Women with Animals
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Point of No Return


(c) 2017-2918 by Michael Rhoden

Part One

Mike knew as soon as he rode up on the bar his week was not going to get any better than it had been. He pulled up and parked his bike and looked across the parking lot and cursed under his breath at the Dodge Charger sitting on the lot. Melissa was a thorn in his side. Yea he could go to any bar in town, but he knew almost all the regulars here, and this bar was a major biker hang out. And of course, a hang out for biker mistresses.

Walking in he headed to the darker corner of the bar and ordered his drink praying Melissa had not seen him. But his luck sucked this week.

“What the hell Mike you would think you were avoiding me by coming in and not saying a word to me.” Melissa walked over and gave him a hug and a kiss on the cheek.

Mike did his best to shrug her off but to no avail. “I was trying to avoid you, Melissa. I wish you would get it through your thick skull I don’t want you or to have anything to do with you. I just want to drink my beer and try and relax from a crappy fucked up week.”

“You know Mike if you would just give me a chance, let’s just hang out or go for a ride. Having someone would make life for you so much better especially when it’s been a rough week.” She gave Mike a long look. Melissa could only guess what Mike was going through. For her though no amount of insult or cussing her was going to phase her. She enjoyed it. She was getting attention hell she thought to herself if he would slap me I would love it. The thought made her giggle and realize how fucked in the head she might be.

Mike shook his head. “I think I know why your last man left. You’re annoying as fuck; you don’t know what no means and you won’t shut your mouth.” Mike took A huge hit off his beer. He hated he was this way to her but too many failed relationships had made him bitter, and he wanted nothing to do with so called love. Yeah ok, some were his fault, but still, they were relationships that had failed. But he knew no other way. He had been brutally honest the first time she started hitting on him so either she was desperate, mentally unstable or enjoyed the verbal abuse to which he didn’t know she was taking his verbal punches like a champ though.

Melissa decided she needed to up the anti. “Mike you being a total asshole to me doesn’t mean squat. I can verbally spar with the best and my last man left because I according to him had gotten boring. So there is nothing you can say that will detour me. Nothing you can do to make me change my mind. I Want to be your woman; I want to take care of you. Just give me a chance please.”

Mike hit the last of his beer and slammed the bottle on the bar and stood up. He leaned over and whispered in Melissa’s ear. “Take a clue bitch I don’t want you, I’m an asshole, and your life would be shit, you would grow to hate me. Now fuck off.” And with that Mike headed out of the bar.

Melissa quickly followed and headed to her car. She wasn’t going to let him to that easy.

As Mike pulled out of the parking lot, she was in her car and following him. One thing Mike loved about where he lived was the seclusion. He lived outside the noisy city and far enough away from people. It was just him and his dogs. He turned into his driveway. As he was turning, he noticed a set of headlights coming down the road. It wasn’t till they turned into his driveway that he got suspicious. Quickly he set the bike on its kickstand and reached for his concealed pistol. Lifting it, he pointed it at the car pulling up.

Melissa jumped out now scared. She had never had a gun pointed at her. “Mike it’s me, please don’t shoot.” She threw her hands in the air.

“You stupid fucking bitch. What the fuck is your malfunction. Get the hell out of here.” Mike started moving toward her but lowered his pistol as he did so. Before Melissa could react, Mike had holstered his gun and grabbed her by the throat slamming her against the car. His face within inches of hers, he glared into her eyes. “You’re fucking lucky I didn’t shoot you. You’re about stupid for following me out here. What if I was some psycho. You would be dead right now if not raped as well, and not a single person would know.”

“Because you wouldn’t do that I know. You are only hiding your feelings from me. There is nothing you can do to turn me away.” Melissa struggled to speak as his grip tightened on her throat.

Mike nearly laughed. “You’re either stupid or a freak psychopath. I told you once I’ll repeat it you would grow to hate me. Now get your dumb ass out of here.” Mike pulled her away from the car then ruffly pushed her back letting her go as he did. Turning, he headed for his house.

Melissa caught her balance and stood up and reaching for Mike’s arm. She didn’t care what happened. Next, she knew she couldn’t let him go inside without talking first.

Mike felt the hand grip his arm. Before she could get a grip, he ripped his arm from her grasp and spun around looking her dead in her eyes. “You stupid bitch touch me again, and I will knock your head off your shoulders. Now get the fuck off my property before I change my mind and shoot you.”

“You don’t have the fucking balls, Mike. I told you there…..”

Mike didn’t let her get another word, and open handed slapped her across the face. “I don’t have the what?”

Melissa stepped back surprise on her face. He had slapped her. She touched her cheek. “You think that’s going to run me off? I’ve had worse; you don’t seem to understand Mike I want to be yours.”

“You are the craziest bitch I have ever met. You need to see a damn shrink.” Mike turned and headed for the door. His thoughts were of anger flowing through him. Never in his life had he ever hit a woman but she was bringing the worst out of him. And worst of all he felt better. Mike tried to shake that last thought.

Melissa again grabbed his arm this time she fell to her knees. And holding onto his arm as tight as she could.

Mike whirled around ready to lay another blow, That’s when he noticed she was now on her knees. “You have got to be kidding me.” This time he grabbed her hair and pulled her up to her feet. Dragging her back to her car, with all his might he slung her back to her car.

Melissa let out a yelp as she was pulled around by her hair, but the pain from her body hitting the car was far worse. Tears began to flow. “Mike please just give me one chance. Do your worst I don’t care you can’t hide your feelings for me forever.”

Mike stared at her in total disbelief. This nut job had just been slapped, dragged by her hair, and thrown into her car and she was still begging him. How the hell was he going to get rid of her short of putting a bullet in her head. That, of course, he didn’t want to do.

Melissa looked up at Mike she could see him thinking. All she wanted was to love him she knew that from the day she met him. She would do anything to prove to him. And she meant it. Well except leave that she was determined she wasn’t going to do.

Mike began to laugh. “Alright you crazy bitch I’ll give you a chance, and if you are still here by morning, we will talk.” Mike knew he must be out of his mind, but he had a few ideas that maybe just maybe would run her off. He turned on his heels and headed for the door.

Melissa felt her heart jump at those words and quickly scrambled to her feet and followed Mike to the door.

Mike stopped at the door then turned to look at her. “Where the fuck do you think you’re going?”

“Um, you said you were going to give me a chance I was just following you,” Melissa said with total confusion.

Mike smiled “ Oh no you’re going to wait right here and while you are waiting you are going to strip naked and put your clothes in the car.”

“What? What is this a damn joke?” Melissa couldn’t believe her ears.

“No, it’s not a joke. I told you if you were here by morning we would talk. I can say this is not going to be pleasant for you; You did say I could do anything, so that’s what I plan on doing. Now get naked I’ll be right back” And with that, he stepped inside.

Melissa stood at the door. What the hell did he have planned, what the hell had she just got herself into?

A few minutes passed, and Melissa heard a gate open. She turned the direction of the noise, and Mike stepped through.

“What the fuck I thought I told you to get naked but yet here you stand fully fucking dressed. Mike quickly closed the distance. He grabbed her hair and dragged her back to her car. “Now fucking strip or get in your car and leave, or I can remove them for you.”

“I’m not removing my clothes out here no way in hell” Melissa shoved Mike away from her.

“Ok fine have it your way” Mike grabbed her head and forced her over while doing so he grabbed her shirt and pulled it off.

Melissa grabbed at her shirt desperately trying not to let him remove it and failing miserably. “stop Mike please”

Mike got her shirt off and quickly and roughly removed her bra in the same manner. After getting her bra off, he spun her toward her car and grabbed ahold of her pants Quickly undoing the button, he yanked them and her panties to her ankles. Turning her back around to face him he stepped back. “Now I suggest unless you want me to finish removing them myself I think you should step out of your pants.”

Melissa tried her best to cover herself while removing her pants. “ What, what are you going to do to me? She began to cry as she asked him.

“Oh you will see, ” and with that, he grabbed her hair and drug her to the back yard.

As they went around back, Melissa saw three dog houses and several dog toys strewn about the yard. As they got closer, she realized one of the dog houses was going to be for her. “Mike why are you doing this please don’t do this to me, Please” Her pleading she realized was to no avail.

Mike reached into his waistband and removed a collar. Taking the collar, he put it around her neck. Then reached down and grabbed a rope with a latch and attached it to the ring on the collar. “ Now you have two choices. One you can stay the night and be here in the morning, or you can leave, but if you leave you agree never to return here, never show up at the bar. Your choice” As he said this he headed to the back door. Just as he reached the door, he turned and said “ Oh and don’t piss my dogs off ok?” He turned and went inside. As he entered three large dogs ran out the back door.

Melissa started crying, what was she going to do. She didn’t want to leave, but then she didn’t expect this. Being treated this way and left outside naked with three large dogs.

As the dogs came running up Melissa got on her knees and backed into the doghouse she was attached to. It was going to be a long night, but Melissa had no idea how bad it was going to get.

Melissa tried her best to push the dogs away as they kept trying to stick their heads in and sniff her. She heard the back door open, and all three dogs took off in a run.

“ Dinner time!” Mike shouted as he stepped out.

Melissa stuck her head out of the dog house and watched as he set down bowls for all three dogs. Then he brought another bowl to her and set it down outside the opening. She looked up at him. “What the fuck I’m not a damn dog.”

“Well if you don’t want it I’ll take it back in then, damn sure don’t need my dogs eating human food. Oh, I suggest if you want fresh water you get a drink before Zeus crawls into it.” Mike turned and went back inside.

Melissa looked at the bowl and pulled it into the doghouse. Inside the bowl was eggs and bacon. She gave off a sigh and used her hands to dish out the food.

Melissa woke up feeling very thirsty. She peered out the opening. One of the dogs was lying just outside the dog house. She didn’t see the others but figured they were asleep in the other dog houses.

Quietly Melissa crept out of the doghouse. As she came out and looked around and noticed a large metal tub. She quietly made her way to it. Still, on her hands and knees, She used one hand to scoop water and lifted it to her mouth.

As she drank, she didn’t take notice of one of the dogs coming up behind her. When the dog’s cold nose hit her pussy, Melissa just about jumped out of her skin. She rolled over onto her butt, back to the large metal wash tub. “Bad dog” She scolded. Before she could make any other move the large dog forced his muzzle between her legs, With both hands she tried her best to push him backward.

Finally, after several forceful shoves, she had pushed him back enough to seek to escape his onslaught. She scrambled to her feet and tried to get to the doghouse. As she was about to stand the dog knocked her back down by jumping on to her back. Melissa fought with her every being to try and get up or at least get him off of her.

Melissa tried to stand up again as she gained her feet the dog gave a forceful shove, she fell back down to her hands. When she tried again the dog let out a loud growl. Melissa froze in fear.

Once the dog figured he had her under control, he repositioned himself humping as he did so.

Melissa cried out trying to keep him from gaining position. Each time she moved he would growl at her. She finally cried out praying Mike would hear her scream. “Mike, please help me god, please help!”

She struggled to move forward only too late to realize she had made a mistake. As soon as she moved the dog gained ground and position. After several humps he made contact. Melissa screamed at the intrusion to her pussy. OH my god I’m going to be raped by a dog, god, please don’t let this happen, please. “Mike HELP!” She screamed as loud as she could.

Mike heard her screams the first one he waived off. “Fuck if you can’t handle it go the fuck home.” He casually hollered. The second scream got his attention. “Damn it can’t a man fucking relax.” Mike got up from his recliner and hurried to the door. God forbid she was hurt.

When he got to the door and looked out the window the site had him nearly laughing. Before him was Melissa on all fours and his German Shepherd Boss on her back humping like mad. He stood and watched the show.

Melissa cried out trying her best to free herself, but the dog had a tight grip on her hips. After several misses, his cock had found its target. His pace picked up, and Melissa let out multiple screams. OH FUCK NO NO NO, PLEASE FUCK NO!” Tears filled her eyes.

After several thrusts, Melissa felt something large trying to enter her pussy. And the dog was humping harder trying to force it in. She realized what the large object was. It was his knot, she began to panic, she moved trying to prevent entry, but her final move of her hips gave the dog ease of access. His knot slid in; Her eyes went wide. The next surprise hit her like a ton of bricks each time the dog pulled back his knot pressed against her g-spot. Waves of electricity shot through her body that and the mix of hot cum hitting her insides caused her body to convulse. Melissa’s eyes rolled as the large knot induced orgasm hit her body.

Melissa went limp and fell forward her ass still in the air. Mini orgasms pulsed through her body. She shook with each one.She began to pray Mike had not heard her. Fuck what would he say if he came outside?

Just when Melissa thought things couldn’t get worse. She heard as noise that made her body freeze, and her heart pound through her chest.

“Well I’ll be damned, you let him fuck you wow. I hope you enjoyed it.” Mike knelt down so she could see his face. “Now that you made ol Boss here happy you can’t leave the other two out that wouldn’t be fair to them.” Mike reached over and patted Boss on his head.

Melissa looked in disbelief. “ Please, Mike no Please don’t make me do that. Please, this isn’t right.” She pleaded desperately.

“Well, now I guess if that’s the case you can get up after he pops out and take your happy ass on home. Now I only had you out here naked you took it further by seducing my dog. So that being said you can leave or you can make my other two pups very happy.” Mike looked at her with a solemn look.

“I didn’t seduce him, Mike, please this is not what I meant by you could do anything.” Melissa was near tears now.

“Oh, sweetheart you’re the one on all fours and a dogs cock deep in your pussy. You are the one that came into my backyard instead of leaving.” Mike patted Melissa on the head “now again you have a choice you can be a good little bitch and make the other two happy, or you can get up and leave never to speak my name ever again. Oh and just so you know if you try and report this I have security video of you fucking Boss.” Mike smiled as with final word he spits in her face.

Melissa couldn’t believe what she was hearing. She felt trapped, she wanted Mike badly but was this worth the humiliation? She could handle being hit, spit on, cussed at, insulted and humiliated but this was a whole new level. Her tears were flowing, and her orgasms as hard as she tried to hide them were driving her crazy.

Boss finally was able to dismount Melissa’s back and turn butt to butt. This movement sent a massive orgasm coursing through her body. She let out a deep uncontrolled moan. One she wish she could have controlled.

“Wow sounds like ol boss there has his new bitch excited and ready for more. So whats your answer hmmm?” Mike grabbed Melissa face and turned it to his.

Melissa’s humiliation was at its highest she couldn’t believe her body was enjoying this, worst of all she wanted to admit she was too. She pulled her face away trying to hide her embarrassment. “Fine, I’ll do it.”

Mike laughed so hard he nearly toppled over. “Wow she has gone from crazed stalker to total doggie slut, now I have to wonder what else you are capable of.”

After several minutes and what Melissa thought was an orgasmic eternity Boss’s knot had gone down enough he was able to pull out. He strolled to the doghouse Melissa had occupied and laid down.

Before Melissa could try and move another of the dogs came up behind her and started licking her pussy. This sent shockwaves through her body.

Mike reached over and thumped the dog on his head. “No boy no licking just get up there and get your nut off. I want to go to bed soon, just wanna make sure this little bitch doesn’t leave you to hanging and horny.

The big dog backed up from the thump, though it didn’t hurt it got his attention. Mike would never abuse any of his dogs. They ate healthily, had a big yard to run in and on hot days and nights, or inclement weather they were inside. And now he was presented with a bitch to take care of their other needs.

Without any further coaxing, the next dog got onto Melissa’s back. Gripping her hips tightly he began to thrust his hips forward. Several misses and a couple of times remounting his red rocket found what it was looking for.

Melissa could feel his weight every time he remounted her, and each time she prepared herself. What she wasn’t prepared for was the onslaught of a massive dog cock and extremely aggressive humping more aggressive than that of Boss.

