Women with Animals
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The Donkey Solution


(c) 2012 by jiwjiw11


As Dominique gradually came out of a deep sleep, she felt something large and hard being slipped between her lips. When the flashlight shaped implement got all the way in, she automatically sucked it.

She quickly established that the intruding shaft was a cock and, from what she could tell, she must have been sucking on it like this for quite awhile, in her sleep, because the tube of male flesh was rock hard and she could hear its owner panting loudly as he gently skewered her ovalled mouth with it.

Even with her eyes still closed, she quickly determined that the panting sound was coming from her husband’s brother, Pete.

Simultaneous with that realization, she felt another cylinder shaped device slowly sliding in and out of her vagina, and it didn’t take long for her to determine that the thick, banana shaped implement that was pleasuring itself with her cuntal channel, belonged to her husband Dale.

Lying on her side, with her knees drawn up to waist high, she groggily remembered that it was her morning to get fucked, while Pete’s wife, Sonya, fixed breakfast for them in the kitchen.

She kept her eyes closed, pretending to be asleep, while she enjoyed letting the two brothers have their way with her orifices.

As she lay there getting smoothly double penetrated by the two big boners, she thought about how she and her best friend in the world had ended up in this swap fucking marital relationship.

She and Sonya had known each other since they were in high school together, in Los Angeles.

After graduation, they had both gone to UCLA and had easily made the transition from being beautiful, voluptuous, very promiscuous high school majorettes, to being big time, round-heeled college party girls.

They had spent their four years at UCLA specializing in getting banged by rich college boys, as well as by a string of much wealthier local area men, most of whom were married.

After graduating from college, they had continued their wild partying for two more years, gradually dropping the rich and spoiled college boys, and concentrating their efforts on their string of very wealthy men who successfully plied them with very expensive gifts, in order to keep them putting out on the side, to them.

Eighteen months ago, on a whim, they had both entered the Miss Nude World contest that was being held in Los Angeles that year.

Being intimately persuasive with the judges, Dominique had come in second and Sonya third. They had lost out to a Latina who had been even more sexually uninhibited with the voters, and who was now a famous porn star.

At an after the contest party, she and Sonya had met Dale and Pete Crawford, two high flying businessmen who were womanizing bachelor brothers from San Diego.

They had started double dating the San Diego playboys, and were soon being swapped back and forth between the two of them, on a nightly basis.

Six months later they had married Dale and Pete in a joint ceremony in Las Vegas, Dominique to Dale and Sonya to Pete.

The official marital designation was in name only because, during the twelve months since their wedding day, the brothers had fucked them, interchangeably, just like they had been doing before they were married.

Dale and Pete owned a luxurious duplex in San Diego, and each of them used a side of the building as their home. After the wedding, the two new wives had each moved in with the brother who they were legally married too.

But usually the four of them were all together on one side of the duplex, or the other, having swinging, double dicking, daisy chain sex together, as they continued on in full party mode.

Now just twelve months into their marriages, both of the women were still getting their pleased orifices nailed, hard and often, on a daily basis.



Suddenly Dominique’s dreamy remembrances were abruptly interrupted by her brother-in-law’s cock going off in her mouth.

He had been holding her head between his hands while he face fucked her and, when he started ejaculating, he clamped down on it hard, holding it firmly in place as he shot volley after volley of his creamy spunk into her sucking oral cavity.

The sound of her choking the thick jism down her throat had immediately triggered her husband’s climax, and his cock exploded in her snatch. She suddenly found herself taking in cum at both ends of her body, at the same time.

The joint male eruptions then set off her own body shaking response, as the two demanding cocks were now being pounded into her wet orifices, to full depth, as they took her completely over the edge.

His balls now empty, Pete smacked her ass hard and said to his brother, “Getting a mouth full of cum sure got this slut’s attention, didn’t it? Hell I thought that she was going to sleep right through the whole damned thing.”

Dale responded, “Yeah, Bro, shit she’s the only woman I have ever seen who can perform deep throat in her sleep. Man, are we married to the finest looking, sexiest bitches in the whole world, or what?”

After catching their breath, the men pulled their pricks out of Dominique’s two oozing sex tool receptacles and the three of them got up and went into the kitchen where Sonya had their breakfasts ready.

As the meal was ending Dale said to the two sexpots, “Alright girls, Pete and I have a big and very important day ahead of us.”

“Because of the downturn in the economy, our import/export business has lost a lot of revenue and profits, and you two’s favorite banker has called us on the carpet for a meeting this morning, to have us explain our plans for increasing our sales and profits.”

“If we don’t get things turned around quick, he is going to raise our interest rate to the highest level possible on the $500,000 business loan we have with him.”

“And, because you two hottie party girls haven’t let him play grab ass with you lately, he has hinted that he will also force us to pay off our personal loan of $100,000.”

“The spiteful little bastard is threatening to do that because he knows that we ran that loan balance up paying for all of the clothes and jewels you have been buying, as well as making the lease payments on the BMW’s you two are driving.”

“Since he is funding your personal expenses through the personal load, if he can’t play sex games with you two, then he wants to make us all suffer the consequences by forcend us to pay-off the personal loan,” Dale said, accusingly.

Dominique retorted, “I’m sorry but we have been over this with you guys a dozen times, your banker is the crudest, creepiest, most repulsive little asshole we have ever met.”

“The first time you introduced us to him, at one of your parties, the disgusting little piece of shit was all over us, and he left his finger prints on every inch of our bodies, inside and out.”

“The following few times we were around him, after we were married, he was even worse. So, for the past few months we have made a point of avoiding him. And good riddance, the sleazy little prick makes our skin crawl.”

As he listened to her, Dale thought to himself that, as much as he would like to argue on Ira’s behalf, he knew that he would be wasting his breath.

Ever since he and Pete had gotten into the import/export business, ten years ago, Steinberg had been their first and only banker.

Being bachelors with an unlimited capacity for chasing broads, they had thrown wild parties to which they had always invited the little troll.

They had always made arrangements to have a couple of cheap hookers at the parties who devoted themselves to exclusively servicing Ira’s raunchy sexual proclivities.

Steinberg was not an attractive man, to say the least, and he combined his ugliness with a crude disposition that mad him so obnoxious that most women couldn’t take him at all.

During those times they had to keep rotating new hookers in because, after getting screwed by their banker a couple of times, even the hookers wouldn’t let him fuck them any more.

In return for these sexual party favors Ira took exceptionally good care of them and had lent them more money than the bank lending limits allowed.

During the six month courtship of Dominique and Sonya, and the subsequent year of marriage, he and Pete seldom had any of their parties and, thereby, had effectively cut Ira off from his main source of strange new pussy.

Up until nine months ago, their business had been doing so well that they really hadn’t needed Ira for anything, and had pretty much ignored the little bastard.

But bad economic times had suddenly reared its ugly head, and now they owed Ira a lot of money and needed his support, real bad, whether their wives liked it, or not.

The conversation over, Dale and Pete then dressed, kissed their curves-stacked-on-top-of-curves wives goodbye, then headed out to meet with Ira and see what they could do to placate him.



Three hours later the two brothers left Steinberg’s office and immediately called their wives to come down and have lunch with them at their favorite street side restaurant, which was just two blocks away from their business offices.

While they waited for their wives to arrive, the brothers ordered Margaritas and drank them as they planned out how to tell their two statuesque sex queens about what Ira wanted them to do.

A half an hour later the two scantily dressed beauties came into view, strutting down the street, prick-teasing everyone in sight.

Dominique was wearing white short-shorts, a white halter top and 5 inch high heeled, backless wedges.

Sonya was all in red, wearing a cleavage displaying top that hugged her huge tits, and a very short, softly pleated skirt, that had red tights on under it. Her toned midriff was bare, as were her full, luxurious thighs that were accented by her 5 inch stiletto heeled pumps.

As they paraded towards them, looking like high dollar hookers, Dale and Pete could hear car horns blaring as guys gawked at the magnificent pair of asses swaying provocatively in the warm summer breeze.

Both of the mouth-watering, plush bodied babes sat down at the street side table, and ordered Mimosas.

When the drinks arrived Dale announced, “Our meeting with Ira didn’t go well at all. He made a lot of demands on us that included some things he wants you two to do to help the business out.”

Dale took another big swig of his shaved ice drink, and then went on, “First he wants us to cut our operating expenses and, to that end, he insisted that we have you two go to work for the business, in the sales department.”

“Ira thought that replacing our existing sales staff with the two of you would both cut costs and significantly increase sales.”

“He gave us a week to make that change and, if you two don’t agree to do what he is demanding, then he is going to charge us the maximum rate of interest possible on our loans, and will give us 30 days to pay off the $100,000 personal loan.”

“Under the current circumstances, that would bankrupt us. So ladies, faced with this ultimatum from our life’s blood source of borrowing, are you willing to do what Ira is demanding,” Dale asked?

The two gorgeous, never having worked a day in their lives, wives, looked at each other for a few moments then Dominique responded, “Well I don’t know about you, Sonya, but I would rather turn tricks than work in the business. That was not a part of my marriage vows.”

Sonya then supported her best friend’s position by saying, “I completely agree with you, honey. I would rather pole dance and screw for tips, than to have to work in that boring damned business.”

Dale wasn’t at all shocked by the negative position their spoiled wives were taking, so he quickly responded, “Well, since you would rather turn tricks than work, Ira did offer us the alternative of our not having to change a thing in the business, in exchange for us going back to having our regular sex parties, with you two taking over the job of servicing his sexual demands, however gross they might be.”

Dominique responded heatedly, “So, now you’re telling us that you are willing to pimp us out to your disgusting banker, in order to get him to play ball with you on the loans. Is that right?”

Dale shot back, “Well, if that’s what it takes to save our business, and to fund your high personal living expenses, then sure we are willing to let him fuck the hell out of you both, in order to keep him happy and cooperative.”

“Under these dire circumstances, Pete and I don’t think that asking you to let Ira fuck you is such a big deal because, remember girls, we have seen some of the ugly assholes you two have dated in the past, and plenty of them were even worse looking and acting than Ira.”

His wife responded, with fire, “Yes, but there is one big difference. Our old boyfriends all had enough money to make us be willing to accept their bad looks and obnoxious behavior, and like it.”

“On the other hand, Ira Steinberg doesn’t have shit! So case closed, we will not let that nasty little sleazeball lay another finger on us.”



Before another word could be spoken, Pete’s cell phone rang. He punched it on, listened, and then replied, “We’ll be right over.”

He clicked the phone off and said, “Girls, we’ll be back in a few minutes to continue this discussion, and we’d like to hear from you two, just exactly what you are willing to do to help us out of this financial crisis, since you have completely rejected both of Ira’s suggestions.”

“But, right now Dale and I have to go over to the office and sign for a big order.”

When the brothers returned a half an hour later, Dominique handed Dale a business card and said, “Since you guys are so anxious to pimp us out, maybe this is an alternative solution that could enable us to do something to help you out a little with your money problems.”

“While you guys were gone, a Mexican in a Rolls Royce limo saw us sitting here, and had his driver pull over.

The chauffeur got out and invited us over to the open back window of the limo, where the occupant introduced himself as being the attorney for, and cousin of, an extremely wealthy Mexican, who lives in Tijuana.”

“He told us that we were the most incredible looking women he had ever seen and asked us if we were married.”

“We told him that we were married, and that we were sitting here waiting for our husbands to return.”

“He then asked us if we were available this weekend because, if we were, he promised us that we could make more money than we could ever imagine possible, if our husbands would agree to rent us out to him for the weekend.”

“He then gave us that card and told us that, if our husbands were interested in such a deal, they should call him at the phone number on his card, as soon as possible, so that he could discuss his proposition with them. We assured him that you would be interested.”

Dale looked at the gilt edged card and asked, “Damn, woman, did he say anything about what you would have to do to earn the big bucks he’s talking about. Or did he give you a hint as to how much money he was willing to pay you for the services he wants you to perform?”

“No, he just kept reiterating that we could make a serious amount of money over the weekend, if we were willing to do what his boss wants us to do for him, with your full approval,” Dominique responded.

Sonya interjected, “Even though we have no idea what he wants us to do, I am absolutely positive that the guy is for real, and that his employer can afford to pay top dollar for anything he wants.”

Dale responded, “Well fucking you is probably what he has in mind because, dressed the way you are, he probably assumed that you were a couple of street walking hookers.”

“But hell, who knows, he may be looking for a couple of knockouts like you two, to be hostesses at some local convention that’s going on, or something along those lines.”

Dominique went on, “Anyway, Sonya and I concluded that, since you want us to help solve your financial difficulties, you and Pete should call this guy and find out exactly what he has in mind for us. After all, it could be a real money making opportunity. The guy was in a Rolls Royce limo, for Christ’s sake.”

Sonya added, “Dominique and I have always made it a policy not to put out to Mexicans, but we wouldn’t have any problem letting this one fuck us for money, if that is what you want us to do. He and his boss are obviously loaded.”

“But, whatever it turns out to be, if it pays enough, then we think doing it would be a better alternative than letting Ira fuck us, or having to work in your business for you two hard asses.”

“So go ahead and call the Mexican up and, whatever his boss wants us to do for him, if it is okay with you guys, we promise you that we will go along with your decision, as our small contribution to helping you solve your money woes.”

Dale said, “Well, shit, Pete, since the girls are willing to do anything not to have work for us, or to have to fuck Ira, we have nothing to lose by pursuing this deal.”

“Lets’ call this Greaseball shyster attorney and see what he has in mind for our trophy bimbos and, if he offers to pay us enough money for them, since they have already committed to put out for him, we’ll pimp these two honeys out to the bastard and let them make us some money.”

Looking at their two gorgeous and very expensive wives, Dale said, “Alright then, ladies, Pete and I will call this Wetback from our office and see what he has in mind for you, and find out how much his is willing to pay for you to do it.”

“If it actually works out, we’ll call you right away and tell you what the deal is and how much we were able to loan your two hot bodies out for.”

“So stay in the area, just in case we need you. Hell the peon legal beagle may want you to start fucking for him right away”.



On their walk back to their office, Pete said to his brother, “It’s 100% certain that this Mex wants to fuck our wives, so how much do you think he’ll be willing to pay for some of their action?”

Dale responded, “That’s hard to say since we con’t know what his promise of a lot of money for their services really means to him. But I would guess that he’ll pay a lot for some white pussy from babes who look like ours do.”

“Hell, a top of the line call girl costs a $1,000 a night, so we are looking at getting a minimum of $4,000 for them for the weekend.”

“Now, my guess is that he wants them for a bunch of rich Mexicans to gangbang and, if he does, then we ought to be able to double the fee.”

“Since he’s a Mexican driving around in a Rolls Royce, lets put another $2,000 on top of that, which would bring the price up to a nice round $10,000.”

“The rich asshole will probably want to haggle that price down some, so we’ll drive the hardest bargain we can, then settle for whatever we can get out of him.”

Pete, with a wide grin, responded, “Sounds like a great plan to me, Bro. If our uncooperative wives get a good hammering from a bunch of rich Wetbacks this weekend, it just might bring them around to accepting one of Ira’s two suggestions, or maybe both.”

When they got to the office, they cleaned up and few matters then turned on the speaker phone and called the Mexican’s number.

Someone picked up the phone and said, “This is Miguel Perez.” Pete asked, “Mr. Perez, are you the guy who gave our wives your business card about an hour ago, and suggested that we call you?”

“Ah, Senors, thank you for calling me back so quickly. Let me first compliment you on marrying two such magnificent women. They are the most stunning and voluptuous females I have ever seen.”

“I assume, since you have called me, that your wives informed you of the large amount of money they could earn for their services this weekend, and that you would like to know more about my proposition.”

Dale responded, “Yes, we would like to know what you have in mind for them, Senor, and especially how much it pays.”

“Well gentlemen, I am staying at the Bridgemont Hotel, so why don’t you come here, to Suite 1201, and let me explain my proposition to you in detail, over a couple of drinks, and see if we can reach a contractual accord for your wives services for the weekend.”

Pete jumped right in and said, “We will be there in twenty minutes, Mr. Perez.”

When they got to the Bridgemontl, they were let into the suite by a uniformed gofer, who led them in to the living room part of the huge complex, where they were introduced to the extremely well dressed Miguel Perez.

He shook their hands in welcome, then had drinks brought to them. Glasses raised, they toasted each other, then Dale said, “Lets get right to it, Mr. Perez, tell us all about what you have in mind for our wives to do for you this weekend, and define for us exactly what you deem to be a lot of money.”

Perez responded, “Well gentlemen, I appreciate your frankness, so let me respond to the money question first. My principle is willing to pay your wives a minimum of $50,000 each to do what he has in mind for them, this weekend.”

In total shock Dale blurted out, “My god, man, $50,000 each. Jesus, what in the hell do they have to do to get to earn that kind of money?”

“Well, to best answer your question about the services they would be performing, let me first tell you something about the background of my principal, a man who is reputed to be the richest person in Mexico. Whether he is, or not, let me assure you that he has more money than God.”

“His name is Don Francisco Ramos. His family’s main ranch and hacienda are right outside of Tijuana, and that is where he grew up.”

“Since his earliest childhood remembrances, he had heard all of the stories about the Tijuana donkey sex bars, a circumstance that very much fascinated him as a highly sexed, very horny youth.”

“Then, when he was 12 years old, to his dismay, he found out that the donkey sex bars were a myth and had never existed at all.”

“This terrible discovery had the same affect on him as other people finding out that Santa Claus doesn’t exist.”

“From early childhood on he had been totally enamored with the idea of human females being fucked by donkeys, and suddenly his dream had been shattered.”

“Years later, when he became the head of the family, he was in a position to be able to act on his fixation about Mexican donkey’s having sex with women.”

“At that time he decided to create his own donkey sex bar, at his ranch, where he could invite his rich, jaded friends over to enjoy watching donkeys screw beautiful Mexican whores.”

“Having no financial limitations of any kind, he hired the best animal trainers, bought Mexican donkeys of all looks and sizes, rented Tijuana whores, and embarked on his dream of fully training a herd of donkeys who would be able to successfully perform full, dominating sex with human females.”

“After five years of nonstop effort, his staff was finally able to put together a string of donkeys that were fully trained to fuck a woman, but good, and really enjoy the hell out of doing it, much more so than screwing females of their own species.”

“That these donkeys could be so perfectly trained to fuck a woman as easily as a man can fuck her, but with a cock whose size no man can come close to matching, is a testament to what can be achieved through the use of an unlimited amount of money.”

“For the next eighteen months Don Francisco and his friends had the pleasure of watching his donkey’s fuck beautiful Mexican whores, who were imported from all parts of the country, as his animals continued to fully develop their big-dicked, human female fucking skills.”

“Since this donkey project had been such a total success, while they watched the Mexican whores getting ravaged, the Don decided that these well trained animals should be used to achieve another dream of his, that was also formulated in his youth.”

“From his earliest days he had felt the sting of Americans thinking that Mexicans were second class citizens. Stupid peons, if you will.”

“As an immensely wealthy man of enormous pride, he deeply resented the American’s attitude towards his people so, to exact revenge, he had always followed a policy of treating and using all of the American Anglo women he dealt with, as whores, whether they were single or married.”

“As he watched his donkeys hone their fucking skills, he decided that their ultimate destiny should be used to fuck Anglo women and make whores out of as many of them as the donkeys possibly could.”

“Six months ago, feeling that the donkeys were now optimally skilled at human female fucking, he took the next step in his master plan of getting Anglo women to prostitute themselves for his donkeys.

“To expedite his plan, be called me and requested that I hire some Anglo porn stars for his donkeys to fuck.”

“So I got together with the owner of a porn movie empire in LA, and contracted with him to send down some of his best talent to perform sex with the donkeys.”

“This arrangement has been working to perfection, and the Don has been ecstatic about how well his donkeys totally fucked the Anglo porn stars, and Mexicanizing all of their sexual openings,”

“Then, two weeks ago, the husband of that week’s porn star donkey fucker attended her performance, and Don Francisco had him sit right next to him so they could watch his wife get donkey fucked, together, and comment to each other about what they were seeing.”

“This experience added the perfect final block to the Don’s plan and, three days ago, he ordered me to find incredibly beautiful, married Anglo women, and offer she and her husband more money than they would possibly turn down, in order to entice her into agreeing to prostitute herself with several of his donkeys.”

“Her acceptance of the money will give Don Francisco the total gratification that he wants from turning her into a Mexican donkey whore, thereby demeaning the Americans who look down on us as being shiftless, dumb peons, thereby giving all Mexicans a degree of revenge.”


Pausing to drink some water, he looked at the two money hungry husbands, and remembered the last conversation he had with Don Francisco, in which the Don had laughed that he was now glad that he had made his donkey project staff concentrate on training the donkeys who had maximum cock size, and to totally ignore the way they looked.

To his great pleasure the Don now had the ugliest herd of big dicked donkeys in Mexico. Any Anglo woman who agreed to let herself get fucked by this scruffy bunch of animals would prove herself to be the totally nasty whore he wants her to prove herself to be.


Getting back to the business at hand, Perez went on, “Being charged with this new task, I have been driving the streets of San Diego and LA for the past three days, searching for some stunning looking married Anglo talent to proposition, and today I discovered your luscious wives.”

“When I talked to them I knew that they would be perfect for the task. They were not only drop dead gorgeous, they were experienced and have that I am a really good time, personalities.”

“Getting them to agree to prostitute themselves with his donkeys, and then getting to watch such beautiful Anglo women get fucked by them, will give Don Francisco the optimum gratification he is seeking.”

“So here we are, gentlemen. You now know the whole story, and you know what Don Francisco has in mind for your wives to do, for his personal gratification.”

“Now the decision is, are you willing to let your wives prostitute themselves with the Don’s enormously well hung, and very ugly donkeys, for the money I am offering you?”

Pete responded, “Jesus Perez, that is a fantastic story, and you are offering a truly amazing amount of money to get our wives to agree to get donkey fucked, and I am onboard to accept your offer, so long as you can assure us that they can’t be injured by the donkey’s and the size of their dongs?”

“The donkeys have been trained to give it to a woman just like a man gives it to her but, of course, just much wider and deeper.”

“The human female’s orifices can quickly adapt to nearly anything, and our experience with the whores and porn stars has been that they not only end up loving the fucking they get, they all want to come back for more.”

“Therefore I assure you that they won’t be injured, Senor, but their orifices will be unbelievably stretched to the absolute limit. It will be a fucking that your wives will never experience again, unless the Don were to invite them back for more.”

“So, gentlemen, are you ready to bring your wives down to Tijuana and watch them get fucked by Don Ramos’s donkeys, for the amount of money I have quoted to you,” Perez asked, rubbing his hands together in anticipation?

Seeing the two brothers look at each other as they contemplated their decision, Perez quickly added, “By the way, the $50,000 each is for your wives to give the donkeys a blow job and to let them plunder their pussys.”

“If you are also willing to let the donkey’s ass fuck your wives, then there is another $25,000 in it for each of them.”

“Shit,” Pete responded immediately, “We’ll take the money and you can go ahead and ass fuck the hell out of them.”

“These honeys have already taken a lot of cocks up their asses, so we have no problem with them adding a few Mexican donkey dicks to their list.”

Dale got up and shook the lawyer’s hand, saying, “It’s a done deal, Perez. Now we are going to want to be paid before you take our wives to be fucked, so how do you propose that we work that out?”

“Well, tomorrow at noon I will give you a cashier’s check for $150,000, in exchange for your delivering you wives into my limo.”

“I will then take them to Tijuana, while you go and deposit the check in your bank account.”

“Then I will have an SUV pick you up and take you to Don Ramos’s hacienda, to arrive before your wives performances start.”

“We will all sit together with the Don, at the Donkey Sex Bar stage, as we watch the donkeys sink their long, fat cocks into your wives bodies, and officially turn them into Mexicanized prostitutes.”

“Your wives will put on two shows with the donkeys. They will each get fucked for the first time on Friday night, all three ways, and by three different donkeys, each.”

“Then on Saturday night, since your wives will be experienced and relaxed, we will double up the action and they will take it all three ways, twice each.”

“During the first time around the three donkeys will stretch their orifices back out to where they were left on Friday night.”

“Since their orifices will have already been stretched by the first three donkeys, the second squad of three donkeys will give them such a fucking that they will have their cunts and anal passages gaped beyond belief.”

“At the Saturday night performances we always achieve the depths of total debauchery that Don Francisco enjoys do much.”

“Then on Sunday your wives will be taken into Don Francisco’s private quarters where they will be used by the Don, any way he wants, in order to complete their trip into total sexual decadence, both animal and human.”

“I assume that, for the enormous amount of money they will be earning for you, that you won’t mind the Don taking many liberties with them on Sunday, in order to totally gratify his sexual idiosyncrasies,” Perez concluded.

“Hell no, Senor, for $150,000, he can go ahead and enjoy the hell out of doing whatever he wants to do to them.” Dale assured him.

Perez replied, “Well, now that we are in full agreement, why don’t you call your ripe bodied wives and have them come over here, so we can tell them what you have committed to have them do for Don Francisco and his donkeys.”

“Great idea, Miguel, and you can help us explain it all to them,” Pete laughed.

“I will be glad to do it,” Perez promised, as they toasted their agreement.

As he drank down the liquid, Perez thought, “Enormous wealth is a wonderful thing, and its corrupting influence on females, and their handlers, is beyond belief.”

It is good to be a money King!



Pete called Sonya on her cell phone and told her that he and Dale had been able to cut a high dollar deal with Perez for the use of their services this weekend, and that she and Dominique needed come up to his suite at the Bridgemont Hotel, immediately, and sign the contract.

Thirty minutes later the two excited, ready to provide lots of fun, women, were ushered into the living room of Perez’s palatial suite and reintroduced, by their husbands, to the dark skinned Mexican attorney who had propositioned them, earlier.

Perez greeted each of them with a crotch grinding, full lipped kiss, and then said to them, “As you were informed, your husbands and I were able to reach an accord for the full use of your services this weekend.”

The beaming Perez then walked all the way around each of them, looking over the fabulous Anglo female flesh he had just rented to be gangbanged by the Don’s herd of donkeys.

Admiring their marvelously stacked bodies, he inspected them and touched them everywhere, before saying to their husbands, “Ah, your wives are even more indescribably luscious and well endowed than I remembered.”

Grabbing their tits and asses, hard, he commented, “These are beyond description, they are so fantastically formed. This weekend’s festivities are going to be a wonderfully nasty sensual delight for everyone involved.”

Then he stepped back from the two statuesque Anglo honeys and, to their complete and utter astonishment, told them, “Ladies, because you look so fantastic, my employer has agreed to pay each of you $75,000 for the unlimited use of your bodies and sexual services during this coming weekend.”

While the stunned women were trying to digest this amazing revelation, Perez told them that all they needed to do to lock up the price was to sign the contract for their services.

Smiling at their $150,000 induced daze, Perez slipped his arms around each of their waists, walked them over to the desk, gave them a pen, then watched them bend over and sign the contract, without reading it.

Totally hooked on an unbelievable $75,000 each, high, they cooperatively posed for a dozen very provocative photos, each, which Perez immediately emailed to his employer, Don Francisco Ramos, per his earlier telephonic discussion with him.

Then he had the very dizzy pair seated in the straight-backed chairs that were in front of the suite’s desk, while he sat behind the desk and, from his briefcase, pulled out an 8 by 10 framed photo of Don Francisco’s ugliest looking Mexican donkey, whose huge cock hung, seemingly, almost to the ground.

He placed the picture on the edge of the desk, right in front of the two, money intoxicated Anglo beauties, and asked them if they knew anything about Mexican donkeys.

Still in the grips of their excited $75,000 stupor, they replied that they had seen a few donkeys before, but they had no idea whether they were Mexican donkeys or not.

Perez advised them, “Well very soon you are going to learn everything there is to know about Mexican burros, just like the one in this frame, but first I am going to tell you the same story about my employer that I told your husbands, earlier.”

Warning them to listen very closely, Perez told them the whole story about the Don and his donkeys, and when he got through the part about the donkey’s spending eighteen months fucking the Mexican whores, he directed their attention back to the donkey photo on the desk.

As they looked at the, he’s so ugly that he’s cute, picture, Perez announced to them, “This weekend, you two will be taking the place of the Mexican whores, and will be prostituting yourselves with the Don’s herd of very well trained and experienced, born and bred in Mexico, donkeys, most of whom look like the one in the photo.

Perez then smiled as he watched a look of shock flash across the faces of the two plush bodied Anglo females, before they turned and looked at their husbands in total disbelief.

Dale raised his hands, palms up, shrugging his shoulders, and saying to Dominique, “Well you wouldn’t do anything that Ira wanted you to do to help save our business, so we agreed to take Mr. Perez’s, more than generous offer, just like you told us we could.”

