Women with Animals
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The Order of Saint Fabienne


(c) 2022 by ScarlettsCraver


There are many reasons why young women decide to become a nun. For some it is due to a strong dedication to Christ. Others turn to the sisterhood because it offers sanctuary. In my case, it was due to a knowledge that, if left alone in the outside world, I would become a sex addict, a slut, a whore. And so I became determined to turn to a life of celibacy. A life where I could live in a sheltered, deeply religious, Spartan environment. A life where I would no longer be tempted by sin. Where I would no longer be allowed to give in to that base, all-consuming fire burning within me, a desire so strong it often led me to commit the most depraved, outrageous acts of sexual perversion asked of me. I was powerless to say no to any sexual request, and I knew it. At a young age I had eagerly performed oral sex on my brothers and my father while my mother watched us, masturbating, encouraging me. These same family members made me do nasty things to them. I licked their balls, their ass cracks, put my tongue in their anuses while they took turns having intercourse with me. I reveled in their cum showers, and more, masturbating myself as they shot cum onto my face and breasts. I loved it all, no matter what they asked of me.

I realized then what I was … a total slut … and I knew if I wanted to change the course of my life, if I were to survive, I would have to turn to the church, to a different kind of life. I knew I would have to become a nun. Little did I know that decision would only lead me deeper into debauchery and wickedness … and into a life of constant sin so immoral and depraved I would never be able to leave it.

I am beautiful, I admit it. I also know I had little to do with it, really. My looks are simply a quirk of biology rather than anything I myself had caused. I’m told I have beautiful brown eyes, silky brunette hair, high cheek bones, full lips, and the kind of body men crave. My breasts are quite large, yet my stomach is flat. I have attractive, slender legs, and I’ve heard men refer to me as having a “bubble butt.” I’m 5’2” tall, and weigh only 105 pounds.

As soon as I could I got a job as a waitress and left home. The few times I went out on dates I ended up sucking cocks and fucking, sometimes more than one man at a time. Now that I’m 18 I’ve also been offered multiple opportunities to pose for “men’s magazines,” as a centerfold, all of which I rejected. Not because of any kind of moral inspiration however. The reason I told those people I would not pose naked for them is because I knew if I did I would soon end up making porno films … the kinds of videos I watched in the privacy of my little apartment bedroom every night while inserting a multitude of objects inside my body, masturbating to an endless string of orgasms, knowing I would do everything the sluts on my TV screen were doing and more if I ever let myself become involved in posing for magazines. And so I became a nun.

Even during those long months in the convent temptation was always there, reaching out to me, building inside me, urging me to attempt to initial sex with some of the sisters, but somehow I managed to avoid submitting to this amoral enticement. I was training for the role I knew I had to attain … a role I have now, finally, achieved. I am no longer the slut Cindy Travers. I am now Sister Mary Catherine, a member of the Order of St. Fabienne.

We are housed in a convent attached to a very large abbey in a remote corner of Maine. The nearest town is over 40 miles away, and the iron gate that surrounds the entire grounds of our convent and abbey insure our privacy. What goes on behind the walls here has never been revealed to the outside world, and with good reason. To see why, dear reader, follow me as I take you through my descent into a life of abject depravity.


Chapter One – Indoctrination

Shortly after my assignment to and arrival at our abbey I was called into Mother Superior’s office one evening right after dinner.

“Sister Mary Catherine, welcome,” she began.

“Thank you, Mother,” I replied meekly.

She stared at me for a moment before speaking again, then said, “You’re very beautiful, Sister. I believe we’ll call you Sister Cat. You have ‘cat eyes’ and clearly a remarkable body, sleek and slender, like a cat’s.”

“Thank you, Mother,” I replied, blushing. The way she was regarding me was causing the familiar rush of excitement building in my pussy, and I had to squeeze my legs together as hard as I could to keep my juices from leaking into my panties.

“Have you noticed anything … unusual … about the other nuns here, Sister Cat?” Mother asked.

“I … I’m not sure what you mean, Mother,” I replied.

“I mean have you noticed that the other sisters are all quite beautiful as well?”

“I … why yes. Now that you mention it, they are all very attractive,” I agreed. I hadn’t really thought about it, but Mother was right. The other nuns all WERE very attractive, almost sensual. Our order still wore traditional nuns’ habits, but even so it was obvious most of the other nuns also had large breasts and slender bodies, and most did seem to have beautiful faces as well.

“Do you know why you were all selected to serve our Lord here, Sister Cat?” Mother asked.

“No, Mother. I don’t,” I said truthfully, not sure where this conversation was leading.

