Men with Animals

Neo the Champion


(c) 2007-2019 by ozzalone65 (Ozorli / Orlirz)

Part I

I had a friend who breeds dogs for a living. his name was Julian. he breed bloodhounds. he always enters some of his better dogs in dog shows. i have been to a few in the past. I guess it was the least i could do. we used to date a few years back. but were able to stay friends. anyhoo my story has to do with the time he had to miss a show because he had a terrible case of the flu, and since i had been to many of his dog shows. i pretty much new the goings on of how they worked.

he called me the day before the show to ask that i help him out. he needed me to take his pure breed male dog Neo to the show. i showed up to his house. Neo remembered me from past encounters. he was a nice dog. a big dog too. at least 160 pounds of bloodhound. he sniffed my hand as i greeted him and licked it. I sat down and Julian gave me the info on was was expected and so forth. Neo was standing near us, then turned. his huge low hanging balls swayed below his legs. i felt my cock twitch from the sight. my brian tried to register what the heck i was feeling, but couldnt understand it. as Julian kept talkin to me, i found myself constantly stealing glances at Neo huge balls. My cock started to get hard from the sight of them. then Neo came towards me and as if he knew what was goin on. he shoved his nose in my crotch. bumping against my twitching cock.

“Neo. stop that” Julian scolded. and after my own coaxing and shoving him away. Neo let me alone and trotted off. his big balls dancing as he left the room.

After what seemed hours of explanations. I took the now even friendlier Neo to the show. when we got there i groomed his coat and stroked his lustrous golden fur. again he shoved his nose in my crotch. and one moment i saw the tip of hi pink dog cock protrude from his sheath. Needless to say i was now getting a boner. This big dog was getting me turned on. what the hell was wrong with me. I thought. this is a dog. these thoughts are disgusting. shaking my head, i continued to stroke the dog. i moved around to brush the fur on his hind legs. he shifted and those massive balls were but inches from my hand. my mind screamed at me to touch them. and for several moments contemplated it. then i heard the call that they were ready to start. so i ended that filthy thought immediately.

The show went well. Neo won his breed, but not best in show. i called Julian, who was less that happy. But he figured it was because he wasnt there. i was in back and people were piling out of the center. in our booth i stroked Neo gently as i started to pick things up. again he shoved his face in my crotch. i boned immediately. this cause me to drop the brush i had. it fell under the small bench set up in room. i bent down to reach for the brush. and as i did, Neo jumped on my back. when i looked back, he was tryin to mount me. i saw his cock sticking out several inches from his sheath. and it was a bit thicker than before. I pushed him off me and yelled.

“Bad Neo. what were you thinkin” Neo got upset and growled a little. I looked at the pink cock as it began to deflate a bit from frustration. He turned and this huge balls came into view again. My lust began to take over as. called to Neo.

“Come here boy” He came closer and i stroked his coat with the retrieved brush. again i was at his back side and his pendulous balls were but inches from my hand. the brush stroked his legs and he spread his thighs for me. his balls just dangled there several inches from his body. My desire was too much as i brushed his inner thigh my hand touched those huge balls. i moved in closer and gently cupped them in my hand. Neo looked back at me as i began to message his big boulders. they were very big indeed. my hand continued to genlty pull on the dogs huge balls. They felt so good as they were too big and overflowed in my hand. My cock began to get hard in my slacks. then i looked and noticed the tip of neo’s cock was sticking out from his sheath. Like a blunt pink needle as it slowly descended from his body. i was mezmerized by the sight. it came out a good 3 inches until i stopped messaging his big balls. i stroked Neo back and hind quarters as his eyes looked at me almost pleading me to go on.