Perez then came around the desk and showed them the contract that they had both just signed, and had them read its simple language, for the first time, “For $75,000 I hereby agree to prostitute myself with several members of Don Francisco Ramos’s herd of Mexican, Tijuana sex donkeys, during the period from July 15 through July 17, 2011.”

Flabbergasted, they then looked at each other, open mouthed, as Perez pulled them to their feet, and began feeling them up and playing with their bodies, as he said to their husbands, “Thank you gentlemen, I won’t need your services any longer today.”

“Right now I need to call Don Francisco and tell him the good news about having contracted for your wives services, then have them tell him how appreciative they are for his giving them the opportunity to let his donkeys fuck them.”

“Then I want to have sex with them before the donkeys get their cocks in them and plunder their orifices, beyond belief.”

“So all that is left for you to do is bring your wives here tomorrow, and I will give you the cashier’s check for $150,000, in exchange for possession of their bodies.”

Dale and Pete shook hands with the attorney, waived goodbye to their brides, and left to go to a bar and have a celebratory drink to their $150,000 windfall.

Three hours later Sonya finished licking Perez’s cum out of Dominique’s fresh fucked, puffy lipped pink gash.

When she had finished, the two women dressed while the Mexican attorney instructed them, “Now, ladies, please go home and pack four of your sexiest, vulgarist party outfits, then meet me here at noon tomorrow, with your husbands.”

Feeling up the curvaceous merchandise, one last time, he said, “So you gorgeous bimbos, I will look forward to seeing you tomorrow, and taking you to Tijuana for the weekend of strenuous fun and fucking that lay ahead of you.”

The two money trapped women left the Suite and went down in the elevator together, then got in Sonya’s BMW and started the drive home.

After a speechless five miles, Dominique asked, “Can you believe that this has happened to us. We gave our husbands the right to contract for our services, and the bastards agreed to have us prostitute ourselves for a bunch of Mexican donkeys.”

“Obviously we made a big mistake putting decisions related to the use of our bodies in their hands. But it is all our fault, we should have known better, since they were so ready to pimp us out to Ira.”

“I must confess, though, that I would have made the same decision if I had been in their place. God, they sold our bodies for $150,000. Just saying it makes me hot.”

After another quiet couple of minutes, Sonya asked, “Did you see how ugly that donkey was, whose picture Perez showed us?”

“It is bad enough to have to get fucked by a bunch of Mexican donkeys, but if they all look as bad as that one does, then we are in for an exceptionally bad weekend of fucking.”

Now resigned to their well paid fate, Dominique, looking at the bright side, slid over and put a hand inside of Sonya’s right thigh, and then ran it right up to her crotch.

As she stroked it, she said, “Well the consolation is that now we will never have to put up with that damned Ira Steinberg again and, as ugly as the donkey in that picture was, it still looked better than our sleazy, creep of a banker does.”

Sonya then commented, in wonder, “Did you see the size of that donkey’s cock? My god Dominique, if all of the Don’s donkeys have dongs that large, we are going to be fucked beyond belief.”

Dominique said dreamily, “You are absolutely right about that, honey; we are certainly going to have to earn our $75,000, the hard way, aren’t we?”

She added with a sexy smile, “Can you imagine how all of their cockmeat is going to feel getting shoved into our pussys?”

After lustfully contemplating Dominique’s question, Sonya replied, “Well at least we get to meet Perez’s filthy rich boss. That contact might come in handy in the future. Hell, if we do a good enough job this weekend, maybe he will invite us back for another huge payday.”

Contemplating everything again, Dominique opined, “I bet that the Don is going to force us to make out together, after the donkeys have had us, so when we get home we had better practice up on our girl-on-girl sex skills.”

“Having had my tongue up that Mexican attorney’s ass for so long, rimming him, I am in the mood to be the same thing to you.”



In the Donkey Sex Bar’s dressing room, Dominique and Sonya were dressed in their shortest, tightest, most cleavage displaying, vulgarist party outfits, including matching, stiletto heeled, calf high boots.

Mercedez, the Donkey Sex Bar’s superbly endowed Madam, looked them over, closely, then said, “Since the donkey’s that you are going to let fuck you, are led around by ropes around their necks, the Don thinks that it is appropriate that their prostitutes be led around by a leash.”

With that, she snapped a wide dog collar around each of their necks, and then attached a 5 foot long dog leash to it.

Mercedez told them that the Don had a protocol established for donkey fucking that they needed to understand and follow, the most important part being that they are to do exactly what she tells them to do, without hesitation..

She then instructed them, “You will perform with the donkeys, one at a time. The one of you who is not getting a donkey’s cock shoved into their body, will be in charge of holding and guiding the donkey’s dong into the orifice that the donkey is going to be using.”

“During the fucking activities that you will be performing with the donkeys, I will control the intensity of their screwing through the proper placement of my hands on the donkey’s body.”

“When a donkey’s cock ejaculates in your pussys or anuses, then the one who is handling the donkey’s dong, will get down on their knees and give the donkey’s cock an ass-to-mouth, or pussy-to-mouth sucking, then kiss the one who the donkey has just fucked.”

“Remember that you are being paid a lot of money to prostitute yourselves for Don Francisco’s donkeys, for the entertainment of he and his friends, so you are to be as uninhibited as possible while you are giving yourselves to the donkeys, and being total whores for them.”

As they were being given their instructions, Dale and Pete were being seated on each side of Don Francisco. He welcomed them to his Donkey Sex Bar, and complimented them on the incomparable beauty of their voluptuous wives.

Then he thanked them, profusely, for agreeing to let them prostitute themselves for his donkeys, an event that he assured them that they would enjoy watching very much.

Wine was then brought to them and they toasted the success of the coming donkey gangbang that was soon to be starting on the stage.”

Lighting up a huge cigar, the Don told the brothers that he couldn’t wait to see how well their wives were going to be able to suck off his donkey’s cocks, and how much cum they were going to be able to swallow.



As the two wives were being led up to the edge of the circular Donkey Sex Bar stage, which was surrounded by more than a dozen seats, they could see that the chairs were already filled with Don Ramos’s friends, and their mistresses, as well as Miguel Perez and their two husbands.

Extremely bright lights illuminated the stage, enabling the audience to see everything clearly.

Mercedez, leashes in hand, led the, bought and paid for Anglos, up the stage steps, then paraded them around the edge of the stage, letting the audience get a good look at the erotically clothed, magnificent bodies that they were going to get to watch be totally fucked and debauched by Don Francisco’s herd of donkeys.

In the middle of the stage was a very large, brown, rawboned, ugly looking Mexican donkey who was wearing a heavy harness that fit around its chest. The animal’s front legs stuck through two holes in the bottom of the harness.

The top of the harness had a thick ring that had a heavy chain hooked through it. The chain was attached to a hoist that was connected to an I-beam in the ceiling.

The donkey’s two back legs were spread apart, with its hooves flat on the floor. Its ankles were strapped to short posts that stuck up out of the stage floor.

This kept the animal’s back hooves from slipping when the animal thrust forward to fuck the woman who had been put at his disposal.

Dominique and Sonya looked anxiously at the waiting hairy beast of burden. In spite of the noise from the excited onlookers, and the extremely bright lights, the donkey looked very calm and ready for some action.

This scene was obviously nothing new to the animal and he seemed quite content knowing that what he wanted was soon going to be brought to him to stick his cock in.

Sonya thought that the donkey was looking them over like he was sizing them up, admiring their statuesque figures as though he was wondering which one of them he was going to get to make his next sexual conquest.

The two women glanced down and saw the donkey’s immense member dangling down between its back legs, seemingly half way to the floor.

They both swallowed hard wondering how that thing could possibly be put inside them. It seemed to be a daunting, if not impossible challenge.

With a waive from Don Ramos the hoist mechanism was activated and the waiting donkey’s front legs were lifted into the air, until he was in its normal reared position for fucking a female of his own species.

Mercedez then took Dominique by the arm and led her over to the donkey, put her on her knees, with her face right in front of the donkey’s half erect member, then told her to suck him off.

Dominique steeled her nerves, then reached forward and grasped the huge, semi-hard dong in both hands and pulled the head up to her lips.

She licked the black head several times, tasting the precum oozing from it, then parted her teeth and went down on the thick member, filling her mouth with four inches of the thick, fragrant cock, as it stretched her lips to the maximum.

She began head-bobbing the ebony meat pole, stuffing her mouth full, with each inward bob, until Mercedez grabbed her by the hair and pulled her mouth off of the, now totally stiff, shaft and told her to lick the whole cock.

To the delight of the watchers she gave the donkey dick many licks and kisses, until she had it all glistening with her saliva and lipstick.

Beginning to really get sexually hot, she went back to trying to force the massive dong down her throat, as she gave it her best cocksucking effort.

After much drooling meat eating, and shaft licking, her skillful mouth brought the animal to a climax, an erupting event that flooded her mouth with donkey spunk.

Half of the thick goo she was able to swallow, while the other half flowed down her chin and onto her mammoth boobs, thoroughly soaking them, along with the top half of her extremely tight lavender dress.

During its final throws of passion, the donkey was able to achieve a partial deep throating, an intrusion which had popped Dominique’s eyes wide open.

The experienced watchers knew that, by tomorrow night, the two new Anglo whores would be getting donkey dongs shoved all the way down their throats, without any problem.

Seeing her covered with donkey jism, and gasping as she licked her lips, the audience gave her an enthusiastic round of applause.



Sonya looked at the next donkey being harnessed up. It was smaller than the one that had just been blown by Dominique.

She looked at his erect donkey dong and was thankful that she had a large mouth because it was obviously going to be a challenge to get her lips wrapped around that thing

Mercedez deposited her right in front of the donkey’s waiting rigid prick. This time the beautiful Mexican Madam, herself, grasped the dark heavy tool in one hand and the hair on the back of Sonya’s head in her other hand and, with a dramatic flair, inserted the head of the big donkey dong into Sonya’s wide open mouth.

Then, with pleasure, the Madam shoved Sonya’s head forward again, this time impaling her on the end of the huge penis, and bringing a guttural roar from the delighted crowd.

To complete the visual stimulation, as a reflex action to feeling Sonya’s hot mouth engulf the head of his cock, the donkey jerked his hips forward and stuffed her mouth completely full of donkey dong.

Struggling to be able to breath Sonya grasped the base of the long, thick donkey prick in both hands, and began bobbing her head, giving the donkey some very pleasing cocksucking.

Really getting into it, Sonya gorged herself on the hefty male weapon, adjusting her technique to be able to absorb the thrusts of the donkey’s hips, without choking, as he happily humped her face.

The donkey had real staying power and she sucked on him for a long time before the turned on animal was ready to shoot his wad.

Seeing that the animal was ready to empty its balls, Mercedez grasped the donkey’s dong and the hair on the back of Sonya’s head and held them both firmly in place.

The donkey’s cock erupted in Sonya’s mouth and the Madam rigidly held her head firmly in place and making her swallow the thick cum until she was overwhelmed by the flood of donkey semen and started choking.

At which time Mercedez pulled Sonya’s mouth off the cock and held her head immobile while she aimed the big pole right at her face, and let the donkey’s spouting weapon shoot seemingly endless volleys of thick donkey cream into her face, to the wild cheers of the turned on crowd..

When the white lava like, flow finally ebbed, it left her looking like the winner of a huge bukkake contest.

In the audience, the extremely impressed Don said to the two husbands, “Your wives certainly know how to eat cockmeat and swallow cum. You can also see that sucking donkey dongs makes them very hot.”

“Watching then get pussy fuced by my donkeys should be even better dirty entertainment.”



When Sonya’s hosing was complete, Mercedez got them both up on their feet and led them over to the front of the stage, where a king sized mattress lay right in front of the seated audience.

Standing beside the mattress were four naked, skinny Mexican boys, who were obviously extremely young.

Mercedez had the boys pull the women’s short skirts up around their waists, then pull their panties off of them, then lay them down on the mattress, side by side.

She then explained to the two, soon to be fucked, Anglos that, in order for them to be able to more easily take the huge donkey dongs into their pussy’s and anus’s, tonight, the four Mexican boys would fuck them first, then climax into the orifice they had gotten hot and loosened up, thereby leaving them fully ready to take on the donkeys mega-cocks.

The first two of the eager young peons jumped between their spread legs, licked their pussies, then mounted them, and kissed them, lustily, while they gave their pussys a very thorough fucking, before sending many volleys of Mexican joy juice deep into their well heated, loosened twats.

When the first two boys had finished, the audience watched the next two extremely well hung teens flip the two Anglos over, then put them in a kneeling position, with their faces pushed flat down on the mattresses.

They first stuck their cocks into the cum oozing pussys, buried them deep into the already cum filled twats a few times, then stuffed their big cocks up the two magnificent Anglo asses, and started squat fucking them, with a vengeance.

The Mexican boys may have been young and skinny, but they were proving to be very experienced ass fuckers, and they soon had the two Anglo, first time prostitutes, moaning with passion as their vigorous young tools gaped the Anglo bimbo’s anuses for the donkeys to use.

Their open mouthed drool had already soaked the mattress beneath their faces, before the juveniles reached down their backs, grasped their necks in both hands, pushed down on them, hard, then began dumping their cum loads deep inside of Anglo slut’s anal passages.

Don Francisco punched the two husbands on their shoulders and said, “Damn, amigos, my peons really gave it to your wives real good, didn’t he? Now your blonde bimbo sluts are really ready to take on my donkeys.”

Gasping for breath, and with semen oozing out of both of their lower orifices, Mercedez pulled them to their feet and walked them over to a specially engineered gurney; a portable, multi level adjustable table, with wheels on each of its four legs.

She then had Sonya crawl up onto the gurney and lay down on her back, then had one of the young Mexican attendants bring over a six foot long wooden pole that looked like a large broom handle.

The wicked looking device had shackles attached to each end. The attendant pulled Sonya’s legs up until the were splayed as wide apart as possible, with her knees being brought up almost even with her nipples.

Then he laid the wooden pole behind her bent knees and attached sleeve cuffs, just above her knees, and then to her wrists.

When he was through, Sonya was trussed up like a Christmas turkey, her vagina wide open, upturned, and oozing cum, with her thighs spread to the maximum.

Another boy then buckled a broad leather strap that was attached to the gurney, over her waist to keep Sonya from sliding backwards on the table top each time the donkey rammed his dong into her cunt.

The table top was made of a very thick rubber sheet, so that it would flex under her ass when the donkey really slammed his hips forward, hard, and buried his meat into her imprisoned, virtually stationary pussy.

The tension in the big room was electric as the overhead pulley was activated again, and the front portion of the third donkey’s body was slowly lifted off the floor.

Sonya looked the large animal in the eye, and saw that its tongue was hanging out, as though it was licking its lips while it watched her being prepared for him to use.

When the donkey had been pulled up to its fully reared position, she raised her head and looked down between its back legs and saw that its enormous dong looked even more ominous than the one she had just blown.

“God this was going to be the ultimate challenge for my vagina,” she thought to herself, apprehensively.

She was comforted by the knowledge that many women had already been fucked by this monster appendage, without harm.

The big, rawboned donkey was now in place, so the attendant began rolling the gurney under the waiting animal, until her wide open pussy was positioned right in front of the huge, glistening donkey meat.

Mercedez then took Dominique around behind the donkey and had her grasp its massive member in her hands.

She held the big, almost completely black dong in position as the attendant rolled the gurney forward until the cock head was pressed firmly against Sonya’s pink lipped pussy.

She lifted her head and watched, with concerned fascination, at what was going on between her legs, as the attendant pushed the gurney forward a couple of more inches.

Simultaneously, Mercedez goosed the donkey, causing him to thrust his hips forward and actually achieve its first penetration of at least three inches of super thick donkey meat into the newly whored Anglo.

The animal was goosed again as the attendant held the gurney firmly in place, and Sonya felt her now soaked and heated pussy accept another two inches of the prodigious dong.

The donkey’s immense tool was creating excruciating pressure on the walls of Sonya’s cuntal channel, as the breathless audience heard a loud groan come from the partially impaled, statuesque Anglo slut.

In spite of the pressure, Sonya felt her channel relax a little and, on the next forward thrust, felt an additional three inches of the king sized donkey dick get rammed into her stretched snatch, bringing a groan of pleasure from her, this time, to the absolute delight of the mesmerized audience.

The attendant then pressed the gurney’s wheel locks into special holes in the stage floor, fixing the table in place, then stepped back to join the watcher’s as they enjoyed seeing the Anglo trophy wife prostitute herself for their Mexican donkey.

The ugly animal, fast warming to its pleasurable sexual task, was really getting into humping the lush bodied Anglo female, with each forceful thrust burying more and more of his huge member into the pressured, pleasured pussy that his handlers had been nice enough to provide him with.

It was good to be a Don Francisco Ramos donkey!!!

Over her continuous moans, Sonya could hear the frenzy of the watching crowd as they cheered non-stop for the donkey, urging him to totally take her.

Sonya had to admit that the lop-eared, homely animal was achieving the expressed goal of the crowd of onlookers, as it felt to her like he had now managed to get his whole massive dong stuffed up inside of her cunt.

Now confident that she could handle the animal’s huge weapon, Sonya began to feel her body respond to the beast’s hammering cock, and she started humping her ass for him, as best she could in her restrained position.

The rich Mexican audience was now clapping in unison with the animal’s pussy plowing motion, and whistling their enthusiastic approval, as she took each snatch filling thrust.

Soon she could feel the donkey’s huge member begin to bang against the back of her cuntal channel.

She raised her head and watched an amazing amount of the donkey’s massive dark meatpole disappear, over and over, into her lushly curved, marvelously built lower body.

The totally turned on animal was now comfortably in full stroke, and was fucking the hell out of her, as the crowd roared its approval.

The donkey was so experienced at humping human females, that it seemed to Sonya that he was pacing himself in order to make the pleasurable use of her steaming hot pussy last as long as possible before he shot his wad.

He had now taken full control of her body and mind, and she was climaxing like a nympho slut for him, as she tried to help him get every last inch of his monster tool into her very hot and willing vagina.

After what seemed like hours of fucking Sonya’s superb, outrageously built body, the donkey was finally getting close to losing it, so Mercedez start goosing him hard.

During the final three or four minutes of this one donkey dick sex orgy, the rich Mexicans watched the preposterously well stacked, high dollar Anglo prostitute, get pounded, deep, to their absolute lustful gratification.

As the Don had promised his guests, Sonya’s tongue lolled out of her mouth, as she was totally fucked and filled by the now half crazed donkey’s enormous blood swollen prick..

The cheering audience went almost out of their mind as they watched the donkey go into the last throes of sexual frenzy, then shoot his enormous load into the Anglo’s cock-whipped pussy.

Sonya felt a veritable river of thick donkey spunk spray into her overstuffed cuntal channel.

It was much more cum that she could possibly retain and the thick fluid rebounded off the back wall of her totally plundered snatch, and literally sprayed out around the circumference of her well stretched pussy, and began pooling around her ass, on the rubber topped gurney.

The Mexican audience almost went crazy with joy as their donkey champion finished off the white skinned bimbo, for them, by driving his final few plundering thrusts into the full depth of her completely fucked body.

When the panting animal had finished with her, the crowd went temporarily limp with gratification at seeing her body get so totally plundered.

The Don turned to Pete and said, “Now, my friend, you have truly seen your wife get fucked. My burro got every inch of his dong stuffed in her, so much so that it looked like she was falling in love with it.”

Meanwhile the panting Sonya thought to herself, “Now I really do know what it means to get hosed”

Dominique had already pulled the donkey’s dong out of Sonya’s plowed pussy and was licking it all over, as instructed by Mercedez.

A fresh donkey was led onto the stage and before it was harnessed up, Mercedez pulled her away from the spent donkeys dick and had French kiss the smallish, black coated burro, then get on her knees and kiss its cockhead, then keep sucking on it while it was being prepared to be hoisted into place to fuck her.

After she had been strapped down on the gurney, Dominique was run under the turned on beast. She looked down between her thighs and reminded herself that the little donkey may have had a smaller body than the rest, but it had a king-sized cock.

Sonya guided the huge cock shaft up to her friend’s pussy and with a hard goosing from Mercedes, Dominique was suddenly impaled by five inches of the eye-popping, super sized donkey dong.

Mercedez was merciless and kept goosing the donkey until, in a very short time, all of his cock was buried in Dominique’s very stretched cunt, and she was panting in full heat with her head twisting from side to side from all of the pressure being applied to the walls of her hot snatch.

Mercedez didn’t let up and the donkey put on a one animal fuck show that looked and sounded like the Anglo prostitute was being orgied.

When its’ full cum load finally shot into her. ravaged vagina, she bucked wildly under the donkey and helped the massive meat finish her off, and complete her trip into pure whoredom.

The attendants took the locks off the wheels of the gurney and slowly rolled it back. Dominique felt the huge, still hard donkey cock gradually slide out of her until it finally emerged from her cum oozing cuntal channel with a loud, wet sounding plop.



Greatly impressed by the piece of ass that Dominique’ had just put out to his donkey, Don Francisco ordered that she be the first one to get anal, a decision that did not give her any time to rest at all.

While the Don’s staff got the next donkey ready to drive its cock up his wife’s ass Dale, along with Pete, listened to Don Francisco say, “On the first night of anal fucking, we will use two donkeys with slightly smaller cocks, to break in your wives anal passages, a procedure that we also follow on the experienced porn stars and whores.”

“Tomorrow night, during the first round of anal reaming, we will use two of our regular, big donged donkeys to put some serious sized meat up your gorgeous wives’ asses.”

“For the second round of giving it to them up the ass, I have two donkeys with super- sized cocks that will do the honors.”

“These two brutes will be a real challenge for your wives, and you and the audience will be enthralled by the way these two donkeys plunder their cunts. Even the pros have had a tough time taking it from those two cocks”

“I must tell you, though, that I have very much enjoyed watching your wives get used and hammered tonight, even more so than any of the other sluts I have seen perform for us.”

“If they keep it up over the weekend, Mr. Perez will be contacting you again to negotiate another deal to have your stunning wives come to Tijuana and put on a second show for us.”

“Of course, you must understand that they will have been used as donkey whores, so I won’t be willing to pay them as much for their services.”

“But, I assure you that you will still find my offer for them to perform another donkey gangbang, to be more than you and your wives can turn down.”

“As Perez told you, your wives are the first of what I hope to be many married Anglos who I am going to tempt into Mexican donkey prostitution, by offering them more money than they and their husbands can turn down.”

Laughing, the Don added, “My goal is to make donkey prostitutes out of all beautiful American women, and completely debauch as many of them as I can. And I must say that your wives are a delightful first step in the pursuit of my goal.”

As they conversed, Dominique was being put on another four wheeled donkey fuck device, this one being much lower to the ground. It looked like a mechanized furniture moving dolly.

It had two built in knee pads that Dominique placed her knees into, then had them strapped down into place.

On the other end of the dolly was a metal ring that was built into the heavy rubber floor. They forced her head down and Mercedez snapped her dog collar to the ring.

Now she was immobile, with her magnificent ass stuck up in the air, making her anus available to anyone who the Don wanted to use it.

Don Francisco yelled out that two of the boys should ream out her anal channel again for a couple of minutes each, to re-prepare it for the assault by the donkey’s dong.

The two chosen boys coated their cocks with KY jelly, then stepped up behind her waiting ass, then at they each took a short turn dick stabbing her anal chute and getting it fully prepared to take on the waiting animal’s extra long tube of donkey meat.

Then she was rolled backwards towards a waiting donkey. Again Sonya did the honors, rubbing the head of the donkey’s cock against Dominique’s slick pussy lips, then lining the large member up with her friend’s anal passage.

Mercedez was more lenient this time and had the donkey only stuff a couple of inches of his prick up her ass with his first fucking motion. Even this modest penetration brought a groan from Dominique’s pursed lips.

As her back door channel was being gradually stretched by the donkey’s fat, demanding cock, Mercedez stepped us the pace and, inch by inch, the big, glistening black cock took her, and soon her mouth was wide open and gasping, as she got the buggering of her life.

As the audience saw more and more of the big black boner disappear into the Anglo’s superb ass, they began to clap and yell encouragement to the donkey, urging him to cram every bit of his dick into her widening and deepening back door cock receptacle.

As they and her husband watched, the donkey did exactly what they wanted it to do to her, and soon he had driven every last inch of his beefy member up her ass.

As the watchers enjoyed the sexual ecstasy of seeing the statuesque Anglo, bitch in heat, take it all, they also got the added pleasure of seeing her body explode with a shuddering climax, as she dangled on the end of the donkey’s ass buried tool.

Half an hour later Sonya was on the same mechanized dolly getting a donkey dong pounded up her ass for what seemed like forever.

This horny burro really got turned on and nailed her good, as she drooled profusely and helplessly climaxed multiple times.

After she had what seemed like a quart of Mexican donkey cum shot up her ass, as a finale, Mercedez had them stand on the edge of the stage, drenched in cum, and make out with each other while the audience drank expensive champagne and watched the two spectacular, donkey fucked women put on a cum drenched, girl-on-girl performance for them, that turned everyone on even more..

After many minutes of watching the lesbian sex, Don Francisco led the two husbands up onto the stage. Ignoring their cum coated and splattered condition, he got the totally fucked and hot Anglo females on each side of him with his arms around their waists.

He said to Dale and Pete, “You are very lucky men to have two such sexually talented and extremely uninhibited wives, and I look forward to seeing them get really gangbanged hard by my donkeys tomorrow night.”

“And I especially look forward to Sunday when I will party with your new prostitutes, privately, and have them show me what very nasty sluts they re willing to be for me.”

“But, right now, lets take them and Mercedes into the Donkey Sex Bar private crib room and you two can have Mercedes suck you off, while your two beautiful, cum covered, new donkey whores do the same for me.”

Soon the whore’s crib was filled with the wet sounds of female mouths giving hot, around the world blow jobs, with erotic enthusiasm.



In the bar at the back of one of the hacienda’s huge, opulent living rooms, Raul Cortez was mixing drinks for he and his cousin, Don Francisco Ramos, the richest man in Mexico, and one of the ten wealthiest men in the world.

The Don was sitting on a leather couch flipping through the TV channels trying to find a good 11PM program to watch. Suddenly, Raul heard his cousin yell, “Get over here quick and take a look at the incredible body on this damned broad.”

Raul immediately ran towards Don Francisco, looking at the huge TV screen as he went. The Don had the “TMZ” channel on and one of their talk show hosts was just welcoming his first guests; a light-skinned, middle-aged black guy and a stunningly beautiful, unbelievably stacked, skimpily dressed, blonde, white woman.

With his eyes glued to the screen, The Don said, “Would you look at the set of tits and the fantastic ass cheeks on that babe, I’ve never seen a better body in my life.” Raul, running his eyes all over the woman’s ultra voluptuous assets, readily agreed with his cousin’s assessment, saying, “You are damned sure right about that, the bitch is stacked beyond belief, plus she’s dressed up like a high class hooker to really show off all of those amazing curves to their best advantage. She is one seriously hot Anglo chick.”

They watched the couple sit down on the show’s guest couch and then, in awe, saw the gorgeous, lush bodied, mind-boggling honey slowly cross her full-thighed legs, flashing the viewers a brief, but full look at the camel-toed crotch of her golden panties. The smiling, show host then began asking them some routine background questions, whose answers disclosed that they’re married and in show business together, the husband being a long time Gangsta Rapper and his wife functioning as his rap group’s, tits and ass shaking, attention grabbing, erotic lead dancer. In addition, they are the stars of a very successful reality TV show called Hot-X loves Cappuccino, which is currently listed as number one in popularity on all of the reality show industry’s rating charts. They reason they were on tonight’s TMZ show was to promote their very sexually titillating reality show.

As soon as this introductory phase was out of the way, without warning, the softball interview was suddenly turned into a very hardcore interrogation, as the show’s obnoxious, dirt digging host went viciously Jerry Springer on them, and began asking the outrageously curved wife some very pointed, provocative, odious questions about her rumored recent cheating, scandalous sexual misbehavior.

To let the audience know exactly what he was asking her about, the show’s smirking host flashed up on the studio’s huge TV screen several very sexually explicit photos of the wife’s statuesque body being groped, big time, by a previously unknown, small time, very ugly, bad ass, young black Rapper named Funk-U. The leering MC revealed that these hot, sordid pictures had just been released to the press a couple of hours ago.

