Women with Animals
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My Master My Dog


(c) 2010 by Neuromancer

Part I

Hi, my name is Ali and this is my story about how I became a dog’s bitch.

First some background: I was an only child. We lived on a dead end street up on a hill. Two sides of our house where bordered by a forest. The back yard was fenced and the top of the fence was at the roofline of the house next door, so it was very private. I would sunbath topless in the backyard.

When I was fourteen, my dad died in an accident at work. My mother received enough money from the settlement and insurance, that my mom and I where able to stay in the house. However my mom had to get a job to take care of the everyday expenses. This was when my mom got a dog. It was male and a German Sheppard. His name was Chief.

Now I was fifteen and out of school for the summer. My tan was coming along nicely. I was filling out my bikini nicely this year. I have a shapely athletic figure and was attracting a lot of attention from the boys at school this last year. My hair is dark brown and my eyes are green. During the summer months, I tend to sleep in the nude. I should also mention that I lost my virginity to a dildo a few months back.

This all started one morning as I was in bed playing with myself. My mom opened my bedroom door a crack to say “Good by”. Stopping what I was doing I answered “Have a nice day at work”. That’s when I noticed my earring had fallen out. I fell asleep with them in the night before, the earrings where a gift from my dad and diamond studs. I tossed around the bed covers, nothing. Hopping off of the bed I started looking around the rug. That’s when I noticed a sparkle of light coming from under the bed.

Getting down on my hands and knees I crawled partway under the bed. My ass was sticking out when a wet nose touched my pussy. Shocked I froze, that’s when Chief mounted me. My hand whet back to swat away this intruder, he snapped at it and growled. Fear had now overtaken me. He took advantage of this hesitation on my part to penetrate me. He started to pump away with his front paws firmly around my waist. The emotions that swam thru my head where overwhelming. I was being raped by my dog and I was helpless to do anything about it, My tears brought me back to situation just as he was shooting his cum inside me then dismounted.

This was my chance, I ran to the bathroom that was part of my room and closed the door. Taking a hot shower brought me back to reality and I shuddered. Stepping out of the shower I wrapped a towel around me opened the door a crack, There was Chief laying in a corner licking himself. Swatting at him with another towel and yelling “Bad Dog“ I chased him out of my bedroom and closed and locked the door. No other problems with Chief the rest of the day.

The next day I got up early after my mom had left for work and rushed outside to sun myself. I closed the patio door on my way outside. Chief was inside the house and the hot sun felt good on my skin. Laying there I felt ashamed about the rape by my dog, but there was no way I was going to tell my mom or anybody about this.

After a short while my mom opened to patio door saying she had forgotten something and Chief walked outside. Looking out of the corner of my eye Chief was laying next to the door in the shade. Some time later he moved off to the fence and I ran for the back door. Chief knocked me to the ground before I had taken four steps. Getting up I ran for the door and he knocked me down again. I started to get up, I was on my hands and my knees when he mounted me.

He snarled at me and nipped at my neck as he was thrusting. He was so heavy on my back I could not get him off me. Reaching back with one hand I tried to swat him away, but all that did was cause me loose my balance and fall flat on my face. This position allowed Chief to penetrate me to one side of my bikini bottom. I sobbed as he pumped away. After he came inside me and was finished with me he dismounted. He the walked over to the shade of the fence and laid down. I ran for the back door and locked it behind me. This was now not just a one time thing. I trembled as this thought went thru my head.

That night after dinner I told my mom that I was tired and was going to bed. I told her not to wake me in the morning. Going up the stairs I kept one eye on the stairs and the other one on Chief.

Before I had fully entered my bedroom Chief was in the room, he jumped on the door slamming it shut, closing off my escape route. He backed me into a corner and started to growl and snap at me. I made a break for the bed but he knocked me down before I got there. He snarled at my face and nipped at me every time I moved. Tugging at my skirt he ripped it off me. He then got hold of my panties and tore them to shreds. That’s when he mounted me. He put his front paws firmly around my waist and started to thrust. Penetrating me this time knocked the breath out of me because he did it with such force. Crying I shook my head saying “No not again.” He finally came inside me and dismounted. This time I didn’t wait for him to lie down. I opened up the door and chased him out of the room. I closed the door and locked it.

The next morning I got up and looked at the bedroom door, it was still closed. My nights sleep was fitful at best. As I started to pick out some clothes I formulated a plan to go thru the house fist and lock Chief up. When I went downstairs I saw a note that Chief was outside, relief. When my mom came home I told her I wasn’t hungry and was going upstairs.

This morning was the same as the one before, getting dressed going thru the house with a broom looking for Chief. It was now two days after I told my mom to let out Chief in the back yard before she left for work. But some day she might forget so I was checking out the house anyway. My state of mind was frazzled at best. Most nights I would toss and turn not sleeping very well. Finishing my sweep of the house, LOL, Chief was out side this morning. Looking out the patio door the front gate was open and Chief was nowhere in sight. I ran outside and closed the gate and latched it.