“Good boy” I said. “your a good boy Neo” Neo shifted again and his big dangling balls danced before me again. my eyes were transfixed on the swaying site. i have always loved a mans balls to touch and to feel as he fucked my ass. also to lick and suck on. and like a moth to a flame Neo’s balls were pulling me in. i reached for them again. My now trembling hand groped at his big balls once more. But that didn’t seem to be enough. I was yet drawn in closer. As i knelt down and brought my face in for a better look at them. by now my cock was raging in my pants. i had trouble kneeling down. so i shifted my cock in my trousers. i was but inches from those big balls. seeming even bigger this close up. I licked my lips as i got even closer. then Neo somehow sensing my hesitation reared back and his balls smacked me in the face. The sensation of those massive balls was all i needed to feel. i grabbed his balls and brought them to my face. they were indeed big. one covered my eye entirely as i rubbed my face in them. the other lay across the bridge of my nose. i smelled in deeply the scent of this big dogs gorgeous balls. that scent of clean with dog smell drove me over the edge. i opened my mouth wide and took one of Neo’s huge balls in my mouth. its all i could accommodate because it was so big. i grabbed at his haunches and pulled him closer as my tongue slobbered over his big fat dog nut. i heard Neo whimper slightly as i sucked on his balls. I released the one then took the other one in my hungry mouth.

“Mmmphhfff , Mmmphhfff. GOD. sooooo Mmmphhfff good” i groaned.

Neo’s massive balls had me ravenous for him. and through instinct, i reached for his cock. I felt his wet pink cock that was now a good 5 inches out. i released his balls for a moment. I needed to get more comfortable. i removed my fitted shirt and then undid my trousers. i pulled them down to release my aching cock. Then returned to the floor. i was now on all fours as i reached back down to grab at Neo’s cock. it was still skinny and a bit darker than before. but i crawl up under him and stroked his cock in my hand. my face went back to those fat balls as i saw them dangling there.. My other hand stroked at my cock. I was continuing to munch on Neo’s big balls when he started to thrust in my hand. his cock was fukking my hand now. and i felt it growing. It was getting thicker and longer. i released his not wet nuts from my drooling mouth and looked at the now 7 inches and still growing cock he had . It was already as thick as my own cock and had changed from pink to purple. i had to try it. I licked his balls once more then moved down the sheath and to his raging cock. I licked along the rock hard shaft and to the tip. it felt smooth and tasted great. i then took the tip into my mouth. Neo feeling this thrust hard and the entire shaft was crammed into my mouth. Neo then started to fukk my mouth. running only on instinct. i gagged as i felt his cock get even bigger in my mouth. He was trying to drive it into my throat. i pulled off his cock but he kept shoving forward. So his cock kept getting jabbed into my throat. i had to push him from me to get him out of my mouth. He continued to hump at air as he tried to fuck something. i looked at his now massive cock. It was at least 9 long fat inches of purple fuck rod. Easily thicker than my 7 inch cock. i grabbed for it again and wrapped my fingers around the huge shaft. He started to thrust again. It felt awesome in my hands as Neo was continually thrusting into it. i had to try it again. So laid on my back and placed the dog bag under my head. i pulled Neo over me and i grabbed his huge cock and placed it back in my mouth. My hand holding the base so as not to let him stab it through the back of my neck. He immediately began to thrust into my mouth. its was great now as i held his massive dog cock while he slammed into my mouth at an accelerated pace. i heard Neo begin to whimper as he fuck my hungry mouth.

I moaned and slobbered over his huge cock for a few moments then i felt his knot start to pull from his sheath. i could hear him panting harder as he started to fuk harder.. then i grabbed at neo’s huge balls and i think that did it for him. He whimpered and he thrust hard and i felt shot after shot after shot firing from his huge cock. my lips siphoning the cum from the dogs cock. Neo kept thrusting until he released his load into my mouth. i had forgotten about my own cock. then grabbed on my dick and started to wail on it. it didn’t take long because i was still slurpin on the dogs load. My dick shot cum several feet into the air.

“Fukk. Shiitt.. ohh man. Good boy” I moaned as my balls drained After a few moments Neo pulled from me and strutted over to the other side of the small room. I just lay there in my cum. Still tasting Neo’s cum on my palate. I got up after i was able to compose myself. i pulled up my pants put away the brush that had started it all and took Neo home.