“It is because we know how tempting the outside world can be for women like you, Sister Cat. Women who were blessed with beautiful faces, sexy bodies, and women who, as you yourself have told us, are tempted by the lure of sex. Ahhh, sex, Sister Cat. It is enjoyable, isn’t it? The feel of a hard cock sliding into our eager, wet pussies … the sensation of hot cum splashing on our faces. The taste of an erupting prick as it explodes in our mouths. It is very gratifying, isn’t it, Sister?”

“MOTHER!” I gasped. “I … I don’t know what to say!” I stammered, shocked, yet incredibly excited.

“You and the others have been sent here, Sister, to serve your Lord in a most unusual manner. Satan is a skillful adversary. He uses temptation to divert our good priests and nuns from their calling. Without providing these good servants of Christ with an outlet for their natural desires, they would be tempted to engage others in sexual acts … HAVE been tempted to do this, and have done it. I’m sure you’ve read stories of the many priests who have seduced young boys and girls into performing sex acts with the good Fathers. These atrocious acts have stained the reputation of our church, Sister Cat. So the Holy Fathers in Rome have devised a new order to help alleviate these transgressions. An order of beautiful, willing nuns to serve as willing servants in Christ, to allow our priests and nuns to release their sexual tension in a private, secure manner. The Fathers and Sisters who come here are tested first, and must be disease free in order to take part in this wonderful new program, so you need not fear catching any kind of sexually transmitted disease, Sister Cat. You will find we are a very special order, Sister. It is an honor to be chosen to serve here, where you may SAFELY engage in the kinds of sexual acts we both know you desire. And, in so doing, you will be serving God in a most holy and noble cause. You will be helping our church avoid staining our reputation further. Do you understand, Sister Cat?”

“I … I hear what you are saying, but … but isn’t what you are describing very sinful? Isn’t sex outside of marriage a sin, Mother?” I asked, unable to reveal to Mother how exciting what her words were to me.

“Sin is a relative term, Sister. When sexual acts are performed in the service of our Holy Father, for the good of the Church, it is a divine calling. We have established several abbeys like St. Fabienne’s, Sister, and only the most special of all our nuns are assigned to serve in these holy abbeys. Most are young women, like you. Although, unlike you, most of the young women in the program had to be recruited for this mission. You came to us willingly, Sister, knowing you would be unable to resist temptation in the outside world. By serving in this program you can safely engage in the wildest sexual activities imaginable, Sister Cat. You were carefully chosen for this rare and exciting assignment, and you need to be thankful to God for providing you with this opportunity to help our Holy Father in this important manner,” Mother Superior smiled.

“Oh Mother! I … I AM grateful! I hope I can live up to your standards … to do what is expected of me,” I said, meaning it. To be free to engage in sexual acts with priests and nuns … to be able to live here, and serve, without fear of being injured or infected with some horrible disease … it truly was the answer to my prayers to God.

“You will perform wonderfully, Sister Cat. I can see it in your eyes. Right now, as we speak, your pussy is wet, isn’t it, Sister? The desire for perversion is growing in your loins, isn’t it, Sister,” Mother Superior exclaimed, her own excitement evident.

“Yes, Mother. It is. I admit it,” I said.

“Show me, Sister,” Mother said. “Lift up your habit and show me your wetness,” she said, her eyes cloudy, filled with the look of lust I recognized all too well.

As Mother watched I did as she asked, lifting my nun’s garb above my waist. I could feel my wetness, and knew Mother could see it when I spread my legs without being told to do so, letting her see the puffy lips of my cunt beneath my thin panties. I could smell my excitement then, and when Mother got up from her desk and walked around it, kneeling in front of me, I almost came.

“Show it to me,” she breathed, and as she watched I reached down and tugged the material of my panties aside, revealing my wet, naked cunt to the older nun.

Mother leaned closer, inhaled, then looked up at me and smiled. “So ripe, aren’t you, little one. So eager for sex. Do you like women as well as men, Sister? Do you suck pussy? Do you allow this,” she said, reaching out to pet my cunt, “to be sucked by women as well?”

“YESSSSS!” I hissed, leaning forward, offering myself to Mother.

“Thank you, blessed Mary,” Mother whispered just before she began eating my cunt…


Chapter Two – Initiation

After Mother dismissed me I returned to my room and did as she asked. I removed all my underwear, then put on the habit Mother had given me to wear that evening. It was black, of course, but as thin as a curtain … totally transparent. When I looked at myself in the small mirror above my desk I could clearly see my tits and my cunt. My nipples were erect, and even the glistening cunt juices smearing my thighs were evident beneath the thin habit. I was ready, and I was excited.

“Sister Cat…” Someone said outside my door, knocking softly. “Are you ready?”

“Yes,” I replied, my heart pounding in my chest as I opened the door.

“You’re beautiful,” the nun said, staring at my tits, then at my cunt.

“Thank you,” I replied, noting she was dressed as I was … in a revealing, transparent habit … and that this young woman also had a fantastic body like mine.

