Women with Animals



(c) by sheeladogwoman
beastforum edition, first plublished on May 23, 2016 as public domain.

I sit eating my breakfast cereal, shoveling it as if I hadn’t eaten for days when I heard a sweet female voice say, “Morning, mom.”

My head jerked back to see mom standing next to the hottest babe I had seen in ages. Who the fuck is this girl, standing next to mom, I wondered? Her long, slender legs never seemed to end. Her cute ass pushed out the hem of her too tight shorts, with a bare midriff due to her sleeveless nightshirt being too small for her. She also has long blonde hair reaching almost to her waist. The girl reached onto her tiptoes and planted a kiss on my mother’s cheek.

Shit, it’s my little sister Lucy.

My spoiled little brat of a sister. The daughter my parents had always hankered for having three wild boys first. The one mom always dressed as if a porcelain doll. Her own little princess.

When the fuck did she suddenly grow up, I wondered?

I’m the oldest, at twenty-four, and have spent five years in the Marines, the last three on active service overseas. My sister Lucy is the youngest, now eighteen, in the last year of high school. I never really took much interest in Lucy, and having been away for years, we never really kept in touch. I did see the odd picture of her in family photos mom sent me, however, she didn’t look anything as she does this morning in those.

I guess Lucy is kind of shy, she always in the back of family photos half obscured by everyone. Gone is the bobby haircut, the pretty dresses, and pink bows I always associated with her. Lucy is blossoming into a hot ass babe.

“Morning, Steve,” she said as she sat at the table. “I haven’t seen you in ages.”

“I haven’t seen anyone in ages,” I said, staring at her attractive face.

Her blue eyes mesmerized me. Her soft, slender nose and red full lips made my cock twitch.

“You home on leave?”

“Yeah, just finished my last tour.”

Suddenly, mom said, “I’m going to the shops this morning, then to Nona’s. Do you want to come?”

Nona is our grandma on my mom’s side. I thought she was talking to Lucy, naturally.

“Not today, mom. I have to finish an assignment for school.”

Mom kissed her princess on the head.

“OK, sweetie. What about you Steve, Nona would love to see you.”

“I’m exhausted, mom. I just spent thirty-hours straight traveling home. Can I see her later?”

Mom asked me, “What are you doing today?”

I’m not used to my mother taking any interest in my movements, so I didn’t answer thinking she’s talking to Lucy again.

Well?” Mom demanded, staring at me wide eyed.

I grimaced. I forgot how much a ballbuster mom is sometimes.

“I’m expecting my CO to call, so I’ll probably watch a movie or something while I wait.”

Mom nodded, kissed Lucy on the head again, said goodbye, and left us in peace.

Fuck me, I don’t think even the fucking Taliban would survive her, I thought jokingly.


Once mom had gone, Rufus crept into the room, his paws clicking on the tiled floor. He’s a wall eyed Collie. He bumped past me and made his way to Lucy, resting his head on her lap.

“Good boy,” Lucy said rewarding stroking his head.

The dog’s tail wagged and he whined a little. Lucy filled her coffee mug, grabbed some toast and stood.

“I’m off to my room. I’ve got this god-awful history essay on the civil war I have to finish. It’s due in two days,” she said.

“Fuck, I remember those. Who’s the teacher?” I asked.

“Old man Cransky,” she said and rolled her eyes.

I laughed, throwing my head back. “Shit, I thought they would’ve retired that SOB years ago,” I said.

Lucy smiled, showing her perfect white teeth. What a fucking stunner, I thought dreamily.

“I’d tone down the cussing in front of mom if I were you. She’s not very—”

“Yeah, she’s a hard-ass. Comes from raising three crazy boys before you came along.”

Lucy nodded with a weak smile, she knew what mom was like.

“I’ll talk to you later. C’mon, Rufus.” Walking away from me as I watched her ass wiggle and enjoyed the view. Lucy suddenly turned and said, “Oh Steve, it’s good to have you home. You don’t know how much we worry about you, over there.”

“Thanks, sis. It’s good to be home.”