Part II

Julian was surprised that after just one day neo was so taken to me. when we were back at his house Neo was constantly sitting next to me or wanting to get petted by me. No one else had gotten so close so quickly. But it was good, he thought. He figured that was good indeed because he was going to have to leave the dog with someone when he went to the west coast in a few weeks. he mentioned and asked if I would be so kind as to take Neo on those dates. I looked down at the big dog and gladly said yes. Julian was happy that I was so obliging. I went home that day and all I could think about was that dogs big balls. I dreamed of Neo’s nuts. I wanted to also feel more of his huge cock. maybe even let that dog fuck me. Wow, just the thought had my dick hard. so that night I beat my cock for a while until I was satisfied with my fantasy of my friends dog. fantasies of munching out on those big balls filled my head. I jerked myself to another orgasm that night.

I called Julian later that week to see if he needed help with his dog again. Matter of fact he asked me to baby sit Neo on Saturday. He was going to another event with one of his other dogs, and he mentioned that Neo sometimes hated being alone. “He howls alot when left alone.”

SO I happily complied and said I would love to. “He is a great dog” I said. “He is” Julian replied. “And I think he likes you”

Well Saturday morning came and i was at Julian’s house. I saw Neo an he came to me. I patted his head and rubbed his big droopy face. Julian shortly thereafter left for the show. i hung around the place for a bit. sipping some coffee that Julian had left in the kitchen. I walked out to the back porch and looked out to the expanse of yard Julian had there. Plenty for his dogs to run around. Neo came outside with me and just sat by my side as I lounged on the chair near the pool. It looked so damned inviting. I called Julian on his cell and asked if he wouldn’t mind my using his pool. He said it was fine. he started to tell me where I could find some shorts i could use. But I figured with all the trees in the back yard I would just jump in nude.

“No one will see me here” I said to myself. I dropped my drawers and walked over to the edge of the pool. neo seeing this got up and came to the pool edge with me. “Not now” I said to him and pushed him away. I jumped into the pool and swam around for a bit. But I kept looking over at Neo as he watched me intently. I watch as his balls swung beneath his body as he walked about. My dick started to get hard as I watched those big full nuts move in their sack. I waded to the edge of the pool as I was getting too damn horny.

“Come here boy” I called out to him. I needed to have those balls again. he bounded over to me and Ii watched his nuts dance between his legs. I couldn’t wait to lick those balls again. when he was near me I reached under him for his balls again. again those big boulders had me raging. the first tingle in my dick from touching them he spread his legs a bit for my getting better access to them. But being in the water I was too far to suck on them. So I crawled out of the pool and lead Neo back towards the lounger. I grabbed the towel I got from the house and placed it on the ground. I lay myself down and told neo to get closer. I positioned him above me and grabbed at his balls. I rose up and started to lick the huge orbs. I was in heaven again as I slobbered over Neo’s giant nuts. The taste was awesome as before.. Then I felt Neo’s wet tongue on my dick. The dog was licking my cock and balls.

“Hmmmmff yeah boy” I said. His rough tongue was doing wonders for my dick. “Aaawee fukk man. Shit that feels awesome”

It made me suck and chew on his balls all the more. I reached for Neo’s now growing cock. It was already out and getting bigger as i started to stroke it. It felt big in my hand as he started to thrust while I stroked him. His balls were pulled tight in my mouth as he fucked my hand. I had to pull up closer to his balls to make sure I didn’t lose them. Then he started to pant more and his balls were yanked from my lips. I figured i could start sucking his cock now. but as I got up Neo came around my ass and started to lick my ass. I was stopped dead in my tracks as his tongue raked against my hole.

”Aawweeeee shit Neo. That feels soo damn goooood” I was stuck in the reverie of Neo’s awesome tongue digging as my hole that didn’t realize why he was doing this. I reached back and shoved a finger up my ass as he continued to lick at my hole. I wanted his tongue in there so I pulled at my ass and tried to open it up for him. but the drooling dig spit was enough to get me going. I reached for my cock and tugged at my growing cock. The incredible tongue on this dog was making me mad. I wanted more. And More is what he gave me. Neo stopped munching on my ass and immediately jumped on my back. It took me but a moment to figure out what was his intentions. Then i felt his big nob at my ass. He started to thrust at my hole. Missing time and again. “No neo” I tried to say. But as I tried to pull away from him. He growled and his front legs clamped onto my sides. His nails dug into me and that’s when his cock hit its mark. The head of his cock hit my hole. neo knew he found his target and thrust hard. Neo’s huge club tore into my ass in that one thrust. almost all 9 inches of dog cock was shoved into my ass.

