Women with Animals

Feminist Girlfriend


(c) 2020 by Blackseed

My girlfriend changed my life in more ways than once. It made me happy, and whole, it is true, but it also profoundly changed who I was and my vision of the world.

Habiba is, unlike me, an exceptional woman, if only by her physique. Indeed, she is the most graceful, and powerful woman I ever saw.

When I first met her, i was a skinny, tiny little boy, and she was big and soft and cuddly. She was so tall my head would arrive a little below her shoulder, even though I was already nineteen! I would say she was 6’5″, at least. She was like a giant to me, in fact, not only was she tall, she was also big, fat, and fine all around. Her chest was very ample and welcoming. Her tits were huge, two big watermelon-sized cushions. Her hips were wide and vast, and I’d say very comfy for a man who wanted to bury himself in-between them: those round legs looked thick and soft. Her thighs were gracefully long and very large at the same time. And her arms were twice as thick as my thighs. I was completely fascinated by her luscious, excessively feminine body, and when she was around I couldn’t stop staring at her. I would think, “How big are those tits?” “she must be wearing the biggest bra ever made for sure!”, or “I bet her hips are like 120 inches, and those thighs, look how much flesh she has down there, it’s the softest and tightest place I could possibly imagine!”

I always loved to stare at her large, overfilled sacks of flesh called breasts. Yes, her tits were two watery bags of fat flesh, two giant Jell-O cakes: they were so abundant because just thinking about those mountains would make me drool. She was really opulent. She was much bigger and more beautiful than any woman I could have seen.

But then, at the time, I saw women only as bodies, only as sexual objects. I fell in love with Habiba first because of her body … And it was only when she taught me that women should not be objectified, but considered with respect and humanity, that I really fell in love with her.

Habiba, even if we put aside his physique and his extraordinary size, was fundamentally different from the women of Barabis. She is independent, strong, does not obey anyone, demands respect, and makes herself respected.

Because even if, in Barabis, the vision of women is quite retrograde, nobody comes close to the formidable warrior that is Habiba. In any case, nobody born in this city (for foreign mercenaries, it’s another thing). So nobody in the city could possibly tell Habiba to submit to anyone, to dress more properly, to stay in the kitchen, or put his ax in his living room instead of wielding it on the battlefield .

Habiba belongs to the barbarian class, with her axe and her murderous rage, and she is extremely proud to be as strong, and often even stronger than most men! She is not subject to any man, and has no respect for the Patriarchy of Barabis.

For me, Habiba is the symbol of the liberation of women in a city as sexist as Barabis. It is so enjoyable to see men turn around with disgust when they cross her in the street, without having the courage to come and blame her for anything, given her size and her Barbarian strength.

And I can say, with pride, that Habiba made me a feminist and defender of the status of women.

Habiba made me understand that sexism remains a difficult problem for both individuals and society. It can be difficult to understand how to fight it, especially if you’re a person who doesn’t personally experience it.

I must say that for me, who is a breeder and who works in a stable, I never experienced this kind of problem, at least not before I started going out with Habiba. She taught me that, while no one is perfect, you can make a difference by doing your best. Recognize that un-learning sexism is a process.

” You will likely keep learning and improving all your life. Be patient with yourself. You may have a lot to learn, but this doesn’t mean that you’re a bad person. Nobody is perfect, and all you can do is your best “, she use to say to me, with her loving voice.

She also taught me that many women deal with being talked over, dismissed, and ignored, and that i had NO right to have not the same opinion has her :
” You can break the mold by taking them seriously, and encouraging others to do the same. If you see a woman being interrupted, stop the other person, and say “she wasn’t done talking,” then let her have the opportunity to finish her thought “, she said to me, one day.

” Believe them when they say there is a problem. Strike dismissive phrases like “you’re overreacting” or “brush it off” from your vocabulary. If she’s angry or sad or upset, assume she has a good reason. “

In other terms, Habiba taught me to treat women as equals. I thought I was doing it before, but when Habiba rebuked me when I started calling her “baby” when we started dating, she pointed out to me that it was disrespectful:
” Avoid pet names like “honey” or “girl” for your peers, and fight the assumption that a woman won’t understand something because she’s feminine. Start with the assumption that she’s just as competent as you are. “

Same thing with humour. Since i know her, i stopped making any jokes on women, because it’s disrespectful, like she said it herself :
” Don’t make sexist jokes. It alienates women, and leads sexists to think that you support their inappropriate behavior. And avoid mansplaining. Mansplaining means condescendingly explaining something to a woman, especially when it’s something she already knows. Explain respectfully, and if she says she knows, then there’s no need to keep explaining. “