My CO did call and I went outside to speak to him. The call just usual Marine crap, however, he did tell me they were giving me a month’s leave because I served three tours straight. The best news I’ve had in ages. Then I had to report to the nearby base for some new training before they shipped me overseas again. He didn’t say where, but hinted at Iraq. Looks as if I’m going to get all nasty with those ISIS bitches. Semper Fi!

After the call, I passed Lucy’s bedroom window and caught something out of the corner of my eye. That stopped me dead in my tracks. Lucy is sitting on the floor in front of Rufus who’s lying on his side.

Now, I’ve seen some shit in Afghanistan that you’d never believe. War is hell, as they say, and Muslims are kind of crazy. However, to see this shit in my family home felt as if a sniper just hit me in the head. I stared incredulously at the sight, shuffling back a step or two.

Lucy is stroking Rufus’s cock.

His reddish/pink member protruding from the sheath glistens in the light as her slender fingers slide all over it. Rufus is lying still, watching her, his pink tongue hanging low from his mouth as he panted. Lucy started to feel his furry balls with one hand as the other stroked dog meat.

This isn’t new to me as several times my platoon caught Muslim men fucking goats and sheep. I kid you not, they don’t give a shit about it. One Muslim told me their Holy Book says it’s OK, as long as they get rid of the beast to another town or village after they fuck it. One Muslim man we caught in the act, told us he likes it so much he sneaks to other villages to fuck their goats so he doesn’t have to get rid of his.

The point is, bestiality is part of life in Muslim countries, even though I only ever watched others do it. However, here in the good ol’ USA it isn’t part of life. I’m pretty sure it’s fucking illegal too. The last person I’d expect to see doing such a thing is my sweet young sister. I mean, why would she? With a body and looks like hers, she could fuck any man she wants, even me. But Rufus?

Rufus suddenly got up, pushed Lucy over, trying to mount her. Luckily she managed to wriggle free from under him, much to the dog’s dismay. I immediately ran into the house and into Lucy’s room.

“What the fuck are you up to?”

Lucy’s head whirled around to me at the door.

Smiling innocently, she replied, “Rufus wanted to play, but he keeps pushing me over for a piggyback.”

Remember, my sister has been wrapped in cotton all her life by my domineering mother otherwise I wouldn’t believe an eighteen-year old didn’t know what’s going on.

“Err, he doesn’t want a piggyback, sis,” I said, scratching my head. “Haven’t you done Sex Ed in school already?”

“Of course, but what’s that have to do with it?”

My skin tingled for some reason, and I couldn’t help laughing at her naiveté.

She whined like a girl, “What?”

I swallowed hard. Is she really that stupid, I wondered?

“Rufus was trying to, err, mount you,” I said.

I’m not sure if her face expressed wonderment or shock because she started giggling and squirming on the floor. The giggling turned into a throaty laughter.
Eventually she asked, “Do you mean he wants to have sex?”

I nodded.

“Ooh, he might have made me have puppies.”

She rubbed Rufus’s head vigorously making him wag his tail and lick her face excitedly.

In baby voice she said to the dog, “Is dat it? You wanna put your widdle puppies in my belly?”

Is she fucking retarded or something, I wondered watching her? Mom always says she’s smarter than us boys ever were in her emails. I folded my arms across my chest and sigh heavily.

“No, you can’t have pups. Even if he stuck his cock in you, and cums.”

“I can have pups if I want, she said, followed by a sudden pout.

“Girls can’t have puppies, you stupid bitch.”

Rufus is prowling around her like a sex offender at kindergarten, his hard cock still hanging between his legs. The dog wanted to cum so bad, I could tell by the way it licked its lips and humped the air. Fuck, I know that feeling, I thought. Cock teasing bitches are the worst.

I said to Lucy, “Rufus is obviously horny and wants some pleasure. What did you expect playing with his cock like that?”

Lucy looked at her hand, then back at me.

“I only wanted to know what it felt like, I didn’t know it would make him, um, horny.”

“Well, you did, and now he wants you to finish him off. Mom’s gonna love this when I tell her.”

