Women with Animals
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A Dirty Deal


(c) 2018 by dogupme

Ruth sat waiting nervously at the table reserved for her. She wasn’t at all sure she had made the right decision in answering the online ad, and she was sure there were safer ways to pay off her debts, but she was open minded and curious. Besides, how many strange men would she have to sleep with to pay off a £21,000 debt that was increasing with compound interest every day? This way she could make that debt disappear in one night.

Her “date” arrived and introduced himself before sitting down in the empty seat opposite her.

“You are Hotbitch86?”

The middle aged man tapped something out on his Ipad, then looking at her said “I have just paid £1000 into your account. That’s now yours just for showing up. There is still time for you to back out if you have cold feet.”

His manner was calm and aloof – almost cold Ruth thought. He wasn’t bad looking though, for his age. His profile said 52, but she thought he could easily pass for late thirties or early forties, with just greying temples to betray the fact he was twice her age. The age thing didn’t bother her – she had always had a bit of a thing for older men and father figures, ever since she had seduced her tutor at college to get higher grades. There had been no love in that six month affair – just lust, but he had taught her so much in those after hours sessions than she ever learned during class.

She wondered if she was about to be taught some new tricks. Her client looked wealthy and well groomed. She could see he took good care of his body, but she also detected an air of depravity that both unnerved and excited her.

Not for the first time, she questioned herself on whether it was wise to continue. This man did not look like the sort of person who would need to pay for sex, and even if he was, the sort of money he was paying her could buy time with any number of prostitutes. Obviously he was looking for something he couldn’t get from any regular whore, and she wondered what that might be.

He took a folded sheet of paper out of his jacket pocket and opened it up, presenting it to her.
“If you are ready to proceed, I’ll need you to sign this agreement – I believe you already know the terms of the contract?”

Ruth nodded. There had been nothing explicit in their online exchanges, only vague hints, but he had been pretty clear about terms and conditions, and what he expected from her. Unquestioning obedience and subjugation.

“I am to be your property for the rest of the evening. You may do with me as you wish barring any permanent physical harm. You may make recordings of any act I perform, and I must do as you say, no matter how degrading or perverse. In return you will pay me £300 for every minute.”

“Starting from the moment you sign the contract.” the man added. “Would you like to finish your drink before you sign?”

Ruth finished her glass of vodka whilst she read the fine details of the contract. The contract ends at midnight, and it was now just coming up to 8 pm. She could earn a lot of money in four hours – if she can stay the distance.

There were a few provisos. The money would be paid into her account every hour, on the hour. If she backs out before each hour is up, all money earned in that hour is forfeit – she has to complete the hour to qualify.

She wondered how many minutes would pass between signing and walking to the hotel room – or wherever else he wanted to take her. She had already decided she was not going to turn back. Sure there were other options, other ways of making enough money to pay her debts and bills that were “safer”, but in truth her life had become boring and she yearned for something different – something exciting. She signed the contract.

“Excellent – exactly eight o clock – shall we get going?”

Ruth stood up and grabbed her coat from the back of the chair. She expected to follow him up the lobby stairs, but instead he took her by the arm and led her towards the door. Ruth was surprised but delighted – they were going to go on somewhere else, which would take time. Every minute was literally money in the bank.

This was intriguing, and of course she carried a hope that they might spend the best part of the first hour just walking or riding to their ultimate destination. They walked out of the hotel like any normal couple, and out into the bustling street.

“Here” he said as they stopped at an alley beside the hotel.
“No!” she pleaded, “We’ll be seen!”
“Maybe, maybe not.” he replied. “Depends how quiet you are and how quickly you can finish.”

She hesitated, looking round. The street was pretty busy, but it was evening and the alley not well lit. she might get away with it. Was this his kink? A blow job or knee trembler in a public place with the danger of discovery?

Halfway down the alley was a wrought iron gate with a large disposal bin behind it. Ruth’s “employer” led her to the gate and opened it with a loud squeal and gestured for her to go through.

“Take your knickers off.” he ordered as she stepped swiftly into the gateway. She hoisted up the short pvc mini skirt, hooked her fingers into the waistband of her lacy knickers and shimmied her hips as she slid the underwear quickly down to her ankles, then stepped out of them.

He took the undergarment from her hand, then closed the gate between them. She turned to him with a puzzled look on her face. She was certain he had led her to the alley so she could give him an open air blow job or maybe sex, but he wasn’t going with her. Why? Suddenly a large dog came out from behind the bin.

“Don’t worry – that’s Spike – he’s well trained so won’t harm you.”

In spite of his assurances, Ruth was nervous. The large white Pitbull had a huge head and massive jaws.

“Let him smell your sex.” the man ordered. Tentatively she lifted the front of her skirt and spread her thighs apart as she felt the dog’s hot breath on her pussy. He buried his huge head between her thighs, and she gasped as his warm wet tongue rasped against her labia.

