Women with Animals
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Stress Relief


(c) 2022 by killer bishops 

This is completely made up.

Stress was the last thing Charlotte Church thought she should be feeling. She was at her new wellness resort and just had one or two small details to sort. This was essentially a test weekend for her to enjoy.

One of the last things she was doing was taking in nine trained Rottweilers to be available for the guests. Their purpose was two fold. Everyone knows dogs are shown to lower stress and help with relaxation by encouraging exercise and companionship.

The second was security. The Rottweilers were top of the range protection. Much more discreet than a bodyguard or ugly security cameras but much more effective than pepper spray. If Charlotte wanted top tier guests, these dogs would ensure top tier safety.

“Try one, there are no better dogs out there,” the trainer motioned and a dog sat obediently by herside.

Charlotte stared past him, focused on one thing. It was Jack, who was part of her ground keeping team. He was young and confident, the type who thought he was God’s gift to women. And they’d hooked up last night in a drunken fling.

As Jack thrusted his hips in her direction, it only confirmed Charlotte’s thought that she’d made a big mistake. The even bigger one was that she’d invited him back for tonight. Charlotte needed a good fuck but Jack wasn’t it. Nowhere near it. It was better than nothing she thought.

Jack pretended to motorboat Charlotte’s immense rack over the trainer’s shoulder, well in the distance so only Charlotte could see.

“Eugh!” said the Welsh singer, not at all turned on by Jack’s actions.

“I’m sorry,” the trainer interrupted Charlotte’s regretful musings.

Charlotte startled a little, suddenly rejoining the conversation. She wasn’t quite sure what the last thing that was said was. Then she had a quick thought…

“Oh sorry, something caught in my throat.”

It seemed to go down well as she sipped on her glass of water and cleared her throat. She then listened intently as her companion continue, gladly noting that Jack had moved on as she stole a quick glance into the distance.

“Thank God,” she thought.

“Would you like to take one just now Ms Church? See if they live up to your expectations.”

Charlotte caught half the question and quickly cursed herself again for being so distractible.

“Yeah of course,” Charlotte replied, hoping it was a sensible response.

“Perfect,” and Charlotte was handed a lead. “I’m sure you’ll be very happy. I bid you good day.”

And with that, the sales representative stood up and left leaving a stunned Charlotte holding the lead of Rottweiler dog.

The large dog just seemed to sit and stare at Charlotte. She didn’t know what to do.

“Lie down!” she commanded, and the dog duly obeyed. “Stand up!” she said, and the dog did it instantly. “What’s your name?” the singer queried, only to realise the dog lifted his chin to display his name tag.

“Bruno, welcome, I’m Charlotte,” she said, impressed so far. She stood up and said “Come,” knowing that the dog would follow.

By the time the evening arrived, Charlotte’s mood had picked up tremendously. Bruno had indeed been relaxing company and had even managed to scare off a photographer on their forest walk. He never needed told twice what to do and was always there when Charlotte needed. He was definitely trained to an amazingly high standard and the star could see these dogs adding to her resort.

Despite this uplift in mood, she was still not pleased with herself for allowing Jack to come over. However, she was desperately horny and there were really no better alternatives. She tottered downstairs in her high heels and lingerie with a glass of champagne in hand having spent an hour on herself.

Bruno of course was waiting obediently at the bottom of the stairs as the star arrived looking stunning in a red lacy bra and panty set with black platformed peep toe Loboutin high heels. She had her hair up and make up was done perfectly. Charlotte could sense her tits jiggle slightly with each step down the stairs she took.

Charlotte noted a confused look on Bruno’s face, as if he knew this was a bad idea. The star made her way to a sofa and set her glass down, before relaxing back.

Again Bruno approached with a sad expression as if trying to change her mind.

“Oh boy,” Charlotte said as nuzzled him between her smooth legs. “Sometimes you just need fucked to de-stress.”

Bruno still looked concerned as Charlotte tried to convince him. “I know it’s not the best but if I could get better I would believe me,” she continued.

