Women with Animals
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Breaking My Aunts Rule


Since I can remember, my aunt Jill did not spend much time around our home. Growing up, I can only remember seeing her or even knowing who she was a few times. Asking my mom why the two of them weren’t close, mom would only say, ‘She did something to me or allowed something to be done to me, that wasn’t funny, but she’d never say what it was.

However, that all seemed to be changing when I was in my senior year of high school. I found out how much I enjoyed boys and their cocks. Really big cocks or guys who had long staying power were the ones I kept coming back to again and again.

The parents were becoming more and more frustrated with me, especially when I seduced one of their best friends, who happened to stop by to talk to the two of them. Needless to say, when they came into the home, he was on his back, I was on top of him, riding that nice member, looking up at the two of them, I knew I was in trouble, but my body was so close to exploding, all I could do was continue to ride him, until I exploded, causing them to be more than embarrassed.

Just when they screamed, my body exploded, leaving me exhausted and so grateful they had not come back any earlier.

Not feeling guilty for what I had done, the two threatened to ground me, not a problem. I figured when they were at work. I’d be ready to seduce any delivery men who stopped by. That is when mom called her sister, begging her to take me out to her ranch and see if they could change me.

My aunt had a large amount of land, orchards, horses, some cattle, and she raised some purebred dogs—these hounds sold for a huge amount of money on a pre-approved basis from what I could tell.

My body had developed early, so being only 5’4” and a 34DD size tits on a small body, the blonde hair only added to my sexuality.

When the two of them came to me the next evening, telling me my aunt Jill had agreed to take me on her ranch/farm combo that she and her husband ran along with many staff members. Despite my objections, I was packed up, put in the car, the three of us making the 5-hour drive to her place in the countryside. Along the way, I begged and pleaded for them to reconsider, I promised I’d be good, no more of the stuff I had done in the past, but nothing was changing their decisions.

I was amazed at how big this new place was. It was fall. The orchards leading up to her home were filled with pickers, busy stripping the trees of apples, peaches, and pears. I had my eyes on the pickers, thinking how much fun I could have with a blanket and the day being fucked by each of them. This may be better than I had thought. The next was the horses she had, running free in large green fields, then her home came into view, along with a large barn and what looked like just as large dog kennels by the side of the barn.

Jill was a knock-out, tall brunette, huge tits, easily as big as mine, darker olive skin. But that wasn’t what caught my eye. Standing by her side was the most handsome, big black man that I’ve ever seen. Taking time to look him over, my eyes focused on the outline of what had to be the biggest cock I have ever seen on a man. It looked like it was stopped just above his knee cap. I could only imagine how big it would be when fully erect. My staring at his cock, was not missed by my aunt Jill.

Whatever the rift was between my mom and her sister had not been undone. I was dropped off, thanked for taking me, and the parents were on their way to a hotel for the night, even though the house was more than big enough to put them up for the night.

As soon as they were gone, my aunt stepped up in front of me. “Welcome to our home Nikki. I hope you will be happy here. We have a few rules, the barn and knells usually have a dozen or so men working there, the fields have a couple of dozen male migrant workers. You are free to fuck all of them as often as you want to. The more you do, the happier the guys will be, but my husband is Terry, he is off-limits if you touch him, the consequences will be so dramatic, I know you’ll be begging me to reconsider, but that rule has one strike, and you’re out rule. Are we clear, Nikki?”

Even as I was nodding that I agreed to her rules, the look I was getting from Terry was telling me, soon I’d have that monster inside me.

There were some house staff and a couple of female cooks that I meant when I put my clothes and belongings in my room – Jill gave me a tour of the facility. The barn had some beautiful horses, as well as a few hotter than average guys. The dog kennel had a couple more hot-looking guys. Then we meant the on-staff vet doctor, Kim. She was also stunning, with smaller tits than Jill had, stunning red hair, light-colored flawless skin. She hugged me, stood back, looking me over, turning to Jill, “Oh, she is just perfect in every way. Oh yes, she’ll do just what we were looking for.”