“Fukkkkkkk. Aaeeeiiiiiii” I cried out as that massive dog cock forced itself in me. I have had big cocks. but this was the biggest and fattest. “Oooohh Godd. too fukkin… ” I was having trouble catching a breath. ” Ugghnnnnnn”

Neo just pounded away at his bitch. No care or concern for my ass. Just the instinct to breed his bitch took over. The fat cock seemed to be getting fatter as he mercilessly pounded my poor ass. I was crying and Whimpering under Neo’s assault. Would the pain and or would he just fuck me to death. And what if by some chance Julian came home early and saw this sight. His best friend being fucked on his back porch by his dog. I imagined the look of horror and disgust on his face as i was taken by the huge cock in my ass.

“Hmmmfff , ugghn man. soooo Fukkkin big ” The thoughts of Julian catching me started to get me turned on. I grabbed for my cock which was hard as stone. And the pain in my ass started to ebb away some as I started to get accustomed to the huge cock in my bowels. I looked under me at my cock and then further still at Neo’s huge balls as they danced below him while he plowed my hole. “Fukk yeah boy. fill my ass stud. fuk me good Neo” I moaned I reached for his beefy nuts and pulled on them. That was a mistake because it caused him to whimper and thrust harder in my ass. Pain registered again as I felt Neo’s huge not rip into my ass. My ass hole was pulled beyond its limit. as the big baseball sized lump bore into me.

“Jeeeeeessuuuuus” I screamed. I tried to crawl and claw myself from him. But it only made him pull harder at my sides. Trying harder to dig his enormous club into my colon. Tears were streaming from my eyes as Neo pummeled my beaten hole. His huge bone slamming into my prostate with suck force I felt he may do me damage.

“Pppllzzzz. Ooooh God it fukkin hurts. Shiitttt”” “Aaeeeiiiiiiiiii fuukkkkkk” My screams and hollers seemed to echoed in my head as I thought I might pass out from the searing pain. Then after what seemed a forever neo suddenly stopped his onslaught on my poor ass. Neo just lay there on me. His massive cock and knot embedded in my bowels. The paused seem ages yet I know it was only seconds. His huge cock seemed to expand even more the pressure at my ass walls trying to accommodate his club was intense. Then his cock exploded and a geyser of cum shot into me. It was so much cum that I felt it pouring up into my colon. any more and it would be in my belly. I looked down at my own dick just as I too came. “Fukkkkkk” I cried as this big dog cock was fucking the cum out of me. I shot a good 7 bullets on the ground and my face.

“Shitt . Shitt . Oh shitt m ass. Ohhhhhhh my ass” I reached for his big pendulous balls and gently squeezed on them. He thrust again, and his balls smashed against mine. I rubbed his big nuts against me and could still feel them pumping his endless stream of cum into me. Then neo tried to crawl off me as he was still dumping his cum in me. But he was still lodged in my ass.. the big cog started to pull from me. But i was still attached to his cock. The fat knot was holding onto my hole. “Aaawweee Fukkk. No boy . stopp!!!!” But he continued to pull and try and walk away. I was literally dragged with him as I was still connected to his spitting dick. . “Fukk Stopp Neo.. Hurrtsss . Shit.. “

I was afraid I was permanently stuck to his dick. that would be a sight now wouldn’t it. But then after several minutes of him tugging to get off me. His now deflating knot released me with a loud ‘POP’ and he pulled his still semi hard dick from my shredded hole. the pain was still there. a Dull throb ached from my ass. Then I felt a flood of liquid pour from my ass. It was Neo’s huge load. it had no where to go now but back out my ass. I felt at my gaping hole and my hand was drenched in cum. “Shiit man” my poor swollen ass was throbbing like crazy from Neo’s rape of it. I just drooped onto the towel and lay there with a still burning ass for quite a bit. I looked around and no was no where to be found.


