Women with Animals



It was the end of a long day at the end of a long week. Stepping into her room felt significant, like she’d finally found refuge. She shed her coat and bag on the floor, leaving them wherever they fell, and threw herself onto the bed with similar disregard.

Annabel landed almost on top of her dog, but in fairness, the huge, imposing figure of Titan occupied a large portion of the girl’s bed. He was a truly impressive dog, a muscular Rottweiler. He was much the opposite of Annabel who was extremely petite. She lay next to the dog, dwarfed by his size.

She was 21 years old and tiny, barely five feet and very petite. Despite her small size, she was still blessed with an extremely curvaceous body. Her small hand stroked the muscular flank of Titan. He was always in her room, the two had an inseparable bond and Annabel regularly admitted that she preferred the company of Titan to most humans. He was a kind and gentle dog usually, but he had always been overly protective and territorial around her, especially when it came to men. Her boyfriend, much to her amusement, found Titan to be an intimidating presence.

After a few restful moments, she sighed and stood up. Slowly, she unbuttoned her blouse and let it fall to the ground before allowing her skirt to do the same. She looked at her tight, sensual body in the mirror, clad only in her black lace bra and panties. She was supposed to be seeing her boyfriend that evening, but he’d cancelled. It had been at least two weeks since they’d last fucked, and Annabel was struggling. For her whole life, Annabel had possessed a genuine hunger for sex. She was always switched on and now was no different.

Annabel climbed back onto the bed and looked at Titan. She thought, only briefly, about kicking him out of the room or at least off the bed before she touched herself…but she was too excited to get started, so she left him lying next to her. She could feel the heat radiate from his body as she spread her soft, pale white thighs slowly. Her little hand slid down her flat and toned stomach towards the waistband of her revealing underwear. The tips of her fingers pushed under and caressed her hairless mound gently. She’d been worked up all day thinking about her partner, and after he cancelled, she’d been just as worked up thinking about masturbating.

She ran two fingers along the lips of her pussy, feeling just how wet she was already. She moaned softly, she was so sensitive in the moment. She slowly rubbed herself, breathing deeply as she finally got what she’d been craving all day. She circled her clit and shuddered at the sensation. She closed her eyes and focused on the feeling, her mind drifting to the usual fantasies that preoccupied it on a daily basis.

When she opened her eyes again, she realised she saw Titan’s face close to hers. The large dog was watching her intently with those big, dark, intelligent eyes. She immediately felt a rush of something in her. There was something about being watched as she touched herself that sparked inside her. She bit her lip as she stared into his eyes, her fingers continuing to circle her clit. His face was so close to hers, she could feel the warmth from his breath on pretty face.

Titan gently, and slowly, almost sensually, ran his wide, wet tongue up her cheek. “Oh God.” She uttered involuntarily as she felt it. Annabel couldn’t deny that deep down, being licked by her dog had always aroused her somewhat, yet it had always been minor, inconsequential…but as she lay there masturbating, it was elevated to something new and erotic. He licked her cheek again and the movements of her hand became more desperate to pleasure herself. She could hear just how wet she was as the large dog continued to lick her.

“This is wrong…” She thought to herself, but the wrongness only made her want it more. She turned her face and felt his tongue slide over her lips, felt his thick saliva coating her face. She parted her lips as the tongue came again, she wanted more from him. Her free hand moved up his neck and held the back of his head, like holding a lover. Her mouth opened fully and her groans were muffled by that huge tongue that filled her mouth. His tongue filled her mouth completely, her own tongue was overpowered by his. She held his head close as she kissed him, as he forced his tongue deep into her mouth and shared his drool with her. The thick saliva filled her mouth and all she could do was swallow it submissively, the taste was unappealing but she was too far gone for that to stop her; it simply felt too good to stop. Her face and mouth were covered in doggy saliva and she’d never felt hotter.

She was drunk on arousal and her mind swam with the indecency of what she was doing. Perhaps she had always craved her dog in this way subconsciously, she felt a deep attraction to him, and a desire for more. Her hand, soaked with her own cum, moved out of her panties and up to the face of Titan. She could see the thick cum glisten on her little fingers, it stretched between her fingers in ropes. Immediately the dog lapped at her wet fingers, tasting and cleaning her. All she could think about in that moment was how good that rough tongue would feel on her sensitive pussy.

“Good boy…” She panted as Titan followed her hand down her body. He stood up to his full, imposing height and followed the taste of her cum. Her anticipation was building as the dog stalked down the bed, tongue hanging from his mouth. His head intelligently followed her hand, watching her. She placed it on top of her panties and closed her eyes, waiting, hoping to feel his tongue on her. She couldn’t believe what she was allowing…no, what she was making her dog do to her. Maybe she should stop, maybe this was too much, it wasn’t too late to stop this depraved act she thought naively. But it was.