“Now Beauregard here has fucked a few other big female dogs, so he is a little more experienced than Boss or Booger. Oh and you can call him Bo.” Mike stood up and stepped back to watch.

Melissa first orgasm hit but it was minor compared to those Boss had given her. With each hump Melissa began to let herself go, She figured if she was going to do this she might as well relent and enjoy it. Her moans became more audible especially as Bo’s knot started hitting her and trying to force its way in.The cock size alone was sending shock waves through her body. She tried adjusting her body and relaxing to allow Bo better access.

Better access was exactly what Bo got. He plunged his knot into Melissa. She screamed out in pleasure and pain. “OH FUCK OH GOD FUCK FUCK OH FUCK!” Melissa dropped her head and then looked at the sky as the first massive orgasm hit. “OH MY FUCKING GOD!” She yelled through clenched teeth then she let out a low moan that sounded like a growl.

“Well I’ll be damned I think the dog fucking is turning you into a bonafide dog. That was a growl if I ever heard one. Damn Bo, you get it and enjoy it” Mike squatted down this time facing Melissa.

The hot cum spurting into Melissa pussy she could feel escaping the tie and dribble down her legs. She felt overly full not from just his cock but all the cum he was shooting into her. She thought he was never going to stop. And the pressure on her G-spot was almost too much to bare.Her orgasms just kept coming. If anything she thought to herself she would sleep like a baby and probably not be able to walk for a week,

After nearly 30 minutes Bo was able to pull free, He like Boss headed to one of the doghouses to lay down.

Booger seeing his chance clambered onto Melissa’s back and immediately started humping the air between him and her body. Finally, he found what he was searching for. As soon as his cock entered his bitch, he pounded her as fast as he could. To Mike, he looked like an automotive piston at full throttle.

Melissa screamed in pain as soon as Booger made the insertion. It wasn’t her pussy but her ass he had found and now was pounding relentlessly. “HE’S IN MY ASS PLEASE STOP HIM PLEASE FUCK FUCK!”

Booger didn’t know he was in her ass and didn’t care his animal instincts were in full overdrive all he knew was he found a hole it was tight, and he wanted to breed his bitch.

After a few minutes of being jack hammered Melissa’s ass gave way to Boogers knot. It was small compared to Bo and Boss, but to her virgin ass, it might have well been a cannon ball forcing its way in. Though her body was to some extent reacting positively to the cock in her ass she could swear she was being ripped in two. She felt everything even more so, his size, and then the hot cum shooting inside her and filling her up. Her moans betrayed her thoughts. She was enjoying the abuse.

Mike laughed as soon as she cried out that he was in her asshole. “Well good you won’t have any problems next time he crams it into your ass.”

Booger finally stopped pumping her full of cum and turned himself around now facing butt to butt. Booger started pulling trying to get to the water in the metal wash tub. Melissa had no choice but to move with him. Between orgasms and shooting pain the five feet might as well have been five miles.

Mike now content his dogs were taken care of decided it was time to go in. But before he passed Melissa he stopped and turned to face her. “Well, you are now officially a doggy cum loving bitch. But we will see if you are still here by morning which I doubt. And that’s fine by me. So before I head inside, I have one more thing for you.”

Melissa hanging her head in shame looked up as Mike finished talking. To her surprise, he was undoing his pants. She quickly closed her eyes and opened her mouth thinking he was going to make her suck him off.

Mike grinned as he watched her open her mouth. He pulled his cock out and released a torrent of piss.

Melissa gagged as soon as the warm liquid hit her tongue, it was very pungent. When she opened her eyes, she realized he was pissing in her mouth and was adjusting his aim when she had begun to wretch. He pissed on her back on her head and face. She felt even more humiliated by this action. She tried her best to avoid the spray of piss but to little success.

Mike finished peeing and put his cock back into his pants and admired a now piss soaked doggie slut. “Well, good night sleep well.” Mike headed back inside leaving Melissa still knotted to Booger naked and soaked in piss and her legs coated in dry dog cum.

When Booger freed himself from her ass, Melissa fell to the ground curled up and began to cry. She knew she had crossed a line that she could never go back to. She was at a point passed no return.She had fucked three dogs and enjoyed it and had been paid for her actions with Mike pissing all over her. She hated to admit it but that humiliation she even enjoyed even though the piss tasted awful.


Part Two

Mike woke the next morning with a raging hard on. His dreams had been more than erotic more like extreme erotic. He drug himself reluctantly out of bed. He had to piss like a horse.

Stepping into the back room he glanced out the window of the door. Melissa was still curled up where he had left her, and all three dogs lay around her.

He quietly opened the door and stepped out side. All three dogs took notice and got up and trotted over to him. Mike knelt down and patted all three while quietly speaking to each one.

Still not moving Melissa slept soundly. Her dreams filled with a room full of horny dogs. She was laying on a floor, a dog over her and she was sucking his cock. She removed the dog from her mouth and let his juices splash her face. Those splashes became a steady stream. She looked at the cock, but nothing was coming out.

Melissa woke from her dream to find piss splashing her face and hair. The stream suddenly stopped.

Mike looked down at a very awake and dirty girl. “About time you woke up. I was about to run out of piss. Now open your mouth, I know you gotta be thirsty.”

Melissa nearly refused and thought of what might be the consequences. She didn’t like the thought. She opened her mouth wide.

Mike released what was left in his bladder, at first the stream arced a little weak, he quickly adjusted and began filling her mouth.

Melissa had no idea what to do, and her mouth was filling up fast. She closed her mouth and swallowed quickly then opened her mouth to take the rest.

“Now aren’t you a good little girl. You learn quickly. Now let’s go inside.” Mike took two steps then turned just in time to see MeLissa begin to get to her feet. “Um no, you don’t you will stay on all fours till I tell you other wise. Now let’s go. ”

Melissa looked toward the door at the edge of the grass line a concrete porch lead to the door. She got to the edge and lifted herself up off her knees and quickly scurried to the door.

Once inside she relaxed and went back down to her knees. The dogs were already in the living room taking their perspective spots.

Mike stopped at the doorway leading to the kitchen. “Now here is what I’m going to expect from you today. First, you are going to get your nasty piss and dog cum covered body cleaned up. You may stand while getting cleaned. Once you are done, you will return to all fours. I will be leaving in a few to get a few things. If the boys get wound up, you are to make sure they get what they want. When I return, we will discuss what I expect from you.”

Melissa knew she needed to respond but didn’t know how to. Then she threw caution to the wind. “ Yes, sir.”

“Good girl now come here I need some relief, and your mouth looks like it will do.” Mike dropped his boxers.

Melissa crawled over and raised up off her hands and went to grab hold of his cock. Before she could grab it, she received a vicious open handed slap across her face.

“You don’t fucking touch me unless I say. Stupid bitch.” Mike raised his hand and slapped Melissa’s face again.

Melissa to her benefit didn’t udder a sound. A tear from the pain of the slaps rolled down her cheek. Melissa struggled to think of what to do. Then she remembered a friend had told her about BDSM and she remembered looking it up online and seeing a picture of a girl kneeling her hand’s palms up resting on her legs and head down. She quickly took the pose she remembered.

Mike smiled, this little slut catches on fast.

Mike grabbed Melissa’s chin and lifted her head up. “Open”

Melissa complied and quickly opened her mouth.

Mike’s hard on quickly returned. He didn’t know if it was her kneeling naked in front of him or slapping her that re-awoke his cock but either way her mouth was going to get him some relief.

Mike grabbed a handful of hair and pulled her head forward putting his cock in her mouth. “ Now start sucking, show me how bad you want me to cum.

Melissa wrapped her lips around his cock and slowly started sucking him in. Her pussy began to get wet. She felt the juices start leaking down her leg.

“What the fuck is this slow shit.” Mike removed his cock and landed to hard slap to her face. “Fucking bitch I said suck it as you want me to cum. Not torture my cock.” Mike took a firm grip on her hair and shoved his cock back in her mouth all the way to the base. He started fucking her mouth wanting to quickly cum.

Melissa fought her gags as Mike’s cock hit the back of her throat. Saliva built up fast in her mouth; she had no time to swallow. Saliva leaked out the sides and down to her chin. Mike’s cock became slick with her saliva.

Mike closed his eyes enjoying the sensation of her mouth on his cock. It has been far too long since he had cum in a woman. With each thrust, he felt his balls tighten up.

Melissa felt the head of his cock swell. She could no longer hold her gags. Her eyes watered and drool cascaded out of her mouth.

Mike gripped Melissa’s hair and with a final shove groaned as his cum coated Melissa’s mouth.

Melissa couldn’t believe the amount of cum that filled her mouth and slamming the back of her throat. It took every bit of her effort not to spit it out from gagging.

Mike removed his cock from her mouth he noticed cum still on it. “You fucking bitch” Mike pulled her to her feet and with his free hand slapped Melissa’s tits several times causing them to turn bright red.

The pain of having her tits slapped repeatedly brought tears to her eyes. Melissa bit her bottom lip trying to squelch any sound. “I’m sorry please forgive me. I’ll gladly clean it off please.”

“I’m sorry? What the fuck is that shit. I’m sorry? And I’ll gladly clean it up? You better learn your place bitch, and you better do it quickly.”

Melissa felt him grip her hair tight; she let out a small whimper. And quickly revised what she had said. “I’m sorry sir. Please forgive me. If you will sir I will gladly clean up my mess.”

Mike pushed down on her head forcing her back to her knees. He watched as she opened her mouth waiting for his cock. Instead, he grabbed his cock and smeared the remnants of his cum all over her face. Then pulling her hair, he forced her to look at him. He then spit in her face. “Next time you will make sure you get every fucking drop before I withdraw from your slut mouth.” He stepped to the side and with a harsh shove forced her forward. “Now go get yourself cleaned up, it’s beginning to smell like piss in my house.”

Melissa scurried on all fours desperately looking for the bathroom. After a few minutes, she located it and headed on to clean herself.

Mike watched for a few moments then went into his room and changed. Once dressed he checked on Melissa and without saying a word left the house and headed for town.

Melissa finished showering. Not knowing Mike had left she quickly got on all fours and headed into the living room. Boss and Booger were laying on the large couch and Bo on the love seat. She climbed up and laid her head on Bo and closed her eyes.

Mike returned about 2 hours later. Walking into his house carrying a large sack he noticed Melissa laying on the couch with Bo. He quietly placed the bag on his recliner. All three dogs were awake and wagging their tails when he came in. He stepped up to the love seat and gave the couch a hard kick.

Melissa woke with a start. She looked up and saw Mike standing over her. “Hello did you find what you went for?”

Mike reached down grabbing Melissa’s hair and yanking her off the couch. “You haven’t earned the right to be on my furniture.” He thought about giving her some form of punishment, but he remembered that was not in his instructions about being on the furniture.

Melissa’s head longer with pain from the violent jerking of her hair. “I’m sorry sir I truly am. I didn’t know; please forgive me, sir.”

Mike said nothing and walked back to his recliner where the bag was. He reached in and pulled out several small plastic bags. Looking at Melissa, he called her over. “Come here girl I have a few things for my new mutt.”

Melissa crawled on her hands and knees toward Mike. As she passed by Bo, he stretched his head and sniffed her ass. He began to get up.

“Stay boy you can get you some later.” Mike held out his hand extending in Bo’s direction.

He readjusted himself back on the couch and gave a loud humph.

Melissa reached Mike and sat on her ass and put her hands on her legs.

Mike took the first bag and removed a collar with a tag attached to it. On the tag, it read slut. “From now on your name is slut.” He bent down and put the collar around her neck and fastened it. Checking to make sure it wasn’t too tight.

Melissa put a hand on her collar and felt the ruff leather that was now around her neck. “Thank you, sir.”

Mike took another bag and removed a furry tail and a set of doggie ears. “In all fours slut.”

Melissa quickly complied and for on all fours.

Mike put the ears on her head then stepped behind Melissa. “Pull your ass cheeks apart slut.”

Melissa lowered her body and rested her head on the floor and reached around and spread her ass cheeks. In her head, she wondered how he was going to secure a tail to her back side. Before she could ask she felt pressure on her ass hole.

Mike pushed the tail plug, but the resistance was a little more than he expected. Reaching around he put the plug to Melissa’s lips. “Get it nice and wet slut.” Then he forced the plug into her mouth.

Melissa’s eyes went a little wide when she felt the large bulbous part the plug enter her mouth. To her, it felt bigger than Bo’s knot. She began to whimper at the thought of it going into her ass.

Mike removed the plug when he felt it was wet enough. He then put it to her ass hole and pushed. It went in almost with ease. “Now my new dog has a tail to wag when she sees me. You will not remove it unless I permit you if you do punishment will be severe.”

“Yes sir” Melissa felt like her ass was full. She lifted her self up then looked back and gave her ass a shake making her tail wag.

Mike saw Bo’s ears perk up. He reached down and gave Melissa’s ass a hard swat. “Don’t fucking tease the boys. That is unless your ready for another pounding from all 3 of them.”

Melissa winced from the swat. “Yes, sir.”

Mike took the last bag and removed a nice sized doggie bowl on the side it read in bold letters, SLUT. “Now you have your very own bowl. Only on special occasions will you be allowed to eat at the table from a real plate. I will feed you the same meals I eat.”

Melissa raised her head. “Sir I need to go pee.”

Mike laughed “if you have to go pee you will go just like the boys, outside. You will go to the door and bark or whimper I don’t care which.”

“Sir what if you’re gone, and I need to go?” Melissa asked with some concern in her voice.

“Well, I guess you better learn to hold it then.” Mike took a serious look on his face. Oh almost forgot” he grabbed the last bag and removed knee pads. “ You can only use these when you go outside.”

Melissa grabbed the knee pads and put them in her mouth and made a beeline for the back door. As soon as she reached the door, she gave a loud bark. When Mike didn’t move again, she reared up and pawed the door while barking. When that didn’t get his attention, she paced back and forth doing her best to whimper then bark.

Mike stood there and watched. He laughed to himself. This bitch is fucking nuts, but I guess I’ll keep her around. He finally made his way to the back door.

Melissa watched as the door opened. She rolled onto her back and put on the knee pads, went back over and scurried out the door.

Mike whistled “Come on boys time to go outside and play.”

All three dogs jumped up and ran for the door.

Melissa crawled on her hands and knees as fast as she could and reached the corner of the yard. She found a spot and spread her legs to do a female puppies squat. At the last second, she remembered her tail. She reached around and grabbed it just as her pee flowed out. A sigh of relief came over her then she felt per trickle down her leg. She pulled out of her squat and began to look around to find something to wipe her legs with. Before she could get a good view of the area, she felt a big head squeeze between her legs and a rough tongue lick the inside of her legs.

Melissa thought to herself. Well, that takes care of that problem. She turned to see Bo was her cleaner. Then she caught something else. Bo’s red rocket was starting to show from its sheath. “Ah fuck here we go.”

Melissa looked around and saw Booger and Boss clear over on the other side of the yard. She then looked but didn’t see Mike anywhere.

Bo started licking his way up to Melissa pussy. The tongue lashing she was receiving was making her wet. And that she knew was going to get her fucked.

Before Melissa could move, Bo was on her back humping. Within seconds his cock found her pussy. His thrusts became more vigorous. Melissa adjusts her body so he could tie with her. She felt his knot begin to grow as he pounded her pussy relentlessly “Fuck me Bo oh god give it to me. Fuck yes.” Melissa tried her best to meet his every thrust, but he was pounding her so fast it was impossible.

Bo gave a hard lunge, and his knot went inside her with ease. Melissa let out a loud moan. “Oh god yes now fill me up boy.” Melissa took one hand and started playing with her clit.

