Women with Animals

Alpha’s Trigger


Averi guided the car around the corner and accelerated. Samantha was sitting beside her when suddenly, she grabbed the dashboard and shouted, “Watch out for the dog!”

Averi saw the big dog darting across the street, in pursuit of a squirrel and was unconcerned about the unforeseen consequences. She slammed on the brakes, and the car shuddered to a halt just as the big dog disappeared below the hood. The girls jumped out and ran to the front bumper to check on the dog.

“What the hell? Averi asked, looking at the empty space in front of the car. “Where did he go?”

“We both saw him, right? Where is he?”

“Or she,” Averi corrected her.

“Babe, obviously you didn’t see those nuts swinging on that beast,” Samantha laughed. “I’m surprised he didn’t trip.”

“If you say so,” Averi answered, glancing under the car. They gave a last look and returned to the car with no dog in sight. “I guess he must have run off when we got out and just missed him somehow.”

“Probably. I bet you scared him shitless with your bad driving.”

“Hey, if you want to walk home, it’s fine by me. It’s only two miles,” Averi snapped.

The girls slammed the doors shut and prepared to drive away when Samantha glanced at the backseat and gasped.

“Uhh, Averi?” she whispered, staring at the backseat.

“What, Sam? More helpful driving tips?”

“No,” she said quietly. “Turn around. Slowly. The dog’s in the backseat.”

“What?” Averi turned and was face to face with a very large dog. Both girls became motionless and quiet, unsure if this was a mean or happy dog. Since he was stuck in the car with them, they hoped for the best outcome possible.

The dog leaned towards Averi’s face and sniffed her. Neither girl moved a muscle until a tail slapping against the seat echoed inside the car. The girls exhaled, and the dog took the opportunity to greet Averi properly. His wet tongue smacked against her cheek and slid across her lips until it ended on the other cheek. He sat back on his haunches and wagged his tail happily.

“Yuck, dog, I just met you!” Averi laughed. “That’s second-date material!”

“Well, he sure seems to like you,” Sam smiled, pointing between the dog’s back legs. A couple of inches of his pink lipstick poked prominently in front of his smooth, black nuts draped over the seat.

“So what are we going to do?” Samantha asked. “I don’t see a collar or anything.” She continued to stare at their new friend’s sizable equipment housed between his flanks.

“Let’s take him home, look at the neighborhood message boards, and see if anyone posted a lost dog. If nobody has, we’ll keep him overnight and then go to the vet in the morning and see if he’s microchipped.”

“That sound good to you, buddy?” Sam asked, leaning back to ruffle his coat. The dog darted forward and shoved his tongue between her lips, probing the inside of her mouth. Samantha jerked back, laughing and sputtering. “Shit!”

“He’s a lover, for sure,” Averi said.

Driving home, Samantha tasted the sweetness of the dog’s tongue slobber, lingering in her mouth. She glanced in the backseat; the dog was lying down, curled and cleaning himself. His veiny, pink cock extended from its furry sheath and seemed to lengthen with each slow lick. Samantha licked her lips, becoming noticeably damp between her legs. She turned away and focused on Averi’s shitty driving, trying to fight the urges making her cunt ache.

A few minutes later, they parked, and the dog followed closely behind as they entered their apartment.

“He stinks, so I’m going to take him upstairs and give him a bath, ok?” Sam said eagerly.

“Ah, okay. I can help you if you want?” Averi offered. “Then we can fix lunch.”

“No, no. That’s okay,” she answered hurriedly. “He seems like a good boy, so I shouldn’t have a problem. I can bathe him while you fix us all something to eat.”

“Holler if you need me,” Averi shrugged and left for the kitchen. “Have fun.”

“We’re about to, aren’t we, sexy stud?” Samantha whispered, scratching the dog’s head. They walked up the stairs, and she wished they had a longer private time together. Maybe fifteen minutes would be enough playtime to suppress her animalistic lust.