All of a sudden, she felt that rough tongue engulf her pussy. His tongue was so huge it covered the entirety of her in one sweep. Her body shivered at the sensation, her hand covered her mouth quickly to stifle a loud moan. Her anxiety rose as did her arousal, she wasn’t alone in the house. Her parents were in the room next door, separated by a thin wall. The thrill and fear of being caught in this most taboo act made Titan’s tongue feel all the sweeter.

She opened her eyes and looked down at her gorgeous body. Between her thick but shapely snow white thighs was her giant dog, drooling and pleasuring her most private place. He didn’t stop. That tongue came time and time again. Very quickly her underwear was a slick mess of fluids. Annabel sucked her fingers clean of her cum and his saliva, muffling her desperate moans. Her body was on fire, she could feel everything. She unlatched her bra and freed her surprisingly big tits, her other hand squeezed and pulled at her large and rock hard nipples.

She reached down, holding Titan back from her just long enough to remove the sodden underwear and give him full access to her pussy, exposing herself completely for him. She was shaven and impossibly tight, a perfect little cunt. When she felt that rough tongue stroke from her asshole all the way up to her swollen clit, charging each and every nerve ending in her body, she had to bite down on her hand to stop herself from screaming his name. He was unrelenting, his tongue never ceasing to exploit her vulnerable position. The small girl writhed, her hips were grinding against his tongue, lost to the ecstacy of the dirty act.

“Oh, good boy…good boy…” She said, barely able to muster the coherent words as she gripped the back of his soft head and held her pussy close to him. Her eyes rolled back as she felt his cold, wet nose press hard against her throbbing clit. She could feel her orgasm building, quickly, all her muscles tensed in anticipation of the release she’d been longing for all day. Her delicate painted toes curled and she tightly shut her eyes as a dog pushed her to the edge.

“Oh, Titan…fuck!” She whimpered as the giant dog pushed her to the edge and then beyond. She forced a pillow over her open mouth so she could scream the name of her beloved pet into it without alerting her parents to her shame. Her orgasm flooded throughout her body as she squirmed in pleasure. It was a true release, hard and explosive. All her muscles squeezed as she convulsed in deep primal satisfaction. Her mind was reeling, spinning, not yet able to fully grasp the gravity of what she had just done, Titan’s wet tongue still sending shivers throughout her blissful body.

But slowly, the shame dawned on her. Titan stood on the bed on all fours, looking at her naked form. The fog of lust settled and she acknowledged that she’d been made to cum by a dog. Her stomach churned at the thought of what she had done and what people would think if they knew…deep down the biggest pit of shame was occupied by the knowledge that she had loved it, thoroughly and truly. She knew that the times her boyfriend had gone down on her didn’t compare to Titan.

She looked at him stood there, alert and ready. Shame and lust intertwined as she admired how strong and large was, he was undeniably handsome to her. Desire overpowered the guilt as she glanced beneath him; she had seen Titan aroused before, but nothing like this. His red, veiny cock was engorged to its fullest extent. And he was huge. It was ugly and oddly shaped, but so thick and so long. The tip dripped with a pale liquid and all Annabel could think about was how he tasted. His two heavy balls hung down, swaying gently and almost hypnotically to her.

In her head, she debated the foregone conclusion about what she would do next. Her intrepid hand was already rubbing his stomach, inching ever closer to what she wanted. The side of her that argued it was wrong and disgusting was drowned out by her deep, dark desire for the massive cock that hung above her. Her hand was mere centimetres from it, she could feel the heat radiating from it.

“He’s so much bigger than my boyfriend…” She admitted the truth to herself, Titan was substantially more impressive. He looked even bigger now her petite hand was next to it. Her heart was pounding in her chest, it was becoming less a want or desire and more a need. A need to touch his cock. Biting her lip, she took a single finger and traced the underside of the huge cock, feeling the skin and warmth. It was heavy and swollen as she ran two fingers now down his full length. He whimpered as she teased him slowly, she knew he deserved release too. It was only fair.

Subserviently, she wrapped her fingers around the mass of his fat cock and held him in her hand before stroking him. She was in awe of his size, her fingers barely able to reach fully around him. He let out a low, satisfied growl as she served him. She cradled his big balls in her other hand, rolling them in her palm as she massaged his cock. She had never felt smaller in comparison to Titan than now, as she pleasured him from underneath.

She watched more thick liquid ooze from the tip as she milked him, it dripped slowly onto the sheets below. Annabel salivated as she leaned forward with her tongue out, her hands expertly attending to him and urging him to leak more for her. She watched as strands of his cum poured from the tip of his cock and she moved with pathetic desperation to catch them with her tongue. She greedily swallowed, she’d always been a cum slut, but now she was a dog-cum slut. The hot liquid slid down her throat and she loved the taste of him.