While the shocked couple stared open-mouthed at the very revealing, damningly incriminating photos, the show’s no-holds-barred host brought out the additional fact that the Rapper was now out bragging to everybody that he had not only felt up Hot-X’s wife, like the photos showed him doing, he also had other, even more graphically dirty pictures of him groping her spectacular body and fingering it to a panting climax, plus a torrid sex tape showing him callously making out with the hot wife as she enthusiastically helped him take her all three ways.

The suddenly embattled couple found themselves on the defensive vehemently protesting her innocence, as they quickly tried to limit the damage in order to keep their reality TV show from being pulled off the air in a knee-jerk reaction to these very explicit, sexually damning photos that visually exposed the wife’s indiscrete, raunchy sexual misconduct.

The couple’s hasty denials were soon fighting a losing battle against the non-stop assault by the abusive, filthy minded, merciless show host. The wife’s reputation was quickly getting flushed down the toilet as the relentless asshole made her seem to be guilty of committing all of the lewd, decadent, very hot sex acts she was being accused of performing with the very nasty looking black Rapper.

The two Mexican cousins, enjoying both the prick teasing view of the luscious wife’s curvaceous, now squirming body, and hearing all the scandalous accusations being made about what she had been doing with it, continued to watch both husband and wife protest her innocence, insisting that nothing had happened with the Rapper, at all. She claimed that the graphically suggestive pictures were from a publicity photo shoot, and that they had been touched up to make it look like she was committing inappropriate, wildly dirty sex acts with the repulsive looking, dark black Rapper. Her husband was forced to jump in and join her in emphatically denying the existence of a filthy sex tape of the Rapper making out with his super stacked, obviously hot and juicy wife.

The Don looked over at Raul and winked, saying, “Those two are lying through their teeth. You can see from her body language that the Rapper has been slipping her the big one on the side; every where and way she can take it. Plus you can tell from the “I wish I wasn’t here” look on his face, that the, now publically cuckolded husband, had known all about his wife’s sinfully delicious, very raunchy sexcapades with the low life Hip Hopper.”

The TMZ TV show’s rowdy, mostly male theatre audience, more than a little sexually drunk from ogling Cappuccino’s dynamite body and looking up under her purposely revealing, very short skirt, were all cheering the vile host on in his efforts to paint her as being a round-heeled, cheating slut. It was obvious that the audience had already happily concluded that she was as guilty as hell, and that all they really wanted to do was get a copy of the sex tape, when it’s leaked out, so they could watch the ugly black Rapper nailing the hell out of the married blonde’s ripe white body, in every dirty way possible.



When the show was over, after a satisfying pause to digest the total verbal rape job the curves-stacked-on-top-of-curves, super sexy blonde wife had just received from the filthy minded host, Don Francisco said, “I’ve been thinking about throwing a special party for my donkeys, to celebrate the third anniversary of the first time one of them successfully fucked a human female. So, for the last couple of weeks I have been searching for the perfectly equipped Anglo broad to give to the donkeys so they can properly celebrate that astounding, historic fucking success, by using the woman’s prime, luscious white body to stick their cockmeat in and have all the fun they want ravishing the hell out of her – and damned if we haven’t just found the most gorgeous, stupendously stacked, total slut for the job, right here on TV tonight.”

“To make sure that I’m right about this, let’s check this Cunt out right quick. Go over and Google her name and let’s get a look at the pictures of her that are on the internet. Since she’s a currently hot celebrity who likes to flaunt her body the way she does, there should be plenty of her images for us to look at.”

Raul quickly got on the computer that was connected to the super wide screen TV and pulled up the first set of Cappuccino’s images. The two cousins then went through a virtual bonanza of king-sized pictures of her in various, very risqué outfits and poses, each one seeming to be sexier and more flesh revealing than the last.

After watching the steaming hot wife suggestively posing her superbly curved assets, The Don said, “Man, does she ever love to show off all of her stuff. This babe is definitely the prick teaser of all prick teasers, and she does have the most perfect body for donkey fucking I have ever seen.”

Raul then ran a search and found a web site that was exclusively dedicated to displaying Cappuccino’s super ripe body. Inside of that site he discovered that a special section had already been set up, containing even more of the just released, damningly explicit photos of the wife being callously felt up and thoroughly explored by the very dark skinned, gross looking black Rapper. These extremely graphic, very incriminating pictures showed him doing everything to her body but actually shoving his dick in it.

While they were shuffling through the erotic dirty pics, The Don said, “Damned Raul, would you look at the sensuous look on the bitch’s face. Is she enjoying getting man-handled by that ugly black bastard, or what? I mean it takes a real Cunt to let an ugly black asshole like him fuck her Damn, she is the most over-sexed, pure slut I have ever seen.”

Going back through the damning images, this time even more closely than before, The Don concluded, “Hell, there is no way that these pictures could have been touched up to achieve those positions, like she is claiming. The damned lush bodied broad is even wearing different clothing and jewelry in some of them, so there is no way that these pictures could have come from one photo shoot. Shit cousin, there is no question in my mind that the black punk has been sticking his dong in her and, with her more than willing help, completely gratifying himself by plundering the hell out of all three of her cock pleasing sexual receptacles.”

He sat back with a broad smile, and said, “Hell, if these pictures are as real as I think they are, then we are very much in luck, cousin. Most beautiful women have had a negative reaction when we first proposed that they have sex with my donkeys but, in this case, after dancing on the end of that ugly black Rapper’s big prick, agreeing to let herself get donkey fucked shouldn’t be a problem, at all, for Hot-X’s wanton Cunt wife.”

Invigorated, The Don went on, “Now pull up her biography and let’s see what details they have about this plush bodied tart.” Raul brought up Chickoipedia and, as he scrolled through the data, read out loud, “Lets see, she’s 30 years old, 5’2” tall and weighs 130 pounds, and her measurements are 39DDD, 23, 40. Shit, those truly are donkey fucking body stats, cousin,” Raul grinned.

The Don then had his favorite relative flip back to the wife’s internet images and, after some more very close examination, he exclaimed, “Sweet Jesus, that body of hers looks like it could handle fucking anything. Can you imagine how it would look with a donkey mounted between those spectacular thighs, pounding his monster cock into her juicy pussy, right up to her tonsils?”

Very pleased by that stimulating mental image, The Don had Raul go into the cable company archives and pull up the last three episodes of the couple’s reality TV show, all of which they watched intently as she put on an hour-and-a-half, show it all, soft-core porn spectacular.

During the viewing The Don commented, “Damn would you listen to that broad’s voice? Sometimes she sounds like a dizzy blonde who is sure that what she is saying makes perfect sense, but it never does. When she chooses to use that pop-tart voice, and flashes the empty headed facial expressions that go with it, she comes off as being a perfect, airheaded Baywatch Babe, and it makes you want to fuck to sexy slut’s brains out. It’s the kind of voice that makes you want to stuff her panties, or a big ball gag, in her mouth to muffle her while you make her body do what it was built to do – put out.”



The Don then gave a fist pump and exclaimed, “Damned Raul that does it. I am completely satisfied that we have found the perfect body matched up with the perfect slutty mind so, no matter what it takes, I must have her to give to my donkeys so they can nail her good and give her the damndest serial gang-banging she’s ever had, while we have the pleasure of watching her get all of the king-sized cockmeat shoved into her that the cheating Cunt could ever want.”

He leaned forward and said, in a serious tone, “Alright Raul, now all we need to figure out is what we are going to have to do get her husband to agree to let his prime slut give it up to my beasts. Working in our favor is the fact that they are already in serious trouble, and there will be a lot more of it coming when Funk-U releases the sex tape he’s bragging about. When that happens, their revenues will take a huge hit, plus my intuition tells me that they are living high on the hog and are spending their earnings about as fast as they make them so, no doubt, they are already faced with a real cash crunch. All things considered, she is very ripe to be had. As I see it, what we need to do to close our donkey fucking trap on them, is solve their problem with the Rapper, while simultaneously offering Hot-X so much money to let my donkey’s fuck his wife that the poor, beleaguered bastard won’t be able to turn it down.”

“Now, when we looked her up on Chicopedia, it said that the name of her husband’s agent is Maury Shine. With a name like that he can’t be anything but a Hollywood Jew, which means that he looks after himself, first and foremost, and will cheat his client every chance he gets. That being the case, Mr. Shine will be key to helping us persuade the husband to let us have his wife to fuck. When we tell the agent what we are offering to pay for her sexual services, the Jew bastard will quickly realize what a huge commission he will be getting from her doing my donkeys. That will give him plenty of incentive to agree to enthusiastically help us push his client into agreeing to throw his wife under the sexual bus.”

“So, first thing in the morning we need to have our ace West Coast pussy procuring lawyer, Miguel Perez, find out where Shine’s LA office is, then go and meet with the prick and get him to agree to help us talk Hot-X into pimping out his wife to my animals.
In order to make absolutely sure that we get the greedy, devious Jew completely on our side in the negotiations with his client, you tell Perez to start off the meeting by slipping him a $50,000 cash bribe to insure that the Hebrew will be very anxious to use his influence to persuade Hot-X to rent us his wife’s hot body to enjoy and plunder. Also tell him that he has full authority to give the slippery Jew anything else he thinks will inspire him to work hard to deliver her body to us.”

“Now, once he’s got the agent bribed and on our team, tell Perez to get from him all of the sexual dirt he can on the wife, so that he can confirm to me by telephone that she is the total slut we think she is and just how much he thinks she’s going to cost us. Between you and I, Raul, if she does prove out to be a voluptuous, deliciously dirty minded, nympho Cunt I’m looking for, I will pay whatever it takes to close the deal. I just want her outrageously stacked, super voluptuous body down here next weekend, giving my donkey’s a good time letting them gross themselves out pumping their cocks into all three of her cock holders.”



At 6AM the next morning, Raul punched in Perez’s cell phone number and soon heard the familiar sound of the slick San Diego attorney’s voice say, “Hello.” “It’s Raul, my friend. Don Francisco wants you to drop everything else you’re doing and go to work on procuring a super hot white chic to perform in a gang-bang fuck party that he plans to throw for his donkeys next weekend.”

Raul quickly brought the sleepy Perez up to date on everything that The Don had told him the previous night, described Cappuccino and explained what she is being accused of by Funk-U. He defined the exact details of the lawyer’s mission, then gave him Hot-X’s contact information, and the name of the Jewish agent. When he had finished, Raul hung up and let Don Francisco’s, extremely capable, very experienced, ace fresh white pussy negotiator go do his thing.

Perez’s first step was to look at the wife’s images on the internet. More than impressed by all the delicious curves and the sexy, naughty way she presented them, he pulled up the graphic, just released sex photos of the Rapper feeling up the wife’s goodies and groping them callously. He particularly liked the most sensuous photo of the group, one showing the Rapper just beginning to stick three of his fingers in her drooling mouth, said fingers obviously already glistening with her creamy white cuntal juices.

After a few minutes of visually enjoying the photos of her spectacular body being mauled by Funk-U, the Harvard Phi Beta Kappa leaned back and let out a pleased sigh, now fully understanding why The Don wanted to let his donkeys have this wanton slut to use and ravage in Tijuana. Donkey fucking was best done by a gorgeous, stacked, very bad girl, and this Anglo hottie certainly fit that description to perfection. But she was more than just a superbly built, beautiful, obviously cock-hungry woman, she projected the promise that she was the best piece of ass, ever. There certainly was no question in his mind that Hot-X’s wife was by far the sexiest looking woman he had ever seen. He was now as ready as Don Francisco was to watch her ripe white body get really smoked by the donkey’s huge black cocks, next weekend.

At 9AM Perez, who was very experienced at getting The Don whatever kind of pussy he wanted on short notice, placed a call to a close personal friend, and former college roommate of his, Harry Walker, who owned one of the biggest theatrical agencies in Los Angeles. It turned out that Harry not only knew who Maury Shine was, he also knew him personally, and had worked closely with him on several deals. In fact Shine’s office was just down the street from his, so they bumped into each other on a fairly regular basis.

Time being of the essence, and because of their close personal friendship, Perez cut right to the chase and told Harry exactly what his mission was and asked his buddy what suggestions he had for dealing with Shine, as well as his opinion on just how helpful he thought the agent would be in persuading Hot-X to make a whore out of his wife.

Harry told him that Maury had been Hot-X’s agent throughout the pioneer Rappers career and that his client let him handle all of his contract and money matters. He also assured him that Maury knew, in infinite detail, everything there was to know about both the husband’s and the wife’s personal lives. There was also no doubt in his mind that, if the whoring out of Hot-X’s wife would put a large commission in his pocket, Maury would do absolutely everything he could to help Perez convince X to agree make his wife take the booking, and then the fucking. He laughed that the little Hebrew was such a money-grubbing slime ball that he would prostitute his own mother if he thought that she could make a few bucks turning tricks, and then keep all the fees she’d earned on her back, for himself, so Harry didn’t think the little asshole would treat Hot-X’s statuesque wife any better. In fact, he recalled that Maury had complained to him several times that X’s wife treated him like a piece of shit and wouldn’t let him get near her. Her negative attitude towards him kept him madder than hell at her, therefore, Harry was sure that giving the obnoxious little Jew a chance to help sell her body to The Don to be used for a good donkey fucking would be an opportunity for payback that Maury wouldn’t pass up. Harry laughed that he could fully understand Cappuccino’s attitude, though, because every time he met with Maury he felt like he needed to take a shower afterwards.

In closing, Harry asked, “Damn, Shine has introduced me to Cappuccino and her husband a few times, and I’m telling you that she is the hottest, sexiest looking woman I have ever seen, period. The drop dead gorgeous broad looks like a walking, talking fuck, so my question to you is, as a part of this deal, are you going to get a piece off her action?” Perez responded, “For the women I bring in for him, The Don lets me get sloppy seconds after he and the donkeys are completely through using them.” Harry laughed uproariously, “You lucky bastard, that hot assed, super stacked honey should be at the very top of her fucking game for you, after she’s been nailed by six donkeys for three straight days. That will be some kind of sloppy seconds.” Perez smiled wickedly and responded, “You’re right old buddy. Plus watching a Mexican donkey’s huge black cock disappear fully into one of you Americans gorgeous, white bodied women, is very stimulating to us Mexicans, to say the least.”

To help grease the skids, Perez asked Harry to phone Maury and set up a 1PM appointment for him at the agent’s office, but not to mention the donkey fucking because he needed to do that face to face with Hot-X and his wife. Harry gladly made the call to the sleaze-ball agent, responding to his hello with, “Hey, Maury baby, it’s Harry Walker. I’ve got a lawyer friend of mine whose mega-rich Mexican client wants to book Hot-X’s wife to perform sex for him in Tijuana next weekend. And, before you ask, let me assure you that this is a legitimate deal with one of the real super-rich guys in the world.”

Shine responded, “Well Hot-X has never agreed to whore out his prick teasing wife before, but things have just dramatically changed for them, financially, so this just might be the perfect time to pursue getting him to agree to let her get fucked for money. So what’s the guy offering to pay for her sexual services?” Harry responded, “Damn, old buddy, it’s always good to know that I’ve called at exactly the right time to take advantage of a super sexy, always hot wife with money problems. Now my friend didn’t tell me how much his client is willing pay for her, but you know how crazy rich Mexicans can get when it comes to fucking fabulous looking, white American pussys, so let me speculate for you. Considering Cappuccino’s celebrity status, for her to let a bunch of horny Mexicans gang bang her for three days, she should be able to get as much as $500,000. That means you would be picking up a quick $100,000 commission for helping pimp out your client’s luscious ball-buster. Hell, you lucky little prick, at that price I’d say that you have no choice but to meet with my friend and help him get Hot-X’s voluptuous Cunt fucked.”

Completely turned on by the idea of the possible size of the commission he could get from helping peddle Cappuccino’s very fine ass, without a pause, the greedy little agent replied, “You’re absolutely right, Harry, so count me in. What time will the guy be here?”

“His name is Miguel Perez and he’ll be in your office at 1PM. Now be completely open with him, then do everything you can to help him book your client’s wife for a profitable, stimulating, Tijuana fuckfest weekend. Then, after you’ve got her signed up, just sit back next weekend and have yourself a few drinks by the pool while X’s fabulously built bitch fattens your bank account by letting herself be Mexican gang-dicked in Tijuana, Harry laughed. “You lucky SOB, is this a great country, of what?”



Perez had his Rolls Royce limo take him from his San Diego home to Shine’s LA address, where a secretary ushered him into the agent’s large office. He shook the skinny little Jew’s clammy hand and, while exchanging a few pleasantries, Perez looked the sloppy office over. The desk’s large waste basket overflowed with balled up paper, fast food containers, soiled paper towels, empty cans and other assorted debris. The dirty desktop was littered with sheets of paper and a large ashtray was filled with cigarette butts, used matches, ashes and the remains of a couple of half-smoked, long, fat, smelly cigars. In general, the hygiene of the room matched that of its grubby occupant.

At the other end of the office from the desk was a seating area containing two leather couches with a coffee table between them. On the wall behind the seating arrangement was a life sized picture of Hot-X and his wife on stage, showing him singing and her shaking her body in a torrid, flesh displaying dance number. This pictorial vision of her nearly naked, magnificently curved, frozen in action body, caused Perez’s mouth to get very dry. She was one unbelievably hot sex goddess.

Pulling his eyes away from the tiny-costumed, exposed flesh, form, he and Shine sat down at the agent’s desk. After getting a good look at the balding, unkempt, ferret-faced, 40-ish Shine, and hearing the words he had uttered so far, he could see that Harry had been exactly right about the shady little creep. He was about as sleazy as you would expect a Rapper’s Hollywood Jew agent to be, and it was immediately obvious to him that nothing he proposed to Shine was going to bother, or offend him, in any way. Virtually stamped on little weasel’s forehead was the motto, “Show me the money.”

Perez looked across at the rumpled agent and said, “Mr. Shine, as my good friend Harry told you, I’m here on behalf of an extremely wealthy Mexican client to arrange for the booking of your client’s wife to perform a sexual engagement for him in Tijuana next weekend. Harry advised me that you were the right guy to talk to about getting this deal agreed to and booked today. He also told me that you could answer any personal questions I have about your client and his wife.”

“Yeah, I’ve been Hot-X’s agent for many years and I handle all of his business and money matters,” Shine confirmed. “I’m also X’s friend and confidant so there is nothing about him and his wife that I don’t know,” Shine assured him.

Perez quickly took the initiative, saying, “In order to demonstrate to you just how really serious we are about closing a deal for the use of your client’s wife’s sexual services, here’s $50,000 in cash that we want you to have, in exchange for you giving me your full support and assistance in pushing your client into accepting the more than generous offer I am going to be making for the unlimited sexual use of his wife’s absolutely superb body for three days in Tijuana.”

The surprised little Jew agent quickly took the envelope stuffed with $1,000 bills, looked inside it, licked his lips then, with a nauseating grin, shoved it in his desk drawer. He then leaned back in his swivel chair and said, with the cunning look of a shark seeing blood on the water, “I am totally at your service, Mr. Perez, so please tell me just what kind of sexual activities your Mexican client has in mind for Cappuccino to perform for him in Tijuana.”

With the well bribed Hebrew agent making it perfectly clear that he was ready to do whatever he was told to do, Perez replied, “Short and sweet, I’m here to get Cappuccino and her husband to agree to let her get totally orgied in Tijuana next weekend. So, the question to you is, do you think that you are going to have any trouble getting Hot-X to agree to make his wife available to fuck for my client,” Perez asked, aggressively? “Not at all, Mr. Perez, under the threatening circumstances they currently find themselves in, if the price is right, I don’t think that Hot-X will have any problem making his wife available to perform at your client’s Tijuana sex orgy,” Maury replied confidently.

“Excellent,” Perez responded, “Now, before I can give you a price for Cappuccino’s bodily services, I need to know a few things about her sex life. As you give me the answers to the questions, please understand that, because of how spectacular her body is and, because of the type of sex my client has in mind for her to perform with it, the sluttier she actually is the more my client is going to be willing to pay for her. We aren’t interested in having virgins perform these orgies for us, we want them to be done by stunningly beautiful, ultra-stacked, very experienced, totally uninhibited, hot-assed Anglo sluts, just like Hot-X’s wife appears to be. Is that understood?” “Absolutely,” leered the devious little weasel who, with the bribe tucked safely away in his desk, and with getting Cappuccino gang-fucked being the only issue, he was feeling more hopeful by the minute that his potentially big commission was going to become a reality. He assured Perez, “X has always gotten a kick out of telling me every intimate little detail about he and his wife’s sex lives, so what I will be telling you is coming straight from the horse’s mouth.”

“Good, now I want you to give me all of the sordid details about Cappuccino’s sex activities, starting with; has that vile looking black Rapper, Funk-U, been fucking her like he claims he’s been doing?”

Shine responded, vindictively, “Shit yes he has. The black mother fucker has been banging the hell out of her for the last six weeks, day and night, right up until he turned on her yesterday and released those damnable sex photos to the press.”

“Did Hot-X know that Funk-U was forking the hell out of his wife,” Perez asked? “Hell yes he did,” Maury spat out. “X also knew that the young, low class, dirt bag Gangsta Rapper was letting the other members of his Rap group put the meat to her, too.”

‘In that case, I assume that she and her husband must have an understanding about playing around on the side so, to make sure that I fully understand how really slutty she really is, please quickly summarize her lurid sex life since she met and married Hot-X ten years ago,” Perez requested.



The little Jew jumped on the subject with spiteful relish, saying, “X met the round-heeled bitch at the LA suite of Penthouse Magazine, where she had been functioning as a greeter and escort for several months. As a Penthouse escort she was assigned to entertain a celebrity virtually every night, and take good care of their sexual needs.” Sneering, he added, “The Penthouse escort girls technically weren’t whores because they were paid a flat salary for gratifying the member’s often disgusting sexual fantasies.”

The first time X saw her he had her assigned to be his escort that night. She laid him so well that, four months later, he married her sweet white, well fucked ass even though he knew that her ironclad, unbreakable personal services contract with Penthouse still had four months to go. As a result she continued sexually servicing celebrities every night until the contract finally ran out. He often tells me that she has saved him a fortune in prostitute fees because she turned out to be such an incredibly wild, totally dirty fuck.”

“For the first five years they were married, X and Cappuccino were never out of each other’s sight and he pounded that stuff every night. Then Mother Nature finally took over and during the next couple of years the number of times he was banging the cock-hungry harlot gradually dwindled down to once or twice a week.”

“At the beginning of their eighth year of marriage, a close friend of X’s purchased a women’s only nightclub in LA, called Caligula’s. The first thing the guy did was establish a special night, once a month, for his rich male acquaintances to attend a private sex party to which they were each allowed to bring one female companion; their wife, a girlfriend, a hot date, somebody else’s wife, a MILF, or even a hooker. The only requirement was that she had to be good-looking and very broad minded. The group ended up having 24 guys in it.

On party night the room had twelve four place tables scattered around it. Two couples were assigned to each table by a lottery number. At these parties the women the members brought with them could only engage in sexual activity with the Club’s stud dancers. All the guys were allowed to do was watch their women in action and urge them to be very bad each time one of the club’s stud dancers came to their table. After the party was over each table’s pair of couples went to one of Caligula’s adjacent sex cribs, where each guy got his rocks off in his table mate’s female partner, as many times as he wanted.”

These restrictive rules did not apply to the women. They were allowed to make out with each other any time they wanted. X said that the tit sucking, clit licking, pussy eating, ass rimming, girl-on-girl action was really something to see. It seemed that none of the women had any trouble being bi-sexual.”

“At the first party, the Owner had three of the Club’s extremely well hung stud male dancers come in, naked, and parade around among the tables, offering to let the women play with their cocks. It turned out that nearly all of them grabbed a handful of the huge, bare pricks and played with them, and their balls.”

“The studs then made a second pass through the audience, this time offering to let the women kiss their cockheads. About half of the females, urged on by everyone else, with balls in one hand and the shaft in the other, kissed and licked the heads of the meaty pricks.”

“During the third trip through the audience, a half dozen of the women stuck the stud’s cocks in their mouths and sucked on them, to the enthusiastic applause of the onlookers. Only three of the women ended up getting down on their knees and sucking the jumbo sized cocks to a climax, and then swallowed the stud’s hot, creamy ejaculations. One of those three hot Cunts was Cappuccino.”

“As soon as X saw her in action that first night, he discovered that he liked the hell out of watching his spectacular wife performing sex with others, male or female. He particularly liked seeing the sensuous look on her face while she devoured a big meatpole, followed by her look of surprise when it went off in her mouth, concluded by the look of pure lust that that crossed her face when she swallowed the half-a-cup sized volume of thick jism the professional stud performers were usually able to shoot between her teeth.”

“Of course sucking cocks was only one part of the sexual activities at the parties. By the third month the women had gotten much bolder and all of them were greedily sucking on the performer’s cocks. At the fourth party they were given the additional choice of bending over their table and letting themselves be mounted from behind by a stiff bonered stud, then get their channels deeply plowed. Cappuccino was the first to volunteer to perform that pleasurable task and X got to watch his luscious wife put on a hot, ass humping performance for the huge weapon that was impaling her, and be the first to let a stud shoot his full load inside of her steaming, well reamed cuntal channel. The first cum shot that she had felt explode inside of her pussy caused her to climax, and the audience cheered as they watched the stud’s thick joy juice begin oozing out of her plundered, squeezing, creampied snatch.”

By the sixth party, the owner had to import some of his male porn movie performers to help out the studs. That night X watched as Cappuccino was put between two well hung porn movie guys, who promptly rammed their rigid cocks up her ass and down her throat, simultaneously. After several minutes of getting this wicked double spearing, she got cum shot into both ends of her very over-heated body.

X had liked the Caligula sessions so much that, after six months, he arranged with Caligula’s owner to have a couple of the studs come over to his condo for private sessions with Cappuccino. These affairs were held halfway between the regularly schedule parties, and the well equipped studs enjoyed putting on an, anything goes, show with his wife’s amazing body and hungry orifices. It turned out that the Caligula studs had liked fucking her so much at the regular parties that they volunteered to do these extra sessions with her, for free. During these private, sometimes bondage, debaucheries she honed, to perfection, taking double and triple penetration.”

“The Caligula parties revitalized their sex lives and, stimulated by watching his wife be the star slut of the orgies of sex, X was soon back hitting her stuff every other day. He told me a year ago that she loved cocks more than any woman he had ever known, to the point where she was obviously addicted to them.”



“This Caligula sex has been going on for the past three years but the Funk-U sex only started six week ago when X made the mistake of going out of town for four days, leaving Cappuccino by herself. As soon as he left for the airport, she called an old girl friend of hers, who invited her to an after concert party being held for the Hip Hop show’s performers. There she met Funk-U, who was a marginally talented nobody. She had been so horny that, as ugly as the Rapper had looked, she still promptly gave it all up to him that night.

She had been so turned on by the size of Funk-U’s massive cock, and the nasty way he used it in her, particularly up the ass, that she went back to the concert the next night to get some more. This time Funk-U took her to a nearby flophouse that his group had rented for the purpose of having a place where they could take their groupies to be fucked. Once there, Funk-U introduced her to the abusive, demeaning life of being a groupie, by making her let his ugly, grossed out, raunchy Rap group members nail her all night long, one right after another, then all together in an orifice filling, multiple penetration, cum hosing pile.”

“X returned from his trip a day early and Cappuccino didn’t come home until 7AM the next morning. When he asked her where she’d been, she confessed that she was out partying and cuckolding him behind his back. When he asked her why she’d done it, she told him that it was his fault for leaving her by herself with nothing to do, and that she had already gotten so hooked on all the sex she was getting that she wasn’t ready to give it up.”

“Not at all pleased with her answer, X went to see the young Rapper, who was 25 years his junior, and demanded to know what he was doing making out with his wife. The Rapper was able to calm X down long enough to tell him that he had it all wrong. Cappuccino had been the aggressor and she had picked him up at the concert party, then had given him head with everybody at the party watching, then had grabbed him by his pecker and led him down the hall to the hotel room she and her girlfriend had rented, where she proceeded to ball him all night long.”

“When X had finished digesting the news about the way his wife had officially cuckolded him behind his back, Funk-U sat him down and reasoned with him that all black men love to put their meat in voluptuously bodied, blonde white women, like his superbly stacked wife and that, as a bro, X should be happy to pass her around to his black brothers and let them get a sample of the Anglo stuff he’s forking.”

“Since X loved to watch his wife get fucked’ he and Funk-U were quickly able to reach an understanding, and the next night X brought Cappuccino to the Rapper’s flophouse where they fucked her together. From then on X got to watch her getting it from all the mangy group members, any time he wanted too. It didn’t taken long for X to discover that he liked, even better than the Caligula action, watching his blonde, stacked, wanton white wife getting really hammered by a bunch of big-dicked, shiny black Hip Hoppers, who thoroughly enjoyed callously violating her orifices while they subjected her to an endless stream of profanity laced, demeaning verbal abuse.”

