries sweet talking to the hounds, like they are little puppies. “Would you like some food?” The hounds eat the leftovers. The girls feel more at ease, having fed the Hellhounds. The only other thing a pack of hounds could want, suddenly becomes obvious. Hounds circle around each girl, suddenly one hound starts humping against Melonee’s leg. Leann says “i think they want to fuck now!!!” Leann looks over and Melonee is being gang fucked by three Hellhounds. One is on his back, his hard red cock being ridden by Melonee as a second hound is driving his hot red cock balls deep in her ass. The third is humping her face, his ball slapping her chin. Leann can’t avoid her fate, as she guides one hound’s cock into her pussy, another jumps on her back and quickly fills her ass, she too receives a hot red cock to her mouth. The girls can only accept the Hellhound fucking. The girls start to orgasm from cocks filling all their holes. The girls’ bodies respond to the Hounds humping, as the hard red canine cocks fill all their holes. As Leann’s and Melonee’s vaginas start pulsing from the orgasms, the Hellhounds start pumping their cum in every hole. As the cum starts running out their ass and pussy, the girls can only moan and mumble, their mouths full of cock and cum. Melonee mumbling tells Leann “these hounds have some good cocks!” Leann Understands her and replies “very good cocks and large ones too!”The Hellhounds, having used the girls as their bitches, are finished and pull their cocks from all the holes. Satisfied by hound cock and dripping cum, the girls fall out exhausted. The girls pass out from multiple orgasms.

The girls wake hours later, pack up the raft and continue down river. As sunset approaches they again row to shore and find a spot to camp for the night. Preparing the site and building a fire. The night was uneventful and restful. As the sun rises the girls jump in the river to wash and start their day. Facing away from the rising sun Melonee sees two men on horseback headed their way. Melonee screamed to Leann “look at the men on horseback heading our way!” Leann replied “are you sure? Nothing has been what we thought, since we went into that fog.” “We will just have to see, and hope for the best.” said Melonee. The horse and men keep their distance. The girls stay on the river bank all day, contemplating the events of the past few days. As the sun sets the girls prepare the camp. The men on horseback ventured closer and closer. Poised behind the foliage the men call out to the girls. Melonee asked “where are we?” One of the men answered saying “you obviously ventured into the fog, that transported you into an alternate reality.” Leann asked “how do we get back home?” The men laughing said “we can help you return home, but there is a price to pay!” The girls together say “we will pay!!” The man said “close your eyes!” The girls complying closed their eyes. The men jumped off their horses and proceeded into the firelight. The men walk up behind the women. They whisper in their ears the price is to get fucked by us. The girls giggle and say “no problem!” The girls quickly turn around to see the men. The girl’s eye level is just above the men’s waist. Melonee exclaimed “my gosh y’all are tall!” The men are Cyclops, 8 feet tall and have only one eye. Their anatomy is likewise extra large. The Cyclops tell the girls all they must do to get home is make a Cyclops to cum. The girls pull back the loincloth, each Cyclops wears to cover their manhood. The Cyclops have balls the size of tangerines and a cock 14 inches long, the shaft 7 inches around and the flared head 9 inches around, and 31/2 inches across. Both girls exclaimed “holy fuck. That’s a big cock!” Trying anything to get home, the girls grab the cocks, and start stroking.

Each girl remembers the gnomes fuck session, the canine cocks of the Hellhounds and now Cyclops with cocks the size of a tree limb. Melonee starts licking her Cyclops manhood. Leann tries to fit her Cyclops cock in her mouth. Barely getting the head in her mouth she tongues the slit. The Cyclops are enjoying the human women’s attention. It doesn’t take long before the Cyclops ball sacks tighten, and precum fills Leann’s mouth and cover Melonee’s face. The girls gagged from the man meat being pushed into their mouths. Giving head to a huge cock always gets the girl’s pussies moist and ready. The large men reach down and pick up the girls, turning them upside down. The girls’ mouths are still stuffed with cock, but now their legs are over the Cyclops shoulders, putting their pussies at mouth level of the men. The Cyclops take their 8 inch tongues fill the wet pussies, and tongue fucking them like no man has ever done. The Cyclops near orgasm and desire to empty their seed in the girl’s vaginas. The Cyclops lay the women on a smooth spot near the fire, spread their legs and push the massive man meat deep into their vaginas. The girls screamed as their vaginas are spread like never before, then they started moaning. The Cyclops cocks turn white, covered in the womanly cream. The girls cum over and over again. The Cyclops stroking deep as their balls slap the girls ass. Pushing in one last time the Cyclops orgasm, emptying their balls in each woman’s uterus. The women scream in pleasure as the hot Cyclops cum fills them. Overfilled, the pussies start dripping cum. The Cyclops pull out their cocks, leaving the women gapped and used. The Cyclops tell the girls, “you two have done well. Only one last thing.” The Cyclops pull a metal rod from their saddles, place one end in the fire, once hot enough they place a small brand just above the girls pussy. The brand is shaped like an eye. “This will be a reminder that all you experienced was real!” Said the Cyclops.

Everyone works to load the raft. Once loaded the Cyclops tie a rope to the raft and pull the women up stream, against the current. The Cyclops, the women and the raft all enter the fog, traveling upstream. Suddenly the women awake back in their tents. Running outside the tent the women look at each other, when they hear two voices ask “are you two ready for bed now?” We can go down stream when the fog passes.” Leann and Melonee look down the river and see two men on horseback enter the fog. Both women look inside their shorts and see an “eye” branded just above their vaginas. They look at each other and just smile. Leann asks Melonee “do we tell anyone about what happened?” Melonee replied “who would believe us!” The girls agree, next year it will be a girls rafting adventure!!!

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