The horny girl ran warm water to fill the tub. She patted the side, and without fuss, the dog stepped over the rim and stood in the bath water. He relaxed while she squirted soap over his coat. “Good boy,” she bragged and started a soapy massage, working across his back and down his firm legs. “Damn, boy. You’re packing some muscle under all this fur,” she said, exploring his muscular physique.

Samantha continued massaging the dog’s body, thoroughly working the soap into his fur. She licked her lips and kept an eye on the dog while running her soaped hands down his back and lifting his tail to carefully wash around his puckered asshole. The dog didn’t flinch, so she continued. Her hands moved down, hefting his heavy black balls, kneading them in her palm to gently clean them. The dog began to pant, and she looked underneath his belly. A brief whimper left her lips, eyeing his exposed cock, erect and ready. The veiny cock had lost some of its pink hues and had turned more of a reddish-purple. The white veins wrapped around its girth as it swung heavily between his legs.

“Oh yeah, baby. That’s what I want,” she whispered and slid her wet, soapy hands along his shaft, gripping the thick, fiery cock in her hand.

Before proceeding, she stopped briefly and listened for Averi. Several pots clanged together from downstairs, so Sam returned to her dirty deed.

The panting dog turned his head and stared at her with lustful eyes. She leaned over and let him slip his tongue into her mouth. She suckled his wet, probing softness, feeling and tasting his sweet slobber. Moaning, she closed her eyes and savored the dog’s taste in her mouth, coupled with the feel of his throbbing cock pulsating in her hands. Her hands moved quicker, hurrying to get a hot load stroked out before they had to go downstairs.

“Busted bitch!” Averi exclaimed from the doorway.

Samantha yelped and tumbled back, smacking her head on the cabinet. Caught in the act, she averted her eyes, and her face flushed, from shame and embarrassment. Her heart raced, preparing her for the anger and hell about to break loose.

A few seconds later, she felt a hand softly touching her crotch. She looked and saw Averi kneeling beside her, smiling mischievously while rubbing her hand between her legs.

“Uh oh, I caught somebody being a naughty girl, didn’t I?” Averi asked, her smile growing seductive as her eyes narrowed. She played with Sam’s wet cunt through her thin shorts, increasing the pressure with each stroke. “Damn baby, you’re soaking wet. You’re already in love with that puppy cock, aren’t you?” Averi whispered. “You want him to fuck you’re dripping pussy and pump your belly full of his hot cum, don’t you, my sexy, little puppy whore?”

Sam pulled herself up, leaning on her elbows and pushed her crotch against Averi’s grip. The fear and embarrassment evaporated as the heat grew between her legs. “Uh, hun. I want that big, hot dog cock, really bad, baby,” Samantha gasped, playing along and grinding her crotch against her massaging hand.

Averi looked at the dog, who watched the girls intently. “Here, boy. Come on out and bring that swinging cock with you,” she said, patting the floor beside the squirming girl. He stepped from the tub, dripping wet, with his tail swishing in the air eagerly. Hearing the word ‘cock’, the dog knew he was about to get something warm and wet wrapped around his dick.

Averi reached and grabbed Samantha’s head by her hair and shoved her face toward the swinging cock. “Suck that puppy cock, you slutty dog whore,” Averi commanded, “I want you to gag on his cum when he pumps it down your throat!” She slipped her stroking hand inside Sam’s waistband and cupped her wet cunt. “Fuck girl, it feels like you pissed in your pants,” Averi whispered. She started rubbing Sam’s swollen clit with her thumb while fucking her with her long fingers.

Samantha moaned and grabbed the dog’s wet hindquarters, backing him to her face. Grasping between his wet legs, she seized his cock and hauled it back into her willing mouth. With the burning heat of the dog’s cock in her mouth, and the hand working her cunt, Sam was in total bliss. Averi moved her other hand up and pinched Sam’s hard nipples through her T-shirt.

