Women with Animals

The Casting Couch


Cassie accepted her Ohio drivers license back from Julie Umbra’s assistant and returned it to her handbag. She wiped her sweaty palms on her white short shorts and silenced her phone. It too went into her handbag. It would not do for it to go off during her interview. The brunette assistant took a copy of the drivers license, the filled out forms, the questionnaire, drug test, and Cassie’s recent STI Report to her boss’s office. Cassie watched the assistant’s ass as the other woman walked away. She wondered if Julie Umbra was fucking her assistant.

The attractive assistant having returned from Ms. Umbra’s office offered, “just relax. You’ll do fine. You should only have to wait a minute or two more.”

Cassie nodded nervously in acknowledgment. The blonde teenager then looked around the room from the office chair. There were large framed posters of adult film titles which either starred Julie Umbra or were directed by her. Unknown to Cassie, they were all for films for which Julie won awards at the AVN Awards over a period of fifteen years.

The assistant answered the office phone after it softly rang. Upon returning it to its cradle she said, “Ms. Umbra is ready to see you. You may go in now.”

Cassie stood with her handbag hanging from her left shoulder. She wiped her palms on her halter top and softly cleared her throat. The teenager stepped down the hall to the office door of Ms. Julie Umbra, VP of Talent. She knocked once.

The order “come,” came from the other side in a alluring and feminine English accent.

Cassie entered the office and for the first time saw Julie Umbra in the flesh, albeit showing less of the porn legend’s flesh than Cassie was accustomed to seeing. The blonde teen felt under-dressed for the job interview, despite it being for work in the porn industry.

“Good afternoon Ms. Umbra. I’m Cassie Summers. We have a 3:30 pm appointment today,” the teen said nervously.

“Of course Love. Thank you for being on time. Please call me Julie. We’re pretty informal in the industry. Just take a chair there across from me. Just so you know, the interview is being recorded on video. It’s standard practice,” Julie instructed in a friendly tone in an attempt to put the young woman at ease.

Instead Cassie could not help but feel a little inadequate as she sat down in the chair opposite and four feet away from the older woman. Like most Americans, she had an ingrained cultural belief that the UK standard English accent meant intelligence, elegance, and sophistication. She ignored the camera sitting beside the porn executive and focused her attention on the other woman, although she could not help but notice the shelves and wall of awards and plaques behind Julie.

The smartly dressed executive looked over Cassie’s documents once more. She looked up and smiled at the teenager.

“So Cassie, you’re from Ohio. That’s a lovely State. The countryside there is beautiful. What brings you to California?” Julie asked as she looked into the teen’s hopeful blue eyes beneath blonde eyebrows.

“Fame and fortune I guess. That and Ohio winters,” Cassie answered avoiding her family issues. “I never want to be that cold again.”

“You’re not the first and you won’t be the last to seek fame and fortune in California. I came here searching for both when I was your age and I suppose I found them in a way. Maybe you will too,” Julie responded encouragingly.

“I sure hope so,” the teen replied.

“Ummm, Cassie Summers. Cassie Summers. I like it. You’ve selected a good stage name. Let’s see. You’re five foot three inches, ninety-five pounds, and a natural blonde. I see that you’re eighteen. Have you been in any scenes yet?”

“Not yet. I’ve been interviewing and auditioning for about a month, but without much luck,” the young blonde replied with a hint of disappointment.

“Don’t give up. It takes time. There are a lot of young woman looking for work in the industry at the moment. Most directors are hesitant to cast inexperienced performers. Too often they don’t show up; are late; or don’t perform up to expectations. It’s unfortunate, but those are the facts.”

“That isn’t me. Julie. I always show up on time and give everything I’ve got.”

“I’m happy to hear that Love.” Julie flipped through the documents again. She said, “I see that you have a current and clear STI Report and clean drug test. That’s good. Your questionnaire says that in your personal life you have experience with both men and women. Wonderful. No experience with any other sort of sex-work though. I notice that you didn’t list any limits on the scenes you’ll accept. Why is that? Most women starting in the industry do.”

“Well, my savings are about gone and I’m soon not going to have anywhere to live except my car. I need the work, I know that I don’t have any sex-work experience, but I only recently turned eighteen,” the blonde teen answered in what was nearly a plea.

