Women with Animals

The Bitch vs. Goliath


(c) by unknown

He seemed perfect, just what she was looking for. Her pussy moistened as the thought of getting mounted by this giant beast ran through her head. There was just one question on her mind. Had he been neutered?

“Come here, boy. Come here, Goliath,” she said in a sweet voice as she slapped her thighs.

The massive dog stood up and approached the front of the cage.

“You’re a big boy, aren’t you? Yes, you are,” she said.

Andrea wasn’t much taller than him, even when he was on four legs. He was tall enough to lick her face while she was standing up, and his paws were bigger than her hands. She swiveled her head and scanned the room, ensuring she was still alone, then crouched down, trying to get a glimpse of what he had between his hind legs.

“Please. Please, be intact,” she whispered as she squatted down.

She was beyond pleased to see his massive ball sack hanging 3 or 4 inches from his body.

“Thank God,” she said with a sigh of relief.

She licked her lips as she imagined those heavy cum filled dog balls slapping against her clit as he thrust what was sure to be a massive cock into her pussy. She reached through the cage and started petting under his chin as she scanned the room again. She was still alone and wanted to feel the weight of those doggy nuts in her hand. With her other hand, she reached underneath him. With her hand only inches away from his sack, she heard the door swing open.

“Did you find one you like?”

Andrea pulled her hand back quickly and stood back up, terrified that he had noticed what she was doing.

“Ugh… yea…I ugh… I like this one,” she said awkwardly.

As he got closer, he realized which dog she was talking about.

“Goliath?” he said. “Are you sure this is the one you want?”

“He’s just what I’m looking for.”

The man looked at her for a few seconds with a puzzled look.

“He is up for adoption, right?” she asked.

“Yeah, he’s up for adoption, it’s just…well…don’t you think he’s a little um…big for you? You are quite a small woman, and Goliath is a powerful dog. Do you think you’ll be able to control him?” he asked.

“Oh, it shouldn’t be a problem. He seems like a big sweetheart.”

The man stared at her for another few seconds, wondering if she was kidding. “Well, OK, then, if he’s the one you want,” he said.

“He is. I feel like we’ve already bonded,” she said as she petted him on the top of his head.

“Well, all right, I’ll have you go up front and fill out some paperwork, and you two can be on your way.”

Andrea could barely keep from touching herself as she sat and filled out a few forms. When she was finished, the man brought out Goliath on a leash.

“He’s ready for you, ma’am,” he said just before handing her the leash. “And if he turns out to be a little too much for you to handle, feel free to bring him back,” he said

“Thanks, but I’m sure I won’t have any problems,” she reiterated.


On the ride home, Goliath lay down in the back seat.

“Such a good boy you are, Goliath,” Andrea said, smiling ear to ear.

She raced home and took him inside. She got out a large bowl, filled it with about a half-gallon of water, and laid it in the kitchen.

“Are you thirsty, big fellow? Come get some water,” she said as she pointed at the bowl.

He must have been because he lapped up more than half of it in less than a minute. The sound of his massive tongue splashing in and out of the water made Andrea tingle. She didn’t waste any time. She took her panties off and dropped them on the floor next to her. Then she took off her shirt and then her skirt and leaned with her back against the wall. She was now completely naked.

“Over here, boy,” she said to him as she started fingering herself.

Goliath walked over to her, and she pulled her fingers out of her dripping wet cut and held them in front of his nose. He gave them a quick sniff and started to lick them.

“Do you like that Goliath? That’s the taste of your new bitch,” she said as she continued fingering herself with her other hand.

She could tell by his body language that he most certainly did. His tail began to wag as he lapped her pussy juice off her fingers. After about a minute, he began looking for the source. He started sniffing all over her body, starting with her tits, as they were eye at eye level for him. It didn’t take him ten seconds to find her pussy, and after a couple of sniffs, he began lapping his tongue between her legs.

