Men with Animals
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A lack of respect turns to Dogs and Donkeys


Being born with the so called, ‘Silver-spoon’, was an understatement about my life. My dad has olive skin, that tans quickly as soon as he is in the sun for a short time, mom was born with blue eyes and the Scandinavian blonde hair. Dad was a successful corporate lawyer, mom an emergency room physician, working in the local hospital. Both came from old money, so when I came along as an only child and grandchild on either side, being a boy everyone was delighted spoiling me with every thing I could ever desire.

School came easy for me, when I entered college, I was just over 6 foot tall, weighed 165 lbs, had the olive skin, the blonde hair and the darker then dark blue eyes. By this time I was also sprouting a good 10 inch play toy between my legs, making me extremely popular with the young ladies.

The parents bought me a Porsche to drive, unlimited credit cards, basically everything a young man could dream of was in my reach as soon as I got my license.

A habit that developed in high school was how much fun I’d have dating some girl, becoming serious with her, then just when she thought we had some kind of a future, I’d dump her, easily picking up another … only to repeat this process multiple times during those years.

High school years and some of college triggered emotions everywhere from calling me names, to crying and so on, however the year I graduated from college with a business degree, one lady in particular showed up at my place, no tears, no emotions at all, “Mike you used me, used my body, took advantage of my emotions, in every way possible deceived me into thinking we had something special. You lied to me, but that was a big mistake, someday you’ll find out just how big of a mistake it was” Then Jean was gone.

That was the first time I’d been opening threatened, but it didn’t worry me, already dating a good looking redhead with big tits and she was a delight in bed, I wasn’t the least worried about her threats.

As luck would have it, a job offer came my way at graduation from a group of business men who had formed a company to buy up manufacturing plants that were in trouble, picking them up for pennies on the dollar, selling off the assets for a huge profit, closing down the facility or partially closing it down, in many cases putting people out of work.

I fit right into this type of a business, in less then two years my bank account coupled with my investments were well over the million dollar mark, the future looked like nothing but smooth sailing, at that time planning on retiring at the age of 35, living the life of a playboy while enjoying the many playgrounds available for guys like me.

I was the one who was sent in early if a female was in a senior position of the targeted company, that was when a chemical research facility came up on our radar. They were over extended, many financial institutions were planning on freezing any additional credit lines, but the company had been owned by now three generations of one family, the granddaughter now running the place as CEO. She was 38, single, never married and so far she had been able to come up with needed funds to keep everything floating. From our research, unless they landed a profitable contract, the company could be shut down in a year give or take a few months.

I was assigned to meet her, see if a relationship could be established, convince her to sell for a comfortable amount, assuring her future … then we’d do like we always do, come in making a nice sized profit.

Meeting Elaine was easy, she frequented a club on a regular basis each weekend. She was a good looking brunette, nice firm boobs, nipples that were always on display and a killer figure. Sliding into a stool next to her, “Excuse me, are you saving this for anyone? My names Mike”

She smiled, telling me it was vacant, she was easy to talk to, finding out she ran a research department, where they were working with some clients on male and female physical changes, even to the point of sexual preferences being altered. It sounded fascinating, and had I been thinking clearly, what she told me would have been just the opposite of what our research had discovered.

I was more then surprised at how sexually aroused she seemed to be, suggesting we move to a small table, where we could get to know each other better. As soon as we were in the round booth setting very close, my hand on her bare leg, didn’t seem to bother her, if anything making her more aroused and aggressive.

For the first time in my life, I had meant a woman who was more dominant or seemed to be more dominant then me. She unzipped my shorts, was stroking my shaft, when she had me gasping, hips humping air, her mouth covered me, licking the head, running her tongue all he way along the underside of my shaft, making me whimper a little, taking me to the edge of exploding – then she stopped, “We need to be someplace where I can fuck your brains out. We have a play room at the factory, that I know you’d love. Would you like to see it?”

While she asked, her hand kept stroking my cock firmly but slow. Somehow this had me more turned on then I’d ever been before, not thinking straight, nodding my head that I’d love to see the room.

Taking my hand, telling me we’d go in her car, leaving mine in the parking lot, my pants down so she could keep me on the edge while we drove to her lab. Not going through the main gate, we entered a side door that was filled with a huge selection of sex toys, furniture and various straps and whips. Fixing us a drink, I was in such an erotic stage, I didn’t see her drop a small white tablet in my glass.

Slipping off her one piece outfit, tits were magnificent, a pussy shaved with the most exciting puffy lips I had ever seen. Straddling my lap, enjoying the drinks, she began a sexual dance on my lap, causing me to become more and more aroused, not aware of the muscle loss taking place from the drug she had given me, until it was too late.