With that Bruno pushed his nose into Charlotte’s crotch, gently rubbing her clit momentarily.

Charlotte was caught off guard as she felt as warm pleasure relax her tense muscles. Before she could do anything Bruno was at it again, nosing at her panties, pulling them over.

Again it felt good causing Charlotte to smile but she didn’t know what had got into her dog. She tried to gain composure.

“No boy that’s…” The third time was too much. Bruno’s tongue had ran it’s way up her slit and had found her clit.

“For … you…” Charlotte breathed as her body was overwhelmed by a sexual desire. She could feel her body quiver with excitement. This was what she had wanted for so long and now she was getting it.

Charlotte was helpless as she relaxed back onto the sofa and spread her legs wide, letting Bruno get unrestricted access to her now soaking pussy.

“Oh boy, that … feels … so … good!” Charlotte moaned, arching her back and pushing herself on to Bruno’s incredible tongue.

The curvy star ran her hands over her body, embracing the feeling she was being given by an animal. She felt the smooth skin of her legs then her stomach before touching her tits with the lightest of brushes. Everything just felt amplified by more than Charlotte could imagine.

“Mmmphhh,” Charlotte moaned as Bruno again hit the mark.

Instinctively, Charlotte reached back and undid her bra, freeing her tits to the air. The mounds were big and pointed straight up as she pushed her chest up in pleasure. She felt her hands come to meet them as she felt their shape and weight in her palms, caressing her hard nipples as she did so.

“Never … Felt … This … Good,” breathed Charlotte as Bruno continued to lick her clit. “Keep … Doing … It … Boy…”

Bruno eagerly obliged, keeping his tongue moving over the star’s shaved wet pussy. Charlotte by now was just just a wound up body of sexual energy and she was ready to explode.

“Fuck!!!” Charlotte screamed as all her tension was released at once. She felt herself orgasm as Bruno continued to lick her out. She felt wonderful as she contorted with pleasure, squeezing her great tits as did so, grateful for their perfect fullness and size. Another orgasm came on top of the previous after just a few further licks causing Charlotte to go higher.

Charlotte’s body rested for a few seconds at a time before Bruno administered another orgasm with his tongue almost at will. Charlotte had never been at anyone’s mercy like this before, all she knew was that it she didn’t want it to stop. She screamed and moaned through the whole thing as she felt like never before. It was like she was in heaven.

It was a long time before Charlotte came down from her orgasm. Bruno managed to keep licking gently prolonging her pleasure for as long as could, something that Charlotte felt extremely grateful for. The star’s whole body felt weak with a buzzing happiness although she felt like she could do anything if needed. She felt alive.

Charlotte took a couple of breaths as Bruno moved away and she at last was able to function normally. She sat up to find Bruno panting happily.

“Wow boy! That was incredible!” Charlotte smiled. “I never felt so good before.”

Bruno barked at the compliment and wagged his tail. He got up and nuzzled in beside Charlotte as she began to pat his strong muscular body. She felt it somewhat relaxing and exciting to feel his coat on her body while she was almost completely naked.

Charlotte began to feel an excited tingle again as she rubbed Bruno’s glossy coat and then realised her hand had slipped down to his under belly. She didn’t resist her urge as her hand searched for his cock although she wasn’t quiet sure what she’d find.

A moment later her hand brushed Bruno’s cock and Charlotte instantly felt excited. Bruno barked in excitement too as Charlotte gently wrapped her fingers round dog cock for the first time.

“Mmm boy! Are you hard for me?”

Bruno barked happily as Charlotte began to stroke him.

“I think I’ll return the favour,” Charlotte said, as she looked Bruno in the eyes with a naughty expression.

Bruno barked again, his tail wagging as Charlotte got to grips with her task. She couldn’t help but get more turned on as the shaft hardened in her touch. The Welsh singer was really getting into it when…

BANG! BANG! BANG! There was a loud knock on the window. Charlotte jumped and immediately let go of Bruno, spinning round to see what was going on.

