Women with Animals

Betty Found Her Love for Dogs at Forty-Five


(c) by DesireeForOthers

When we first were married I would bring home these cheap little paper-back sex books for my wife to read. She loved them. I can still see her sitting in the living room with her hand down the front of her pants playing with her pussy as she read. I’d tease her, she smile back and keep right at it. The kinkier the books were the more she seemed to like them. Her favorite ones were when a woman having sex with a dog. She wore those out. Reading them again and again. Things slowly changed in our lives as they do with every other couple, especially as the kids grew older.

Years later, on her forty-five birthday I surprised her with a couple of those cheap dog sex books and a dildo in the shape of a dog’s cock. It was very realistic with the knot and color. That night she entertained me by letting me see her work it in her pussy. She didn’t work it in and out like a regular dildo but got the knot in place and kind of wiggled it from side to side. She came super hard. Moaning and groaning, even swearing a little. She just laid there when she was finished. The dildo still deep in her pussy.
“You ok?” I finally asked.

She smiled, “I wonder what a real dog’s cock feels like. The knot on the dildo feels so weird…. Kind of weird in a good way.” She laughed. “They say the knot expands in your pussy more and more as the dog comes till he locks in. That if he pulls out before the swelling goes down he could really hurt the woman.”

I smiled, “Sounds like you really gave this some thought.”

She stuck her tongue out at me and laughed, “I was just curious is all.”

“Maybe I should have gotten you a dog. Keep you happy.”

“Maybe…” she slowly pulled the dildo out. As the knot came loose of her lips we heard a large juicy pop. “Now why don’t you stick that little cock of yours in there and see what you can do.”

I rolled on top of her and gave her my best.

During the next few weeks I would check on where the dildo was when I’d get home from work. It would be in a different position from where it was in the morning. The same was true for the books. I never mention it to her but enjoyed the idea she was enjoying herself.

Then, out of the blue one night she asks, “Would it be all right with you if I really did have sex with a dog? I really do what to try it.”

You can imagine my surprised. Here was this woman I knew for over thirty years. That bore our three children. The woman that like the idea of us swinging but when it really came down to it, chicken out. “Are you serious?” I asked.

“Yes. It is something I need to do. I have been really thinking about ever since you gave me the dildo. In fact that is all I can think about.” The look on her face told her sincerity.
“Ok…I guess…. If it is that important to you. We will look into it and find out what kind of dog we should get things like that.”

“I already made arrangements. We don’t have to get a dog. I found this woman who has done it a few times with dogs and loves it. She doesn’t have a dog either but she knows a woman who trains dogs for sex and she just goes to her place…. For a small fee, to cover the woman’s expenses, she invited us over this weekend.”

“Jesus, Betty you got to be careful. Who are these people?”

“Well the first person I found on the internet. I put a discreet ad or post out there and she answered. The fact is it turns out we know her. She works down at our insurance agency…. Sandy.”
“Sandy. You mean the young blond girl in her mid twenties, kind of on the chubby side?”

“Small world huh? Oh yea I told Sandy we would make her contribution as well. I thought it would be nice if we did. Is that ok?” Betty said with a big smile.

“I guess so. So who is this woman that has the dogs?”

“Pam,,, and Bill is her husband. Were going to meet them Saturday. I have talked to her on the phone. She seems very nice. We are going to pick up Sandy and she will take us there.” After a moment Betty added, “Pam did say we should be very open minded.”

“What did she mean by that?” I asked.

“I don’t know. She didn’t say… I guess just open minded to everything.”

I laughed, “Oh ok. What ever that means.”

I couldn’t believe how relaxed Betty and Sandy were as I drove. They just chatted away for the hour like nothing special was going to be happening. Pam and Bill our hosts were very gracious and went out of there way at putting us to ease. They seemed just like an average couple in their late fifties. We sat around in the living room drinking wine and beer for about an hour with casual talk. No one mention dogs.

Finally Pam suggested we all get naked and head down stairs. I watch my wife strip down in front of everyone else just like it was something she did every day. She folded her clothes up then put them in a neat little pile on the sofa. I checked out all the other women while Bill looked over Betty. Pam was trim. Her tits sagged from age but very trim. She look great for a thirty year old let alone fifty-five. When everyone was ready we followed Pam down to the family room.