Shaking his head, Maury concluded that, “Up until he released those damned pictures yesterday, everything had been going just fine and the hot-assed slut was happily getting all of the cockmeat stuffed in her body that she could possibly want.”

“Hell, only a week ago, Funk-U had spiced things up by bringing a beautiful, hot, young, bronzed Latina groupie with him and immediately had the surprised Cappuccino make out with her. The next night X was there when Funk-U brought the same Latina slut back again and, this time, he had Cappuccino lick his balls and rim him while he fucked the kneeling Latina bitch up the ass, from behind. Periodically during the gonzo anal attack, he had Cappuccino get on her hands and knees, with her face right next to the Latina’s ass, then, during the raunchy ass fucking session he would repeatedly pull his black dick out of the Latina’s ass, and stick it in Cappuccino’s mouth to suck.”

“Shit, just the night before the pictures were released, with X again watching the action, Funk-U had sat naked on a couch with Cappuccino in the reverse cowgirl position taking his cock up her ass, while the Latina knelt in front of her widely spread thighs and ate her already well fucked, oozing snatch, stopping every so often to raise herself up and French kiss Cappuccino’s drooling mouth. Later the Rapper made her lay on top of the Latina, in the 69 position, then let all of the rap members take their turns fucking the three holes available on each end of the sandwich of female flesh. All the time this was going on Fuck-U knew that, in just a few hours he was going to be throwing her to the negative publicity wolves.”



“After the shit hit the fan last night, X and I huddled and tried to figure out how this had all happened. The only thing we could come up with was that Funk-U has always cared a lot more about his career than fucking Cappuccino. As best we could figure, apparently Funk-U and his manager determined that the best thing he could do to bolster his going no where quest for stardom, was to figure out a way to exploit the fact that the world famous prick-teaser, and very married Cappuccino, was giving it up to him every day, and thereby get some much needed free publicity that might help jump start his struggling Hip Hop career.”

“Knowing that Cappuccino was so hooked on his cock that the sex stupid slut would do anything he told her to do, he got her to let a photographer take photos of them having wild, raunchy sex together. Then he followed that up by getting the insatiable Cunt to agree to let him make a sex tape of them fornicating in every filthy way possible. When they had shot all of the stuff they needed without saying anything to she or X, Funk-U had his manager leak to the press the already infamous, very indiscrete photos that you have seen of him groping and manhandling Cappuccino’s cooperating body. I have to hand it to Funk-U’s manager he couldn’t have timed it any better. The leaked graphic pictures have already produced an explosion of free publicity for the low life Rapper, and has gotten him lots of interviews, during which he brags about all of the things he’s done to the cheating slut, on the, yet to be released, sex tape.”

“X and Cappuccino were so blindsided by this unexpected publicity stunt that they haven’t even started on the defense of denying everything, to try and defuse the situation, as best they can. Meanwhile they are waiting, in dread, for the next shoe to drop, the release of the sex tape. The one thing they know for sure is that, if the lewd sex tape comes out, they can kiss their reality TV show, and all the money it pays them, goodbye. Hell, they have already been reduced to hoping for some kind of fuckin’ miracle to save them.”

“Damn,” Perez grunted, “It seems to me that buying the dirty pictures and the sex tape from Funk-U, then lying and denying everything, would be the best way out of this problem. If that were done, she would probably be hotter and more popular than ever ”

Shine replied, “Funk-U’s manager has already approached me early this morning about selling us the pictures and the sex tape for $1.0, million. But there are two problems with the offer, (1) it would put a real strain on X’s finances, plus he just doesn’t want to part with that kind of money at all, and (2) even if X agreed to give them the money, he could never be sure that Funk-U had actually given them all of the dirty stuff he has of her. Since Funk-U can’t be trusted at all, they would always be waiting for another copy of the stuff to surface.”



Perez held his hand up and said, “Okay, Maury, I am satisfied that your client’s broad is absolutely the perfect slut for what we want her to do for us, so I am prepared to offer you top dollar for the use of her sexual services in Tijuana.”

“But just one more thing before we talk deal. Is Cappuccino as dumb as she sometimes acts, or is she as smart as she acts the rest of the time?” “Well both, actually,” Shine replied. “Her body has been shaped like it is since she was 14 years old, so her whole life has evolved around men wanting to have sex with her and men having sex with her. Dealing with men’s advances around the clock didn’t leave her with much time to store up a lot of intellectual information in her head, so she sometimes comes off as being an easy, empty headed blonde. But don’t let that breathless, dumbed down voice and “Wanna-Fuck-Me” facial expression act fool you, she puts it on whenever she wants to gain an advantage over men who are panting for her pussy, thereby enabling her to get exactly what she wants from them. She may not get invited to any Mensa meetings, but she is plenty smart enough to know exactly how to flaunt and use that body of hers to get anything and everything she wants,” Maury said, resentfully. “But also always remember that, like all women, she was born to be fucked and she’s always ready to give it up to any man who offers her the right price, which just means that she can be stupid as hell sometimes.”

“Good to know,” Perez smiled. “By the way, this crisis scandal she’s caused must be going to cost you a lot of commission money.” It damn sure is,” the little slime ball replied bitterly. “That hot assed bitch’s cheating is going to cost me plenty, which is why I need to have her fuck for your guy to more than make up for what the stupid slut’s fucking around on her husband is going to be costing me.”

Perez leaned forward and said, “So, if I am reading the situation correctly, if the price is right, you don’t think that X will have any problem at all having his wife give her body up to be used for my client’s entertainment.” The anxious little Jew shot back, “You are exactly correct, Senor. Under the circumstances, for the right price, I promise you that I can talk X into making his wife whore herself any way your client wants it.”

“And you’re sure that Cappuccino will go along with her husband’s decision,” Perez asked? “Absolutely,” Shine responded, “She knows that her sexual indiscretions have caused this mess, so she’ll do whatever X tells her to do to remedy the problem.”

“Now, I hate to be pushy but, in order for me to be able to help you get what you want by convincing X to whore Cappuccino out, I need to know exactly how much money your patron is willing to pay to get to put the meat to the best body in the whole god-damned world, a title that was just bestowed on her by Esquire Magazine.”

Perez leaned back and said, with a smile, “Alright you pushy little prick, how does a million dollars a day, for three days, sound to you?” Spluttering in utter disbelief, Shine choked out, “Holy crap, $3.0 million for the use of her body for three days? Shit, she probably does have the best god-damned body in the world, but you have got to be shitting me.” Perez calmly responded, “Believe me, I am not kidding at all. Because she has a perfect body that is controlled by the mind of a pure slut, she is exactly the Cunt we are looking for. That being the case, I have purposely set the price so high that she and her husband will have difficulty turning it down. So now it’s up to you to do your part in getting Hot-X to agree to let his wife get fucked for $3.0 million, no matter what sex acts she has to perform to earn it?”

With a potential $600,000 commission dancing around in his brain, Shine practically yelled, “Shit man, I’m on this like butter on toast. I promise you that I will convince X to agree to make his cheating slut wife put it all out for your boss, any and every way he wants it.”

“Wonderful. Now, to be able to get the best out of Cappuccino we want her to have a clear mind, completely free of worries, so that she can fully concentrate on performing the demanding sex acts we have planned for her in Tijuana. Therefore I am going to give your clients an additional sweetener to the deal by taking the necessary steps to resolve their problems with Funk-U, long before she goes to Tijuana.”

“For his own personal protection, my client employs a Para-military, special strike force unit that takes care of the problems he encounters, from time to time, with the Mexican Mafia and assorted drug kings. I will have that unit dispatched to Funk-U’s quarters, and to his manager’s facilities, tomorrow, where they will forcefully enter the structures, gather up all of the incriminating pictures and the sex tape. And, please believe me, when faced with this strike force, the Rapper and his posse will be more than willing to turn over everything they have to them, or they will get their nuts handed to them in a bag. When the unit has all the materials in their hands, they will give Funk-U $100,000 to leave your clients alone, under the threat of severe reprisal and, believe me, your clients will never hear from them again.”

Shine listened in amazement, then asked, “Damn, can you really do that to Funk-U without any problems with the US police?” “Believe me, my friend, our unit has police connections everywhere, so there will be no problem. No one will ever know that anything happened, except Funk-U and his manager,” Perez said with a sinister smile.

Perez stood up and asked, “So, Mr. Shine, are you ready to get busy selling this deal to your client.” “Shit, are you kidding, you have given me an offer that I can really sell,” grinned the confident little weasel, looking like he was going to have an orgasm, right that minute.

“Where are they right now,” Perez asked? “We’re in luck, they are at their condo here in LA, and it’s not too far from here,” Shine responded eagerly. “Good. Call them and get them to come down here right away, so that we can talk over the details of the deal with them, and then consummate it, today,” Perez ordered. “I’ll call him right now,” Shine promised. “Good. While you are doing that I’ll step outside to my limo and call my client and bring him up to date on how well things are going, so far,” Perez told him.



Moments after Perez left the room the unscrupulous, dollar driven little agent, with visions of the huge commission dancing around in his head, was on the phone, in total pimp sales mode, saying, “X baby, I’ve got some fantastic news for you, news that is going to knock your socks off and completely solve all of your current problems. There’s a Latino attorney outside of my office, representing a super-rich Mexican who wants to book your wife for a three day orgy gig next weekend in Tijuana, now hold on to your hat, he says that his client is willing to pay $3.0 million for the right to use her body, sexually, any way he damn well wants too.”

“You’ve got to be out of your fuckin’ mind, $3.0 million to get some of Cappuccino’s tail? I mean she is spectacular, but who in the hell would be crazy enough to do something like that,” X blustered?

“Apparently this fucking Mexican billionaire is crazy enough to do it, that’s who, asshole. The rich bastard saw you two on that TMZ show last night and was so impressed by Cappuccino that he decided that she was the sexiest looking woman in the world, and wants her to fuck for him at a private three day sex party he’s throwing next weekend in Tijuana. And, X, I have it on good authority that this guy is absolutely legit,” the agent assured him.

X pondered for a few moments then, with his curiosity, greed and voyeurism all peaking at once, replied, “Okay, let’s suppose that you are right, what in the hell do you suppose he wants her to do for him for that kind of money,” X questioned?

“Who gives a shit X, we’re talking about three fucking million dollars for her to get screwed for three days. As far as I’m concerned, for that kind of money, I wouldn’t care what the rich SOB does to her. But if you want me to hazard a guess about it, I’d assume that he has in mind some kind of Mexicanized version of the type of gang banging she’s been getting from Funk-U and his Rap group,” the anxious Maury almost shouted, as he tried to keep X on track.

Agitated, X responded, “Damn it to hell, Maury, you mean that the rich SOB is going to pay $3.0 million to do to her what Funk-U and his bunch have been doing to her for nothing.”

“Christ, I don’t know, X, but what god-damned difference does it make anyway. The fact is that your very experienced, hot assed, cheating wife is apparently being offered a way to fuck her way out of this mess that she fucked the two of you into,” Maury reasoned, irritably.

“But listen, X, that’s not all he’s offering you,” Maury went on excitedly. “Besides paying her the $3.0 million to let herself get orgied like a fuckin’ porn star, as an additional incentive, the Mex is going to dispatch his own special Para-military unit to LA with instructions to recover all of the dirty pictures and sex tapes that Funk-U has of your wife, then eliminate the problem with the Rapper, forever, through the threat of extreme violence. Hell, that means that, in one weekend of whoring her sweet ass, your Cunt wife can solve all of your problems – money, reputation, everything. Your cuckolding denials will suddenly become pure gold during all of the interviews that you and your sexpot wife will be giving in the future.”

Shine took a deep breath, then went on, “Look, old buddy, lets reason together here. As far as I’m concerned you two are being given the chance of a lifetime to right the ship Cappuccino has practically sunk for you. So, as your business manager, I strongly recommend that you get your black ass down to my office, right now, and bring your hot pussyied wife with you, and lets sit down and listen to what the Mex attorney has to say then, hopefully, agree that your wife will do whatever has to be done and cut the $3.0 million deal with him. It’s time for you to quit fooling around and go ahead and peddle your wife’s flesh like a god-damned Pimp. And that includes having her suck this attorney’s cock, rim him, bang him, or do whatever else it might take to close the deal. Your god-damned cheating wife owes you that much for being stupid enough to let that black bastard stick his cock in her in the first place, and exposing to the world the fact that she has been cuckolding you with an ugly, small time, piece of shit, loser like that punk Rapper,” the agent threw in for emphasis.

He leaned back in his chair, sweating, and concluded, “So let’s quit fucking around, X. Bring your wife’s voluptuous assets down here and lets cut a deal for them, and then let her get started on fucking all your problems away.”

After a brief pause the agent heard X mutter, “Okay, I’ll have her pussy down there in an hour,” followed by the click of a telephonic hang up.



After Perez hung up from talking to Don Francisco, he got out of his limo and started back towards Shine’s office. Things were going very well but he was playing a game in which he had no alternative but to win. He had to deliver X’s Cunt to Tijuana next weekend, or else, because The Don did not accept failure of any kind. His mind raced as he made his way back into the office, and he concluded that he should make the agent fully aware of what the real deal was, and offer him some additional incentive to help him convince X to let his wife get donkey fucked.

When he got inside, the excited little agent told him, “X and his wife are on the way here, and I have him completely convinced to pimp her out. The only small detail left is that X is very suspicious that, for the $3.0 million, your client wants Cappuccino to do a lot more for him than put out straight orgy sex. I’ve got him to the table ready to agree to hand over his wife for a good fucking, so now it’s up to you to give him the assurance that nothing else is involved.”

Perez responded, “Well X’s suspicions are well founded, Maury, because much more than straight, gang bang sex is involved. I haven’t told you anything about the real nature of the deal because I only wanted your client to hear it directly from me, face-to-face. But, since we’re only a few minutes away from meeting with them, I am going to give you a very brief heads-up about what we have in store for Cappuccino next weekend, so you can help me get them over this last big hurdle.”

“For the last three years my client has owned six donkeys who are fully trained to fuck human females. Next weekend he wants Cappuccino to be the human female that they all fuck, while my client and his friends watch her take on the six huge cocks. As you saw by the amount of my client’s offer, he is very generous in financially rewarding the women who put on the donkey fucking shows for him, in which they let themselves get screwed, all three ways, several times over,” Perez told him.

“Holy fuckin’ shit, you actually mean that the deal is that his wife has to let a bunch of donkeys fuck her to earn the $3.0 million,” Shine exclaimed? “That is exactly what I mean,” Perez confirmed. “Now I’m already positive that the $3.0 million fee will be much too tempting for X’s smart, promiscuous, completely uninhibited wife to pass up, and that she will end up agreeing to do anything and everything that my client wants her to do with, and for his donkeys. That just leaves her husband to deal with, so the question to you is, can you get X to agree to sell his wife’s services to my client and let her get donkey fucked?” With his head held in his hands, still trying to digest the enormity of what he’d just been told, the disheartened the little agent whined, “Shit, I don’t know, that is a very big hill to climb.” “I know that it is a big step, you little bastard,” Perez yelled, “That’s why I gave you the $50,000 bribe, and that’s why I am going to give you an additional incentive to spur you on to use your friendship with your client to get him to give his wife’s body up to be fully exploited by The Don’s animals.”

He paused briefly then said, “I have a question for you, Maury. Have you ever gotten your hands on Cappuccino’s body?” “No, the round-heeled slut can’t stand for me to even get near her, so I haven’t gotten so much as a kiss on the cheek from the over-sexed prick teaser,” Maury grumbled, bitterly. “After all that I have done for them over the years, the bitch has never said thank you to me, not even once.”

Perez leaned forward and asked, “Well, how would you like to fuck her right here in your office this afternoon? I mean stick your cock in her everywhere you want to and make the bitch pay for all of the insolent treatment she’s subjected you to over the years?” “Are you kidding me, I’d give my left nut for the chance to get into that stuff,” Maury groaned?

“Alright then, I’m going to throw in another bribe for you, one that will truly make your day. If X agrees to the deal, I am going to make it a condition of closing that the beauteous Mrs. Hot-X demonstrate to me that she really is committed to letting the donkeys fuck her, by agreeing to let something worse that a donkey fuck her today – namely you. That means, if we are successful in closing the deal, you are going to get to do whatever you want to her body, no holds barred, for the rest of the day and evening.”

He heard Shine yelp out, “Jesus H. Christ,” then start choking. While waiting for Shine to catch his breath, even though he did want to do everything he could to maximize the odds of getting the deal closed, he knew that this was probably an unnecessary bribe to the little troll. But it didn’t really matter if it did prove to be an unnecessary step, because he was also doing it to serve his own horny self-interest. Although his agreement with Don Francisco was that he couldn’t fuck the women he procured for the fuck parties, until after The Don and his animals had all taken their turns plundering their bodies, it didn’t prohibit him from watching someone else fuck the procured woman, before she was delivered to Tijuana. After having worked on this project since 6AM, looking at her body and all the risqué poses she put on with it, plus hearing all the torrid descriptions of Cappuccino getting club dance stud and Rap groupie fucked, he had become lustfully intrigued by this perfectly built, beautiful, sex drunk, very whorish woman that The Don wanted to have for his donkeys to fuck. He was infatuated by the dumb blonde facial expressions she sometimes used, mouth open expressions that made her look like she was just getting ready to go down on an over-sized cock. He also loved the erotic look on her face that was there all the rest of the time, a sensual expression that looked like someone was in the process of finishing shoving the rest of his cock into her hot pussy. He had become so intrigued, in fact, that he wanted to watch someone put the meat to her, today. He had realized that, in this situation, Maury was the only one he could use for the job but, luckily, Maury was also the perfect guy to put on a nasty sex show with X’s stunningly beautiful, pure Cunt wife. The little Jew was slimy, gross and disgusting and she was beautiful and perfectly built and couldn’t stand him, all being factors that provided the ingredients necessary for a nasty porn show. He would get to see this spectacularly built woman put out to the revolting little Hebrew slug, and get screwed completely over, providing him with just the kind of sexual gratification he needed, right now. The only thing that could make it even better would be having a hot slut on her knees, between his spread thighs, giving him a blowjob while he watched the ugly little Jew plunder Cappuccino’s statuesque body.

Hearing another noise from Shine broke his train of thought and he glanced over at the little Jew who looked like he was going to pass out. Apparently the thought of getting a $600,000 commission from Cappuccino getting donkey donged, plus the thought of getting to do anything he wanted to do to her prime, juicy, hot body, today, had been too much for him, because it looked like he was having a heart attack. But the skinny little troll soon recovered, then jumped to his feet and shook Perez’s hand, profusely saying, “Thanks, my friend, I promise that I will reel X in, no matter what it takes, and because I couldn’t think of a better thing to happen to his full-bodied, tramp wife than to get fucked by a bunch of donkeys.”

Putting his hand on the Jew’s shoulder, Perez advised the little slob, “When she agrees to do the demo with you, I expect you to take full advantage of the situation and make a real pig out of yourself while you are working her over. This will probably be the only chance you’ll ever get to nail the bitch this way, so don’t hold anything back and treat her like a cheap whore, while you re giving it to her and getting your payback. I am expecting you to provide me with some real nasty sexual entertainment, by doing the dirty with her, so don’t let me down.” Shine responded by rubbing his hands together as he thought about getting them on the body that had been prick teasing him for years, “Don’t worry, I’ll nail the hell out of the slut.”



X hung up the phone in his study and went into the kitchen where he found his wife pouring coffee wearing only a pair of light purple, satiny bikini panties a companion, extremely low cut bra, and color matching 5 inch, stiletto heeled shoes.

Standing next to her was her mother, Michelle, who had rushed right over after watching last night’s disastrous TMZ show, in order to console and comfort her suddenly publically infamous, scandal ridden, sexpot daughter. They had stayed up so late last night that Michelle had elected to stay over in one of the guest rooms for the rest of the night.

Cappuccino’s mother was one hot looking, very well-endowed broad, herself. This morning she was decked out in a pair of mouth-watering, skin-tight, white pants and a low cut red top that fully displayed the cleavage of her huge breasts. Accentuating this simple, sexy outfit, his mother-in-law was wearing 4 inch high heeled, white summer wedges. Just like her daughter, she enjoyed using tight, revealing clothing to enticingly advertise her gloriously shaped assets. She was built like her daughter, but was two inches taller and five pounds heavier. She was a tanned and toned bombshell who looked like she was 30 years old. As her husband had told him the other day, Michelle was one prime Cunt.

She had been 17 when Cappuccino was born. Six months later, her boyfriend was killed in a car accident. She had soon taken up with a wealthy Jewish playboy car dealer who had used his low level movie industry connections to get her on a lot of casting couches where she earned several roles in some very cheap, exploitive B-movies. Although she looked fantastic on the sliver screen, she quickly proved that she had no acting talent, at all.

When the legitimate movie became out of the question, her enterprising playboy/car dealer quickly pushed her into the porn industry. She spent the next two years making a lot of very dirty movies, including one containing a still famous deep throat scene, during which she spent several minutes on her knees getting throat fucked, swallowing every bit of a very thick, nine inch long cock that was being shoved rudely between her stretched lips. The guy doing the face fucking held her head in both hands while he humped her face, ending each deep, grinding thrust by mashing her face and lips hard against his hairy pubic mound, as he forced his prick in to maximum depth. A very close by microphone had clearly picked up all of the juicy sounds of her drooling mouth getting fucked, including the noisy climax when the guy, with his tool buried in at full depth, shot his wad down her throat, the thick cream gagging her.

Michelle had been a brunette during her porn star days so today, as a redhead, although her face was virtually unchanged, she was only occasionally recognized by porn movie buffs. At age 47, she still looked like a dynamite MILF / Cougar, who would be perfect for making sex movies of her seducing teenage boys, or movies involving several teen boys making her perform extremely hardcore, double and triple penetration sex with them. But, instead, for the last ten years she had been living the easy life in virtual anonymity, married to a very successful Lebanese lawyer, who was ten years younger than she.

X went over to took his wife’s lush body in his arms and kissed her flush on her wide, full lipped, cocksucker mouth, before stepping back and saying, “Ladies, lets sit down at the kitchen table and talk over some serious business.”

Bringing their coffee with them, they sat at the round table and listened as X announced, “That was my agent on the phone. He tells me that he has a high dollar Mex lawyer in his office whose stupidly rich Mexican client saw the TMZ show last night. The SOB was so taken by you, Cappuccino, that he is convinced that you have the sexiest body on the planet and, based on the nasty things that you were being accused of by the show host, he thinks that you obviously also have the perfect, naughty, over-sexed mind to go with it. Having reached that salacious conclusion, he has already sent his attorney to Maury’s office, where the Mex legal eagle has told him that his client is offering to pay $3.0 million dollars for you to go to Tijuana next weekend and get orgy fucked for three days. Who will be fucking you hasn’t been disclosed yet.”

Both mother and daughter’s mouths dropped open in stunned amazement, and remained speechless until Cappuccino finally gulped and gushed out, “My God, darling, did the guy really say he thought I was the sexiest looking woman in the world?” “That’s what Maury told me,” X grunted. Swelling with pride, she said, breathlessly, “Hoch, how very flattering that is. And just because of the way I look the guy is willing to pay $3.0 million for a weekend of sex with me?” Her excitement grew even more quickly as she thought of what that much money would do for their bank account balance.

X went on, explaining that, as part of the deal, the Mexican would immediately take steps to get the Funk-U problem eliminated by having his personal security team visit the Rapper and forcefully persuade him to turn over all the dirty pictures of the two of them in action, as well as the sex tape. When they have everything they will take decisive steps to make sure that we never hear from the Rapper again.

Leaning back, he concluded, “That’s everything I know, so far, ladies. It all sounded like a hoax to me, but Maury swears that a very reliable source promised him that this guy really is legit and that the offer he’s making is bona fide. So Maury wants us to go down to his office, right now, and meet with the guy’s attorney, who will fill us in on all the details, and then sign up the deal. So baby, the first question you have to answer is, are you ready to sell him the use of your body for $3.0 million, and officially become a high priced whore?”

Cappuccino looked at Michelle and said, “Oh God, Mother, this is all so sudden, what do you think I should do?” Michelle calmly responded, “Well, based on what happened to you on last night’s TMZ show, I think that both of your careers are at serious risk, and the longer this sex scandal stays in the news, the more your revenues are likely to suffer. What you are being offered seems to be a golden opportunity to quickly solve all of your problems at once, and allow you to go on with the lives you were leading before you took up with that damned, no good, black trash Rapper. Therefore, I think that you have no choice but to go and meet with the lawyer and see what the deal is. If it turns out to be you being the primary gang-bang entertainment at a three day sex orgy, then you really must do it. That is certainly what I would do if I was in your position, right now.”

Husband and mother watched Cappuccino mull the situation over in her mind for a few seconds then, with a sensuous smile, reply, “The thought that there is a super rich guy who likes the way I look so much that he is willing to pay $3.0 million to get to use my body any way he wants, is giving me such an amazing rush that I want to let him have me to use. Not only that, I am so turned on by the whole thing that I am going to enjoy doing it for him, no matter what, so I don’t see how I could possibly turn the offer down.”

X looked at this mother-in-law and injected, “But Michelle, before we hastily leap at this deal, as incredible as it seems to be, consider this; if the deal does turn out to be real, it is hard to imagine that the Mexican doesn’t have a lot more in mind for your daughter to do than just having straight, raunchy, demeaning sex with him, and a bunch of his rich asshole buddies. I don’t know what it will turn out to be, but for him to pay that much money, I’m sure that he must have something much dirtier and more challenging in mind for your daughter than for her to just get gang-banged in Tijuana.”

Michelle put her hand on her son-in-law’s arm and responded, “You two are up to your necks in trouble right now. My daughter’s promiscuity initiated the problems you have, but you also aided and abetted her wanton misbehavior by agreeing to let Funk-U and his group keep fucking her. So now the two of you are just going to have to bite the bullet, and my daughter is going to have to pay whatever the physical and mental price is for letting the Mexican do whatever he wants to her, no matter how demanding, lewd and disgusting it might turn out to be. Besides, it’s hard to imagine that, after what she’s been doing for Funk-U and his fuck team that she isn’t perfectly prepared to take on anything the Mexican wants to throw at her.”

Argued out and anxious to get all of their problems behind them, X said, “I guess you are right, Michelle, that is the same thing Maury advised me on the phone. So you’re again telling me that, if you were in your daughter’s place, you’d take the money and go get fucked?” “Absolutely, I’d do it in a heartbeat,” she assured him. He looked at his wife and asked, “So you are ready to go down to Maury’s office and check this thing out?” She responded excitedly, “Am I ever, I can’t wait.”

When they had all stood up, X reached out and grasped both of the women by the backs of their necks, then pushed their faces and bodies together, and said, “Honey, give your mother a real hot kiss to thank her for making this decision much easier for us.”

The titillating sex sexual situation and discussion already had both females fully turned on, so they instantly went after it, driving their tongues into each others mouths as they rubbed their tits and pubic mounds together and fingered each others clits. X watched them play with each other for three or four minutes, and get themselves boiling hot, before he forcibly pulled them apart and said, “Honey, it is time for you to get ready to go.”



Turned on, wet-mouthed and gasping, Cappuccino took her mother by the arm and led her out of the kitchen saying, “Come and help me pick out something wickedly sexy to wear that will put all my goodies out on full display. I want the Mexican lawyer to be very pleased and impressed with what his client will be getting for his $3.0 million, and make him even more anxious to close the deal.”

When the two women returned, Cappuccino looked absolutely sensational, truly like a fuck going somewhere to happen. With the moves of a pole dancer, she modeled her body and the whore-purple, flesh hugging, skin exposing dress her mother had chosen for her to wear for the occasion. Striking a final pose, she asked her husband, coyly, “Think the Mexican is going to like me, baby.”

“Damn, you have really out done yourself this time baby, and you truly do look like a pure slut,” her husband marveled, approvingly. “You certainly look like you’re all ready to become a real, high paid whore.”

He then reached over and smacked Michelle on her superb ass, producing a loud splat, as he said, “Congratulations for helping your daughter get dressed up so sluttily, and thanks for your good advice to both of us. Come to think of it, you have been so helpful, and you look so damned good yourself, why don’t you come along with us to the meeting. We could certainly use your wise council and encouragement, plus your presence would add just the right touch of sinfully beautiful slutiness to the steamy sexual atmosphere we are going to be meeting in. Hell, knowing how much Mexicans love Anglo women, keeping the lawyer’s attention diverted by both of your bodies, just might cause him to let us have something we might not otherwise get. In fact, since you said that you would be willing to do what your daughter is going to agree to do to solve our problems, maybe you could be even more help with the Mex lawyer. If it is okay with you, during the meeting, if it looks like he’s really horny for some of your stuff, I’ll tell him that you used to be a porn movie star and assure him that you are available to give him a sample of your well honed sexual skills, as a freebee.”