Her sweet, innocent face was so close to the dog’s monstrous dick. Her boyfriend’s much smaller cock was no comparison to this. She couldn’t wrap both her hands around him and jerk, but she most certainly could for Titan. The size comparison undeniably aroused her, as did the fact she was cheating on him for not only a bigger cock, but with an animal…she felt like a slut, a hot, dirty slut.

Both of her hands were wrapped around his godly manhood, she was trying to do her best for him, she wanted to please him. She leaned in and inhaled the aroma of his cock as she rubbed the cum covered tip of his cock against her sensitive lips. She felt the thick cum coat her mouth and face, her tongue eagerly lapping at the juice the same way Titan had for her. Cum smeared across her cute face as she sloppily made out with his cock, he was thrusting lightly at her as he whined and growled at her.

She could no longer resist and spread her pretty pink lips around the head of his cock, taking him into her mouth. She struggled due to his size, but adjusted her jaw to accommodate his girth. Without hesitation she was sucking on him, serving him. Her lips tightly glided up and down his magnificent dick, trying her desperate best to take as much of him as possible. She loved hearing his whines and panting as she sucked his fat cock. She bobbed up and down on the first half of him and felt him rub up against the back of her throat. Her hands massaged and rubbed the rest of his thick shaft and large testicles.

“I’m such a dirty little slut.” She thought to herself. She gagged on him, primal hunger driving her to swallow more of him, forcing him down her throat. She spluttered and coughed as he filled her throat completely. Saliva and cum mixed together and trickled down her chin as it spilled from her mouth and onto her impressive tits. She gasped for air as she took her mouth away from him. Passionately she rubbed the massive cock all over her face as her hands stroked up and down it, covering her face in her own spit and cum. She was addicted.

She lost track of how long she knelt there worshipping Titan hedonistically. She was in a dick drunk trance. All she knew was her large tits were covered in spit and cum, her jaw ached and her throat was sore. The dog had only become more aroused throughout. His hips were thrusting, sawing his cock in and out of her, using her mouth for his pleasure. His whines had become more aggressive low pitched growls. She moved back from him, gasping for air, thick strands of cum and saliva stretching from her pretty lips to his cock.

As she sat there beneath him, she felt him nudge her with his head, softly first, then harder. Before she knew it, the large dog had shoved her onto her side and stood above her, snarling. His teeth bared very slightly. She looked back and up at him, scared. He was huge and dangerous now, growling at her. She could see his inflamed cock still unsatisfied.

“Titan…please…” She whimpered, trying to calm him down. He’d never acted this way with her before, he was always kind and gentle to her. Now, he was climbing on top of her, mounting her with paws either side. She felt him thrusting at her side, stabbing at her with his cock. The fear sobered her and she felt her stomach flip, she knew what he wanted. He barked, deep and aggressively at her and Annabel flinched. She began to move beneath him, onto her hands and knees. Tears formed in the corners of her eyes.

She glanced to the side, catching sight of what was unfolding in the long mirror. A young, tiny girl, innocent and beautiful, offering herself submissively like a good little bitch for a dog. It disgusted her that despite it all, she still had some spark of desire for this within her, but he was far too big and this was too much. She tried to wriggle away from him but he stood above her, his paws over her shoulders. Sensing her reluctance, he leaned down and bit the back of her neck with enough force to let her know the consequences of not obeying him. Annabel cried out in pain and shock, it wasn’t enough to draw blood but it was enough to remind her how vulnerable she was in this situation and who actually had the power: Titan.

Frozen and coerced, she held that position, her ripe fat ass in the air for him. She could see him wildly thrusting, she could feel that big hot cock slapping against her, rubbing up against her asshole, lips, and clit. She bit her pillow, knowing that when he finally penetrated her, she would need to scream. The anticipation was killing her.

And then he violated her.

Titan’s monstrous and grotesque red cock forced itself deep inside her perfect little pussy. Annabel screamed into the pillow as she was entirely overwhelmed. He had no mercy, ramming deep inside her on that first stroke. She couldn’t believe he fit at all, her boyfriend was much smaller and even he felt big due to her tightness…but Titan was far superior in every way and he was immediately stretching her out. She had never felt this full, her pussy was nothing but dog cock. Tears flowed down her cheeks as she suffered his violation. And then he started thrusting.

He was frenzied, those powerful hind legs unerringly pounding at her. Each thrust made her scream anew, each stroke stretching her into a better bitch. She could her the wet squealching as her soaked pussy was fucked time and time again, she was incredibly wet, more wet than she ever had been in her life. His cock made her juices leak down her thighs as there was no room for anything but his huge cock inside her. All she could do was take it, to hold on, grit her teeth and close her eyes as he took her relentlessly.