He was so big that he had to bend his legs and turn his head almost upside down to access it. Angela squirmed as the sensation of his wet and slippery yet rough tongue licked up and down her pussy lips. After a minute or two, Goliath stopped, took a few steps back, looked up at her, and let out a loud, deep bark, seemingly out of frustration.

“I know, I know, I’m sorry. I’m not tall enough to do this standing up like this.”

Angela lay down on her back and spread her legs wide, and Goliath quickly returned to business. Now that he had easier access, he started to go to town on her cunt. He was licking up a storm, and after only a minute or two, Angela had her first orgasm. She squirmed around uncontrollably as she came all over his tongue. Goliath removed his head from her crotch momentarily and proceeded to get comfortable. He knew he was going to be there for a while. He lay down between her legs and draped his front legs over the top of her thighs as if he wanted to hold her still for her next orgasm. With one hand, she reached up her shirt to rub her tits, and with the other, she grabbed one of his paws and began to pet the top of it gently with her thumb.

“Oh fuck…oh fuck…yes…good boy, Goliath,” she moaned as she felt her second orgasm building.

Up and down, up and down, from her asshole to the top of her clit, Goliath’s tongue lapped tirelessly. She let out a loud moan as she came for the second time. Her eyes rolled into the back of her head. Her legs were shaking profusely under Goliath’s front legs, but he continued devouring her pussy without missing a beat.


By this point, Andrea is beyond her limit. As she moaned, her voice was shaky, and her words were broken and almost unrecognizable. As she reached her third orgasm, her eyes rolled back again, and she went unconscious. Her continuous moaning fell silent, and her entire body convulsed as if she was having a seizure. But Goliath couldn’t care less. The more she came, the more juice he had to lap up.

For 30 or 40 minutes, Goliath gave her continuous orgasms. Andrea drifted in an out of consciousness as his giant tongue spread her pussy lips and drove deep inside of her with every lick. Eventually, he stopped, but he was far from done with his bitches cunt. He walked to the kitchen and lapped up the rest of the water that Angela got for him. He needed to be well-hydrated for what he was going to do next.

When he returned, Angela was still wholly unconscious. Her convulsions had subsided to more of a shaking motion. She was breathing fast, heavily, and covered in sweat as if she had just run a marathon. But Goliath had no patience for a lazy bitch. He stood over her, let out a few loud barks, licked her face, and then barked some more. Angela probably would have been out for the night if it weren’t for that. She came to and saw Goliath standing over her.

She was utterly amazed at what she had just experienced. Goliath let out a few more loud barks to get her attention. She looked at him, and seeing that she was now awake and moving around, he walked over to her and started nudging her with his snout. She sat up and tried to gain some composure. She felt woozy, almost in a drunken state. When she stood up, her knees nearly buckled. She was utterly dehydrated, so she walked into the kitchen and guzzled a glass of water. Then Goliath started barking continuously.

He followed her into the kitchen, lay on the floor, and lifted his leg, exposing his balls and sheath. She still felt utterly exhausted, but the sight of those beautiful dog balls reignited a fire inside her. She walked over and sat down on the floor next to him. She hugged him and started petting his chest and belly, slowly working down to his sheath. She started gently fondling his giant balls and stroking his sheath.

Somehow, even after all that, she was horny again. His cock quickly began to emerge, growing to about 10 inches. Angela kept stroking as she leaned down and started suckling on his sack. The taste was indescribable. After only a minute or two, she felt some pre-cum leaking onto her hand. She took his balls out of her mouth to taste that sweet doggy cum. When she looked up, she was shocked to see his cock had grown another 3 or 4 inches.

“Mmmm, is that for me, Goliath? Is that for your bitches pussy?” she said with a seductive voice.

She stuck the tip into her mouth, and the cum started trickling quickly. The taste was enticing. Nothing like human cum. It was sweeter than salty and much thinner, a lot easier to swallow than a thick gooey glob of human cum. After a short time, maybe another minute or so, Goliath had enough of the foreplay. He wanted to mount his bitch. He stood up quickly without warning. Angela, still kneeling beside him with his cock in her mouth, was knocked over by his brute strength.