I also learn to not to objectify her body, to stop wanting her (even if it was very hard at first, because she is beautiful). And I also understood that she had the right to dress as she wanted. Because yes, I must admit that I was sometimes a little shocked by her dress.
Habiba often goes out almost naked, in a bikini, with her gigantic breasts pierced in evidence, her huge round ass wrapped in a thong, stretched to the maximum by the inhuman width of her hips. But, by force, I end up no longer seeing as a body, but as a personality, feelings, emotions…
” Respect my body. Every person, including women, has the right to decide what they do with their body. If my actions aren’t hurting someone else, then i have the right to do them, even if i choose something you don’t like. “

We rarely make love. I wanted her very much at first, but Habiba made me understand that it was disrespectful to desire her, make love to her, and even touch her without her obviously giving her consent:
” Get consent, including in everyday actions. Don’t touch me unexpectedly or pressure me to make physical contact with you. If you want to hug me, give me the choice of whether to come in for a hug or not. And don’t criticize me for the way i dresses. Calling women “sluts” and “prudes” is bad behavior. If you wouldn’t say it about a guy, don’t say it about a woman.
Avoid judging me for beauty. Some women are not traditionally attractive, and some women put lots of energy into looking a certain way. Recognize that a woman’s worth isn’t measured by her looks. “

Anyway, it suits me. I have always been bothered by the very small size of my penis, and by the delicacy of my sex drive.
Anyway, in my relationship with Habiba, she is the one who makes all the decisions, she is the chief. She taught me that even if I was a man, that didn’t necessarily mean that I have to lead our relationship:

” Avoid reinforcing gender stereotypes in our relationship. It can be easy to fall into gender stereotypes, especially in heterosexual relationships. But the gendered notion of women in the kitchen, cooking and cleaning, and men in the workplace, bringing home the bacon, are outdated and based on gender bias. As the man in the relationship, be willing to do 50% of the housework, whether this is cleaning, cooking, or gardening. Try to split the housework between the two of us so there is not an imbalance in your relationship.
You have to encourage me to take on a leadership role in her job and in other areas of her life. This shows that you are not threatened by my ambition and determination, and that you do not buy into the stereotypical notion that only men can be leaders and achieve professional success.
You should also take responsibility for roles in our relationship that may not be typically perceived as “male”. This could be doing 50% of the emotional work in the relationship, such as talking about your feelings, your thoughts, and your needs. This could also be actively listening to your partner, me, and responding to MY needs. “

So my relationship with Habiba totally changed my way of seeing things, and my way of behaving … We lived happily, in mutual respect and in an almost platonic love, even if … I had the feeling, sometimes, that Habiba was missing something. Yes, she sometimes happened to stare at the horizon, or the ceiling when we were at home, with empty eyes … as if something was missing in her life, without her really knowing what.
I ignored it myself, so I constantly pretended not to notice anything.

But there came a day when I couldn’t ignore it …

That day was supposedly a happy day. In recent times, Barabis has been experiencing a resurgence of monster attacks, and the mercenaries, no matter how strong they were, were beginning to tire of the relentless character of monster assaults on the city fortifications.
Reinforcements were requested, and it was on the morning of this day that they arrived.
They were all white men, mounted on curious creatures that I had never seen before. Similar to Lamas, these creatures appeared much more robust, larger, and significantly more aggressive.
But my attention quickly drifted from these creatures to those who rode them:
The insignia of the White Crusaders were painted on their large armor. The White Crusaders, unlike the standard Crusaders, did not fight the creatures of evil, but the Arabs.

During the racial war of years between Arabs and Whites, the White Crusaders did monstrous damage, so it was with concern that I watched them enter my stable.
They certainly became mercenaries after the war ended to make a living. We have to survive, no matter who pays us … But in view of the wearing of their armor, it would be logical to think that they still see their old years of White Crusaders with nostalgia.

That said, these people were very polite and distinguished with me, and kindly asked me to take care of their mounts in my barn. Which I did, of course, but not without asking them for information on these curious lamas. I was a breeder, and i had a pretty fine barn, but i’ve never even saw those things.
They kindly indicated to me that this creature is a Lamex.
Lamexes are a kind of llama, more powerful and muscular, capable of serving as mounts, and which have the particularity of being able to mate with human women.
These lamexes were used for the old war between the whites and the Arabs, and were therefore particularly trained to make love and to impregnate Arab females. They know how to please them, impregnate them,  to reach the weak spot in their pussy, treat them like cumdump, and make them incapable of doing anything other than fucking with Lamexes. Which is perfect, in such a war, especially against the Arabs who counted among their ranks quite a few female soldiers.

In other words, these Lamexes treat Arab women as objects… the exact opposite of my vision ! What horrendous creatures !
Habiba would slaughter them like lambs !