“This is were all the fun happens.” Pam announced. “Now Betty I need to know a couple of things. Do you care if the dog gets you in the ass or not?”

“I just want him in my Pussy.”

“Ok. I want to check your pussy. Spread your legs.” Betty did as she was told. “I need to make sure your pussy is big enough for the dog’s knot. Pam fingered Betty’s pussy. “Oh you will be fine. Not to big or small and as wet as you feel now I can tell you have been really looking forward to this?”

Betty smiled as Pam continued to finger her pussy. “I have been looking forward to it. I haven’t allowed myself to cum in days.”

Pam then requested Betty to bend over. “I’m going to put this little butt plug in your ass so he doesn’t get in your ass by mistake. I found it works best”

Betty bent over and allowed Pam to insert the butt plug. She gave a nervous little laugh as she stood up and turned around. “Oh that kind of feels good.”

“Betty here are some chaps. You don’t have to ware them but I suggest you do at first so the dog won’t scratch you. We put booties on his front feet but we can’t on his back because he needs the better grip. The leather chaps covered her legs along with a band around her waist. Her ass and pussy still showing. Pam then instructed her to sit in a short chair that allowed her to lean way back. “The dog knows that the person sitting in it is the one that gets his attention.”

Betty did as she was told. “Put your ass just on the front edge, lean back and spread your knees. I’m going to push a small butter pad up your pussy. The dog will work his tongue up there trying to get it. You will love it. When you are ready and he is excited enough too I want you to get on your hands and knees on the floor…. Get your shoulders down as low as you can. Your tits on the floor with your ass up high…. Give him a good target. When he starts it may seem a little awkward at first and you may wonder if he is ever going to penetrate you. Just hang in there and hold on. We may have to guide him a little but he knows what he is doing too. He has done a lot of women before and he will get you too. Just remember if he gets his knot in you it will grow a bigger as starts to cum and you will become tied to him. That can last up to about a half hour. Just hang in there and enjoy it. Let him enjoy you too. If you get tired and need a stool or pillow to rest on just ask…. You ready?”

“Yes…Oh yes…I have wanted this for along time…

“Bill go bring Ralph in.

Betty laughed. “The dog’s name is Ralph? I had an old boyfriend name Ralph. I hope this Ralph does me better then old one did. He shot his load in my pussy as soon as his pecker head touched my crack.”

We all were laughing at Betty as Bill brought Ralph in. A long legged weimaraner. Bill brought him over to where Betty was laying.

“Hi lover boy. Are you going have your way with me?” Betty reach out petting his head for a moment as he started to sniff her. His nose went right to her crotch. His tongue gave it a swipe.

“Wow… That’s it boy. Do that pussy good…Real good.”

We all could hear Ralph’s tongue lapping at Betty’s juices mixed in her moan’s of pleasure. “God I can feel his tongue way up there at times. I mean way up there. It is so stiff and long. If he keeps doing that I will come from just that alone.

“Betty, just enjoy the whole process.” Pam encouraged. “Come as much as you want. I usually come at least twice but some times it like one big long orgasm that keeps going. Just let yourself go. Remember too when he is tied or locked in your pussy you can reach between your legs and play with your clit. Get yourself off as much as you want. I do.”

After a few minutes of Ralph licking Betty’s pussy he started to move on top of her. You could tell he was getting excited. The head of his cock just starting to protrude. “Betty you better get on the floor. On your hands and knees. He is ready for you whether you are or not.”

“I’m ready,” Betty said, as she rolled off the chair on to the floor. “I thought it would take him longer.”

“Betty, you need to get your head down as lower. Tits on the floor. Get that ass of yours up in the air. Spread your legs a little but not too much.” Pam instructed.

No sooner had Betty done as she was told then Ralph climbed on top of her ass, moving his body forward with his hind legs. He thrust his hips again and again knowing the feeling he was looking for. Betty groaned a number of times. I wasn’t sure if it was from pain or pleasure.

“He is almost there. I can feel his cock start to slid in then it falls back out.”

“Just hang in there a little bit Betty. You are doing fine. He will get it in there. He knows what he is doing. He is the best at it. Trust me.”

Ralph jump back down circled around in front with his cock dangling down. As if to say this is what you are going to get bitch. Take a good look.

“Come on Ralph. Do me. Do me good.” Betty encouraged.