“Hey babe!” Charlotte instantly recoiled at Jack’s voice. “Let me in so we can get started!” It was then he held up a six pack of beer to the window and grinned.

Charlotte’s heart was racing in panic. Had Jack seen what she was doing. She suddenly felt numb and could barely move.

A few moments passed as she stared at Jack. She felt like all the blood had drained from her.

“Babe!” Jack enquired. “You look like you want a good fucking!”

Again Charlotte shuddered but more at Jack than the situation. He hadn’t suggested he’d seen her wanking a dog. Slowly she got up, regretting that Jack could see her fully naked. She cringed at his creepy smile and tottered to the door in her high heels.

Slowly she opened the door, leaving the chain on. Charlotte poked her head, ensuring her nude body remained hidden from view. She stared suspiciously at Jack, wanting to find out what he knew.

“No need to be shy, it’s me,” said Jack cockily as he went to push open the door.

“I’ve changed my mind,” Charlotte answered abruptly. “I’m not in the mood anymore.”

Charlotte could see a brief look of disbelief on Jack’s face but he continued in his laddish demeanour.

“C’mon babe,” Jack pleaded, holding up his beer cans. “It’ll be fun.”

In that moment, Charlotte heard Bruno’s footsteps on the floor behind her. She wanted to get back to him. However, as she was about to she felt paws land on her back and Bruno’s cock slide into her pussy as she was mounted.

“I thiiiiinnk…” Charlotte breathed as she slipped down under Bruno’s weight, trying to balance a serious conversation with the ecstasy of sexual lust. She was aware her face showed how good she felt. “You should … go.”

Charlotte tried to remain composed but she just felt too good as Bruno started to fuck her. The singer gently pushed back on Bruno’s cock while trying to remain still for Jack.

The frustration in Jack was building. “Babe, I came all this way. Let me in!”

Charlotte stood firm and replied “No,” but the pleasure was getting too much. She bit her lip to stifle a moan but closed her eyes as pleasure overwhelmed her.

“Is someone else there?!?” Jack said angrily as he stepped forward.


A loud growl came from behind the door, enough for the young man to step back.

“Just … the … dog…” Charlotte replied with a grin. She knew now that Jack had no idea. Charlotte rocked her body back on to Bruno’s cock, now feeling her tits bounce slightly on her chest. She felt her legs tingle in her high heels, causing her to feel weak but wonderful at the same time.

“Babe?!” Once again Jack stepped forward but Bruno growled again.


Charlotte smiled happily at Jack as the look of defeat came across his face. She was also smiling because despite the aggressive behaviour towards Jack, Bruno was nothing but gentle with Charlotte as he fucked her, always making her feel special.

Charlotte bit her lip again as she shut the door on Jack before stabilising her position.

“Fuck me boy!” she commanded. “Really fuck me!”

Bruno obliged, pushing himself up Charlotte’s hot body. He thrust his cock hard and deep, panting as he did so, indicating to Charlotte he was enjoying it as much as much as she was.

With Charlotte now more bent over, Bruno was able to take a paw and feel Charlotte’s tits for the first time, resting the padded surface on the round flesh. Charlotte raised her free hand and pushed his paw in deeper, feeling the dog and her big melons simultaneously was incredible.

“My body is all yours boy! Fuck!”

Charlotte’s moans were getting louder and louder as the sex became more animalistic.

“Cum in me. Fill me with your hot doggy cum!”

Bruno thrusted as Charlotte rocked on her heels. She couldn’t get enough of the big dog cock inside her. And she couldn’t wait to get him to cum.

A moment later Bruno’s cock twitched and cum was pumped out. It quickly filled Charlotte who orgasmed instantly at the sensation.

“Feels so good boy,” Charlotte lauded even though she could barely breathe.

Every load was so big and hot, Charlotte could feel everything inside her. She could also feel her lover’s soft coat on her smooth skin as the came together. It was new but it was amazing.