Besides, speaking of the wolf, it was at this moment that I saw, in the distance, coming Habiba, with an air of anger and annoyance on her face. Now that i think of it, she was the only woman present in the streets at the moment.
Step after step, I would behold her immense tits, as big as cantaloupes, bouncing and shaking like crazy, literally overflowing her huge bra. With they’re mouth dangling open, the Crusaders would contemplate all that flesh bouncing up and down, and all I wanted was to put my head between those comfy pillows.
When she was coming down the stairs leading to the barn, I could definitely see that her bra was not big enough. In fact, she was always wearing a nightgown, in an effort to contain and protect the vastness of her tit flesh. Still, you could clearly see her gown wobbling like crazy because of the continuous waves of flesh pushing from inside, and rippling like a wild ocean out of her bra. Those gigantic udders looked heavy, they looked full of milk.

I then heard the chief of the crusaders murmur:
“We warned the population to keep the women inside … Are these people stupid?”
Although I was shocked at first by the crusader’s sour remark, I quickly understood where he was coming from:
The nearest Lamex, as soon as he laid eyes on Habiba, stiffened suddenly, his muscles protruding, his eyes pointed. He would probably have gone to my girlfriend if the crusaders hadn’t kept him.
It is very likely that orders had to be given for the arrival of the Crusaders at Barabis: Do not leave any woman outside if you do not want to find them pregnant with Lamex.

But Habiba was not the kind of girl to obey orders, as free and independent as she is. I can easily guess the reason for the coming of my girlfriend here … Habiba probably wants to remind the crusaders that they were not here at home, and that it will be long before she will obey an order given by a man.
When she was coming down the stairs, she was always slow and careful, in an effort to moderate the “bouncing effect” of her boobs. I could see her, trying to watch where she was going to put her foot, glancing over the curves of her voluptuous body. Not an easy job. Most of the times she was successful: she kind of had to twist her bust over the banister in order to move the breast away from her sight. While doing this, her tits would protrude over toward me. However, sometimes she would eventually put down her foot in a more abrupt way, and suddenly rest all her weight on one foot. As a consequence, the entire weight of her breasts would immediately pour all the way down, overflowing her bra, inundating her vest, bouncing back and forth, shaking left and right, for so many magical seconds. I could see her tits bouncing out of her gown, like a high tide. It was just like an ocean of flesh stormed by a tempest, and I wanted to be in eye of that storm, feeling the obese masses of her breasts slapping on my face while my mouth sucked the milk from those heavy udders. Too bad she didn’t let me do that, most of the time…

” So, are you the so-called crusaders who think they can give orders to all the women of Barabis? Who do you think you are? We are no longer in the Stone Age, or in the time when women obeyed men!
Times have changed, and the days when a troop of men could dictate their conduct to women without their having a say are over!
You realize that because of you, the streets are completely empty of women, for some stupid reason, and that … “

While Habiba was in the middle of a rant, her voice dried up in her throat, her apparent anger turned into a not feigned surprise, her cheeks began to blush, and she began to tremble like a leaf in the wind…
Her voice soon trails off as she gasps. I look at her quizzically as she starts to moan, her nipples stiffening up on her large, fat tits and her puffy pussy starting drip wetness down her thick thighs. Her wide hips shiver as she starts to fall into an obvious state of arousal. I gasp as I realize what’s happening: the potent, vile smell of testosterone radiating off the Lamex must be sending her into the same frenzy that all the arab women during the war !
” I… What is this creature… ? I’m feeling so… “

It was an incredible vision:
The powerful and rebellious Habiba, who was proud to be the slave of no one or anything, submitting to no one … was melting with desire in front of a creature devoid of intelligence, only capable of kissing all females that pass within reach …
This Lamex, whose virile member began to take on titanic proportions, considered Habiba only as one more bag of cum, and my girlfriend could obviously not help being in heat in front of him …
Her hefty tremors made her huge breasts move in all directions, making them even more desirable for the creature.
Her bosom really looked like an ocean, always crossed by soft and impetuous waves in endless motion. They were full of water, full to the top. And it was so incredible to watch her big tits move and bounce inside (and out!) of that gown: they were bouncing, and bouncing, and bouncing over and over, step after step, and because of their sheer size the gown was moved and pushed all around. It was like the poor vest was desperately trying to contain an unreasonable weight, a beefy amassment of fat flesh, tantamount to a heap of ripe persimmons, I would say. You could totally feel that whatever was inside, was massive, copious, voluminous, and deliciously creamy.

” That’s why we asked the women not to go out “, sighed the leader of the Crusaders, arched to prevent the Lamex from rushing on my beloved.
” Breeder, I advise you to bring home your spouse, it would be better for all of us. “

This is what I did, and I was amazed that she let herself be done, and that I was able to guide her to the house without her struggling, which she would necessarily have done in normal times.
The blank look she sometimes made was hers from the moment she saw the Lamex. She remained silent throughout the day, without me being able to make her loosen her jaw.
She seemed deeply lost in thought, as if she was reassessing her whole life.
But as night began to fall, Habiba seemed to be getting out of his lethargy. Her gaze was focused, and she came to tell me she had to go out, go somewhere.
When I asked her the reason for leaving so late, she replied curtly that the time when women could not go outside without her man’s agreement was over.

