Women with Animals
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Loss of Innocence


(c) 2019  by Sadistic_Dominant

Part One

Katie Morgan had never had what you might call a normal life. She was the youngest of three children and was somewhat spoiled when she was younger. However, as she grew older, that changed.

You see, Katie wasn’t like the rest of her family. They were all, what’s the simplest way to put it, attractive. Her father, James, was six foot three, with stylish black hair, piercing blue eyes, a powerful jawline, and a body that made athletes jealous.

Her mother, Eleanor, had beautiful auburn hair that fell in waves down past her shoulders. She had gorgeous green eyes, full pouty lips, a tiny waist, and huge tits that she told everyone were natural, but had really been bought by her husband.

Her older brother, Timothy, was a nearly carbon copy of her father. His hair was a few shades closer to brown and his eyes were hazel colored, but other than that, they looked exactly the same.

Her sister, Christina, had blonde hair, unlike anyone else in the family. She had their father’s blue eyes, the same pouty lips as their mother, and firm, young breasts that were already at least a d cup.

And then there was Katie. Sure, she had big tits, but other than that, she didn’t really fit in with her family. She was a bit on the larger size. Her father jokingly called her his hefty girl. She didn’t get the pouty lips or piercing eyes that her siblings got. She was just kind of plain. A big, plain girl. That’s how she felt, for most of her life.

To complete the picture her parents were very sexual. It wasn’t uncommon for the children to walk in on their parents in any manner of sexual activity, in any room in the house. That’s how Katie knew that her mother always kept her pussy shaved and that her dad’s dick was ten inches when it got hard.

As a result, both Timothy and Christina were very sexual as well. Katie had seen both of them nude, with various people, so she knew they took after their parents in that area as well.

Unfortunately, no one seemed to want Katie. Whether it was because of her looks or her age, Katie remained a sexually frustrated virgin. But that all changed after she turned eighteen.

Katie often felt lonely and left out in her own family, although no one was intentionally trying to make her feel that way. They just got caught up in their own lives and sexual escapades. As a results, Katie often spent time at the local stable.

She had always loved horses and was ecstatic when her father bought her her very own horse for the birthday. He was a beautiful stallion with sable skin and beautiful reddish brown hair. She had named him Midnight.

It was a beautiful Saturday afternoon and Katie had just finished riding Midnight. As she started brushing him down, she smiled. “I’m never lonely when I’m with you, big guy. You always make me feel so special”.

As her brush got closer to his rump, she noticed him start getting excited. “What’s got you so worked up today, huh boy”, she asked. And that was when she saw it. His horse dick was getting long and hard.

“Oh my god”, she said when she saw how big it was. She hadn’t touched a real dick yet, even though she’d seen more than her share of them. And that was when she got the idea.

She looked around to make sure no one could see her. Then she reached out her hand and touched the horse’s shaft. He didn’t react badly, so she wrapped her hand around his horse cock. Well, as much as she could. She slowly started sliding her hand up and down, just like she’d seen her mom do to her dad.

Midnight seemed to like that, so she kept going. And, as she stroked her horse’s dick, she felt her young, barely teenage pussy getting wet. She unbuttoned her riding pants with her free hand and slid her fingers inside her white, cotton panties.

As she worked two fingers inside her wet little cunt, she realized that she wanted to taste her first cock. This cock that she was holding in her hands. She held the shaft close to her face and began licking the head.

Midnight got super excited at this and the shaft of his dick extended from the sheath. Katie’s eyes got very wide when this happened. “You’re fucking huge, boy”, she said as she continued licking the head of his dick while she stroked the shaft and fingered her pussy.

She could already feel her orgasm building as she started to wonder what it would feel like to have this dick inside her. Suddenly, Midnight started stiffening up. To Katie’s surprise, he started cumming. It quickly filled up her mouth and she had to pull his dick away.

But it didn’t stop. His cum covered her face, her hair, and it drenched her shirt. She swallowed quickly, not hating the taste of his semen. And, as she realized that she had just given a hand job to her horse, she had her own orgasm.