The pair stood for a few moments, savouring every little twitch of cock and every small drop of cum unloaded in to the Welsh beauty. Bruno had knotted into Charlotte which left Charlotte loving the continued close contact.

Once Charlotte had recovered enough she let out a small giggle realising how she’d definitely traded up from Jack and had got everything she wanted.

“I’m definitely destressing like this,” Charlotte laughed as Bruno licked her bare back fondly.


Only occasionally was Charlotte Church grateful for her celebrity status. This weekend she couldn’t have been without it and definitely would have been missing out on one of the classiest experiences of her life.

When she had arrived at her luxury country resort, she was aware of more fanfare than usual. There were more people, horse boxes, tractors and expensive sports cars than she’d ever seen. It was almost as if footballers were here.

Thankfully though, that wasn’t the case. The country estate was hosting an exclusive hunting event and these people had travelled from all over the world to examine some of the finest animals on show. And Charlotte was going to do the same.

Ever since she had opened her resort, she had been using some of the animals it had to live out sexual fantasies. She had a group of perfectly trained dogs who would do what ever she asked. She had horses who loved her and her stable.

But this was different. This was the best of the best. If she’d had the money she might have tried to buy, but this was way out of her millionaire league.

However she was famous enough to be known by these people so making herself visible was required. It was her resort after all, and the organising had been strenuous but it would all be financially rewarding, if not sexually.

Charlotte had chosen to walk through reception at just the right moment as one of the wealthier sellers appeared. He had a beautiful white and black spotted English Pointer with him which sat obediently by his side.

“Welcome Sir Henry,” Charlotte extended a warm greeting.

Sir Henry looked the star up and down carried on his business with Emily, the receptionist.

“Everything has to be perfect, Charles’ seed is worth ten times what you make in a year.” He was quite abrupt when he spoke, something Charlotte hated but had become accustomed to over the years.

“It will be, Sir Henry,” Emily assured the guest bravely. “Here’s the key for your room and here is the key for Charlie’s.”

The old man shot Emily a distasteful look as Charlotte smirked at the joy of seeing this man disgruntled. She loved Emily and she was charming and an excellent friendly receptionist and didn’t deserve this level of abuse. A plan was already forming in her head so that his rudeness could be brought down a peg or two.

Emily apologised and rang the bell for service.

Kenny, the stoned bell boy went to take the dogs things but the old man shot him daggers before the hapless lad took the gentleman’s heavy luggage first. Charlotte really needed to move him on she thought to herself as she also mused on the night ahead.


Kenny turned the corner and was immediately struck by the sight of the resort owner standing in one of the hotel’s white silk bath robes. The tie could only barely contain her large chest and the length barely covered the to of her toned thighs. She wore pastel pink peep toe high heels. Charlotte had done her hair perfectly. She looked flustered.

“Oh Kenny, thank God it’s you!” She ran up to him, gently grabbing his arm. “I can’t find my key!”

Charlotte opened her robe, feining a look in the pockets. Kenny eyes bulged out as Charlotte’s big round tits were practically popping out of the pink bra she had chosen. She had a gorgeous toned stomach which only added to making her tits look bigger. She wore a skimpy matching pink thong.

Kenny was stunned. He didn’t know where to look.

Charlotte covered up again in a bashful fashion, leaving momentary glimpses of her chest and abs. “Could you let me into my room please?” she asked innocently.

Kenny was forced to oblige. It was boss looking stunning. Charlotte could see a bulge appear in his uniform trousers as Kenny fumbled for his master key. The Welsh singer knew it wasn’t the keys that caused it.

“Here … here you go,” said the awestruck young man as he opened the door in a hurry.

“I don’t know how I could possibly thank you,” said Charlotte as she walked into the room, dropping the bath robe sexily, revealing her perfect ass.

Kenny stood silent, knowing what he wanted but too shy to say out loud.

Charlotte smiled as she turned. “Kenny … get in here.”

Kenny took a step in as Charlotte reached for the hard bulge in his trousers. She took hold of his cock and balls in her hand rubbing them through the material.