Ralph moved around to her ass again. Gave it a swift sniff and lick. Then lunged on top scoring a direct hit.

Betty gave a loud muffled groan as he landed and felt the his rigid cock pop into her cunt. Betty groaned loudly four or five times….“Jesus,,,He is working it in…way in…oooooh…nice and deep… I could feel him trusting his cock in me in and out real fast till he got it in there real deep. Where he wanted it….I can feel the knot now…. It’s in there too… Jesus that feels so wild.”

I was not only fixated on whole scene but the look on Betty’s face. I don’t think she was even aware of the people watching her. Just the pleasure she was deriving in her cunt.

I don’t think it was even a full minute till I heard Betty. “I’m coming….Jesus….I’m commmingggg.”

“Enjoy it Betty. Enjoy the whole experience.” Pam instructed.

I was sitting on the couch watching the whole scene before me. A dog was fucking my wife in the middle of the floor surrounded by a small group of nude people watching her.

Sandy saw me and came over to where I was and sat down next to me. “looks like you are enjoying watching your wife too,” she said as she grabbed my hard cock. For the next few minutes she gave me a soft hand job while I played with her pussy and tits.

“How you doing Betty?” Pam asked.

“Good…Real good. I came once right away real hard and a little one just a second ago. I can feel his knot twitching as he keeps pumping his cum in me. Feels real good because it is like on the backside of my clit… My pussy feels like a water balloon. Getting fuller and fuller.“

“Well nothing is leaking out so he got his knot in there real good. Enjoy.”

“I could use that little stool to rest on though.”

Bill moved the short stool over to her. As Betty lifted up he pushed it under her. One of her tits now hung off to the side in the air. Bill knelt down and gave her loose tit a squeeze.

“Bill leave her tit alone. Let the woman enjoy herself.” Pam asked.

“No that’s alright. It feels good.” as Betty said that, she reached out and grabbed Bill’s hard dick and pulled him towards her. He knelt in front of her for a brief moment, letting her suck on it for a moment before moving away. Betty then reached down between her legs and started working her clit. No one had to be told when Betty started having another climax.

Ralph most have been in Betty over twenty minutes when I heard Betty. “Oh his knot is starting to slip out. I can feel it. Oh shit.”

“Don’t worry Betty. Just hang in there. He is still pumping juice into you.” Pam encouraged.

I could now see the knot starting to slid out. It came out slowly then followed quickly by the shaft. There was a loud juicy pop as the last inch squirted out. The cock still squirting as it hung between Betty’s legs. Ralph then slowly slid off her and came around seemingly to look at his handy work. His tongue then lapped at her juicy crack a few times. He then just stood there panting. He was worn out but his cock still squirting semen.

Betty rolled on to her back. “Jesus look at that cock. It is still squirting. I can’t believe that was in me. Look at the size of that knot. You need to have a knot like that on your cock Honey.”

“You can suck on him if you want Betty. He will keep coming for a while yet.” Pam encouraged.

“God yes. I want it all.” Betty said as she slid herself over towards Ralph. Her pussy oozing cum and making juicy sounds as she wiggled her way.

As Betty moved into position, Pam went on, “Only hold on to his knot. Don’t touch his shaft with your fingers. Only with your lips or tongue. If you probe the tip of his cock with your tongue it will make him squirt more.”

Betty held on to Ralph’s knot and lick it’s tip. It gave her a squirt in the face. She licked again and received another squirt. Then took the cock into her mouth and sucked on like any man’s cock. Stopping after a bit she aimed it so it squirted on her breast then back in her open mouth.

“Like the taste of that?” Pam asked.

“Yes. It’s salty and not as thick as man’s cum. I like it a lot.”

As Betty worked on Ralph’s cock, Pam knelt down between Betty’s legs and went to work at Betty’s pussy, lapping up all the leaking juices leaking out of her cunt. It was a scene I will never forget.

When things finally calmed down. Pam had Bill help Betty to the shower. Sandy then got herself in position for the next dog that Pam would be bringing. It was going to be Ralph’s brother, Pete.
Pete seen to be as capable as Ralph. He licked Sandy’s pussy a little and as soon as Sandy moved into position on the floor Pete leaped on to her. Sandy groaned loudly as he landed. “Ohhh he is in….Or he is trying……Oh here it goes again…”

“Give him a minute Sandy. He likes to stick it in and out a few times before he gets it the way he likes it. When he does you will know it,” Pam explained.