I was not worried about her safety, because Habiba knew no equal in combat, but rather by her clothing:
She was wearing pratically nothing.
She was in such a hurry that she rushed down the stairs so fast her boobs couldn’t tolerate it anymore. At first, they naturally bounced up and down, up and down, up to her chin, and then down low, slapping hard like oily water inside a big jug. It was unreal, but she didn’t stop: instead, she continued to run down the stairs, with all that flesh shaking, but after a few more heavy stomps her bra completely snapped open under the pressure of her giant udders: her right tit popped out and hit the banister with a big “slap!”, before she quickly closed her gown. I remember this huge, fat teat uncontrollably erupting out…. beautiful, full of delicious wrinkles (probably because of the immense growth), and I wanted to lick and suck those wrinkles so bad. I wanted to adore them. I could almost feel their rich texture melting under my tongue. I wanted to feel those huge tits – which probably overgrew so many bras and clothing – completely cover my head.

But Habiba don’t ever let me do that. As she were leaving, I could still hear her watermelon tits slapping on her stomach, while she was trying to tighten her gown.
Curious, and slightly worried by her sudden change in behavior, I decided to follow her, without knowing what was her destination …
My concern only increased, because I followed her to my stable, where the Lamex was until this morning…

Habiba opened the door and gingerly walked in. Her steps were very light and her body rippled with each step she took. Several eyes opened and began to shine in the dark.
She went in the direction of the nearest one. I could see her overflowing tits jiggle like a bucket full of jelly from where I hid.

As she approached the Lamex, it seemed to know why she was there, something that I could not phantom yet. It rose from its lying position and a fresh batch of its stale; alpha male aura filled the air. Her body shook as she took in the smell, her laps and thighs vibrating more visibly than the others. Her cheeks turned redder than freshly plucked tomatoes and she silted her eyes in the sexiest manner I had ever seen.
“They say you are the alpha sex machine… and your dominant alpha male smell is testament to that claim, but how can it drive me completely over the edge in this manner?!” She sounded like she was calling out the beast. My ears prick at these words.
The beast snorted in response. I could see its huge member begin to rise underneath it. It began to approach her steadily also. The beast was feasting its eyes on Habiba’s succulent body. Her plump body and well sculptured body parts. Even I could not help but admire her huge extra-large boobs, each one bigger than bigger than my head. There is nothing I would love more than to squeeze my head in between the airtight space between the two juicy boobs.

Did I mention that Habiba’s nipples are like a cow’s udder? They are long and solid and stood more erect as she was now aroused. Her waist was tiny and well-shaped, curving at the right angles to connect to her massive buttocks. Her big ass spreads well over her thighs, it is well rounded and jelly like. It is so big that it completely swallows the thong that she is putting on and her camel toe juts out extensively, nearly tearing the front part of the thong. Her thighs and hips are another thing entirely. Never have I seen so much flesh well put together in one place. Her thighs are round and firm and her hips break the barriers of her body, making it impossible for her arms to be parallel to her body. Any man would die to be wedged between those super laps. I regain focus and look at the Lamex. It is also looking at Habiba’s incredible features and drooling saliva from its gaping mouth as it circles her like a prey.
The strong pungent alpha male odour the Lamex emanated tore through Habiba. “Oh, that smell of virility, how can I be aroused by a common beast of war?!” She shook.

The Lamex part its lips and heads straight for Habiba’s lips. I see her eyes shut firmly and her face convulse as their lips come in contact. My jaws drop in amazement. I could not believe what my eyes were beholding.
“You don’t even ask for permission before you take possession of my mouth, not even my boyfriend can do that!” She yelled. “But I’m loving it…” she added in almost a whisper.
Before long, Habiba is rendered powerless to the kissing prowess of the Lamex. She starts to reciprocate the Lamex’s energy. It became the grossest thing I had ever seen!
“What a stud you are?!” She said as she looked at the risen member of the Lamex. “You don’t know how much you, an animal, drive me crazy with desire, do you?!”

The Lamex struck all of his tongue in Habiba’s mouth, choking her with it. His tongue was longer than that of a human so it filled Habiba’s mouth to the brim and the rest struck out. It was as big as man’s cock. It was slimy and black.
“You desire to make me your female, don’t you?! You long to penetrate my little pussy with your big grotesque member like you penetrate my mouth with your tongue?!” But she continued to choke on it. It was so unlike her!
I looked at the monstrous and veiny cock of the beast. The cockhead was like the roof of a hut. The Lamex nudged at her big boobs, making them wobble and slap heavily against each other, her much adored boobs! But she just stood there, taking each nudging. Soon, the Lamex tosses her to the barn floor like she is some sex toy and then falls on her with his huge cock, slapping her pussy with his huge, dripping cock and making her moan loudly.
I was certain that Habiba would not allow the beast to get in her tight vagina, but she only watched longingly as the monstrous cock of the Lamex dangled above her clitoris. Getting his monstrous cockhead to enter Habiba’s tight vulva took the Lamex quite some effort. But it eventually split the tight lips of the pussy and drove the rest of the cock right into her juicy vagina. She screamed with desire as the veiny cock ran in and out of her pussy, roughening up her walls and broadening her narrow passage.