Part III

Neo and I returned to Julian’s later. When we got there, there was a gigantic dog in the back yard. It was a great dane or something like that. I looked at the massive creature. He was over four feet and I saw below him a huge low sack of balls. My dick immediately twitched in my pants. I have never seen such a sack.

“Hey Julian” I asked him. What’s with the huge dog.

“A friend asked me to take care of him” he answered.

“He has to go in for surgery and didn’t really want to kennel Brutus”

The name seemed fitting as he looked the big brute of an animal.

“But you can barely take care of yourself these days” I mentioned.

“I know” he answered back.

“But can’t say know. And Brutus is such a good boy”

‘A good big boy’ I thought as I gazed hungrily at the huge balls hanging below him. I wanted to get my mouth on those huge nuts. They were definitely bigger than my usual fuck buddy Neo.

“Can you take careof that huge dog” I asked.

“Will try” he answered.

Needless to say, later on when Julian had to go to an appointment. He asked if I would mind watching the dog. He looked at me almost plwadinbg. But I knew if I had a chance to play with that huge beast, i was going to take it.

“Sure Julian” I said pretending to be reluctant.

“I’m sure Brutus won’t be much trouble” Julian replied.

So after Julian left, I was left there with the dog. Neo was in his pen at the time, so I could avoid a pissed dog for giving up his fuck toy. I just had to have that big horse of a dog to myself. I found myself in the big sitting room and Brutus was in there with me. He easily came up to me and shoved his nose in my critch!. It rubbed at my groin which was already throbbing from the desire I had for him. And he somehow knew what I was up for. I looked down and saw the pink head of his dick starting to protrude from his shealth.

“Nice boy Brutus” I said as I stroked the huge dog.

“Nice big boy”

I stroked down his back and towards his flanks. Then reached over and past his tail to my prize. I found those big nuts of his and gently squeezed them. They felt incredible in my hand. They were easily bigger than a mans balls and hung nice and low. I continued to feel them with my hand. They were so big they were overflowing from it. I swallowed hard as I groped the massive dog. I had to have him now or go mad.

“Really nice balls ya got here stud” I said.

I then saw the dogs dick start to come out of its sheath. Like Neo, oink and thin at first. I tehn rubbed at the sheath area to get him going. Brutus already seemed to get what I was doing to him. He moved up and then started to lick at me. I swallowed hard as more dog cock came out. It began to swell as I watched it. He then moved and those low slung nuts started to sway under him. I was mesmerized by that. And like a moth to flame I dove for his huge balls. I bent down and crawled on all fours under this huge dog. I pulled him to me and my mouth went for those large balls he held. I was on them in seconds. My mouth opened and encased one fine orb. The feeling of it on my tongue and texture had me near busting out in my pants. I was raging with a boner from this big dogs nuts.

“Oh my God Brutus” I moaned.

“So fucking big.”

I licked and slobbered on his big fat balls. One then the other. Brutus kind of grunted as I slobbered over them. They were delicious and could have aucked on his nuts all day. But then I looked down at his growing dick. I grabbed it and then dropped those wonderful balls to service his big dick. I went down on his growing cock. It wasn’t long before Brutus was Randy. He then pushed me over and then came around and jumped me. Hos body crawled up on me and he just started to hump my back.

“Slow up stud” I said.

“Let me get naked for ya”

I crawled out from under him. I lay om my back kicking clothes off. I left my shirt on as I knew he would claw at me once he climbed up on my back. I lay there and looked up at the big cock tube. Then at those huge balls. They looked so good. I crawled up under him again and then went for those balls again. I sucked on them greedily. Munching on the heavy orbs. I then felt Brutus start to lick my dick between my legs. I took it as a nice act. I moved down and swallowed his dick . so here I was on the floor with this massive dog in a make shift 69 position. It was so hot and I loved that he was licking at my own hard on while I downed his dick.