I was confused. Looking at my aunt, she laughed, “Don’t worry about it. We can talk more when you’ve become comfortable here.”

They had to go back to work, so I headed to the barn. There was a good-looking older man, taking care of one of the empty horse stalls. No bra, short skirt, and no panties crew top modified tee shirt caught his eyes. Moving to him, asking him what he was doing, only took a few minutes to be on my knees in front of him, sucking on a very nice-sized cock, had in buried deep inside me in no time. He could really fuck and fuck and fuck .. by the time he finally emptied his balls inside me. I had to say this was one of the best lays I had ever experienced.

Later in the afternoon, one of the guys working with dogs fucked me from behind, as a dog would do … when I sat down for the evening meal, I realized this was going to be the best decision for me my parents could have ever made for me.

Jill, Kim, and Terry seemed very happy by how well my afternoon had been, there seemed to be a plan that I had no idea about, but they did seem happy.

That evening, I asked my Aunt what the deal between her and my mom was? She laughed, “I had a jar of ointment I had just received to help dogs feel like the female was in heat. The nice thing about it was it made the female horny as well. She had a sore bottom. I volunteered to put the ointment on her, then let her go and play with a big male dog I was working with. Long story short, she accepted his advances, and he fucked her silly. When she realized what had happened, she was furious with me. It was funny at best.”

The next morning, I packed a cooler full of beer, a blanket, and a four-wheeler to the fruit trees where the migrants were picked. A simple sign, saying, “Cold beer, a fuck first.”

By the end of the evening, the cooler was empty, I had cum all over my body, and I barely was able to make it back to a welcomed shower.

I soaked in the warm water, bringing my body back to somewhat normal. So many men in one time had never used me, never knew it was even possible, but this had been the best day of my life. Joining the family at the table, Kim came up behind me, running her hands down my front, cupping each tender breast, kissing my neck.

“I heard you had quite a day. The pickers said all twenty-three of them enjoyed your charms. Maybe a few took you more than just once … how are you feeling?”

Her hands were massaging my tits, something I had never considered a lesbian adventure, but what she was doing felt so good.

Through sexually hooded eyes, I watched Jill slip Terry’s cock up inside her pussy, as she sat on his lap while Kim was bringing me to a new experience. Continually kissing my neck, her fingers slipped up inside me, pumping in and out, each time lifting me a little bit, hitting my special spot, bringing on rapid arousal, spiking me to a new experience.

Watching across the table, seeing how much she was enjoying that big cock pumping in and out of her body, despite the rules, I knew in my mind that sometime in the future, I’d be feeling how good she was feeling.

It only took a few minutes more when I was surprised that my body exploded in a massive orgasm. It was like nothing I had ever experienced before in the many cock stimulated climaxes I have had before this.

For the next few months, I spent days being used by the workers. Then the evening meal had Terry using his wife sometimes and Kim other times. The one not being used was with me bringing on a much looked-for climax to end my perfect day.

I think I had been there for two or three months, enjoying every day as the best decision my parents made for me, at dinner that evening, just after Kim had brought on a massive orgasm, kneeling between my legs, Jill had just pulled off of Terry’s cock, when she mentioned she had to drive into town in the morning, was planning on spending the day there, did anyone need anything while she was there?

I glanced at Terry, my eyes told everything, and I was sure he was thinking the same thing. She was on her way early in the morning. We saw her off. Kim had things to do in the dog kennels, leaving Terry and me alone.

He turned to me, “So where are you off to this morning, the orchards since we have a few new pickers for you to break in?”

I moved behind him, reaching around, running my hands down his front, under his shorts, taking hold of that monster I had noticed the first day I saw him. “No, this morning, I think I’ll see what it is like to feel this thing in me.”

That was when I realized he had no control over his body when his cock was held in some woman’s hand. He tried to tell me I’d be in trouble, but moving in front of him, kneeling on my knees, pulling his pants down, taking hold of that monster stroking it, then looking up, he was totally lost in a sexual haze.