“I’m Sister April,” she said. “Come with me.”

I did as she asked, following her down the corridor to a door leading to a stairway. We descended to a lower level of the abbey, and down another hallway, then into a room perhaps 30 feet long and 25 feet wide. The room was filled with men and women in various states of nudity. And then I saw her. Suspended on a cross, with small platforms for her to stand on, was Mother Superior … and she was naked!

“AGAIN!” Mother screamed, as a nun reached back, then quickly swished a small whip of some kind through the air.

CRACK! The whip landed on Mother’s ass, leaving a long, red welt on her white flesh as she cried out, “YES!!! AGAIN!” and again the young nun did as she was told. As I watched two priests stood next to Mother, one on each side of her, pinching her nipples precisely as each blow from the whip struck her body.

“She’s ready. Take her down,” an elderly voice said, and I turned to see Father Corrigan lying on a mattress. He was naked, and a young nun was sucking his cock … an enormous bar of flesh perhaps nine or ten inches long and as thick as my forearm.

“Father, Sister Cat is here,” the nun next to me announced as the two priests next to Mother Superior assisted her down from the cross. Mother grinned when she saw me, and rubbed her wrists where leather bands had been tied to her. She walked over to me then, paused, then kissed me, her mouth open, spit drooling down my chin as our tongues meshed.

“Get her ready for me,” Father said, and Mother led me over to the mattress where he was lying, then had me stand next to him as she moved behind me, fondling my breasts, pinching my nipples until they were on fire. I was transfixed as I stared at Father’s enormous cock. The girl sucking it could only lick it, and its crown. It was too large to fit inside her mouth, and when Mother leaned forward and said, “Look at his cock, Sister Cat. Imagine how it will feel penetrating your young cunt … or your ass,” I almost came.

“Disrobe her,” Father said, grinning as he saw me staring at his cock.

Mother lifted my habit above my head then, removing it, leaving me standing naked except for my wimple. It was all I could do to keep from touching myself as I stared at the cock. My mouth watered, and I wondered how much sperm it might contain, a liquid so precious to me I could never get enough of it.

“Eat her,” Father said, and Mother lay me on the bed next to him as she crawled between my legs, spreading them before going down on me as she had that afternoon. One of the priests who had been standing next to her moved behind her then and roughly inserted his cock in her ass.

“HMMMMM!” she groaned, pushing back at the cock as her face slurped and licked my wet cunt.

“Thank you for serving us, Sister Cat,” Father said. “Do you enjoy sex?”

“Yes!” I hissed, Mother’s tongue lapping my swollen clit.

“Will you do anything we ask of you?”

“YES!” I hissed again as Mother slid her thumb into my cunt … and then a finger into my ass. “AHHHH!” I groaned, loving the sensations all this was creating in me.

“Do you want my cock, Sister? I saw you admiring it.”

“YESS … GOD YESSS … PLEASEEEEE!” I begged, staring at the huge prick.

“Enough,” Father said to the nun sucking him. “You can have her now,” he said to the other priest who had been standing next to Mother. The priest leaned down and grasped the young nun by the wrist, then led her to another of the many mattresses lying on the floor of the room.

“Taste me now,” Father said to me, and I rolled over and did it, also unable to take his cock inside my mouth, licking it instead, and his balls. He raised up for me then, and I continued to lick, down over his balls, then behind them, lower, into his ass crack.

“Wait,” he said, rolling over onto his knees. “Now,” he said then, and I did it. I rolled over as well, feeling Mother’s tongue gliding into my ass crack just as mine was doing to Father.

He had been sweating, and the strong, acrid scent from his ass assailed my nostrils, filling me with the kind of conflicting sensations I always experienced when tongue an ass. I think it was the very repulsion from this scent, from this despicable act, that so excited me. I had read a quotation once from the Marquis de Sade, one that so clearly mirrored my own feelings that I never forgot it. He said, “If it is the dirty element that gives pleasure to the act of lust, then the dirtier it is, the more pleasurable it is bound to be,” and he also said, “We are no guiltier in following the primitive impulses that govern us than is the Nile for her floods or the sea for her waves.” That described me perfectly, and with a growl I delved even deeper into Father’s ass crack with my willing tongue, pushing it against his anus, trying to enter him there.

“OH GOD, ENOUGH!” Father cried out, squirming away from me. Then, “Roll over. On your back. NOW!” he commanded, and of course I did it. Mother tried to continue eating me, but Father pushed her away, then crawled between my legs and entered me, his huge cock tearing me apart as it filled me, ripping into me. The pain was intense, but also exhilarating, and I thought this must be what it would feel like to fuck a horse.