It was much more powerful than any she’d had when masturbating before. It felt like her tight little pussy exploded with juices. Her panties were drenched, matching the rest of her clothes.

After a few minutes, Katie buttoned her pants and stood up. “I love you boy”, Katie said, hugging the horse that had just drenched her in sperm. “And someday I’m going to figure out how to fit that big horse dick inside of me”.


Part Two

Katie Morgan smiled as she entered the stable and saw her horse, Midnight. The events of yesterday played through her mind and she felt her pussy getting wet. Midnight saw her and she could see him getting more excited than usual.

“Calm down, boy”, she said as she stroked his back. “First, we go for a ride. Then we will come back and have some fun”. She saddled him and climbed on, riding out into the open field.

As she rode, she felt every bump of the ground inside her wet cunt. And the cool leather of the saddle felt good against her pussy. “I don’t know why I never thought to go riding without panties before”, she said as the saddlehorn rubbed against her clit underneath the summer dress she wore.

She rode for about an hour before heading back. Once in the barn, she took the saddle off of Midnight. Then she brushed him and fed him. And then she started her new favorite thing. After making sure she was alone, she got on her knees and started stroking his horse cock.

As she slid her hands up and down his long shaft, she felt her pussy getting wetter and wetter. Especially when she remembered how salty and delicious his cum had tasted, filling up her mouth until she had no choice but to swallow.

As she stroked faster and faster, she had a small orgasm, loving the feeling of his thick cock in her hands. As she came down from the high, she started licking the head of Midnight’s dick. She loved everything about this cock. How big it was, how long, especially when it extended. And she longed to find a way to fit it inside her virginal pussy.

She took as much of his dick into her mouth as she could, gagging at how thick it was. Suddenly, she heard someone call her voice. And her brother appeared at Midnight’s stall. “What the fuck is this”, Timothy said as he stared at his sister.

Katie quickly pulled her mouth off of Midnight’s dick, but her pussy was still exposed. And that was when her cousing, Mark, who she’d always had a crush on, came into view. “What’s going on”, he said as he saw Katie’s wet cunt.

“This little slut was blowing her horse”, Timothy said in disgust. “Oh really”, Mark said, a strange look in his eyes. “Show me”, he said, glaring down at Katie. She shook her head. “No, please”, she said, tears streaming from her eyes.

Mark marched over to her and grabbed her by her jet black hair. “Show me or I’m going to tell everyone what we saw”, he growled. Katie knew she had no choice but to do as he said. She looked up at Timothy, but he just looked down at her in repulsion.

She slowly wrapped a hand around Midnight’s cock and began stroking it, trying to stop the tears that were flowing from her eyes. This was her private thing and they were humiliating her for it. “Hurry up”, Mark said and she felt him slap her exposed ass. She yelped and slid the horse’s cock into her mouth.

“Fuck, that’s sexy”, Mark said as he watched Katie suck and lick her horse’s dick. He very quickly got an erection, especially from knowing she was embarrassed and humiliated by being forced to do this. He quickly pulled out his phone and began to record the little slut.

“You think this is sexy”, Timothy asked, wondering how his cousin could be turned on by such a depraved act. “Fuck yes. Look at her tears. She hates this, being forced to do this, but she’s doing it anyway. Because she’s just a little slut. Aren’t you”, Mark said, slapping her ass again.

Katie couldn’t respond because, at that moment, Midnight orgasmed, dumping a huge load down her throat. She instinctively swallowed it all, hating herself for getting caught. “Fuck, she swallowed the horse’s cum”, Mark said. Then he smiled, a devious smile.

“Get on your hands and knees, slut”, he ordered and Katie obeyed, knowing she had no choice. She’d seen him recording on his phone and she was scared of what he would do if she didn’t obey. “Don’t let her move”, Mark said to Timothy.

Mark searched around for a minute before he found a pair of gloves. “Since you like this horse’s dick so much, slut, I think he should pop your cherry. After all, no man would ever want to fuck a fat slut like you”, Mark said as he put the gloves on.