Michelle wordlessly freshened up her lipstick, then let her son-in-law enjoy the sight of her fully curved, tight fleshed, statuesque body strutting across the living room floor, where she grabbed her purse, and said, “I am willing to do anything you want me to do to help you two land this deal and end your current problems. So let’s go, I’m at your disposal.”



Hot-X’s mother-in-law, Michelle, had driven over to their condo late last night to help them cope with the public relations nightmare that had occurred during their guest appearance on yesterday’s TMZ celebrity talk show. To their shock and chagrin, during the show its mean spirited, diabolical host had surprised Cappuccino by demanding that she respond to the charges that a virtually unknown, ugly black Rapper, aka Funk-U, had made less that an hour ago, that she had cheated on her husband with him. Before she could get her wits about her, the antagonistic host had displayed on the show’s huge TV screens, several extremely graphic, damningly explicit photos that Funk-U had just released to the press. The pictures showed the two of them in a shadowy hallway, and then in a very cramped bathroom, engaging in wild, raunchy, filthy sex acts that were totally inappropriate for a married woman to be performing with anyone who wasn’t her husband. Unfortunately, when she did try to deny the charges, her scantily dressed attempts to explain it all away made her seem to be guilty as charged.

After Michelle had arrived last night the three of them had stayed up so late trying to come up with a plausible defense against Funk-U’s ribald accusations, and the confirming photos, that Michelle had elected to spend the night in their guest room.

Also viewing last night’s TMZ show had been Mexican billionaire, Don Francisco Ramos, one of the ten richest men in the world. As he had watched the spicy spectacle unfold, The Don had become completely enamored with Cappuccino’s voluptuous body and wickedly sensuous face. Those two fabulous, prick-teasing assets were made even more appealing, in The Don’s mind, by the wild, naughty sex acts she had been accused of performing with that wondrous, over-sexed body of hers, as well as her suck absolutely anything mouth.

As soon as the TMZ show had ended, the super-rich Ramos and his cousin had quickly done an exhaustive internet search on the oft-photographed Cappuccino, which resulted in Don Francisco deciding that he had to have her bring that spectacular body to Tijuana next weekend to star in a three day sex orgy extravaganza that he was throwing for his, well trained to fuck human females, Mexican donkeys.

Accordingly, early this morning The Don had his cousin contact his company’s pussy soliciting San Diego lawyer, Miguel Perez, and direct him to immediately search for, and find, Hot-X’s LA agent, Maury Shine, then go and meet with said agent, today, and make his client an offer he couldn’t refuse, for Cappuccino to be the only female participant in next weekend’s six donkey sex orgy.

Perez had successfully found agent Shine’s address, went to his office, gave him a $50,000 bribe as an incentive bonus to make sure that the slimy, money grubbing Jew would help Perez talk Hot-X into letting his wife participate in the, over-the-top, beastly sex extravaganza. He made sure that Shine didn’t disclose that donkeys would be what Cappuccino would be fucking, electing to hold off on providing that piece of shocking information until he was able to meet with the couple, face to face.

Then, to the astonishment of the well bribed, now very cooperative little rat of a Hollywood theatrical agent, Perez had announced that his client was offering to pay her $3.0 million for her sexual services at the demented orgy. When the sleazy Jew had digested that astounding news, Perez had him call Hot-X and advise him of the offer, then invite he and his wife to come to Shine’s office and go over the details of his client’s proposition.

When Hot-X had shared the news of the offer with his wife and her mother, the wise, financially astute, extremely practical mother-in-law had convinced him that he and Cappuccino should go and meet with the billionaire’s lawyer and hear out the specific terms of the offer, and find out exactly what kind of, undoubtedly demeaning, sex acts she would be required to perform to earn that enormous amount of money.

This course of action having been agreed upon, the very excited Cappuccino had purposefully dressed herself up to flagrantly flaunt her voluptuous wares. When they were ready to leave for Shine’s office, X had invited his fable-bodied, ex-porn star mother-in-law to go with them to provide the Mex lawyer with a second fantastic body to ogle and be tempted by, while she listened to the terms of the deal and then give them her wise counsel and advice. More than willing to be supportive in any and every way necessary, Michelle had readily agreed to go and do all she could to help them out, including letting the Mexican lawyer fuck her curvaceous body, if that was needed to help close the deal.



When ready to leave, they decided that Michelle would drive them to Shine’s office and then, after the meeting was over, she would go directly home to her husband while they grabbed a taxi back to their condo. As he rode in the back seat of Michelle’s Jaguar, X was quite relieved that he had allowed his mother-in-law to talk him into letting Cappuccino get screwed for the $3.0 million the ultra-rich Mexican was offering her, no matter what kind of, so far undefined, sex acts she would be forced to perform for him. With that major decision having been made, X was now looking forward to signing the agreement then relaxing until it was time for him to go and enjoy watching his sensationally stacked, prick teasing wife get royally screwed over by, what he assumed would be, a bunch of rich, gang-banger Mexicans, in Tijuana next weekend.

Meanwhile, in the front seat of Michelle’s luxury sedan, the two stunning, superbly curved, provocatively dressed, very adaptable sexpots were also very happy with the decision, and were now just anxious to find out what type of sexual debauchery the mega-rich Mexican planned to put Cappuccino through to earn the $3.0 million. The practical minded mother and daughter both very well knew that, even if the couple wasn’t in financial trouble as a result of Cappuccino’s unrestrained, rampant promiscuity, the Mexican’s offer was way too much money for the daughter to turn down, period. They were of like mind that Cappuccino had to take the money being offered, and then submit herself to the hard fucking that would undoubtedly follow.

When Michelle pulled up in front of the agent’s office building there were no parking spaces available, so she told them to get out and go on in and she would find a parking spot and then join them in the agent’s office. X scrambled out of the back seat and opened the passenger door just as Michelle reached over and ran her left hand under her daughter’s short skirt and, palm up, onto her silken crotch, then gave the puffy lipped pussy a warm squeeze, as she said, “Go up and strut your stuff, honey, and make that Mexican lawyer’s eyes pop out. And remember, darling, today’s operative word is “YES”, so lets do whatever we have do to close this deal.” “I will, mother, and you get your body up there, quick, and start tempting the Mex lawyer and making him horny for some of your action. A piece of your ass might help close the deal more favorably,” she giggled. Then, with a big smile, she gave her mother a torrid, passionate, drooling, very incestuous, French kiss, obviously not for the first time.

Cappuccino got out of the car and the couple went inside then took the elevator up to Shine’s reception room. The secretary buzzed the agent and told him that they were here, then waived for them to go right on in.

Seconds later the Mexican billionaire’s attorney, and Hot-X’s disheveled little toad agent watched the famous couple come through the doorway, Hot-X first; followed by the most spectacular woman’s body Perez had ever seen, in person, in his whole life. Perez shook hands with X and then walked around the perfumed stack of outlandish curves the Rapper had brought with him, looking his white wife’s magnificent body over, from head to toe, before exclaiming, “God damn, man, your wife looks even better in person than she did in the very hot, revealing, steamy, risqué photographs I have been looking at since early this morning.”

X acknowledged the compliment then said to his luscious bride of ten years, “Well baby, since Mr. Perez is here to proposition us for the use of your body, why don’t you go ahead and show it off to him, up close and personal.”

Almost drooling, Perez watched the miraculously formed, sinfully delicious female body undulate towards him, looking like it had just stepped out of a dirty magazine cover, as he ogled her swaying curves and the whore-purple, very short skirted, cleavage displaying, mini dress that her 5’2”, 130 pound, 39DDD-24-40 body was packaged in. She stopped in front of the very impressed lawyer and struck a few suggestive poses, letting him fully enjoy the very close up view of her absolutely killer body. During the stimulating prick-teasing show, Perez noticed the same thing he had seen in the many photos of her that he’d been looking at; besides having an incredible set of curves, the erotically sensuous look on her face would give a stone statute a hard on. Her pouty mouthed, I’m doable, expression looked like she was begging for someone to stuff a stiff prick in her mouth. If you looked up the word “fuck” in the dictionary, her full length, minimally clothed picture should be the wordless definition you found. He thought to himself, “Jesus, what a fabulous fuck she’s going to be, those lucky damned donkeys were in for one hell of a good time.”

When he was through visually inspecting the dazzling merchandise, the blonde sex goddess stepped up and gave him a full lipped kiss right on the mouth, slipping him some wicked wet tongue while she rubbed her lush body against his, giving him a full feel of the spectacular assets he was there to rent for next weekend’s three day orgy of sex.

While he was getting the torrid tongue job, and the full body massage that was resulting from her dry humping him, he smiled to himself that he’d been exactly right about this gorgeous, over-sexed slut, the $3.0 million was just too much money for her to turn down, so all that was left for him to do was skillfully introduce the news to them that she would be getting deep fucked, in every way possible, by a bunch of ugly, horny Mexican donkeys in Tijuana next weekend.

He looked over at her watching husband and, from the pleased smile on his face, Perez could tell that the Rapper wasn’t going to take much persuading at all to agree to let his wife get donkey fucked. Hell, X was already in the process of handing his lush bodied marital partner over to him on a silver platter. As a result, Perez’s confident mind was already drifting to the, soon to occur, moment when he turned X’s curvaceous wife over to the disgusting little Jew agent, so he could watch the sleazy little asshole get sexual revenge on X’s hot assed wife for always treating him like the repulsive little piece of shit he really was. Perez could hardly wait to see her magnificent body getting mounted, used, abused, ravished and demeaned by the ugly little bastard, as Shine crudely collected on Perez’s, personally self-serving, final bribe of the day.

Primed for that dirty sex show, it was time for him to disengage himself from Cappuccino and then tell the couple the beastly terms of his client’s sex proposition. Reluctantly, he pried Cappuccino’s hot, squirming body away from his, then led her over to the sitting area, where he said, “Honey, you sit your sweet ass down here on the couch, right across from Maury, and keep your motor running, and X, you sit beside her and lets get started talking about the specific details of the proposition my client is making you.”

Smiling wickedly, Perez started the meeting by saying, “Before we go into the negotiations, X, let me give you my personal observation about the situation you find yourself in. Based on what I have seen and heard so far, I must urge you to take my client’s offer because your sizzling hot, voluptuous wife looks and acts like she is guilty of everything she’s being accused of, and much more. I warn you that the day that sex tape is leaked out you are toast, my friend so, unless you get rid of the Funk-U sex tape problem, no one is ever going to believe that she hasn’t cuckolded you, many times over.



At that moment, Shine’s secretary buzzed him on the intercom and announced that there was someone else here to attend the meeting. Jumping in, X quickly explained to Perez that it was Cappuccino’s mother, Michelle, who was out in the reception room, and that they had invited her to attend the meeting and hear the details of the offer his client was making, so she could give he and her daughter her advice and counsel about what they should do.

Surprised, to say the least, the lawyer finally just shrugged his shoulders, so Maury called out, “Send her in.” Moments latter all four of them watched a two inch taller version of Cappuccino erotically undulate into the room. The gorgeous, awesomely stacked mother was wearing a pair of, beyond skin tight, white pants that looked like they had been spray painted onto her plush lower body, plus a very low-cut red top that confidently displayed the full cleavage of her huge, jutting, jiggling rack. Her sensual, ass swinging strut was accentuated by the 4 inch high, backless, white platform wedges she was wearing. She was hot with a capital H and looked like the ultimate MILF/Cougar.

Maury immediately leapt to his feet, open mouthed, his eyes glued to the full blown body of the astounding female creature that was swaying towards them, while Perez looked her up and down and uttered a very impressed, “Damn!”

Maury immediately went up to the bodaciously built mother who, in her high heeled wedges, was 4 inches taller, and 10 pounds heavier than he was. He draped a skinny arm around her lush hips and, while staring at her spectacular cleavage, blurted out, “Where in the hell have they been keeping you all these years? My God, woman, you are an absolute knockout.”

Michelle, different from her daughter, did not act at all repulsed by the ugly little Jew laying his clammy hands on her body. During the two years she had made porn movies, she had often been filmed giving it up to ugly bosses who used her body in every nasty way the Directors could dream up. In the movie plots these make believe bosses were usually joined by males playing the role of a relative or a business partner, or both, guys who were just as ugly looking as the nauseating looking bosses were. Early in her career the movie company had found that the uglier and big dicked the guys were who fucked her, the higher her porn movies got rated and the more they sold, so it was a formula that they had stuck with, religiously. As a result, she had spent untold hours on her knees looking up at the ugly faces of the creepy little bastards who had their cocks stuffed in her mouth, getting one of her hot, drooling, skillful, deep-throated blow jobs, before all the other male cast members were told to jump in and gang bang her to a multi-pricked, cum splattering finale. Each time one of the repulsive little cruds had stuck his over-sized cock in her, any where the director told them too, she had wondered how the porn company management had been able to find so many ugly men with really big cocks for her to orally service and then get plowed by. She did have to admit that all those big cocks and ugly sex partners had honed her into being a fabulously skilled, completely uninhibited, man pleasing slut. She had gone on to use these hard earned skills to successfully become a trophy wife, a position in life that fortunately required the same female characteristics.

While she was letting Shine cop some feels, Perez had sidled up to her and declared, “You couldn’t possibly be Cappuccino’s mother, you look more like you’re her sister.” He looked her over some more then observed, “Shit, it is very obvious where your daughter got all those spectacular curves of hers. That is one hell of a body and face you’ve got on you, baby. Hell you look like you should be joining your daughter in the Tijuana, not just giving her your advice.”

A few more impressed looks also told him that, from the hot way the mother acted, and the erotic expression she had on her face, as well as the whorish way she was dressed, her daughter had not just inherited her magnificent body shape from her buxom mother, he was now absolutely sure that Cappuccino’s sex addicted brain had also came from this, former porn queen, as well. Together they looked like two gorgeous, swinging twin Cunts going someplace to get screwed.

Maury was now standing directly behind the sensationally stacked mother, with his hand up between her legs feeling up her tightly encased crotch, as she heard the lawyer say, quizzically, “You look familiar to me, somehow. It seems to me that I have seen you somewhere before?” X quickly explained to the curious Mexican, “Michelle used to be in the movies and you may be remembering her from the underground B-movie cult classic, Psycho Maniak. She posed for the publicity photo they used to advertise the movie. She was wearing a skin tight orange jumpsuit, and they shot the photo from directly behind her. “Oh, sweet Jesus,” Perez exhaled, “You are absolutely right, X.” While Shine continued to manually prime her crotch, Perez took another tour around the mother’s super lush body, then said, “Damn, honey, that was the most unbelievable ass cheeks picture I have ever seen and I had that photo of your spectacular ass up on my bedroom wall for years. He pushed Shine out of the way and put a hand on each superb ass cheek and then said, in amazement, “And here that very same ass is, stuffed into a pair of incredibly tight white pants, standing right here in front of me. It’s fuckin’ Unbelievable!”

As he looked her over and touched her body some more, he told her, “That scene in the movie where the Psycho Maniak sneaks up and grabs you from behind then, during the wild struggle, throws you to the ground several times, before finally overpowering you, followed by his crudely unzipping and pulling down your jumpsuit, then viciously raping the hell out of you, is one of the great horror movie, turn-on scenes of all time. Everyone in the theatre audience, males and females alike, were pulling for the Maniak and he didn’t disappoint them. Your erotically arousing ravishment by that crazed, half-wit brute was beyond spectacular.” He took her hand and kissed it saying, “You don’t know how glad I am to actually meet you in the flesh and, damn, you are some kind of wondrous package of prime female flesh to meet.”

Seeing an opportunity to further advertise her sexy goods, X quickly injected, “After Psycho Maniak, Michelle went into the porn movie business and stared in many super raunchy films, a couple of which are classics. Hell, it may even be some of those X-rated films that you remember seeing her in, too, because she churned out about one of them a day during the two years she worked in the business. Hell, she was the most beautiful woman in porn in those days and won some prestigious industry performance awards, including best cock sucker of the year, best gonzo DP scene, as well as one for the best gang bang movie of the year. It nearly put the company she worked for, Degenerate Films, Inc., out of business when she quit. Hell its owner still has lunch with her every month, gets a piece, and tries to get her to return to the business.”

Having now met both of the spectacular women in person, and being fully armed with all this new, hot, revealing information about the fabulously constructed mother, Perez’s mind began racing at maximum speed as he assessed this unexpected twist in the situation. Here he had the ultra hot bodied Cappuccino waiting to be told what kind of sex acts they wanted her to perform to earn the $3.0 million and, from her lustful demeanor, she appeared to be all set to agree to do whatever they wanted her to do. Plus, unexpectedly, she had now been joined by her equally well built, gorgeous, extremely sexy, former gang bang porn star mother who, from the no-nonsense look of practicality on her sensuous face, was obviously here to make sure that, no matter what was required of Cappuccino, her daughter accepted the terms of the proposition and then let herself get totally fucked next weekend.

This unforeseen addition of the super hot mother to the plot opened up Pandora’s Box for him. What made all this so incredible was the fact that, soon after the first donkey had successfully fucked a human female three years ago, The Don had been dreaming of having his donkeys make out with a gorgeous, superbly stacked, completely uninhibited, Anglo mother-daughter combo. But, up till now, they had never been able to find a pair of Anglos who had the kind of superb bodies necessary for the deep donkey fucking job, and were also both beautiful and totally wanton enough to provide the optimum level of nasty gratification possible that The Don was anticipating. Now, suddenly, this unbelievable mother/daughter duo was here in this sleazy Jew’s office, perfect for the job in every way, and very ripe to be had. All he had to do was talk the mother into joining her daughter in the sex orgy, then talk both of them into agreeing to get screwed by The Don’s donkeys. If he was successful in this endeavor he would be able to present Don Francisco with the ultimate in Anglo, mother/daughter curvaceous female flesh for him and his donkeys to enjoy fucking, and for Don Francisco to also get to enjoy watching them incestuously devour each other, before, during and after the donkey fucking. This would be the incestuous fuckfest coup to end all donkey fuckfest coups.

All in all, the slick Harvard lawyer knew that he had been presented with a once in a lifetime opportunity that he absolutely had to successfully take full advantage of for his client. He smiled as he thought of his own personal motto, Anglo Pussys For All, VIVA MEXICO!



Very confident that the gorgeous, super sexy mother was here to put out, if necessary, to help her daughter get the $3.0 million gig, Perez was absolutely certain that he could persuade her to join her daughter in the Tijuana donkey gang-bang. If he was successful he would be providing The Don with the dynamite Anglo mother/daughter duo that he had been searching for to totally debauch. Emboldened, he said to Maury, “Before we get started, I want to talk to Michelle alone for a few minutes, so do you have a spare office with a lock on the door that I can use?” “Yes,” the agent responded, “I it’s very small and has a lot of crap in it, but you are welcome to go and try it out.” “Don’t worry, whatever condition it’s in will be fine for my purposes,” Perez assured him. “Good,” Shine responded, with a knowing wink, “Go out and see the receptionist and she will show you where it’s at.”

Perez took Michelle firmly by the arm and guided her out into the reception area where the girl led them down the hall towards a spare room. As they walked, the surprised Michelle thought to herself that she had been invited here by her son-in-law, specifically to put out to this Mex lawyer, if the opportunity came up, so she had arrived hot and fully prepared to have sex, but she had no idea that he would want some of her so early in the proceedings. Excited by the prospect of performing with some fresh male meat, she felt no guilt about letting the Mexican fuck her because she and her husband had a mutual understanding that they could each get some on the side, just as long as it wasn’t with anyone they both knew.

The receptionist stopped and opened the door to a very small room. Perez thanked her then quickly shoved his prey into the closet sized quarters, and locked the door behind them The room was full of so much junk that there was barely enough room for the two of them to stand. The Mexican quickly turned and grabbed her by the back of her neck with one hand, and used it to force her face and body hard up against a wall. He looked down at her perfect ass and then used his other hand to smack each spectacular check, very hard, several times, before he pressed his lips up against her ear and growled, “Damn, you hot wench, you’ve still got the best ass I have ever seen and I want a piece of it so bad that I can taste it.”

He grasped her by the shoulders and spun her around, then shoved her back up against the wall, kicked her feet apart, then ran his hand down between her lush thighs and began stroking and squeezing her crotch and pubic mound through the skin tight white pants, as he asked, “I am assuming that you know everything about what has happened during the past 18 hours.” “Yes I do,” she gasped, as his strong, stroking fingers were already sending sexual shock waves through her extremely sensitive, tingling clit that had already been primed by Shine’s probing hand.

“Then you must realize that it is our intention to take full advantage of Cappuccino and her husband’s current difficulties, and use them as leverage to exploit the hell out of your luscious, very naughty daughter’s fabulous body, and use it to gratify our basest sexual fantasies,” he stated. “Of course I do,” she replied. “When I found out about the obscene amount of money you are offering to pay for the use of my daughter’s body, I expected nothing less.”

“And you have no problem with that,” he asked? “No I don’t,” she admitted, frankly. “My daughter’s sexual impetuosity has gotten them into the personal and financial trouble they are in, and I see this deal with your client as being their best and probably only way out of the mess she’s created. As a result, I just want to make sure that she does the sensible thing and takes the money they need so badly, then lets your client take full advantage of her vulnerable position and make her do whatever he wants her to do to earn all that money.”

Very pleased to hear this practical minded, statuesque, former porn queen speak such perfect common sense, Perez reached over and popped her huge tits out of her low cut blouse and began licking their nipples, as he asked, “I take it then that, if you were in the same position she’s in today, you would do the deal. Is that a fair assumption for me to make?” Panting in response to what he was doing to her now heaving tits, she replied, “Absolutely! I would jump at an opportunity like this that would allow me to solve all my problems in one fell swoop. Besides, let’s face it, you have offered so much money that I, personally, couldn’t turn it down, under any circumstances, no matter what despicable things you made me do to earn it. Money rules, which is why most of we women so readily fuck for it. And with the enormous amount your client is offering, money rules, absolutely.”

“So I must conclude then that you, yourself are willing do anything you can to make sure that your daughter collects the $3.0 million from us. Is that fair to say,” he asked, pointedly, while he tweaked her rock hard nipples? “Of course I am,” she confessed, her body squirming with uncontrollable heat as she reached down and ran her hand over the swollen cock in his pants, very much wanting to get it inside of her, anywhere.

Now, knowing for sure that securing the $3.0 million for her daughter had this gorgeous Cunt trapped and completely under his control, the skilled pussy soliciting lawyer stated, “Well that leaves you completely open to being exploited yourself, doesn’t it?” “Yes, I guess it does,” she admitted. Perez went on, “And, since you have worked in the porn movie business before, I’m sure that you are very familiar with being totally exploited.” I certainly am,” she responded, well remembering how the many porn movie directors had taken full advantage of the absolute power they had over her, and had made her do every nasty thing imaginable from the book of porn, in spite of the fact that she was the owner of Degenerate Film’s, live in girlfriend during her last year in the business.

“So, if I insisted on expanding our orgy proposition to include you, as well as your daughter, I assume that you would have no problem agreeing to join her and share in performing the very demanding sex acts we have planned for next weekend?” “If that’s what it’s going to take to enable she and her husband to walk away with the $3.0 million then, yes, of course I would agree,” she stated firmly, gasping for breath as she squeezed his throbbing member through his pants leg. “And you would be willing to do it as a freebee,” he asked, as the ruthless exploitation of her began. “Yes I would,” she agreed, wanting to go down on the big cock she was rubbing.

Smiling in triumph, he stuck four fingers in her ruby lipped mouth and pressed down on her tongue, forcing her to her knees. Removing them, he informed her, “Seeing how practical and accommodating you are, I am going to expand our proposition to include you joining your daughter in Tijuana next weekend. Now, from the size of that wedding ring on your finger, you are not only married, your husband must be wealthy. So are you going to have any trouble getting him to agree to let you be absent next weekend?” “No, he’ll be fine with it,” she responded. “Will you be telling him why you will be gone for that long,” Perez questioned. “No, we have an understanding that each of us can be gone any time we want, without explanation,” she replied. “He knows that, when I return, I will entertain him by telling him everything I did,” she replied.

“Fantastic. Now I want you to signify your acceptance of this change in the terms of the deal by giving me a blowjob and swallowing down the load of come you cause. By doing that you will also be agreeing to do everything you can to make sure that your daughter and her husband accept my client’s proposal, no matter what it requires, nor how dirty and demanding the sex might turn out to be for both of you. Do you understand?” Dizzy with heat from the one-sided sex negotiation that now had her trapped in The Don’s sexual web, the very well stoked Michelle responded with a breathless, “Yes.”

Extremely pleased with how easily this had all gone down, Perez let her anxiously reach up and unzip his pants, pull out his rock hard boner and, taking the shaft in both hands, begin licking its pre-cum oozing head, making the sloppy, juicy sounds of pure, lustful, oral sex. As she greedily polished the glistening knob of his dark brown tool, and stabbing it in her open mouth the pussy hound lawyer said, “I used to sit in front of that picture of your ass and jack-off, and now I have you here giving me the real thing, so lets get started by me giving you a good face fucking.” Having said that, he grabbed her head in his hands and shoved his prick into her wide open mouth, then forced it down her throat. When it was in at full depth he started face fucking her, slowly and deeply, stretching her mouth wide open, as her lips were being repeatedly crushed against his partly exposed pubic mound. He held her head tight as his cock fully plundered her mouth and throat and finally said to her, “Damn you really are a sex talented MILF/Cougar, porn star slut and you obviously haven’t lost a step since you quit the dirty movie business. You are one hot, cocksucking slut.” Too himself he said “Shit, Don Francisco’s donkey’s were going to get to gorge themselves on the finest two pieces of Anglo ass they will ever have, and both of these Cunts are going to look absolutely fantastic as they willingly get ravished in every conceivable way known to man and beast.”

Finally he looked down at the sensuous face full of cock, and said, “Alright here, comes a load of semen,” and he pulled his meaty prick back until only the head of it was still in her mouth, and began emptying his balls into her waiting oral sex receptacle. He smiled with gratification as he watched the beautiful Cunt glub-glub his hot, thick, white cream as she sent it down into her belly.



After she had drunk all of Perez’s ball juice down to the last drop, Perez pulled his still rigid pecker out of her mouth, zipped up then helped her to her feet. Groggy from the sexual heat from the oral sex she’d just provided Perez with, as well as feeling all of the cum she’d swallowed now sloshing around in her belly, licking her lips, Michelle let the sexually relieved lawyer take her by the arm and guide her, light headed, back to Shine’s office. Once inside, he led her over to the seating area couches, where he directed the men and women to sit down across from each other, Maury sitting next to Michelle and facing Cappuccino’s short, tight skirt and plunging 39DDD neckline, and X next to Cappuccino facing Michelle’s ultra tight white pants and much exposed cleavage.

As soon as they were settled in place and ready to start the meeting up again, Perez listened as the anxious Hot-X get right to the point, “Maury tells me that your very rich Mexican client wants to book my wife to perform three days of sex for him next weekend in Tijuana, and that he is offering to pay $3.0 million for that privilege. Is that true?” “Yes, it is very true, Senor,” Perez confirmed.

X went on, pointedly, “Now I know that even a rich, sex crazed Mexican seeking a beautiful Anglo female to fuck, wouldn’t pay that kind of money just to have straight sex with her, no matter how many times she had to let him screw her.” X leaned back and said, “So tell us what kind dirty little sex tricks your client has in mind for my wife to perform, in order to earn that kind of money.”

“You are absolutely correct, my friend, next weekend’s decadent sexual debauchery will involve much, much more than just your delicious wife performing voluminous acts of dirty, straight sex,” Perez confirmed. “But, in order for you to fully comprehend why my client is making such a generous offer, you need to understand its genesis. So I ask you to please indulge me a few minutes of your time while I give you the history behind this proposition for the unrestricted sexual use of your wife’s voluptuous body and slutty mind. I assure you that it will make everything completely clear to all of you.”