“I understand. Times are tough. Just a personality question. Cats or dogs?” Julie asked with an ulterior motive.

“I like both, but I’m more of a dog person. I have an active lifestyle and a dog fits in with that more than a cat. I’m not really a homebody,” Cassie answered.

“Big dogs or little dogs?” Julie asked.

“Definitely big dogs,” Cassie answered.

“I’m the same,” the older woman responded with a warm smile. “Those are all the questions I have for the moment. Why don’t we start the next part? I need you to undress Love,” Julie directed.

Cassie stood and slipped out of her sandals. Her red toe-nails matched her shot manicured finger-nails. Julie noticed the young woman wore silver toe rings on the second and forth toes on both feet. She couldn’t immediately place whether that pattern meant anything in Western cultures. She certainly wasn’t old enough to be married as the toe rings on the second toes indicated in Hindu custom. Cassie also wore a knotted cord anklet on her left ankle. Looking up her tanned toned legs, Julie saw the young woman grasp the hem of her pink halter top and with a easy fluid motion pulled it up and off her, which also turned it inside out. Cassie laid it on the arm of the chair. She was bra-less underneath.

“Just a moment Cassie. Let me take a good look at your breasts,” Julie directed.

The porn executive noted the firm and tanned young breasts and dark areola.” She asked, “thirty-six Cs?”

“Yes, although the left boob is a little smaller and hangs a bit to the side,” Cassie answered and elaborated.

“That’s normal. They’re beautiful. You’re beautiful. Are they natural?”

“Yes, they’re natural,” the teen answered and blushed slightly at the compliment.

“Amazing… now drop your shorts,” the executive ordered.

Cassie unfastened the button and unzipped. She hooked the waistband with her thumbs and pushed them down her thighs. Julie did not have long to wait and wasn’t disappointed. Cassie neither wore any panties, nor had any pubic hair. The short shorts fell to the floor once the waistband passed the halfway point down her thighs. Cassie stepped out of them and placed them with her halter top on the arm of her chair.

Julie admired the well developed hips of the teenager. The young woman definitely had an hourglass figure. It was exaggerated by her flat stomach and her narrow waist.

“Very nice Cassie. Turn around so I can see your arse,” the older blonde commanded.

The young woman turned and faced away from Julie. The executive admired the round and firm butt of the young woman.

“You’ve taken good care of yourself Cassie. How often do you workout a week?”

“Usually five days a week for about an hour in the mornings. Tuesdays and Fridays are leg days. I’m also careful about what I eat.”

“I can tell,” Julie responded almost at a loss for words. “Gorgeous, simply gorgeous Love. Now please spread your feet a bit, bend over, and pull your arse checks apart.”

Her nervousness gone from the flurry of compliments, Cassie did as instructed. Julie leaned forward in her chair and admired the hairless, smooth, tight, and clean asshole and the smooth, slightly glistening labia of the young woman. Her nether lips were neither too thick nor too thin.

“I couldn’t help but notice you don’t have any tattoos. That’s good. Most of our directors prefer female performers with few tattoos to none at all. No piercings either, except for your ears and one in your tongue. The tongue piercing is always appreciated by your partner during oral. Do you shave or wax Love?” Julie asked.

“I get waxed. I’ve been waxing long enough that very little hair grows back.”

“Very sexy Love. Very sexy. That’s enough. You can turn back around and sit down,” Julie said huskily in her own building arousal.

As Cassie returned to her chair, Julie reached over and pulled a sex toy, a small bottle of lube, a towel, and a packaged condom from the side table drawer. “I assume you know what this is and how to use it,” the porn executive said.

“Sure, it’s a jackrabbit. I have one and use it all the time. It’s my favorite toy,” the young blonde answered.

Julie opened the condom package and rolled the condom onto the shaft of the jackrabbit. She then placed a long line of lube along the length of the condom and held it out towards Cassie.

“Now, I’d like to see you use this on yourself until you cum for me. Doesn’t that sound lovely?” Julie asked.

By way of answering, Cassie smiled a sexy little smile and crossed the distance between them. She took hold of the toy, but Julie continued to hold it tightly.

“Give us a kiss Love,” the older woman requested.