Timothy put a foot on Katie’s back, preventing her from getting up. Despite what he had said, and his initial reaction, he was starting to get turned on by what was happening. Mark grabbed the horse’s still extended cock and pressed it against Katie’s virgin pussy.

And that was all it took. Even though it was a human cunt, Midnight knew what a pussy felt like. He pushed forward, burying at least seven to eight inches of his dick inside her hole. Katie screamed in pain as her pussy was forcibly stretched beyond repair. Midnight’s huge body was covering hers as he started fucking her, going back and forth, his cock almost coming out before ramming forward again.

Katie kept screaming and crying from the pain as Mark kept recording the horse raping her. But she couldn’t help herself. After several minutes, it began to hurt less and then it started feeling good. And, to her horror, she moaned and started getting wet, in front of her brother and cousin.

Midnight molested her cunt for almost fifteen minutes before he orgasmed, flooding her pussy with his seed. When his balls were drained, he pulled his dick from her gaping cunt and trotted off. Mark and Timothy both laughed at Katie as they turned their phone recorders off.

“Oh, I’m going to have so much fun with you”, Mark said, already imagining ways he could torture his slutty young cousin. “But first, you’ve made your brother and I rock hard. I know your pussy is useless, because you’re such a waste of flesh, but use your mouth and relieve us”.

Katie crawled over and undid both of their pants, trying to ignore the pain in her pussy. She stroked and sucked both of their dicks until they came, all over her face. Afterward, they left, but not before threatening to release the videos they had if she said anything.

Once she was alone, Katie just lay in the hay, thinking back over what had happened. It hadn’t happened exactly how she’d wanted, but she had gotten to fuck Midnight. And that thought made her wet. But not nearly as wet as Mark forcing her to do those things.

“Fuck, I think I liked it”, Katie said to herself as she slid her fingers into her cunt. She remembered how it had felt when Mark called her fat and useless, how humiliated she’d felt. And she fingered herself harder. She thought about how it had felt for Timothy to hold her down while Mark helped the horse rape her. And she fingered herself harder. And finally, she thought about how disgusting she must have looked, with her brother’s and cousin’s cum all over her face when they had just left her lying in the dirt. And then her pussy exploded, juices squirting everywhere.


Chapter Three


Katie Morgan awoke with a very wet pussy. This had happened nearly every day in the past week. It had been seven days since her brother and cousin caught her sucking her horse’s dick. They had then held her down and helped the horse rape her pussy.

Just thinking about it was almost enough to make Katie orgasm. She had discovered something about herself that day. She was a pervert. Not in a bad way, she just realized that she wanted sexual things that most people would consider abnormal, like getting raped by a horse.

She hadn’t seen her cousin, Mark, the entire week, although he’d promised that day that he would have more fun with what he knew about her. But at home, a few things had changed.

Her brother, Timothy, wasn’t dumb. He knew that the only way they kept power over Katie was by keeping what they knew to themselves. But he had told one person; their other sibling, Christina.

And both Timothy and Christina were using their knowledge to use and abuse Katie. She would never tell them, but she loved it and she would do what they wanted even if they weren’t blackmailing her.

Suddenly Katie’s alarm went off, breaking her away from her thoughts. Timothy would be to her room in less than a minute, he always was now. And sure enough, he appeared in her doorway, wearing nothing but boxers. The sight made her pussy drip like a faucet.

He came in and closed and locked her door. Then he walked over to her bed and slapped her hard. “You stupid slut, you were supposed to be waiting on the floor on your knees”. “I’m sorry”, Katie said and hurriedly got into position. She really wasn’t sorry. She had wanted him to slap her. She had almost cum when he hit her face.

As soon as she got to her knees, he dropped his boxers, revealing a thick, seven inch dick. She moaned as she grabbed ahold of it. “That’s it slut, worship your brother’s dick”, Timothy said and grabbed a handful of her hair. She loved this part, wishing he’d been doing this her whole life.

He shoved his dick down her throat, ignoring how she gagged. He started fucking her face with his morning wood, his balls slapping her chin.