It was a nice sunny day so I went back inside to change. Changing into a bikini I grabbed a towel and a blanket and headed outside. As I settled my self on the blanket I tried to relax and soon fell asleep. A noise woke me up. Chief was in the yard with a black lab. Gathering up the blanket and towel and blanket I tried to fend Chief off as I angled myself towards the patio door.

He knocked me down and stood over me baring his teeth and growled. I was in automatic mode I pulled down my bikini bottom I got on my hands and knees. Chief barked and the lab mounted me. Shocked at what was happening I zoned out. The lab found my pussy with his thrusting dog dick. This snapped me out of my funk. Chief was standing in front of me getting his now protruding dog dick closer to my face.

He growled and snapped at my shoulder. My mind was reeling, after all that had happened this was new. The pain from him nipping at my shoulder was to much. I opened my mouth and started to suck on his dog dick. He was thrusting into my mouth and the lab was pounding me from behind. Lost in the depraved nature of what was happening to me. My body took over and I had one of the biggest orgasms I had ever had. The lab dismounted and I collapsed to the ground.

Chief started to nudge me with his mussel and I assumed the position. He quickly mounted me and thrust right into my pussy on the first try. I was still leaking dog cum from the lab and that may have made it easer for him. Chief was pounding away as never before. He was yelping as he thrust harder into me. My body had now betrayed me as I caught myself thrusting back. The climax I now reached had surpassed the one I had just had moment before. Chief shot his dog cum inside me. He then released me and dismounted. I collapsed to the ground. Chief started to lick my face showing me affection I hadn’t seen in weeks. Guess I did good.

Laying there on the ground dog cum leaking between my legs, I thought about what had just happened. A nice warm feeling washed over me. The peace I felt brought me to tears of joy.

Now things felt different. Going into the house I looked over my shoulder and Chief was chasing some bug around the yard, I smiled. After my shower I felt exhausted. Falling on the bed I fell fast asleep.

A wet lick woke me up. My mom was home and must have let chief inside. During dinner mom commented “How good I looked today”, I just smiled. After dinner my mom settled into the couch with her pitcher of Margaritas. As I walked up the stairs I told mom “I was going to check my Email”. Chief was hot on my heels. He went inside my bedroom and I closed the door.

Stripping off my clothes I assumed the position down on the rug and looked over at Chief. He had run across the room stopped and looked back at me playfully. He wanted to play? Getting up I started to look for his ball. He ran at me and knocked me down and stood behind me. Now I got it my Chief wanted to knock me down, to subdue me.

Getting up I ran away he knocked me down again and growled he was ready. Assuming the position he quickly mounted me and started pumping my pussy with his dog dick. Maintaining a rhythm with him was starting to get easer. The sensation I was feeling was overwhelming. He was pumping away and I came hard just when he started to pump his cum inside of me. I started to thrust back at him hard holding onto his front paws and I came again.

Chief had lain down in the corner and was licking himself. It was then that I decided to do whatever he wanted and whatever I thought might make him happy. Crawling over to him I bent down and proceeded to lick and suck him clean. After I had finished he gave me a lick on the face. Then placing his head between his front paws he closed his eyes.

In the shower I started to think about what I had just done. A tingling sensation started between my legs. Fingering and rubbing myself furiously I came again thinking about me licking Chief clean. That was when I realized, that I was his bitch. There was now nothing I wouldn’t do to bring him pleasure. Or so I thought.


Part II

The next morning Chief woke me up whit a lick on my face. Gently grabbing his head I hugged him. He licked my naked breast grazing my erect nipple. A tingling sensation started between my legs. I hurried to get ready to go outside. I opened the bedroom door and Chief ran out. Choosing my clothes was now different. Selecting a bikini with ties at the side might be easer to get out of when I was down on all fours. Looking out the bathroom window I saw Chief running around in the backyard. My mom must have let him out. The noise of a car told me that my mom had left for work. She stopped saying goodbye to her moody daughter.

Opening the patio door I looked around. Chief was nowhere in sight. Disappointed I stepped out side that’s when I noticed that the front gate was open. Thinking my alcoholic mom must have left it open I closed it. Lying down on the blanket I removed my top to sun myself. A short while later I heard a noise it sounded like the front gate latch. Grabbing a towel to cover myself I looked up. Chief came thru the partially open gate and my heart rate quickened. But he was followed by the Black Lab and another dog that could best be described as a mutt. I thought that Chief and I would have a nice private romp this morning, but chief had other ideas. I was confused. Chief then jumped on the gate and closed it, smart dog.

Standing up I dropped my towel. Then Chief and the Black Lab ran at me and knocked me down. Getting up I started to run again. Chief knocked me down and growled. Knowing what this meant I undid the ties of my suit and got into position. Relaxing enough now as the Black Lab mounted me. He had no trouble finding his mark and started thrusting away. Trying to match his rhythm, which was different from Chiefs, distracted me from what was going on in front of me.

The mutt was standing in front of me with his dog dick in my face and Chief was now at my ear growling. I hesitated; this was a strange dog, this was a mistake. Chief nipped at my arm and I toke this mutts dog dick into my mouth and started to suck it. Because I was distracted the Lab was shooting his load in side me before I was even close. I felt frustration as the Lab dismounted.