Charlotte looked Kenny hungrily in the eyes as she moved into to kiss the man as he trembled at the door.

As soon as their lips met and Charlotte applied more pressure through Kenny’s trousers both her and the bell boy felt an ominous twitch. Kenny’s cock started to throb, pumping out cum, making his trousers hot and sticky.

“Mmmm, mmm, mmphh,” Charlotte moaned through the kiss, feeling the warm cum soaking on to her hand from the trouser fabric. She gave the cock a few more powerful rubs.

Using Kenny’s overloaded sexual senses against him, Charlotte quickly reached round and took his master key, clasping it tightly in her hand.

A few seconds passed as the pair kissed and then Charlotte stepped back, relieved it hadn’t taken longer. In fact she was delighted Kenny had been so quick. However, she felt she had to feign excitement.

“Mmm babe, that was awesome!” Charlotte grinned with a beaming smile. “So hard for me! … And so much cum!”

Kenny gave an embarrassed smile and looked sheepishly at the ground.

“I tell you what, why don’t you recover on the bed and I go and fetch a bottle of nice wine? Then, when I get back we’ll pick up where we left off.”

The Welsh singer reached for a remote and turned on the TV. Lesbian porn came on and Charlotte smiled. “This will help you get turned on. It certainly turns me on watching two women together,” Charlotte enthused knowing that part was true.

Kenny absent mindedly lay on the bed, recovering from his recent orgasm and being drawn in to the porn on TV. He had just about registered the fact that Charlotte wanted more.

Charlotte stared at the hapless man as he followed her commands like a moth to a flame. As she went to leave the room she was sure she saw his hand reaching for his cock. She picked up her robe and put it on.

As Charlotte shut the door she let out a sigh of relief having acquired the master key at relatively little cost. Then again, the level of performance was what she sort of expected from the lad. Charlotte looked round and moved quickly down the corridor to one of the larger suites.

Charlotte’s heart was racing with excitement. She felt it fluttering in her chest as she put the key in the lock and turned it. Confident no one was inside, she pushed it open and slipped in through the door letting it shut gently behind her. The motion detect lights came on.

An excited smile beamed from Charlotte’s face as she passed through the large comfy lounge. There was just one more thing to do before her goal was realised. She picked up the room phone and dialled ‘0’. The phone rang once.

“Hi. Emily! It’s me.” Charlotte tried to sound calm and boss like but her excitement was too much. “Could you please deliver a bottle of Prosecco to my room? … Just one glass, it’s been a busy day … Thanks!” The phone made the classic click as it was placed down.

The thought of Emily walking in on Kenny jerking off while watching porn was funny for Charlotte. “Poor girl,” she said to herself. It would probably be enough for him to be dismissed though. No one would ever think he was there by invite.

Charlotte banished these thoughts to the back of her mind as she moved deeper into the suite, pushing open the bedroom door into the dimly lit room. She let her robe drop to the floor, leaving her beautiful lingerie on display again. On the bed stood the object of her desire.

Charles was standing up and immediately his tail started to wag as he first spotted Charlotte. He was also panting hard, suggesting to Charlotte he was excited.

“Hi boy,” Charlotte grinned happily. “I understand you’re here to fuck.”

The English Pointer let out a happy bark much to Charlotte’s amusement. She wondered how long he’d been deprived of release for, knowing that breeding for high sums of money was his purpose.

“Well I think I can see to it that your every desire it fulfilled…” Charlotte trailed off, running her hand down her curvy body.

The Pointer’s cock was already rock hard. He was keen to show Charlotte and jumped up and flashed his meat.

“Oh my poor boy, you must be bursting. Just let me take care of you.”

Charlotte let her bra drop to the floor, revealing her big round tits which glistened enticingly. She lay down on the bed next to the dog and cupped her tits.

“These big titties will help you relax,” Charlotte beckoned happily, ready to get that first load. She knew he would be quick but she didn’t mind. She was just wanting them both to have a good time.

