Women with Animals

Jolene and Champ


(c) 2007 by Jolene

It was an early morning in the middle of summer in the small town that my husband of eighteen years and I lived in located in the southeastern U.S. Mark, my husband worked for the local District Attorneys office, which kept him busy until all hours of the night (and morning) at times.

I am a mother of two and have my hands full trying to raise teen boys in what seems like a single parent household. As I was preparing the boy’s clothes for their annual Boy Scout outing I felt almost relieved that I would have a whole two weeks to myself!!

Mark, my husband came down for breakfast and as usual and right behind him was our dog Champ. Champ was our pet lab of three years that certainly grew into one of the family. As I served breakfast and then saw the boys off to the front door where their Den Leader was waiting to take them to their scouting event I began to plan how I was going to spend the next two glorious weeks of freedom.

As I waved goodbye to the boys Mark, walked up behind me and in the voice he uses when he’s feeling frisky said “I may be in late tonight…. the boys are gone, and I have a while before I need to be in the office…” I grabbed his arms that were now around my waist and guided him into the den.

Mark was semi dressed for work wearing only his suit pants and socks, and I had on my favorite bath robe, you know, the one that’s about three years too old but you cant seem to throw out? As mark got stripped down to nothing but a smile and a stiff one I decided to entice him a bit. I turned my back to him and untied the sash to my bathrobe and let it slide down to right above my ass.

Now I’m no Miss America, but I think that at 32 years old I can hold my own with anyone my age. As the robe hit the floor I walked over to Mark and told him to lie on his back for me. Mark had a bit of a surprised look on his face, as normally I’m not as uninhibited when it comes to sex. As I mounted Mark and we began to settle into a steady rhythm, I began to feel more and more horny than I have in some time. I decided to pull off of his rigid cock and scale my way up to his waiting mouth.

As I sat down on his face and wiggled my clit over his lips I could feel my orgasm building. Mark was sucking my clit like a madman that reminded me how he used to take me when we first met. After about five minutes of good hard clit licking I exploded right over his flicking tongue and stiffened like a board while he licked me over and over.

I made my way back to his cock and straddled him and leaned forward so that my nipples were swaying right above his mouth (I love that). Mark reached around and cupped my ass and began to really give it to me and I was pounding him back for all I was worth when I felt what seemed like an ice cube brush across my asshole. I looked back and was horrified to see Champ directly behind my ass sniffing the most private part of my body.

Since Mark and I never have sex outside of our bedroom because of the boys, we totally forgot about Champ. I sprang off Mark’s cock as if lightning struck me and yelled at Champ to “GO!”

Champ kind of cocked his head to the side as if he didn’t quite understand that I was severely pissed off with him. Mark braced himself on his elbows and shouted out, “Champ! GO!” and at that Champ lumbered out of the room. Now when I say lumbered I mean exactly that, as Champ was weighs about 10-15 pounds more than me at 115 pounds.

After Mark cleaned up and headed off to work I began to plan my day. I thought that I would get the house in order and then do my nails and head down to Wal-Mart to do some shopping, As I began to run my bath water I took a moment to cup my breast and then moved over to the full length mirror that was on the bathroom wall. I turned to the side and admired my still firm round ass and thought how proud I was to have been able to take care of myself and still have the body of a 25 year old, and then out of nowhere it hit me… you know, that horny feeling that you get when you’re all alone?

I was thinking about the pace at which Mark was fucking me before he went to work and started to feel hot right in the right spot when my mind flashed back at the picture of Champ sniffing my asshole. I felt almost ashamed and angry at the same time but still horny nonetheless.

I turned off the bath water and made my way to the bed. As I stretched across the bed and spread my legs in preparation for a good clit rubbing my mind again went back to the picture of Champ nose and tongue near my ass. For some reason now the scene seemed almost hot and I felt myself become wet between the legs. I tried to shut out the thoughts that were coming into my mind but for some reason I couldn’t.