“Oh Jesus. Oh….fuck….Mother fuckkkkk. He is thrusting it in and out like a man only really fast. Really fast and hard….Shitttt.”

“You ok? Pam asked.

“Yes…God yes. He already made me cum once…Oh I feel the knot expanding. Ohhh that feel so good. Mother fuck. Here I go again. Jesusssss.”

Pam looked at me and smiled. “Sandy is very vocal. She likes to describe everything.”

Pam then came over and sat next to me on the couch. I put my arm around her and fondled one of her tits. As I did she started stroking my cock. “Looks like you enjoyed all this?” she whispered.

“Oh yes. It is like a wild fantasy coming true,” I answered.

“Good. I like to see men who support their wife’s desires. Most women come alone and don’t dare tell their husbands what they did. Their husband may have gave them the idea but they wouldn’t dare let them know that they like the idea…. To me being able to share the experience with your husband makes it that much better. There is one married woman about thirty five, she always came alone. Then one day she came along with a woman in her late fifties… It was her mother. She had talked her mother into fucking a dog too. They still both come here about once a month. They say they have really bonded over it.” Pam laughed for a moment then added, “Bill says the mother is the better fuck. I know she gives the better oral sex.”

Pam leaned over and suck my cock into her mouth. I reached around her ass and fingered her pussy. She moan her appreciation, sat up and started french kissing me. As she did I thought about the places that tongue had been in the last few minutes. My wife’s dog cum soaked pussy, my leaking cock. I was tasting them all.

Sandy was fun to watch and listen too. Even though she was on the chubby side she did have a great figure with large firm tits and boy was she vocal. “Pete you feel so good in mommies big pussy. Fill that pussy up. Show them what you can do. Fuck it good.”

Pam laughed, “Sandy really gets into it. The first time she came here Ralph got his knot in here and she was tied to him for real long time. I warned her but she wanted to try it. Since then she has stretch her pussy out.”

“How did she do that?” I asked.

“She used an inflatable dildo and leaved it in for hours at a time also large butt plugs. She says she leaves a plugg in when she is working at times.”

I laughed, “I will never be able to go into her office again without remembering all this and wondering if she has the plug in.”

“If you ask her I’m sure she will tell you,” Pam smiled.

About this time Betty and Bill came back in the room.

Looking at me Betty said, “Looks like you have been enjoying yourself.”

“Yep. Did you have a good shower?”

“Very good. It is a nice big shower. We could all fit in there.”

Pam moved herself around on the coach so that her ass was on the edge of the seat. Her legs spread wide. Speaking now to Betty, “Come here. I got something that needs your attention.” There wasn’t any doubt from anyone what she wanted done. Least of all Betty. Betty knelt between her wide spread knees. Gave me a quick wink before beginning to probing Pam’s crack with her tongue. “Time for me to receive some payback.” Still probing Pam’s cunt, Betty’s eyes looked up for a moment and began to fondled Pam’s sagging breast with her hands. Pulling on her nipples.

I laughed to myself. Here was my wife eating another woman’s pussy. All the times I tried to get her to swing with other couples or even a threesome with another guy or woman. Even our friendly real estate woman said she was willing to join us one day but Betty backed out at the last minute. Now my wife, who had just been fucked by a dog, was working her tongue into this woman’s pussy and both seemingly loving it. That wasn’t all. I saw her suck on Bill’s cock for a moment and would later learn that while in the shower he fucked her in the ass.

As Pam started to come she grabbed the back of Betty’s head and forced her into her pussy. “Come on you horny cunt.” She was now humping Betty’s face. “Do meee. Do meee goood.” Betty kept lapping at Pan’s juices till she was finally pushed away. “Thank you.”

“Your welcome. I should thank you for before,” Betty answered with a smile.

By now Pete had moved off of Sandy and she had slid under him sucking his cock. Betty now moved over between Sandy’s legs and began to lap up Pete’s offering.

Betty was right about the huge shower because all five of us were in there at one time.

The visit turned into a little orgy at this point. Very kinky X-rated movies were on the TV, lots of drinking and fooling around between all of us. At some point I saw Betty and Pam coming back in the room from out back. They had been in the kennel.