Now with Bo’s knot inside her and pushing against her g-spot, her orgasms were getting bigger. She could feel his cum as it slipped past the knot and leak onto her fingers. Curiosity over took her. She removed her fingers and put them in her mouth. As soon as she tasted it her body convulsed in a massive orgasm. Melissa could feel her body draining of energy; she wanted to curl up and just sleep. She felt his knot slowly shrink. After a few minutes, his knot popped free. Melissa reached back and put her hand over her pussy. Bo wondered off towards the other two dogs. She sat up and let the cum drain into her hand. There was so much it over flowed. She quickly removed her hand and put her other one under her. She lapped the cum off her hand. She closed her eyes as she did so. When she had cleaned it, she cleaned the other while rubbing her clit. As she lapped away, she had a delightful little orgasm.

After nearly an hour Mike opened the door and hollered for them. Melissa scurried on all four as fast as she could. When she got to the door, Mike stopped her.

“Did you have fun?” “Yes sir I did may I come in now please sir.” Melissa wagged her hips. Mike stepped aside and let her in. As she passed, he reached down and took a swipe of her pussy. “You sorry little bitch.”

Melissa stopped and turned dropping her head. “It was Bo. He fucked me right after I peed.”

“Well you can’t leave the other two out now, can you? So here is what you’re going to do. Because I don’t want a mess in my house, I’m going to bring them to you. One will get to fuck you while you suck the other one off.” Mike stepped out of the room closing the door behind him.

Melissa was a little shocked. It was one thing to fuck them and yea she enjoyed tasting Bo but having to put a dog cock in her mouth she just didn’t know.

Mike came back in leading Booger and Boss. “I’m going to let you choose who fucks you and who you are going to suck.”

Melissa thought for a moment. “I will let Boss fuck me, sir.” Shame washed over her, how could she have stepped so low.

Mike lead Boss to her back side. Boss stuck his nose to Melissa’s crotch and started to lick. A soft moan emitted from Melissa’s mouth.

Mike took Booger and forced him to lay down in front of Melissa then got him to roll over. He then took one of Melissa’s hands and put it over Boogers sheath. “Start jacking him off, once he begins to get hard you can start sucking him. Do not I repeat do not spit any out you will swallow every drop.”

Melissa complied and started moving her hand, within just a few strokes Boogers red rocket appeared. She kept stroking letting it fully extended. She watched as his knot began to swell. Part of her was fascinated part of her was disgusted. She watched as his cock started squirting its pre cum. Finally, Melissa lowered her head and took him into her mouth. Placing her hand behind his knot. She began bobbing her head. His precum squirted, she felt and tasted it as it hit her tongue, she felt it hit the back of her throat. Within a few moments, she became obsessed with it.

Boss jumped onto her back and began humping trying to find his bitch’s hole. Finally, after several thrusts, his cock slid in. Melissa let out a loud moan around Boogers cock.

Mike watched then he reached into his pocket and began snapping pictures. He got several from different angles.

Melissa was completely unaware of what was going on other than the cock in her mouth and the one pounding away at her pussy. She greedily sucked Booger swallowing his every drop. She began stroking Boogers cock as she sucked him. With every stroke, his knot swelled.

Boss’s knot pounded away at Melissa’s pussy; her mind was on sensory overload. Cum in her mouth, a knot forcing its way into her and all the way she didn’t want it to stop.

Boss’s knot forced its way in; Melissa gave out a cry as it did. She closed her eyes. With Boss’s constant thrusting her g-spot was getting abused, and she was feeling an orgasm building. The stronger it felt, the harder she began to suck.

Boss’s cock erupted inside her; its warmth sent Melissa over the edge. As she greedily sucked between orgasms, she willed Booger to cum. And cum he did, her mouth filled with cum faster than she could swallow. Finally, her mouth erupted, and doggie cum spewed all over the place.

“You fucking little bitch. I thought I told you to swallow every fucking drop. Fuck!” Mike stormed out of the room.

Melissa screamed out as another orgasm hit her. She was possessed and began pushing and pulling back. Making Boss’s cock press against her g-spot. “Fuck make me cum boy again, fuck your dirty little bitch.” She moaned as another orgasm hit.

She finally let her head rest on the floor and collapsed as much as she could with Boss still tied with her.

Twenty minutes later Boss’s knot subsided enough, and he slipped out. Cum poured from her pussy onto the floor. Melissa allowed her body to fall to the floor entirely.

Mike opened the door and let the dogs go in. After they had stepped through the door, he came in and closed it behind him. Grabbing Melissa by the hair, he roughly pulled her to her feet. “You fucking bitch you can’t even follow simple directions.” Mike laid a hard slap across her face.

“I’m sorry sir please forgive me. There was just so much I tried to swallow it all.” Melissa began to cry.

Mike slapped her again on her other cheek. “Well, you damn sure better learn to swallow faster. Now you get to clean the floor. You dirty little cock sucking little bitch.” With that, he laid several hard slaps to her face causing her cheeks to glow red. Satisfied he grabbed her right tit. With his free hand, he hit it with a more vicious blow.

Melissa cried out when his hand landed on her tit. Tears welled up. “Please, sir please I’m sorry. I’ll Swallow better next time please sir please.” She begged him to stop.

Mike hit her tit several more time before switching to her other tit. Once done he let go and turned away. As he exited the door. “Get my floor cleaned when you were done you may enter the house. Not till it’s done.” Mike slammed the door behind him.

Melissa fell to her knees. She looked down at her tits both bright red. She could swear they were going to explode the pain was more than she had ever felt. She knelt and cried for several minutes.

Mike was sitting in his recliner when Melissa came in on all fours. “ Sir the floor is clean.” She worked her way to the front. Getting into a kneeling position, she placed her hands on her legs. “Please forgive me, sir. I am truly sorry I will strive to do better.”

Mike looked at her. “Remove your tail and ears, Go put your clothes on and go home. Do not return until tomorrow. I will decide if I want to keep your worthless ass around. Now get out of here.”

Melissa began to cry. “But sir I’m trying I really am, please don’t make me go please let me stay I’ll do anything.”

Mike glared at her. “This is not up for discussion now get the fuck out of my sight before I really hurt those fucking milk bags of yours.”

Melissa quickly removed her plug and ears. She set the ears on the coffee table then ran into the kitchen and cleaned the plug. She hurried back and laid it next to the ears. She reached up to remove the collar.

Mike came out of his recliner in a shot and grabbed her hand. “I didn’t fucking say remove the collar now did I?”

Melissa shook her head no.

Mike sat back down dragging her with him. He forced her across his lap. He smacked her ass cheeks eight times peace. “Fucking bitch.” He grumbled as he pushed her off his lap. “Now get the fuck outta here and be back by 7 am.

Tears streaking down her cheeks, Both tits stinging and now her ass she ran to the door and quickly exited.

Mike listened for the car to leave. Once he no longer heard the car, he looked at his dogs. “Is she worth it boys?” He questioned not expecting an answer.


Part Three

Melissa woke up laying on the floor at the foot of her bed. She had slept there the whole night. She laid there thinking about what she had been through. As her mind wandered over her experience with Mike her hands began to wander, She rubbed her clit letting out a soft moan. The thoughts of Mike face fucking her had become her strongest at that moment. Before Melissa could allow her orgasm to build her bedroom door flew open. She tried to cover herself the best she could, but she had fallen asleep with no blanket. Her roommate Betty stood in the doorway. “What the fuck are you doing?” She questioned.

Melissa stammered for an answer but couldn’t find one.

“Why are you wearing a dog collar that says slut on it? Have you lost your ever-loving mind?” Betty turned not wanting to know her friend’s answer. Closing the door behind her, she shouted: “I’m going to work we will talk tonight when I get home.”

Melissa started to cry. She had forgotten the collar, and now the shame washed over her. Before she realized what she was doing she began rubbing her clit, all while crying.

After a few orgasms, she wiped her face of her tears and got up; she needed to hurry she only could imagine what Mike might do if she were late.

Mike woke up and crawled out of bed. The day before he had spent time looking through different sites trying to gather ideas, he had found a local place that specialized in real BDSM toys not the cheap stuff the Adult bookstores and novelty stores sold. Mike had dropped nearly $300 on stuff and ordered a few other things. Mike sleepily made his way to the back door and let the dogs out back. Mike turned and headed for the bathroom to get a shower. Passing through the kitchen, Mike glanced over at the clock. Twenty minutes till Melissa would arrive if she arrived at all.

Mike climbed out of the shower after a quick 6-minute shower. Heading into his little office where the majority of his books and his computer were, he sat at his desk and went over his schedule he had planned for the day when he heard the dogs begin barking. Getting up Mike headed for the door, glancing out the window next to the door he saw Melissa’s car pull into the driveway.

Melissa headed up the drive toward the house. She watched as Mike stepped out the door. Looking at the radio clock, Melissa saw she was going to be on time by just a couple of minutes. She grinned to herself; she prayed though that he would be happy.

Mike walked down the steps of his porch glancing at his watch Melissa was late. Thoughts of what to do ran through his head.

Melissa put the car in park and stepped out of the car. Looking around she didn’t see anything, but what did she expect to see, Mike lived out in the middle of nowhere. She quickly stripped off her clothes, throwing them into the car, she headed for Mike. She dropped her eyes and watched the ground.

Mike watched her as she approached, her breasts jiggling with each step. He was mentally trying to think of what to say or do. Then the idea hit him,

Melissa stepped up still looking downward. “Sir I have arrived on time as you said I should.”

“Bullshit you are 3 minutes late fucking bitch.” Saying that Mike brought his hand down onto Melissa’s left tit with force, then brought his hand down her right breast with equal force. “Stupid slut you would have been better off not coming.”

Melissa winced as he hit both her tits. The power of each hit caused each tit to turn an angry red. “ But Sir the clock on my radio says I’m On time please sir I can prove it to you.”

Mike showed her his watch. “We don’t go by your time we go by my time. Now you also disrobed when I didn’t tell you too. Now get your fucking ass back to your car and get your clothes.” As Melissa turned to retrieve her clothes from the car quickly, Mike undid his belt and in one smooth motion removed it from its loops and gave a wide arcing swing. The resulting swing caught her right side and the end of the belt wrapped around hitting her in the front with a loud smack.

Melissa let out a scream of pain that ensued from the belt. She turned holding her hands up.

“Put your hands down slut. You will take your punishment, and you will fucking thank me when I’m doing it. Now grab your clothes and head into the house.”

Melissa’s mind began to reel, she turned and headed to the car, she wanted to run but knew if she did it would probably get far worse.

Mike folded his belt in two and began swinging with each step Melissa took. Some hit her on the ass some on her back and her legs. He stopped long enough to allow her to gather her clothes then returned to swinging as they headed to the front door. Only when they reached the door did he stop.

Mike reached for the door when he heard a vehicle coming down the road from the main highway. He turned to see what the vehicle would do.

A bright red pick up pulled into the driveway. Mike knew who it was as soon as it turned. He frowned as his x pulled up the drive way. Their relationship though good had a lot of issues. They both tried to work through them, but in the end, she had left him. “Fuck this is all I need.” Mike opened the door and shoved Melissa inside. As she went forward, he told her to stand in the living room and not do anything till he told her otherwise.

Mary pulled up and stepped out of her truck. She watched as Mike shoved a naked girl into the house. “Are you trying to hide a new girlfriend?”

“Not that it’s any of your business. Remember you left me so what I do is my own business didn’t realize on I had to check in with you or ask permission. Now, what do you want Mary?”

“Mike I’m not here to start anything. I came by to ask a favor. I have to leave town for a few days and was wanting to know if you wouldn’t mind watching after my pups. Please, I will even pay you to look after them.”

“Wow really? How about you get your new boyfriend to watch them or is it you two are going off gallivanting?” Mike turned ready to head inside and closed the door in her face.

“Mike it’s not that I’m not even dating right now. I have to go out on business, and no one I know can handle my fur babies as you can. Please, can you watch them?”

Mike didn’t feel like arguing with her, so he relented. “Alright fine bring them by, and I will keep an eye on them for you.”

“Thank you, I appreciate it. And I’ll bring some money by when I do. Oh and have that girl put on some damn clothes.”

Mike turned and went inside. He didn’t give Mary a second thought. As he closed the door behind him, he looked at Melissa who had her back to him. Her back side was an angry red from the several swats he had administered.

Melissa stood in the middle of the room crying, her whole backside hurt. She could feel the redness; it felt as though her ass and legs were on fire. Tears streamed down her cheek.

Mike stepped up behind Melissa. He grabbed a handful of hair and yanked back as hard as he could. He put his mouth as close to her ear as he could. “Listen here slut and listen good. You will only do what I tell you, till I have some ground rules written up you will wait until I command you unless you already have rules applied. Any variation from those rules will result in punishment. From now on you are mine and will no longer have any say in what goes on. You will do as I tell you and you will not hesitate. If you hesitate, I will punish you. Do I make myself clear?”

Melissa had bitten her lip as soon as she felt his presence behind her. When he grabbed a handful of hair and yanked, it was all she could do not to scream out. She listened to his commands and when he was done she uttered a squeak of “Yes Sir.”

“Now go put your clothes back on minus the panties and bra. From now on you will not wear undergarments unless I give permission.” With that said he gave her a shove and let go of her hair.

Melissa quickly dressed. When she finished, she turned. “Sir what should I do with these?” Holding her bra and panties out Melissa looked at Mike for guidance.

Mike snagged them and carried them into his room and shoved them in one of the empty dresser drawers.

Returning to the living room Mike stepped up to Melissa, He reached out and grabbed Melissa’s hair and forced her to her knees.

When Melissa hit her knees she reached up and undid Mike’s pants and pulled them and his underwear down. Placing her hands on her legs, she opened her mouth and awaited Mike’s cock.

Mike wasted no time and shoved his hardening cock into her mouth. When he felt her mouth wrap around his cock, he grabbed her head with both hands. With each push forward he could hear Melissa gag. A smile grew across his face.

Melissa did all she could to keep from gagging. But with the speed of his thrusts, she found it almost impossible. Her eyes watered. She sucked on his cock as a woman possessed.

It didn’t take Mike long with his thrusts to feel his balls tighten and the tension to cum build. He had to admit to himself he was enjoying this. He glanced down and saw slobber dripping from his cock. Melissa had her eyes closed. He suddenly let go with one hand and slapped her across the face. “Slut you will not close your eyes when you are sucking my cock.” Then he slapped her again for good measure.

With her eyes watering she looked up to him. His slaps had hurt, but the pain was not as bad as when he had spanked her several times

Mike took hold of her hair again and resumed face fucking Melissa. Several times he buried his cock all the way into her mouth and held it there while she fought not to gag on it. “Ah, such a good little slut. I think you deserve a little gift for trying to be a good little cock sucking slut. Would you like to taste my cum and feel it hit the back of your throat little slut?”

Melissa nodded her head.

Mike gave her several more thrusts then groaned and jerked as he released his cum.

Melissa gagged as the cum hit the back of her throat. She could taste him and did her best to relish what she could as was forced to swallow the majority of it.

Mike extracted his cock from Melissa’s mouth and bent down to pull up his jeans. When he finished, he looked at Melissa who was obediently still kneeling with hands on her legs and palms up and eyes cast downward. Mike grabbed her hair and pulled her to her feet. “Now we have a few places to go before the evening festivities.”

After several hours of visiting several stores and Melissa trying different outfits, Mike was seriously holding his temper. Melissa complained about just about every outfit. More times than not it was not easy getting his point across. Until they arrived at one store, Mike had found a very revealing top, and Melissa balked at it. No one was watching so he grabbed her hair and dragged her into the dressing room.

“Listen here you little bitch. We are not here for you to bitch about outfits, you will try on what I choose, I will decide what I like. Next time you open your slut mouth, it will be to say you like it. Otherwise, the only reason your mouth opens is that I’ve undone my zipper.” Mike gave her a slap across the face.

Melissa dropped her eyes after the slap. “Yes, sir I’m sorry sir it won’t happen again.”