Cassie bent down at the waist as Julie tilted her face up. The two women kissed gently at first. After a moment Cassie felt Julie’s tongue on her lips seeking entrance. Once opened, their tongues danced from one mouth to the other. Julie’s hands caressed the teen’s breasts and pinched her hardening nipples. The two women shared a long moment until eventually the kiss was broken.

“Turn around for me Love. I simply must know if that arse is as tight and firm as it looks.

Cassie, with the jackrabbit in hand, turned facing away from Julie. The porn executive grasped the young woman’s small waist and slid her hands down the curve of her hips; only to quickly palm and knead both round, firm, and perfect butt-checks.

“Oh god! They’re bloody marvelous,” Julie whispered in near awe, but loud enough for Cassie to hear. “Bend over for me Love,” the porn executive asked huskily.

Cassie bent at the waist. The older woman leaned forward and gently placed her face into Cassie’s ass cleavage. She inhaled deeply to experience the young woman’s scent. Julie softly stroked Cassie’s sex with the side of her right index finger. She straightened back up after a few treasured seconds and licked the girl’s juices from her finger. Julie then smacked Cassie’s right ass-check with her right hand.

“Go on Love! Show us how you wank,” Julie instructed with exuberance.

The nude teen teasingly sat ram-rod straight and demurely in her chair. She stroked the shaft of the sex toy to spread the lube. She leaned back while spreading her legs and rubbed the lube remaining on her hand into her sex, until her mons, labia, and clit glistened. The young woman looked at the controls for a moment, then placed the head of the jackrabbit at her entrance and looked into Julie’s eyes. She gasped in pleasure as she pushed it into her cunt. Cassie switched the controls to the lowest setting and turned on the fully charged toy.

“You want to see me fuck myself?” Cassie teasingly asked as she stared into the executive’s eyes.

“Yes Love, shag your cunt with the toy,” Julie answered playing along.

Cassie knew exactly the best way for her to get off using a jackrabbit. She slowly worked the shaft into her depths until the ‘rabbit-ears’ made contact with her now protruding clit. The familiar sensations of the gyrating head, the rotating beads in the shaft, the bump in the shaft hitting her g-spot, and clit stimulator quickly brought on the signs of her climbing arousal. Goosebumps rose on her skin; nipples hardened; breathing quickened and became shallower; and her nether-lips engorged and reddened. The teen girl could only maintain eye contact with the porn executive to that point with great effort. Cassie wondered if it was having someone watch and being filmed caused her arousal to build so quickly or whether it was her attraction to Julie.

“Unnggghhh! Fuck Julie. That feels soo good,” Cassie said between her mews as her eyes closed in pleasure. She loved that the older woman was watching her and that it was being filmed, maybe even streamed.

Julie sat and watched the young woman. She watched the signs of her heightening arousal build. She noticed her own nipples harden and she felt her own wetness sliding down her sex to make a wet spot in her skirt. The porn executive’s hands went to her breasts, where they pulled on her nipples through her blouse and half-cup bra. She went no further; knowing her time would come later.

“Oh FUCK! I can’t believe I’m going to cum so fast!” Cassie shouted without concern whether the assistant down the hall could hear her.

Julie was impressed with the girl. Either she was able to orgasm easily or she could fake orgasms very well. She decided she would have to test for that in a moment. The older and more experienced woman thought of how tight the teen’s pussy must be if the relatively small toy was getting her off so quickly.

By that time Cassie was on the verge of a powerful orgasm. She flipped the switch to medium. Her eyes were clinched shut and her head was turned away as she lost herself in the sensations. She worked the toy in and out of her snatch at an accelerating pace. Fuck cream coated the jimmy wrapped toy and flecked her inner thighs. Suddenly, she jammed the tool into her cunt until it’s gyrating head worked her cervix. The rotating balls in the shaft continued working her pussy walls; the hump pressed against her g-spot; and the ‘rabbit-ears’ vibrated against her clit.

Then all at once, the building tension in Cassie pelvis released in an orgasmic explosion that shook the young woman’s body.

“CCCCUUUUMMMMIIIINNNNGGGG! NNNNUUUUHHHHHHH” Cassie shouted as the waves of her orgasm racked her body.