Samantha whimpered and shook uncontrollably from the explosive climax, a moment before the dog jettisoned his load and flooded her throat. She initially gagged, then savoring his gift, sucked his cock for more of his beastly cum.

Averi pulled her hand from inside Sam’s shorts and licked the girl’s climax off her fingers. She watched Sam’s mouth vacuum the cum from the dog’s pulsating cock, admiring her skill and dedication.

A few minutes later, the cum flow slowed, and the dog pulled free. He left the girls to recoup and disappeared into the bedroom. Sam wiped her face and exhaled a relieved sigh.

“You going to be able to walk?” Averi joked.

“Shit on a cracker. What was all that about?” Sam exclaimed. “I really thought I was fucked when you caught me.”

“Nah, watching you jerk him off made me horny.”

“You were watching me?” Samantha asked, her cheeks turning a light shade of red.

“Naturally. I wasn’t sure you would be into the dog thing; I had hoped you were. But after I caught you drooling over that innocent dog’s cock on the ride home, I figured after two months of dating; it was time to broaden our sexual horizon.

“Baby, I don’t know what happened, but when I saw him flashing his cock, I just turned into a bitch in heat.”

“Yeah, I’ve always felt that way, but not for human dicks. I’m strictly girl pussy and puppy cocks, twenty-four-seven.” Averi laughed. “Remember me telling you about Sebastian, the German Shepard I had in college? He and I were a little more than just friends; he was the stud who ensured I wasn’t a virgin when I went to college.”

They got up and entered the bedroom, lying back on the bed. The dog chuffed impatiently, looking at them from the floor. Averi raised her head and patted the mattress. “Come on, big boy.” The dog jumped up and nestled between them.

“Hey, Averi.”

“Yes, baby?”

“I came, and the dog got to nut, but you haven’t?”

“I wondered when you would ask,” Averi replied. She raised her butt and slipped off her shorts. “Ok, boy, show me what you can do.”

With Averi’s cunt exposed, the dog raised his head and sniffed the air. He followed his nose and sniffed her thigh. She lifted a leg over so he was positioned between them. He continued sniffing, and his tail started a slow wag trying to hone in on the scent. His head inched closer to the tempting fragrance of her willing cunt, and once there, he gave her snatch a quick lick and put a taste to the scent. Hot damn, this bitch was in heat! He jerked his muzzle forward, inhaling deeply and driving his cold nose between her puffy folds.

She whimpered and threw her hands down, holding his furry head steady while he loudly lapped between her legs. The lapping, smacking and snorting continued until Averi trembled, while Sam lay on her side, quietly fingering herself and enjoying the show.

Averi breathed a long-winded and satisfied groan when her body convulsed from the climax. Her orgasm drove the dog into a tasting frenzy, lapping the slick sweetness with renewed vigor.

Panting, Averi relaxed and wiped the sweat from her brow. She guided the dog away from her tender cunt and scratched his head. “Good boy,” she whispered. She looked over at Sam. “I need a cigarette.”

“You don’t smoke, goofy.”

“Oh yeah, I forgot. After that, though, I’m not sure I remember my name,” she said, rubbing behind the dog’s furry ears. “You are such a good boy. And I mean good in every way possible.”

The girls quieted until Samantha asked, “So you said you lost your virginity to a dog? Does that mean you would be a good person to ask about how to get screwed by this mutt?”

Averi burst into laughter. “Dog cocks? I have so much to teach you, my willing apprentice.”

The dog tilted his head and listened intently. He heard the trigger word ‘cock’ again and smelled growing love in the air. He stood up, and his tail started wagging, sniffing the girls while they finished stripping off their clothes.

“But first, let’s name him. I don’t want to shout, Oh, ‘Dog’ when I cum. I want to scream an actual name,” Sam said.


The girls stared at the furry dog, tossing names back and forth. Finally, settling on Alpha.