X nodded his okay to the request just as Maury scooted over right next to Michelle, then took her left hand and placed it on his bulging crotch. Still being very much intoxicated from the head job she’d just given Perez, and having all of the thick cum she’d swallowed sloshing around in her belly, she immediately started stroking the Jew’s swollen package through his pants. Maury, while staring down at her smooth working hand, heard Perez say, “As you have already been told, my patron is one of the ten richest men in the world, a fortuitous circumstance that enables him to pursue things in life that others would never even dream of attempting. Don Francisco grew up in Tijuana hearing all of the folk tales about Mexican donkeys having sex with human females in local brothels, and quickly became completely obsessed with the wonderfully depraved concept of extracurricular sex. His youthful enthusiasm was eventually tempered by finding out, in his early teens, that these stories were mostly myths, and the reality was that this beastly sex with human females had been mostly confined to Mexican whores sucking off donkeys in shabby, run down Tijuana Bars. But, counterbalancing that dull reality were other, much more intriguing fables dealing with rich, beautiful Gringo women coming to Tijuana to let their bodies be impaled by the huge cocks of Mexican donkeys, then being completely dominated by the large, ugly animals who quickly drove them to unbelievable climaxes, ones so violent that they rendered the ravished Anglo trophy sluts totally helpless and mindlessly begging for more, like common, street walking tramps. These much more pleasurable, deeply gratifying, beastly fantasies became stuck in the young Don’s impressionable mind, forever.”

While he was listening to Perez tell the story and enjoying watching his wife’s mother stroking his agent’s swelling crotch, X leaned forward and pulled his mother-in-law’s huge breasts out of her bra and then out of the top of her blouse. He leaned forward and licked and sucked each jutting tit tip into his mouth, eliciting a soft moan of pleasure from Michelle’s open, panting mouth, before he leaned back and looked over the panoramic view of all of the tit flesh she now had out on full display. Smiling contentedly, he listened as Perez went on, “When he became the head of the family’s empire five years ago, those latent, youthful donkey sex obsessions were reignited as he quickly became captivated with the idea that the exciting old donkey sex fables should be made to become a reality, and that donkeys should be fucking human females every day and night in Tijuana.

In addition to fulfilling his sexual fantasies, being an astute business man The Don well knew that rampant donkey sex in Tijuana bars would significantly increase tourism which, in turn, would make the local brothels, motels and eating establishments much more profitable and, as a natural byproduct of such a dramatic economic upturn, would also provide whore jobs for Mexico’s abundance of beautiful, statuesque, always available to provide sex for money, Latinas. Beyond a doubt, these factors would all combine to create a dynamic boom in the local economy but, for this vision to become a reality, The Don very well knew that he would have to be the one to make it all happen.”

Stimulated by this worthy goal, he hired some professional animal trainers to teach a small, select herd of exceptionally big-dicked Mexican burros how to properly fuck human females, and enjoy the hell out of doing it. With plenty of time available to them, and with an unlimited amount of money to spend, as well as having a wealth of Tijuana whores and very willing Southern California college girls for the donkeys to practice on, the skilled staff he’d hired was very successful in their efforts and, much earlier than expected, delivered to him six fully trained donkeys, all of whom were ready, willing, able and anxious to fuck the hell out of any woman he chose to put under them.”

“In order to optimize the donkey’s performance, and to also allow them perfect conditions to continue honing their fucking skills, The Don constructed a special air conditioned barn in which to house the animals. The facility includes a show stage and the hoisting paraphernalia that is used to pull the donkeys up into the correct reared position required for them to be able to drive their entire cocks into a woman’s sexual receptacles. There is also a small seating area around the show stage where selected guests of Don Francisco can sit and watch the donkeys do their thing to the women who have been provided to them to fuck. Very pleasing to The Don, these enthusiastic audiences have all wildly cheered the ribald debauchery, as they watched the beasts ravish the willing women, and turn them into helpless, sex drunk sluts.”

As the Mexican lawyer droned on, the dollar enthralled Cappuccino was day dreaming about how flattered she was to have a rich Mexican offer her $3.0 million to have sex with and for him; and how relieved she was going to be when the Funk-U sex tape problem had been eliminated; and how good she felt now that her mother had encouraged her to be sensible and take the enormous amount of money she was being offered to get fucked, and then do whatever nasty things the rich Mexican wanted her to perform.

Besides, she concluded, getting orgied really wasn’t that big a deal for her, anyway. Based on what little information was available, she had come to the plausible conclusion that the super rich Mexican wanted to engage a beautiful, famous American celebrity to be the hostess of a party for his important friends, at which event she would let a bunch of rich Mexicans watch each other take turns making her do dirty things for them while they tried to fuck her brains out. Being a natural born exhibitionist, and an extremely experienced live sex toy, as well as having had all that wickedly dirty sex at Caligula’s, and then performing the extremely raunchy sex with Funk-U and his gross group of callously abusive black Rappers, she really had no problem at all with the idea of letting the Mexicans do whatever they wanted, with and to her. In fact, the whole situation had her so hot that she just wished that the Mex attorney would finish talking so that she could accept the offer and then suck him off if he wanted her too. While she was engrossed in this stimulating sexual trance, she had missed most of what Perez had said.

Meanwhile Perez continued on, “After several months of watching the donkeys mount and fuck the women he’d imported for them to screw out of their minds, The Don determined that the donkey’s unique women fucking skills should also be put to use serving another, much higher calling of his — making whores out of beautiful Anglo women as payback for 300 years of arrogant, belittling Yankee abuse of Mexico and its citizenry.”

This desire for meaningful revenge for the history of the insulting abuse of Mexican’s had been ingrained in him from childhood by his powerful father who had spent his whole life resenting the fact that the Gringos to the north looked down on Mexicans as being shiftless, second class citizens who Yankee businessmen callously lured across the border to provide America with cheap labor as undocumented wetbacks. Well taught by his vindictive father, The Don had grown up deeply resenting this ruthless exploitation of his fellow countrymen and, resultantly, he has always had a burning desire to seek meaningful vengeance for this heartless mistreatment of Mexico by the, overbearing Americanos.”

“Driven by this revenge based patriotic zeal, The Don gained his first significant degree of payback by dedicating himself to personally fucking, all three ways, every beautiful, rich Gringo trophy wife he came across. He was wildly successful in this effort, which was pleasurable and satisfying to him, but these many crass, plundering conquests failed to provide him with the truly gratifying depths of depravity that he felt were necessary to properly achieve his inherited thirst for total vengeance against all Gringos. As a result he was left satiated but unfulfilled.”

“But, after the first few months of watching his donkeys in action fucking human females, the way to get the demeaning vengeance he was looking for became steadily clearer in his mind. Seeing how deeply and thoroughly the animals were able to fuck and dominate the women, The Don determined that the horny burros were the perfect patriotic tools of revenge against the hated Yankees, because these ugly, sexually skilled beasts were actually capable of physically achieving the motto of all Mexicans – “FUCK THE GRINGOS (and especially their white trophy bitches).”

While still only half listening to the attorney’s enthusiastic explanation Cappuccino, for the first time, looked over and saw the dreadful sight of her husband’s slimy little Jew agent ogling her ripe, teasing, very exposed flesh in a way that he had never done before, while simultaneously getting his cock stroked through his pants by her hot, lustful, tits out, mother.

Then, to her horror, she watched the disgusting little Hebrew remove her mother’s shaft stroking hand from his stimulated crotch, unzip his fly, then grab her same hand and spit into its palm, then shove it down into the open fly. She could see the outline of her mother’s fingers wrapping themselves around the shaft of his obviously substantial prick and then start slowly jacking on the stiff prick. Two minutes later she grimaced as she saw the Jewish pig grab her mother’s wrist and use it to push her hand further down into his pants, until her fingers were holding his scrotum. Then the putrid little slug leaned back, grinning like a hyena, and watched her watch her mother play with his heavy balls.

Though she was more sex drunk than ever, squirming with heat, Michelle was able to work on the nasty Hebrew’s cock shaft and balls, while still catching most of the Mexican lawyer’s lucid and lurid explanation of his client’s dreams, and apparent obsession with using donkeys to demean Anglo women for the glorification of Mexico. But, in her turned on condition she still hadn’t been able to figure out exactly where the Mex attorney was going with this titillating donkey related tale he was telling, nor had she been able to determine why he was telling it to them. But she did have to admit that it was very stimulating and compelling listening.

Looking down at her hand moving around inside the agent’s pants, Michelle shrugged her shoulders and thought that, since she had already committed herself to participating with her daughter in next weekend’s sex orgy, she might as well stop trying to figure out how they were going to be fucked because they were soon to find that out, anyway. Besides, she was much more interested in hearing all about The Don’s perverted mind. As far as she could tell from Perez’s descriptions, Don Francisco sounded like a very fascinating, if somewhat diabolically twisted man, who has a serious sexual fixation. One thing was completely clear, though, the billionaire seemed to be hell bent on making next weekend’s sexual activities very rough and wild for she and her well prepared to be orgied, daughter.

That said, in spite of the fact that he was obviously a very sexually demented man with a deep-seeded patriotic hang-up, since she was a woman who had always found rich men to be extremely attractive, no matter how ugly they really were, she was very much looking forward to meeting The Don in Tijuana next weekend, warped horny idiosyncrasies, and all. Plus, the more she heard from Perez’s dissertation, the more she was beginning to see where watching a woman have sex with a donkey could be an excitingly perverse sexual event, especially if the donkeys really were as well hung as Perez kept saying they were. Her pussy having been stirred by these depraved sexual thoughts, she pulled her hand out of the sleazy agent’s fly, held it up for him to spit into again, then spat in it herself, before pushing it back in the little Jew’s open fly, where she returned to performing her hand job and giving the ugly slug the very satisfying, saliva and pre-cum juiced up hand job.

As her warm, wet hand expertly manipulated the ugly Jew’s throbbing sex organ and big bag of balls, Michelle returned to listening closely to Perez’s story, “The Don moved quickly on this idea and established a master plan whereby he would offer America’s most beautiful married white women enough money to cause them to agree to make whores out of themselves by taking his money and then letting The Don’s donkeys fuck them into the abject depths of whoredom. By their entering into this sexual bargain from hell, and then taking the money and letting the donkeys fuck them, the married Trophy Anglo Cunts had finally begun providing him with the perfect degree of vengeance he’d been seeking, thereby giving he and his homeland the totally gratifying kind of demeaning payback that the Gringo husbands and their arrogant homeland so richly deserved.”

“During the last two years this program has been in effect, the donkeys have fucked many women, both in the dingy old brothel he owns on the edge of Tijuana, and up on the hacienda’s donkey show stage. Staying ever faithful to his cause, most of the women who had gotten fucked have been white Anglos, all of whom have gotten thoroughly vengeance-screwed by the donkeys in front of a proud, unfurled Mexican flag, and in the presence of an appreciative, lustful audience of cheering Mexican witnesses.” He has been so gratified by this success at luring beautiful American women into becoming high paid prostitutes, that he now wishes that he had enough donkeys to fuck them all. In that regard, to broaden his vengeful efforts, he now has six more donkeys finishing up their training, which will be used to stock additional Tijuana red light district brothels that he is buying up, as well as well as supplementing the hacienda’s existing herd of very big-dicked donkeys.”



Perez paused briefly and looked over his small audience, quickly realizing that the main thrust of his story had, at best, been only partly comprehended by the two prime subjects of this donkey fucking proposition. Shine, already having been told all about the planned donkey fucking party, had been spending all his time getting Cappuccino’s hot, cum-drunk mother to jack him off, while waiting to get the shot at her daughter that he’d been guaranteed as the final step in the bribery scheme. On the other hand, X had been contentedly dreaming about collecting the $3.0 million and then getting to watch his prick-teasing, promiscuous, cheating bride get totally fucked over next weekend. For Michelle’s part, since she had already committed to participating with her daughter in the coming orgy, no matter whom they had to make out with, she had let herself be coaxed into massaging the nasty little agents cock and balls, while she listened, as best she could, to his explanation of the background of the terms of the proposition. Meanwhile, the dreaming and dreamy prize target of the day, Cappuccino, still looked as ready as ever to say yes to anything and everything, in order to be able to collect the $3.0 million. “Hell,” he said to himself, “This game is already virtually over, so I might as well cut right to the chase and tell these two voluptuous Cunts exactly what lies in store for them in Tijuana, and not spare them a thing. Shit, all women were put on this earth to get fucked, anyway, and that was especially true for these two magnificent sluts and, man do they ever have some kind of fine, fine stuff to gratify man or beast with.”

While watching the outline of her ex-porn star mother’s hand pleasuring the despicable little agent’s sexual equipment, Cappuccino was suddenly snapped to attention by the loud sound of Perez clapping his hands together in order to get their undivided attention. She then heard him say, “X, this coming weekend is the third anniversary of the first time one of The Don’s donkeys successfully screwed a human female and, to honor that amazing and historic accomplishment, Don Francisco has decided to throw a special anniversary party for his donkeys next weekend, at which carnal feast he wants to present the animals with the most beautiful, voluptuous and totally wanton Anglo woman in the world, so they can celebrate the occasion by getting their kicks fucking the spectacular Anglo prize for three days straight, in every way possible. And, X, you’ll be glad to know that the woman he has chosen to service this momentous, big-dicked donkey gang bang, is none other that your truly fable-bodied wife, Cappuccino.”

With that sobering news suddenly ringing in everyone’s respective ears, Perez noted a wicked smile of sweet revenge and financial relief come over X’s cuckolded face; a look of horny, hopeful pure greed and lust spread across Shine’s leering, demented countenance; while the shocked Cappuccino’s eyes grew very wide as she, for the first time, comprehended exactly what she would be required to do to earn the $3.0 million.

Just before the Mex lawyer had disclosed this final dirty detail of his client’s proposition, the every sneaky Shine had slipped a hand behind Michelle’s neck and was in the process of slowly pulling her face down towards his open fly, with the full intention of replacing the hand she had on his stiff penis, with her open mouth and tongue. With Perez’s cum in her stomach acting like an aphrodisiac, she was in the process of cooperatively helping him accomplish his nasty intentions. With the head of his pecker sticking up out of the open fly, and with her lips hovering just a couple of inches above the head of his rigid, odorous meatpole, she was in the process of parting her lips to go down on it, just as she heard Perez’s pronouncement of she and Cappuccino’s donkey donged fate. Hardly believing what she had just heard, the stunning news caused Michelle to sit bolt upright as everything immediately crystallized for her. She now fully realized that she and Cappuccino weren’t going to be watching donkeys fuck whores next weekend, they were going to be the whores the donkeys were going to be fucking. Quickly piecing everything together, that meant that she and Cappuccino were going to be putting out to a half a dozen Mexican donkeys for three days, partly to please the donkeys, partly to please the watching Don Francisco and his guests, and partly to provide Mexico with a fully gratifying dose of wickedly depraved sexual revenge against all Gringos for 300 years of their arrogance towards Mexico.

Meanwhile, the devilish Shine, having just missed out on getting Michelle to suck his cock, seized the opportunity to grab her bare tits in his hands and then start sucking on them while she and her shocked daughter both listened closely to Perez get to the heart of the matter by advising X, “In this type of performance my boss’s gratification will come from seeing your wife’s magnificent body get penetrated, and then totally plowed and plundered by each of the donkey’s massive dongs, all three ways, and many times over. And let me assure you that the animals are extremely good at doing just that. They are unbelievably well hung and will have been pre-primed with large doses of very high potency animal Viagra, so that they will be able to put your wife’s pussy, anal channel and mouth through the damndest fucking they have ever had, bar none. Your wife will get donkey cockmeat shoved into her so deep that she will be moaning in heat during the entire weekend. And, last but not least, the donkeys cum shots are truly beyond belief, and every inch of your Trophy Cunt will end up being splattered and coated with the donkey’s thick, creamy spunk, day and night. She will experience the bukkake party to end all bukkake parties, as they hose her down with their heavy duty, seemingly endless cumshots.”

As they each digested this additional, graphically descriptive information, from their own internal vantage points, Perez continued addressing X, saying, “Now please understand that there is no chance of your wife getting injured by performing sex with the big-bonered donkeys. The animals are perfectly trained and closely supervised by professionals, and have already successfully fucked the hell out of many women, the majority of them being Anglo beauties like your gorgeous Slut wife. The Don insists on strict safety because his goal is to send each Anglo Cunt back to their cuckolded husbands or boyfriends, forever knowing that they are paid Mexican donkey whores. That is the final step that makes the revenge ever so sweet and gratifying for him and for all of the Mexicans he is doing this for.”

Perez finally he concluded, “Now you know why we are offering such a huge fee for the sexual services of your celebrity wife’s fabulous body and very wanton mind.” He then walked around behind the couch and over to where Cappuccino’s head was sticking up, grabbed it in both hands and held it steady while he began rubbing the cock in his trousers against the back of her blonde head. After a minute or two of this head humping he said to her watching husband, “Well its nut cutting time, Senor. If the two of you agree to take the $3.0 million, your wife will be earning it by spending the upcoming weekend in total sexual debauchery, letting six donkeys ravish her in every manner possible, thereby providing Don Francisco and his guests with the wonderfully depraved, totally dominating sexual performance that they all want to see your wife be put through.”

Turning loose of her head, Perez returned to the end of the couches, where he looked directly down at Cappuccino and asked, “Well you gorgeous, round-heeled, cheating Slut, are you going to accept our $3.0 million offer and then whore yourself for The Don’s donkeys, or not?”

Still in a state of semi-shock, the full bodied, barely dressed Cappuccino looked over at her husband, and then at her mother, before exclaiming, “My God, mother, never in my wildest dreams did I ever think that the rich Mexican would be proposing that I let donkeys fuck me. It’s mind-boggling to even think about it.” Wide-eyed, she asked Michelle, “Jesus mother, what do you think I should do?”

Her mother, now realizing that she was facing the same donkey dong fate as her daughter, shoved Shine away from her breasts, put them back inside her bra, then calmly replied, “Well, first of all, for the last six weeks you have been getting screwed by a bunch of human donkeys and you had no problem fucking for them, at all, which is what got us here today. So, let’s face the facts, honey, you and X just can’t afford to turn this deal down, at all, no matter how gross you think the requirements are. So, all things considered, I still feel the same way as I did before we drove over here. You need to take the money then go to Tijuana next weekend, open your mouth, spread your legs and let yourself get fucked by The Don’s beasts, any way they want to do it to you.”

Cappuccino looked at her practical minded mother, and responded, “God, so you really do think that I should do it?” “Yes, of course I do. In fact, I have felt so strongly about it that I have already committed to Mr. Perez that I will go with you next weekend and help you do whatever is necessary to satisfy the donkeys, and The Don, so that you will be sure and earn the $3.0 million.”

They all watched as Cappuccino’s facial expression gradually change from shock into one of pure, raw sex, before she responded, “God, mother, hearing that you are going to do this with me makes me so hot that I feel like I am going to climax. Even though this circumstance would never have crossed my mind in a million years, on reflection, next weekend’s orgy party sounds so deliciously depraved and decadent, especially with you being my co-hostess, that any apprehension I might have had is all washed away and I want to do it and get the huge amount of money involved. You are right, mother, I couldn’t possibly turn this down, with or without your help. So let’s go to Tijuana next weekend and let the donkeys make paid whores out of both of us.”



Extremely excited that she had been able to close this huge problem solving deal, strictly because of her erotic beauty, her voluptuous body and her decadently wanton sexiness, the ever hot and vain Cappuccino more than ever wanted a man’s cock inside of her so she could use it to celebrate this major financial achievement. While in this state of sexual euphoria, she felt two hands grab her head and turn it 90 degrees to the left. There she saw, right under her nose, a fat, stiff, very dark skinned cock. She was so turned on, and so accustomed to Funk-U’s posse members feeding her their cocks this way that, concluding that it was Perez’s beefy prick being offered to her, she automatically opened her mouth and promptly got the thick male sex organ shoved between her teeth and then buried tonsil deep in her oral cavity. The thick foul tasting dong was soon callously sawing in and out of her wide open, saliva filled mouth, with the prick’s underside smoothly sliding back and forth across the top of her slippery wet tongue. With her face pressed hard against the man’s smelly, unzipped fly, and with the two hands on the back of her head holding it firmly in place to take the face fucking the tool was giving her, as the owner of the swollen cock feverishly humped her mouth, driving his 7 inches of rigid, nasty tasting male sausage past her tonsils and deep down her accommodating throat, she only had very limited peripheral vision.

Taking full advantage of this impromptu opportunity to celebrate with a man’s cock, she hungrily and noisily sucked on the large male appendage as she happily took the throat stuffing for three or four physically demanding minutes. Then, as she was greedily gorging herself on the tangy meatpole, out of the corner of her eye she caught a glimpse of Perez, her husband, and her mother watching her give head. She was so busy dealing with the thrusting dong’s aggressive, strenuous oral invasion, and choking on the fat male member each time it forced its way down her throat, that there was a long delay before she finally realized that the only person she hadn’t seen was Maury. As turned on as she was, it took a little time for her to finally connect the dots and realize that it was the vile little Jew agent’s cock that was in her mouth, deep throating and gagging her. Shocked by this revolting revelation, she grabbed the thrusting hips and forcefully pushed the open fly away from her face, the effort causing Maury to fall off the back of the couch he had been straddling, the fall jerking his rigid tool out of her mouth, thereby enabling her to scream a string of filthy racial slurs at him, as she tried to spit the vile taste of his rancid prick out of her mouth.

The watching Perez quickly stepped over to the back of the couch and put his hands on Cappuccino’s shoulders, saying, “Calm down, baby, Maury just got a little carried away and jumped the gun before I had a chance to tell you about the test you must pass before I can officially agree to commit to letting you earn the $3.0 million whore’s fee next weekend.”

Still gasping hard from having given a nasty, foul tasting, deep throated, half-a-blowjob to the despicable little Jewish runt, she spluttered, “Test? What test? God, if saying yes to letting six donkeys do me all three ways next weekend isn’t enough, what else could I possibly have to do to make sure that I get the $3.0 million?”

Shine’s unexpected, impetuous move to start collecting on the special bonus sex bribe Perez had promised him, by sticking his cock in Cappuccino’s mouth and giving it a good fucking, forced the skilled Mex lawyer to think fast and regain control of the situation so he could successfully finish playing out the trick on blonde hottie, so Maury could get back to collecting on the sex bribe. He moved around and sat on the couch, directly across from the angry beauty, then started stroking the insides of her lush thighs as he quickly told her about the phony, but plausible sounding, dilemma he was claiming to be in. Smoothly and soothingly, he lied, “Darling, because your completely uninhibited wantonness is so important to The Don, he has insisted that I make absolutely sure that you prove to me what a truly dirty girl you are willing to be, to get me to agree to let you earn the $3.0 million whores fee you’ll be paid for letting his donkeys fuck you.”

“Now, so far, all I have to go on are the public accusations that you have been committing very raunchy acts of sexual misconduct with Funk-U, plus a bunch of graphically explicit pictures that certainly seem to confirm that the Rapper’s accusations are true. I also have Maury’s filthy, detailed history of your many past wanton sexcapades, all of which were extremely titillating, but hardly qualify as proof that you are wanton enough to pleasure a bunch of very horny donkeys, for The Dons perverted enjoyment. Therefore, as promiscuous as you obviously are, I am still going to need demonstrative proof of how bad a girl you can really be for $3.0 million.”

“Now, I don’t have a donkey here for you to perform with, but I do have something that is much more challenging than that – your husband’s ugly, sleazy, stomach turning little Jew agent, Maury. If you can be a wanton enough Cunt to let a guy as repulsive and obnoxious as Maury fuck you, every way he wants too, then I will accept the fact that you will have no problem sluttily helping The Don’s donkeys make a pure whore out of you. So what I want you to do is use Maury to demonstrate to me just how totally down and dirty you can get by making out with him and letting the slimy little bastard use your body to sexually gratify himself while you do everything you possibly can to help him give you a demeaning, total fucking. When you have successfully gratified Maury’s, no doubt warped sexual appetite, I will award you the $3.0 million gig.”

Then, telling her the only part of the bribe payoff ruse that was true, he fingered her hot clit and advised her, “By the way, while you were giving Maury head, I talked to your husband about this slut test, and he said that he just wants the $3.0 million and doesn’t really give a shit about what I make you do with and for Maury to qualify you to earn it, just as long as he gets to watch the donkeys put their meat to you in Tijuana.”

Perez then saw the woman with the solid gold body and over-sexed mind, actually swallow hard at the thought of having to have consensual sex with the troll-like, grossly ugly little Hebrew who she absolutely detested, both mentally and physically. He watched intently as she grappled with the extremely distasteful thought of putting out for the filthy Jewish pig, a disgusting sex act that she obviously considered to be far worse than letting a bunch of beastly, big-donged donkeys fuck her over, real good.

Still tasting the foul flavor of having had the despicable Jew’s pre-cum leaking pecker in her mouth, Cappuccino looked over at Michelle and said, “Damn, mother, you have been letting the little piece of shit run his hands all over you, so let me ask you, is it just my imagination that Maury is too ugly, gross and putrid to fuck, or am I right on?”

Before she could answer, Perez jumped up and pulled Michelle to her feet, then moved her over and sat her down right in front of her scantily clad daughter. Then he told her, in no uncertain terms, “Alright baby, it’s time for you to get busy and persuade your daughter to do the nasty for Maury.” Michelle reached put and put a hand behind Cappuccino’s neck and, while using the other hand to strum her daughter’s clit, she said, “No, you’re not imagining anything, honey. Shine is a totally disgusting pig. He is a nauseating sleazeball and, in spite of his repulsive looks and obnoxious behavior, I have let him handle my body in order to keep everything moving forward for you, and I am afraid that you have no choice but to do the same thing. Remember, today’s operative word is still “YES”, so I urge you to go ahead and prove to Perez just how badly you want the $3.0 million, by sexually servicing your husband’s nasty little slug of an agent’s depraved sexual demands.” She then leaned forward and tongue kissed her daughter’s full lipped mouth, earthily, before pulling her head back and saying, “Remember that we are now both in this together, so just say yes so that you can do everything necessary to secure the whore’s fee, and I join you in gratifying the ugly little asshole, any way he wants us too.”

Perez and X looked at Cappuccino and saw a look of greedy determination gradually come over her gorgeous, erotic face, as the $3.0 million whore’s fee finally won out over the physical revulsion she felt for the squalid little Hebrew. Then, accepting her fate of having to give the vile Jew a piece of her ass, and anything else he wanted, she swallowed hard and said, “Oh, what the hell, mother, I really have no other choice, so lets do the sleazy little kike.”

The relieved Perez applauded, “Wonderful,” then waved at Shine and said, “She’s all yours, asshole, and so is her mother, so make the best of your opportunity, and put on a really filthy sex show with the two of them for X and me to enjoy watching.”

Maury was still on his feet with his stiff cock sticking straight out of his open fly, so Perez got the two spectacular women to their feet and moved them over and put them on their knees, right in front of him, with their faces on the same level as the short, skinny Jew’s dark, rigid pecker. Then he sat back down on the couch next to X and they leaned back in their ringside seats and watched the leering little slug go into action.

“Alright you stupid Cunts, open up your mouths and start taking turns putting my cock in them, and sucking it real good.” Even though they were revolted by the stark reality of having to eat the nasty Jew’s meat, the two whorishly dressed trophy wives docily complied with the Jew’s order, parted their lips, then each took a turn filling her mouth with the runty Jew’s large, unwashed, rigid tube of flesh and then forcing it down their throat.

Shine’s cock had already been hard for such a long time that it wasn’t long before he needed to ejaculate. Three relatively short cocksucking rounds later, he jerked his cock out of Michelle’s mouth and shoved it in her daughter’s oral pussy. Perez and X watched closely as the entire tool disappeared completely out of sight as, with a callous, pleasing final thrust of the his hips, the grinning Jew drove every last inch of his prick home, mashing X’s wife’s face fully into his thick, bushy pubic mound, as he moaned, “God damn that feels even better than I thought it would you snooty, cheating, trophy slut.”

As Perez and X watched the live, hot, dirty sex show unfold right before their eyes, the Mexican said, “X baby, it’s going to be a blast watching your little slob agent molest the hell out of your wife and mother-in-law for the next few hours. Adding some mother/daughter incest to the debauchery is really going to get things super hot, and nasty.”

“By the way, have you ever had a piece of your mother-in-law’s fantastic looking ass?” “No I haven’t,” X admitted. “Well then you should get to stick your black cock in her today, and find out if she is as good a piece as her daughter is. So, as soon as they get through blowing your lowlife agent, we’ll get Michelle over here and let her service us and empty our cocks down her throat. After that we’ll have her split her time between us and Maury and let the bitch get thoroughly debauched. Does that plan work for you, my friend?”

X high-fived him and, with a broad leer, replied, “That’s a deal, old buddy, lets party.”