Tears streamed from the corners of Cassie’s tightly closed eyes and a small gob of drool slid down her chin. Her toes curled under as she spasmed in the chair. Julie watched her sex pull on the sex toy from the orgasmic contractions. Gradually her orgasm lessened and the young woman’s awareness expanded once more beyond her flesh. Her breathing and heart-rate began returning to normal. She noticed the sounds of Julie softly clapping in appreciation. Her eyes opened and saw the legendary porn star, now also porn executive, applauding. Cassie extracted the toy from her sex with a sucking sound as it pulled free. She switched it off and dropped it to the hardwood floor.

“Beautiful Love. Beautiful. You looked like you enjoyed that,” Julie offered as she tossed the young woman a towel.

“Thanks,” the blonde responded as she caught it. As the blonde teen cleaned herself from her cum, lube, sweat, tears, and drool she elaborated, “I did. I enjoyed it very much. That was a good one. It’s only the powerful climaxes that make me cry like that.”

“Are you multi-orgasmic?” Julie asked.

“Yes, I could have cum again in a few minutes if I’d kept going,” Cassie answered.

“Marvelous, that helps during a shoot. Most final scenes are only about twenty to fifty percent of what is shot. It depends on the skill and professionalism of the performers, but now comes the hard part. We need to see how well you can fake an orgasm. It’s not preferred in our videos, but sometimes it’s necessary,” the porn executive stated.

Cassie had not moved from her spread eagle position. The blonde teen laid her head back and closed her eyes; as her hands gripped the armrests.

“Yeah Baby, just like that. I love it when you tease my clit with your dick like that,” Cassie moaned as she rotated her hips. “Baby, don’t make me wait any longer. Fuck me! Fuck me Baby!”

Cassie moaned as if her cunt walls were being stretched around a man’s large prick. She writhed sinuously. She tilted her head up and gently bit her lower lip.

“MMMMM,” she moaned. “That’s it Baby. Fuck me harder!”

Julie watched the somewhat convincing act with interest. It wasn’t the best she’d seen, but it was far from the worst.

“Yeah Baby, pound my cunt! MMMMMMM! Keep doing it just like that!” she shouted.

Cassie began breathing rapidly and shallowly. She mewed as she writhed.

“Oh god! You’re going to make me cum if you keep doing that. Oh god! Oh god! I’m going to cum! Yes! Yes! YESSS!”

Cassie shook and curled her toes under in her fake orgasm. After ten or fifteen seconds she stopped and relaxed once again.

“What do you think?” the teen asked.

“It was good. Not the most convincing I’ve seen, but far from the worst. You’ll improve with practise,” Julie answered honestly.

“Thanks,” the young blonde replied trying to hide her disappointment.

“Now, comes my favourite part Love. I find out how well you eat pussy,” Julie said.

The porn executive stood and pulled her short, dark green skirt over her hips to circle her waist. She wore no panties underneath, because they had been removed while Cassie was in the outer office. Her sex was framed by a garter belt and black stockings. Julie leaned back and hooked her knees over the armrests and offered her smooth hairless cunt to the teen.

Cassie smiled as sexily as she could; happy that she wouldn’t have to fellate a male executive or director. The teen hated getting viscous jizz in her hair, because it was difficult to get out without washing her hair. Instead of standing, she dropped to her hands and knees and crawled between Julie’s spread thighs, undulating her ass side to side as she crawled. Julie turned the camera to capture as much of the action as possible.

The aspiring teenage porn starlet slid both hands under Julie’s thighs and grabbed the executive’s hips. Then in an explosive burst of strength that caught Julie by surprise, she jerked the older woman towards her until the offered pussy and ass hung slightly over the edge of the cushion.

Her blue eyes staring up into those of the older woman, she asked in a little girl’s voice, “you want me to eat this pussy Ms. Umbra?”

“Yes Love, be a good little slut and eat my pussy. Do a good job and I may even allow you to fist me,” Julie replied as she stroked Cassie’s golden locks.

Cassie fought her first impulse to dig in and instead started slowly by kissing the stocking tops and the exposed thighs of the older woman. She loved eating pussy and it wasn’t every day she got to feast on a porn legend. She also really wanted to fist Julie. She’d never done it, but had wanted to for the longest time. Soon she was licking the other woman’s outer labia, first one side then the other. Julie unbuttoned her blouse and slipped the straps of her half-bra off her shoulders, exposing her surgically enhanced breasts.

“You’re doing marvelous Love. Take as much time as you want,” Julie said in praise and encouragement.