The mutt pulled away from my face walked around back and mounted me. He had trouble finding where to put his dog dick I reached back and guided it home. The mutt was a smaller dog and I had to adjust my position. That’s when I noticed that the Lab sticking his soiled dick in my face. Chief growled in my ear. No hesitation this time my tongue darted out and I licked and sucked him clean. The mutt was shooting his load into me and finished to quick.

Now I was really frustrated. The Lab pulled out of my mouth and mounted me. I must have done a pretty good job of sucking on him because he was rock hard. Finding his mark easily he thrust his Lab dick inside of me. He started pumping away when Chief brought his fully engorged dick to me. Opening my mouth I sucked him with determination. Maybe I was getting better at this I had no problem matching the Labs thrusts and sucking on Chiefs dick. The Lab was pounding away when I noticed a feeling building in my pussy. Coming this hard had drained me. The Lab had finished and dismounted when I collapsed.

Lying on my back Chief barked a few times and the Lab started to lick me clean. When his tongue contacted my swollen pussy lips I shivered. The feeling of him licking me was driving me crazy. He thrust his tongue inside my pussy and I climaxed adding my juices for him to clean. Chief licked my face several times this brought a smile to my face. I started to get up when Chief growled. I realized that Chief had not taken his turn yet. I was getting into position when he jumped on my back almost knocking me flat. Matching his familiar rhythm was now no problem. His thrust was hard but I pushed back just as hard. I climaxed before he was finished I just kept on pushing until he shot his load into me. He moved around me and was standing with his dick in my face. Eagerly my mouth cleaned his soiled dog dick. Taking his dick in my mouth I sucked on it giving it my all. He pulled out and trotted off.

Looking around I noticed that the other dogs where gone and the gate was closed. Lying on the grass naked I was just taking it all in when I heard a car pull into the driveway. I bolted for the door and was running up the stairs as my mom opened the front door. She heard me and said “. I came home early and dinner will be at the regular time”. “Okay” as I ran into my bedroom. Throwing some thing on I went downstairs and she was already mixing a pitcher of Margaritas.

Thinking that she was starting drinking kind of early I went out back to collect my things. That’s when I noticed the front gate was closed and latched. Chief was sitting in the shade. It occurred to me that Chief learned to work the latch on the front gate, smart dog. Entering the house I my mom had drained half of the picture. This made me wonder if I was going to get any dinner. As I stepped into the shower I thought about the events of the day and how happy I now was.

After I dressed I really checked my Email. On my way downstairs I noticed moms’ pitcher was now full. She must have finished off the first one and started another. I went outside to play with Chief for a while. It was funny the change in Chief he was rubbing his head against my leg wanting to get petted. Maybe Chief hadn’t changed it was me.

We went inside and I noticed the contents of the pitcher were almost gone. No dinner on the stove. While I fixed Chief a bowl I fixed some dinner for myself. After dinner I looked at mom, she was passed out. Cleaning up I decided to take mom to bed. She was incoherent and dead weight. It was a real chore getting her up the stairs.

At the top of the stairs she fell forward and I tried to make her crawl the rest of the way. That’s when Chief came up behind her and licked her panty covered crotch. She stopped moving and moaned. He licked her a few more times, more moaning. Chief started a low growl. I knew what that meant and moved back to remove her panties. Chief mounted her and started thrusting. His dog dick was stabbing at her but he had trouble connecting. I lined up is dick and he drove it home. She was moaning and pushing back the shudder. She had her first dog dick orgasm. Chief kept on pumping and she moaned loader and shuddered. She withdrew from Chiefs dick when she collapsed. He was nowhere near done with her. His dick was still protruding and much engorged. I mostly dragged her to bed.

Chief was standing next to me growling. Removing my pants Chief tried to mount me before I was ready. I tried to calm him by talking in a soothing way. He mounted me penetrating me on the first thrust. I was not ready but that didn’t matter to chief. He finished before I could. Then he stood in front in front of me. I licked and sucked like a good bitch. After he decided that I did a good enough job he moved off to my bedroom. I cleaned my mom up and tucked her into bed. In my shower I had an image of my mom with Chief. My finger rubbing on my clit gave me a good orgasm.

The next morning I heard the alarm go off in my moms’ bedroom. I put on some clothes and went downstairs to make coffee. As I opened the back door to let out Chief outside I heard footsteps upstairs. Knocking on her bedroom door with coffee in hand she groaned “Come in”. Handing over the coffee she said “Thank you sweetie. I have a bad hangover. But otherwise I feel great”. I just smiled and left.

Some time later I was passing by my computer there was a replay from Kelly just minutes before. She was the local wild child. She started drinking before anyone did. She had sex before I even thought about it. She had said the sex wasn’t that good, over to soon, blah, blah, blah. Something else I remembered she told me about a fantasy she had about having sex with a dog. I started to hatch a plan. I Emailed her back to come on over with her bikini and we could sun ourselves and party. Her reply took 10 seconds “I’ll be right over”. Putting together the party didn’t take long, an extra blanket, a cooler for the diet Coke and a bottle of rum. Kelly’s drink of choice.

