Women with Animals

Accepting a position at a Chimp Institute in Uganda


Being interested in primates was something close to my heart, going back as far as I can ever remember.

So it was not a shock to anyone , when I majored in the study of primates, took a part time job at a local zoo, but was heart broken when my body became fully developed, stopping at 5’8”, weighing just over a hundred pounds and having a huge set of boobs, well over double E’s, not sure what the actual size was, due to no sag, I never wore a bra.

Not sure where I read this or if someone told me, but upon graduation, my advisor asked me why I seemed so sad, having graduated at the top of the class, a future assured in this field. Looking at her, tears in my eyes, “Oh Mrs Anderson, I had my mind set on working in one of Jane Goodall’s facilities, but with this huge chest, I realize it will disqualify me from being even looked at”

She looked at me with a shocked look on her face, then reaching out, toughing my shoulder, “OH Nikki, wherever did you get the idea the size of your chest has anything to do with being hired or not. It doesn’t believe me”

She went on to tell me, she had personally talked to the recruiting agent for the Goodall foundation, they were interested in me coming to Arlington, Virginia to talk to her about the future of us combining our efforts.

Needless to say, I was in total shock, but knowing my dreams were not killed, quickly making arrangements to fly down there.

The interview was an eye opening multiple hours, not really aware what the foundation was doing, when a position was offered, I didn’t need any time to think about it, jumping at the offer. I can’t ever remember being so excited.

Starting out in the Virginia office, since I had prepared so well, at the zoo, my advancements came fast, in less then a year, a position in Uganda was offered, working directly with a troop of Chimps that had been one of Miss Goodall’s first group to work with.

Landing at the nearest airport, the country was beautiful, more so then I could have ever imagined. The four wheeled Jeep like auto took several hours for us to arrive at the headquarters.

I guess the first thing that was a shock to me, multiple chimps were moving around the compound, not at all encumbered, but roaming freely. A stunning dark haired lady stood by the place where we parked, holding out her hand, “Nikki, so glad you have decided to join us, we have been looking forward to you being here, my name is Jessica, I run the facility, although most of us agree the chimps really are the ones who run the place”

As early as high school, my sexual interest was female only, having no desire to be with males, something Jessica picked up on, taking my arm, linking the two of us together

Meeting many of the primates, it was easy to greet them, different from the zoo, this group was as comfortable with us, as if this was as natural as anything could have ever been. There were both sexes in the compound … something that surprised me was how comfortable everyone was with touching me. The females touched my arms and legs, playing with my boobs, pinching and pulling on my nipples, the males seemed to enjoy touching my bottom, squeezing the cheeks, running their paws down between my legs.

Jess pulled me closer, “The group have never seen anyone with breasts like you have, that is why they love to touch them and pulling on your visible nipples, let me know if this is more then you can stand”

I was hanging on her arm, never being as excited as these animals were making me, telling her how excited I was becoming, by this time we had reached the alpha male, Coco, who had been watching me all the time. This one walked up to me, being as tall or maybe even a little taller then my 5’8” height, running his hand between my legs, but not stopping, instead cupping my sex, my panties were soaked, his digits played back and forth with the aroused and puffy folds, making me moan, leaning on Jessica for support.

Bringing his hand out, sniffing the fingers then tasting them, letting out some kind of a grunt he was gone.

We were only a short distance from my bungalow, helping me there, my belongings had been moved in, easing me down on a small love seat, “I know all of this was a shock to you, normally none of the staff wear any clothes, we only get dressed when someone new is visiting us, that way we are closer to the primates actually becoming part of their troop”

Something I had noticed, but until now didn’t understand, “I haven’t seen any male workers here, only females. Do we not have any males working at this facility?”

Moving closer to me, rubbing my shoulders, then moving her hand to my bare leg, she explained no human males are allowed in the area, this group of chimps have an alpha, but all males are allowed to copulate and reproduce. The females are fascinated by our hairless bodies and your huge boobs have all the females excited, which will in turn excite the males.

My legs had opened wide, her hand began rubbing my pussy, using both hands to pull the panties off, kneeling down between the open legs, kissing, sucking the outer lips, her thumb rubbing the clit, making it stand out like a small penis … I was so aroused it only took a few minutes for me to go crashing over the edge, letting me enjoy one of the most fantastic climaxes I have ever felt.

Setting on the porch, looking at a typical beautiful sunset taking place over a wide arena, “Tomorrow we will all show up nude as usual, but something you should know that was not told to you, because we have never let anyone know outside this group, eventually if you stay, one of the males will fuck you. This group of males contain an addicting drug in their seed. Once inside you the addiction will be set. You’ll have to excite one of the group to fill you again, the society is a sexual troop, so the females keep you excited, like them the continual teasing helps put off the need to be filled again, but that will only prolong the need so long, eventually a male will have to use you. ” Then she giggled, “But with those tits, there will be no end to males wanting to play with them. So do we pack you up and take you back or are you staying?”

I have never been so aroused as I was today, but staying meant I agreed with the practice of beastality, instead of making that decision now, I decided to sleep on it and see what the morning brought.

As soon as the sun went down, a cool breeze dropped the hot temperature to the point of curling up in a blanket was needed, sleep came easily, causing me to wake early, walking out on the front porch, daylight just breaking … down by the stream, the big alpha male Coco had his back to me, but from his movements, it was obvious what he was doing. I had seen primates playing with themselves in the past, still nude quietly moving to the side getting a better view, frozen suddenly in my tracks. He had some how heard me or smelled me, turning so I could see the massive size of his shaft.

It was as if seeing what was between his legs, had not only captivated me, but was slowly drawing me to him. He had locked his eyes on me, slowly stroking the rigid pole, while my breathing had increased, down on all fours now, moving carefully to him, in the back of my mind, afraid I may scare him off.

He shifted again, now his legs wide open, hand pumping that rigid pole, a new scent seemed to engulf me, as soon as It was detected, my mind and body slowly spiked with a new feeling of sexual erotica and need. The closer I crawled, breasts tingled, nipples began to ache, a new wetness between my legs, had built to the point of not only moist, but dripping small droplets down my inner legs.

Before I realized it, my body was between his legs, the faint scent that first captured me, was now so intense, it was taking over my entire being. Leaning forward, licking the bulbous head he was stroking. As soon as my mouth was over it, somehow he filled my mouth with a wonderful nectar, instantly plunging me into a hypnotic state. Swallowing, he filled my mouth again and again when that one was consumed.

When the third mouthful was swallowed, he moved behind me, my body felt like it had been suspended in this erotic cloud. Rubbing the shaft up and down between my legs, then in one smooth motion, the entire rod slipped in all the way.

The rapid pounding, triggered multiple mini explosions, coating the rigid shaft pumping easily in and out of me.

I lost track of how long he entered and withdrew, but eventually the feeling of warm seed filled me, triggering the much needed relaxing pleasure I had been feeling ever since I arrived.

Finishing he stayed inside me, making sure my body absorbed the addicting juices he had given to me.

As my senses came back, eyes began to clear, Jessica was setting very close to me, smiling, “Guess you made up your mind to stay”

Slightly embarrassed, “I had no choice, as soon as I saw him, the seduction was taking place, he had me before I even stepped off the porch” Then a small giggle, “But now I wouldn’t trade this for anything”

By the end of the month, I had played with all the females, both primates and staff as well as being used by every male in the compound.

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