Women with Animals
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The Pact


(c) 2015 by Half0breed

It was one of those typical lonely Sunday nights the ones you hate to watch tick slowly away into a dreary Monday morning. Already I was hating how fast the time had flown, it was five in the afternoon and I had accomplished nothing, exactly as I had set out to do. Lounging on the couch in the living room flipping through the pages of the latest hot and sexy novel that’s marketed as a romance I let out a sigh there was nothing that would stop it now. The day was dead, my weekend was finished and I would be back to sitting at a desk typing at 68 words per minute. Nothing could change that.

As if the planet itself decided to spice up my evening, the ground shook. Hard. The tremors made pictures fall from the wall and had the lights flickering. I rolled off the c.ouch and crawled to the sturdy dining room table. As quickly as it came the earthquake subsided. The final sound was one of the loudest cracking noises I have ever heard coming from my basement. I was instantly irritated knowing good and well that sound could only mean something major snapped and I had just had the basement finished.

I worked up the nerve to get moving towards the stairs. It took equally as long for me to reach out and open the door. Then I trotted quickly down the steps hoping they had not been damaged also. Nothing in the basement was harmed, or looked out of place. Except one thing, the little black box in the middle of the floor. It was maybe the size of a shoebox but made of stone. I walked up and kneeled down to it. There wasn’t anything strange about it, however I have never seen it before. I pressed a finger hard against its side. It didn’t move.
“Excuse me? But why are you touching my box?” a sly cracking voice asked, I fell back landing on my butt I spun around leaning on the wall directly next to the stairwell was a figure, a man with pale flesh and wrapped solely in chains.

“Why is it…and yourself in my house?” I emphasized my ownership and stood

“Oh my my my, you seem to be under some delusion here missy. You touched the box and are now in my house.” He began laughing I watched as the world I knew dripped from existence and changed to a dark place, stone floor, stone walls black ceiling I could only imagine if I could see it it would also be stone, few torches lined the walls sheading a weak source of light in this new strange place.

“How?” I shifted nervously

“Quite simple, my box appeared your human hands touched it and poof you are now here with me. For however long it takes. I am your host, the bound one.” He stepped into the light horns adorned his head and his manhood was gently swaying from the motion of the steps he took. I looked away as quick as I noticed.

“Right you humans are always so worried about being proper. Here does this help?” His hands were shackled he brought them down to cover himself. “However from the looks of it you are not in the position to judge.”

I looked down at my body, it was naked. I was naked. Not a scrap of clothing anywhere to be seen.

“Give me my cloths!” I shouted trying to cover both of my breasts as well as my womanhood.
“No, I can’t do that see your clothing didn’t come with you, and as you could tell I don’t have much that I could give anyway” he laughed.
“How do I get out of here?” I asked slowly sitting on the cold stone I was able to keep myself from being exposed.

“Let’s see shall we? I have a game I play with mortals, I can either destroy them or have them complete a ritual and leave. There are five rituals and five ways I can destroy you. They sit on this wheel, you spin the wheel and we figure it out together, let’s play!” the wheel slowly formed out of thin air. Strange symbols in red were jumbled with shapes of random things. In black.
“I don’t want to play.” I shook my head.
“If you don’t it sits on a destruction token, meaning I kill you and your soul is cursed to wander the mortal plane forever. Just spin the damn wheel.”
I reached out and spun the wheel, it spun faster than I had thought. It kept going and going. Red and black blurred. My heart was pumping faster and faster in my chest. Then it slowed. Red, black, red, black, red…black

“Damn! Seems you get a chance to leave with your soul intact. Shall we take a look?” he began laughing as he looked at the symbol.
“It’s a dog, so what does that mean?”
“It’s the beasts of bondage ritual. Human kind over the years has bound many different animals to live under them, feed them do their work for them. In order to escape this realm and go back to your own, you will need to bind yourself to them. All of them.” He laughed again this fit a little longer than the last.
“What exactly does that mean?”
“Why mating of course.” His tone got serious and his look even more sinister.
“What there is no fucking way!” I shouted I never thought about it before, never seen any other animal’s cock other than a human’s
“It’s that or death and torture.”
“It shouldn’t even be possible. There are just too many animals that we have used as humans, it would take more than a night and that’s not part of the deal. Pick something actually doable.”
“There are only five animals on the ritual’s list. You spun, it’s your deal you made, and you can keep it or feel a glimpse of what happens when your soul is ripped to shreds bit by bit.”