Everything was in place in the back yard when there was a knock on the front gate “Ali you back there”. “Yes, just come right in”. She was the typical Californian Girl, blond hair, blue eyes, long legs and looked great in a bikini. Of course she walked over wearing just her bikini. “Come over sit down and have a drink” handing her one as she sat down. After her second drink I felt she was ready. “Kelly, remember when you told me about a fantasy you had about having sex with a dog”? “Hope that you didn’t think I was a perv or something” was her confused reply. “No nothing like that. I just brought it up to make a point. I kept your secret and I’m asking you to keep what I’m about to tell you a secret”. “Wild horses couldn’t drag it out of me”. Did I mention that she was a drama queen?

“Kelly this is serious”. A concerned look flashed across her face. “Of course Ali what is it”? There was no other way than to just say it. “I have been having sex with my dog the last several days and it’s been great”. Her jaw dropped. “Are you serious”? Still cautious I replied “Yes very serious”. “And here I was thinking that you where kind of hard on me the last time I brought it up”. As an apology “Sorry, I probably was at the time but life is funny that way”. “More than you know. That’s the last thing I expected you to say”!

Things went quiet for a while and Kelly downed the rest of her drink. I made her another. Handing it to her I said “I was wondering if you still thought about it”? “Yes sometimes” was her cautious reply. “I guess what I’m asking you is would you like to try it for real”. Silence “Sure why not”. Still stepping lightly “This is why I asked you if you would keep this a secret”. Still looking unsure “How does this start”? My unsure reply “Well let me just call Chief over and just pet him. We will see how it goes from there”. I called “Chief”. “What if he doesn’t like me”? “Kelly don’t worry he’s a dog”. Chief came over to me and I started to pet him. “Kelly lean over and pet Chief” She leaned over and started to pet Chief. He licked the closest part of her to him, her nipple poking thru her suit. She shivered at the contact. Encouraged “Why don’t you free yourself you might like it better”. She removed her top and bottom. I had meant just her top but whatever. She continued to pet Chief and he started to lick here bare nipple. She sighed every time his tongue dragged across her now hard nipple. “Ali I don’t believe it I’m getting wet down there. What should I do next”? “Don’t worry Kel I’m here to help”. Chief also noticed Kelly’s twat getting moist. His nose was sniffing the air and the tip of his dick stared to protrude. At least he was ready.

Now my job was to get her ready “Slowly get on your hands and knees”. Chief moved towards her and jumped up. He wrapped his front paws tightly around her shapely waist and started thrusting. I could see that her butt was too high. “Kelly, spread out your knees to lower your hips”. Just as she did that Chief penetrated her, “Ali this feels wonderful”. “I told you it was great”. Her hips fell into a rhythm almost naturally. I was a little jealous. “Pump me hard you big boy”. I never knew see was a talker. Feeling the moister between my own pussy lips I held back. “Come on boy fuck me, fuck meeeee,” She was close to climax and so was Chief. Kelly climaxed first and Chief was still pumping. “No, No, NO”. she said breathless. Then she started to scream and I covered her mouth with my hand. She was screaming into my hand having a second mind blowing climax as chief dismounted.

“That was wonderful”. “Told you”, was all I could say. “When can I come over tomorrow”? Laughing I handed her a towel. “Same time is fine. But next time wear a beach cover and bring your suit”. “Good point” as she put on her bikini bottom over her still leaking pussy. Looking for Chief I spotted him in the shade licking himself. Thank goodness he didn’t want me to clean him. How Kelly might have reacted could have ended this. When Kelly waved and closed the gate I called Chief over.

Petting him with one hand and stroking his dick with the other I purred “Good boy”. I bent over and started to suck his dog dick. Chief pulled away and I took of my suit and ran. It felt good running in the hot sun and cool grass naked. Boom I fell to the ground and chief growled. I quickly assumed the position. I was ready and so was Chief. Bliss is what I felt shoving back to his thrusts. Climaxing two times before Chief dismounted. He came around front and I happily cleaned him well.

I cleaned myself and laid in the sun until I heard a car pull into the driveway, mom was home. All through dinner I kept thinking about the events of the day and my dog. Or was it the dog and his bitch? That tingling feeling started between my legs started again. Running up the stairs I had to have Chief.

He beat me to my bedroom. Kneeling down I bent my neck started the suck him. I enjoyed sucking on his dog dick. I looked over and his tongue was hanging out, he was ready. Getting up on my knees I started to remove my clothing. He knocked me over before I was done. He kept nudging me with his mussel. He started to mount me before I was in position. Boy was he eager.
Plunging his dick into me he started pumping. What happened today flashed though my mind and I climaxed. Now I pushed back harder wanting another. Chief kept on pumping and that now familiar felling inside me built. Coming hard I must had made some noise because my mom called from downstairs “What’s going on up their”? I giggled “Nothing mom, I fell”, as I took Chief dick I my mouth.