“So good” I said as I finally came off his big cock.

I then moved from under him again. I looked at his dick. It was huge. Bigger than Neo. Maybe 9 thick inches. So big indeed. But I wanted it. I needed to feel this horse like dog plowing that huge schlong into my guts. Those huge balls slapping against me as he ruined my ass. I crawled up on all fours for him.

“Get up here and fuck me stud boy” I said to him.

Brutus got the message and jumped on my back. Then the huge dog started to hump at me. His massive cock missing its mark multiple times. He then wrapped his fore paws around me and pulled me to him. His dick finally found its target.

“Shiiitt!!” I screamed.

“Ohhh my fucking God”

“Huge fucking cock. Awwee fuckk”

I was now skewered by Brutus. He thrust everything into me in one brutal slam. His cock barreled into my guts. His huge balls slammed against mine. I gasped and yelled as his dick took me. Then rather than stop and let me get adjusted to the huge dick in me, Brutus just started a rapid fire ass wrecking on me. I continued to cry our from his huge dog cock crushing into my bowels. And I couldn’t get away either. I tried to pull myself from it, but Brutus held on to my sides and continued to gun his machine cock into my ass. The pain was horrible as his massive dog cock wrecked my guts. His club slammed into my prostate hard and my body writhed under him, even as I yelped from the raping he was laying on me.

“Ohh God. Too fucking big” I screamed out.

“Ohhh shiit my ass. Oh shit Oh God please!”

But the assault on my ass was unstoppable. this very big dog had me. He had control of my ass. his animal grunts above me hardened as the beast bashed down into my ass. Then he made a grumbled noise and that’s when his dick blew up. The already huge dog cock expanded inside my ruined ass. Tearing it even wider as he began to gun dog cum into me. Those huge dog balls slapping at me rapid fire as well. Then I heard the splashing as he blew. The sounds of his cum geysering into my destroyed ass. And this beast had a lot. So much that it started to seemed to rush up into my colon. an uncomfortable filled up feeling came over me. I feared if he didn’t pull out, the flow would crawl up into my body. then my insides would be filled up with a gallon of cum.

Then he tried to climb up off me. Brutus turned and climbed back away from my. But his huge knot was lodged inside my guts. He pulled and pain quickly returned as he was trying to take that huge thing out now. He just dragged me along with him as he tried to leave. I was pulled from my ruined ass hole by this massive dog.

“Stopp, stop please fuck sake stop” I yelled back.

I feared I would be stuck to this animal if he didn’t pull out. I imagined Julian returning home to find me here like this. The shock he would have and the utter embarrassment I would. I would never be able to show my face around here again. But then just as I thought I would be stuck there, Brutus made one final pull and his huge dick and knot popped out. It was a loud sloppy sound too. I fellover and onto my belly on the floor from the pain of it all. I just lay there and looked back to see him licking himself clean.

“My God that was intense” I said as Ijjust lay there for a bit.

My ass was throbbing from the soreness he left behind.


Part IV

I finally got up after a bit. My ass hurt like Hell after that ass fucking Brutus gave me. His huge cock and massive knot I feared truely wrecked my ass hole. It felt like if I were to fart or something, I would shit myself.

“Damn” I said as I rubbed my backside.

Julian came back several hours later. He greated me and hugged me. Again thanking me for taking care of the dogs.

“Well I gotta go” I said.

“I will check up on you tomorrow”

I just wanted to get out of there for a while. My poor butt was really sore.

I actually took me several days to recover from Brutus’s ass mauling. I had issues sitting down, Orr it was just plain uncomfortable. I was considering hàving my butt çhecked out. But then when I’m the third day the pain finally subsided I decided against the embarrassment of what the doctor might ask. Julian had called me several times as he needed someone to watch the dogs. I lied and told him I was sick and couldn’t.

“Feel better ” He said to me.