Without thinking I made my way back down to the den where we were earlier. I checked the front and back doors, letting Champ in through the back door. I went back into the den and closed the door almost completely, leaving it cracked a bit, and then spread out on the den floor. I felt my knees tremble as I decided if I would call Champ or not. I could tell that he was just on the other side of the door.

My heart was pounding! What am I doing? This is sick! I can’t do this, I’ll go to hell… I have two teenaged boys and a husband… I decided that I couldn’t go through with it. As I began to get up Champ pushed the door open enough to get through.

I had my back turned to him and when he sprang near me I was pushed forward sort of half way under the glass coffee table face down and ass up. In what seemed like a split second; there it was again, just like earlier that cold nose touching my puckered asshole.

I let out a moan that seemed to come from deep within my core. I tried to get from beneath the coffee table but then felt Champs tongue brush the lips of my pussy and then touching my clit. I closed my eyes and yelled, “No Champ! NO!” but I could have yelled through a megaphone directly into his ears and it would have made no difference, Champ was licking me like a dog possessed.

As I lay there horrified I began to feel myself fighting off an orgasm. “NO! I can’t let this dog make me cum!” my mind was screaming. I could hear Champ whining and whimpering behind me as he was going for broke with that tongue of his and then… I just let go, it simply felt too good… I was able to kick Champ away with the heels of my feet and get from under the coffee table.

I crawled to the center to the den, placed the side of my head on the floor and then lifted my ass into the air and spread my legs to give Champ full access to my husbands pussy and my children’s birth; canal but for this moment in time my pussy was Champs. I slapped my right ass cheek and whispered, “Come here boy!”

Champ went wild! His tongue attacked my pussy like a buzz saw licking me from my asshole to my clit. Every time he would reach my clit it would make my asshole pucker even more and then he was back to my asshole leaving my pussy gaping and gasping for air. I was in heaven.

I felt my pussy twitching, trying to grab his darting tongue and squeeze it, my head was getting light and I my breath got shorter. I though I was going to cum when Champ just stopped and took about two steps back. I heard him whimper and then felt his weight on my back and then his paws grab my torso. My eyes opened wide in a flash and I gripped the legs of the ottoman chair in front of me.

Champ was so heavy… I felt his weight and it moved me forward each time he hunched forward to get closer to me. I was so horny that I couldn’t believe it was me doing this… but it was. I wiggled my lily-white ass under his thrusting hips until I felt his furry sheath brush against my pouting pussy lips. I spread my legs as far as I could and at the same time Champ hunched forward and his dick was half way into my vagina.

I heard Champ let out a whine and I followed him with a tiny whimper as I could feel him throbbing in me. Champ steadied himself for a second and pounded me with what seemed like four quick jabs into my now sloppy wet pussy. The first three thrusts seemed to guide his dick along the walls of my stretching vagina, but that fourth one REALLY drove his cock deep into my pussy, causing all the air in my stuffed vagina to come blasting out which caused what some call a pussy fart.

My husband complains when that happens when we have sex but Champ didn’t complain one bit. I yelled and gripped the chair legs as tight as I could as Champ picked up his already fast pace. I tried to match his trust but just couldn’t keep up.

I felt my pussy start to really quiver and spasm around his stiff dick and then I exploded hard all over his thrusting cock. Champ must have somehow known or felt me because as soon as I did he let out a long whine and came in throbbing spurts. I could feel my pussy filling with his warm seed to the point that it was oozing down my thigh.

I felt his dick swell from what I know now was his locking knot. We stayed there for what seemed like 10 minutes before I felt Camp pull out of me and heard the sound of his dick leaving my sopping vagina.

After I cleaned up I let Champ out of the house and finished my bath, that was the beginning of a wonderful two weeks.

The End

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One thought on “Jolene and Champ

  1. I think that it is wonderful when women discover the the intense eroticism of k9 sex. Thanks to the internet, combined with a more open-minded approach to sex these days (are the two linked?), this is less of a forbidden subject, although many people still consider it to be taboo. In my opinion , as long as it is consentual – and in this story it clearly was – I am fully supportive of it.

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