With wide eyes and a pale face, Lucy blurted, “Please don’t tell mom. Please. I was only interested in—”

“Interested in dog cock?” I asked with a raised eyebrow. “Really? A sexy babe like you is going for dog cock?”

Noooo. Well, yeah, but—”

I had caught her in a predicament. My sweet princess of a sister had a dark side I never would’ve expected in a million years. Lucy is a zoophile. My laughing cut her off, making her blush profusely.

“It’s always the fucking quiet ones, eh?”

“Don’t tell mom. Please,” she begged.

“Alright, but be honest with me. How long has this been going on?”

She looks at the floor. Her poor little heart beating in her chest as never before.

“A while,” she said.

“How longs a while?”

Her head jerked and she glared at me, her face flushing.

“Just a while, alright.”

Again she turned away from me, crossing her arms heavily and developing a pronounced pout.

“How far have you gone with Rufus?”

Watching my hot little sister squirm like this really didn’t help me, as my cock began to stiffen itself thinking of the minx getting her rocks off with Rufus. She faced me again with a Trump style pinched expression.

“I’ve been playing with his cock, that’s all.”

“But you want to do more, don’t you?”

Her skin flushed again, her tongue darting out to lick her lips. She thrust her chest out, enhancing my view of her lovely titties, a good handful plus some leftover. Lucy is obviously weighing up how to respond to my question, yet in the end she just nodded.

“But you know about the dog’s knot, so you’re dreading to try in case mom catches you,” I said to her.

Her eyes bulged and face blanched. “How—”

I raised my hand to silence her. “How do you think we boys were ever able to jerk-off around here? We had a system where one kept watch while we could do it.”

Lucy lowered her head, thinking about what I just said. Suddenly she laughed loudly, looking at me. I knew why she was laughing, you have to know our mom to understand. Let’s just say joining the Marines at nineteen was the only way I could escape her clutches. As the oldest, her mothering is unbearable sometimes. So I know what Lucy is going through, except the ‘wanting to fuck a dog’ part.

I asked her, “Why dogs? Why not some dude from your school? Shit, I’d fuck you any day.”

She shrugged. Not answering me.

An awkward silence made us feel uncomfortable, except Rufus, who circled Lucy with lustful intentions and a raging boner. What a fucked up situation, I thought.

Eventually Lucy said, “I don’t need someone to keep watch. I need someone to stop him knotting me.”

I still can’t believe what came out of my mouth then.

“OK, mom’s gone a while, so get your kit off.”

Her head jerked back. “What?”

“If you want to get your rocks off with Rufus before mom gets home, then strip,” I said looking up briefly.

Reluctantly Lucy stood and pulled her top over her head, it was a bit tight as it was too small for her as I said earlier. Into view came her perfectly formed breasts and nipples, a c-cup I suspected. Her purplish/pink nipples erect.

“Now your shorts.”

Lucy gave me a look of ‘we shouldn’t really be doing this’, but hooked her thumbs into her shorts and pulled them down. She had the cutest pussy I’d seen in ages. Lucy is a shaver, and her pussy lips looked so smooth I felt my balls tingle and my cock twitch. I stepped toward her and cupped one of her breasts in my hand. I then placed my hand between her legs, smoothing her pussy with the palm of my hand. Although I took her by surprise, she parted her legs, allowing me to feel her. She’s already moist with anticipation.

“I thought you were going to help me with Rufus, not feel me up?” Her eyes at first shining, then glossing over and softening as she asked me.

I stared at her exquisite blue eyes. “If you want my help, then you gotta give me something too.”

I slipped a finger between her pussy lips and dragged it upward along her rubbery skin. Lucy gave out a loud moan and her knees almost buckled as my digit contacted her clit. Rufus is still on the prowl, sniffing her and licking his lips. His acute sense of smell zoning in on her heat. I brushed the hair from her face and watched the dog, patrolling her room.

“You’ll make sure he doesn’t knot me? I’m not ready for that yet,” she asked, clutching her hands tightly.

I nodded, and suddenly Lucy fell to the floor, landing softly on her butt and laying back opening her legs. Rufus ran around excitedly as I stepped back to the door. I had to keep an ear out for mom as she has this annoying habit of popping up unexpectedly.