Cassie could only hum in response, which vibrated Julie’s labia deliciously. The sensation caused Julie’s back to arch and her nipples to harden from the pleasure.

“MMMMMMM, you do know a trick or two don’t you Love?”

Cassie, not wanting to stop, smiled inwardly. The teenager pushed her tongue into Julie’s entrance. The young woman noticed a salty taste that combined with Julie’s sweet tangy flavor. Her eyes closed briefly as she relished the complexity of her partner’s savoriness. The blonde teen then moved to tonguing her clit. Afterwards she would alternate between the two; causing Julie to marvel at her stamina.

“Enjoying my flavour Love?” Julie asked with a sly smile. She knew that she tasted a bit different than most women. She and her Great Dane, Hugo, had fucked like minks that morning. She was sure some of his opaque watery spunk was still inside her. He, as usual, had shot what felt like liters into her.

Cassie, without losing contact with the other woman’s sex, hummed a yes while nodding her head. Julie reached down and caressed the teen’s fingers still wrapped tightly around both her hips. Surreptitiously, she checked the quality of the teen’s manicure for any points or sharp edges that could scratch delicate and sensitive tissue. Finding none she reached for the bottle of lube and flipped open the nozzle.

“Let me put a little lube on your fingers Love. I want you to finger me,” Julie instructed.

Without stopping her oral ministrations, Cassie released Julie’s right hip and held up her right hand. Julie deftly applied a generous amount of lube to the index and middle fingers. Those fingers were soon pushing into the porn legend’s entrance while the teen girl sucked, licked, and nibbled on her clit. Occasionally Cassie’s fingers would curl up and work Julie’s g-spot. The porn executive’s sex was dripping by that point.

“That’s the way I like it Love. Put that tongue stud to good use. Ease another finger in,” Julie instructed.

Cassie did as she’d been told and eased her right ring finger into Julie’s slick fuckhole, all while continuing to suck, lick, and nibble Julie’s clit. Staring into Cassie’s eyes, Julie grasped the blonde’s head and held the teen’s mouth on her clit. She looked over the young woman’s back towards her superb upturned ass. She thought that the younger woman was perfectly positioned to get a good tongue job from one of her dogs. She imagined her immense fawn coloured Great Dane licking the blonde teen’s cunt and arsehole. Julie closed her eyes and leaned her head back, with the image of Hugo tonguing the girl turning her on beyond belief. Cassie, barely believing it possible, noticed the older woman’s cunt loosen even further and become even more slick with juices.

“Good girl, now ease your pinky into me,” Julie said breathlessly.

Cassie, excited at the thought of fisting porn legend Julie Fucking Umbra eagerly added the fourth finger to the fingerbang session. Julie imagined Hugo mounting the blonde teen. In her mind, the tip of his pink dogcock easily found and slipped into the teen’s tight pussy. In her mind’s eye, she saw Hugo thrust his rapidly swelling doghood into the teen bitch. Intimately familiar with Hugo’s huge dogcock and knot, she imagined him wrecking the teen’s tight pussy. She thought of how his powerful and relentless fucking would reshape her cunt and ruin her for any man. She would be enslaved to Hugo’s doghood, as she was herself. They would be sister-wives to Hugo.

“FUCK ME! Now your thumb slut! FIST FUCK ME YOU BITCH!” Julie shouted a bit carried away with the images in her head.

Cassie pulled her hand out until just the fingertips were inside Julie’s fuckhole. She tucked her thumb into her palm and spat a wade of spit over it and pushed. When her knuckles passed through Julie’s labia, the rest of her hand sunk in past her wrist. Just as Cassie worked her twisting fist back and forth in Julie’s depths, the porn executive was imagining the blonde teen orgasming uncontrollably on Hugo’s dogcock and knot. She thought of the liters of dog cum that her insatiable Great Dane would pump into the teenage pussy and womb. She envisioned the teen’s flat stomach ballooning to gigantic proportions with a large litter of Hugo’s pups and her tits swelling with milk to nurse them. The thought of Cassie giving birth to Hugo’s puppies coincided with Cassie’s thumb knuckle rubbing against her g-spot. That was enough mental and physical stimulation to push Julie into a squirting orgasm.

“AAAAANNNNNHHHHHH,” Julie screamed in ecstasy.