Part III

I woke up this morning on my own. “Good morning sleepy head”, to Chief. This morning was going to be Kelly’s second visit and I got busy preparing for her arrival. It was another beautiful day. During the set up Kelly knocked then opened the gate. I waved her over. Chief went out as she walked in “Was it something I said”? “Just leave the gate open a crack. I’m sure he’ll be back”. Not really sure. Kelly was wearing her beach cover. I could tell by the way her boobs moved and the sun silhouetted her figure nothing underneath. We talked for a while and then I saw Chief come thru the gate with the Black Lab in tow.

Pointing towards the gate I said “See Kell he brought a friend”. She looked over “Oh that’s Buddy”. Chief came over to me and Buddy followed. Kelly grabbed Buddy and started to pet him. “How you doing Buddy”? She looked over to me “Do you think he knows what to do”? Hesitantly I answered “He’s as good as Chief”. Looking surprised she commented “You have been keeping some secrets?” I didn’t want to get into that discussion right now “Later Kell” is all I got out. She dropped it and asked “How’s this start”? Cautiously I replied “Well there’s this thing we do. I run and they knock me down, subdue me”. “Typical males” was her reply.

So we both got up. I removed my cover and we took off running. Chief knocked me down and Buddy knocked Kelly down. Looking over at Chief, “Get up and run again” and we did. Chief butted me and down I went and he growled. I said “Get down on all fours” as I looked over and saw Kelly already in position. Chief mounted and penetrated me but Kelly was having a problem. “Pull up your cover Kell and spread out your knees more”. “Oh yah I forgot” her reply. She wasn’t the brightest bulb in the box but who else was I going to share this with? Now I was distracted and worried that Chief might finish before me. “Ohhhh” came out of her mouth and I knew Buddy connected.

She started to make some noise concerned “Put part of your cover in your mouth Kell”. She complied and exposed most of her body in the process. Seeing her moaning, tits slapping against her chest and pushing hard sent me over the edge. Pushing hard I wanted a second. Concentrating hard I was able to have a big climax before Chief backed off.

He came around to my face and I sucked on his dick. I didn’t care. Kelly looking my way said “What are you doing”! I replied “I want another go with him” a half truth. “Besides they can be very appreciative” I hinted. Buddy was in front of Kelly “But it’s all wet”! “Just think about how good it will feel in a minute”. Chief was back at it “Just suck on it until it’s hard again”. I saw Kelly bend her head and start to suck on Buddy’s soiled dog dick, seeing that made me have a big orgasm. Chief was standing before me as Kelly yelled something from her gagged mouth. She must have done a good job sucking Buddy. As I started to lick, caress, and suck his beautiful dog dick. Kelly said “What are you doing that for”. In reply “Because he appreciates it and gets him in the mood for latter”. Kelly started licking Buddy then collapsed on her back. “I’m, Oh….”. Buddy was licking her pussy clean. “Your cover in mouth again Kell”. She had another orgasm.

“See I told you that they appreciate it”. Her short breathless reply “That was beyond wonderful” as she lay back in the grass. We walked back to the blanket and Chief opened the gate let Buddy out and closed the gate. “That’s some smart dog” Kelly remarked. “Don’t I know it” I sincerely replied. “How about a drink”? A parched girl responded “Yes. And the same time tomorrow”? Laughing I replied “Sure”.

We sunned, talked, and drank until the noise of a car made us stop and put on or beach covers. Kelly looked at me and said “I’m jealous you have Chief alone tonight”. “Maybe I can arrange a sleepover”. We laughed hugged and said “good by”.

Going inside I could see that mom was in one of her moods. She was walking into the living room with a full pitcher and a glass. As I went past “I’m going up to my room”. A while later she was on the couch with another pitcher. Not wanting to have to drag her up the stairs again I said “Why don’t you take that up to your room and get comfortable”. I sat down and turned on the TV.

I was in no mood to make myself dinner. When I went upstairs I heard something hit the rug. My mom was passed out on the bed in her nightgown, the glass on the floor. I was angry and frustrated. My plans with Chief put on hold. Then it dawned on me. It put her in a good mood before? I hiked up her nightgown rolled her onto her front and put some pillows under her hips. Calling Chief I patted the bed. He jumped up on the bed sniffed and mounted her. She was moaning but otherwise not moving. Watching this turned me on. I started to rub my clit and I came.

Chief jumped off the bed and I sucked on him until he was hard. He moved away and mounted me. Pushing back hard and thinking about what I had just seen I climaxed early. I was spent but now it was all about Chief. He was far from finished. Working the muscles in my vagina I contracted and released around his dog dick. Chief started to pant rapidly and pump real hard. By observing this I knew that what I was doing was having a good effect. He started to shoot his cum inside of me. Chief came around front as tears of joy where in my eyes as I lovingly licked his dick and balls.

Chief walked away to my bedroom. I started on the task of cleaning up my mom and putting her to bed. Just in case I left one of her dildos on her nightstand.

The next morning I was up early and down in the kitchen when mom came down the stairs. “I don’t feel that bad this morning. As a matter of fact I fell pretty good”. With some disgust “The noise coming from your room last night I thought you might be having a nightmare or something”. Blushing “We’ll I’m off to work” and left. Then I started to get prepared for Kelly’s arrival.