Standing, cock in hand, leading him back into the house to my bedroom, as soon as my door was closed, dropping back in front of him, stroking that monster to come to full erection, licking it, sucking the head in my mouth – a steady stream was dripping between my legs.

Moving to the bed, bringing him with me, laying on my back, as soon as my legs were spread wide, he took over. Rubbing my pussy lips, teasing them, leaning down, kissing and sucking on my pussy, my clit, his tongue dancing all around between my legs.
Grabbing both of my tits, my legs as wide as I could make them, my whole body shaking when he rubbed the head of his cock back and forth between my lips, then slowly pushing it inside me.

His cock was huge, but I had been fucking so many guys, it made it easy for him to push inside me, just like he did to Jill and Kim.

When he bottomed out, I had taken all of him in me, but he was in areas I had never felt before, triggering an instant and massive climax that shook my entire body.

However, I was not expecting him to take a dominant role, flipping me up on my knees, filling me again as a dog does to his bitch. He began to pump away. That was when I realized he was like a porn star, just able to pump away, in and out and in and out. He held both of my hips, lifting me off the bed, pumping my body on and off of his cock, much like holding a small rag doll he was fucking.

By the time mid-afternoon arrived, he had used me much harder than any of the working hands had ever done.

I had moved down to the living room, totally spent when Jill came in. Kim was behind the bar. My aunt looked at me then her husband Terry, “So what has everyone been up to today?”

Terry didn’t hesitate. “Nikki seduced me, and I fucked her. Sorry”

She picked up two beers from Kim, coming to me, handing me one of them. “So you broke the only rule I laid down for you. What do you have to say?”

Taking the opened beer, swallowing a large amount for some courage, looking at her…

“I know I am in trouble, but the size of your husband’s cock…”

I took another pull on the long neck. “It’s so big, I just … just … jus … jjjjjjjjj…”

Looking at her, something was happening to me. The world was becoming hazy for me.

She stepped up to me, “Relax, Kim drugged your beer. We figured you’d take advantage of Terry as soon as you had a chance, which has played into our plans for you perfectly. Terry, can you bring her to the kennels?”

He picked me up easily, following the two women, to the kennels. Entering an area I had not been in before, I was laid down on what looked like a custom-made bench, the two women securing my wrists, knees, and ankles to the unit, then my aunt moved to a chair, testing it. I could feel it raise up and down, tilt my ass higher in the air, then lower, back and forth … looking at Kim.

“It’s working perfectly Kim, give her the drug to counter the drug we gave her, Terry can you bring in one of the special dogs we’re training?”

I couldn’t talk, but it suddenly became clear what was going to happen, they were getting me ready to become a dog’s bitch, who was furious with me, but until I could tell them my feelings, nothing was going to change.

Kim gave me the injection, rubbed some gel all over my pussy and deep inside .. then sprayed some yellow liquid in a spray bottle … then she patted my ass.

“There honey, now you smell and will taste like a bitch in heat, your newest companion should take full advantage of that soon.”

By the time the drug was wearing off, a huge beautiful black and white mountain dog was sniffing my body, licking between my legs. His tongue so rough it was causing arousal spikes I never knew were available. My whole body was shaking, trying to look at Jill.

“Please, Aunt Jill, I”m so sorry, I made … OMG … that tongue … ohhhh yesssssss … Sorry, please don’t let a dog use me, please I’m … Ohhh fuck … What is he doing to me … Ohhhhh.”

Before I could say any more, the dog jumped up on my back. His cock poked me between my legs. Two small jumps and his cock slid deep inside me, causing me to feel something I’ve never felt before or even knew was possible, then before I could figure out what was happening, he began to fuck me at speed, only a dog could accomplish.

The speed had me in a sexual haze instantly, when the knot, his knot pressed up against my opening – I knew what was going to happen, knew the pain that was coming, but everything had happened so fast, I couldn’t beg anyone to help me.

The knot slid me, surprising me with just a small amount of pain, but as soon as it hit my secret G spot, a mini orgasm was triggered, leaving me in a new heightened erotic haze.

The next mini orgasm washed over me when his warm cum, started to fill my pussy.