“Drop your pants” Mike tapped his foot while waiting.

Melissa paused for a second, then quickly undid her pants and pushed them down. She felt her cheeks become red from embarrassment.

Mike forced Melissa’s legs apart. He removed his belt. With one hand he gripped the belt so that about 15 inches was exposed. Standing to the side, he pulled his arm back and swung. The belt struck Melissa squarely between her legs. A loud crack resounded in the tiny dressing room. Melissa jumped and bit her lip trying not to make a sound. Mike moved his hand up a bit on the belt showing more leather. His next swing went up between her legs with the end popping her ass. Melissa jumped and tried to back away. Mike grabbed her left tit forcing her back towards him. He swung several more times in quick succession, each swing harder than the previous. Tears began flowing down Melissa’s face.

“Next time you decide to be an argumentative little bitch I will swat your bare ass. I’m not going to tolerate it period.” Mike put on his belt then grabbed her face and pulled it close to his. “Each time you want to be a little bitch just fucking remember I will not only punish you where ever we are, but I will punish you again when we get back to my house. Do I make myself clear?”

With the tight grip around her jaw, Melissa tried to say yes sir but was not able to say it loud enough, so she tried nodding her head.

“What the fuck? I can’t hear a nod.” With his free hand, he slapped Melissa’s pussy.

Melissa closed her eyes as the pain from the slap permeated through her body. Again she tried to talk, but it only came out as “wev fer um forry.”

Mike laughed at her response then let go of her jaw and stepped out of the dressing room. As he did so, a young lady wearing the stores uniform entered the dressing room area and approached him.

“Sir only one person allowed per dressing room, if you do it again I will be forced to ask you to leave.” She stood in front of him arms crossed.

Mike studied her for a moment then said. “ Sorry ma’am won’t happen again we just needed a second to discuss something privately.” He stepped to the side and walked around her leaving the dressing room area.

When Melissa had wiped her tears away, she stepped out. The young lady was still standing there waiting for her. She attempted to walk around her but before she could the girl stepped in front of her.

“Miss is everything ok? I heard some noises, and that’s why I’m back here. If need be, I can call the police.” The young lady placed her hand on Melissa’s shoulder and gave her a concerned look.

“No all is fine, I was just having an anxiety attack is all, my man was just trying to calm me down is all. He knows I don’t handle public places real well when I get like that, so he brought me l in here. That’s all but thank you for your concern.” Melissa stepped around her quickly and headed to find Mike.

She found Mike outside next to his truck. She stepped up to him.

Mike gave Melissa a stern look. “I guess you gave her some b.s. story by your demeanor? “

Melissa smiled “ Yes sir I don’t want you getting into trouble. People would not understand.”
Mike climbed into the truck, Melissa hurried and got up into the passenger side. They headed out and headed for the next store.

After another 4 hours, Mike finally pulled into his driveway. Stepping out he grabbed the bags from the backseat, Melissa jumped out and came around to help. Mike looked at her. “Strip off your clothes and bring them inside. Mike went to the door and unlocked it and went in, throwing the bags onto the couch. He went into the spare room and grabbed some papers off his desk, then went and sat at the table.

Melissa quickly stripped and quickly headed inside as well. Closing the door behind her, she stood in the doorway. “Where do I put my clothes, sir?”

Mike looked at her then pointed to the couch where the bags landed. “Come over here and stand next to me.”

Melissa walked over and stood next to Mike. Before him was sheets of paper, what was on them she couldn’t make out till he handed them to her.

“This is the rules of the house that you will follow without question. When done with the reading you will sign it. The second paper is your contract which you will sign. If you choose not to sign one or both, then you will get dressed and leave this house and never contact me ever again.” Mike got up and motioned for her to sit down.

Melissa looked at the papers.

Rules of the house.
1) Rules that are not followed, punishment will be swift, no excuses for not following rules will be accepted
2) You will be naked at all times unless told to do otherwise.
3) If you are away from the house and you arrive. You will remove all clothing before entering the house unless instructed otherwise.
4) All commands will be followed without question and done properly.
5) Your mouth, pussy, and ass will be ready to serve either the dogs or me at all times, anytime.
6) You will ask for permission to use the bathroom. Depending on what role you are playing will decide how you ask to use the restroom. If you are allowed to use the bathroom inside, any piss will be put into a cup, and you will drink it once you have finished peeing. The toilet is only to be used to shit in.
7) At anytime I need to piss your mouth will be made ready and you will drink every drop unless I instruct you otherwise.
8) You will have all my meals ready at the proper time. You will serve me first before you eat. If I am running late due to work you will have the dinner ready when I arrive you will not eat till I have eaten.
9) If you leave the house for any reason, I will decide any clothing you wear. The only exception to this and the meal rule is if I am out of town for work.
10) You will wear your collar at all times. You can only remove it long enough to clean the collar or when taking a bath. No other exception will be allowed.
11) If at anytime I have visitors you will serve them first before you serve me. You will also serve them in any manner I command you to.
12) You will keep the house in a neat and orderly manner, if you are not working cleaning, cooking or servicing the dogs you are allowed to read, you will not nap or sleep unless I allow it other than normal sleep time.
13) You will not sleep in my bed unless I allow it. You will only be allowed to sleep at the foot of my bed.
14) Your body is mine, and I will do with it as I please. That means if I want I can hit, spank, whip or punish as I see fit.
15) All rules are subject to change and also subject to additions as I see fit.

Melissa read through the rules and signed the paper. She placed it to the side after signing, taking the contract she began to read.


I Melissa hereby give myself and my body to Michael and except that I am his slave and will serve him with all my effort. I will support him in all his endeavors and make sure all his needs are taken care of, any and all of my needs come second. I understand that I may keep my job, but if at anytime it interferes with my service to Mike I will turn in my notice and will be allowed to find another job. I understand that I have until the end of the month and I will be completely moved in till then I will be home to make sure all Mike’s and the dog’s needs are met. All rules that I am given will be abided by without question.

Melissa signed the contract and set it to the side on the rules. She looked at Mike. “I will do my best never to disappoint you, sir. I for one have never played with another female but will do it for you with joy in my heart and learn to enjoy it.”

Mike patted her on the head. “We will see, you are mine now, and I will do as I please.”


Part Four

Melissa knelt in the living room naked except her collar next to the recliner. Mike sat in his recliner watching TV, the dogs laying on the couches sleeping. After signing the Rules of the House and the Contract she felt a little better. “Sir would you like something to drink?”

“Yes, I would grab me a coke and while you are up to feed the dogs.” Mike patted her on the head.

Melissa got up and headed to the kitchen and returned with a coke. “Sir um where is the dog food?”

In the white container in the far pantry door, there is soft food in the fridge, one tea spoon of soft mixed into their dry food. Boss is the only one that gets Beef Veggie; the other two get Beef and Gravy.”

Melissa turned and headed back into the kitchen. As she portioned out the dry food into the tin bowls, she noticed they each perked up but didn’t move. When she started mixing again none of the boys moved. She put the dishes in each stand remembering which bowl went were according to how she grabbed them, again none of the boys moved. “Um sir the dogs are not moving are they not hungry?”

“Trust me they are hungry, they are just waiting for their command.” Mike gave a loud whistle, and each dog headed to their bowl and sat. “What do you say.” All three dogs barked almost in unison. “Eat up boys.” All three dogs began to chow down.

Melissa stood in total amazement at how the dogs obeyed. She was busy watching the dogs she didn’t see Mike get up and come into the kitchen.

Mike pushed her to her knees and undid his pants. “Open”

Melissa opened her mouth.

“Say please.”


Mike smiled and started pissing into her mouth. She quickly started gulping it down trying her best not to let it over flow her mouth. She managed only to spill a little, but for her fortune, it stayed on her body.

Mike finished and turned towards his room. “I’m getting a shower I will return soon.”

Melissa stayed kneeling on the floor where he left her. Boss came up to her and sniffed her. He caught the scent of piss on her body and began licking the piss off her body. Her body started to shiver, and her pussy started getting wet. Once Boss was done he loped back to his couch.

Mike finished his shower, got dressed and returned to the kitchen to find Melissa still kneeling where he had left her. “Go get cleaned up when you are done we will pick out your clothes for the evening.

Melissa scurried along on her hands and knees toward the bathroom. Just as she got to the guest bathroom, she realized she needed to go to the bathroom. She turned and headed to the back door. Once there she sat up and barked several times. When Mike didn’t respond, she barked again as loud as she could. She waited for a few more minutes; her bladder was starting to hurt. She barked again almost to a scream. Mike didn’t respond she scurried towards the living room as she was crossing to through the kitchen her bladder over powered her muscles and she began pissing on the floor.

Mike stepped from his room to see pee all over the floor and Melissa trying to mop it up. “What the fuck slut? You pissed on my floor?’

“But sir I went to the door and barked several times I was trying to find you when I had my accident?” Melissa dropped her head and almost came to tears.

You stupid fucking slut, You should have grabbed a damn glass.” Mike grabbed her by her hair and forced her to the floor. Her face landed in her puddle of piss. He made sure to rub her whole face in the puddle. Then he ruffly pulled her to her feet and bent her over one of the kitchen chairs.

Melissa was caught by total surprise at Mike speed. She tried not to fight while he rubbed her face in her piss. When he yanked her up to her feet, she felt like her hair was being ripped from her scalp. When he bent her over the chair she braced herself; She knew her ass was not going to like what happened next.

Mike pulled his belt off, folded it in half and stepped back. He swung with as much force as he could. The first smack sounded through the house as the belt connected with the back side of Melissa’s legs.

Melissa screamed out as the belt hit her legs. The second swing caught her on the ass; she screamed out again. “I’m sorry sir please forgive me please I’m sorry.”

“You’re damn right you’re sorry. You’re a sorry ass slut that I guess still needs house broken. Fucking pissing on my damn floor and trying to hide the evidence.” He swung again catching her square where the second swat hit.
Melissa wanted to cover her ass but knew if she did it would probably be worse. She screamed out every hit of the belt. Twenty swats in total, she saw him as he moved in front of her putting on his belt. She went to her knees; her ass was on fire and tears were flowing down her face. “Please forgive me, sir.”
“Get that pissed cleaned up and go get your damn shower slut.” Mike turned and went into the living room.

Melissa hurried and cleaned the piss up and headed for the shower. She got the water temperature to where she liked it. Stepping in she started rinsing her hair. Suddenly the water went cold she quickly stepped out from under the water screaming out of surprise.

Mike came into the bathroom and opened the shower curtain. “What seems to be the problem?”

“Sir the water went cold.”

Mike laughed. “I know I turned off the hot water, sluts who pee on floors don’t deserve a hot shower. Now get showered slut.

As Mike closed the curtain, Melissa looked at the cold water coming from the shower head. She hated cold showers with a passion, but unless she wanted a beating for not showering, she knew she had too.

A few minutes later Melissa emerged from the shower her body felt like ice. “Sir I’m am ready, can we please get my clothes picked out I’ m freezing.

Mike looked up from his recliner. “No, we have an hour before we will be leaving now take your place.’

Melissa knelt down next to the recliner, her whole body felt like it was shaking, her nipples were hard as stones, and her teeth kept chattering. “Sir can we at least turn the A/C off it’s cold in here.

“Nope, it is nice and comfy in here.” Mike reached down to tweak one of her hard nipples.

After a half hour had passed, Mike got up and motioned for Melissa to follow. They went into one of the spare rooms. Mike opened a dresser door and pulled out a small leather top. Mike handed it to Melissa to put on. After putting it on the top barely covered her tits. Next, he pulled out one of the leather skirts the had purchased her and handed it to her. She put it on, this like the top just barely covered her if she bent over it would ride up exposing her ass and pussy. Next, he clipped a leash to her collar.

“Sir am I getting a shirt or something; this top doesn’t even cover my tits.”

“No that’s what you are wearing, and if you bitch about it anymore, you will wear nothing at all.”

“Yes, sir.” Melissa felt uncomfortable not having any real clothing.She just prayed that where ever they went she didn’t see anyone she knew.

Melissa climbed up into Mike’s truck as soon as she lifted her leg to get in her skirt rode up and exposed her lower half. Once they got going mike hit several potholes and bump caused her boobs to bounce and break free of her top. Every time it happened Mike would laugh.

As they got close, Melissa watched as they pulled into a warehouse business district. Getting closer they pulled into a driver of what looked like an abandoned warehouse, but several cars were parked in the lot.

Melissa walked behind Mike; she kept having to adjust her skirt, knowing good and well it was to no avail. They entered the front door as Mike was getting ready to pay their entry fee a girl walked through the door and saw and recognized Mike she ran screaming Mikes name and leaped into his arms wrapping her legs around his waist giving him a huge kiss. Melissa felt jealousy creep. She wanted to smack this intruder hard.

“Mikey you sweet thing I never thought I would see you again after you and your ex-split up.” She kissed him full on the lips, then dropped down letting go. “Who’s the girl?”

“Lesslie this is a slut.”

The new girl looked at her. “Oh ok hi slut.” She turned taking Mike’s and “Follow me, and I will show you around.” They entered the first door She turned, paying attention only to Mike. “this is the free room kind of like the old place, nudity is allowed, but no sexual acts are also allowed no nudity beyond the door we came through. Also, there are free food and drink in here.” She led them through the next door and entered the old warehouse portion several tables were set up in the central area and along the walls were several small rooms. “Each room is established for different kinks.” She leads them to a room. “This room is my favorite its set up as a human urinal room.” She leads them to another room slightly larger than the others. “This room is the is the bondage room as you can see there are several securement devices throughout.”

“Lesslie, there is supposed to be someone here who has some things for me he made, is he he here?”

“Oh, one of our vendors yes most are here follow me.”

They followed her to another room where several vendor tables were set. “This is our vendor room and past it is the fuck room.”

“Mike good to see you, I have most of the stuff you ordered.”

“Hey, Jeff that’s great.” Mike walked over to Jeff’s table as he approached Jeff layed a large duffle on the empty table next to him.

Opening the bag, Jeff pulled out various toys and other equipment. “Let’s see here are the two pairs of cuffs you wanted, um three floggers, a crop, two fuck sticks, leather crop, leather strap, and oh my wife made one of her tails for you. Free of charge of course. I still am working on two other floggers and oh yes the collar you want.” Jeff pulled out a pink dyed collar with Slut engraved on it and a metal ring in the middle of the U and two smaller rings on either side.

Mike took it and turned to Melissa and removed her other collar and put the new one around her neck and fastened it. The reattached the leash to it. “Sweet that looks beautiful and fits her very nicely. Thank you, Jeff.”

Melissa felt shivers of joy course through her body when she saw the new collar and just about started crying when Mike put it on her.

“I knew you would like it. Do you want to try the others out?”

“Sure thing.”

Jeff looked around. “Hold on I will be right back, need to find the wife.”

Jeff returned a couple of minutes later with his wife in tow. The size difference was almost laughable, Jeff stood nearly 6’5”, and his wife was a mere 5’ if that tall. She was naked, and her nice size tits bounced as she walked. When she saw Mike, she ran up and hugged Mike. “Hey you sexy beast, I hoped you would show. I hope we can have some fun later.”

“Becky you know I wouldn’t pass up some fun with you.” Mike squeezed one of her nipples causing her to squeal.

“Baby watch the table while we go and test out the new toys. If you come with me, we will go to the BDSM room.

Mike walked along side Jeff with Melissa and Lesslie in tow. Lesslie looked at Melissa eyeing her up and down. When Melissa noticed her looking she felt another twinge of jealousy. “What are you staring at?”

“I think you might want to realize your place and keep your mouth shut sweety; it would be in your best interest.”

Mike stopped and turned so sudden Melissa walked right into him. Grabbing Melissa by her chin, he leaned in next to her ear. “What ever you have to say you can keep to yourself unless you are spoken to you keep your trap shut.”