“Oh FATHER!!!!” I cried out, raising my legs, stretching them straight up into the air, feeling his cock hitting the bottom of my cunt as it pounded into me. “I feel like I’m being fucked by a HORSE COCK, Father! I LOVE IT!!!” I screamed

Mother was lying next to me then, one of the priests fucking her as a group of other men began to surround us, watching us, masturbating. One moved closer to my face then, and suddenly erupted, spewing cum on my cheeks and chin. Father pounded harder into me then, and then another priest moved beside me, his fingers flying back and forth over his cock. I reached up and gently squeezed his balls, then said, “DO IT. COME ON MY FACE!” And he did it.

Some of the priest’s cum landed on my forehead, and I felt Father roughly rip off my wimple headgear, revealing my lush thick hair. Father leaned down and licked my face, then scooped some of the cum from my cheeks and wiped it into my hair. Another priests moved behind me then, and aimed his cock into my hair. He groaned, then began spewing cum into my hair as Father wiped it all over my head, grinding the cum into my scalp.

“YESSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!” Father screamed then, and I felt his cock exploding inside my cunt. It was as though someone had turned on a fire hose inside my pussy, as cum GUSHED out of his enormous cock, spurt after spurt, so much it ran down my thighs and into the crack of my ass. Another priest came on my face again then, and a beautiful young nun leaned over and spit a mouthful of cum into my mouth, then leaned down and kissed me. Another nun began licking my cheeks as another priest came on us. The nuns continued licking my face, and then Father began to withdraw from my cunt, slowly, and my mind flashed on the same sensation I have when a large turd slowly slides from my asshole. His cock fell from my cunt then, finally, with a plopping sound, and I felt as though I had delivered a baby, even though of course I’ve never done that.

Mother eagerly returned to my cunt then, sucking Father’s cum from me, and with all of them watching us, masturbating, coming on me, I felt another orgasm building, and I was afraid of what I’d do when I came again. And then I did it.

With my brain sizzling over the depravity of what I was doing my orgasm suddenly slammed into me, and just as suddenly I began squirting into Mother’s mouth.

“UMMMMM!!!!!!!!!!” Mother moaned, swallowing as much of my cum as she could. Her face became slippery with my goo as she pushed her tongue up inside my cunt, moaning as a young priest fucked her in the ass while she ate my messy flow. Then the priest dragged her from my cunt as an older priest climbed between my legs and began fucking me. My cunt was so wet his cock easily entered me, especially after Father had stretched my pussy with his huge horse cock.

The priest fucking me came almost immediately, and was quickly replaced by another. I began to think of them not as men, or priests, but merely as an endless string of cocks, an endless supply of cum for my hot, hungry cunt. Some pulled out and came on my tits or face rather than inside my pussy, but most preferred to fill my cunt with their hot spunk. I didn’t care where they came, just so they did. I revealed in the depths of my depravity, coming myself, over and over again, screaming my pleasure as the priests fucked me, with a few female mouths helping to suck the cum from my scummy cunt mingled in between the cocks.

Suddenly a new desire came to me, and between fucks I got up off the sticky mattress and staggered over to the cross where Mother had been being whipped when we’d first entered the dungeon. I wanted to feel the kiss of the whip myself, and on shaky legs I approached the cross. Everyone seemed to stop fucking and sucking to watch me. When I reached the cross I made the sign of the cross myself, and then turned to the nearest priests and said, “Put me up there.”

The two nearest priests began to hoist me up onto the small platform Mother had used to stand against the cross, only whereas Mother had faced the wall I didn’t. I was helped onto the platform facing outward, my tits and dripping cunt to everyone as the priests hooked my wrists through the restraints, then tied my ankles around the base of the cross. I could see the madness in the eyes of the priests, and in Mother’s. She was positively glowing as she stared up at me. Cum was running down my thighs and dripping from my hair, face and tits. I was covered in it, and the excitement of what was about to happen caused my legs to buckle. I hung there, suspended from the cross by my wrists, very close to coming again. And then they did it.

CRACK! A gorgeous young nun wielded the whip across my stomach, sending rockets of pain through my body, yet also filling me with such intense bliss I thought I might faint.

“Again. Higher!” I gasped, and she drew back the whip and aimed it where I had asked … across my tits.

CRACK! The bite of the whip lashed out and dug into my tits, sending scalding pain across my nipples, leaving red stripes across my beautiful breasts.

“YESSSSSSS!!!!!!!!” I screamed, and the nun giggled demonically, then took the “Cat O’Nine” whip handed to her by one of the priests. She drew it back with fire in her eyes and I felt my body tense as she aimed lower this time … much lower … then swung.