I sat there thinking in silence for a good ten minutes before making my decision. One night of horror or an eternity of pain.
“Ok” I sighed, “I’ll do it” the demon grinned a wide toothy grin.
“Then I will let you pick, there are five animals. So what pet do you own?”
“I don’t have any.”
“As a kid even?”
“We had a dog. A mutt.” As the words left my mouth I heard the clicking of a four legged animal trotting from the darkness on the stone floor. I saw the large mixed breed dog come into view.
“He wasn’t that big, he was smaller.”
“Doesn’t matter, it is what I have to work with.” The demon shrugged “You should get on all fours for him.
I didn’t want to, everything screamed no, that it was dirty. I had no choice however and did as he suggested. The dog sniffed around me slowly tightening his circles until he zeroed in on my upturned ass. He sniffed heavily filling his nostrils with the scent of my womanhood. I squeezed my eyes shut as he did, then I felt his wide rough tongue slide up my vulva to my ass, then more sniffing. He repeated the lick and sniff, again, and again. Twice the probing tongue pushed into my opening, that seemed to get him excited as his next few licks were wilder and with more force behind them.
I wished he would just get on with it, get it over with and to move on. He seemed to understand. However he probably thought that this bitch, which is all I was to him, was ready for breeding. He leaped up on my back, forepaws gripping either side of my hips tightly. I could feel him bucking his hips hunching his back attempting to line up his cock with my entrance. His member poked around my hole stabbing my vulva, rubbing my clit and getting dangerously close to my ass. I adjusted myself not wanting to cross anal off my list of things I have done. His cock found me.

He paused for a split second absorbing the feeling of my warm entrance. I felt what I can only assume was his precum dripping from it. Then he pushed an inch in then another. I felt him in me. I felt the warm cock, I felt the drops of precum. I felt disgusted with myself for allowing it. Then he started fucking me, like a wild beast would, fast and hard, deep as he could he needed to breed his bitch and deposit his seed before another beast could take what is his. He didn’t know he was the only male in the area.
He pounded me relentlessly the sloppy sounds of my slobber coated pussy being jackhammered by his precum shooting cock echoed in the empty halls. It felt good and slowly it began to feel better than good. Was it possible he was growing inside me? My pussy was starting to feel like it was getting tighter as he went. Then came the feeling of a small ball passing in and out of my opening, it was also swelling. In out in out in out in out in. it was starting to hurt as it stretched my opening. I gasped at the feeling of being stretched so much, in out in out IN. IN! It wasn’t coming out anymore. It was stuck in me! Worse thing, or possibly the best was it was still growing, and it was stimulating my G-spot. His thrusts barely moved his member anymore, how could they? He was stuck just inside me. He gave up and lay his head on my shoulder panting. I could feel his Precum begin to thicken and get warmer.
Then it happened. He started to cum. Shot after shot of thicker fluid jetted out at amazing force into me, the warmth of him filled my womb, there was wat felt like a little probing tip each time he came it pushed forward just as a stream of cum shot out. I felt it touch my cervix a few times depositing a stream of his seed into my womb. I thought he was finished as he eagerly hopped off my shoulders, but he couldn’t be. He was still stuck in me. He hiked a leg and twisted his body and surprisingly his cock rotated with him. The grinding on my G-spot forced a moan from my lips. The demon didn’t taunt, didn’t jest and didn’t judge my sudden outburst. He didn’t even seem to be paying attention.

The dog stayed like that filling me with his sperm for another twenty minutes before finally his bulb shrunk enough and my pussy was soaked enough to let it slip from me. The Plop sound it made echoed over and over, the splat sounds that followed the waterfall of cum did not.

“You probably stained my floor with that.” The demon finally took interest.
“Not….like…I could help it.” I panted leaning back and sitting on my legs. I examined my pussy the mix of his clear precum and thicker white cum continued to leak from my pussy.