“Oh, you put all of your huge cock in me, do you wish to destroy my tight Arabian pussy with your beastly cock?!” The Lamex did not need invitation to do that and he went berserk in her hot, wet pussy. The intensity of his thrusts caused Habiba’s walls to produce so much juices that they flowed out, serving as lubricants for the beast to drive his monster cock even further into her vagina.
The lamex soon hit her G-spot and her scream rented the air, he reset his target and aimed directly for her core spot with his enormous cockhead. He pulls out his cock a bit and then slams back into her puffed vagina with accumulated force. Each thrust making her scream and vibrate under him. As he slammed mercilessly into her wet pussy, her big boobs vibrated heavily from the impact and his hands began to slip off the boobs. The force soon broke the remaining good hand of her bra and the gigantic boobs were let free from their stronghold. As her huge jugs rolled down, he placed his hands on them and uses them to balance himself on her body as he fired away.
More whitish cream flowed out of Habiba’s vagina lips and soon there was a ring of it around the huge cock of the Lamex. The coating made the sliding in and out of the log like cock more fluid but rather than enjoy the slickness of the penetration, the Lamex increased its pace and rammed into her sweet spot even harder than before.

“Your cock splits me up totally, you are reaching places that I have never allowed anyone, not even my boyfriend to reach before!” She said amidst the moans of pleasure that flowed from her lips. The huge balls of the Lamex bounced freely in the air as the beast pushed his huge cock even deeper into the plush walls of my girlfriend. I look closely at the balls and the size of them left my mouth ajar. The huge churning sacks could not be carrying less than ten loads of what my own tiny balls could ever hold. Each one is as huge as a baseball, which made the intensity of the swinging even stronger. They were swinging freely in the air, threatening to destroy the womb of whoever they were unloaded in.
“You do things in my tight Arabian pussy that any Arab man would find impossible to do, how can your cock be so big?!” It was amazing, hearing my girlfriend talk to a beast whose mode of communication is grunts and snorts.

The Lamex continued to grunt with each thrust, making Habiba also moan louder as the passionate pleasure ripped through her brains, nearly driving her crazy. He continued to slam her through the thin layer of hay into the hard barn floor but she did not seem to mind, her body kept bouncing him back, providing him with the boost to leap into the air and slam back into her.
The head of the cock roughened her swell spot so much that Habiba’s body could no longer hold in the orgasm that was building up in her. She wrapped her legs around his waist and locked her heels at his back, to ensure that his cock did not go out much before it went back in again. Her strong, plump thighs squashed and held the Lamex in place.
“Take over my pussy, don’t be a pussy. Ram your monstrous, super filling cockhead into my wet pussy!” She screamed out in pleasure. The ears of the Lamex were pricked as it heard these words and it began to deliver even more powerful thrusts than before. I could see my girlfriend’s head fall slowly back as pleasure ran over, her tongue struck out and saliva drooled out like a slimy water fountain. Her cheeks flushed and there was a silly smile that took over her face. Her toes curled up and her body shook as she stretched and screamed.
“I’M CUMMMMMIIIINNNNNGGGGGG!” She squirted juices from her vagina and bathe the long hose of the monster with her warm fluids, cumming heavily over his cock. Thighs shook vigorously and her heels locked even tighter around the beast. Her tensed up body loosened some of their knots and she spread herself even wider for Lamex to slam through.
“Ahh, an animal just made me cum and yet I want you in the innermost parts of my sweet vagina. I want your cock rampaging in my pussy and breaking down my hardened walls!”

The Lamex and Habiba were now sweating profusely. Their bodies were drenched in hot sweat and the Lamex’s sweat flowed from its body down to Habiba’s body. The Lamex shone with the sweat that covered its body. Its rippling arms were planted firmly on the floor, each on either side of Habiba’s boobs serving as a kind of cage for Habiba’s sprawled overflowing boobs. Her nipples stood in full attention to the passion call of the Lamex’s cock. The sweat of its chest formed up and dripped endlessly on Habiba’s body.
“You go so far in my pussy and I never even allow my boyfriend to go that far, split them, ohhh, go wild on me!” She screamed at the Lamex.
The Lamex shipped his cock deeper into her swollen pussy with one mighty grunt. She screamed loudly and bit into her lips in pleasure. The Lamex charged at her mouth with his big mouth and thick lips, I could see the monstrous tongue already protruding from the mouth. He first licked her mouth over like he was performing some opening ritual before he plunged into her mouth, kissing her passionately and filling her mouth with his huge tongue. Once again, Habiba proceeded to lick his tongue and then started to suck it. Like her life depended on it. She could not hold back the wells of pleasure that the Lamex was streaming in her.