CRACK! The thin straps of the whip stung into my puffy cunt lips, and I did it. I came so hard I squirted again, a long, powerful stream of my juice, drenching the nun and the two priests standing next to me. Then one of them dropped to his knees and quickly clamped his mouth over my gushing cunt, wiping his face back and forth over my burning pussy lips, my squirt stinging as it seeped into the cuts from the whip. Someone brought a small step-stool over to me and a large priest pulled the one eating me away from my cunt. The new priest had a massive, erect cock, a massive BLACK cock, and my eyes sizzled with desire as he moved the stool in front of me, then stepped up onto it, allowing his cock to stand out directly in front of my mushy, wounded cunt. And then he fucked me.

“Oh God, YES! FUCK ME! FUCK ME ON OUR LORD’S CROSS!” I screamed, feeling him POUNDING his huge cock into me. He wasn’t quite as thick as Father’s had been, but this one was longer, and he relished in banging into the very depths of my young cunt with his sinful cock.

Cum still dripped from my hair and face, and when the priest reached up and wiped my hair and the cum all over my face I came again, wallowing in the perversion of what I was doing, relishing it, thanking my Lord for providing me with this holy opportunity to serve Him in this manner. I was truly the Lord’s bride now … doing as He asked of me, anything He asked of me for the protection of his Holy church. I loved it. I loved being a cumslut for my God, and when the big black priest came in me I joined with him, squirting yet again, drenching both of us as his sperm shot into my young cunt, over and over again.

When he finished fucking me Mother returned to me again, kneeling on the stool so she could eat me, so she could wallow in my filth, licking and sucking the black priest’s cum from my Godly whore pussy.

“Do it again, Sister Cat. Squirt for me,” she commanded, her eyes crazed, and I realized she was trembling with lust. And so of course I did it. I concentrated on my pussy, tried to relax, and then did it.

“YESSSSS!!!!!!!” Mother cried out as my stream splashed down onto her face. A priest moved behind her, spread the cheeks of her ass apart, then entered her ass, filling it with cock while she slowly moved her face back and forth under my golden flow. I realized I was pissing on her now, realized this was not my normal cum squirt, and as soon as I recognized what I was doing I pushed harder, drenching Mother’s hair, face and body with my golden flow. Yet still she held her face there, finally opening her mouth to drink my piss directly from my nasty cunt.

Someone finally helped me down off the cross and over to a mattress where I was fucked again. Hours passed, as did the seemingly never-ending stream of cum entering my body, splashing down onto my tits and face and in my hair. Finally, early in the morning, Father announced that it was time to end our orgy.

“Prepare for communion, my children of God,” he said, and I noticed everyone lining up near the exit. A naked young nun appeared and knelt before Father, holding a silver bowl filled with a milky white substance which looked like cum. Next to her another young nun appeared, handing Father a silver chalice filled with what looked like urine.

“All things are now ready,” Father began, and the communion rite began. One by one we knelt in front of Father as he offered us “the body of Christ” by dipping a communion wafer into the bowl of soupy cum, which we took in our mouths. A priest then held the chalice for us as we sipped from it, swallowing “the blood of Christ.” Through this process I knew we would be absolved of all our sins, although at that point I was no longer clear on what was and what was not a sin. The things we’d done in that room that night I had always been lead to believe were sins. Yet if we were doing these things to HELP the church, by helping relieving priests from the natural horniness all men feel in order to diminish their desire to have sex with altar boys or other young victims, well … How could what we’d done be sinful? So I ate the cum-covered wafer, and I swallowed a sip of urine from the silver chalice, then crossed myself and once again thanked my Lord for recognizing how I could best serve Him and His church. I had only been here a few hours, and already I loved being a nun.


Chapter Three – Some “Sister Sex”

We were allowed to sleep late that day. When I awoke I arose and walked naked down the hall to the bathroom. Two fully dressed nuns passed me, snickering quietly when they saw the red stripes across my tits and pussy and stomach, but these were badges of honor I wore proudly as reminder of how I had so nobly served our Lord during the mass orgy.

In the bathroom I relieved myself, then moved into the shower area. It reminded me of the kind of shower area I’d used in high school. It was a large room, with perhaps ten showerheads along the walls. Two other nuns were there, showering, and I noticed that they had appeared to move away from each other when I came into the shower room. Then both saw the marks on my body. One said, “Good morning, Sister. Did you enjoy last night?”

I recognized the nun as one of the young women who had been a participant in our evening orgy. “Yes, I did. Very much,” I said, feeling desire again growing in my pussy.

“It’s fun to give ones body in the service of Christ, isn’t it, Sister,” the nun said, moving closer to me, her nipples growing erect as she approached me.

“Yes. It is. I loved it,” I breathed, my own nipples hardening. The other nun came over next to me then, and turned on the shower. It was hot, and it felt good on my back, but as the hot water ran over the stripes across the front of my body it stung and I winced.

“It hurts, doesn’t it?” the first nun said, smiling at me.

“Yes. It does,” I replied.

The nun looked at my sore breasts for a moment, then reached out and gently pinched my nipples.