“Big, or small?” the demon asked
“I have never had something that large inside me.” I replied looking at the dog’s still dangling cock as he trotted off into the darkness.
“No no no dumb human, your next animal. Big or small?”
“Small please.” I caught my breath finally and looked back to my pussy.
“Ok well it won’t be super small, because that would be impossible. You aren’t allergic to cats are you?” I looked up at him quizzically
“How will I even begin?”
“I will make you smell like a cat in heat that will do it. That is all the help I will give you for this one.” He looked around “Thing is I don’t know what cat to choose, common house kitty is way too small. A low growl of a big cat filled the room. “I got it.”
The spotted large cat stalked into view baring its large fangs. It slowly approached me.
“A Cheetah?” I asked.
“No leopard but close, you might want to get on all fours again and lower than you were for the dog.” I quickly obeyed the snarling cat was enough to dissuade me from protesting.
The cat instantly sniffed my cum soaked snatch before he nimbly mounted up. I felt a cone shaped tip at my entrance the big cat arched up and pushed his smooth strange textured cock up into me. He had perhaps four inches in when he pulled back slightly, sharp stinging pain shot through every fiber of my reproductive tract, I naturally arched forward trying to get his cock out, but that only made things worse. The leopard pushed in, relief, pulled back again and pushed in. He was fucking me, and every time he pulled back his strange cock would dig what felt like spines into the walls of my vagina.
“You are lucky he isn’t one of the king cats.” The demon said as I cried out from another pull. “A feline’s penis has backward facing little spines that prevent the female from escaping and the spines induce ovulation by scratching the female, don’t think it’s the same for humans though.”
I groaned and felt the cat swelling like the dog did while inside me. I hoped they didn’t have a bulb also. The feline continued fucking me the pain and pleasure mix was driving me insane. I wanted to cum was close to achieving and orgasm then it is ripped away by the pain yet it mixed with the pleasure in the most intoxicating way. The animal pushed in deep as it could before stream after stream of watery cat sperm flooded my vaginal canal and soaked through my cervix into my womb, there was so much of it just streams of cum filling me.
The jaguar was quick and pulled his spiny cock out right when his balls were empty that didn’t feel pleasant it’s cum was more like a humans than the dogs was. A little thicker and yet there was so much more.
“What’s next?” I asked
“I’d surely think you would want to recover from that first.”
“I want to get out of here. What is next?”
“You will brace yourself for this one over there you will find something to lay down on.” He motioned toward a specific point in the darkness. I stood on shaky legs more cum slipped from my pussy running down my legs I saw a strange looking table and straddled it, my pussy and legs off the bottom I could touch the ground with my toes.
“Strange, so what do I have to do this for.” I asked as the clop-clopping began
“A horse.” The demon said casually.
“How big is a horse’s cock?” I asked a little fear in my voice
“Big.” Was the only reply I received. The horse mounted the table. Hooves on either side I groaned at the sudden weight on my back. I felt the rubbery hose shoot up and slide up my stomach, the tip just past my bellybutton it felt as wide as my arm. The beast pulled back and tried again, the head mashed against my clit and slid back to my stomach.
“Come on you damned animal. A little higher and you would get right in, I’m soaking here.” I taunted he missed again.

When I thought it almost hopeless he hit a home run, sinking at least six inches into my cum soaked pussy. I cried out in pleasurable pain. Never had I felt so full in my entire life, he pushed another four in, he was bottomed out, and my cervix wasn’t going to let another inch in. He continued trying pulling out a little then slamming back in over and over, he had me crawling towards that orgasm the leopard never let me have. Something more than unexpected happened. The tip of his cock flared up expanding what felt like a clenched fist opening up inside me.
He whinnied and pushed forwards one last time, then came the torrent of cum, like a dam opening the floodgates he exploded. The hot thick sperm filled every space available. I came along with him screaming out my orgasm as he began to slide out. Instantly his cock had begun shrinking, the flare plopped out and the precious cum ran from me and splashed in a puddle on the floor. I got control of my breathing.

“Is that all?” I asked panting “that’s too fast.”
“We could always have you fuck another.” The demon said as the satisfied horse disappeared into the shadows
“No, that’s just one less to worry about.” I felt remorse I wanted to cum again, then I remembered I didn’t want to enjoy this. I shook it off and felt more than ready for the next challenge.