Meanwhile, the Lamex pushed deeper and deeper into her pussy, spearing her walls with the monstrous head of his black beastly cock until he finally hit her cervix. Her body twitched with each slam of his cockhead into her cervix. Her eyes became watery as the cock rammed harder and harder into her pussy.
“Ah, your legendary cock is working up to its hype, batter my cervix, will you? Pull apart my vagina with your huge cock!” More juices streamed out of Habiba’s pussy as the Lamex forced his way with each heavy thrust into her cervix, making her scream with each thrust. I remain rooted to where I am, too shocked to intervene or even breathe aloud.
Her soaked and swollen pussy lips swallowed up most of the huge, long, fat cock and there was just a small part of it left outside.
The Lamex began to pull his ramming rod a bit more out than before, this way, he was able o go back in with maximum force. Habiba could not have enough of the cock either and began to slowly but steadily raise her pelvis to meet the incoming thrusts of the beast half way in the air. Creating maximum impact and releasing the peak of pleasure that she could only dream of before then. The crusader’s beast continued to run rampage, jamming into her cervix. Her cheeks soon blushed.

“I want you to take me to pleasure places that I have never been to. Fill my whole pathway with your monstrous cock. Hmm… you make me feel like a woman, I am yours to fuck anyhow!” Her words hit me as a rude shock. It surprised me that her core feminism values did not seem to matter to her now.
Her laps tighten around the beast and mouth let out her dripping tongue as she screamed uncontrollably: “I’M CUMMMMMIIIIINNNNNGGGGGG!” Her scream rattled the whole stable, shaking me even where I was. Her roughened up pussy squirted heavily hot fluids that gushed out without control all over the cock of the beast. Her cum was backed with so much force that it splattered everywhere. The hot passionate orgasm surged through her thighs and shook her to the bones. The cock of the beast was hitting her in places that she could not imagine, he was fucking her senseless right there on the barn floor.
The Lamex then raises one of its beastly hands and uses it to press down on one of Habiba’s breasts, making sure that it crushed down on her long nipple in the process of doing so. Habiba moaned greatly in pleasure as the dog headed nipples stood stubbornly erect against the crushing hand of the Lamex. He pressed them down into her overflowing boobs even harder, making her let out very audible gasps. He slapped the stubborn nipples, each one at a time, objectifying Habiba’s body, something that she always chastised me about. I expected her to stop this dirty play that the Lamex was performing on her tits but her response shocked me.

“Yeah, these huge tits are not your toys, why do you press them like that?!” She said. The Lamex applied more pressure on the nipples, making Habiba moan. “Owww, squeeze them as you wish, hmm!”
My jaw drops in surprise, my eyes nearly popped from their sockets. I crane my neck further to see better. The Lamex on its part snorted in response. Then it placed its two hands on her two huge boobs as he continued to slam into her cervix. His erection grew more powerful with each thrust that he made into Habiba’s delicate pussy and he pounded at the gates of Habiba’s pussy with the force of an elephant and her pussy lips clung tightly to his enormous rod. His hammering did not have to be much longer before he finally brought down the gates of her cervix and his slab like cockhead broke into her womb. It went in, accompanied by a loud grunt from the beast and a really loud yell from Habiba.
“OWWWWWWW!” she screamed. “Don’t stop now, go harder, fuck my womb out with your massive cock!” She begged the beast.
The beast shoved his huge cock in with more power and the pace of his thrusts increased greatly, banging his huge cock into the base of her womb and spreading her pussy wider and wider. His muscles tightened and his huge biceps flexed as he went in and out of her.
“Ah, you spread my pussy so wide with your huge cock, my boyfriend will suspect something happened but it doesn’t matter!” She shrieked as the Lamex’s huge cock stimulated her cervix and her joy spot roughly and wickedly. The clapping sound of his balls against her ass grew louder and he bounced on her with renewed vigour.

“Fuck me harder! You only consider me as a cumdump!” I knew he had broken her barriers now. Her words no longer aligned with the principles she always hammered in my ears.
He pushed even further into her, reaching her very end. She screamed as his huge cock head battered her cervix and she spread her legs even wider to allow him shift all of his cock in her pussy.
“My boyfriend would never believe that I actually let someone else in my sweet pussy, not to talk of an animal and I let an animal treat me like vulgar bitch. Ohhh, he would believe even less how much you are able to make me cum, cum… I’M CUMMMMMIIIIIINNNNGGG!” She shook violently as several volts of passion surged from inside her vagina and rocked her thighs heavily, making her tighten her meaty laps around his body. Her tongue flew out of her mouth on its own accord and her cheeks turned colour.

