Women with Animals

Truth or Dare (by Shady Lady Julie)


This story was written for a 1,000-word contest and the theme was open. I decided to write about that old game we have all played, “Truth or Dare.”


“Truth or dare?” I said trying to focus on my roommate Sandy.

We had been consuming cheap wine all evening and somehow had ended up playing a silly game of ‘truth or dare’. I was still a little flushed from my dare which was to walk from the room we shared in a university student block on the second floor, down to the ground-floor common room. The walk itself I had done many times, it was the fact I had to do it wearing nothing but my bunny slippers that made it a huge rush. I didn’t see anyone but the anticipation of any door opening and being caught made my heart beat faster and if I am honest turned me on.

“Your go Sandy, Truth or Dare?”

“Truth,” Sandy said with a smile.

“What’s the kinkiest thing you have ever done?” I said not really sure why I said it.

I saw Sandy pause for a moment before she said, “It all started in my last year at high school and it involved Benny.”

I could feel my heart jump into my throat as I knew that she must mean the same Benny who was in the picture beside her bed with her arms wrapped around his neck. It was a picture showing how much love and affection she had for Benny, the bit that shocked me was Benny was the family Labrador.

“My parents were away on holiday and I had the house to myself on the understanding of no parties and no boys. I was happy to agree to the first one but as the no boys Mum & Dad didn’t say I couldn’t see them just not in the house.

It was the Monday after they had left on the previous Saturday and I had been out with Rob, my boyfriend at the time, and things got pretty steamy. He wanted to come back to mine as he knew my parents were away but I wouldn’t let him as a promise is a promise. So as a compromise I let him fuck my brains out in the back seat of his car.”

We both giggled at this point as she had previously told me about Rob before and described him as an OK guy, a bit boring perhaps but the great thing about him was he had a huge cock and could fuck all night. Sandy then went on, “I was in the bathroom, totally naked, the smell of sex wafting out of my pussy, with dreams of him pounding me in the back seat of his car still running through my head. When I dropped my shampoo bottle just as I was getting ready to take my shower. It rolled behind the toilet and I had to kneel down on the tiles to reach it.

First, I put a towel down to kneel on as the tiles were cold and hard. It was just out of reach so I lowered my head and stretched my arm out for it. I was wearing a stainless steel ID bracelet that got caught on the handle of the water stop cock behind the toilet, near the floor.”

I couldn’t help but giggle at the thought of Sandy in that position.

“So there I was, wrist caught so I couldn’t move, kneeling on a towel, my ass up and my head down, boobs flat on the floor, my pussy still damp from both my dreams and from what he left in me last night, which was coating the outer lips and still a bit sticky on the inside of my thighs. Benny had followed me in, and the next thing I knew, I felt his nose pressing against my pussy, inhaling that sweet smell of a well-fucked pussy, and that’s when he started licking me.”

My giggles died and turned to shock as I found my throat had gone dry as I nodded before she went on.

“That’s about all I needed because after the shock and surprise wore off, I couldn’t believe how wonderful it felt! I was groaning and grunting as that wonderful tongue just ran from my clit to my anal star, back and forth, and I could feel myself building and building. I almost didn’t need a shower down there as he cleaned me up nicely, his tongue getting inside and working its way deeper and deeper, with me now thrusting back on his muzzle.”

The room was very silent as she blushed deeply and said quietly, “I came twice, each more intense than the last. Finally, my knees gave out and I collapsed onto the floor, my legs shaking and quivering.”

I was speechless and my head was spinning at her revelation, I knew I should be revolted yet the smell of my own sex wafting up told me a different story. I could see she hadn’t finished her story and I croaked out, “did he…”

Sandy laughed, “Not that day, I was too tingly and he didn’t really know what to do, but it wasn’t too many nights later he had me in my bedroom, making me his bitch. OK I had to watch a few bestiality porn movies to see how it was done and dithered about doing it, but the memory of his tongue in my pussy kept coming back and I just knew I had to see what else I could manage.”

I was still in shock, not sure what to say but I saw her glance at my chest and when I looked down I could see my nipples were as hard as chapel hat pegs.

“Do you still…” I managed to croak.

“Since that time I never went back to guys, broke up with my boyfriend and I am Benny’s bitch as often as I can get away with it.”

Quietly she said, “You can come and stay next holidays if you want, my parents will be away.”

To my shock I found myself uttering a single word…

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