I let Chief outside and set up the stuff. Kelly knocked and opened the gate. As the gate was opening Chief ran out. She patted him on his hind quarters as he went buy. She sat down and looked at me with tears in her eyes. Concerned “What’s wrong”? She shook her head no saying “No Ali nothings wrong I’m just so happy to be here with you right now”. Dabbing her eyes she continued “The summer started out so shitty and now I’m just so happy”. Relived “Don’t worry about it Kell you can hang out here anytime”. We hugged. She looked up at me saying “Do you think your mom can adopt me”? Sarcasm in my voice “She’s no prize believe me”. We talked as we lay in the sun.

The gate opened a crack, and Chief, Buddy and two other dogs followed a Brown and a Golden.

Kelly surprised “What’s this”? Trying to reassure her I said “Just go with it. I promise you’ll like it.” She drained the drink she was holding. “Here have another” and she chugged that one down too. Chief and the Brown came over by me and Buddy and the Gold walked over to Kelly. Trying to break the silence “Make friendly with them Kell”. Buddy was already licking her face.

Noticing their dog dicks where starting to protrude from the sheath. I slipped out of my suit and said “Kelly it’s time to run”. I started to run and was dropped by Chief. I looked over at Kelly she was running with a cloth in her hand. Curious I pointed “What’s with the washcloth”? She replied “Easer to put in my mouth”. I laughed and Chief growled.

As I looked over to Kelly I said “It’s time to get in position”. But she was already on all fours’. I sucked on Chief and the Brown was busy pumping me. Positioning my shelf so that I could watch Kelly, she was sucking on Buddy as the Gold mounted her. Just then she stopped sucking Buddy and shoved the wash cloth in her mouth. I smiled and climaxed hard.

Kelly grabbed the Gold as he went by and started to suck on him as Buddy positioned himself. Climaxing very hard again with Chief, I slumped down. My Brown had wandered of somewhere and Chief trotted around to my face. Sucking on Chief until he was hard again he mounted me for the second time. Now I was watching Kelly as she sucked on the Gold and Buddy was thrusting away like a piston. She was screaming with the Gold’s dick in her mouth. The Gold mounted her again and she was licking on Buddy’s dog dick. I had a hard shuttering orgasm as Chief walked around front. I licked his balls, dick and anywhere my tongue would go.

Sitting down on the blanket I watched Kelly screaming with Buddy’s dick in her mouth. Buddy then took his turn and Kelly screamed into the cloth in her mouth. After Buddy was thru she started to lick his dog dick while holding his balls. She then flopped on her back. Buddy went to work licking the inside of her legs. All of a sudden she put the rag in her mouth. She grabbed Buddy’s head and directed it to her pussy. Muffled screams came from behind her cloth covered mouth. She spit the cloth out and was gasping for air. Boy I had turned her into a dog nymphomaniac.

As she walked over to the blanket I handed her a drink. As she took it I noticed that tears where running down her check. She saw my concern and said “Tears of joy Ali”. She landed heavy on the blanket and asked “Do you think Chief can arrange this again tomorrow?” Laughing, “Do you think you can handle a repeat of today?”

She only smiled before she sipped her drink. Putting down my drink I told her “Frankly I don’t know what Chief is going to do next”. Tears rolled down her checks and we hugged. This was the first time I had hugged a naked woman before. Her warm curvy body felt good against mine. She hugged me hard “Thanks again Ali”. I just hugged her back. We talked some more and laid silent in the sun for a while. The car noise snapped us to attention. As we picked up things I scanned the yard. Chief was the only dog in sight. Looking over at Chief “Good boy” and he wagged his tail. As Kelly was picking up things and putting on her cover. “Your moms’ home early”? “Yeah. Let me go inside and see what’s up. But keep your hands off Chief”. She laughed and laid down on the blanket. I went inside to see what was up.

My mom came thru the front door saying “Hi. I’m going on a last minute business trip. I need to pack so follow me upstairs and we’ll talk as I pack. My plane leaves in five hours so I need to get going. Will you be all right”? “Sure mom. Kelly’s’ over can she spend the night”? As she was running around the room, “Sure, actually I’d feel better if she was here. I’ll be going for the next three nights. There’s plenty of food around and here’s a copy of my itinerary”. She handed me the paper as she left the room. Following her down the stairs she said over her shoulder “Just try not to break anything. OK sweetie, Have a good time” and with that she was out the door. I ran outside to tell Kelly the news. She squealed and we hugged as we jumped around.

After dinner we went up to my room. Kelly sat down at my computer, “Look at this Ali”. I walked over and saw that she was at a dog porn site. “You are a perv”, I joked and poked her with a finger. “Look at the size of this one”. The image of a Great Dane filled the screen. He was fully extended and some woman was about to suck him, or so it seemed. The next series of pictures were of this woman having sex with this dog. She clicked on a link and a series of thumbnails appeared with more women having sex with dogs. We both went quiet as our eyes scanned the screen. Feeling that tingling sensation between my legs I said “Kell I think it’s time to give Chief some attention”.