The beast begins to grunt and I see its huge baseball balls churning and dripping sweat as they prepared to unload thick cum in Habiba’s womb. The pace of his thrusts increases and he begins to grunt as he nears his climax. Then, the Lamex snorts heavily and flays its nostrils as it unloads his thick, heavy rich cum in Habiba’s pussy. As he ejaculated, his body at first went taunt as huge amounts of cum fired out of his cock into Habiba’s womb, then he continued to push his cock in as he fired more cum into her pussy. Her eyes crossed and she drooled as the cumshots hit her womb.
“You empty your balls in my pussy without any respect, like my pussy belongs to you. Not even my boyfriend would dare to cum in me like that ! I love it!”
His cum soon filled her womb, driving out all of my weak sperm totally. It filled her so much that it began to spill out of her vagina, yet the Lamex still had more cum to give and it continued to ejaculate. The smell of the rich, thick cum filled the air quickly. The lamex then withdraws its spurting cock from Habiba’s womb and moves over to her mouth and dumps his cock there! Habiba accepted the monstrous cock in her mouth and swallow gallons of his sperm till her stomach bulges.

I look on in horror to see my girlfriend take the cock of this beast in her mouth and swallow its cum. I never imagined that such a day would come, she does not even suck me when we have sex but here, she is, swallowing an animal’s thick, smelly sperm. I stagger a bit as the strength flees from my legs and crash into the rod lying against the wall, causing it to fall and ring heavily against some horse shoes in a corner.
Habiba immediately drops the Lamex’s cock and runs toward where I am hiding, boobs bouncing and ass jiggling. I compose myself and begin to move also and she meets me walking towards her like I had just come into the stable.
“Hey, did you just get here?” Habiba asked.
“Yes, I just stepped in.” I responded. She looked at me for a while and then shrugged. My eyes wander over my girlfriend and I look at the carnage that the beast had wrought on her body. She still looked beautiful and her body was still shapely but there was no doubt that something powerful had hit her.
The two straps of her gigantic bra had broken and her watery boobs flowed freely from them, reaching her stomach and nestling there. Her thong hanging very loosely around her bottom area.
“I just came to check if you are okay, I was a bit worried.” I lied.
“No need for that; I came to this stable myself and I can decide to leave any time that I so wish.” She says.
“I know, I only came to check up on you.”
“I like the fact that you respect my wishes and you view me not as senseless female.”
I remain silent.
“Many men do not respect that; they think women are stray dogs that need to guided and called to order with a whistle. But I know you don’t think such.” She concluded.
“No, I don’t.” I reassure her.
“Good, you will continue to learn how to treat women right, we are neither weaklings nor…” At this moment, a belch escapes from Habiba’s mouth and she burps up thick sperm. My eyes widen. As she burps the sperm, the strong smell fills the space around us. Her body begins to rattle and shake with pleasure, her laps begin to quiver and she tries to lock them together but it all fails and soon, the she begins to blush, she brings out her tongue and saliva drips from her mouth down the melted mascara on her face. She begins to squirt cum from between here legs and more saliva drops from her mouth as she wallows in her moment of sexual bliss.

I remain silent and say nothing. Soon she regains her composure. I decide to take control before she starts talking again.
“Habiba, I was thinking about our relationship and I believe the time is right for us to take it to the next level.” I looked at her and she nodded at me.
“Good, so I think you should take these fertility drugs to help us have a child.” My plan was that if she is able to get pregnant for me and have her own kids, she would not be addicted to having sex with Lamexes.
“I will marry you, all you need to do is just take these pills.”
“Alright, I accept.” She says. I give her the pills and she swallow them. We walk out of the barn and are on our way to the house when Habiba suddenly stops.
“I forgot something in the barn, go on without me.” She turns around and runs back.
I continue walking but my mind is unsettled, so I decide to go back also and check on her.
I sneak into the barn from another direction and I am shocked as to what beholds my eyes once again. My girlfriend that just accepted my proposal a few minutes ago has already clung to another Lamex. This one looked much older than the first one that she fucked. I meet them in the middle of a hot and passionate tongue kiss.

Just like the first Lamex, this older Lamex also has a very long tongue and it does not hesitate to shive all of it in Habiba’s mouth. Habiba accepts the tongue and the two of them suckle on each other’s tongue, sucking loudly and devouring each other’s mouth hungrily, passionately and slowly. I immediately begin to regret my decision to try and tie her down by proposing to her earlier, Habiba is already addicted to the cock of these Crusader’s beasts.
As they continue kissing, they stagger around in pleasure and her big ass bubbles with each step that she takes, her massive boobs knocking against her belly with renewed enthusiasm. She lay on the ground of the barn and spread her thick thighs for the abominable beast to enter into her throbbing pussy. The member of the old Lamex is bigger, longer and veined than that of the first Lamex that she fucked. The cap of his monstrous cock was even bigger and had rough edges like the head of a spiky club.