I called him when I was feeling better, and my ass wasn’t so sore. I let him know I would be able to watch the dogs this weekend if he needed. ‘Neo and Brutus would have to be kept separate’ He mentioned as they don’t seem to be getting along much. He continued by saying that it seems Brutus was a horny fuck, as he keeps trying to mount Neo. But Neo would have none of that. When he finished his comments about this situation I left the phone horny. That huge dog wanted more sex. He wanted to pound someone or something. To get his huge dog cock into a pussy hole. I considered it again, but remembered his immense size. I didn’t want to get stuck in that position again either. But I still agreed to take care of the dogs nonetheless.

“I will be over shortly” I said.

“That’s great” he replied.

“These boys are unruly”

When I got to his place Neo greeted me. I didn’t see Brutus. But I assumed he was being kept away from Neo. I oayted the big dog and he licked my face.

“He misses you” Julian said.

“I want to thank you again for coming over”

“I know you have been under the weather. But no one else has a way with him like you”

“Yeah. Its cause I let him fuck me” my head replied.

“Cause I let him breed my ass hole”

I looked at Julian. He was so clueless to the goins on with his big sucked dogs. He mentioned that he was gonna be out of town again and that’s why he needed me. So I was to have run of his big house again. He was going to be leaving that evening. He would be gone for at least a week. He just wanted to make sure that his dogs were taken care of.

“You can always count on me” I replied.

I parted Neos big head. He panted as he sat down next to me. I got up and then let Julian know I would be back in a few hours with some things. He gave me the key as he would be leaving the house ina few hours as well.

“Thanks again” he said.

I returned back to Julian’s house at about 6 PM. He was already gone. I stepped into the big house. It was all quiet. I knew Neo would be in his pen. It was actually a room just for the dog himself. He was pretty spoiled. I had already eaten and just wanted to get down to some fun with the big dog. I heard him rustle about in his room as I got to it. I opened the door and he saw me. Neo jumped me and knocked me to the fkoor. He started to lick my face. I ooed under him to see his big dick was already peeking out. He was ready for fun too. I reached for it and rubbed him there. I looked to see his big meaty nuts hanging just behind his dick.

“Hmmm good boy” I said as I stroked them.

“Nice big doggie balls”

I then turned and moved better under him. I was now under him. His big cock and balls.

“Such a big boy you are Neo” I said.

I grabbed at those big balls and gently squeezed them. I loved the way his balls felt. I licked my lips as I felt them. I was ever so hungry for him. I then got up and tore off my clothes. I wanted to get naked for my stud dog. I then crouched back down and went for his cock. I sucked on Neos dick like a lamb on its mothers teet. His dick grew quickly and was at full mast fast. Then I moved from his cock to those full round nuts. my hungry mouth encased his full cum filled balls. I slobbered on them until Neo wanted pussy. He pulled himself from me and jumped on me. I was already starting to hump at me as he was ever so horny. He gruffed and grumbled at me to be his bitch already. Pulling at me to get in the right position for a good fucking. So I had to comply with him. I crawled up on all fours for my big cocked stud. Then Neo quickly mounted my back. His paws gripped at my sides as his cock pulled itself to my ass. it took only a few stabs for him to find my hole. Then he plunged into me.

“Aweee fuckkk yess my stud” I cried out.

“Such a big dick Neo”

Neo just went to town on my hole. In seconds he was jack hammering my ass with his granite hard cock. The rough slightly painful fuck was brutal. But then again all dogs seemed to fuck like this. Hard and fast. Just get it in and breed was all the interest these beasts had. And Neo was one of the roughest. His hard slab pummeled my guts into a sloppy mush of ass hole. His balls slapped against me as he power fucked my guts

“Awee shit, Awee fuck Neo” I crowed as his fucking intensified.

“Slow it up stud.. aweee fuckk”

My words meant nothing to the dog. he just kept hammering all that dick into me. Then I felt his knot pushing at my ass. Harder and harder Neo fucked me. Then his knot was forced into my guts. I cried from the hard pain of the thing.

“Shiiit baby. Ughn fuckk, Ughnn fuckk” I moaned.