She moaned and wanted to touch her pussy, but she wasn’t allowed to. That had been one of Christina’s rules. “Sluts don’t get to cum unless they’re told to”, her golden haired sister had said. “Especially a fat slut like you”. Katie had hated that rule at first, but she grew to love it. Having her orgasms controlled like that was just amazing.

She could soon feel Timothy’s cock begin to swell, signaling that he was about to orgasm. He never lasted long when he was in her mouth, a fact she was very proud of. Now the only question was, would he cum in her mouth or all over her face.

He soon gave her the answer by pulling her face against his groin and holding it there. She loved this, the feel of his balls smashing against her chin, the smell of his musk, and knowing that she was being useful and pleasing him. He dumped a huge load down her throat. When he pulled back, a stray spurt landed on her tongue and she relished the taste.

When he was done, he wiped his dick on her face to clean himself. “Thank you, sir”, she said, just like he had told her she should when she was used by him. “You better get to the bathroom quick”, Timothy said, looking down at her with a demeaning gaze. “You know Christina doesn’t like to be kept waiting”.

Katie quickly got up and almost ran, still naked, to the bathroom down the hall. Christina was standing there in a pink, lacy bra and panty set.

She had a body Katie had always been jealous of. A slender waist, large tits, and an ass that every guy they knew wanted to fuck, even a few relatives. And the cherry on top was her wavy, blonde hair, cascading down past her shoulders.

“Where the fuck were you”, Christina said. “I almost pissed myself”. “I’m sorry, mistress”, Katie said, using the title Christina had told her to use. “Tim was fucking my face”. “That’s no excuse. You never keep me waiting”, Christina said, slapping Katie hard. “Now, get in the tub”.

Katie quickly obeyed quickly, laying on her back in the cold tub. Christina stripped off her lingerie, revealing the most perfect tits and the most beautiful, smooth pussy that Katie had ever seen. Christina put a foot on either side of Katie, squatted, and proceeded to piss all over her.

The first time this had happened, Katie had been turned off. But as she realized how degrading and humiliating it was to be covered in her own sister’s piss, she had quickly begun to like it.

Christina covered as much of Katie as she could with the golden shower, making sure to get some in her mouth. “Swallow, slut”, Christina said, glaring down at the soaking wet girl. Katie swallowed the bitter liquid and then smiled up at her sister. “Thank you, mistress”, she said, following protocol.

“Clean me”, Christina said, obviously impatient. Katie lifted her head and started licking her sister’s pussy, from the top all the way down to the asshole. She made sure to get every drop of piss off of Christina’s cunt.

Eager to please her sister, Katie spread Christina’s pussy lips and began flicking her clit. Then she slid her tongue inside Christina’s cunt, eliciting moans from the girl. “That’s it, slut. Eat my pussy, feast on my juices”, Christina said as she ground her pussy against her sister’s piss covered face.

It didn’t take long before Christina orgasmed, covering Katie’s face in pussy juice. She rubbed her pussy all over Katie’s face, then got out of the tub. “Get dressed and then go fix my breakfast”, she said, not even allowing the girl to rinse her filthy body off.

“Yes, mistress”, Katie said as she hurriedly got out of the tub. She went to her room and looked through her outfits. Christina and Tim had agreed on this rule. Katie was only allowed to wear clothes that were too tight, showing off her fat body or miniskirts, with no panties of course.

Katie weared a pair of gray shorts that, when she put it on, gave her a huge camel toe. She also picked out a spaghetti strap shirt that would barely cover her tits. Her fat would be visible everywhere, allowing anyone to see it and mock her.

She headed down to the kitchen and started making Christina’s breakfast when a knock sounded at the door. She answered it and saw Mark standing there. “Fuck, you look disgusting”, he said and she felt her pussy pulse. “Now, I believe I promised to abuse you some more. So come on”.

“I have to finish Christina’s breakfast”, she said and he slapped her. “Fine, but hurry up”, Mark said. She quickly obeyed and told her siblings that Mark was here and was taking her somewhere. “Oh, we know. We will meet you two there later”, Timothy said.