He went gently down on her and parted her pussy lips with the head of his cock. The thing was stuck outside for a while and he had to put his weight behind his thrust to force it in. With one heavy heave, his huge cock head drove itself in, Habiba let out a muffled scream of pleasure but she continued to kiss the Lamex. The cock brushed roughly the walls of Habiba’s pussy even wider and turned her insides sore.
Each thrust was backed with power from the Lamex and he pushed in his cock deeper and deeper into her, cracking her walls and splitting them with his massive cockhead. Her pussy clung tightly to the penis of the Lamex and pushed out more and more juices that continued to lubricate the cock of the Lamex, making the strokes sensual and smooth for the Lamex.
It was not long before the Lamex reaches the core of her sexual area and his cock head slams into her G spot like an active pendulum. Her huge boobs are jiggling with each slam of the beast.
“I have just taken some fertility drugs that my boyfriend gave to me just some moments ago, if you continue to reach for my womb, you will impregnate me!” Habiba declares to the old Lamex.

The Lamex continues to pound on her sweet spot, each thrust hitting the target accurately and why would it not, with the size of its cock head, there was hardly anywhere that the Lamex would aim for that it would not get. I hold the nearby wall for some support as my eyes remained glued to the show of shame I was seeing.
“Oh, fill me with your seeds, you beast of the sex, let your cum fill my ovaries!” She yelled.
The old Lamex begins to brush beyond her g spot, scrapping past it as he plunges, making her scream in pleasure with each thrust. The old Lamex deliberately refuses to go drive his cock deeper for that moment and soon Habiba is unable to take it any longer, she begins to raise her pelvis to meet his thrust in midair, creating the perfect thrusts of pleasure for her and forcing more inches into her warm pussy. With each upward movement, her thighs would shake and her boobs were rising and falling noisily.
“Oh, your cock is so much bigger than any Arab man’s cock, it fills me up from the inside, I don’t mind if the baby is not a regular one, just fill me up.” The old Lamex pushes his monstrous shaft further down her deep pussy.
“Ohh, if you continue to push your cock down my slutty pussy, you will make me so wide that my boyfriend will not be able to satisfy me again!” Her moans and grunts increase and fill the air as the big, long hose continues to split her in the middle, pounding her into the dung and dirt on the barn floor. It was then that I suddenly occurred to be that animal droppings were all over the barn floor but Habiba is wallowing on the floor like it is a comfy bed.
The old Lamex slams his way through till he can feel the entrance to her womb, as his cock reaches there, he begins to withdraw it slowly. Habiba who has nearly collapsed from pleasure regain some part of her sanity and tries to stop the old Lamex’s withdrawal by locking her laps around him. However, this does not stop him and he continues to pull it out.

Now the cockhead of the old Lamex is so big and wide that the Habiba’s pussy only parts for it to pass and contracts again after it has passed to its withdrawal process made it drag roughly against her walls and her G spot, sending her into a crazy hormonal frenzy, she screamed and her eyes rolled in their socket as the colours rush to her cheeks.
“I’M CUMMMMMIIIIIIINNNNNNGGGGGGGG!” Her laps quiver and she ejects hot juices from her vagina, showering the cock of the Lamex in her hot vaginal cum. Just as she was about to start enjoining the pleasuring withdrawal process of the old Lamex, it suddenly stopped and shoved the cock head with all his power and might down the pussy of Habiba. It was so powerful that his huge cock smashed through the cervix of Habiba and slammed straight into her womb. The last orgasm that Habiba had made the passage really wet and slippery for his cock to slide through.
“Oh, pour your rich alpha male cum in me, I want to feel your hot cum in my pussy, fill my womb up with your cock, impregnate me right now!” she screamed as pleasure took over her totally. The old Lamex’s thrusts increased by tenfold and each was accompanied by strength and full force. His cockhead banged and battered sore the womb of Habiba and her pelvis raising movement did not reduce either as she went hysterical over his cock.
The balls of the old Lamex begin to swell, I notice for the first time that they are also bigger and even fuller than that of the first Lamex. The Lamex continues to dig into her, making his thrusts swift and hitting the core of her womanhood with increased urgency. Meanwhile, their tongues remained locked in a continued passionate kiss.

“An animal has stolen me totally from my boyfriend. Is there a greater humiliation than this?!” Her scream rented the still barn atmosphere. “Now that you have taken over my pussy entirely, ensure that you drive out all of his weak sperm in me, push out all of the human cum in my womb!”
I cringe as these words hit my ears; my vision becomes painfully blurry.
The old Lamex begins to grunt louder than before, his nostrils flay and he gives Habiba the deepest kiss of the night as he ejaculates inside her womb. Load after load of sperm followed and accumulated in Habiba’s womb, taking over her ovum and fertilizing her eggs. He brought so much sperm that the smell in the barn became unbearable for me, I began to feel like I was going to throw up. So, I sneak out of the barn and begin to walk away in despair.
The voice of my girlfriend trails off as I leave the barn area. “Yes, leave no weak sperm lying inside me, this baby will be our legacy, pour all of your alpha cum in me!”

The End

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