“Big fucking knot. Aweee fuckkkk”

The huffs behind my ear were a sign that the beast was going to blow soon. His sounds getting harsh and weirder. I just lay under my master as he continued his brutal assault on my guts. I reached under me and found his balls. I tugged on his balls and the dog grumbled. Then his cock was crammed into me hard. his balls then blew. I felt the rush of Neo’s balls juice as he spit it up into my bowels. I whimpered as his hard cock tip slammed into my prostate. My body erupted in quivers. I shook under him as Neo blew. he legs held me to his erupting dick. He pulled me to his cock and swelling knot and it felt like his knot would bust up my guts. Neo’s knot seemed to swell much more than the bigger dog Brutus. or was it just he was fucking me harder because he knew Brutus had taken me. Taken his bitch. This was probably why the fucking seemed rougher this time. Then Neo pulled from my ass. it was painful as his huge knot popped out hard.

“Ughnn fuckk daddy” I moaned as in dropped forward after he left my ruined ass.

But then Neo came back and licked at my hole. his big sloppy tongue lapping up the goo spilling from my gapping entrance. I just crouched there with his tongue digging at my ass. Neo had taken back what was his.


Part V

I lay there on the floor after Neo’s last brutal pounding on my hole. The awesome dog really knew how to tear up his bitches pussy. He was the roughest ever. but that was probably do to he knew I had given up my ass to Brutus. Given up his regular pussy to the bigger dog. I lay there on the floor after the brutal fucking. After his ass licking that soothed the harsh ass slamming he had laid on me.

“Good Neo” I said as I lay there under him.

I looked back after he left me there and he was licking his dick and balls. His big club was still partly out as he lapped at his weapon of sex. It was half as big and still had a dark blood rushed color to it. I decided just to lay there for a bit. But then I heard barking and scratching. it was Brutus in the other room. He apparently knew what was going on and he wanted in. He was pounding against the door to the room he was being kept in. I had to get up and go there. Afraid he may wreck the door. Neo was at my side when I went there. When I got to the door and opened it, Brutus jumped me. He knocked me down and tried to mount me quickly. I was still naked so my ass was a target for sure. But Neo would have none of that. He lunged for Brutus and pulled him off me. Brutus was not happy so he turned on Neo. Growling at him. I was afraid the two may fight, and its not what I wanted. So I crawled back on all fours and offered up my ass to Brutus. I told Neo to get back.

“Stay” I yelled to him.

He obeyed, but stayed there grumbling and growling low at Brutus. Then Brutus saw his bitch again and jumped back onto my back. It was but seconds before he found my already used ass. His dick found my ass and he thrust. The dick was still not fully hard, but grew very quickly. Brutus was soon plowing at my well fucked hole. His dick didn’t hurt as miuch this time thanks to the powerful fucking Neo had given me. His huge dick expanded and then he went to town on me. Pounding away at my guts with a speed I didn’t think possible. His huge dick slammed into my depths over and over and over. The granite like head of his cock slammed into my prostate again. Over and over. I was soon whimpering from the brutal second fuck of the evening.

There I was like a happy bitch in heat, Getting my pussy slaughtered and bred by two dogs. Brutus’ knot then slammed into me as he burst. Then another bucket load of cum poured into my ass.

“Aweee yesss stud” I cooed there again.

“Soo fucking filled up “

Then his cock popped out of me. Bit no sooner than he was done did Neo want to assert himself again and he climbed back onto me and slammed cock into my hole again.

“Fuck Neo, hurts man” I said.

But the dog just wanted to fuck his bitch. As I was his bitch. He pounded away ruthlessly for several minutes more before yet another load was dumped into my ass. I then collapsed after the slaughtering I had just received from both dogs.

“Aweee duck my ass is sore” I had said.

I reached back to a swollen and tender hole. Cum ozzing from my guts. I scooped some up and brought it to my hungry mouth tasted the mix of dog juices. I then just lay there on the floor for awhile. At least the dogs could now get along. I ended up getting fucked many more times by them before Brutus was gone. Then it was back to Neo and Neo alone. For what ever time I had with the big delicious dog.

The End

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