Men with Animals

Friends with Benefits – Part 1


I decided to wake up and get out of bed. I made my way from the bed to the bathroom to pee. I was alone in the house. It was my new girlfriend’s. We had been dating for a couple of months. She had gone to work and I was by myself. I walked into the den completely naked. I am sure my clothes were around here somewhere. I sat down in a comfy chair. I was still sleepy and a little hung over from last night.

I felt relaxed and comfortable in the chair. I would shower and get dressed in a little bit. My cock and balls were hanging down from the chair. They were a good size and had served me well. My new girlfriend loved them. I was uncut which was unique where I lived. My cock was above average in thickness and almost 9 inches long when fully hard. My balls were big and hung low. I always shot a big thick load of sperm.

I leaned my head back and closed my eyes. I must have dozed off sitting naked in the chair. I felt something warm and wet touch my cock and balls. It felt really good and at first I thought my girlfriend had come home from work. I opened my eyes and looked between my legs and froze. My girlfriends dog was licking my cock.

I decided not to move because I didn’t know the dog very well. It was a large female Doberman and she seemed to be really interested in my cock. I just let her alone thinking she would lose interest and move on. This was a first for me and I didn’t know what to expect. I could look into her mouth and saw all the teeth and prayed she didn’t bite me.

Her tongue was warm and wet and on its own my cock started to stir. It was getting harder. Oh no I thought unsure how the dog would react to that. She had just been licking it but then did something I never suspected. It was almost like she was trying to swallow my cock. She had a long snout and took my cock about halfway inside her mouth laying on her tongue between her teeth. My cock was swelling quickly. It was almost like she was sucking on it like a giant nipple. She was working it farther down her throat.

I know this was a pretty stupid thing to be doing but at this point it was really getting to me. My cock was fully hard now and sticking straight out. I though there was no way she would get the entire thing down her throat but that’s what it looked like she wanted. Every now and then one of her sharp teeth would rub or poke into my cock and I would wince but I didn’t stop her.

I was really lost in that feeling when I felt it. That telltale tingle in my balls. My cock was almost completely inside her mouth and throat and I new I was going to cum soon. I wasn’t going to be able to stop it. How would she react to my sperm in her mouth? She was locked firmly onto my cock. She wasn’t going to let go of it. I could feel that tip of my cock swell in her throat. I grabbed the arms of the chair and felt my orgasm roll over me. My cock erupted with long ropes of cum being shot down her throat. She clamped down harder on my cock not wanting it to pull out. It seemed like I shot forever. Had to be one of the biggest loads I had ever had. Finally I was spent and my cock started to deflate. I felt it slip out of her warm mouth. She gave the tip a couple of licks then she walked off.

What the hell just happened? Did I really have oral sex with a dog? I slowly stood up a little wobbly. I walked back into the bedroom to take a shower. My cock was a little sore. I stayed in the warm water for some time. I washed my cock and balls well and didn’t find any damage. I toweled off and decided to find my clothes. I decided that I actually enjoyed having the dog suck my cock and making me cum. If I got the chance to do it again I would.

I started to find my clothes spread out everywhere. Once I had them all in hand I sat back down naked in the same chair to put them on. I was about to put my boxers on when the female Doberman came over to me. She looked at me and cocked her head then turned around and backed up to me. I didn’t know what she wanted at first. My cock and balls were hanging down in front of me and when she backed up we made definite contact.

I patted her rear end thinking she would just walk off but she didn’t. In fact it seemed like she was more insistent and was trying to line things up. I decided to have a closer look at her. She had a cropped tail so it made it easy to exam things. She was a black Doberman so the skin around her anus and pussy was dark black. I immediately noticed how swollen the lips of her pussy were. This couldn’t be normal. They stuck out far and were very wet. I was pretty sure what she was wanting. She wanted me to fuck her.

To have a dog lick my cock and make me cum was one thing but to have actual sex with a dog was really wild. I wasn’t sure if I should do that. I decided to explore her pussy. I rubbed my finger up and down the swollen lips. She responded by pushing back on it. It slowly went inside her. I moved it around and it felt like a normal vagina except it was very tight and very hot. I was able to get two fingers inside her but that was it.

I moved my fingers in and out of her wet pussy amazed at how swollen the labia was. I found out later this was because she was in heat. She wanted a male to breed her. As I played with her pussy I involuntarily started to stroke my cock. Before I knew it I was half hard and just inches from her entrance. I took my fingers out of her pussy and they were covered in her juice. I rubbed them on my cock making it slick and wet. Was this going to happen? She wanted it and I wanted it too. I decided to just test it out. I looked too big for her.

The tip of my uncut cockhead touched the wet skin of her labia. It was electric. I guided my cock with one hand and tried to spread her lips with the other. She didn’t move out of the way at all in fact it felt like she was trying to help get it in. I adjusted my angle a little and then pushed with purpose. I started to make some progress and I felt my foreskin being peeled back exposing my bare glans. She was that tight. The heat from inside her nearly overwhelmed me.

The head of my cock was now fully seated inside her. I took my hands and placed them on her hips. She seemed to be doing fine and I was good so I went farther. It took some short in and out strokes but I was able to get about 6 inches inside her. How would I be able to compare this pussy to others now? This was the best feeling I had ever had. So hot and tight and willing.

I had just experienced a huge orgasm a couple of hours ago so I had no idea how long I would last. My cock was now fully erect and she seemed to be able to take it for now. I stroked in and out now. Each time my foreskin would roll and cover my cockhead then be peeled back by her tight vagina.

She seemed to be OK with my stroking. I could feel my balls swinging . I was almost all the way inside her. I had maybe an inch to go. Now I had a goal. I really wanted to get balls deep in her. Her pussy was gripping me like a vice. I pushed hard once and felt something touch the tip of my cock. I felt her jump a little bit too. I was at her bottom. I had touched her cervix. I looked down and saw that I was all the way inside her.

I pushed again and felt it flatten against my cockhead. She seemed to like to be fucked hard so that’s what I was doing. She was very tight but her slick discharge kept things moving. With each deep thrust I could feel her cervix pressed against my tip. It was driving me wild. I wanted to push deeper. For the first time I started to feel that tingle and knew it wouldn’t be long now.

I pushed hard and felt a pop and then her vagina spasmed and gripped me like a vise. I tried to pull out a little but my cock wouldn’t budge. She was having an orgasm just like me. I unloaded a huge amount of sperm into her. Most went very deep way up inside her. My cock was swollen from all the abuse it had today and she was still gripping it. We were going to have to stay tied like this for awhile. This was all new to me so I just held still and waited for her to pull off me. I was able to step over her and turn so we were butt to butt with me on my hands and knees. I felt my cock shoot a couple of small spurts of sperm. Maybe that’s what she was waiting on for me to be completely empty. I wondered what my girlfriend would think if she waked in and saw us like this.

After about 15 min I felt the grip om my cock start to ease up. When I felt her start to pull off I tried to pull out. It went slow but finally my cock slipped out of her tight pussy. It was a relief but I was already missing it.

Go to next Part

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