“But sir she was staring at me, and it makes me uncomfortable.”

“I don’t give two shits if it does, you keep your slut mouth shut. Now strip your clothes off, if you feel uncomfortable with people looking at you clothed then you need to be naked. Now fucking strip.”

Melissa quickly removed her clothes and handed them to Mike.

They continued till they reached the BDSM room as they entered reached down and poked Melissa in the ass. “I think I would like to fuck you; maybe Mike will let me and some of the other girls gangbang you later.”

“I don’t do other girls so keep dreaming.” As soon as she said it, she realized she shouldn’t have and knew she would regret saying anything and that Lesslie had just purposely trapped her.

Mike whispered something to Jeff. “No man no private rooms do what you gotta do.”

Before Melissa could react, Mike turned and grabbed her by the throat and shoved her against the wall. “I said to keep your mouth shut, and you can’t even handle a simple task, and now you think you decide what you will and won’t do? I have news for you, you are mine and will do as I say. If I remember correctly you agreed to that in your contract, you even said and I quote I will play with a female with joy I my heart. So if I decide to let a bunch of guys or girls fuck you senseless that my prerogative, not yours. If I decide you are going to eat pussy or suck dicks that is my decision, not yours. Now keep your slut mouth shut.” Mike let go and turned back to Jeff. “Sorry about that she is still learning her place.”

“No problem Mike I know how it goes believe me.”

Melissa glared at Lesslie.

Jeff pulled out the toys once again and laid them on the table. “Oh shit, I forgot something I will be right back.” Jeff turned and hurried back to his table.

Lesslie came up to Mike and took his arm. “So am I going to get to fuck her then and maybe a few other things?”

“Mike turned and looked at Melissa. “Yeah I think so, I believe that it will do her some good to expand her abilities a little more.”

Jeff returned. “Here you go, Mike, I think this will help in controlling the mouth.” Jeff dropped the ball attached to a leather strap.

“How much do I owe you for this one?” Mike turned it over in his hand admiring the leather.

“No charge my friend beside you have a mouthy little slave and anything I can do to help.”

Mike turned and held the ball gag up to Melissa’s mouth. “Open”

Melissa reluctantly opened her mouth.

Mike put the ball gag in it was just the right fit. He reached behind her and secured it behind her head. He pulled Melissa to the table. Grabbing the cuffs, he put one on each hand and secured the straps. Each huff had a bar extending from it with a hook on each one.

“The hooks in those are metal wrapped in cow hide, If for any reason like all my products they are warrantied as well as the tail my wife made. The tail is made of fox fur; the plug is stainless steel. Next, this flogger is made of bull hide and very thick and heavy good for some solid thud impact. The next one is my personal favorite this one had nine tails and made of Buffalo hide and braided, sweet, substantial sting. The next one is a real nasty one in my opinion, and you may want to get used to the others cause this one will cause damage if not used correctly, it’s made of thick plastic and provides a serious thud with a lot of sting. And again if not used right it will damage the body. Next is the crop this one is made from Delrin with a leather flap at the end. Then we have the leather strap; it is made of Bull hidden 13” in length 7” in width and double, so you get that nice wack sound. The fuck sticks are both hard steel and chrome dipped for a smooth finish. So what do you think?”

“I like very much, these are sweet, especially the eight ball handle ends on the floggers.” Mike picked up the braided flogger and moved it through the air with ease. “Now that I think of it I would like to get a few more floggers plus three to match these.”

“Any particular flogger?”

“Nah surprise me.”

Melissa watched as the flogger cut through the air. She felt a cold chill run through her body. She could only imagine what it was going to feel like and thought she would prefer Mikes belt to these.

Mike put the toys back in the bag. “I think I will wait a little bit before I use these, she has to pissed off right now and don’t believe it would go well right now.” Mike turned and removed the cuffs but left in the gag. Mike took the tail and bent Melissa over the tail then looked at Lesslie. “Do you want the honors of putting it in her ass?”

Lesslie squealed with joy. “Oh fuck hell yeah, I want to see that ass hole swallow it.” She knelt down behind Melissa and spread her ass cheeks, putting her face close she stuck out her tongue and pushed it against Mellisa’s asshole getting as much saliva as she could to make it slick. To her surprise, her tongue spread it open a little with no resistance.

Melissa’s eyes went wide went she felt Lesslie’s tongue touch her asshole, never in a million years would she have allowed a female to do that to her let alone a man. But her she was getting tongue fucked by a girl.

“Damn Mike, did you fuck her in the ass before yall came?” She returned to tongue fucking Melissa, as she did so she pushed a finger up into her pussy. Once she thought her asshole was lubed enough, she took the tail and put the plug end to her asshole. Slowly she pushed and twisted it. Melissa’s asshole slowly and smoothly opened up around the plug when she got to the bulbous portion she pulled it out and then pushed it back slowly. Melissa emitted a moan as she worked the plug in and out. Once she was happy that Melissa was excited enough she plunged it all the way in, Mellisa groaned with pleasure. Removing her finger from Melissa’s pussy, she put it to her mouth and sucked the juices off. “Fuck now I’m horny, and my pussy needs some attention.”

Mike smiled as he watched the display before him. “Well I guess that needs to be handled then, where would you like to go.”

Lesslie stood up and pointed out the door. “There is a medical room with a bed that has stirrups I would love to have her face in my pussy if I could.”

“Oh you can at that, I think it is time she learned to appreciate the taste of a female.”

Melissa, still leaning over the table and having her whole body quiver from the little display with her ass looked up and Mike and pleaded with Mike with her eyes.

“Oh, slut no amount of pleading is going to get you out of this. So be ready to taste some pussy.” Mike grabbed her leash and pulled leading Melissa to the room Lesslie was headed too. Once in the room Lesslie hopped up on the bed and put her feet in the stirrups. “Now get over there and make her cum, I want her wiggling like a worm.”

Melissa dropped her head and walked slowly to the bed; she didn’t want to do this, she had never sexually touched a woman.

“Get your ass moving slut.” Mike stepped behind her grabbing her hair and pushing her to the bed. Forcing her to her knees and pushing her head within inches of Lesslie’s pussy. “Now I will suggest this one time, start licking that pussy” Lowering his voice to a whisper. “Do it, or we head home, and after I am done, you will not sit down for a month.” Letting go of her head, Mike stepped back to watch.

Melissa tentatively stuck out her tongue, touching Lesslie’s clit. At first, she felt disgusted with what she was doing; then she felt like she wanted to through up.

“Listen here slut licks my fucking pussy, you act like its going to bite you now start licking it like you’re in love with it, I want to cum.”

Mike reached into his bag and pulled out the braided flogger. With out warning, he swung down and up, connecting solidly with her ass, two of the braids went between her pussy lips one catching her on the clit.

Melissa lurched up letting out a scream as her ass, and even clit was hit. Tears quickly filled her eyes. “Please sir I don’t want to do this, I’m not bi. Please sir”

Mike’s face went red. He leaned over and whispered in her ear. “Is this what you want? You had better think carefully about it.”

Without hesitation, Melissa answered. “Please, sir I want to go home.”

“Fine, then we will go home. Get your fucking clothes on and take the bag to the truck. I will be out in a moment.”

Melissa jumped to her feet and grabbed her stuff. Lesslie pouted her lips. “What I don’t get my pussy licked? This is a total fucking bummer.”

When Melissa left Mike turned to Lesslie. “Get dressed and follow me, one way or another she is going to do what I want.”

Lesslie jumped off the bed with a squeal.

Mike thanked Jeff. “How soon will the others be ready?”

“I will have them ready by Friday.”

“Cool I will have Lesslie pick them up I will be out of town on a job. Mike turned headed for the door. Outside Mike saw Melissa standing outside with one of the couples. He grabbed her by the arm and practically dragged her to the truck. Opening the door, he helped her up. Getting in Mike started the truck and headed for the highway, once out of town he pulled over and got out. Walking around he opened the passenger door and drug Mellissa out by her hair. “Get out of my fucking truck.”

“Sir, please don’t leave me here, I don,t know how to get home so I can get my car.”

“Fucking strip!” Mike waited for her to strip when she didn’t he did it for her. He grabbed a handful of hair and drug her to the back of the truck and dropped the tailgate. Lifting her up he put her on the bed and slammed the tailgate. “You want to act like a little bitch then I shall treat you as a bitch, because no bitch is going to disobey and think she is going to ride in the cab with me.” Walking away Mike jumped in and headed back down the road.

Melissa slunk down into the bed trying to hide. She began to cry; Mike had yet to be this mad at her. All she wanted to do now was to get home and try and make things right. She felt the truck different turns and accelerate out of those turns; she tried her best to stay in one place.

Finally, they pulled into the driveway. She laid with her back to the tailgate when it suddenly it dropped, and Mike grabbed her. As her feet hit the ground, a car pulled into the drive. She watched closely as it came to a stop and Lesslie stepped out. She was about to protest when Mike pulled her the car and slammed her down on the hood. Then she heard that awful sound of a belt being pulled through belt loops. “Sir I am sorry please forgive me please!” She yelled. The first blow to the back of her legs caused her to scream out. “AHHHHH!” The next one hit even harder on her ass cheeks. “Sir Please Please forgive me please.” The next came down on her back. Mike never said a word, and she could hear Lesslie giggling. Four more swats hit her ass cheeks; tears started to flow. The pain was excruciating; Mike was swinging harder than when she had pissed on the floor.

Melissa lost count of the swats; her tears puddled on the hood of the car. When she didn’t feel another stinging bite to her ass, back or the back of her legs she prayed it was over. Without any warning she felt a big handful of her being grabbed then she was yanked upright and turned to face Lesslie who was herself naked. Then just as roughly push to her knees. “Now you fucking slut you’re going to start licking and make Lesslie cum, if you don’t you will get more of what you just received.”

Lesslie stepped forward, with her hands she spread her pussy lips and thrust her hips towards Melissa’s face. Melissa didn’t want to lick her she didn’t want more swats. Tears still flowed down her face when she was suddenly hit the face with a hard stream of piss. She heard Lesslie laughing as she did it. Mike still had her hair and forced her head down allowing Lesslie to piss on her head. When he pulled her head back up the pee stream was about gone, so he pushed her head into Lesslie’s pussy. “Drink up slut and clean her pussy of every drop.” Melissa fought back trying to push herself away.

When Mike felt the resistance, he yanked Melissa to her feet and bent her back over the hood of the car. “Fucking damn bitch, you will comply, you fucking agreed to comply with every command. Now you will pay the price.” Mike opened up the passenger door and opened the bad and removed the braided flogger. Turning he used the handle to spread Melissa’s legs with a hard whack to her inner thigh.

Melissa complied quickly for fear of the belt being used even harder. When the first sting of the flogger came down on her back and ass, she stood straight up and used her hands to cover her already burning backside. If there had been a neighbor close, they would have heard her scream. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Lesslie move and grab her hair forcing her down on the hood. She had to move her hands to keep from kissing the hood with her face. The next swing came up between her legs, she jumped and screamed again. Her tears were coming harder and faster. “PLEASE SIR PLEASE STOP PLEASE!” But her pleas went un heard as Mike brought the braided flogger cross ways hitting her legs then back hitting her other leg. Pain shot through Melissa’s body. Her scream got louder with every hit.

After ten solid blows, Mike handed the flogger to Lesslie then grabbed Melissa’s hair and dragged her to the front door keeping her bent at the waist. Her sobs did not affect him he was too angry to let them. When they entered the house, Mike grabbed two pillows off the couch then went into the kitchen grabbing a kitchen chair. Placing the pillows in the chair, he put them in the chair then forced Melissa onto the chair. He stepped out of the kitchen into the back room then returned with a rope. He secured her hands behind her, he pulled her left leg to the side and behind her and secured it to the leg of the chair then did the same to her other leg. Now with her pussy fully exposed he turned to Lesslie. Have at it girl lick it till you have had your fill.

Melissa tried to wiggle back, but with the two pillows behind her and her legs at an odd angle, she only managed to widen the gap. “Please sir no.”

Lesslie knelt down, placing her hands on Melissa’s thighs she put her face to her pussy and inhaled deeply. “MMM the sweet, sweet smell of pussy.”

Melissa tried to scream only to have the ball gag forced into her mouth and tightened. “Shut the fuck up slut.” Mike got nose to nose to her when he said it. “She is going to suck on your pussy, and she is going to lick till she wants no more.

Melissa was now terrified; her bladder began to hurt, then she had an idea, no matter what happened she would give Lesslie what she gave her.

Lesslie started to kiss on Melissa’s pussy lips when the flow of piss hit her lips. But not reacting as Melissa hoped she opened her mouth and drank it in. When the pee stopped Lesslie shoved her tongue as deep as she could into Melissa’s pussy and licked her clean then leaned back. “Yummy. What did you think sweetheart, that you would turn me off? See unlike you I will do what ever Mike wanted; I know how to be a proper girl. So I suggest you be a good girl and enjoy the pussy licking, and do me a huge favor and cum nice and hard for me so I can have a taste.” Lesslie went back busying herself to licking.

Melissa closed her eyes and tried to pretend it wasn’t happening, tried to ignore the assault on her clit and pussy. More tears flowed down her face.

After a few minutes, Lesslie says back. “This slut is as dry as the Sahara Mike.”

Mike removed the gag as soon as he did Melissa yelled out. “LET ME GO I WANT TO LEAVE I DON’T WANT TO BE HERE!”

Mike stood back at the sudden outburst. “HMM ok if that’s what you want then you can go now.” Mike unbound her and stepped back. As Melissa stood, Mike reached up and roughly removed the collar around her neck. “Lesslie go get her clothes so she can leave.”

Lesslie stood and left the room. A few minutes later she returned and handed Melissa her clothes. “I soaked them in pee just for you.”

Melissa grabbed her sopping wet clothes and headed out the door. Turning she looked at Mike. “Fuck you I hope you rot in hell.” Turned and walked out the door slamming it as she left. Before getting into her car, she put on the pee soaked clothes and got into her car. As she drove, she began to cry again and started cursing herself. “Fucking idiot why couldn’t you just did as you were told, Fuck I am so fucking stupid.” Tears flowed down her cheeks.

Arriving at her apartment she went inside and to her room, she quickly stripped her soaked clothes off. Just as she was headed to her bathroom, her bedroom door swung open.

“HOLY FUCKING HELL. What the hell have you gotten yourself into.”

Melissa turned and looked at her roommate.

Betty looked down and saw the pee stained clothes on the floor. “OH MY GOD you’re a fucking freak. My god, I am living with a freak of nature, fuck fuck fuck.” Betty looked up back at Melissa. “I want you out of my apartment I don’t want to be anywhere near you, you freak of fucking nature. I’m going out and will be gone until morning you had better be gone when I return. You fucking freak.”

“Betty, please let me explain it’s not like that, I was forced into this, please don’t kick me out I have nowhere to go.”

“Bull shit, I found you on the floor the other morning naked except for a collar and playing with yourself. Don’t give me that bullshit. Now get your shit packed and get the fuck out you sick bitch.” Betty turned and slammed the door.

Melissa fell to the floor and once again began to cry.

Melissa finally gained control of herself and searched for her phone. Fortunately, she thought to herself she had gotten Mike’s number this last time. She found his number and dialed and waited.

“What do you want” Mike grumbled on the other end.

“Sir, my roommate, just kicked me out, I have nowhere to go, I have no one. Please, can I come home, I promise to do everything you order me to do? I promise to behave. I will do anything.” Melissa tried her best not to start balling again.

“Ha, that’s funny. I remember you telling me that several times before, you even signed a piece of paper saying you would, then you left telling me to rot in hell. And now all of a sudden your begging to return? You must be stupid or think I am stupid.”

“No sir I am the stupid one sir. I am an idiot, and I stepped way out of line I am truly sorry. Please forgive me.” She sat and listened to silence for several moments.