Arms hanging useless at my side, looking at her, a combination of fear and terror in my eyes, “What have you done to me, I can’t move, what is happening?”

She took great delight in telling me her company was not in any financial trouble but falsified the reports to see if they’d send me to be the front man. The lab specialized on changing certain scents and in some cases desires to better suit various outcomes. For example they could make a dog want to only fuck cats, or cats that would desire dogs and so on.

That was when the shock of my life took place, stepping into the room, a familiar face, Jean hugged Elaine, “I see you’ve already meant my older sister Mike, we have been so excited to have you join us, so that you can experience the joy you have given to so many, for yourself”

My breathing was becoming difficult to maintain, fear gripped every cell in my body, looking at the two of them, “Please I’m sorry for the way I treated you, you don’t have to do this, I promise I’ll change, please don’t do anything to me”

Nothing I was saying seemed to even be heard, they moved me to a padded bench, securing my knees, ankles and wrists … then Jean gave me a series of shots along the opening of my ass. Then patting my ass, “Now we just have to wait for the drugs to take effect, then applying some special scented gel, you’ll be already to be used like you have done all your life to others”

Begging them that if they let me go, I wouldn’t tell anyone, I’d go back to the company explaining this was a big mistake, Jean knelt down close to my face. “The clubs cameras were conveniently turned off this evening, your cute little sports car is being stripped as we speak. When we have you completely re-programmed we have already sold you to a club owner in Mexico, specializing in strange sexual entertainment”

Before I could process what she was saying, my ass started to tingle then burn. That was when the gel was applied and Jean lead a big brown lab into the area. As soon as he caught a scent of me, I could see his small pointy pink cock come out of his sheath, thats when it hit me what was about to happen. “No please no, don’t let this happen, ohh please forgive me, I have money, I can pay you, please ….”

That was as far as I got, the huge dog licked my ass, sending a shot of pure sexual pleasure through my body. One of them, kissing me, “The shots have changed you into a female dog, being in pure heat, you need to get fucked, need to be impregnated, need to reproduce. They gel tells him your ready to become his bitch”

I heard what she had said, my body was betraying me, the need to have him in me was beyond any urge or feeling I’ve ever had, but my mind was screaming for this to stop, it wasn’t natural to be used by anyone, let along a dog … dropping my head down, trying to figure out what was happening to me. When he mounted me, his cock slipping easily inside, triggering the most erotic sexual feeling I’ve ever experienced. The rapid fucking, bringing me closer and closer to the edge, suddenly his knot slipped in, triggering a massive eruption, cum shooting out of my cock, leaving me throbbing, while he loaded me with his seed.

When he pulled out, his cum running down my legs, my own cock hard, pulsing again, Jean was setting in a chair close to me, “You were just fucked by a dog, you had an orgasm while being fucked by a dog, how do you feel?”

Tears were rolling down my cheeks, not able to speak, why had they done this to me, my whole body shaking.

The two of then undid my restraints, helping me onto an exam table, securing the ankles and wrists again, then playing with my already hard cock.

It only took a few minutes to get me aroused again, then shots were given in each of my balls, one more in the head of the shaft … kissing me again, “Now we just wait for these shots to take effect, then we’ll show you the final project”

The administration of the injections had caused so much pain, I was crying, begging them to stop, but in an hour or so, a strange new scent was picked up by me. It only took a few minutes for me to become rock hard, from the smell. Elaine was standing close to me, “What is that smell, it feels like it is exciting me, but I don’t recognize it?”

A small giggle, while she stroked me, “Good the shots are working, You need to be fucked by a dog, but what you’re smelling are the juices of a donkey in heat. In a few minutes we’ll release you so you can give her the pleasure she needs”

My hips were already humping up and down, cock as hard as it has ever been, bawling at what they had done to me, I needed to be used by a dog, while I did the same to a donkey …. my body was again shaking, as the restraints were undone, a donkey was brought in. Dropping to my knees, licking the juices she was producing, stroking my shaft, standing, slipping it inside her easily, gripping her flanks, pumping in and out, her tail moving back and forth against my body.

She was so warm, feeling perfect in every way, it did not take long for me to fill her full of my seaman. Braying when I pulled out, completely satisfied, but never in my life have I been more embarrassed.

A wave of submissive feelings washed over me, just as a beautiful brunette stepped up, snapping a collar on me, “He will be perfect, the members will love my new show”

Not resisting in the least, I was taken to a private jet, arriving south of Mexico city, that evening being introduced as the new act, a big dog fucked me, bringing on the usual climax from me, then wrapping up the evening by fucking a cute grayish black donkey, instantly falling in love.

Jean said she would get even, but I’m enjoying my new life, I am so grateful she helped me understand who I really love. Dogs and Donkeys.

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