Just then they saw Maury’s cock erupt in the purple clad Cappuccino’s oral sex receptacle and they quickly heard the slobbering Jew holler, “Keep all my cum in your mouth, you whoring bitch,” as he continued shooting his wad between her parted lips. When the last spurt of cum had gone in, he pulled his pecker out and said, “Now kiss your mother and share my cum with her, then each of you swallow half of it.” Both women, now very hot in spite of Shine’s nauseating looks, dutifully complied with the little bastards order and spit his thick cream back and forth into each other’s mouths before finally swallowing their share of the foul tasting spunk, and feeling it flow down into their bellies, after which they continued to hungrily French kiss each others cummy mouths, with unrestrained enthusiasm.

Perez looked at X and observed, “Damn, buddy, it looks like we are in for one real hot night of dirty sex. Would you look at those two sluts go after each other. Damn, can you imagine how those two bitches are going to look eating each others pussies and tonguing their anuses? Hot damn, life is good!”



As Michelle slowly came awake she attempted to lick her lips but found that there was something in her mouth that was preventing her from doing so. With eyes shut, she groggily explored the obstruction with the tip of her tongue and found, whatever it was, to be folded up like a flaccid snake. With more urgency she began fully probing the spongy mouthful with her long, slippery tongue until, to her surprise, she felt the soft obstruction begin stirring to life. Startled, she pushed her tongue fully into the wet, fleshy tube a couple of more times before she realized that it was someone’s limp cock occupying her mouth.

She immediately stilled her stimulating tongue and sought to get her bearings. With her eyes still closed, she established that she was naked and lying on her side, on what felt like a carpeted floor. She could feel that the left side of her head was resting on something warm and firm, and that the same type of thing was pressing down, heavily, on the other side of her head. She reached up and touched the two objects that effectively had her head trapped between them, and quickly recognized them to be a pair of bare male’s thighs. She felt something tickling her nose and lips, so she opened her eyes and found that her face was half-buried in a virtual forest of crusty, sticky, smelly pubic hair. Based on the preponderance of the evidence, she deduced that she must have fallen asleep with the cock in her mouth, either while she was giving it a blow job, or immediately after she’d finished sucking it off and swallowing its load of spunk.

Now fully awake, she remembered that she was in Maury Shine’s office and that the orgy with him, the Mexican lawyer and her son-in-law, as well as her wildly over-sexed daughter, had gone on for hours until they had all passed out from exhaustion. From the feel of the skinny thighs that had her head clamped between them, and the foul taste in her mouth, she knew that it was, in fact, Shine’s cock that was pressing against her tongue. Lying there she could feel the Jew’s male organ continue to swell in size, gradually forcing her teeth apart, but thankfully concluded that its owner was still asleep, along with everyone else in the dimly lit room.

While she was contemplating how she was going to be able to physically extract herself from the position she was in, without waking up Shine, her next move was suddenly dictated to her when she heard the little Jew moan with pleasure and then press both of his hands firmly against the back of her neck. With her head now firmly imprisoned between Shine’s thighs and his hands, she watched his hips thrust forward with a slow humping motion, re-stuffing all of his fast stiffening cockmeat fully back into her mouth, mashing his hairy, matted pubic mound against her lips. She could tell by his soft, even breathing that he was still asleep, so it was obvious to her that he was screwing her mouth in his dreams.

As the lengthening, hardening, snake like male organ continued to uncoil and grow in her mouth, she decided that her only real chance of getting out of the office without waking everyone up, was to stay where she was and let her son-in-law’s nasty little Jewish Agent finish his unconscious, but real life oral sex dream, in her mouth.

The heat of the drool pooling inside of her mouth was fast bringing the 7+ inches of Jewish peckermeat up to full size. She patiently let the swelling male appendage continue to fuck her slippery, drooling oral penis pleaser until, eventually, it was able to deep throat her each time the mouth humping hips shoved his hairy, crusty, cummy pubic mound fully into her face.

Since Shine was fast asleep, it was just she and his stimulated cock that were awake and having sex together. That being the case, she decided that she should go ahead and give the vile, invading penis a really good time with her mouth, in order to speed up his climax and thereby give her the opportunity to get out of the office much sooner. Committing herself to that distasteful plan of action, she put her hot, wet, very skilled tongue to work on the mouth full of Hebrew sex sausage, eating the kosher meatpole with purposeful enthusiasm, as the sleeping Shine continued to aggressively ream out her throat with his swollen weapon.

As the pleased, now rigidly hard prick had its way with her full service, very cooperative oral cock sucking orifice, she began thinking about what she needed to do when she got out of there. Although she had always been very sexually active, for the demanding, big cocked donkey sex sessions she had committed herself to performing next weekend in Tijuana, her three cock servicing receptacles were going to need a crash course in high volume sexual exercise, including having multiple numbers of very large men’s cocks repeatedly thrust into all of them, in every way possible, thereby giving her whole body a very vigorous fucking workout during the few days that remained before the start of Friday’s beastly, sex orgy events.

As she bobbed her head on the sleeping Shine’s happy, mouth plundering cock, she thought through the limited number of gang bang options she had available to her, and concluded that her only real alternative was to call her long time former boyfriend/pornboss, Harry Hines, the owner of Degenerate Films, Inc., and take him up on his long standing offer to let her perform in some more of the truly filthy XXX-rated movies he was so famous for making. Having been his main sex squeeze, and top ranked porn star, a long time ago, and having sucked him off every month since then, she knew that Harry would jump at the chance to be able to film her being used by a bunch of his notoriously sleazy looking studs, while they were making her perform sordid sex acts, with and for them, in Harry’s always successful “beauty-and-the-beasts” filthy gangbang movie format. Making several orgy movies during the next few days would give her the many cocked sexual workouts that she so very badly needed to prepare her for next weekends Tijuana donkey dong debauchery. She knew that Harry would make absolutely sure that his stable of nauseatingly ugly, huge-bonered, creepy, we-fuck-the-porn-sluts-for-free, male porn stars, went out of their way to rut her into fucking shape, both mentally and physically.

At that moment her tongue felt Maury’s cock begin to quiver, this warning being quickly followed by the frenzied male fucking tool starting to get its rocks off in her mouth. The few hours of sleep the obnoxious Jew had gotten had obviously recharged his sexual batteries, because the spasming prick that was erupting in her mouth was shooting a very large quantity of creamy Hebrew semen down her gulping throat.

She had heard Shine’s breath quicken when he started ejaculating and splattering cum against the back of her mouth and, now that he had finished thoroughly hosing her very cooperative dong swallower, she thankfully heard his breathing return to normal as he fell back into a deep, pleased, very gratified, post-sex slumber.



After she had swallowed down the last few dribbling spurts of Maury’s thick, tangy joy juice, Michelle slowly pulled her head back and let the Jew’s fast softening dong slide across her tongue, then slip out of her cum slick mouth. After the dripping cock’s departing head had passed between her teeth and fallen limply on her chin, she licked her lips clean, swallowed, then carefully extracted herself from Maury’s body and climbed to her feet. Stealthily, she went around the darkened room and collected her clothing, shoes and purse, then went out into the reception room, without waking anyone.

After quietly closing the door behind her, she put on her white bikini panties, tight white pants, bra, red top, and her 4 inch high heeled wedges, then grabbed her purse and slipped out of the reception room. She took the elevator down to the empty lobby where she paused to put on a fresh coat of lipstick and brush her hair, before going outside and strutting down the street towards her car.

Looking like a well used street walker going home after having put out several bargain priced pieces of ass, as she approached her Jaguar two guys, assuming that she was for rent, pulled their beat-up old car right up next to her and rolled down the passenger window. She stopped and leaned forward at the waist moving her face down to the open window where, while staring at her spectacular cleavage, the passenger side occupant asked her how much she would charge to give each of them an around-the-world tongue job, with extra deep rimming, followed by two, down and dirty, simultaneous blowjobs. Laughing, she reached in and patted the guy in the passenger seat on the cheek, and assured him, “More money than you two assholes will ever have,” before she ran and jumped into her car and sped out of there.

Moments later she had the Jag roaring down the street towards Harry Hines mansion, a place that served both as his home, and as the base of operations for his porn movie company. The huge, many-roomed, gilded structure from the 1920’s, contained the studios where nearly all of Harry’s raunchy porn movies were shot. She punched the car phone’s speed dial number for Harry’s private cell phone and soon heard the Porn Boss say, in his deep, cigarette raspy voice, “Hello, beautiful, what in the hell is a well-to-do, plush bodied, trophy wife like you doing up this early on a Sunday morning?” “I’m on my way to see you to talk about taking you up on your offer to let me star in some more of your disgustingly filthy movies,” she laughed.

Hearing that exciting, and very welcome bit of news, Harry’s sensory system went into high gear and he immediately responded, “Shit, I hope that means you’re coming over here ready to get your spectacular ass gang banged today?” “It sure does, if the price is right,” she replied, teasingly. Thrilled by this stroke of unbelievably good luck, Harry asked, “Damn, baby, where in the hell are you right now?” “I’m about fifteen minutes away from your place,” she informed him. “Well that’s fantastic! You get that voluptuous body of yours in here as quick as you can, so we can cut a deal, sign a contract, and start getting you banged before the ink dries,” he roared with unbridled enthusiasm.



After hanging up, Harry immediately dialed his very close boyhood friend, California’s world famous, very rich, Democratic US Senator, and probable presidential candidate, Strom Walker. Next he heard the Senator gruffly say, “God damn it, ole buddy, I hope you’re not calling to make a change in my grandson’s fucking birthday party schedule for today. I’ve had these five horny 16 year olds here at the house since yesterday afternoon, chomping at the bit to go to your place today to attend the party and start sticking their peckers in one of your porn stars. The high energy little assholes need a prime piece of ass so bad that I don’t want to hear any half-assed excuses from you about needing to change the party time, or anything else.”

Harry laughed, “Don’t worry, my friend, everything is perfect, in fact they’re more than perfect. You remember me introducing you to that fantastic looking redhead, Michelle, at your awards banquet last month, the super cougar who was there with her young Lebanese lawyer husband, Saleem Haddak. You know, the pushy Arab who lobby’s for that corrupt group of Muslim Clerics, the ones who have been trying to get a special bill passed by the Senate that would decriminalize their import/export activities with the US. The smart assed camel jockey who promised you that his group would be willing to make a big contribution to your personal bank account if you would agree to sponsor the bill and get it passed.”

The single minded, skirt chasing, womanizing Senator responded, “You mean the statuesque babe who was all jugs and ass cheeks, and built like a god damned super heroine. The prick-teaser wearing the form fitting, unbelievably tight, shiny gold, evening gown that was scooped down to her nipples. Shit, how could I ever forget a luscious bitch who has been blessed with a perfect, stacked-beyond-belief body like the one that bitch has? Christ, Harry, that dazzling Cunt had the finest set of equipment of anyone I’ve seen in a long time. Shit, I never saw a woman who looked more like she needed to have a cock stuffed in her mouth as much as that beautiful slut does. Hell, if her husband had offered to let me deep throat his fabulous looking trophy Cunt, on the spot, I would have agreed to do anything he wanted me to do, no matter what kind of dirtbag group of two-faced Muslim religious fanatics he might be lobbying for.”

Harry laughed and said, “Well, since it’s obvious that you’ve really got the hots for her, you’ll be happy to know that, long before the redhead married her young husband, she used to be my top ranked porn star. I advertised her as the “Queen Of Slutdom” and she more than lived up to that title, in every way possible. Now, you lucky fuckin’ reprobate, I’m really going to make your day for you. The gorgeous Cunt just called me and is on her way over here to negotiate making some more porn movies for me. When she told me that, my first thought was about your grandson’s birthday party. When you originally scheduled it, you wanted me to provide you with a real live MILF for your gang of horny young relatives to fuck the hell out of, and when I couldn’t come up with one, you settled for providing them with a married porn star, instead. Well, since you have seen Michelle in the flesh, you know what a perfect MILF/Cougar specimen she is, and how ideal she would be for your boys to have to use during their first time orgy extravaganza/birthday party. Therefore, just for you, as a part of my negotiations with her, I’m going to get her to agree to be the MILF entertainment at your grandson’s party and let your five boys fuck her brains out.”

The momentarily stunned Senator shouted into the phone, “You God Damned SOB that is fuckin’ fantastic news. Shit, you’re right, that statuesque female specimen is absolutely perfect for the job of breaking in my band of horny boys. My friend, you really have made my day and I owe you big-time. Hell, to tell you the truth, Harry, I haven’t been able to get that voluptuous Cunt’s body out of my mind since the day I met her. She is so hot looking that I have even been considering sending my chief pimp over to proposition her and bring her back over here for me to fuck. And now you’re going to line the full-bodied slut up so that my whole God-damned family can stick it to her. Mother Fucker, sometimes good things do come to those who wait.”

When Strom paused to catch his breath, Harry said, “And, now that I know how bad you want some of her, I’ll also make sure that, after the birthday party is over, she takes good care of your perverted sexual demands, as well.” The excited Senator responded, “Beautiful, just fuckin’ beautiful!” After taking a few seconds to reflect on the hot new fuck party situation, the Senator said, “Now I want you to know that my plan was for my boys to come over there and give your porn star a going over just like the one those five black guys did on Lisa Ann in her 5 on 1, interracial gang bang movie. I’m hoping that your subbing in the redhead for the porn star doesn’t change anything, and that my five teenagers are going to be able to give the redhead the same kind of dirty dicking that Lisa Ann got.” Harry laughed, “Not a problem, my friend, Michelle can handle anything your boys want to dish out to her, so tell them to go for it.”

As he envisioned what he and his teenagers were going to do to the stunningly beautiful MILF, the Senator informed Harry, “By the way, for your information, I met with Michelle’s husband last Friday about that Senate bill of his, and the bastard handed me $100,000 in cash as an incentive for me to sponsor the legislation. Plus, if I get it passed, they will cut me in for 20% of the profits of their company. Shit, how I love to take graft from cheating high-roller constituents, in exchange for doing easy favors for them, and then, as a bonus, get to turn around and fuck their wives. Damn it is good to be a US Senator. Hell, the only way I could get any more good-looking pussy than I’m already putting the shaft too, would be to become President.”

Strom went on, “In fact the free pussy benefits of being a big-time politician, is the very reason that I’m throwing this coming of age birthday party/sex orgy for my grandson and nephews. This Fuck-A-MILF party is the first step in my master plan to groom my grandson to eventually take my place as a high-ranking politician. I want to get the kid started out right by making him fully aware of how many good looking broads are out there, who are more than willing to let a rich and powerful politician take full advantage of them. I want him to learn, early in life, how to callously use these stupid bitches to gratify his basest sexual cravings, and fully enjoy the hell out of nailing them in every perverted way he can think of.” Chuckling sadistically, he added, “Your sexpot MILF is going to be the first non-whore Cunt to be used in my teen-politicians-in-training program, so we’ll be there at 10AM with bells on, ready to do the dirty to the gorgeous, redheaded, Super Cunt, and try our best to turn the hot assed broad into a mindless nympho slut before we’re through with her.”



An hour later Michelle had in her purse a signed contract to make eight gang bang movies, two each per day from Monday through Thursday, for which she was to be paid $3,000 per XXX flick. Knowing Harry’s penchant for making his porn stars get gang fucked, non-stop, in his over-the-edge, trashy movies, she had quickly calculated that the $3,000 would probably end up equating to earning about $100 per penis ejaculation, or about the same as a cheap, housewife whore gets for peddling her ass these days. The results of her math reminded her that a girl really needed to love getting fucked in order to work for Harry, because nobody got rich but him, no matter how often a girl let herself get fucked by the disgusting looking band of sleazeball males he used so effectively and profitably in his flicks. He knew that regular guys loved to watch a gorgeous chick get nailed by a bunch of ugly losers who, in real life, would never be able to get a piece of her tail. This was Harry’s porn version of the revenge of the nerds. Hell, following Harry’s formula, she had been fucked by a bunch of ugly, stupid, dorks in office sex orgy movies and had become the number one porn queen in the world.

During the final step in the contract negotiations, Harry had asked her, “Do you remember me introducing you and your husband to Senator Strom Walker at his awards banquet last month?” With a dreamy smile she had responded, “How could a girl not remember meeting such a famous, powerful, wickedly handsome man as the Senator? In fact, thanks to that introduction, my husband met with the Senator just two days ago and got him to agree to become the sponsor of the bill Saleem has been lobbying for on behalf of his clients.”

Harry had acknowledged her thanks with a nod of his head, then had gone on, “Well the Senator and his 15 year old grandson, plus four of the Senator’s nephews, are coming over here this morning to celebrate the grandson’s 16th birthday. This party is intended to be the five boy’s first official entry into womanizing, whoremongering manhood, and I agreed to provide them with a porn star to use during the all day teen group fuck they have planned. But your unexpected arrival on the scene this morning has changed everything and given me the opportunity to provide my very close friend, Strom, with exactly what he really wanted to give his grandson as a birthday present in the first place, namely a real live, spectacularly stacked, dazzling, very promiscuous MILF, for he and his cousins to play with and fuck. Their getting to put their meat to a voluptuous, hot assed, prick teasing Mother-They’d-All-Love-To-Fuck, much better fits what the Senator had in mind for them to use to have some real filthy fun with today. Using you instead of a porn star will optimize the rotten little assholes enjoyment of the no-holds-bared cluster fuck that they have been looking forward to performing in today. Therefore, as a part of our deal, I want you to agree to be the hostess at this teen gang banger orgy and let them completely fuck you over for free.”

Her immediate positive reaction to Harry’s unexpected proposition had been the risqué’ thought of how deliciously naughty it would be to have a bunch of 15 year olds take complete control of her body and do whatever they wanted to it. Her beauty and statuesque, killer curves had sexually attracted many very young men over the years, but she had never let any of them fuck her. That omission had left her ever intrigued by the very titillating thought of what kind of sexual fun she might have been missing out on by her abstinence.

Seeking to give her analysis of Harry’s proposal the best positive spin, she further rationalized that having group sex with five teenagers today would be a perfect warm-up for the really heavy duty, big-dicked, virtual group rape, sex action she would be performing with Harry’s staff of ugly studs, starting tomorrow morning. An additional affirmative enticement was the fact that she loved to be watched having sex. It always stepped her heat up several levels and drove her to a much higher degree of uninhibited wantonness. The fact that it would be several teenagers watching her in action made it all the more exciting.

Of course the primary downside of complying with Harry’s bold demand had been the fact that she would be taking orders from a bunch of rich, selfish, spoiled rotten, immature brats while they had their fun making out with her. If that wasn’t odious enough, she assumed that their efforts would be urged on to excess by the dissolute Senator who, Harry had told her, had kinky sexual tastes that could be quite bizarre and perverted, and leaned heavily towards hardcore bondage. While she had been pondering the totality of the proposition, everything became suddenly mute when Harry made it perfectly clear to her that, after the boys were through screwing her, she would be expected to take care of the Senator’s sexual demands, as well, with the warning that he could be very overbearing and uncouth.

That last requirement resolved everything for her. Being a typical beautiful woman who proudly keeps score of her high profile sexual conquests, she knew that she would be willing to do absolutely anything to be able to let a famous US Senator like Strom Walker screw her, no matter what he might require of her, in addition. From experience, she was also confident that, once the Senator had feasted on her intoxicating body, and had sampled everything she had to give, he would be hooked and coming back for a lot more of her, and bringing influential friends with him, to share her with. This would put her in a position to be of further help to her husband’s lobbying business by screwing it to the top.

All in all, since she had gotten everything she had come there for, throwing in the birthday party/teen orgy, as a freebee seemed like a perfectly reasonable thing for her to do for Harry. Besides, it would give her the opportunity to find out if she’d been missing out on any sexual fun by not having let any teenagers screw her in the past. Anyway, she had finally reasoned, how really bad could it be to get fucked by five very horny 16 year olds?

Feeling hot all over and very anxious to get started on her strenuous sexual workout program, she had eagerly grabbed a pen and signed both copies of the porn movie contract, then pushed one of them over to Harry. The King of Porn grabbed it and said, “Now, baby, the Senator is very important to me, so I want you to be sure and give his band of horny young relatives a really, really good time today, and not hold anything back.” With a knowing, lustful smile she said, “Don’t worry, honey, I’m in the mood to let the Senator and his kids do anything they want with me.”



After tucking the signed contract away in his desk, Harry took Michelle to the Makeup Department where a drop-dead gorgeous, brown skinned, mini-skirted, Latina porn star was assigned to get her ready to be fucked. The completely uninhibited, wanton-to-the-extreme, woman stripped her naked then, using a soft wet wash cloth, slowly wiped off and cleansed her entire body, excluding her three orifices. Then the obviously bi-sexual beauty did her hair and applied makeup that perfectly accented the erotic look of her face. The Latina hottie then took her to Wardrobe where she helped her into a lacy black garter-belt, dark frilly topped nylons, and a pair of golden, five inch high, stiletto heeled shoes. To that was added a black bra, followed by the squeezing of Michelle’s ultra ripe body into a whore hot, skin tight, one piece, very low cut, mid-thigh length, leopard skin dress that Harry had picked out for her to wear to the Fuck-The-MILF birthday party bash.

With everything in place except for a pair of matching leopard skin, bikini panties, the Latina paused and looked over the tantalizing picture of sinful harlotry that she had created. Pleased, she pulled the skirt of the leopard skin dress up around Michelle’s waist then bent her upper body forward until her back was parallel to the floor. Harry watched as the bronze beauty knelt behind the redhead’s magnificent white ass and began using her tongue to clean up the lower orifices that had been creampied during last night’s orgy at Maury Shine’s office. Michelle’s eyes popped wide open and a pleased moan escaped from her lips when she felt the Latina’s very long, wide, experienced tongue give her gash a full, wet lick before it pushed its way deep into her puffy, wet lipped, recently violated, very flavorful pussy. A little later her eyes got even wider when the woman’s, now cum and cuntal juice coated, oral rimming tool was shoved up her ass, where it found more leftover cum to orally extract. The tonguing action was not only transferring the creamy residue from her lower orifices onto the Latina’s skilled tongue, the experienced Latina porn star was also warming Michelle up for the major fucking she was soon going to be getting from the gang of Anglo teenagers.

After a thorough crotch licking, and juiced up saliva swallowing, the Latina got to her feet, stood Michelle up straight, grabbed her behind the neck and stuffed her thickly coated tongue into her temporary sex partner’s wide open mouth, sharing with her a long, full taste of her recently plowed anal passage and pussy. When the hot, dirty kissing was finally concluded, both women were panting with wanton lust.

The closely watching Porn Boss who knew his movie customers filthy sexual tastes extremely well, made a note to himself to pair these two up in one of next week’s gang bang movie shoots. He instinctively knew that they would be a perfect racial pairing in a movie whose plot would be about the two of them being hired to jointly service an all white college frat party, and then finding out, to late, that there were twice as many frat boys at the party as they had been told there would be. Besides knowing how terrific they would look getting totally blitzed by a nasty minded bunch of drunken white frat boys, he could fully envision how good those two asses were going to look, from behind, as they knelt side by side, and continually took big-dicked, double penetration from all the abusive, besotted frat members who were in attendance. There was no doubt in his mind that the movie would be a huge seller.

Fully primed to be assaulted by the group of teens, Michelle licked her lips clean, put on a fresh coat of lipstick, then let the Latina help her put on the leopard skin bikini panties, and pat the crotch into place. Once that was done, the porn star pulled the skirt of Michelle’s dress back down and, with a playful slap on the ass then passed her over to Harry, fully ready to take on the gang banging she had coming up next.

Turned-on and dressed slutty enough to give a corpse a hard-on, Michelle showed herself off to her woman using boss, who gave her a wolf’s whistle of approval, followed by, “Damn, baby, the Senator and his gang of newbie pussy hounds are certainly going to enjoy getting into all of that fabulous looking stuff.” Smiling in wicked anticipation of what was about to be done to that bountiful body, Harry grabbed an arm and guided her onto the movie set where the boys were going to have their coming out birthday party/teen orgy/MILF debauching.

Minutes later, as the two of them were finishing a celebratory glass of chilled champagne; five young boys burst onto the set, followed by their very doting, hardcore, perverted relative, Senator Walker. The political kingpin strolled over and looked her up and down with a decadently practiced eye, then said, “Glad to see you again, Mrs. Haddad, and damned I must say that you are one delicious looking MILF in that sleazy, show-it-all-off, hard-on producing, leopard skin dress you’re wearing.” He walked around her spectacularly built body then, smacking his lips with relish, said to his band of wide eyed, totally impressed, very-ready-to-fuck, birthday party boys, “Jesus, you little shits, now there is a body that was made to be fucked.”

He walked around her miracle of curves, one more time, and then told her, “Baby, I have been hungering for a piece of your tail ever since I met you last month, but I never expected to get it under these circumstances. But I must say that I’m happy as hell that fate has played its hand out this way so that I can watch these boys fuck the hell out of you and get you dirty hot for the kind of fucking I am going to administer when they’re through putting the meat to you. Rubbing his hands together with excitement, the Senator went on, “Shit, baby, you are exactly what I wanted for the boys to party with today. There is nothing better for them than starting out honing their woman using skills on the primmest body they’ll ever have the opportunity to fuck.” Grabbing her by the chin he said, sternly, “Now let me warn you right up front that, for the last few weeks these five hot-to-cream-you little satyrs have been practicing their sex skills on a bunch of high-dollar, filthy minded whores and, as a result, they are ready and able to give you the kind of real nasty screwing that your body was built to take.”



With a wicked grin the Senator said to her, “Before I turn these horny little sex vultures loose on you, I have a request. Next time you see your husband please convey my thanks for the generous financial contribution he gave me on Friday and, more especially, for having a voluptuous trophy wife like you for me and my boys to borrow and entertain ourselves with.” With a hearty laugh he smacked her hard on the ass then continued, “Now that we’ve gotten the cuckolding your husband business out of the way, I want to introduce you to each of these budding young sex fiends, one at a time, up close and personal.”

He took her over and sat her down in the middle of a large leather couch and had her cross her spectacular legs, hike up her skirt, and expose her lush thighs for some titillating, up-skirt viewing. Then he explained, “Before these cunt hungry little assholes start slipping the dick to you, I am going to let them get to know all about you by having each of them take a turn with you on the couch, kissing and feeling you up real good, while the rest of us watch you get as hot as you look.”

The Senator then turned to the pack of ravenous 16 year olds and said, “Listen up real close you lucky little peckerheads, “This sensational looking, married piece of tail is not only beautiful and comes with an outrageously stacked body, she is also a real and very promiscuous MILF who is here to let you boys have all the dirty sex fun you want with her. That being the case, I want you to be sure and take full advantage of your opportunity and handle and treat her like she is one of those professional whores you’ve been practicing on. And remember what I’ve been telling you, the best sex is dirty sex, so enjoy yourselves and do any demeaning thing you want with her, both physically and verbally.”

He grabbed one of the boys by the arm and said, “Well Tim, you won the draw to get the first crack at this hot assed MILF, so get over there and do your thing, and start getting her warmed up for the real intense sex acts that lay ahead for her.” Without a word, the hot-to-trot youngster eagerly sat down beside her, pulled her ultra plush body into his arms and began tonguing her mouth and feeling up the superb set of overflowing curves she was flaunting.

While Tim proceeded to grope her opulent flesh, out of the corner of her eye she saw the other four waiting and watching boys noting that, in her five inch high stiletto heeled shoes, she was going to be taller than every one of them. And, because they were still skinny, hard-bodied youths, the sex jockeys who were soon going to be mounting and riding her hard, all appeared to weigh less than her sensationally stacked body does. Based on the smallish size of these boys, she knew that she was going to be finding out exactly what real MILF fucking was all about.

The other six males who were watching Tim in action kept their eyes glued on her superb form as the horny teen ran his hand up under her tight dress and felt her up real good before pushing her thighs apart and giving the audience a full look her leopard skin, bikini panties, frilly topped nylons and the lush flesh of her superb thighs. With her mouth full of youthful tongue, she felt the boy’s hand work its way under the crotch of her panties and begin forcing multiple fingers into the pussy the Latina’s tongue had warmed up for them. Immediately they heard her moan with pleasure in response to the manual insertion of multiple fingers into her already very wet snatch. The skirt of her dress was soon worked completely up around her waist giving the viewers the ultimate look at the goodies they were soon going to be feasting on, and putting their shafts in.

Soon they saw her lush lower body begin humping Tim’s attacking hand and helping him drive his fingers even further up into her eager twat, and then letting him fuck it thoroughly. Before long she felt the demanding hand shift objectives and begin forcing two of his pussy juiced fingers up her back door passage. As she squirmed and shifted her body to better accommodate his anal efforts, Tim used his other hand to pop her tits out of the top of her dress. When both of the 36EEE jugs were fully exposed, he started sucking on them as he worked a third finger into her anal passage. Like the riveted audience that was closely watching the boner stimulating action, she too, was very much enjoying the stimulating efforts of Tim’s invading fingers, in front of the eager audience that was urging on his efforts with very foul langrage.