Walking over to him I knelt down bent my head and started to suck his protruding dick. As I repositioned my self to lick his balls Kelly started to suck his dick. Noticing that Chief was starting to pant rapidly I said, “Kelly why don’t you go first. No cloth required”. She took off her cover and got into position. Chief jumped on her back hard. “Hold on Kelly Chief is excited”. She closed her eyes and started to scream having orgasm number one. But Chief kept on going. She gritted her teeth and made a low noise that just got louder. She was still screaming as Chief walked around to her face. Gasping for air “Let me get him ready for you”.

Then she started to suck on his dog dick and held his balls until he started to thrust. Fearing that she would keep on going I spouted “OK that’s enough”. I got into position and called Chief over. He slowly got on my back and stared to thrust. His pace was slower than usual and it was driving me crazy with desire. Changing position slightly I started to work the muscles in me that where around his dick. Chief started to drool on my back. Kelly was watching from the bed, “Boy you really have him worked up”. “It was you sucking on him” I lied. I wanted to keep this a secret with Chief. It didn’t take to much longer. I reached a climax just as Chief was shooting his dog cum inside me. As I cleaned Chief Kelly said “I really need a shower. Do you want to go first?’ A thought jumped into my head, “Lets both use my moms’ shower. It’s a big his and hers”.

Soaping up I turned my back to Kelly to rinse. She came up behind me and started to rub her beautiful tits on my back. She whispered into my ear “Here let me soap up your back”. She reached around me with one hand and caressed my boob. Her other hand was rubbing my clit. She kissed my neck saying “You’re not the only one with a secret”. The shower spray was like electricity on my skin. This orgasm was different; it slowly built to a climax. I turned around and kissed her with passion.

Her hand grabbed mine as it was going down her body. “You just watch. I know you like to watch”. Stepping back one hand was on her boob and the other was between her legs. The sight before me was like a scene in a movie. The beads of water glistened on her tanned skin. Her curvy full body undulating before me was a sight to behold. The lustful look she was giving me was driving me crazy. She started to moan and her hand rubbed faster. Trembling, she started to scream. In the bathroom it seemed loud but I didn’t care. Still looking at her I said “Boy do I need Chief right now”. Her arm drew me near “Baby just dry off and lay down on your moms’ bed I’ll be right there”.

She came thru the bathroom doorway and slowly walked to the bed. God she looked sexy right now. She slipped into bed and was over my body kissing me, her tits rubbing on mine. My skin was like it was on fire, so many sensations. She slowly trailed her tongue over my boobs on her way down between my legs. Parting my legs slightly I sighed. She went to work on my clit and I shivered at her touch. She inserted her little finger in my pussy withdrew it and slipped it in my ass. Then she inserted index finger in my pussy as she licked my clit. I propped myself up on my elbows. The sight of her shapely raised ass came into view. She saw me staring and wiggled her ass for me. That sent me over the top. Grabbing her head, I started thrusting my pelvis into her face. I was moaning loud as I exploded. As she got out of bed I asked, “Where did you learn to do that”? “From the internet” was her reply.

She went to the bathroom to clean up. Walking back with a wet washcloth I reached out to take it. She waved her hand at me “No sweetie let me do that for you”. It was my time to cry. While she cleaned me I stroked her head. We kissed and lay on the bed for a while not talking. Chief entered the room licking his chops “I’ll be right back Kell he’s thirsty”. “That’s OK I’ll come down too”. Chief and Kelly followed me around the kitchen while getting his water bowl ready. It was cute and I smiled. It was puppy love. (I can’t believe I said that). All of us went upstairs to my bedroom. Kelly spooned me as I drifted off to sleep.

Chief woke me up the next morning. Kelly was still asleep. Slowly I lifted her arm that was around me and slipped out of bed. After I let Chief outside I started to put out some yogurt and fruit out on the counter. Kelly walked around the corner. She was naked. “Kell put your cover on and we’ll sit down and have some breakfast”. “I just wanted to come and say good morning”. She kissed me and grabbed a banana on her way out. For a moment I just watched that shapely ass sway out of the room. After she rounded the corner “You better be eating that banana”. She was laughing as she walked up the stairs.

After breakfast Kelly went upstairs and I went outside. Chief wasn’t in the yard. Maybe he went to get Buddy or something I thought. A short time later Kelly walked outside. We took off our covers and laid out in the sun. Hearing the latch on the gate I looked up. Chief came thru the gate with Buddy in tow. Turning on my side “The boys are back let’s go.”

We got up and started to run. Getting knocked down a second time I saw Kelly running back to the blanket. Chief had started to thrust and I watched as Kelly was knocked down a few times. Buddy mounted her just as she got back to the blanket. She looked over at me “I forgot my cloth”.

I started to work my muscles around Chiefs dick and he slowed. Ah ha I said to myself. With the slower pace we climaxed together just as Buddy was coming around to Kelly’s face.

I started to lick his dick. Then ran my tongue down to his balls and started to lick behind his balls. I noticed that his dick was getting hard again without me sucking on his dick. But I sucked his cock anyway because I wanted to. He was beyond ready at this point. Chief ran back and inserted his dog dick in me in record time. We both climaxed together just as Buddy was coming around to Kelly’s face again. Chief walked around and I cleaned him tenderly. He then licked my face and wandered off.