Charlotte led Charles on top of her chest a squeezed her fleshy mounds round his hard shaft. She felt a quiver of excitement as the hard cock touched her sensitive skin. Charles began to thrust.

“Mmm that’s it boy, fuck these titties.”

Charlotte loved the feel of cock in between her tits. It felt so good for her tits to be pushed together then parted by hard cock. She felt herself getting more turned.

“Mmm that feels so good!”

Charles began to thrust harder as Charlotte clenched her tits firmly, ensuring a tight seal.

“Aww I want that doggy cum so badly…”

Charlotte loved giving tit fucks. The control she had while the joy it gave her lover was difficult to beat. The feel she had was also difficult to beat as well as the view of an animal on top of her.


Charles let out a small yelp as Charlotte felt is cock bulge between her breasts. Charles stopped fucking her as her was reduced to orgasmic twitches.

The sensation of a load of hot sticky cum being fired between her tits left Charlotte with a happy smile. She let another load fill her cleavage as a dribble of cum exited her seal, suggesting she was already full. The star grabbed the dog cock and stroked it rapidly, firing cum at her chest.

“Fuck that feels so good. I love hot dog cum all over my tits.”

Charles kept going, a seemingly never ending torrent of cum striking Charlotte’s skin, giving her pleasent tingly feelings with each one. It was an indication of how long the animal had been celibate for.

“You like unloading you’re cum over my chest? I bet it feels so fucking hot.”

Charles eventually slowed down. He had drenched Charlotte’s chest in cum and was panting happily but Charlotte was certain he hadn’t finished yet. She dabbed the last drop on to her chin before sitting up with a satisfied grin.

Charlotte looked at the English Pointer as she began to gently massage her tits, loving the feel of the hot sticky fluid on the smooth round surfaces.

“I bet you could go again,” Charlotte giggled seductively, continuing to massage her breasts, swirling little patterns into the cum.

Charles let out another bark and wagged his tail. He stepped over to give Charlotte a lick on her face.

“Thatta boy! Let’s fuck!”

Charlotte assumed the position on all fours, reaching back to pull her panties aside with her cum covered fingers. As she did, an excited shudder ran up her spine as she brushed her hot swollen wet pussy.

As Charlie moved, Charlotte looked round anticipating being mounted. She loved the feeling of paws on her back and fur on her body almost as much as cock in her pussy. She was delighted when Charles jumped up and immediately found her waiting pussy.

“Good boy!” Charlotte beamed. “You’ve been trained well.”

Charles immediately began to thrust, his cock still hllrock hard and his list undiminished despite already having release.

Charlotte moaned happily as she rock her hips slowly back. “Mmmpphhh,” she moaned as she moved her head forward again, closing her eyes as she became overcome with bliss. “Mmmmmmm.”

Slowly, Charles picked up the pace and began to push harder much to Charlotte’s delight. She responded by pushing down on his big cock ensuring it was a deep as possible. She loved how it parted her wet walls deep inside before being withdrawn and then done again, each time achieving a bit more pleasure.

“Ohhhh fucccck!!! Keep fuckkkking meeee…”

Charlotte could feel her cum covered tits starting to bounce on her chest, adding to the pleasurable state she was currently in. She was a doggy cum slut and wanted it as much as possible. The pleasure was building and she reached up a hand to grab one of her bouncing tits, feeling the slippery surface covered in cum. The feel of it added to her excitement, knowing she would soon get another load.

Charles was getting faster as Charlotte started to struggle with the overwhelming joy in her body. She could no longer contribute as she let Charles fuck her doggy style while she remained motionless, taking it all in. She loved the feel of cum on her big bouncing tits. She loved the feel of paws and fur on her naked back. She loved the feel of Charles hind legs brushing her thighs rhythmically as he thrusted at her pussy. And most of all she loved dog cock.

Another big twitch from Charles cock was followed by a sudden rush of cum, flooding her pussy with hot fluid.

Charles continue to thrust as a second huge load filled her tight space, with the dog cock still slamming in and out.