His weight pushed down on her and her arms buckled, her face and chest pushed down into the bed with her ass still up high for him. Her face and tits were dragged up and down the sheets by his strength, her hard, sensitive nipples stimulated by the motion. She could feel his balls slapping against her clit as he pumped and pumped at her, sending sharp waves of pleasure through the pain. She couldn’t stop herself from watching in the mirror. It was too dirty, too erotic to stop. The scene was one of her most repulsive but most beautiful fantasies, something she’d never truly acknowledged but something that had always been there. All the times she’d been licked by dogs and enjoyed it too much or stared at a dog’s cock for a little too long, her hand stroking ever closer to it…it was all a precursor to her ultimate sexual desire. And now, against her will, she was getting what she wanted.

The screams began to change, still desperate but the pleasure was bleeding into them. Her half-screams half-moans vibrated into the bed sheets, muffling them. Titan’s cock had stretched her beyond her limits, she felt used and ruined, but the pain was numbing and being rapidly replaced by intense and overwhelming pleasure. After pinning her against the bed, his angle meant her g-spot was being fucked continually, pushed and massaged by the hot flesh inside her. It felt so good to finally take a big cock, a real cock. Lust was rising within her again, a deep primal hunger for being used like fuck meat.

Titan showed no signs of slowing down, slamming in and out of his new bitch with animalistic desire. Her pussy was so tight and clung to his cock perfectly. Every thrust was the full length of him, leaving her feeling empty before filling her once more.

“Fuck me, Titan, fuck me.” She begged, her voice wracked with longing. She needed him deeper inside her. She was throwing her ass back to meet his powerful strokes, pushing up against him and taking him deeper. She felt his claws dig into her skin, drawing blood, but pain just felt like pleasure now. Her inhibitions were dead and all she knew was sex. She reached between her legs and hurriedly rubbed her clit, the whole area was slick with her juices and a large puddle had formed beneath her.

“I’m…I’m gonna cum again, make me cum with your big dog dick please, Titan. Please, let your slutty little bitch cum.” She was enraptured as she felt her orgasm once more throb inside. Her cunt began to squeeze against the biggest cock she’d ever been fucked by. How could her boyfriend ever compare to a cock this big? He couldn’t, she knew, he’d always be second best to her new owner: Titan. With the truth on display she came harder than she ever had before. She bit her hand so hard it bled to stop herself from screaming out in pleasure but even that couldn’t hide all of her howling. No matter how much he stretched her out, she would never get used to that feeling.

Titan’s whines quickened and his thrusting became frenzied. She could feel that fat cock inside her pulsing and throbbing. He was going to finish inside her and flood her pussy with his delicious cum, and she wanted nothing more; it would be the final step on her descent to becoming his bitch, to be bred by him, to feel his cum oozing out of her sore and used cunt. She could feel pressure rising inside her, like she needed to piss, something she needed release for. She was delirious and dedicated entirely to their pleasure. She had never felt hotter. She craved release. She begged to cum again. Her whole body was dripping with sweat from the exertion, she felt Titan licking her back as he defiled her. Annabel was ready to burst.

Titan slammed himself as deep as possible into her pussy, fucking parts of her no one else had ever reached. His muscular legs jerked and twitched as his ears pulled back. Annabel turned her head and opened her mouth, felt his familiar tongue explore her mouth, she savoured the act, moaning into his mouth as they both came hard. Annabel felt everything release, a full body experience unmatched by anything she had ever felt before. Every nerve ending was like lightning, she wanted to curl up and feel herself as raw sensation lit up her entire body. She felt the largest cock she’d ever submitted to fill her with hot, sticky liquid, flooding her. For the first time in her life she squirted all over him, coating the sheets and the dog.

She collapsed entirely onto the bed, her ass held in the air by the knot of Titan’s cock inside her. She could see herself, a dishevelled mess on the bed, in the mirror. Her head throbbed and her vision was blurred. She thought she should feel worse, that she would have been full of regret in this moment…but all she could think was how hot she looked beneath him. To Annabel, it looked right. To Annabel, it felt right.

She stayed like that for some time, just feeling everything about her situation, until Titan’s cock subsided and she fell onto the bed, exhausted. The dog lay next to her, his large form surrounding her. She rubbed her hands up and down his muscular flanks, feeling him. She reached up to his neck and unfastened his collar, instead placing it around her own dainty neck.

And as the small innocent-looking girl lay there, cum leaking from her pussy and kissing her dog passionately, she accepted what she now was with pride:

A bitch.

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