“I will give you one more chance, pack your shit and come here, when you arrive you will go to the back yard and sleep in one of the dog houses tonight. In the morning you will take me to the airport and return here and take care of my house. When I get back, we will see just how well you listen.”

“Thank you; sir thank you.” Melissa again started crying as she hung up. She quickly got her stuff together then grabbed a quick shower. Once finished she went into Betty’s room got on her bed and pissed on it. “There you fucking bitch, hope it is nice and smelly when you get home.”

Melissa packed her things into her car. She returned to the apartment threw her key on the coffee table and closed the door without locking it. “Fuck you bitch!”

Melissa got in her car and headed to her new home.


Part Five

Melissa pulled into the drive, jumped out and stripped. Going through the gate, she expected to see or at least hear the dogs’ But nothing. She made her way to the dog houses, as she passed the porch she noticed something laying on the ground. Walking over she saw a blanket, pillow along with a note, opening the note she read quietly to herself.

“I will allow you to use a blanket and pillow tonight due to the weather will be in the 60s. In the morning you will be up at 5:30 am to help with the dogs, as well as Mary’s dogs, she will be bringing them by before taking us to the airport. Attached is a set of chores you will see as well as things you are allowed to do while I am away.”

1) Every morning you will make sure the dogs are allowed outside to use the bathroom and since Mary’s dogs will be there as well, let her’s out first, then put them back in the garage before letting out the boys. I do not want to explain why her dogs are either torn up or dead.

2) Feeding time for her dogs is 7:30, so feed the boys at about seven while her dogs are outside, then let them out and bring the others in and feed them.

3) You will make sure the boys get plenty of play time with you. If you do one, you do all three, no playing favorites. Mary’s dogs are off limits for sexual play.

4) You will keep the house in an orderly fashion at all times. Lesslie will be dropping by to drop off the toys I purchased as well you owe her some pleasure. You will please her if not then turn around get in your car, and you can be homeless for all I care.

5) You will remain naked at “ALL” times inside or out and no matter who comes by, I don’t care if your dad comes by you had better be naked.

6) You are not allowed to masturbate at all, the only time you can cum is if Lesslie fucks you or the dogs fuck you.

7) You are only authorized to sleep on the floor at the foot of my bed where I have a dog bed laid out for you or on the couch with one of the dogs.

8) You may not leave the house for any reason except work. After work, you will return immediately home.

9) I will be returning home next Thursday you will be at the airport to pick me up at 8 pm.

10) And finally, after you have completed the housework and the dogs are taken care of you may relax and watch TV.

Melissa stood and stared at the note, part of her hoped that Leslie would not be coming by, she felt she wasn’t ready for that experience. Keeping the dogs happy actually excited her. She picked up the blanket and pillow and set them up in the doghouse, then ran back to her car and grabbed her cell phone. She didn’t care for waking that early, so she wanted to get her alarm. She sure didn’t want an ass beating for not waking up on time. She set her alarm for 5:25 am so she would be up with plenty of time, laid down and fell asleep.

Melissa heard her alarm go off and could have sworn she had not been asleep long enough or was it she just enjoyed her dream of being put in a dog pin and forced to service a bunch of male dogs. Her pussy was sopping wet, and she had a dog cock on her brain. Melissa got up folded the blanket and took them to the porch and set them next to the door. Then got on her knees and pawed at the door and barked as loud as she could.

Mike looked at his clock as soon as he heard Melissa bark. It was only 5:26, so he took his time getting to the door. Mike had to admit she was doing good by being early instead of late. Plus he didn’t feel like dishing out punishment. He opened the door to find Melissa kneeling waiting patiently. “Get up and take the dogs outside, and no playing, Mary will be here in a few minutes, I don’t want her freaking out.”

“Yes, sir.” Melissa whistled and called the boys. Seconds later all three dogs came running and tried jumping on her excited to see her. Booger was so excited that he tried his best to mount her, his hips humping the air. “Sir what do I do?”

“Booger down!” Mike reached over and thumped his ear.

Melissa took the boys outside and watched as they did their business. Once Bo was done he came over and shoved his muzzle into Melissa’s crotch and started licking. “Bo no, bad boy! You can do that later, now come on, and let’s go in.” As Melissa turned, Booger came up and attempted to lick her ass. “Booger no not now, down boy down.” Now with two of the dogs trying to lick her, she was getting excited, and her excitement was getting the boys turned on. Melissa quickly made her way to the door trying to push the dogs away. “SIR HELP!”

Mike opened the door to find Melissa desperately trying to get away from the dogs. “Damn it slut why are you teasing the dogs. I told you no play time. Now get your ass in here.”

“Sir I wasn’t trying to tease them, Bo just came up and started licking me, then booger joined in.”

“Then you should have stayed inside and waited till they did their business and let them in. Now go get my bags and get them to the door.”

Melissa ran to the room grabbed Mike’s bags and took them to the door. As she reached the door, the doorbell rang. Melissa looked towards Mike. “Well fucking answer the door.”

The door opened, and Mary stepped back when Melissa opened the door in the nude. “What the fuck girl put on some damn clothes.”

“Hello Ma’am, Sorry but sir doesn’t allow me to wear clothes.”

Mary pushed her way by Melissa. “Mike what the fuck, have you lost your ever-loving mind. When did you turn into a total asshole.”

“Mary first of all none of your business and second none of your business. Now can we get your dogs so we can put them out back? I want to get to the airport.”

“She is taking care of my fur babies, I didn’t drop them off for her to take care of them, but for you to take care of them. I don’t know her so, therefore, I do not trust her. How do I know she will not fuck Duke or not feed them properly.”

“Because if I can trust her, then you should as well, nothing will happen to your dogs, she has strict instructions on how to handle your dogs, and she will follow those instructions to the T.” Mike opened the door and grabbed his bags. “Now can we please go I can not afford to miss my flight.”

“Fine.” Mary turned and pointed at Melissa. “If my dogs get hurt I will beat the living hell out of you.”

Melissa bowed her head. “yes ma’am they will get the best care and will be unharmed when you return ma’am.” Melissa heard the garage open and heard two large dogs barking. Once the garage door shut, she headed outside and watched as Mary and Mike left. Once Mary’s truck was out of sight Melissa hurried back into the house. As she passed the couches, she looked at the boys and smiled. “When I get home we will have some fun, ok boys?” All three dogs perked their ears and looked at Melissa and started wagging their tales. Melissa ran to the bathroom and started the shower. As she was showering, she wanted so badly to masturbate but knew Mike had cameras or thought he did and thought better of it. Melissa knew some cameras had remote access to phones and damn sure didn’t want to get caught playing with herself. She quickly finished her shower, dried off then without any thought about it went to her car naked to grab all her things from her car. On her last trip, she realized what she had been doing. “Mike has gotten to me if I’m doing this without thinking about it.” She felt her pussy begin to moisten. Once everything was hung up and fending off the dogs several times, she grabbed her work clothes and headed for the door. “You boys behave while I am gone, and when I get home, I will have a treat for you.” She hurried out the door and got dressed once she was in her car.

All during work Melissa couldn’t get the dogs or Mike out of her mind. She was in mid-thought when her boss walked into her office.

“Melissa do you have those finance reports ready for me?”

“Yes, ma’am I do they are in your inbox on your desk. I put the papers there about 45 minutes ago.”

“Oh ok good job then, by the way, when did you start wearing a dog collar?”

Melissa’s mind went into a frenzy she had completely forgotten her collar was on, she had planned on taking it off before she got to work, and now here she was with her boss questioning her. She reached up, and to her relief, it had turned and showed the buckle and not the front. “Oh um a few weeks ago, I completely forgot it was on.” She unbuckled it and put it in her desk door.

“It’s ok if you wear it but please try to wear one that doesn’t say slut.” Her boss turned and left her office.

Melissa’s heart dropped to her stomach, and her face turned a bright red. She laid her head on her desk. “Oh my god, I am such a fucking idiot.”

Once work was over Melissa grabbed her collar and headed for her car. As she was getting in, she didn’t notice Lesslie at the other end of the building watching her. She didn’t see Lesslie take her phone and dial Mike.

Pulling into the driveway, Melissa got out and quickly stripped off her clothes and put her collar back on. She would have to find the black one Mike originally bought so she could wear it instead of her slut collar. As she headed for the door clothes in hand a Red car pulled into the driveway, and once again her heart sank, she recognized it as Lesslie’s car, hell she should remember it her face got to know It personally last night.

Lesslie got out of her car and strolled towards Melissa who was waiting for her. “On your knees slut, I have a message from Mike.”

Melissa dropped to her knees, wondering what the message might be.

Lesslie got to where Melissa was kneeling and bent down grabbing a hand full of hair and roughly pulling Melissa’s head back. “Mike told me he is pissed off with you, you violated a rule, and therefore I get to punish you.”

“What rule I didn’t violate any rule. Are you spying on me?”

Lesslie grabbed her phone and pulled up the picture from earlier, then showed it to Melissa. “see anything missing?” Cause I do, and yes I am watching you per Mikes instructions, and it’s a good thing too.”

Melissa felt shame wash over her she had forgotten to put her collar back on. How did Lesslie know where she worked unless Mike told her.

“You see taking off your collar tells Mike you don’t want to be his, it also says you have no respect for rules. Rules that Mike takes seriously. It is not just me who knows what is going on here, Mike has a lot of friends in town, and they tell him things, Especially now that he has a bitch running around loose while he is away.” Lesslie pulled her up by her hair. “now we are going to go out back and have a little fun, well fun for me that is.

Melissa knew that no form of begging was going to stop her and trying to run away was going to put her in a bad way. She followed Lesslie as she unlocked the door and led her through the house to the back door. “Lesslie I need to let the dogs out first so they can go to the bathroom.”

“Oh they will be fine, Mike had me do that earlier when I came by at lunch.” With that, she gave Melissa’s hair a hard yank and led her to the back door. Once outside she pulled her hair hard enough that Melissa went tumbling forward off the porch and into the grass. “Now stay right there and do not move I will be back in a second.”

Lesslie returned with the braided flogger. “Now slut get your ass over there to the doghouse and bend over.”

Melissa thought of arguing but looked at the flogger with fear in her eyes. Her bruises from last night were still fresh in her mind. She went to the first dog house and bent over waiting for what was going to be painfully next.

“To answer your question, Mike permitted me to use this one and to punish you any way I see fit. You need to learn that rules are to be followed and not ignored. The fact you did it on the day he left pissed him off. So I figure 20 lashes will be sufficient.” As she stepped up, she brought down the first blow down onto Melissa’s back and ass.

When it hit Melissa felt pain rush through her body, The braids hit her spine and her tailbone, She tried not to move, but the reaction was involuntary. The next strike from the flogger caught both ass cheeks; Her already bruised ass caused her to scream out. Every blow hit a different part of her body. Her sides, back, ass, hips, the back of her legs and the side of her legs. When she thought she had counted 15, tears were streaming down her face.

“Now slut stand up and turn and spread your legs.”

Melissa slowly complied, her skin felt on fire and ached. Once she was facing Lesslie, she spread her legs as wide as she could. She watched as Lesslie brought the flogger in an upward swing and hit her square on her pussy. Melissa screamed and fell to her knees, and out of reaction took both her hands and covered her pussy.

“Slut you better get back to your feet and put your fucking hands behind you. There will be plenty of time for you to be on your knees. Now get the fuck up!”

Melissa struggled to her feet and put her hands behind her.

Lesslie wasted no time with her next two swings both hitting Melissa’s pussy. “Now slut for your final two, get on your knees.”

Melissa dropped to her knees, tears and snot flowed down her face, she wanted to wipe it off but knew if she did she would get more.

Lesslie stepped to the side and swung the flogger in a side way motion hitting both tits. The smack of braided leather made a loud crack in the soft untouched skin and a loud scream from Melissa. She swung again striking the same exact place. She felt her pussy get wet when she watched Melissa’s tits jiggle from the resulting hit. “Fuck that is hot, so love to see tits jiggle. I think I will add five more just for good measure.” With that, she swung and made contact again.

Melissa tits started turning an angry red; the pain was intense. She wanted it to end quickly. She wanted Lesslie to leave; she didn’t like her she was far more sadistic than Mike. She watched as Lesslie dropped the flogger. She didn’t expect the slap across her face.

“Now slut it is past time you please me, but I want you to stay right here and think this through, Think about what will happen if you do not comply with my demands.” Lesslie turned on her heels and went inside.”

Melissa reached up and wiped the snot from her face. She sniffled as she looked down to see her tits an angry red and some bruises starting to form on them. Melissa knew what was coming. Next, she didn’t want to, not at least for Lesslie. Part of her was scared of her another hated her. She couldn’t understand what Mike even saw in her. So far all the women that knew Mike were total bitches except one, and that was the girl who was with the guy who made all the leather for Mike. She knew that it was going to be rough without Mike around, she had no idea how she was going to deal with her work and her collar, especially with Lesslie spying on her.

Lesslie came out 15 minutes later wearing nothing. She walked over and stood in front of Melissa. “Now you are going to give me what I want. You will make me cum. If you do I will report to Mike that I feel the punishment you received was enough, If you do not I will say you need further punishment, and trust me I can use more than just a flogger. Now so which is it slut?”

Melissa thought for a moment then opened her mouth wide.

“Wise choice slut.” Lesslie pushed Melissa by her head forcing her to the ground. With her foot, she shoved her onto her back. “Now here is what is going to happen, I’m going to pee, and you’re going to drink every drop then you will clean my pussy and lick me till I cum. Now Mike told me you like fucking his dogs, so if you can make me cum nice and hard I will let the boys fuck your brains out. If you do not make me cum, the boys will not get to fuck you, and I will tell Mike you need more training.

Melissa nodded her head in understanding. “I will do it.

“Lesslie kicked Melissa in the side. “Bitch you will show me the same respect as Mike, You will call me fucking ma’am.”

Melissa winced from the kick. “Mike didn’t put that in my contract, and he has not told me directly, till he does so I am not obligated to do so.”

Lesslie felt rage build up in her. She reached down and grabbed Melissa’s hair and placed her knee on Melissa’s throat. “Listen here you worthless little skank; I don’t give two shits what you think or believe. I will make your life a living fucking hell. You are mine to do with while Mike is out of town. If I want to fuck you I will If I choose to piss down your throat, you will drink every drop, and if I expect you to call me ma’am, you will by god call me ma’am and do it with a fucking smile.” Letting go of Melissa’s hair, she slapped her as hard as she could across the face. Melissa screamed out in pain.

Tears once again washed over her face as she tried to catch her breath and the sting of the slap resonated, and her head bounced off the ground. “I want to talk to Mike I want to hear that from him, not you.”

Lesslie slapped Melissa several more times, then kicked her in the side. “Fucking god damn slut you will pay for this, and you will regret your every fucking word.” She slapped Melissa several more times across her face then started punching her in the gut. When she was tired, she stood over the crying body of Melissa and began to pee on her face. “I am letting Mike know he needs to get rid of your ass, you are a worthless piece of shit” Once she finished peeing, she put her foot back on Melissa’s throat pushing hard enough Melissa started gasping for air. She lifted her foot to allow Melissa to catch her breath.

Melissa was beginning to fear for her life and knew she needed to get away. But didn’t know how she would get away. Melissa quickly curled into a ball trying to protect her body from Lesslie.

“Fucking bitch take your punishment like you are supposed to.” Lesslie walked behind her and kicked her in the back, causing Melissa to scream out again. I will be back you fucking slut and when I return you had better have remembered your place and how to address me.

Melissa laid curled in a ball crying for all she was worth. Now her whole body hurt and she was now probably going to be homeless. When she heard the backdoor close, she got up and headed for the gate. She hurried to her car and jumped into her car. She found her keys and looked up in time to see Lesslie coming out of the house. She got her car started and slammed into reverse. Once on the street Melissa found her phone and started calling Mike and praying he would listen. When Mike answered, she went into a frantic explanation.

