Women with Animals
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Thats not a goat that’s a DONKEY


(c) 2022 by JasonSensation

Ezekiel: Sari, I have a new goat for us! Now we can have milk again!

Sari: But father! That is a donkey! And a male! Your eyesight is getting worse every day!

Ezekiel: Oh rats! Guess I should return it.

Sari: Wait, don’t he’s kinda cute.

The donkey stands there, short and stout, however sporting a massive erection. Goofily disproportionate.

Sari: Look at him, his hair is so fuzzy!

Ezekiel: Ok, we can keep him as a pet if you like him so much.

Sari: Looks like you are with us now. I will call you Eppi. Let’s see if I can teach you some new tricks.

Sari takes the donkey to the back yard, and tries to get him to sit.

Sari: Sit. Sit. Sit!

Eppi stares at her, too horny for thought process. Ezekiel goes inside to take a nap.

Sari: My god! Look at that throbbing member you have down there. It must be so sensitive! And those balls too!

Sari feels his balls with her hand, plump and heavy, full of batter.

Sari: Maybe you can provide some milk for us after all!

Sari strokes Eppi’s cock, Eppi thrusts softly in her hand.

Sari: I bet you have a lot stored up in there. And you know, I haven’t had breakfast yet. And it’s almost lunch time. You wouldn’t mind if I…

She took his cock into her mouth. Lathering it with spit. Sucking the head and bobbing on the first quarter of his cock. It wasn’t long. Within moments he swells up. Cock dense with blood and sperm ready to shoot. Then like a geyser. A hot blast of cum shoots out of him. Ten, twenty, thirty, thick long strands of jizz filled her mouth again and again. Sari, hastily swallowing everything the donkey has to offer. Big hot mouthfuls puff her cheeks out and swells her throat. Eppi bucks his hips, sending his cock down her throat. Finding the strength for a few more jolts to his orgasm. They stay like this as his orgasm dies down. Spending the next 30 seconds trembling out a few more shots. Sari feels her stomach, heavy and full, like after a buffet.

Sari: Poor Eppi, having all that backed up in him, it must be so painful. Don’t worry Eppi, I will take care of you every day!

Dinner time came around and Eppi sported his long cock for the occasion.

Sari: Papa, do you think we can let Eppi in? He is part of the family now.

Ezekiel: Go ahead Sari. But you are responsible for him. I want him house trained immediately.

Sari: Don’t worry, he will be the best pet donkey ever!

Eppi sprits around like a madman. Acting sporadic, making himself dizzy. Rubbing all over the furniture, flinging precum on the carpet and walls.

Ezekiel: Well, he sounds happy! Set the food on the floor for him, it’s time to eat!

Sari takes a bite of food and feels disappointed. She remembers her sweet milkshake shake from earlier. She hardly touches the rest of her food. Instead daydreaming about what she really wants for dinner.

Eppi is now rubbing his cock on the outside of the couch. Sari watches as a squelch of cum erupts from his cock, landing on the wall. Sari leaves her seat and rushes to capture any remaining shots of cum before he makes a mess all over the living room. She plants herself on his cock with her mouth just in time for the next shot. Knowing what she learned from earlier, she quickly swallows it down and prepares for a rapid succession of shots. Instead, she found another long, thick shot of cum filling her mouth. This blast took so long she thought the donkey was peeing. She struggles to keep it in her mouth, but knows if she spills any, Eppi won’t be able to stay inside. She swallows as quickly as possible, just in time for another long shot of cum. She takes a moment to savor the taste before taking a giant swallow. Then his orgasm became shorter and faster. Quick bursts of cum filled her mouth again and again. She swallows everything. This is the meal she was craving. This is what she knows she needs to eat.

Ezekiel: Make sure that donkey doesn’t have a mess inside the house!

Sari swallows the last mouthful

Sari: Ok papa! I’ll be sure to train him every day!

From then on Sari and Eppi were inseparable. Wherever Eppi went, Sari would follow; she holds Eppi’s cock in her mouth throughout the day to make sure he never spills again. She catches dozens of loads a day. From morning, until night. His overactive cock needs constant stimulation for there to be any relief. His balls produce so much semen that he is known for overflowing. Whenever Sari is watching TV, she has his cock in her mouth. When she is doing homework, playing video games, exercising, especially eating, she has his cock in her mouth. A week went by before she realizes she hasn’t had any normal foods, just Eppi’s cum. She smiles at the thought.

Sari: I wonder how far I could go.

Sari goes for months on her special donkey cum diet. When she breaks the cycle, it’s to try horse cum, and wonders about elephant cum, and rhino cum. Regardless, she sticks to her cum only diet, mouth glued to whatever lucky beast she lets into her living room.

The End

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