He let out another bark. Angela knew what he was saying. She quickly got into position. She was overly excited. She couldn’t believe she would finally get fucked like the bitch she had become. Now on her hands and knees, she spun around, so her ass was facing him. Goliath wasted no time. He quickly straddled his bitch with his front legs. He was so big that he didn’t even have to drape himself over her back as she had seen in all those porn videos. He just stood over her with one leg on either side and started thrusting his hips.

It took him quite a while to find his mark. He’d thrust like a jackhammer for 20 or 30 seconds, poking and prodding her legs and ass cheeks with his cock, then dismount and let out a few barks in frustration. Then he’d give her pussy a few more sniffs trying to locate it before mounting again. This went on for a while, maybe 20 or 30 minutes. Angela was starting to get frustrated as well.

“UGHH! COME ON! PLEASE… YOU’RE SO CLOSE,” she’d say, feeling his cock slide between her pussy lips but not quite making it inside.

She did her best to adjust her position to make it easier for him but to no avail. Finally, Angela tried lowering her torso, putting her face and tits on the floor sticking her ass up as high as she could. That was the ticket. Goliath finally found his way into her pussy. Angela let out a loud moan when she felt him enter. Once he was in, he started hammering away at his bitches cunt at lightning speed. His 14-inch cock split her in half as he rammed it in and out of her cervix while his massive low-hanging balls slapped against her clit.

“OHHHH FUUUCK… THAT’S A GOOD BOY… FUCK ME JUST LIKE THAT,” she moaned just before cumming all over his thick, doggy cock.

With the right side of her face against the floor, she could see his massive head hovering above her from the corner of her eye. His front legs were in front of her shoulders, straddling her head. She wrapped her left hand around the bottom of his left leg and started to massage it gently with her fingers. It was the only thing she could think to do to show her appreciation.

“OHHHH YEEESSSS..,” she moaned again.

His extremely fast thrusting didn’t last too long, maybe a minute or so. He gradually slowed it down as he focused on burying his knot. She could feel it starting to swell. Goliath was using it like a battering ram, slamming it into her cunt repeatedly, demanding entrance. It didn’t take him long. After slamming it into her pussy 7 or 8 times, Angela accepted his gift. Goliath drove his massive member deep inside her. Her pussy lips opened and then clamped tightly behind it.

“UUGHHHHH!” she grunted loudly.

Goliath continued thrusting after his knot was in, not that fast, but not all that slow either. After 30 seconds or so, it slowed to almost a complete stop. With his knot still growing inside her and the tip of his cock well past her cervix directly inside her womb, she felt his tiny drops of pre cum turn to large spurts of hot cum. With every spurt, she could feel his cock throb. This sensation and the feeling of his knot pressed against her G spot were enough to bring her to orgasm yet again.

“You’re such a good boy, Goliath,” she said, trying to catch her breath after cumming again.

She reached back and caressed his balls in her right hand. His balls still felt massive, but they weren’t hanging low anymore. His sack was shriveled up tight against his body, and she could feel them pulsating as they drained all that delicious doggy seed into her fertile womb. Goliath seemed to appreciate it. He leaned his head down and gave his willing bitch a few licks across her face. Angela puckered her lips and made a kissing sound.

As she lay under him, she wondered how long his knot would last. She didn’t plan on it, but she just happened to have a perfect view of a clock on the wall. Five minutes went by, and to her surprise, not only was it not going down, but it felt like it was still growing. It felt like it must be the size of a grapefruit.

“UGHHH, FUCK,” she grunted as her pussy continued to stretch.

Another 15 minutes went by, and the flow of cum still hadn’t stopped or even slowed. Ten more minutes went by, his cock continued to throb, and his balls still were pulsating in her hand. She was in disbelief, but the warm cum being dumped into her womb was unmistakable. It was so hot that she could feel every drop that came out.

“MY GOD… HOW ARE YOU STILL CUMMING? she asked as she looked up out of the corner of her eye.