“Ready for the next one? You will be back to all fours for it.” The demon was cleaning his nails
“Yes. I am ready. Just no more cats.”
“We don’t do repeats.”
I heard an oink, and a few more as the sound of hooves filled the air.
“Oh god.” I groaned watching the boar clamber over to me. “That’s not attractive.” I sighed it roughly pushed on my side like it was trying to knock me over I wobbled but held my stance. He nudged me again as he worked his way behind me.
“This might feel weird” the demon chuckled as the pig hopped up on my back.
“I have had a dog, a cat, and a horse inside me so far. This can’t possibly be…” I was cut off by the feeling of a thin fleshy member spearing my ass cheek then retreating. Then another spear into my thigh. The boar wasn’t humping he was just adjusting after every miss. Then the spear poked its thin tip into my folds, I squirmed a little. It started twisting, the tip was in the shape of a corkscrew and it was literally twisting this way and that searching my folds for my entrance.
The sharp tip found it soon enough and it screwed itself into me. The pig bucked forward his cock twisting and rooting deeper into me wriggling and spasming the entire way.

“Oh god” I gasped as it probed deeper and deeper. Cum left over from the horse spurted out as it went turning in me at varied speeds, he wasn’t thick but he was long and very different. I was rolling in the tides of pleasure as the boar made me his sow. Over and over his cock moved back and forth deeper and constantly probing, I wondered what for in the back of my mind as the rest of me gave in to the new pleasures he was showing me. As I was cumming his tip poked at my cervical entrance then screwed into it. That must have been his goal the entire time. He began emptying his massive balls directly into my womb the pressure was slowly growing in me as he released his seed.
Soon it calmed down, his cum slowed to a stop for a few moments the tip withdrawing from my cervix right before he shot another load in me, different than the first watery warm seed, this was thick as jelly and he seemed to spray a lot of it in me. I came as this new thick sperm filled my depths sticking to my walls and sealing me off. He pulled out and dismounted oinking as he trotted away.
“That, was unexpected.” I panted looking between my legs expecting cum to rush out like every other animal, yet none escaped.
“You won’t make a mess this time.” The demon chuckled. “The pigs last bit of cum creates a plug to make sure you get fertilized.”
“Oh wow.” I mused turning and sitting on my ass I plunged two fingers into me as deep as they could go, I felt the sticky goop and pushed with my vaginal muscles to move it a little closer. My fingers sunk in and I played around with it inside me breaking it up just enough for the watery sperm he put in me first to rush out. Some of the sticky goo came with it.
“Amazing” I calmly said moaning on my cum soaked fingers.
“I want the last one now. Right now.” I demanded.
“Okay fine.” He sighed looking around.
“Let’s see what it could be?” the demon scratched his chin I waited in anticipation.

“This one is your final one, so let’s get busy with it. I hope EWE don’t feel dirty after that pig, cause this last one will feel like a battering ram trying to break into your womb!” the demon chuckled
“I really hope your making all these sheep jokes to tell me that I am going to get fucked by a sheep not because you think they are funny.” I continued to wiggle my fingers deep within myself awaiting the clopping of hooves on stone. I heard them coming and instantly shifted to all fours, the pigs cum dripped out of me as I moved. I felt so dirty, but at this point it was the kind of dirty everyone likes now and then.

The Ram was white as expected his face black and his horns were dark also. He looked at me and bleated lowering his head he shook it. I had no idea what to expect, a knot like the dog? A flare like a horse? I hoped no spines like the panther, another animal with a corkscrew like cock would be interesting, I whirled around and got on all fours again.