“Sir I am so sorry I made a mistake, and I am very sorry I disappointed you, please forgive me.”

Surprise caught Mike with the admission of guilt. “What did you do slut and why the fuck are you bothering me while I am at work, are the dogs ok?

“Sir, my boss, came into my office and complained about my collar, and I regrettably removed it. I forgot to put it back on when I left work and Lesslie saw me. She said you told her to punish me. And yes the dogs are fine sir.”

“Wait what did you say? That Lesslie said, I gave her permission to punish you? I did nothing of the sort. It is not her responsibility nor would I ever do that.”

“Sir she said I had to comply with everything she said I had to call her ma’am. I told her you never said I had to and that till you said sir, I was not going to When I stated that, she slapped me around, kicked me and punched me several times tried choking me, sir I don’t trust her.” As she said this, tears began to roll down her face, and she nearly drove her car into a ditch. “Sir I had to escape, I’m in my car I don’t know where to go, and I am scared of not having any clothes.”

“What the fuck, I gave her no right what so ever to do anything. I am calling a good friend of mine to come to the house; she will watch over you and the house, you can trust her she will not harm you. But Lesslie is not to come around.” Mike told Melissa where she could go and wait for his friend to call her, he hung up the phone furious that he was not home but Mike knew he could not let Lesslie get away with this. Mike went to his contacts and dialed a number. When a voice answered on the other end, “Beth I need you to go to my place and evict someone and then call my girl to come home. My girl Is in danger, do not let her out of your sight.”

Melissa nervously waited at the location Mike told her to go to, never in her life had she feared someone. Mike, she was scared of, but part of her trusted him, With Lesslie, it was total fear. She didn’t understand why she was this way; Melissa did know that Lesslie would not give up till Lesslie got what she wanted.

Melissa jumped when her phone rang; she looked at it not recognizing the number. When it rang a second time, she answered it.

“Melissa its Beth, Mike sent me here to watch over you and the house. He said for you to call him when I got here and it was safe. You can come home.”

Melissa headed back home when she pulled into the drive she saw an enormous woman standing in the drive. As she got closer, she looked at Beth and guessed she was at least 6’ may be a little taller and muscular, long blonde hair and medium sized breasts. To Melissa, Beth looked like she could beat a gorilla into submission. She put her car and park and got out of the car.

Beth took one look at Melissa and whistled then turned her around to look at her backside. She pulled out her phone and turned on the camera. She took several pictures then turned her to face her and took more. “That bitch did a number on you girl; she had better not come around while I am here.”

“Some of the bruises Mike gave me because I disobeyed him, but the fresh ones are all her doing. Please don’t be mad at Mike for those.”

“Hunny no worries I understand Mike and know what he can do when mad, but I also know he would not harm you. Lesslie, on the other hand, has just proved she is a psycho bitch. But that is ok Mike will make her pay for this.” As she stood there, she sent the pics to Mike. “Now I know some things about you and Mike; I also know he didn’t want you, but you managed to weasel your way into his house. Right or wrong I will warn you if you hurt him in any way Lesslie will be the least of your worries. Now let’s go inside before psycho bitch returns. Fortunately for Mike, I just started my three-week rotation from the rig.

“How do you and Mike know each other? If you don’t mind if I ask?”

“I have known Mike for many years; he is the reason I look the way I do now and the job I have. I was a miserable bitch and didn’t care about my well being. But Mike showed me I was wrong; he got me to work out and become a better person. I have watched him suffer over the years and if he had let me each girl that hurt him would be regretting their own life. But I had also wanted to kick his ass when he screwed up a few relationships.” Beth flopped down into Mike’s recliner.

Melissa walked over and knelt on her pillow next to Beth.


Part Six

When Thursday came, it was a massive relief for Melissa. Beth had stayed with her the whole time never leaving her side., escorting her to work and staying within minutes of her while she worked. Because of her issue at work, Mike had Beth take her and get a choker to match with her work clothes. That kind of surprised her and several times Beth had to remind her to change into it before work. Lesslie had shown up once at her job but left in a hurry when she saw Beth.

Melissa sighed with relief as five o’clock arrived, and she stepped out the door to see Beth waiting for her. Jumping into the car, Melissa scanned the area looking for any signs of Lesslie.

“Sweetheart don’t bother. I have already looked, and there are no signs of the little bitch.” Beth reached over and patted Melissa’s leg and gave her a reassuring smile. ” Now let’s get you home so you can change.”

They arrived at the airport just before 8 pm, parked and went in to wait for Mike to show. When he came walking down the gangway of the terminal, Melissa ran as fast as she could and jumped into his arms tears streaming.

Mike wrapped his arms around her. “Once I am done Lesslie will not be coming around, but you will be able to return the favor to her.” Mike kissed her cheek and let her down. When they approached Beth, he hugged her. “Thank you, Beth, for watching over her. You are free to leave once we get to the house.”

“Fuck that shit Mike; I am going to be present when Lesslie gets hers even if I am the one who drags her crazy ass to the house and inside myself. She fucked with you and you know I will not stand for that shit. And besides Melissa and I have become good friends. I don’t think Mary felt comfortable around me the other day when she came to get her dogs.”

Mike laughed,” yeah she never did like you, you scare her.” As they got into the car, Mike opened his phone and dialed Lesslie.

“Hey did you pick up that stuff I ordered?”

“Yeah I did, I haven’t brought them over. Your girl had some girl come by and has not left her side. You need to make Melissa understand her fucking place, especially having some woman act as a bodyguard.”

Mike looked at Melissa and gave her a wink. “Don’t worry I will deal with that here in a few when I get home. Go ahead if you can and come to the house so I can get that stuff. But hurry though if you want to be there for the punishment.”

“I will be heading that way, oh and you need to deal with her damn mouth, her talking back to me the other day pissed me off, I had to leave before I did something stupid.”

“I will deal with it as well, now hurry I don’t want to wait too long.” Mike hung up the phone without another word to Lesslie. “Ok so here is how it goes, Beth park your car in the garage, then hide out in one of the rooms, preferably the one closest to the front door. Once she enters, you will block off the door. Now I’m not so sure you will want to see all of what goes on, but you can be there to help secure her.”

“If you’re talking about the dogs it’s all good I watched Melissa in action. Even tried sucking one off myself.”

Mike turned and gave Beth a surprised look. “wait, when did you step over to the dark side of kinky?”

Beth gave Mike a wide grin. “Oh about four years ago. But it wasn’t anything major. When I caught Melissa playing with the dogs when they were outside; I watched from the laundry room. It was quite hot. So when Melissa came back in, I asked her about it.”

“Well, you have always been full of surprises.” Mike turned and looked at Melissa. “Did you order the items I wanted?”

“Yes Sir I did, and oh My god I love them.” Melissa let a wide grin cross her face.

Mike began laughing. “Oh, I think you will enjoy using them when it comes time.”

Arriving at the house, while Melissa disrobed Mike and Beth put her car in the garage. Heading inside Mike led Melissa to a chair and lightly secured her to the chair, then laid out all his floggers and other items on the floor next to her. Taking some more rope along with the cuffs, he got those secured to the table legs. Beth stood to watch at the door, when she saw Lesslie pull up she let Mike know then hid in the bedroom.

Lesslie walked into the house without even knocking and headed straight toward Melissa. “You fucking slut, you’re going to get whats coming to you. Now that Mike is home you will pay for your little shenanigans. Especially bringing in some girl thinking she would protect you.”

“Yeah about that whole episode, you had no right to do what you did, and that girl is behind you, I called her to protect Melissa after you came here and abused her without my permission. I even called Melissa’s boss, seems someone called her about Melissa and told her about her collar, someone she knows very well. That person is you.”

Lesslie turned and saw Beth behind her, then turned and saw Mike stepping toward her. “Mike you told me to watch out for her.”

“Yeah, I did, but what I didn’t say was you could punish her. I wanted you to let me know if she was disobeying. Had she been disobeying I would have instructed you how I wanted it handled. You chose to set her up by getting her into trouble at work. I also never told her she had to call anyone a Master or Mistress, but she had to call them Ma’am or Sir. Only I am the one she is to do that with without fail.” Mike got close enough and grabbed Lesslie’s arm. As he did so, Beth grabbed the other and Melissa undid her bindings.”

“Wait, what are you doing? Mike let me go.”

“Um, what do you think I’m going to do? I’m going to punish you for bringing harm to my girl, and even she gets to help. I believe she deserves that.”

Lesslie began to struggle, trying to break free of their grip. “Mike don’t you do this; I will make you regret it.”

” I will do this, and I will enjoy it as I know Melissa will too, see I do not like people trying to undermine me or deceive me. Had you called me and told me what she had done, I would have handled it.”

“I didn’t hurt her, and I didn’t do anything wrong, she is just a slut and a slave, nothing but a piece of trash.”

“Yes but she is my slut, my slave. Now let’s see what you did to My girl.” Mike led her to his computer. “Slut come here and turn on the computer. Let’s see what all she did to you.”

“Wait, you filmed all this?”

“Sweetheart I have security cameras all over the place. So yes I shot everything. I can control the cameras even on my phone. I can even save and delete data as I see fit.” Once the computer lit up, Mike entered his password then instructed Melissa on how to open the security feed. Once opened he took over. First, Mike clicked on the video of Melissa’s first night with the boys. Then he clicked on the video of the day in question. As they watched, Mike noticed Melissa’s shame of watching it all over again and the pain in her face. “You know Lesslie; you are a lying bitch, an evil one at that.” Mike led her to the table and secured her to it. Before they did so, Beth removed Lesslie’s clothes. Mike bent down and tied her legs to the table legs making sure her legs were spread apart. Once she was fully secured, he stepped to the end to face her. “Now here is what is going to happen. First I am going to whip you with the very flogger you used on Melissa. Then I am going to whip you with the crop. Once done, I am going to let Melissa decide what she wants to do.”

“Mike please it was a mistake, please let me go. I will never return, and I will never bother Melissa again. Please!” Lesslie struggled against her restraints.

Mike grabbed a handful of hair. “Now now, why would I let you get away with harming her. Why would I do that? You know I have noticed when people fuck up and get caught they seem to be very apologetic. See Melissa called me that day, and before she even said what happened she told me what she had done wrong, And yes I know she feared what her punishment would be, but I give her this much she has learned that it is far better to admit it before you get caught. Yes, she had received a beating from you and thought that I was the one at first who told you-you could, but I believe she realized I would never allow what happened the way it happened. What I do believe, is you were still pissed you didn’t get what you wanted and felt I had not punished her enough for it, so you decided to exact revenge on her.”

“No Mike that’s not it, I swear. I got a little carried away, and I am sorry. I will do anything; I will leave, I will pay you anything, please don’t do this though.” Lesslie was getting scared, so much so, she started peeing on the floor.

Beth began to laugh. “Mike I think you have scared the piss out of her.”

Mike stood and walked to the backside and watched as piss splashed the floor and trickled down Lesslie’s leg. “Well fuck, and here I didn’t have a glass on me. Oh well so be it, wet pussy and leather make for better sting anyway.” Mike bent down and grabbed the braided flogger, waved it around for a minute getting used to its weight. “I like the sound this thing makes as the leather cuts the air.” As he brought it down, he swung it, so it passed by Lesslie’s ass with inches to spare.

Lessie felt the breeze as the flogger passed by her ass and flinched, clenching her ass tight. “Please Mike, please don’t do this. Please!” Lesslie started crying as she pleaded with Mike.

Mike swung the flogger in a downward motion, the braids of the leather flogger hit her square in the middle of her back. He heard Lesslie scream as it contacted her bare skin. Then swinging the flogger in a side to side motion, the braids connected with each ass cheek. Mike grinned as Lesslie screamed again.

Melissa leaned forward and licked Lesslie’s tear-streaked face. “You taste good when you are scared.” She licked Lesslie’s other cheek. “I am going to enjoy watching your pain, and if Sir allows it, I want to see you serve Bo, Booger, and Boss. I want to watch their beautiful cocks get buried into your pussy. Hell, I might even try to suck their cum from your pussy then feed it to you.” Melissa stood then bent back over and spit in Lesslie’s face. “Who is the skank now, bitch.”

“Now now slut no teasing. But I think you are correct, Lesslie needs to service the boys. What do you say, Beth.”

“No I say I go find a stray, you don’t want her fucking the boys, she might harm them in some manner.”

“Hmm I think you are right, go see if you can find one.” As Beth left to find a dog, Mike stepped back to face Lesslie.

“Mike please don’t do this, please.” She knew her asking him to would not help, but she tried. “Mike, please I beg you, please let me go. I promise I will never bother you or Melissa ever again, please.”

“Oh, you poor girl. Poor pathetic Lesslie. She can dish it out but can’t take it. Melissa, go and retrieve the strap-on, and put it on. I think you can fuck her in the ass while we wait for Beth to get back.”

Melissa ran to Mike’s room, looking in the bottom drawer where she had put all the new toys. The dick on it was about the size of Booger’s knot. Melissa let out a low whistle. She pulled it from the drawer and put it on. It was about 8 inches long, so when she wiggled her hips, it slapped her legs. Walking back in she made sure to be in sight of Lesslie.

Lesslie saw the strap-on and began to scream.”NO, no please no! I don’t want that thing in my ass, please, god no! Please, I don’t want that or anything in my ass. I have never been fucked in my ass, please, please.” Lesslie strained against her restraints desperately trying to free. “Mike please no!”

“I remember begging as well as you beat my ass, I remember asking, but you never heard me. So yes ma’am I am going to fuck your ass, and fuck it hard.”

“Melissa please don’t do this. I am sorry for everything. I am sorry if I hurt you, I regret that I did what I did, please forgive me.”

“Fuck you bitch. Oh, wait I am getting ready to fuck you.” Melissa stepped up to Lesslie’s ass, taking the cock head and pushing it against her puckered ass hole. “Oh you might want to relax, it won’t hurt as much.” Then she pushed hard. Lesslie asshole gave way to the pressure of the fake cock.

Lesslie screamed at the violation of her ass. She felt like she was being ripped apart. The most she had ever had up there was her finger when she first experimented with ass play. But this, this large toy was nowhere near the size of her finger. She felt it slide deeper into her ass; she couldn’t control the screaming as Melissa kept pushing it in. “PLEASE STOP OH GOD PLEASE NO!”

Melissa pushed it all as far as she could. “Sir is there any way to shut her the fuck up, so I can please enjoy this, her screaming is annoying?”

Mike looked on the floor at the toys and found a ball gag. Grabbing it, he walked around and shoved the ball into Lesslie’s mouth then strapped it tightly around her head. Now all they could hear were muffled screams. “Is that better slut?”

“Much better Sir, thank you.” Melissa eased the cock out slowly bringing it out all the way.

Lesslie’s eyes went wide when Melissa shoved it back into her ass. As she screamed, she bit down on the ball gag. Pain radiated through her body, she began slamming her fists on the table.

Melissa slowly started picking up the pace as she fucked Lesslie. She enjoyed her muffled screams; It was making her pussy wet. Never in her life had getting revenge on someone felt so great. She knew though she had better enjoy it while it lasted, and enjoy she did. She grabbed either side of Lesslie’s hips, using them for leverage as she fucked her harder and harder.

After several thrusts the pain began to give away to pleasure, Lesslie continued to scream and shake her head trying to will it away, trying to will the violation of her body away. She felt like time was creeping. She prayed it would end soon. Then the first orgasm hit her; she screamed out no as her body trembled.

Mike watched in fascination as Melissa steadily fucked Lesslie. When the door opened, and Beth entered with a large mongrel, only then did he allow his focus on them to break. He walked over toward Beth and the dog. “Where did you find this boy at?”