“Oh God!” I moaned, watching the other young nun moving behind me. She pressed her wet body into my back then, and I could feel the hardness of her nipples poking into me. Then she slowly slid down my body, her tits dragging down over my back, then over my full ass cheeks. I felt her softly pushing my thighs apart, and I moved to accommodate her. And then she licked my ass while inserting a finger inside my cunt.

“OHHH!” I hissed, and the nun in front of me hugged me then, pressing her naked, wet body into mine, kissing me, our mouths open, tongues entwined as the nun behind me licked and probed my ass with her lips and tongue.

“I love it here!” I moaned, and the nun behind me removed her finger from my cunt, then turned and moved under me, her mouth glued to my pussy, eating me. This time she slid a finger into my asshole, fucking me with it as she ate me, and when I came I came hard, wiping my pussy all over the nun’s face.

I almost fell, and the nun in front of me had to help keep me from collapsing my legs were so weak and shaky, but God how I loved this … all of this. There seemed to be no limit to the pleasure I could experience here, and I once again thanked my Lord for leading me here.

After my shower I returned to my room and dressed in the transparent habit, put on my wimple, and went to the dining room. Following a quick breakfast … I was alone in the big dining room … on the way back to my room I was summoned to Mother Superior again.

“Good morning, Mother,” I said, smiling as I entered her office. Mother was fully dressed in her black habit and wimple, and she returned my smile.

“Good morning, Sister Cat. How are you today?” Mother asked, staring at my breasts.

“Sore. Refreshed. Wonderful!” I gushed.

“You enjoyed last night?” she asked.

“Immensely!” I replied, meaning it.

“I was very proud of you, Sister Cat. Father enjoyed you. Very much, and he was pleased by your … enthusiasm … for some of the more, ah … perverse activities you seemed to so relish.”

“Yes. I was … enthusiastic … I suppose. And I loved what I did. I … I want to repeat it, Mother Superior. Again and again!” I said.

“And so you shall, Sister Cat. So you shall. But tell me … is there anything you would not do for our Lord? Any act of sexual perversion you would not perform. What we do here is voluntary, you know, Sister. You can always say no. We have nuns who have been selected for very special purposes, to quench the thirst of some very depraved priests. These women have been carefully recruited, Sister. And we do try to assign our nuns to those acts they most enjoy. So tell me. Do you have any limits to what you would do?”

I thought for a moment, thought of the most outrageous things I’d seen done in some of my Internet viewing, then said, “I suppose there are two things I would not enjoy, Mother. I would not want to engage in anything scatological in nature. While I do not mind licking an anal canal, or even pushing my tongue into an anus, I would not want to have anyone … do anything … on me while I was engaged in an act like that. I also would not want to have sex with the innocent … defenseless children who are too young to understand what is happening to them.”

“How young is too young, Sister, for you?” Mother asked.

“If a child has begun growing pubic hair, or breasts have begun to grow, that would be fine, but younger than that I would not want to—”

“I understand, Sister. No matter. As I said, we have nuns who specialize in everything here, including those who love to be defiled in the most obscene ways, and who will draw NO limits on what is asked of them. But you have proven yourself to be more than adequate for our needs. You provided all of us enormous pleasure last night, Sister. And did it eagerly. So we were wondering. I believe I heard you remark something about how by fucking Father reminded you of what it might be like to fuck a horse. Is that right? Did you say that?”

“I may have, Mother. I know I THOUGHT that at the time,” I said, blushing slightly, my nipples growing hard.

“Is that something you have ever done, Sister?” Mother asked.

“Done, Mother? I’m not sure I understand. Done what, Mother?” I inquired.

“Have you had sex with animals, Sister? A dog, perhaps? Or a horse? Have you ever felt one licking your pussy? Or ever touched the cock of an animal? A dog? A horse? Or sucked one?” Mother said, her voice growing quieter. “Or fucked one, Sister Cat? Have you ever fucked a dog or a horse?”

“NO, Mother! NEVER!” I gasped, wetness gushing into my cunt, my nipples rock hard now. Was Mother asking this to determine what I had done … or to determine what I might DO, I wondered. And then she told me.

“The reason I’ve asked these questions, Sister Cat, is because some of our priests enjoy watching our nuns performing sexual acts with animals. You’ve seen the large German Shepherds paroling our grounds, haven’t you, Sister?”

“Yes,” I replied, my excitement growing.

“They are specially trained animals, Sister. They are guard dogs, yes. But they are also trained to perform sexual acts with some of our nuns. We would like you to be one of those nuns, Sister Cat. And if you enjoy doing things with dogs you may wish to be one of the very special nuns who also perform with some of our horses,” Mother smiled, staring at my tits as she got up and moved around her desk again.

“Oh Mother!” I gasped, spreading my legs without being asked. As before, Mother sank to her knees before me, raising my habit.