“I’m ready for you, come get it.” I lowered my own head ass facing the final beast. The ram got right behind me and leapt up on my back I lowered myself down to its level and his cock pushed in, I felt him enter and begin bucking his hips into me. His cock was like a humans almost, I felt a little bit of disappointment but moaned as he vigorously fucked me. I groaned as he got rougher, then I felt it, something like a worm wriggling around inside me.
“Oh god” I couldn’t help but moaning at the new sensation I felt the worm slip into my cervix and more and more passed into my womb. “It’s like a pig combined with a man…” I gasped reaching back and fingering my clit as the woolly beast fucked me
The ram’s pounding slowed and he bleated loudly. Soon dumping loads of hot cum into my womb, it was warm, I felt the pressure building as he unloaded aggressively crying out at times. It was over as he slipped himself out and hopped off my back. I sat up on my legs.
“Really?” I looked as the ram disappeared into the darkness. “That was the last one?” his seed finally began trickling out of my used pussy.
“Yeah really.” The demon sighed “You wanna go home now right. Well you put on a fantastic show for me and probably forget this had ever happened.”
“That can’t be the last one.”
“It was girlie, you don’t have to do any more.”
“I want one more.” The demon looked surprised as I was playing with my cum soaked abused pussy.
“Give me something out of this world. I need to cum one more time before going back”
(Cearul8, and others suggestion, Thanks!) The demon wore a wicked smile
“I told you from the beginning it wouldn’t be that bad, and here you are wanting more than you have to do, such an overachiever!”
“I do what I can to give 110%, I guess I shouldn’t do anything less here.”
“Who am I to say no? Abused by millions of people a year and yet are so much more intelligent that half of the humans who go to see them or hunt them and even smarter than the ones who ‘train them’…” he trailed off as the floor began to rumble as it did back in the real world. “You want something strange, different and weird here ya go!”
The floor cracked and began splitting apart the demon floated a few feet of the ground, I smelled salt in the air as it got more and more moist, my heart pounded in my chest. I looked in the crack a blue glow came from deep under the water as it lapped at the edge of my quickly disappearing stone floor.
“What….” I began before feeling the wall press against my feet. “I don’t think I like this idea” soon enough I had no choice. I fell into the water headfirst. The moment I was submerged I heard squeaks and chirps. I felt something smooth torpedo by me. I swam up to the surface and as I broke water I gasped for air.
“Enjoy your finale.” The demon smiled.
The torpedo zipped by again.
“A Dolphin?”
“No a great white shark”
“What?!” I screamed.
“Of course it’s a dolphin, what kinda demon do you think I am?”
“I won’t answer that.” I splashed around for a moment, the dolphin broke the water just besides me it chattered cheerfully before going back under. It was a typical bottlenose from the brief look I got of it.
I took a breath and went under to take a better look. It was swimming circles around me. His genital slit was parted by a fin shaped pink cock it had some of the most interesting contours I have seen, and I have seen quite a few different cocks this evening. The dolphin’s circles tightened and soon I reached out to stroke its side, he rolled right as he passed making my hand come in direct contact with his member. I wrapped my fingers around it, and was utterly astonished when it responded by wrapping around my hand like it had a mind of it’s own.
I broke the surface for a breath of air. The dolphin swam between my legs a few times, its dorsal fin brushing my pulsing cunt. Then he swam with his belly up, and paused so his cock could touch my labia. I shuddered in excitement as it wiggled past my lips, I grabbed onto his pectoral fins and with a powerful lash of his tail he accomplished two goals, propelled us forward, and entered my womanhood with 6’ of his thick spear. He wiggled and thrusted best he could while taking great care to keep my head above the water, his cock seemed to be probing my insides as he thrusted, twisting and turning within me. It took no time at all for me to explode in massive orgasm, my pussy clenching down on his member.
He squeaked a few times and erupted in a powerful orgasm the force of his cum spraying in me caused me to cum repeatedly. He pulled his cock out and with a beat of his tail and a twist of his body he broke away from me leaving me floating there. I felt like I would sink, my body shaking from the orgasms I had gone through. Out of the water a platform broke the surface under me. The dolphin’s sperm leaving me in white strings as the water rushed off the sides.
“That was out of this world” I panted
“Good, now would you like to go home?”
“Please I think I need to sleep for a day or two.” I tried to plug the dolphin’s sperm in my hole.
“You will be rewarded for taking a sixth.” The demon snapped his fingers and everything went black.

I awoke early the next morning, in my own bed my fingers still covering my pussy I was naked but dry and well rested. It felt like the evening was a dream. I moved my fingers a little before I felt the dolphin’s cum pour out of my cunt onto my bedsheets.

“Shit” I groaned attempting to get up I knocked something golden over. I stopped my rushing the cum now flowing freely as I completely removed my hand to grab the small statue that was beside me.
It was a golden mutt, a perfect likeness to the one who fucked me first last night. His cock was the only thing not golden it was dark red. I glanced around my bed there were five others, a horse, a boar, a panther, a pig, a ram and a dolphin.
I laughed to myself well I guess this is my reward, I reached out and touched the tip of the statues cock it shook and hopped out of my hand. In a poof of smoke the mutt sat there panting.

“Oh this is too perfect” I moaned quickly getting on all fours. “come on boy, I want you to have another fuck with me. I want you to fill me again.” I groaned the dog leapt onto the bed sniffed my cunt and mounted.

There wouldn’t be a day from now on I wasn’t filled with cum.

The End

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