“About a mile or so down 410 road. The pup is a little mangy, but he has a set of balls the size of lemons.” Beth looked toward the kitchen to see Melissa humping away at Lesslie and heard her screams. “Now that looks hot as fuck. When do I get to fuck her?”

“Later but first I need to dish out the punishment I want to, then we will go from there. Slut stop fucking Lesslie, I want Lesslie’s asshole to tighten back up, she needs to wear the tail for her doggie experience.”

“Yes, Sir.” Melissa wore a big pout as she removed the strap-on from Lesslie’s ass. As she stepped back, she gave her a nice open-handed slap across the ass cheek.

Mike stepped up and removed the ball gag from Lesslie’s mouth. “Please don’t punish me, please, I promise never to return or say anything to anyone, please.”

“Bitch shut up or I will shove this thing back into your mouth.” Mike slapped her across the face as he stepped back behind her and retrieved the braided flogger. Picking the flogger up, he started swinging the flogger through the air making sure to bring the braided ends as close to her ass as possible. Ignoring her asking him to stop, Mike grinned as he watched her ass flinch with every passing of the flogger. His first connecting swing connected between her ass cheeks, the crack even made Melissa jump a little. Lesslie’s scream told him all he needed to know. Mike started to swing the flogger in a figure eight pattern, so when he started connecting with her ass again, he hit her right then left ass cheek. His swings began flowing fluidly, the whoosh of leather thru the air and the crack of leather to the skin. Lesslie’s scream became elongated between inhales for breath. Her body pulling against her restraints. Mike made a slight change up as he hit right then left he would bring the flogger down then up and hit Lesslie’s pussy. The first hit to Lesslie’s pussy caused her to pull so tight on her restraints her back arched.

Tears flowed down her cheeks; she felt her voice begin to get raspy as she continued to scream. She had no time between the smacking of leather to her bare skin to beg him to stop. Her pussy hurt the most; her ass felt like it was on fire. Mike was relentless she knew that for sure but it felt like he was more than that now.

Melissa leaned forward and licked Lesslie’s cheek. “MMM, I love the taste of your pain.” Looking into Lesslie’s eyes, she smiled. She grabbed Lesslie by the hair and pulled her head back, then spit in her face. “Fucking bitch, you should have never fucked with me.” Melissa swung with her right hand and connected with Lesslie’s right cheek. “Sir, can I do what she did to me?”

“If you mean choke, then go right ahead slut.”

Lesslie felt an overwhelming fear creep through her. When Melissa wrapped her hand around her throat, her fear turned into terror. When Melissa squeezed, she went full panic when she couldn’t draw breath.

Melissa watched as Lesslie struggled to get air when her face started changing color she released her grip. “How does it feel bitch when you can’t breathe, hmmm?”

“Please, Melissa I am sorry ple…..” Her airway was closed off again as Melissa squeezed tight around her throat.

“Fuck you bitch, fuck you, I want you to know how I felt as you did this to me. I want you to feel the fear I felt; I want you scared like I was scared. So fuck you, and fuck you and your, I am sorry bullshit.” Melissa let go long enough for Lesslie to gasp for air, then squeezed.

Mike stood back and looked at the redness of Lesslie’s ass and pussy; welps were already starting to form. “Slut stop.” He commanded, Melissa wasn’t stopping, and he saw the anger in her eyes. Casually walking over to her he brought the flogger back and swung it hitting her ass as hard as he could. Melissa screamed out and let go.

Melissa looked at Mike knowing full well she had just fucked up, she rubbed her ass and stepped back.

“Fuck, slut I want you to get back at her, but if you don’t want to listen to me, then I will be more than happy to secure your ass to the table as well.”

“Yes sir, I apologize, I got a little blinded by my revenge. Thank you for my punishment.” Melissa bowed her head and walked away from the table and to the kitchen entryway.

Mike leaned over and looked into Lesslie’s eyes. “I am going to let you have a short break; then we will see what ol’ Mutt over there is capable of, I think he deserves a piece of human pussy to fuck. Probably got a lot of build up.” Mike stood and walked toward the living room.

Lesslie laid on the table still trying to catch her breath. Never had she thought Mike would be this sadistic? Her ass hurt, her pussy, and the back of her legs hurt. She felt as if she had cried all her tears away. Lesslie knew she had fucked up; she had been jealous that skank had gotten Mike and not her. She thought if she could have scared her enough she would have left for good. Now here she was strapped to a table beaten and choked. When she thought about what was next, she cringed. Never would she fuck a dog, it was all right for Mike’s skank to do it, but her, that was a kink she never wanted. Now she was going to experience it, and she feared she would enjoy it.

Beth watched over Lesslie while Mike and Melissa sat in the living room. Beth was one of those who enjoyed the company of men and women. Seeing Lesslie get her ass beat was a huge turn on. She could feel the moistness of her pussy. Her time with Melissa had been an enjoyable one, though they had not played, Melissa had taught her a new pleasure, dogs, she hadn’t fucked one yet but had sucked her fair share of their cum down her throat. Beth stepped over and laid her hand on Lesslie’s ass. As soon as her hand touched her bare skin, Lesslie tightened up her butt cheeks. She lightly caressed her ass feeling the heat from the recent flogging. She let her fingers glide up Lesslie’s spine, being ever so gentle. She wanted badly to smack her one, but she didn’t want to piss Mike off. She leaned over and whispered into Lesslie’s ear. “Listen here bitch, once Mike is done with you, it will be my turn, and you thought it hurt when Melissa fucked your ass, well prepare cause when I fuck it I will make it hurt.” Beth stood and walked into the living room.

For the thirty minutes, they all sat in the living room watching tv. Finally, Mike stood up and headed to the backyard. “Beth watch Lesslie, slut you come with me.” Mike headed out the door with Melissa hot on his heels. Once out back Mike went to the shed, entering he quickly found what he had come to get. Opening up one of the storage cases he shuffled through it and removed eight tent stakes. They went back outside. Slut grab that old table in the corner, that should be the right hight.”

Melissa grabbed the small table and scurried out of the shed.

Mike had Melissa set down the table and placed each stake up, then moved the table and hammered each stake the ground, once satisfied they were beaten into the ground, he placed the table back and went back inside. Returning a few minutes later with him and Beth on either side of a very dejected Lesslie, Mutt followed behind. Mike led them to the table. Forcing Lesslie down onto the table, he took the rope and secured her arms to each tent stake while Beth fastened her feet to the back stakes. Mike finished and took some rope and tied them to her upper thighs then led the ropes to a set of stakes he had set further back to keep her from moving forward and preventing Mutt from knotting with her.

While Mike and Beth were securing Lesslie, Melissa was playing with Mutt getting him nice and wound up. Reaching under him, she playfully stroked his sheath, getting his cock out and exposed. Meanwhile, he humped her hand, and several times tried to mount her. Melissa deftly got away from him, even while on all fours. On occasion, she would get his cock exposed and lean under him and wrap her lips around his cock, each time she would moan as he squirted precum into her mouth. She only stopped when Mike yelled at her to bring Mutt to them.

Lesslie watched as Melissa played with Mutt, she wanted to throw up, never had she seen such a disgusting act of total perversion. When Mike hollered for her to bring the dog over Lesslie fought against the restraints, but unfortunately for her, Mike had her nice and secured.

Melissa lead Mutt over to Lesslie and let him sniff at her pussy. He took several licks at her pussy when Melissa slapped at her skin. For several minutes he paced around Lesslie and the table.

With Mutt not mounting Melissa reached and patted Lesslie’s butt calling him. “Come on Mutt mount your new bitch. Come on boy.” She patted her ass several more times.

Lesslie did her best to ignore the several licks from the dog. She closed her eyes when Melissa started slapping her ass. “Please don’t let him get on me please, please don’t let him.” She kept repeating over and over to herself. She knew her cries for them stop would go ignored.

Without warning for Lesslie, the mutt mounted upon her. She didn’t know Melissa had caught Mutt and was stroking his sheath. As he began humping the air, he mounted her back and tried to find her pussy with his growing cock. His thrusts missed several times.

Melissa reached underneath Lesslie and helped guide Mutt to the vaginal opening.

Mike and Beth watched as the dogs humping went from slow experimental humping to a fast-paced thrust once his cock hit Lesslie’s pussy. They watched as Melissa laid down and put her head between Lesslie’s legs and watch.

Lesslie let out a scream as the dog’s cock entered her. It was large, and it’s pistoning in and out of her was fast. Faster than any man had ever done to her, not to mention deeper than any man. She turned her head as far as she could. “Mike, please stop him, please. Oh god, oh god, please no. Fuck, oh fuck.” Lesslie tried her best to clinch down, hoping that she could keep him out. She felt something pounding at the opening of her pussy, and it was slowly getting larger with each thrust. When the dog gave a hard thrust, the object entered her, and the dog’s thrusts became more intense. She felt as though she had a baseball inside her. A baseball that was swelling, and making her feel full. He was so deep inside her she felt like he was touching her stomach with his cock.

Melissa let out a small squeal as she watched the knot enter Lesslie’s pussy. Her body tingled with excitement. She remembered all the times the boys had knotted her. How full she felt, how their cum gushed inside her, how hot it was and how the knot pushed against her g-spot.

As the object inside her grew, she felt it pushing at g-spot. She felt the orgasm build. She did her best to try and stop it, but the pressure was intense. Then she felt something hot enter her insides. Her eyes went wide as her control over her orgasm let go, her body shook violently. First, she screamed then low moans emitted from her as orgasm after orgasm erupted through her body. The pressure on her g-spot was intense. Tears began to flow as her mind registered the fact she not only had been fucked by a dog but had an orgasm as a result. Her shame became even more mounting when she felt something touch her clit. It was soft and wet and moved with purpose.

Melissa continued to watch in excitement as the thrusts from the dog had slowly stopped. When she saw droplets of cum appear at Lesslie’s pussy, she craned her neck and stuck out her tongue. She could care less that she was licking a female, her depravity that she had fallen into had washed all that away. Now all she wanted was the cum. As she relished the taste of the cum spilling from Lesslie she had an orgasm of her own. She remembered her promise to Lesslie and tried her best not to swallow any.

As Melissa was laying on the ground, Beth took a moment to strip down and then going inside. Returning she had the large strap-on on. She walked up standing next to Mike. “I am going to fuck this bitch, and I am going to enjoy it.”

Mike looked Beth over, even he was intimidated a little by not only her physique, plus having a large dildo strapped to her body. “Sweetheart you go right ahead, but don’t hurt her to severely, I don’t need her in the hospital and that’s a can a worms none of us need.”

Beth winked at Mike. “No worries, I am just going to make it hurt a little.” Holding up two fingers closely together she smiled and walked over to get a closer look at Melissa.

Lesslie realized with horror that what she felt on her pussy was Melissa’s tongue. She felt revulsion thinking of the little skank sucking dog cum out of her. Her orgasm was starting to subside as the knot inside her shrinking. She had no idea how much cum had been squirted inside her, but she did know she felt full.

Melissa knew the knot would pop out of Lesslie soon and she was prepared to capture all the cum she could. When the knot did come out, a flood of cum followed. Most of it went into her mouth, what didn’t dribble down her cheeks and chin. As she sat up to move, she caught sight of Beth on her knees holding the mutts cock just behind the knot and greedily sucking on it. She noticed the large dildo hanging down. She reached up and grabbed the tail plug and yanked it out of Lesslie’s ass.

The sudden removal of the plug brought a painful cry of pain from Lesslie. As she opened her eyes she was staring face to face with Melissa, her mouth tightly shut and the remnants of cum on her face, and a wicked smile crossing her face. Lesslie bit down her lips hoping beyond hope to keep whatever was in Melissa’s mouth out of hers.

Beth removed her mouth from the dog’s cock and looked to see Melissa holding the plug in her hand. Letting go of Mutt, she crawled up behind Lesslie and got herself into position. “Ok bitch time for promises to be kept.” With one hand she pulled an ass cheek to the side and with her other she guided the dildo to Lesslie’s ass hole. With one thrust she shoved the whole dildo deep into Lesslie’s ass.

The sudden violation caused Lesslie to forget all about Melissa. She opened her mouth and screamed.

Melissa saw her opportunity and grabbed the back of Lesslie’s head and forced her mouth onto hers. She opened up allowing the cum in her mouth to flow into Lesslie’s. Letting go, she sat back and watched the realization of what was in her mouth cross Lesslie’s face as she tasted the cum. Without warning Lesslie spit the cum back into Melissa’s face and began screaming again. Melissa licked her lips. As she stood, she reared her hand back and gave Lesslie a hard slap across the face. As she walked away, she used her fingers to remove cum from her face, then put each finger in her mouth.

Beth pounded Lesslie’s ass relentlessly, fucking her as hard as she could. The screams coming from Lesslie didn’t bother her. In fact, it was turning her on.

Lesslie finally gave up screaming and laid her head on the table, her cheek rubbing the wooden surface as her ass was being pounded. She gave up; she just wanted to be away from here, wanted to get Melissa out of her mind, and to forget she ever knew Mike. She just prayed no one would ever find out a dog had fucked her.

Melissa stepped over to Mike and got on her knees. She looked up at him awaiting him to unzip his pants and remove his cock. Mike obliged her desire.

Beth removed the cock from Lesslie’s abused ass and stood up. As she turned, she gave Lesslie’s ass a hard swat. Turning she saw Melissa on her knees with Mike’s cock in her mouth. She stepped up and grabbed a handful of Melissa’s hair and helped Mike fuck her mouth.

Mike looked down and watched as his cock entered and exited out of Melissa’s mouth. He looked over at Beth then leaned over and kissed her deeply on the mouth. He humped Melissa’s mouth for just a few minutes, the events that had unfolded had him so hard all he wanted was release. Grabbing a hand full of hair, he shoved his cock deep into Melissa’s mouth and came deep down her throat. With a satisfied grin pulled out of her mouth and put his cock back into his pants. “Girls stay right here; I will be back momentarily.”

Mike stepped up to the table and began un-securing Lesslie. Once finished he reached down and grabbed a handful of hair. Pulling her to her feet he looked into her eyes. “Stay away from My girl and me. I never want to see you again. I will make your life a living hell if I do.” Leaning in close, he whispered in her ear. “If you try to report this a certain little video will make its way to law enforcement and the internet and your family.”

Lesslie’s eyes widened. What did he know and what did he have. She feared to ask.

“A certain little video of you and a young lady from your neighborhood. You know the one, blonde very cute and the head cheerleader. Yea if you even mouth a word it will get out.” Mike pulled her head back and moved her toward Melissa and Beth. Forcing her to her knees, he pulled her head up to face Melissa. “Now you can apologize for what you did to her.”

Lesslie began to cry. How did he know about that, how did have anything? Her eyes drifted to Melissa. “I am sorry, please forgive me.”

Melissa leaned forward and spat into Lesslie’s face. “Fuck you bitch.”

Mike pulled Lesslie to her feet and walked her to the back gate. At the gate, he stopped. “I hope I made myself very clear.”

Lesslie tried to nod. “How did you get a video of that girl and me? How?”

Mike grinned. “Oh let’s just say I know her family and she had told me in confidence because she was scared of her parents and knew Uncle Mike would protect her. She filmed one of your little play times at the high school.” Mike opened the gate.

“Oh my god, she’s your niece. Oh, fuck.” Lesslie went from being humiliated to complete despair.

“Mike walked her to her car. “Now drive your ass out of here. Don’t look back, don’t call, don’t stop till you are far away.” Mike opened her car door and shoved her into the car.

“Mike what about my clothes. I can’t be seen this way. Can I have my clothes please.”

“Nope, you can leave. Now get the fuck out of here before I decide to yank your ass back to the back and let the mutt and the girls have a go again.” Mike slammed the car door. Then walked away.

The End

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