It was all too much for the singer as her pussy tingled with pleasure and then released wave after wave of incredible orgasmic pleasure through her body as a third hot load filled her.

Charlotte was reduced to a fuck toy as Charles used her body to dump more cum and release his sexual frustration. And Charlotte loved it. Every muscle in her body spasmed pleasurably while her head was filled with vision of her lover’s juicy cock and animal body.

The dog kept going, emptying his balls of seed into the young woman. Charlotte kept thinking it would die down, but every big load brought another big orgasm. It was incredible.

Cum was dripping out off Charlotte’s pussy and had been for a while as Charles started to slow down and the volume of cum released lessened.

Charlotte collapsed on to the bed, feeling an incredible sense of satisfaction. She smirked as her cum covered tits pressed into the bedding.

“Wow boy, that was so hot!” Charlotte mused as she dreamily rolled over. “You really are something special.” Charlotte relaxed her head over the edge of the bed, letting her beautiful hair hand down. She was vaguely aware of Charles jumping off the bed as she relaxed.

“It’s just cruel to not let a stud like you fuck, let alone denying others of the pleasure.”

Just at that moment, Charles appeared in Charlotte’s eye line. Before she could say anything further he mounted the bed and his hard cock pushed into Charlotte’s mouth.

She was instantly taken by the taste of doggy cum as well as her own. The long shaft in her mouth just seemed to fit.

“You cheeky devil,” she spluttered, her mouth full of dog cock as he began to gently fuck her mouth. Charlotte, on her part, was rather pleased with this development, happily beginning to slide her lips up and down the moist shaft.

With each thrust, Charlotte Church took more cock into her mouth, enticing Charles by beginning to use her tongue. The Welsh stunner swirled her tongue round as much of the shaft as she could, licking the cum off the surface.

Charles let out a happy bark as he continued to fuck Charlotte’s mouth.


Charlotte savoured the feel of cock in her mouth. She felt so sexy turning on a dog with her human body. She could feel herself getting wet again and knew this encounter wouldn’t end with a blowjob.

Charlotte reached up and cupped her cum soaked tits, adding pleasure to her own body as she felt her round globes and hard nipples. She loved playing with her tits and loved how caressing them got her horny. She was going to keep doing that until her hands were needed to pleasure Charles again. Hopefully the sight of her playing with them would work for the English Pointer.


For the third time, Charlotte felt a twitch in Charles’ cock immediately before a burst of cum was released. This time, the dog cum flooded her mouth and throat as she welcome the cock deep inside. Charlotte did her best to hold the cum in her mouth, for the first time tasting it’s salty tang.

Still Charles pumped her mouth as she worked her mouth around the shaft, the beast savouring the blowjob he was receiving. Charlotte caressed her tits, feeling the same cum on them as was now in her mouth.

Cum began to dribble from the star’s slutty mouth as she sucked on the bulging cock, making sure Charles orgasm was the best it could be. Charlotte loved how she had made the dog cum three times in a row so quickly. She knew she must really be turning him on.

As the dog slowed, a plop sound filled the room as the cock left the stars cum filled mouth. Charlotte held it a second as she sat up and stared directly at Charles before opening her mouth and revealing the hot load. She smiled as she swallowed.

“That was fucking delicious.” Charlotte beamed as she laughed. “But I hey the feeling we’re not done yet…”

Charles immediately jumped up and Charlotte lay on her back, ready to be fucked by the dog once more.


Charlotte had just surfaced from her late night, feeling pleased with the world. She had got Charles to cum 7 times while they were together and loved every second of it.

She bounced through reception with a happy satisfied smile which only got bigger when she spotted Sir Henry at reception. He looked stunned.

“Good morning Sir Henry, how are you today?” He didn’t answer, but Emily seemed happy to answer for him.

“It seems Sir Henry’s dog was … unable to perform.” She almost burst out with giggles.

Charlotte smirked too. “I wonder how that could have happened…”

The End

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