Goliath stood over her, panting and drooling all over her. A puddle of his drool and her sweat began to form. The thought of the amount of cum he had dumped in her, along with the sound of his heavy panting and grunting, was turning her on even more. She let go of his balls and put her right hand on her clit, hoping to rub out another orgasm. But apparently, Goliath was enjoying that hand where it was, gently caressing and milking the sweet doggy cum out of his nuts, and he made it clear to his bitch that his pleasure was far more important than hers.

He immediately growled and placed his front paws on Angelas’ back, pressing her tiny body to the kitchen floor. With his giant 200 lb body pressing down on top of her, she could hardly breathe. His claws dug into her skin, and he gave her a soft bight on the back of her neck. Not enough to hurt her, just enough to let her know he was in charge. She let out a scream followed by a whiney whimpering sound.

“AHHHH! OUGHH! OK, OK,” she said as she looked up at him and him showing her his teeth.

She quickly put her hand back on his balls and continued massaging them. After about 30 seconds, Goliath removed his paws and returned to his previous position. Then he licked her bare-skinned back right where his claws had pierced her skin. After that, she was even more turned on. Being put in her place like that was soo hot. She was just a depository for Goliaths’ seed, nothing more and nothing less. Her pleasure wasn’t necessary, and neither was her pain. She was Goliath’s bitch, and now she truly felt like it.

“That’s it… breed your bitch Goliath,” she said softly and submissively.

“That’s a good boy. Empty those giant balls of yours. Gimme all your warm seed,” she said.

She continued encouraging him, and he’d lower his head and give her face a big lick every now and again. After another 20 minutes, she noticed the jets of cum started to get smaller and weaker. His knot slowly started shrinking, and it had been just under an hour when he finally pulled out. His massive cock made a loud wet, popping sound as he forcefully pulled out his still baseball-sized knot.

She quickly covered her pussy with her hand, trying to keep every drop of his cum inside. She collapsed to the floor and rolled on her side. Goliath stood there licking his chops for a minute, then lay down to rest. Angela lay on the floor for about 10 minutes, thinking how great of an experience this was. Her pussy was swollen and throbbing, and she could feel Goliath’s cum sloshing with every movement. She was in heaven. She lay there for another 10 minutes or so, just talking to him, telling him how much she loved him, how much she loved having his cum in her, and how much she loved being his bitch.

She had never been this happy in her whole life. Then just as she thought about getting up and taking a shower, Goliath stood up and walked over. He nudged her with his giant body and let out a bark.

“What? You can’t want more,” she said in disbelief.

His tail wagged, and he barked a few more times.

“How could there possibly be more cum in there?” she asked as she shoved him back.

Goliath nudged into her again, much harder this time, and knocked her over. She looked up and saw that his cock was fully exposed again.

“All right, all right, just let me get in position for you,” she said

She got back on her knees and started lowering her body toward the floor. Goliath positioned himself behind her, quickly stepped over her, and mounted her again, finding his target on the first try. Angela had barely gotten into position by the time he entered her.

“Ugh fuck… Well, you’re a fast learner,” she said.

He fucked her hard and good, just like he did before, and knotted her quickly. Angela thought there was no way he could have much more cum to give, but to her amazement, it was just as much as the first time. After another hour of being knotted, he dismounted. He repeated the process three more times that night. Eventually, Goliath seemed to be satisfied. He lay and proceeded to clean himself for a while. Angela was mind blown. Her belly was bloated from all the cum he dumped inside her.

“MY GOD, GOLIATH! There must be a liter or two of cum inside of me,” she said to him as she lay there rubbing her swollen tummy.

She didn’t bother taking a shower or even going upstairs to go to bed. She knew it wouldn’t be long until Goliath’s balls were full of cum again. She lay sprawled out on the floor, utterly exhausted. After about a half hour, she thought it safe to assume he was done with her for the night. She got up and crawled over to him. Then she lay down on her side with her back towards him, wiggled up against him, and quickly drifted off to sleep.

To be continued…?

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