“Betty wants to try Al,” Pam, said to Bill.

“Al. You sure? Has she seen him?”

“We were just out there. She seen him. I tried to talk her out of it but she is not taking no for an answer. She says she ready.” Pam looked at me.

“Who is Al?”

“Al is our Great Dane. He is young but I have been training him and have had sex with him a few times myself. He has got a ten inch cock and a huge knot to go with it. When he is in me he is locked on till he is done right Bill?”

Bill shook his head in agreement.

I looked at Betty. She wasn’t drunk but I could tell she was under the influence. “You sure you want to do this?”

“Yes and you are not going to talk me out of it.” The look on her face told me to shut up. She had made her mind up. “Pam, let her do it. She is determined. It is her pussy.”

“Ok Betty. As I told you when we were out back, you will have to lay on this other saw horse on your belly. The sawhorse will hold you up. Because your knees have to be bent for so long and he is so heavy you would fall down. I don’t want to see you hanging in mid air on his cock by your pussy. Also, I will strap your legs to the sawhorse legs too so you won’t fall off. He knows what this is all about but he is young and horny.”

Betty laughed, “Well I’m old and horny.” She laid on the padded sawhorse while Pam and Bill put nylon straps her knees and thighs. Although only her legs were immobile she was still held fast to the sawhorse.

I couldn’t resist the temptation to slid my cock in her while she couldn’t get away. I gave her a few strokes then moved away.

“Do you mind if I also take advantage of that while I can?” Bill asked me jokingly.

“Not at all Bill.” Bill stood behind her and fed his cock to her pussy. “Nice and wet isn’t it?”

“Oh yes.”

Betty laughed. “That pussy has been wet like that for days. Now go get me a dog’s cock that can satisfy it. You guys can’t.”

We all laughed and Bill left to bring in the dog. Al looked around the room and the people in it. He zeroed in on where Betty was and became increasing excited. He knew what he was there for. He lapped at her pussy a couple of times, circled her. Then nosed her pussy again.

Pam slapped Betty’s ass a couple of times getting Al’s attention. “Come on Al. Fuck this bitch. Show her who is boss.”

At that Al leaped up and landed solidly on Betty. Betty groaned loudly as some of the air had knocked out of her lungs. As she fought to regain her breath Al began thrusting his cock towards her pussy. For a moment I thought he was going to knock her down, sawhorse and all. Pam and Bill stabilized her as Al kept thrusting his cock.

“You ok Betty?” Pam asked.

“Yes. He is close to getting it in. I can feel the tip of it now and then…..Oh there it is…..He is getting it in now…..Ohhh he is fucking me…Oh shittttt….He is big… Fucking real big….He is fucking me so deeeeeep.”

“You ok Betty?” Pam asked again.

“Ooooh yes…..I can feel his knot growing….Jesus….Jesus….sweet Jesus.”

Pam smiled at me, “Guess she is liking it.”

“Does it hurt honey?” I had to ask.

“Yes…Some… but a good kind of hurt….If you know what I mean?”

“I do.” Pam answered.

“Me too.” answered Sandy in agreement.

“Feels like I have a grapefruit in my pussy that is exploding slowly.”

“Have you climaxed yet Betty?” Pam asked.

Betty laughed, “First time I came was when I was trying to catch my breath. Boy you talk about a weird feeling. I was out breath having a strong orgasm. Weird, really weird. I’m kind of the edge of one all the time. Kind of like little waves of pleasure…. Jesus here come a strong one…..Yesssss.”

“Good,” replied Pam. “Enjoy them.”

Pam came over to where I was sitting. She took my hard cock in her hand. “Do you mind?”

“Not at all.” Holding my cock in her hand she turned her back to me and sat on it. Letting it slid into her pussy as she sat. I reached around her and played with her fun bags while she moved on my cock. I could feel the urge building to let loose a load. “I’m going to come.” I whispered.

“Me too.”

We both came at the same time. I could feel the contractions in her pussy as I was sending load after load into her cunt.

No sooner had that happen and Betty cried out. “He is moving. He is still in me deep but he is sliding off…. He is pulling my pussy.”

Pam moved off me and ran to help. Our cum running down the inside of her legs. “Hang in there Betty. I got his collar he can’t get away. He probably just wants to change position, he is fucking you.”