“It’s unusual, but I’m fine with it,” Averi said. “We both know that’s what he is.”

“I know. He’s so muscular and strong, not to mention hefting a big, thick cock,” Sam muttered, licking her lips. “Fuck, I want it so bad.”

“Ok, if you listen to me, I promise, afterward you’ll want to crash and sleep after he’s done with you,” Averi smiled wickedly.

“I’m all yours!”

Alpha pranced around the naked, horny girls, sniffing and licking their bare skin. His erect cock jutted proudly underneath his belly, swinging back and forth like a dripping divining rod searching for pussy.

Averi positioned her girlfriend on all fours and pushed her shoulders down to raise her rear. Sam closed her eyes and pressed her cheek against the sheets, waiting expectantly. Her heart thumped, and butterflies churned in her belly, waiting for the dominating alpha to do his thing.

Averi knelt next to Sam and patted her round butt. “Up here, boy. Mount this horny slut and show her who’s boss,” she directed. He wasted no time and did just that, moving behind Sam and throwing his front paws around her waist. She winced from the sting of his claws etching red welts into her milky thighs.

Alpha commenced humping franticly, slipping and sliding his leaking cock across her bare rear. Sam’s cunt tingled each time his burning cock rubbed across the folds of her aching cunt.

“Here, boy, stick that big cock in here,” Averi whispered and grabbed his slick dick. He jackhammered her grip as she guided his cock to the willing, warm entrance. Aiming his spurting cock at Sam’s puffy cunt, she released him and leaned back to watch. Once Alpha felt her cunt suck at his tapered tip, he grunted and forced his entire length inside. Sam’s eyes bugged, and she screamed from the pain of her womb abruptly being skewered by a long, thick canine cock. Alpha bred his bitch wildly, unconcerned with her discomfort or pain. His furry hips became a blur as he rode her fast and hard.

“I know it hurts at first, but relax, baby. Just enjoy this stud doing what he does best,” Averi said, slipping a hand between Sam’s legs and flicking her engorged clit. Her other hand followed the contours of Sam’s round butt and worked a wet finger inside her puckered asshole. Averi fingered her girlfriend’s asshole with the same rapid rhythm as the dog’s dick blasting her cunt.

“Ooohhh sshhiiiittttttttt,” Sam choked, feeling the fast-moving orgasm explode within her. Averi smiled, feeling Sam’s sphincter flex and pulse around her moving digit.

Averi leaned over and whispered in the dog’s perked ear, “Now, boy. She’s loose and ready. Fucking knot your little whore.”

A few hard thrusts later, the dog gave a last intense shove, almost knocking Sam off balance. His hard knot wrenched into her battered cunt and lodged inside, swelling rapidly. Her sore pussy fought to adjust and accept his bulbous gift.

Sam gasped from the pain of his inflating knot. “Oh fuck! He’s gonna split me!”

“Calm down, drama queen, just relax. It fits. Just be thankful I was here to help find the right hole. My dog missed the first time, and I got analized. I was walking funny with my butthole bleeding for two days.”

Sam moaned a response while Averi lifted the dog’s tail to check his progress. “He’s about to cum, baby. Just relax and let him pump those future puppies inside you. Remember, he’s alpha, and you’re just the warm hole he needed to dump his spunk in.”

The bred girl continued to moan while Alpha’s slobber dripped onto her arched back. A few seconds later, Alpha’s butthole twitched, and the root of his cock swelled as it disappeared into her girl’s swollen pussy.

“Here it comes, baby. Here it comes,” Averi whispered eagerly. She licked a finger and teased the outside of the dog’s flexing asshole while tenderly massaging his black, smooth balls.

Sam groaned in a steady tone, feeling the effects of his liquid heat pumping into her womb.

“It gets better. Wait until he flips, and you’re ass to ass,” Averi advised. “Then you’ll really get a cunt full.”