“Think of it, Sister Cat. To take the hard, pink cock of a dog into your mouth, sucking on it, tasting it, perhaps while Father or one of the other priests fucks you from behind. Can you imagine it?” Mother said, moving closer to my pussy.

“Oh Mother, YES! I CAN imagine it!” I gushed, reaching down to hold my cunt lips open for Mother.

“Good, Sister Cat. Very good. Now tell me what you’d do with the animals while I eat you,” she said. And then she pressed her warm, thick lips into my open cunt, her tongue gliding up and down over my clit.

“I … Oh Mother … I … I’d reach out and wrap my fingers around the dog’s cock, Mother, squeezing it, milking it to hardness, and then I’d lean over and SUCK IT, MOTHER, like you’re sucking MY PUSSY!” I moaned.

“UMMMMMMMMM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” Mother groaned, tongue fucking me, nodding her head.

“And … and if you wanted me to, Mother, I’d … oh God … I’d … I’d suck the dog’s cock until it began squirting IN MY MOUTH! Or…”

“UMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” Mother groaned louder, nodding furiously.

“Or … or if you wanted me to, I’d … I’d lie on the floor, or on a bed or a mattress, and I’d … I’d let you guide the dog’s COCK RIGHT INTO MY PUSSY AND I’D LET IT FUCK MEEEEE!” I gasped, coming. My body twitched and jerked around on the chair as Mother ate me, licking me, each touch of her tongue on my clit jolting my body with intense pleasure as my orgasm rocked me.

After I’d finished coming, finally, Mother rose and kissed me, the scent from my cunt delicate, fragrant. I almost wished I hadn’t showered, and had I known Mother would be eating me again I wouldn’t have. I suspect Mother loves the scent of a rank, unwashed cunt as much as I do, but she didn’t seem to mind eating me with it clean, either.

“You are a treasure, Sister Cat,” Mother said, moving back behind her desk. “Now go to your room and rest. Tonight will be a very special evening for you … again,” she said.


Chapter Four – Sex With Baron and Satan

I spent the remainder of the day alternating between napping and masturbating. Visions of sex with animals kept me alive with excitement, especially since I anticipated that was what I’d be doing that evening. Of course I was right.

After dinner Mother told me to follow the young nun sent for me, and I did. It was the same beautiful young woman from the previous evening, and again I was dressed in the transparent habit, and my wimple. The ancient wimple headgear was a total contrast to the thin, sexy habit I wore, and as I passed some of the other nuns dressed in traditional clothing I felt waves of excitement and pride coursing through my body. I wondered if they knew where I was going, and it made my cunt wet.

This time the nun led me to a much smaller room, a kind of auditorium. The front of the room consisted of a small stage, and was illuminated by spotlights shining onto a mattress lying on the floor. I was led into the spotlighted area and told to disrobe. I heard murmuring from beyond the stage, and tried to look out into the room as I disrobed. I caught fleeting glimpses of men and women seated on sofas and club chairs. They were naked, and most of the men had young women sucking their cocks.

When I was naked I was told to lie on the mattress and masturbate, which I was most happy to do. My cunt was already wet, and when I slid my fingers across my swollen clit I moaned. I was so fucking hot, knowing why I was there, that I’d be seen performing sexual acts ON AN ANIMAL! And then it happened.

Another nun led one of the large guard dogs into the room. I learned his name was Baron, and clearly he had been well trained because as soon as he sniffed my essence he crawled up onto the mattress and began licking my pussy.

“AHHHHH!” I gasped, hearing murmurs of approval from the audience. The dog’s tongue was rough and large and as he lapped me I came, flooding his mouth with some of my squirt. Then the nun led him over next to my face and told me to roll toward the beautiful animal. I did as she asked and found myself staring directly into an extended pink cock.

“Lean forward. Suck it,” the nun said, her voice thick with lust. And I did that, too.

The moment my lips touched the slippery pink cock I came again. The taste of the dog cock was strong, almost bitter, and for some reason the acrid flavor filled me with a passionate desire to take as much of it into my mouth as I could, and so I did. I leaned further forward and felt a quick burst of fluid shooting into my mouth. Instinctively I pulled back and another squirt shot onto my face. Still masturbating furiously, I came again, and the nun quickly led the dog back onto the mattress again, moving Baron between my legs. I felt his furry body on my stomach and it rubbed against my tits like some kind of rough fur coat as the nun positioned his cock between my spread thighs.

The cock bumped against my cunt then, and I eagerly pulled my lips apart for him, helping the nun to ease him into me, into my pussy. And then he lunged forward, pumping his cock into me, fucking me!

“Oh GOD!” I cried out, and suddenly I heard movements from the audience. Men were coming onto the stage, near my face, and for the second night in a row I began to be showered in cum, only this time I was being FUCKED BY A DOG while the priests defiled me.