Bill went over and helped as Al moved to the floor behind Betty. He was now at a right angle to her body. His knot still inside her.

“Still ok Betty?” Pam asked.

“Yes, I just got a little worried. I could feel his knot pulling and it wasn’t about to come out all that easily.”

“I got his head now. He can’t get away. In fact he is licking your husband’s cum out of my pussy. Perfect timing.”

Betty laughed. “How much longer do you think?”

“Maybe five minutes or so. You tired or getting bored? Bill will let you suck on his cock if you want?” Pam teased.

“Why not. Come here Bill. See who can finish first.” Betty sucked Bill’s cock into her mouth. Within a few minutes he began trusting it into her mouth unloading into her. Betty took it all with a smile. “Al is the winner. He still unloading in me.”

“He is getting restless Betty.” Pam warned.

“I can feel him starting to come out. Jesus….Oh God….He is still so fucking big…Fuck…. Fuck…It hurtssss…..” Betty could feel herself starting to be dragged by her cunt.

There was a large pop as Al’s knot popped out followed by loud gush of cum.

Pam asked Sandy if she could help me get Betty get loose from the sawhorse. As Pam said that she slid under Al. She wasn’t going to pass up the opportunity.

Sandy decided to have a little fun first herself. She knelt down behind Betty and started lapping at all the leaking juices. Betty couldn’t get away even if she wanted and it seemed she didn’t. “Oh that feels kind of good,” Betty laughed. “Takes the pain away.”

“Tell me how this feels?” Sandy asked. She then leaned forward rubbing one of her tits in Betty’s wet pussy.

“Oh that feels good too. Pussy is still sore but your tit feel good on it.” Betty went on to say, “Save a little of that for me Pam.”

After we turned Betty loose she moved along side Pam and the two of then shared Al’s cock. Betty was amazed at the size of his knot that had been in her pussy. It had shrunk some by then but still was impressive looking. Al had covered the two their faces and tits with cum. As Bill led Al away Pam rolled on top of Betty, sliding her tits against hers. The two of them began to work their bodies against each other, kissing deeply.

It was in the wee hours that we were finally headed home. After a few minutes Betty turned to look at Sandy in the backseat.

“Can you believe that. She is past out or asleep back there. I don’t think I could sleep at all tonight. It has been a wild day. It was a fantasy come true.”

“like it did you?” I teased.

“God yes. It was so crazy.” There was a minute of silence before Betty spoke again. “I want to get a dog. A young dog that I could train myself. We have that room off the family room in the basement that I could use. That would be just for me and the dog to fool around in.”

“It sounds like you have been giving this some thought?”

“Ever since you gave me that dog dildo. You don’t know this but when you are at work I would get the dildo out and use it on my pussy.”

I laughed, “I knew you were doing it.”

‘How did you know?”

“Not telling. That is my secret.”

She stuck her tongue out at me. “Well anyway. I like the idea of whenever I’m home alone and in the mood. To just get the dog. Go to our little room in the basement and have some fun on my own without being watched. I really don’t care if you know about it or even watch sometimes. Just that some times, when the mood hits me I want to be on my own with him.”

She had made her mind up and I wasn’t going to try and argue her out of it but have a little fun with her. “Take your clothes off.” I played with her like this once before when she wanted something. She gave me a smiled and started wiggling out of all her clothes. She had won.

Betty went on with her idea. “Pam knows of someone who has a mix breed dog that is offering it for free to a good home. It is mix between a wiemaraner and she thinks an airedale. It is about four months old now….I’m going to go look at it tomorrow. Do you want to go with me?”

“Sure way not.” I looked at her sitting naked in the passenger seat. I couldn’t have found a more attractive women to have married. There was little chance of anyone seeing except when we went through one of the small towns and at time night few people were around. There was always that chance and that made it fun. “What are you going to call this dog?”

“I don’t know yet….I will have to see which of my old lovers he reminds me of.”

“Well you have a lot to choose from,” I teased back.

When we arrived at Sandy’s home and woke her up she was surprised to see Betty sitting nude in the passenger seat. “What did I miss?”

“I will let you know later,” Betty answered.

Sandy leaned in Betty’s window giving her a kiss while fondling her tits. “Whenever you two want a threesome or even a twosome remember me please.

“Maybe even for a foursome,” Betty answered. Leaving Sandy a little bewildered as we drove off.

The End

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