“It can’t get better,” Sam moaned.

“It can.”

A minute later, she assisted Alpha in doing just that and threw a hind leg over Sam’s rear until they were butt to butt.

“Oh, baby, I can feel the heat filling my belly from all the cum he’s dumping in me.”

“Yeah, I admit, he’s one of a kind. Those nuts must hold a ton of cum. It still looks like he’s going strong, and it’s already been fifteen minutes!” she exclaimed. “How many times did you get off?”


“What? Only once?” she asked.

“Yep. Once, but… it’s been one long, glorious, never-ending orgasm. I’m just now coming down.” Sam admitted.

“Fifteen-minute orgasms. Not bad.” Averi replied.

Alpha twitched and stepped forward, yanking Samantha up and dragging her backward.

“Fuck!” Sam shouted and grasped the dog’s rear legs, keeping him tight against her. “What’s he trying to do? Yank out my intestines?”

“He must be done. Keep him like that for a minute, and let me grab some towels.”

Averi ran to the closet and grabbed a few towels, returning to the bed, rolling, and placing them between their legs. “Babe, if he’s done, just relax, and he’ll work himself out. I’ll guide him slowly.” Averi wrapped her arms around Alpha’s neck and waited for him to deflate enough to release the girl. “Easy, boy. You fucked her raw, and now it’s tender,” she whispered in his ear. He licked her face, and she let his tongue probe inside her mouth, tasting each other’s slobber. “Don’t worry, baby. You’re getting mine too, but you probably need a break, right?”

She let the dog ease forward, and Sam grunted as his knot popped free. That was followed by an immediate flood of watery cum gushing from his mate’s open and worn cunt, quickly soaking the well-placed towels. Averi released the dog, and he trotted downstairs while she used another towel to gingerly wipe around Samantha’s inflamed, swollen puss. She finished wiping the stray cum sprays from across her legs and butt, then the freshly cleaned girl went limp and crashed against the sheets.

“Lay here and rest. I’m going downstairs to feed and let him out,” Averi said. Sam gave a brief grunt of acknowledgment and quickly started a loud, un-lady-like snoring.

Downstairs, Averi opened the patio door and let Alpha out. She grabbed a reserved can of dog food from above the fridge and searched for the spare dog bowl. She scoured the upper cabinets and found nothing. She bent down and looked under the sink and saw the glint of the metal dog dish. Naturally, it was the farthest thing under the sink.

She looked for Alpha, who was still outside, circling and sniffing for a perfect poop spot. Still naked from earlier, she dropped to her hands and knees and reached back as she could. Her fingers brushed the bowl, and it tumbled behind the cleaning bottles.

“Dammit,” she muttered, working her torso into the dark recesses beneath the kitchen sink.

“Finally!” she exclaimed, grasping the bowl’s edge and pulling it. Averi started scooting out from underneath the cabinet when she halted, wincing in pain. Her hair was tangled in something above her head. “Fuck, fuck, fuck,” she said, trying to reach and work the tangle free. “What’s it fucking stuck on?” she hissed, feeling the pipes above her.

She yelped when a cold, wet nose pressed into her ass crack and snorted.

“Crap! Samantha!” Averi shouted, hoping she would hear. “Samantha!” she screamed again. The only sound was the heavy snorts of Alpha sniffing her exposed butt. “Alpha, no! You better not stick your cock in there!”

Hearing the trigger word ‘cock,’ Alpha started licking Averi’s exposed rear with vigor. Realizing too late that the word cock had slipped out of her mouth, she desperately pulled and yanked, trying to break free. Her efforts were in vain, and she remained stuck under the sink with the horny dog sniffing and licking her butthole.

Alpha’s cock emerged, swinging back and forth, ready to breed. His veiny, red cock spotted the floor with precum leaking from its swinging tip.