It was another first for Cassie and she was taken by surprise when an explosion of cum juices splattered her face. Julie’s thighs closed on her head as the executive rode wave after wave of the powerful orgasm. Julie’s calves kicked spastically as Cassie closed her eyes and opened her mouth to catch as much of Julie’s squirt as she could. The teen maintained her pace of fist fucking so long as Julie would allow.

Eventually, the squirting well dried up. Julie spread her thighs, then reached down and took hold of Cassie’s wrist to stop the fisting of her now overly sensitive cunt. The teen straightened her hand within Julie’s depths. After tucking her thumb into her palm, she slowly withdrew her fuck juice covered extremity. Julie slumped in the chair and rested spread eagle while the teen licked her hand clean of the older woman’s sexual secretions. After a couple of minutes, Julie roused and looked down into the blue eyes of Cassie, who still knelt between her thighs while lightly kissing her mound and thighs and licking up her juices.

“Come here Love and give us a kiss,” Julie said as she held out her arms in an invitation to an anticipated embrace.

Cassie, covered with Julie’s squirt from the top of her head to her nipples, rose and fell into Julie’s arms. Julie wrapped her stocking covered legs around the young woman’s waist. Their kiss was long, deep, and passionate.

Julie pinched the young woman’s butt and told her, “okay Love, we should start getting cleaned up.”

Cassie went back to her chair and wiped her face to her breasts as best as she could with the towel she used earlier. Julie pulled another towel from the drawer and did likewise. The porn executive then stood and pulled her skirt back down; put her half-cup bra back up; and buttoned her blouse. She then returned to the chair. Cassie slipped back into her short shorts, halter top, and sandals.

“That was amazing! I’ve never fisted anyone before and I’ve never seen a woman squirt in real life before either,” the blonde said enthusiastically from a confidence born from what had just taken place.

“I’m glad to have been your first for both. Well I have to say that you were brilliant. I’m terribly impressed. We can definitely book you for a scene, perhaps two, in four to five weeks,” Julie said cheerfully.

“Four or five weeks?! Julie, I’ll be homeless before then. I need work in the next few days. Please Julie. Isn’t there anything sooner? Seriously, I’ll do anything so long as it doesn’t involve children or being seriously hurt. Anything,” Cassie begged.

“I’m sorry Love. I really am, but this studio schedules shoots, books locations, casts performers, and the half dozen other people necessary for a shoot at least a month in advance. There is too much involved in a porn shoot to do otherwise,” Julie explained.

Cassie stood. She was on the verge of tears. She would soon be living in her car and that would make it very difficult to get any scenes and it would be extremely dangerous as well. For the first time since leaving Ohio, she thought about going back. As Cassie turned to go, Julie stopped the camera’s recording.

“Cassie, did you really mean it when you said you would do nearly anything for a scene in the next few days?” the executive asked.

“Yes. YES! I’ll do nearly any scene, if I can get paid in the next few days. I need the money so badly,” Cassie answered with a sense of excitement born of hope.

“Well, I know of one specialty studio that operates much less formally than we here do and it pays women performers four times the going rate. There is one catch though,” Julie offered with some hesitation.

“I don’t care! I’ll do it. Anything is better than going back to Ohio…. What is the catch?” she asked out of curiosity.

“That studio specializes in dogporn. That studio produces and distributes films of women having sex with dogs. The women wear a mask and some also wear a wig. No one would be able to recognize you,” Julie replied.

Cassie stood there silently for a few seconds mulling her options.

“Would you call them for me? I want to be in one of their shoots either tonight or tomorrow,” Cassie asked.

“I don’t have to. It’s my studio. Consider yourself booked with Dog-Gone Productions Limited. We’ll shoot tomorrow and you’ll be paid tomorrow in cash. I want you to come by my house tonight at 7 pm. You’ll shoot with Bruce. He’s a white Shepherd. You’ll stay the night so you two can get comfortable with one another and we’ll shoot tomorrow,” Julie replied as she handed Cassie a business card with her home address and personal mobile number.

“I’ll be there at 7 pm. Thank you Julie. Thank you so much. This chance means a lot to me,” Cassie said with joyful tears in the corners of her eyes. The young woman tightly and joyfully embraced the porn executive and thereafter nearly danced out Julie’s door in excitement.

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