Rufus sniffs the air, licked his lips, and buries his nose into her smooth cunt. His tongue shoots out, running from her mound, over her clit, between her pussy-lips, and ass. The rough wetness of it makes her gasp. Rufus continued, and before long the all-consuming devouring of her genitals had her moaning loudly. His tongue, is as if a blur, lapped and laved her smooth cunt making wet noises. Lucy squirmed and moved her whole body in lustful exuberance, while fingers pinched her dark pink nipples.

Steve’s cock sprang to life watching this depraved scene unfold in front of him. His little sister acting like a wanton whore. Intermittently they locked eyes and he knew she’s getting off on him being present too. Her flushed sweaty face glowed in the light streaming through the window.

This is not her first time doing this, he thought. My sister? Fuck me!

Lucy feels as if his tongue had reached into her and is stroking her insides. Gasping between moans, she keeps squirming beneath him, wanting more of his torturous attention. Her blood seemed to pulse thickly, every beat sending pleasure to her limbs. Rufus’s mouth never stopped for a moment, hovering between her splayed thighs. His breath almost unbearably hot against her already heated flesh.

Rufus’s eyes caught hers, feverish, bright, and feral. Her eyes nearly rolled out of her head as his tongue delved into her. She could focus on little else beside his skillful tongue as it raked her clit sending shocks of pleasure through her.

The ache in her body intensified, coiling tighter until his tongue flicked rapidly against a concentrated bundle of nerves. She gasped while her body convulsed in indescribable pleasure, with lightning hot intensity. Her hips bucked against the muzzle of their own violation, her back bowing to accommodate the way her muscles are clenching.

She trembled as the pleasure slowly eased, the gentle swipes of his tongue making her jerk slightly with each pass against the sensitive bud. Steve stared wide-eyed, her flushed body sagging from her orgasm, though Rufus kept licking her.

Fuck me, sis. That was beautiful, he said, his cock now clearly tenting his pants.

Lucy gathered her strength and pushed Rufus away. She shook her body as the residual feelings of her orgasm continued to weigh on her.

After a deep breath, she looked at Steve and said, “OK, you ready?”

“Fuck, yeah!”

With litheness of her youth, she quickly placed herself onto her hands and knees, her ass is facing Steve giving him a money shot. Fucking lucky dog, he thought. Rufus licked her from behind for a brief time before his blatant desire took hold. He mounted her and gave some quick thrusts missing his mark poking her anus.

“Ow, not there,” Lucy said, turning back to look. “Help him will ya?”

I jumped, my mind is blown and I’m in a bit of a daze. Taking a quick look into the hallway and seeing no sign of mom, I go to Lucy’s side. Taking hold of his cock and guiding it to her pussy lips. When his cock head felt the warmth and wetness of her pussy, he gave a quick thrust forward.

“Ouch,” Lucy groaned as Rufus’s cock thrust inside her tight cunt.

Rufus has just broken her cherry, I thought, amazed as I spotted some blood.

Rufus gripped her by her hips with his paws, and starts pounding into her. I had thought his tongue was fast, however, the way he wildly rode her left me wide eyed and speechless.

“Ow, ouch, Ouchy-WA-WA,” Lucy cried, tears running down her face as she endured the pain of losing her cherry.

I cupped her jaw in my hand. “Do you want me to stop it?” I asked her.

She bit her lip, and shook her head.

Rufus begins bucking his hips in a rhythmic fury, and Lucy gasps as the thick cock pushes into her cervix with blunt force. Her legs wobble, much as her breasts do as her body moves. The wobble turns into a tremble, and a red flush starting at her face moves around her body. She lets out a loud squeal as she cums on Rufus’s cock. Her first orgasm from vaginal intercourse.

Rufus is on a mission, before his Lucy has a chance to change her mind, he keeps fucking her as hard as he can. Stretching and ramming her young cunt as it had never been. Feeling her warm, velvety folds wrapping around his red, hard cock sparked Rufus into a frenzy of fucking. Lucy moans loudly as she feels his slick cock sliding between the walls of her pussy.