Still in a sexual haze, as he pulled out of me, I was not ready for the small pony that Terry led in.

Kim was applying a new substance to my pussy opening, the dog’s cum, still in me, Jill had pushed a small plugin my pussy, preventing the majority of his seed from leaking out. When the pony came into view. As soon as he got a scent of the gel that had been applied, I gasped when his cock dropped down between his legs.

Once again, I tried to beg Jill not to do this, but her husband had already led him behind me. HIs licking of my pussy, caused me to moan and whimper. Just as he jumped up on me, with Kim helping guide him in, the pony’s cock buried itself deep into my pussy.

It was so large, filling me so fully. All I could do was drop my head, finally regretting what I had done by breaking the simple rules told to me when I arrived.

He emptied so much cum in me, as soon as he pulled out, I could feel some of it run down my legs, then suddenly stopped, with now it and the dog’s cum mixed and deep inside me.

That is when a pig was brought in. His small curly cock, was wiggling as he entered me – the feeling making me gasp.

While he was pumping in and out of me, the small curly end kept stimulating me inside. it did not take long for him to start to pump his warm cum inside me … but when he pulled out, I was more than surprised. I had felt him pump loads of warm cum inside me, but none came out.

Jill walked up while it looked like Kim was preparing some injections. Running a hand down my back she said, “Let me explain why we have done to you what we did. First, we can sell well-trained dogs that become their ultimate mistress’ closest companions. But we have trouble training them to jump up on a human female. Finding someone to want to be fucked by a dog is difficult at best, but then you came along. I called your parents this morning, telling them you had left with one of our migrant workers. I’d be sure to let them know if I heard from you.”

Then she rubbed a hand over my bare bottom. “You have a dog, horse, and now pig seed inside you. The pig is such a wonderful animal. Besides combining the cum making the mixture for us to use for the injections, Kim will give it to you. He had put a wax plugin you before he pulled out, locking all of the warm cum inside you.

That was when the first of three injections were given to me. The cum, locked inside me, was becoming uncomfortable. Looking at my aunt I said, “Why are you giving me shots?”

She was now running a finger over one of my nipples. “Oh, honey. Soon your pussy will be wet all the time, smelling and tasting like a dog in heat. That coupled with some external changes, it will be easier for the dogs to become used to fucking a human female” Then she pinched the nipple, making me cry out. “And, of course, this will make you not only need to be fucked, but you’ll be like a bitch in heat continually. Now relax a few more shots, the cum will be absorbed into your body, and we’ll be ready to introduce you to a new lifestyle.”

During the next week, the cum inside me seemed to be soaking into my body, the series of shots were given daily, normally I would have fought them like a caged tiger, but a new feeling of complete submissiveness seemed to flood over me, so much so that each time Kim told me to get down on all fours, ass high in the air, I’d do so without question.

Approximately a week after all this began, I was in the shower one morning when I noticed a soft fur-like hair was all over my body, on my boobs were covered with it, between my legs was now all fur. It felt so good. When my aunt learned about it, everyone gathered in my room to check me out. Running a single hand over my body, Jill smiled. “I think she is ready. Shall we move her into the circle?”

They helped me into a private area, where 6 large kennels circling a similar larger one – each one having doors opened to the middle one. As soon as I entered the room, the dogs all went crazy, their cocks instantly showing the large pink tips between their legs. I was helped into the middle cage. One door automatically opened. The beautiful K9 was on and in me in a matter of moments.

When he locked with me, my head dropped down. “Oh, thank you, Jill, for giving me this chance to enjoy a true doggy love.”

My day is simple now, I get up, shower, have some breakfast, go to the kennels, where randomly the doors open, one at a time, and my new lover enters me. When they pull out, they move back into their own cage, a new one is opened, and the process begins again. On an average day, I can entertain all six every day, sometimes more.

My lovers are constantly changing. When Jill sells one, a new one is brought into that cage. Watching the other dogs and guiding him in me doesn’t take long for me to have him enjoying me as his new bitch.

The End

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