Women with Animals

The Great Wrum


(c) 2005 by Stargazer41

In the land of Oxford it was festival time. The land was fruitful and the people were prosperous. King Rutherford was on the throne. He was about 30 with golden hair and a beard to match.

Lady Sonja, the Queen, was a beautiful lady with breasts like ripe melons, with skin like ivory, and with lips red like ripened berries.

Her eyes were sterling blue. A man would die for her. Their love life was more than exciting. They had their royal chambers and every chance they got she would wrap her lips around his cock her tongue licked the head of his tool as a serpent would do. They were blissfully married and enjoyed each other immensely.

While Sonja was making love to her husband by sucking his cock deep into her throat, and her fingers were playing with his balls, she wailed to him, “Give me a child. Make me pregnant.”

“Oh my wife,” he moaned into her soaking wet pussy which he was eating ferociously at that moment, “I will give you a child if you stop and fuck me hard now.”

“My Lord, give me your seed. Let me have it all!” she begged him as she popped his cock out of her mouth and turned around.

“Oh, my wife,” he said while she giving him a moment of respite grabbed his hardness and guided it into her very wet drippy pussy.

“My Lord Give Me your Love. Give Me a Child. Make me cum and give it all to me.” she begged as he rammed his hard dick into her as deep as it would go.

In a dark cave peering into a black orb with two glaring eyes, came a raspy voice “I Shall Give You The Child.” In the orb he saw the king’s bedroom as plainly as if he were there next to the man as he plunged in and out of his wife.

This thing that was watching and mumbling to itself as the orb went black was a dragon called Wrum. The Wrum had a name he was Prax. He had been hunted and chased many years by men. No one ever was able to kill him or capture him. A few had come close but they had paid with their lives. Prax knew magic spells, chants, and could read the common scrolls, in several languages including elf.

He had been eying the Lady Sonja for his own selfish reasons. He wanted her, the fairest of the land for his own. To mate with her so she would bring forth a race of dragons like none other on earth. He would have her but he would not force her he would bide his time.

Lady Sonja had many hand maidens. She was in the bath one of them was washing her, sponging between her breasts. She sent shivers across Mi’ lady’s body. “Mi’ lady, you are truly beautiful,” she said as she dropped the sponge and caressed her orbs while gently playing with the nipples.

The maiden bent over and took one of the perfectly pointed brown nipples into her mouth and sucked it greedily. She then released it and kissed her Lady’s breast ever so gently. In turn Mi’ lady pulled down the hand maiden’s dress and began to suck her nipples. She rubbed the other breast till its nipple was just as hard and then she pulled the maiden to her and kissed her deeply.

Soon the maiden found herself in the tub with her Mistress. They pleasured each other till they both came. They kissed and moaned into each other’s mouths to avoid being heard. At last completely spent, Lady Sonja pushed the maiden out of the tub and then got out herself.

Her husband had been challenged to a joust. There was a festival arranged prior to the joust which both had to attend. Lady Sonja wishing to give her husband something to fight for went to his tent and found his squire on his knees, his mouth covering her husband’s prick and working a long object in and out of his rectum. He was breathing heavily and begging for more. “You are doing it just right. Make it hurt! I’m cumming!” She watched as her husband’s cream filled the squire’s mouth. She left the tent feeling betrayed and embarrassed.

Of course her husband won the tournament. That evening there was celebrating and a feast. During the feast jesters and jugglers provided entertainment. One however was outstanding. He wore a purple robe and his magic was most powerful. Everyone was in awe of his powers and his prowess. Lady Sonja was immediately taken with this individual. She could not stop looking at him.

She felt naked when he looked at her. For reasons she could not explain she became wet and was conscious of her pussy juice dripping out of her. It was as if he had cast a spell over her. But all she could think about was his abilities in the bedroom. She whimpered to herself, “I wonder if he is as good as he looks.” The man heard her mumbling and assured her she would have him soon enough.

When she and the king went to bed, Lady Sonja went right to sleep instead of her usual good times with her husband. He did not understand nor did she bother to explain what she had seen earlier in the day. She began to dream. She dreamed of fog, of dancing, of men and women. She found herself in what appeared to be a cave.

“Where am I?” she asked of no one in particular. She did not get a response from any of the people around her. Instead she was complimented on her beauty time and time again. Gorgeous, was a word that was over used in her presence.

At last she came to the magician who had been so attractive that evening. He commanded her to strip and to do the following. She was to go out to the garden and get the largest egg plant she could find and then stick it in her pussy.

“I want you to stretch it as far as you can,” commanded the magician. “If you are going to have me you must be prepared.”

Lady Sonja could only imagine the size of his cock. If I have to stretch myself that much how big must he be? How full will I be? I can’t wait for him to be inside me.

Once she had inserted the egg plant and was able to tolerate it, the magician turned back into his usual form. Prax was now ready for the queen. She was still seeing a magician.

Prax flicked his forked tongue out, licking her pussy. The queen jumped at his touch but she swooned and opened herself up to him. He continued his teasing turning her on. Making her wet and she begged him to come in her, “Please fuck me. Give me your cock. I have to have it. Please fuck me!”

Soon she was on her back and holding her pussy open for him. His tongue went into her all the way to her cervix.

“OOOOOOOHHHHHH!!” she screamed, “MORE! PLEASE! MORE!!”

Prax lay on his back. She could see his huge cock stiff and so hot. She could not get her mouth around it. She could not take it in one hand. She rubbed her entire body along its length wondering how she was going to get it all inside her.

“He’s mammoth! He is so big! I have never been so blessed. I have to take it all.” She got up and placed herself over the erection. Once she was in position it was a matter of just sitting down on it. At last it was all inside her. She was filled up. She was in heaven.

Meanwhile, her husband awoke. He was startled as his wife was nowhere to be found. He could not imagine where she had gone. It was just last night when they went to bed together. He looked far and wide for her. He offered rewards. He sent all the knights in search of her but no one could locate her.

In desperation he decreed that the person who found his wife could have half his kingdom. There were no takers. He finally died of a broken heart. Lady Sonja never heard what happened. She only knew that she was happy as she was filled each day and night with cock.

Each evening Prax would fill her not only with his huge tool but he would also shoot his hot load into her. He always made sure to keep her plugged so she would not spill a drop. At last she showed her pregnancy. She became bigger and bigger. When her time came he chanted a spell so that she would not know what she gave birth to.

Now gestation for Prax’s offspring was only two months. So Lady Sonja gave birth to many off spring. As they grew to maturity she fucked them so there were always little ones as well as grown Praxes to shower her with attention. At last she grew weary and tired before her time. She was so used and abused and stretched she could no longer function.

Prax realized she was of no further use. He stuck his forked tongue in her one last time making her hot and horny. Then he had one of his offspring sting her with the long tail ending her life. She died with a smile on her face and in a state of bliss as she had one last powerful orgasm.

“You have serviced me well. I hope you find the peace that you were seeking my love. I shall miss you. You were the only one ever to take my cock all the way inside you. There will never be another Princess like you.”

To this day her offspring seek young women out. They search in vain for one that can take their long dong inside all the way. They are frustrated and angry. The great Wrum assures them if they stray too far they must be patient for Lady Sonja will return.

The End

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