To go along with the three fingers Tim now had stuck up her ass, she felt the Senator’s nephew insert his thumb into her pussy and start manually working both orifices at the same time. Panting, she had to marvel at how sexually adept the boy was for his age. He might look fifteen but his assertiveness and raunchy attitude belied his years. Obviously the time he had spent practicing on whores had served him well, because he already had some skills in getting to a woman’s sexual essence and getting her to do anything he wanted her too. She could already tell that this was going to be a much more challenging and arduous day than she had originally presumed it would be.

When the Senator finally dragged his nephew off of her, she straightened out her clothing, put on fresh lipstick and fixed her hair so that the next boy would get a fresh start with her. Her vanity required that she look her best, no matter what was being done to her, When she was ready to be jumped again, Strom ordered a second boy to sit down beside her and start getting intimately familiar with her body for the viewing benefit of the very attentive, noisy audience.

As this youngster took control of her body, she began to feel like she was on a hot date making out with one of the many frisky neighborhood boys who she knew wanted to get in her panties real bad. So, from then on, as she got passed from boy to boy, she responded to each of their advances like she was in the back seat of a car letting a kid get her hot and in the mood to let him screw her, just like had happened to her so many times during her very promiscuous high school days. Different from those dates, though, these sex-trained-beyond-their-years youths, through their callous actions and filthy language, were making it absolutely clear to her that they were in charge and that she was there to do what she was damn well told.

As each one took his turn with her body, things spiraled more and more out of control as the boy’s got more comfortable exercising their dominance over her. Under their increasingly obnoxious control, she felt a seemingly endless number of fingers get shoved into her juicy pussy, and up her finger lubricated anal passage, while busy mouths feasted on her sumptuous boobs, slobbering wetly as they noisily chewed and sucked on them, all of these actions getting her intoxicated on sex and needing a cock stuck in her, real bad.

The Senator and Harry were sitting directly across from Michelle, with a clear view of the boys taking their foreplay turns with her voluptuous, prick-teasingly dressed body. After the fourth boy had gotten his hands on her, Strom shook his head and asked his comrade in illicit sex, “Jesus, Harry, how would you have liked to have gotten a shot at something as spectacular as this honey is, when you were sixteen?” Harry smiled, “I would have gotten so turned on by her that I wouldn’t have been able to take my hand off her pussy for years.” Nodding knowingly, the Senator commented, “Damn, these little pissants don’t have a clue as to how lucky they are to be shagging a fantastic looking Cunt like her. They are starting at the top of the female food chain, with a super bodied bitch who is god damned fuckin’ perfect, in every way, and the spoiled little assholes don’t really even appreciate it. But, what the hell, you’ve got to hand it to them, they are sure doing one hell of a number on her and it looks like they’ve got her primed to take a good fucking.”

The boy who took the last turn with her body was the smallest one of the bunch. He was wiry and aggressive, and sported a typical runt of the litter chip on his shoulder and, therefore, he was all over her like white on rice. After deep fingering her pussy and anus with his slender fingers, he pushed her over on her side and stuffed four cuntal juice dripping fingers, and their knuckles, fully into her mouth, while he tried hard to force the four knuckles of his other hand all the way inside of her steaming hot snatch. The Senator let him hand fuck both ends of the MILF real hard, for a while, then finally stopped him with the promise that, after she had been totally fucked over by all five of them, he would let him totally fist her pussy which, by then, would be a much easier, more self gratifying, demeaning thing to do to her.

The surprisingly skillful, non-stop manhandling of her superbly stacked assets, in front of a very nastily minded audience, had brought out the raw lust in her and, by the time the last boy had climbed off of her exquisitely ripe, primed-to-be-fucked, volcanically hot body, she was more than ready to help them have their fun debauching her.



Totally turned on and dizzy from the sexual heat the five boys exploration of her body had generated, she sat and watched with excitement as the Senator had the boys start taking off their shirts, pants and briefs, leaving them clad only in T-shirts, socks and shoes, the standard dress code for a really raunchy gang bang orgy. While they were undressing, Strom had her get up and straighten out her clothing, again, freshen her lipstick and primp for them, then sit back down in the middle of the couch, cross her legs again, and wait for the next step of this Fuck-The-MILF sex session to unfold.

When the teen sex squad was ready, the Senator sat a half-naked boy down on each side of her and had them pull her tits out of the top of her dress. He then had a third boy kneel right in front of her, push her skirt up around her waist, spread her knees apart, then crawl up in between her lush, black nyloned thighs. That done, he took the other two boys behind the couch, stationing one of them on each side of her head with instructions to start humping their boners and balls on her head, cheeks and neck, as well as into her thick, luxurious red hair.

He walked back around the couch and looked over his handiwork. Very pleased with the erotic foreplay montage he had created around her magnificent body, the degenerate politico broke into a wide grin and barked, “You guys have really got this sex hungry bitch all warmed up and ready to be had, so I want you to get started on some hardcore foreplay with this Cunt, and get her used to being manhandled and treated her like she’s just a piece of ass for us to fuck. And let me reiterate that the MILF is here to be used as a sex object, so don’t spare her a god damned thing. I want to see you boys use the hell out of this married, super slut, birthday present that I’ve given to my grandson for all of you to have fun taking advantage of, and using for your personal gratification.”

The boy between her thighs immediately hooked his arms under her knees and spread her finger primed crotch wide open. Then he had her pull the crotch of the leopard skin panties aside and guide his cockhead into her wet, very ready to be boned, twat. It only took a few thrusts of his hips to drive the rigid tool all the way home inside of her well stimulated, helplessly oozing snatch. After adding a couple of full depth humps of his hips, the boy paused for a few moments and savored the feel of her hot, juicy cunt on his king snake, before he began rhythmically fucking her, deep.

Meanwhile the boys sitting beside her on the couch had each grabbed one of her jutting tits and stuck the tips, and hard nipples, into their mouths, where they began sucking and chewing on the 36EEE melons, and working them hard. While they manipulated her huge boobs, she took their cocks in each of her hands and began slowly stroking them and playing with their balls.

While that was going on, the boys behind the couch had been having their fun crudely dry humping her head, cheeks and neck. At a sign from the Senator, one of them seized her by the head, turned her face in his direction, then rudely rammed his rigid pole into her mouth and ordered her to suck it. She quickly complied and, from then on, the two boys took turns grabbing her head and twisting it 180 degrees to the right or left, then shoving their cocks between her lips and watching her greedily gorge herself on their meat.

The atmosphere around the couch was soon steamier than hell as the five young bodies packed themselves in close around her, each of them manipulating the part of her anatomy that was right in front of them and fully available for them to use. After about three minutes, or so, of this callous body mauling and cock stuffing foreplay, the Senator had the boys rotate clockwise by two positions, then go back to work at their new sexploitation stations, manipulating the new set of luscious body parts that were now right in front of them. The cuntal juice glistening cock that had been stabbing her pussy was now buried in her mouth getting sucked, while the two cocks that had been being fed to her face, were now either plowing her pussy, or in one of her hands being pleasurably jacked on and squeezed. All of the cocks and hands that were being used on, and in, her body quickly drove her to new heights of sexual wantonness, as did the noisy, wet sounds of the cocks sliding in and out of her drooling mouth and oozing twat.

From their prime viewing position, Strom and Harry watched the wildly enthusiastic, whore trained boys thoroughly turn Michelle on, and open up her orifices in preparation for the really good screwing that lie ahead for her. Strom leaned over and commented to his best buddy, “Shit, is that a great way to get your pecker primed for some hot, penetrating, gang bang action with that beautiful bitch’s body, or what?” Harry laughed, and responded, “Their pricks aren’t the only things getting warmed up, Strom, look at that MILF suck on those fresh young cocks while a dong is forking her snatch. Shit, she’s enjoying the hell out of all this cock and hand foreplay, as much or more than your young studs are. But I do concur with you that they are doing one hell of a job of getting that curvaceous Cunt primed for a major gang banging, and from the sexy look on her face my guess is that her pussy is more than ready to be plundered.”

Soon after the fourth positional rotation had been made, the hot action taking place all over her squirming, responsive body became too much for her to endure any longer and the boys soon felt, and watched, as her voluptuous, over heated body erupted with a seismic, body shuddering climax. Seeing the gratifying visual results that had been produced by the boy’s ten-hand, five cock exploitation of her curves-on-top-of-curves body, the Senator yelled, “God dammit boys, we have really got us one hot assed, over sexed MILF on our hands. Shit, after seeing the size of that over-the-top climax, I’d say that this sex intoxicated Cougar hottie is ready to provide you guy’s cocks with a place in which you can have some fun emptying your balls.”



The Senator had the boys remove their invading cocks and hands from her body. When she’d been freed, he grabbed her by the shoulders and pushed her down on her back on the couch, with the top of her head pressed against one of its low, padded armrests. He put a pillow under her shoulders then slid her body farther towards the armrest until the back of her neck was lying on it, leaving her head dangling off of the end of the couch, with her long red hair hanging almost to the floor. This left her wide open, upside down mouth perfectly positioned for cocks to be stuck in it.

Strom then positioned four of the five boys, two in front of the couch, facing her prone body, and two behind it, directly across from them. The boys closest to her head were looking directly down at her face and her magnificent set of tits, while the other two stared down at her spectacular hips, thighs and perfectly curved stomach. The Senator stepped back and told them to start playing with her body. As they put their hands to work on her hot spots, and inside of her lower body’s orifices, the Senator proclaimed, “Now let’s see how sex drunk this promiscuous MILF gets from letting you boys shoot your five loads of cum down her throat and into her belly.”

He looked at the remaining unassigned nephew, Duke, and said, “Now, boy, you step up to her face and stick your cock in her mouth, then start fucking the hell out of it. When you are ready to shoot your wad I want you to keep on humping your meat between her teeth while you ejaculate your cum load directly down the cocksucking bitch’s throat.” The four boys who were standing over her, playing with her body, watched Duke grab his cock in hand and step up to her face, mount it, then shove his rigid tool between her parted lips and start deep fucking her perfectly positioned, upside down mouth.

Lying on her back Michelle watched, close up, the boy’s hefty young pecker pass between her teeth and quickly disappear into her wide open mouth, forcing its way down her throat until his bag of balls was pressed up against her nose. Then she watched Duke’s rigid male organ begin plunging in and out of her ovaled mouth, banging his balls against her nose, eyes and forehead each time his pubic mound was mashed against her stretched lips. As a helpless spectator to this delicious, veritable rape of her mouth, she watched the assertive nephew callously ravish her oral cavity, putting his dirty whore training to full use, as drool and pre-cum began dripping off her nose.

After watching his cock plow the MILF’s ruby lipped mouth, and listening to her noisily suck on his invading, meaty joy stick, Duke grasped her neck in both hands and began to, even more forcibly, cram his boner in to maximum depth, each inward stoke making her throat bulge, producing a fully stuffed, wide-eyed, gagging expression on her erotic, lust filled face. It only took a couple of minutes of this hot, cock stimulating action for Duke to howl, “God-dammit, boys, I’m fixing to blow my load.” Following that announcement, the four watching teens, and the two grown-ups, watched Duke stuff his shaft of meat fully into her oral cock swallower, and start firing his cum shots down her gullet and into her belly.

When his cum tank was finally on empty, and after a few more callous, post-cumming, maximum depth, ball draining thrusts of his hips, Duke pulled his glistening bone out of her mouth then joined the others in watching the rest of his teammates, one after another, use her talented, cocksucking mouth to achieve cum gushing, overflowing climaxes.

Strom proudly congratulated his empty balled nephew, then said to the rest of his gang of five, “Guys, in order for you not to prematurely ejaculate and thereby shorten your oral sex fun with her mouth, I want you to gear way down and make your blowjobs last, so that she has a chance to make a spectacle of herself slurping on your sausages and making the oral sex gratifyingly dirty. To fully accomplish that, the key is to slow fuck her mouth, not bang it.”

He turned to one of the nephews and told him, “Now Andrew, mount her face and ease the head of your dick into her mouth and then slowly shove it all the way home. I want you to enjoy watching your cock slide slowly between her lips and down her throat and then, when you think it’s in all the way, give it one last short hump to make absolutely sure that she’s got it all. When she has, then slide your dong out and do it all over again.”

He looked at the rest of the boys and instructed, “I want you guys to do your part in getting this broad hotter by playing with her nipples, clit and pussy even harder, while you’re watching her suck cock.” The boys dutifully responded with a hearty, “Yes sir,” and she quickly felt the hands and many fingers step up their efforts with her body, while the teenagers watched Andrew follow instructions, perfectly, and give her mouth a long, slow, thorough, totally dirty fucking.

In the position they had her in, there was little for her to do but lie there and let them have their way with her mouth. She did her best to accommodate them by letting them screw it like it was a second pussy. They took full advantage of her eagerness to please and gave her mouth a really raunchy fucking, just the way they would have done to a cheap whore. As a result, she spent the rest of the time watching cocks saw in and out of her mouth and feeling their balls slap against her face with each inward thrust, and enjoyed every minute of the blowjob debauchery.

Eventually she swallowed down all five loads of their fresh young cum, leaving both she and each of the youthful mouth plunderers gasping with sexual gratification. Of course, each time one of them had gotten ready to shoot his wad, the slow, deep mouth fucking was forgotten, and the boy grabbed her by the head and buried his cock in it, in a cum spewing, oral rape, grande finale.

As the last empty young prick was being pulled out of her totally plundered oral cock receptacle, Michelle realized, more than ever, that she had vastly underestimated what was going to be demanded of her today. She could see that the boys were taking on the crude, insensitive sexual attitude of the Senator, which meant that they now thought of her as being just a fuck toy to be used like one of the nasty whores they had been using and abusing. Sighing, she said to herself, “So what’s a girl to do, I got myself into this situation and now I am just going to have to let the arrogant little assholes do what they will with me, and enjoy myself while they’re doing it.”



The Senator, wasting no time, instructed his excited squad of high-on-sex, insatiable teens, “Alright guys, now that you’ve primed this cocksucking MILF with a belly full of your cum, it’s time to really get her full attention.” Looking at the cum drunk, ready-for-anything redhead licking her well fucked, puffy lips, the evil minded Senator rubbed his hands together and said to his waiting gang of MILF fuckers, “Now nothing gets a broads full attention like a double penetration, ass fucking from behind. After a cock hungry Cougar, like this bitch is, has given up her ass to you, and had her back door passage gang banged, creamed and fully gaped, she will be in cheap-prostitute-sex-mode, and more than ready to let you do absolutely anything you want to her.”

To start proving his point, the Senator quickly jerked Michelle to her feet and ordered the nephew with the biggest prick to lie on his back on the couch. Strom ordered her to leave the skirt of her dress up around her waist and strip off her leopard skin panties. After she had complied, he had her climb aboard the waiting boy’s hips, facing his head, straddling him in the cowgirl position. When she was settled into place, Strom had her reach back between her legs and grasp the boy’s nail hard pecker and guide its head up inside of her well primed pussy. Once the rim of its swollen head had been securely captured in her warm, juicy snatch, the Senator had her slowly press her lower body down on the rigid male organ until about one third of its shaft had been forced up inside of her eager, very excited, steaming cuntal channel. Then he slapped her on the ass and told her, “Now bounce that sweet ass of yours up and down until you’ve banged his cock all the way up inside of you, ball deep, and be damned slutty doing it.”

Groggy from the intoxicating effects of the five loads of youthful cum that were sloshing around in her stomach, she obediently followed his instructions and soon had completely impaled herself on the boy’s cunt ravisher. Next, while the other three boys watched closely, the Senator had his well hung grandson get behind her ass, placing one shoed foot on the floor and the other one flat down on the couch cushion on the other side of her hips. He then had the boy lying under her reach up and lock his hands behind her neck, then pull her head down until she was eyeball-to-eyeball with him, and her huge tits were mashed against his chest.

Now having her securely trapped in place, with her anus exposed as a perfectly positioned bull’s-eye target, the Senator said, “Okay Jerry, since it’s your birthday today, you get to butt fuck the MILF first, so go to it and break in the slut’s anal channel for your cousins to enjoy using after you’re through with it.” They all watched the leering, overbearing, full of himself grandson take his pecker and insert its head into the trapped MILF’s waiting, very tight, Latina tongue rimmed anus. Grabbing a curved hip in each hand Jerry began violently hammering his tool up her ass until it, too, was completely buried in her. Feeling the cock plow its way up her ass had been mesmerizing for both she and the grandson, and by the time it had been driven all the way home, her tongue was hanging out of her mouth and she was gasping with passion. Drooling from the intense friction of the forced entry, she had to admit to herself that the Senator had been exactly right, there was nothing quite like a girl having a cock driven up her ass, cold turkey.

Now that both of the boy’s cocks had fully penetrated her lower body and were lying, side by side, inside of her, she felt completely stuffed full of cockmeat. As the two pricks started jointly fucking her, Strom said, “That’s it boys, she wants it real bad, so pound the hot bitch real good.” Standing behind Jerry, the Senator had a clear view of the two cocks double-penetrating her, stabbing her deep and rippling her taut flesh as they took her. After watching several moan producing, twin thrusts, the grandfather said, “Jerry, I want you to fuck her ass as hard as you can, for as long as you can and not hold anything back.” She felt the boy aggressively begin plowing his cock even harder into her trapped anal passage, ravaging the hell out of it while the cousin lying under her continued to drive his big cock up into her hot, oozing pussy.

When Jerry’s anal plundering efforts started to slow down as he began gasping for air, the Senator had him quickly pull his dick out of her ravaged ass, then go around to her head and shove the tangy organ into her mouth, giving her a full taste of her freshly violated and well churned anal passage. While she was busy sucking on the spicy dong, the Senator had another nephew take Jerry’s place behind her ass and start putting the wood to her, plunging his dong into her back door chute, good and deep, until he too was temporarily winded.

As her anal passage and pussy were being thoroughly ravaged by two of the boy’s vigorous young cocks, groans of sexual pleasure were escaping out from around the stiff pricks that were now constantly being stuffed into her mouth by the increasingly callous boys. Now being imprisoned between three boys, at all times, with all their cocks ruthlessly ravishing every sexual opening in her curvaceous body, she found herself getting hotter than she had been in years. Each time a boy’s tool was shoved in her mouth, the three rampaging cocks quickly synchronized their attack on her orifices, so that each weapon was being stuffed in her, in unison, causing all three of them to reach maximum penetration at the same time, bringing a pleased, muffled moan from her. Being nothing more than a helpless receptacle for their depth seeking pricks, it wasn’t long before they drove her to an even more violent climax than the first one she’d had for them.

When he saw her body erupt again, the Senator slapped Harry on the back and, grinning in triumph, bellowed out, “God damn, ole buddy, would you look at the size of that hot assed bitch’s climax. Does that slut love taking it up the ass, or what? Man, getting simultaneously triple dicked is obviously a real turn on for her. Shit, my friend, I’ve never seen a woman who looks that good be such a total slut. She’s a keeper, buddy, and I want to have access to her body any time I want some of her action.

With their rotation set, each of the boys took their turns reaming out her anal passage and then taking their cocks around to her oral receptacle and forcing it between her eager lips in the classic ass-to-mouth method of anal/oral sex. They kept this up for as long as it took for each of the four young butt fuckers to shoot his wad up her reamed out ass.

When the last of the four boys had juiced her now totally gaped back door, the Senator dragged her off of the boy whose cock had been forking her pussy while the others ass fucked her, with the intention of letting him finish cumming in her ass, too. But when his prick popped out of her steaming hot pussy, it started to shoot its wad, so she quickly leaned down and took the first cum shot in the face before she was able to close her mouth over the peckers spasming head, and then let the rest of the creamy eruptions go off in her mouth, in a wild, spewing, jism ejaculating climax.



The more than pleased Senator pulled the cum drunk, multi-climaxed, ass gaped hottie to her feet and, while she was using her index finger to push the last boy’s misfired cum shot off of her face and into her mouth, pointed at her and said, “What did I tell you boys, just look at those sex clouded eyes and that please-fuck-me look on the slut’s face. That ass fucking has her ready to let you do anything you want to her, so let’s take full advantage of this steaming hot, cock loving MILF’s vulnerable condition, and step the action up to the next level and see if we can turn her into a fuckin’ nymphomaniac.”

Groggy from sex, and now on a total cum buzz, under orders from the Senator, she pulled off her dress and bra, leaving her clad only in a garter-belt, nylons and 5 inch stiletto heeled shoes. He again had one of the boys lay down on his back on the couch, but this time he had her sit on his hips, facing his feet, in the reverse cowgirl position. Her knees were pulled up in front of her, with her feet resting flat on the couch on each side of the boy’s thighs. She leaned back on her hands and awaited the next instruction from the dissolute Senator.

Without delay Strom told her to lift her ass up and let the boy press his cockhead against her anus. When the opening to her anal channel was poised right over the ramrod stiff tool, he told her to lower her body down on the shaft until all of it was inside of her. The gawking audience then watched the head of the dong slip easily inside of her well gaped, cum oozing, back door passage. Smiling with demonic satisfaction, the Senator ordered, “Now bounce up and down on his cock a few times, so we can all watch you give your own ass the shaft.” She followed his orders and the boys got to see their relative’s rigid spear penetrate her bouncing anal channel, many times, as she stuffed her already well violated rear passage full of cockmeat, each time it went up into her voluptuous lower body.

Pleased with the way she looked taking a cock straight up the ass, the Senator had her lean her body further back until her shoulders were lying on the chest of the boy who was lying beneath her. He then had her lift her knees up to where the boy under her could hook his hands behind them. When that had been accomplished, Strom had him pull her knees wide apart, fully exposing her empty, puffy lipped pussy, that was sitting right above the base of the cock that was spearing her ass, beneath which hung the boy’s hefty scrotum package.

The lecherous Senator said to his youthful troop of gang bangers, “Is she in the prime position to get her pussy fucked, or what? A cock is up her ass, her pussy is waiting to be filled, and her mouth is ready to eat more cock. Shit guys, this MILF is all set up to be had, big time.” While Strom was gloating over the wonderfully lewd scene she presented, the watching Harry thought to himself that what this scene needed was to have the Latina porn star kneeling between Michelle’s spread legs and putting her tongue to the bag full of balls, the cock, and her pussy, while the redhead was bouncing her ass up and down on a rigid tool. That was certainly another scene to get on film next week during one of Michelle’s gang bang movie shoots.

While the males were licking their lips in anticipation of what they were going to be doing to her hot pussy, Michelle thought to herself that the Senator again was right in his assessment of her situation. She was perfectly set up to have her pussy ravished and she was more than ready for them to do her because, although all of the boys had put their cocks in her pussy during the foreplay, it had only been stirred, not banged, and she was more than ready to get the hell banged out of her.

Chortling, the decadent Senator went on to his boys, “There is nothing better than making a hot woman in this position take one of your buddies cocks in her mouth then look you in the eye while you slip her the meat that completes the triple penetration. Boys, this is when we really nail this broad, but good, and try and take her over the edge into total nympho whoredom. So, Danny boy, go ahead a stick it to her and let’s get this phase of the Mother-Fucking show on the road.”

The excited nephew situated himself in front of her waiting snatch, while one of his cousins fed her a mouthful of male sausage meat. Then he eased the head of his cock into her pussy and slowly slipped the throbbing boner all the way up into her cock pleaser, ball deep.” As the remaining two boys crowded in even closer around her head, she both watched and felt Danny’s cock take her and, sure enough, they all saw the stunning, well primed promiscuous MILF moan as her eyes nearly glazed over from the pleasure the ribald sex act was giving her. Her sex drunk eyes told them that she was theirs to have, any way they wanted it.

After a couple of minutes of hot pussy rutting, the Senator leaned down over her lust filled face and asked, “You really love the feel of that cock shafting, your snatch, don’t you, bitch?” She groaned out a hot, panting, “Yes?” Strom gloated, “These boys are doing a great job of making a real whore out of you today, aren’t they baby?” “Oh God yes,” she groaned, “And please don’t let them stop.” The demented whoremonger looked at Danny and said, “You heard the MILF, give her what she wants real hard for a couple of minutes then pull out of her and let the next guy jump in and take your place while you go around to her head and feed her your meat, and let her see just how good her fresh-fucked pussy tastes.”

Danny stepped up the pace and began to banging her hard and deep, with his hips slapping against the backs of her thighs as his cock churned up her surrendered, squeezing, man eating pussy. The Senator yelled, “Alright honey, keep your eyes open so that all of us can see how hot you’re getting from these boy’s pumping your cunt full of cockmeat.” She couldn’t reply because another one of the watching and waiting boys had shoved his cock in her mouth and put her to work sucking on it.

As the boys took their turns plundering her wide open, defenseless cuntal passage, and her busy mouth, Michelle did what she was told and took the fucking, with eyes wide open. The seemingly endless flow of male dongs being stuffed in her mouth, and the non-stop plundering of her oozing pussy, while the boy she was lying on speared her well gaped anal passage, soon drove her out of control again, and she helplessly had a third body shaking climax for them, this one even more violent than the last one.

After the boys who were forking her pussy finished each round, the boy who had been underneath her, ramming his cock up her ass, then slide out from under her, and was quickly replaced by another stiff dicked relative. As she felt the new boy stuff his cock up her anal passage, the boy she’d been getting ass fucked by, came around and shoved his dripping dong into her mouth and give her another very juicy taste of her ravished, totally plundered, cum oozing anal channel.

Strom leaned over to Harry and said, “Damn that slut really loves ass-to-mouth cock sucking, don’t she? I’ve never seen a really beautiful woman do a better job of sucking dicks the way that this one does. You’ve got to hand it to the bitch, she has a real talent for getting totally fucked and looking damned good doing it.”

While she was taking the seemingly endless rounds of orifice banging, she realized that she had forgotten how hot and dirty really good sex can be. She proved to herself today that she really had been missing out on plenty by having turned down all the boys who propositioned her and, based on how well things had gone so far today, she was going to have to seriously consider opening her doors to some of the always hard up local boys who ogled her, and let some of them get lucky.

As the boys did another three dick change out, she admitted to herself, “God how I love cocks and cum. By the time the donkeys are through with me next weekend I really will be the helpless nympho the Senator is trying to turn me into.” With that highly charged thought in mind, she climaxed again.



An hour later the Senator’s cell phone rang. He answered it, listened for a minute then said, “Okay, honey, we’ll be home in a couple of hours.” He hung up and said to the boys, “Alright guy’s that was my sainted, ultra rich wife, Angelica, and she wants us home in time to attend the birthday celebration she’s having for Jerry this evening. Since she is my financial ticket to the presidency, we have no choice in the matter, so dick this slut one more time, and then you can watch me get some of her, and see what good dirty sex is really all about.”

Ninety minutes later Harry escorted the Senator and his five cummed out relatives up out of his home’s bondage room, leaving Michelle bound to a straight backed wooden chair. She was fully clothed, except for her panties and her skirt was still up around her waist. Built into the seat of the chair was a huge vibrating dildo that was currently filling her super heated pussy to absolute capacity. There was a large butt plug stuck up her ass and a matching, interchangeable butt plug stuffed in her mouth. The Senator loved ass-to-mouth sex so much that the two butt plugs had been interchanged continuously, throughout the session.

Her tits were out of the top of her dress and attached to each jutting tip was a very large, big toothed alligator clamp. An even larger toothy clamp was biting into her standing-at-attention, throbbing clit. The huge dildo both squirmed and vibrated and it, along with the pressure of the alligator clamps teeth on her tits and clit, had her in a state of continuous climax.

The Senator had ended the dungeon session with a bukakee hosing contest during which the boys stood 18 inches away from her head and aimed their cumshots at her face. They were not very accurate which left her head and tits splattered with their cum. All of this debauchery was a direct result of the demented Senator being driven to excess by having watched her sensationally lurid gang bang performance with the five boys.

When Harry returned, he hurriedly jerked the butt plug out of her mouth and replaced it with his large, swollen, aching cock. Once her mouth had closed down on it, he said, “I need some relief right away baby and I’ll untie you when you’re through sucking me off.” With relief, he watched his newly signed porn star do her drooling, head-bobbing thing for awhile, then said to the redheaded hottie, “Damn, baby, you are still as hot as ever and, I thank you for being one hell of a promiscuous MILF for the boys. That was one hell of a fucking exhibition you put on and it’s too bad we didn’t get to capture it on film. By the way the Senator sends his thanks and wants you to know that he’ll be back here in my bondage dungeon for a lot more of your action, real soon.”

The End (?)

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