Mark didn’t say a word as he drove. He had just told Katie to get in the car and she obeyed. About half an hour later, they pulled up in front of a house. “Where are we”, Katie asked, a little scared of the situation. “Don’t worry about it, slut. Just get out of the car”, Mark said as he shut the car off and got out.

They walked inside and immediately a large black man grabbed Katie by the cheeks, inspecting her. “Is this her”, he asked Mark. “Yes. This slut will do anything we say”, Mark answered.

“My name is Jamal, but you will call me sir”, the man said to Katie as he let her go. “Yes sir”, Katie said as she looked around. It was a nice house, very homey looking. And outside, she could hear dogs barking.

“Let’s just see if she’s any good”, Jamal said, sitting down and pulling out the biggest dick Katie had ever seen. It had to be at least eleven inches long and three inches around. “Blow me, slut”, Jamal said.

Katie immediately dropped to her knees in front of him, the excitement evident in her eyes. She grabbed the base of his shaft and started stroking it while she licked his shaft. “Good girl”, she heard Mark say and she looked over to see that he was again recording her.

She licked up and down Jamal’s shaft until it was slippery. Then she stroked the entire thing as she licked his balls. “Fuck yes, that feels good”, Jamal said. “Too many bitches forget the balls.” Katie smiled at the compliment.

Then she lifted her head up for a moment, took a breath, and took as much of his dick into her mouth as she could. She got about seven inches into her throat before she had to stop. She started bobbing her head up and down, his dick sliding in and out of her mouth.

She sucked his dick for several minutes before she could feel his shaft beginning to swell. “Would you like to cum in me or on me, sir”, she asked, lifting her head up for a second. “I’d love to cum down your throat, but so far, I haven’t found a slut that can take the whole shaft”, Jamal said.

Katie felt sad at that statement. She wanted to please him, not disappoint him. “I’ll go down as far as I can, then please push my head down the rest of the way and hold me down. I won’t fight you”, she said and inhaled his huge dick once again.

She relaxed her throat and managed to get nine inches this time. She felt his hand on the back of her head, pushing her down and forcing more of his dick down her throat. A moment of panic gripped her, but she fought it off and let him push her down.

Within moments, she felt her face press against his groin, his heavy balls pressing against her chin. “Fuck”, he groaned and exploded, pulsing cum down her throat. It felt like it lasted forever.

When he finally released her, she could see that he was smiling and that made her feel proud. “Damn, she’s good”, he said to Mark, who had just put his phone away. “Couldn’t you have found me a sexy bitch though? She’s a bit on the hefty side”.

“Sorry, I can only do so much”, Mark sounded. “If you can get past how disgusting she is, you can get whatever you want out of this slut.” “Well, I’m sure Bruno and Lars won’t mind what she looks like”, Jamal said as he stood up.

He went over to the back door and opened it. Two big rottweilers came inside, looking at Katie hungrily. “Are you ready for this, slut”, Mark said, looking down at her, a devious smile on his face.


Chapter Four

Katie Morgan took a deep breath as she looked at the two rottweilers circling her. “Get naked, slut”, her cousin, Mark, said sternly. “Bruno and Lars need access if they’re going to fuck you like the bitch you are”.

This was the first thing that had happened in the last week that Katie wasn’t sure about, but she obeyed anyway. She knew that Mark had blackmail on her and she had no choice but to obey him. So here she was, at his friend Jamal’s house, about to be fucked by two large dogs.

Jamal and Mark both made comments about how fat and ugly she was as Bruno shoved his head between her legs, recognizing the scent of a slut in heat. She couldn’t help but moan as his big, doggy tongue licked up and down her wet slit.

But she couldn’t focus on it for long because Lars was directly in front of her. Actually, most of his body was over her and his excited dick was hanging in front of her mouth. She instinctively stuck her tongue out and licked.

Lars must have enjoyed how that felt, because he put his front legs on her shoulders and shoved all nine inches of his shaft down her throat. She gagged as he started rapidly humping her face, his doggy balls slapping against her chin.