“Samantha!” she screamed. Still nothing. “Goddammit!” Now resolved that she was about to be puppy-bred, she sighed and tried to relax, hoping to ease the pain of a cock ramming into her. “Pussy, Alpha, pussy! Asshole, NO!” she snapped, faintly hoping he knew the difference.

Her eyes watered from her throbbing scalp, and then the weight of his furry chest pressed on her backside. He dug his claws into her thighs, trying to position himself. She tried to coordinate a butt wiggle so his cock would enter her cunt, but from the awkward position and pain, she gave up.

Her bad luck continued when the dog backed up and reaffirmed his grip, aiming his cock perfectly at her puckered bullseye. A second later, she screamed as he violently ripped into her butthole, ramming it in with unfettered determination. His hips moved like lightning, impaling her ass with his cock over and over like a well-oiled piston. She couldn’t help but admire his stamina, speed and power. He was a fucking machine. This would already be his third nut in an hour, but you sure wouldn’t know it from his current energy and speed.

Averi, determined to make the best of a shitty situation, shoved her fingers between her legs and fingered herself in rhythm with Alpha’s thrusting. The orgasmic tingle spread throughout her sweaty body until she trembled from the climax bursting inside her. Alpha continued to hammer her butt in a desperate attempt to nut.

“Alpha!” Samantha shouted, rushing into the kitchen. “Get off her!”

Averi gritted her teeth when he yanked his spurting cock free and scurried into the living room to hide.

“Baby, are you all right?” Sam asked, dropping to the floor beside her. Realizing her hair was caught, she fished her hand under the sink until she could free the knots and curls holding Averi. “Oh my god, baby, are you ok? What happened?”

“I hollered for you, and since you didn’t show up, Alpha decided he wanted to see if his cock would fit in my ass!”

“I’m sorry, babe, I just passed out after you left. You know I would have helped you if I’d heard you.”

A forgiving smile crossed Averi’s lips. “Oh? Then you’re a better person than me. I would have watched you get ass fucked and maybe even took a video or two.”

“You bitch!” Samantha laughed and grabbed her, pulling her to the floor. “How about I hold you down and let Alpha finish his ass fuckin’?”

Averi rolled her eyes, “Oh no. That would just be terrible,” she replied sarcastically. “You’re the one that interrupted us. I was just starting to enjoy it.”

“Oh, so now you like it up the poop chute?”

“Well, it did bring back some fond memories, and I did get to cum,” she winked. “I bet you scared that poor baby so badly; he’s probably hiding behind the sofa with swollen blue balls.”

The girls walked through the house to find the dog.

Alpha wasn’t cowering behind the sofa but lying on it, licking all seven, thick inches of his dripping cock. He looked up as they approached and whined pitifully, begging for relief from his aching nuts.

“Oh baby, you didn’t get to finish, did you? That mean old bitch scare you?” Averi asked. She pulled Sam onto the floor and wiggled her bare ass at the dog. “Come on, boy, pick a hole so you can finish. We can’t have our new baby running around with blue balls, right?”

Sam joined and slapped her bare butt. “Dealer’s choice stud. Between us, you’ve got four holes in the rear and two upfront, so it’s up to you.”

Alpha jumped off the sofa, his cock swinging madly between his legs. He sniffed Averi’s inflamed, swollen butthole and quickly stepped beside her, sniffing Samantha’s. He threw his paws around Sam and mounted her.

“Uh oh. Somebody thinks your butthole is too loosie-goosy,” Sam burst into laughter. “I think he’s scared he might fall in.”

“Funny. Just for that, I’m going to make sure he pokes it in your tight virgin butthole,” Averi warned. She grabbed his thrusting cock, aiming it directly at Sam’s clenched hole. She released him, and he thrust hard, knocking Sam off balance and following her down as she landed hard against the floor. With his cock firmly implanted in her ass, Alpha proceeded to machine-gun his cock into her rear.

She yelped with each violent thrust, then shortly ended with a scream echoing through the tiny apartment as his knot lodged inside her butt.