“I LOVE ITTTTTTTTT!!!!!!!!!!!” I moaned, feeling repeated squirts of cum firing into my pussy from the dog cock. I continued to masturbate, my orgasms coming continuously now as the dog fucked me and the priests rained cum onto my face.

When he finally finished coming, Baron pulled out of my cunt, and the nun led him to my head again, ordering me to suck it once more. I did it, of course, and tasted my cunt on the dog cock mingled with his sperm.

“AHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!” I screamed, wallowing in the depravity of my perverse acts. God how I loved this, and from what Mother Superior had told me, more was yet awaiting me.

Two priests helped me up from the mattress, fondling my cum-covered tits as they held me, suspended between them. They took turns kissing me, licking the cum from my lips, then spitting it on my face. I loved it. Someone moved the mattress and a small bench was positioned where the mattress had been. The bench was padded, and not much larger than a piano seat. I was led to it, and positioned on it on my back. Still, I masturbated, unable to take my fingers from my doggy-cum dripping cunt as the door opened and a huge stallion was led into the room.

Swinging from the horse’s underbelly was a huge cock that made Father’s look juvenile. Clearly someone or some thing had excited the animal for his eyes looked wild, and he was snorting as they led him over next to me. Without even being told what to do I reached out for the cock and took it in my hands, then brought it to my mouth. With everyone watching I began to lick it, my tongue and lips gliding over the hole at the end of the huge cock. The horse snorted again, and a thick river of goo gushed out and covered my face. And then they led the horse around me, positioning him between my legs.

“His name is Satan, Sister. And he is going to fuck you now. Open yourself. Let Satan inside you. DO IT!” I heard Mother’s voice commanding. I had not seen her enter, but she was here now, standing naked, with Father behind her, fucking her in the ass as they looked down at me. “Tell him to fuck you, Sister Cat. SAY IT! BEG FOR SATAN TO FUCK YOU!!!” Mother screamed, her eyes glazed, tits swinging in front of her as Father fucked her ass.

“DO IT! PUT THAT FUCKING COCK IN MY FUCKING NUN CUNTTTTTTT!” I screamed at the top of my voice. And so they did it.

Two nuns guided the horse above me while a third guided the cock to the entrance to my cunt. I felt it stretching me as I held myself open, felt it begin to enter me, felt my pussy stretching to accommodate the huge weapon, felt it as it inched inside my wet opening, felt it moving deeper, burrowing into my cunt, felt it FUCKING ME!

“OH MY GOD YESSSSS!!!!! SATAN!!!!!!! FUCK ME, SATAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” I screamed again, orgasms flooding my pussy with hot squirt as the big animal pumped into me then, driving me crazy with perverted excitement. A HORSE was FUCKING ME … FUCKING MY CUNT, while NUNS AND PRIESTS WATCHED. God I loved it. Could anything be nastier, I wondered, thinking if there was I’d want to do it.

Cum continued to rain down on my face and in my hair as the horse fucked me, and when he whinnied, the nuns led him back out of my pussy and he began coming. The held his cock then, aiming it at my face as HUGE gobs of horse cum splattered all over my lips and cheeks and in my hair and onto my tits. I felt myself coming and squirting myself then, again, too, and when finally they led the horse away from me several nuns descended upon my body, licking and sucking the horse cum as though it was expensive wine. Mother crawled between my legs again then, with Father still behind her, fucking her ass as she buried her face in my nasty, wet cunt.

With a growl I began pissing in her mouth, and as before, she loved it. She stood then, turned to Father and spit a huge stream of my piss all over his face as he rammed his cock into her ass. He pinched her nipples then, so hard she screamed. She also came, her legs buckling under her as her orgasm slammed into her. The last thing I remember before drifting into oblivion was the look of total ecstasy on Mother’s face…



Over the years, my life at the abbey continued much as it had during my first few days there. I was constantly fucked, sucked, and used in all manner of sexual depravity. We were subjected to continuing variety of new priests. They came, used us, the left, only to be replaced by others, so that my life was filled with a steady stream of new cocks to suck and fuck.

We were told of the success of our experimental program. The instances of priests abusing altar boys dropped to almost zero, and we were told the Holy Father expressed his gratitude for the important service we were providing for the church. There was talk that one day the Holy Father himself might even visit us to share with us his appreciation, but it never happened, at least not in our abbey. I would have loved that, of course, being the devout servant of God that I am, but perhaps it was just a rumor.

Mother died one evening. She suffered a massive heart attack as she would have wanted, while engaged in sex with four priests and a nun. Gratefully I was named to replace her, and I vowed on her grave to continue the standards of sexual gratification she so long maintained for everyone here at the abbey. And that I shall most certainly do…

 The End

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