Walking back to the blanket I saw Buddy was still humping a screaming Kelly. He dismounted and moved to her face. She started to lick him then collapsed on the grass. She rolled on her back with her legs spread and Buddy went to work. The cloth was again in Kelly’s mouth as Buddy licked away. Screaming she pushed Buddy’s head away and just laid there for a second. Then she started to crawl onto the blanket.

I reached for a washcloth and Kelly waved her hand “Lay down I want to do that”. She started licking just inside my knee and was slowly working her way up. By the time she made it up to my pussy I was out of control with desire. I started to push my pelvis into Kelly’s face. I had a mind blowing climax. Kelly was sitting there smiling at me. “You made some noise but I didn’t want to stop”.

“Was I loud?”

“Not so bad”.

She made some drinks and handed me one. We laid in the sun for a while happy, content, not a care in the world. My cell phone rang, picking it up I saw Sara on the display. She is my cousin and a bitch but she was 21 and had a car. “Hello” sounding unsure. She replied in her bitch voice “Hello brat. Your mom just called me don’t you check your messages. She has been trying to call you. She will be out of town for a few more days then planned. She asked me to take you guys shopping, like I don’t have better things to do with my time”.

Surprised “When will you be here”?

Sounding like she couldn’t be bothered “Sometime after work say 5ish”.

Angry “OK bye”.

“What was that all about”? Kelly was curios.

I relayed the story. She tilted her head and with a smile on her face “A couple more days of this I can handle”.

Sarah showed up about 6:00. We didn’t say much the whole way to the store. As we where going thru the aisles I put a bottle of rum in the cart. With authority “What’s that for brat”? Carefully “The two of us are going to have a party tonight. Remember don’t make a big deal about this I still have that photo”. I had a picture of her smoking pot and her mother would still make a fuss.

“You little brat your not going to hang that over my head forever. Just the same,” wanting to spoil our fun “I will have to chaperone you tonight”.

My cell phone went ding. It was a text message from Kelly. “That bitch is going to spoil our plans. Just put the booze back”.

“Settle down I have a plan”.

We texted back and forth about the idea I had. We’d get Sarah drunk and record her being licked by Buddy.

When we got back to the house I put my plan into action. Sarah still had on her business suit and I had to get her undressed to make this work. So I turned down the AC and put the oven on bake. Now came making the drinks. I made Kelly’s and mine weak and hers stronger each time.

Sarah slurring her words “Boy it sure is hot in here”

“The AC is on the fritz. It’s just us girls, why don’t we get more comfortable”.

Kelly and I stripped down to our bra and panties. I saw Sarah looking at Kelly with envy in her eyes. Sarah had been one of the hot girls in High School but had let herself go. Kelly was taller, better looking, and had a better body than Sarah ever had. She hated Kelly; you could see it in her face. Hesitantly she started to take off her cloths.

She started to slouch down the sofa. A few more drinks and she passed out. “Kelly get Buddy ready”. Slowly I pulled down her panties and spread her legs a little. Buddy got the scent and moved right in. His tongue licked away and she started to move a little. “Kelly lets get up the stairs now I have enough recorded”. Watching from the top of the stairs Sarah said “Bad dog” and pushed Buddy’s head away. She then curled up on the sofa and went to sleep. I went about putting the house back to normal and put a blanket on Sarah.

I was horny and I so was Kelly she was sucking on Buddy as I entered my room. I knelt down next to Chief and started to suck his dick. Buddy was on top of Kelly as Chief mounted me. Kelly was screaming in no time and I climaxed shortly after. I told Kelly to let Buddy out the front door. When she came back we curled up in bed falling to sleep.

Waking up early the next day I shook Kelly. We went downstairs and I shook Sarah hard. “What time is it”? She put a hand to her head and moaned “My head”!

With authority “You better call in sick today it’s 7:00 already. But before you go home, you need to buy us some more rum. You drank it all last night”

“The hell I will…..” she trailed off because she was watching the video I had shot.

She lunged at me “Give me that you piece of shit”.

Kelly grabbed her arm and twisted it behind her back. Not only was Kelly taller than Sarah, she was used to playing rough. She had two older brothers.

Grimacing “Owe your hurting me”.

Kelly in control “Just settle down and do what she said or this will show up on the internet”.

Sarah’s eyes blinked wide open and her shoulders slumped. “OK I’ll do what you want.”

She got partly dressed and left. Kelly looked at me smiling “Do you think she’ll do it”?

“We’ll see, I can always show her the recording again”. As we where cleaning up from breakfast the doorbell rang. Kelly went to the door. She came back holding two bottles of rum “I guess she got the message”.

Chief was outside running around as we set up. “Chief will probably go get Buddy in a while let’s just lay out in the sun”.

“Sounds good to me”.

After a while Chief opened the gate and left. He came back with Buddy.

The next year the family that owned Buddy was moving. They offered him to Kelly. She was more than happy to give him a new home.

The End

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