“Don’t let him knot me! Not in the ass, get him out!” Sam begged, trying to escape from under the heavy dog.

“Calm down, missy. He’s already in there, and trust me; it hurts more if he yanks it out now. Let him drain his balls, and it will shrink a little.”

“You could have warned me it hurts this bad!”

“Really, Sam? Warn you? And what did you think I meant by ‘walking funny with my butt bleeding for two days?”

“I don’t know. Shit, I was horny and not thinking straight.” Samantha admitted. “Dammit, it burns like a motherfucker, but…kinda feels good, I guess.”

The girls listened to Alpha’s soft grunts sounding in sync each time Sam felt his dick pulse.

“Dog, you better be glad I don’t have a dick, or I’d show you what an ass rape felt like,” Sam warned.

“I can’t get a towel under you since you’re flat on the floor. When he pulls out, hold his cum inside until you get to the toilet.”

“And just how is my stretched-out butthole going to do that?”

“I don’t know, stick a finger in there or something.”

“Oh, so now you’re worried about me dripping cum?” Sam snapped.

“Babe. It’s a new carpet.”


Averi shrugged and plopped on the couch behind them. She grabbed the remote and flicked on the TV.

“You’ve got to be fucking kidding me. You’re watching TV?”

“Until he decides he finished, not much else to do,” Averi replied, leaning back and spreading her legs. She eyed her girlfriend’s helpless, beautiful body trapped underneath the furry, muscular beast while drool dripped onto her back.

She slipped a hand between her legs and started fondling herself. She admired the scene of this powerful mutt dominating her girl. His massive cock emptied his balls into her pert ass while his tail and asshole twitched rhythmically with every surge.

Averi stifled a whimper when the climax surprised her and made her cunt convulse. Alpha’s head shot up, and he started sniffing the air. He tried to rise and climb off Sam, who screamed, “Shit! What the fuck is he doing!”

“Crap. Sorry baby. I was just playing with myself. I think he smells my puss.”

“Fuck!” Sam shouted, being forced to maneuver back onto her knees. Alpha hiked a leg over her rear and now stood butt to butt. “I’m gonna throw up,” she groaned as the throbbing pain in her butt graduated into her cum filled tummy.

Averi, not one to pass up a thorough puppy cleaning, scootched closer, and the dog planted his muzzle into her trimmed pubes. He went to work, enthusiastically cleaning the salty sweetness from between her legs.

He finished his chore, then, without warning, lunged to the side, tearing his partially deflated knot from Sam’s clenched asshole.

“Carpet!” Averi shouted.

“Fuck you and fuck your carpet,” Sam hissed, trying to plug her dripping hole with a finger. Then she tried two and finally just shoved her whole fist in there. “Fuck me! I can stick my whole goddamn hand in there!” she whimpered, scampering to the toilet.

“Don’t worry. Your pooper’s resilient. It will be back to normal in a day or two. That is, unless you want an ass fuckin’ every day. Then, no promises.”

“Fiery rollin’ hot balls, it burns!” Sam whined, listening to the watery cum splash into the toilet as it leaked from her throbbing, stretched asshole.

Alpha entered the bathroom, sniffed the floor, then looked at Samantha.

“What the fuck are you looking at, scroungy mutt?” she snapped. Her eyes glanced underneath his belly. “Hey, Averi! It’s been ten minutes since his last deposit, and he’s already swinging dick, ready to go again!”

“Cool! I’ll take care of it. Can’t have an unhappy boy, can we?” Averi said, appearing in the doorway and ruffling his fur.

“I guess we’ve adopted him?” Sam sighed.

“Sweetie, I would get rid of you before I would him. When you quit whining about your hurt butt, come to bed and join us.”

“Averi, I say this with love in my heart. Fuck you!”

“Hey, get in line! There’s already one ahead of you,” Averi laughed.

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