Her body resonating to his primal thrusts, as another orgasm builds inside her. All too soon, her release crashes into her again, this time accompanied by loud broken sobs. Rufus lets out a whine of his own and quickened his pace even more, continuing to pump through her orgasm. Her flexing, clenching walls worked to coax out his release. Within a moment, Rufus lunged forward, burying his knot into her cunt before I could stop it.


I grabbed Rufus and pushed him backward and mercifully the knot slid out of her abused cunt. I noticed how swollen and red her pussy lips are now, and my cock twitched again and I could feel myself squirt in my pants.

“It’s OK, it’s out now,” I said.

Rufus balls started to wriggle and soon cum started leaking from my sister’s cunt around the big dog cock inside her. Lucy moaned loudly and I could see her pussy and ass clench and relax continuously as another orgasm exploded inside her. The hot wet feeling of Rufus’s cum seemed to soothe her sore insides.

Lucy is panting, her body glowing pink and red from the fucking she had been given. Now is as good a time than any, I thought. Lowering my shorts I get my cock out and crawl around to Lucy’s face.

Waving my cock in front of her, I said, “Come on, suck it.”

Lucy grimaced and glanced into my eyes betraying her reluctance.

She said, Steve, I don’t know. It’s—”

“Oh, you can fuck a dog, but this is somehow against your religion?”

I stared at her with a deep frown and narrow eyes. She swallowed and opened her mouth so I slid my cock head inside. Her cheeks hollowed out as she genuinely sucked my knob. Those baby blue eyes looking up at me as if to ask if she is doing OK. I smiled at her.

She took a deep breath and slowly, patiently worked her way down the length of my long shaft until her lips brushed against my pubic hair. All my cock is inside her mouth while Rufus still had his cock inside her cunt. The head of my cock is beyond the back of her throat. Lucy savored the sensation for a few seconds.

Lucy wished she could stay like this all day, keeping my cock between her lips and sucking me off with Rufus engorged cock between her pussy lips. Her head slid over his cock massaging his shaft with her lips, sucking and licking my leaky knob. My precum is spraying into her hot mouth, and the sight of my hot little sister sucking me is too much for me in the moment.

“I’m gonna cum!”

Lucy wrapped her arms around my waist and pulled me into her mouth, unwilling to sacrifice any of his ambrosial essence, as she eagerly awaiting his climax. She didn’t have to wait long.

My cock spasmed and flexed inside her mouth. I quivered, trembling, as cum gushed into her mouth, nearly overwhelming me. Ecstasy crashed over me, sending me tumbling into depths of euphoria. My orgasm spread through my limbs, my brain lost in a haze as I lost track of everything but the cock in my sister’s mouth.

Lucy jubilantly drank every last drop I shot inside her mouth, filling her stomach with cum. She sucked fervently, consuming all I could deliver until my balls became empty and dry. My body stopped shuddering and she surrendered my happy cock. Falling onto my legs I sat panting as my cock quickly softened.

Rufus was gone, he must’ve gone to find a place he could lick his cock in peace. Lucy collapsed onto the floor in front of me thoroughly fucked.

Having sucked me dry, and rolling her tongue around my cock, for good measure, she said, “You enjoyed that didn’t you?”

“I sure did.”

“I’m sore, Rufus’s cock was bigger than I thought.”

“It’ll get easier, at least that’s what I’ve heard,” I said, stroking her soft face in my hand.

“Can we do it again?”

“Fuck yeah,” I said. “Let your body recover from this time first. It’s been a big day, you’ve lost your virginity.”

“Yeah,” she said and sighed.

“C’mon, go shower and wash all that dog cum out of you before mom gets home.”

I helped her to her feet and she went to the bathroom to shower. I cleaned her room for her, then went and made myself a cup of coffee. I sat on the sofa trying to get my head around what had just happened when Lucy walks past naked. My cock springs to life again.

Damn, girl, I’m gonna fuck the shit outta you for the next month, I thought. Me and Rufus.

The End

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