At the same time, Bruno shoved his dick inside her wet cunt. It was slightly longer and hit against her cervix with each thrust. The stimulation from both dogs was too much and she orgasmed hard, her juices squirting all over the floor.

Katie couldn’t believe how much she enjoyed this, two doggy dicks inside her, her juices and drool running onto the floor. Bruno and Lars pounded her from both ends, her throat and pussy beginning to get sore from the relentless fucking.

Soon the dogs both orgasmed, flooding her cunt and her mouth with a thick, salty cum. She swallowed as much as she could, but some ran down and landed on her tits. She loved how slutty she felt and it turned her on even more to know that Mark was probably filming this.

After the dogs knots went down, they both pulled out, leaving her feeling empty. But they didn’t leave her alone for long. Almost as if they had been trained to do this, they switched places.

Bruno shoved his dick in her mouth and she could taste her pussy, along with his cum, on his shaft. Within seconds, Lars had found her pussy and shoved his dick inside. Katie moaned loudly as they fucked her like the slut she knew she was.

The two dogs pounded her for what felt like hours before they finished, filling her cunt and mouth with so much doggy cum that it leaked out. She knew she looked like a whore, but she didn’t care. She loved it and she would be doing it even if she weren’t being blackmailed.

When the two dogs finished, they went back outside, leaving her laying in a puddle of cum, both hers and the dogs’, and drool. Mark looked down at her, disgusted but turned on. “You really are a fucking slut, aren’t you”, he said as he put his phone away. “Get dressed, your day isn’t over yet”.

He didn’t give her a chance to clean up, forcing her to put her clothes on while she was covered in doggy cum. They got in his car and drove to the stables that had started this trip in Katie’s life. She got a little excited, thinking that Mark was going to let her fuck Midnight again. Then she got disappointed when she saw the person who owned the stables standing there.

“Get out”, Mark ordered and she immediately obeyed. The owner walked over to the two of them, looking her up and down. “This is her”, he asked Mark. “She doesn’t look like much.” “No, but she made that horse of hers happy”, Mark said.

This shocked Katie since she thought Mark was keeping her secret, not telling people. “Well, let’s see how she does in the harness”, the owner said and led them into a structure Katie had only seen, never been inside. But she knew what it was for; breeding mares.

Inside was a contraption that looked like it was for keeping a mare in place while a stallion bred her. “Strip down and get in the harness”, the man said and Katie looked at Mark, knowing that she had to obey. He simply nodded and she resigned herself to whatever happened.

Some of her clothes stuck to her, thanks to the dried on doggy cum, but she soon got them off. Then she got into the harness, her belly hanging down. The owner used the straps to spread her legs and restrain her arms and legs. This left her completely exposed, her used pussy on full display.

He opened the back door and Katie could see at half a dozen horses waiting, including Midnight. She took a deep breath and realized that her pussy was already wet, knowing what was about to happen to her.

To her surprise, the man brought in not one, but two horses. Midnight stood behind her and a beautiful red horse stood in front of her. They both lifted their front legs onto the bars at the top of the contraption Katie was secured to.

Midnight quickly found Katie’s pussy with his cock, shoving at least ten inches inside her, burying himself inside her cervix and beginning to fuck her hard. The sudden intrusion sent raging waves of pain and pleasure through her body and she screamed as an orgasm wracked her body. Her pussy ejaculated all over the horse dick buried inside her cunt.

The horse in front of her took a bit longer to find her mouth with his dick. But he did find it and slid his cock down her throat and into her esophagus. She choked on the huge dick violating her throat and vomited a little, but she had no choice but to swallow it back down. She could barely breathe as the horse fucked her throat savagely.

She couldn’t believe how amazing it felt being roasted by two unbelievably huge horse cocks. Her body was in an almost continuous state of orgasm and ecstasy as they fucked her like a mare in heat. This was the best feeling in her life and she knew she was going to happy being fucked and used like this for the rest of her life.

The End

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One thought on “Loss of Innocence

  1. I always want more!!!!

    I so enjoy these stories of women getting raped, abused and hurt and being fucked by huge cocks.

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