Ruth bit her lip and tried not to cry out as the huge rough tongue lapped at her sensitive parts, making her shudder with a confusing mixture of revulsion, shame, and pleasure. Yes – pleasure, she was enjoying it. She tried hard not to make a sound, but as the slobbering tongue greedily slurped at her cunt, she began to pant heavily and whimper as the rough tongue punished her clitty relentlessly. As she began to climax, she could keep her feelings hidden no longer, and she let out a cry as she orgasmed.

“You seem to enjoy that” the man said. “Now it’s only fair you return the favour.”
“What!” she exclaimed. “Suck a dog’s cock? I couldn’t!”
“Then you wish to break our deal? Such a pity, and only ten minutes to go to earn another £1200.”

Ruth thought about that. Twelve grand would pay off more than half her debts.

“Tell you what.” the man added. “If you can make him cum before the hour is up, I’ll throw in another five thousand.”

Seventeen thousand is a lot of money, and she didn’t want to lose it.
“Okay” she agreed “I’ll suck him off.”

She knelt on the paved ground and stroked the beast’s huge head, then nervously ran her hands down his muscular flanks and reached under his belly to feel his bulging sheath. The strong smell of dog filled her nostrils as she fingered the furry sheath. God! Did she really need money this badly?

The heavy Pitbull lunged forward, placing his forepaws on her shoulder as he thrust his groin into Ruth’s hand. She could feel his hot slimy red rocket in her palm and smelled the dog’s foul breath as he panted in her face, and almost gagged.

She didn’t know what a dog’s penis would smell or taste like, but surmised it couldn’t be as bad as that breath, so quickly ducked her head down to place her kips around that slippery red tip that was already growing in size.

It didn’t taste too bad, and with her hand gripping the beast’s swollen sheath, she let the warm organ slide in and out of her mouth, licking the quivering tip with a greedy tongue. It was big. Bigger than she had expected. Soon her jaw was aching as she stretched her mouth wide to accommodate the huge organ, and was finding it hard to control the beast. She felt a strange bulge move down the dog’s warm sheath that seemed to get bigger and bigger.

The large, hard bulge in the tight sheath that felt like two golf balls had now popped through the sheath to be gripped in her hand tightly. At first she thought they were his balls, but she knew they were still hanging down between his thighs, so was at a loss to understand what it was.

Then she remembered when she was younger seeing two dogs “tied” and now understood how they could become locked together. This enormous “knot” would be impossible to extract if it suddenly swelled up inside a tight little cunt.

She gripped the massive knot in her hand firmly and used it to keep control of the huge swollen organ filling her throat and mouth. It was not easy, because Spike’s thigh muscles were incredibly strong. She was amazed by how big the beast’s member had grown, and couldn’t resist opening her eyes to look at it. It’s peculiar shape was nothing like any man’s cock she had seen, and the colours were almost beautiful.

Ruth reached around the dog’s strong buttocks with her free hand and pushed hard against his chest with her shoulder. Her fingers danced over the animal’s testes as she felated his cock. She cupped his swollen balls, knowing they were about to give up their load – he was ready to cum any moment now. She could already feel hot thin pre-cum spurting down her throat, making her cough and gag.

Ruth yanked her head back quickly and sputtered as the monstrous organ ejaculated hot spunk in her face and over the top of her chest. The big dog howled as he continued to spray her face with his cum, until his buttocks and cock finally stopped twitching.

Ruth opened her eyes and wiped her face with her sleeve. She gasped as she gazed upon the huge penis that hung from the dog’s belly, highlighted by the bright lamp on the wall that had now automatically switched on as darkness fell.

She heard a slow clap from behind the gate and turned to see the man grinning at her,

“Well done, and with a few minutes to spare.” He took his i-pad out from under his arm and tapped on it a few times.

“Seventeen thousand pounds is now transferring to your account. It’s not quite nine o clock yet, but it will be by the time you’ve wiped that mess off your face and got to your feet.” he tossed her a hanky, that was nowhere near adequate for the task, and soon she was holding a soggy wet handkerchief that was dripping and reeking of doggy cum.

Ruth staggered to her feet as the man tossed another hanky at her.

“You still have some in your hair and on your left cheek. You can keep the hankies if you like. A souvenir.” he said with a smile. “Are you ready to go on?”

Ruth considered for a moment. She was still three thousand pounds away from paying off her overdraft. How much worse could this get? She had come this far and debased herself so much, but if she didn’t make enough to pay off her debt, it would be for nothing. She had to get it finished with and behind her.

“Okay – I’m ready.”

“Good. Untie the dog’s leash and bring him with you.”

She obeyed as he opened the gate.

“Follow me.” he said simply

She held Spike’s leash in her right hand and followed him back onto the busy main street. She blushed as people passed her, knowing that she absolutely reeked of dog musk. She could smell his cum on her, and wondered if she still had tell-tale streaks of dog cum on her face. Was her hair still matted with it?

She glanced down at Spike, and saw that though his cock was much smaller now, it was still hanging out of his sheath, the still slightly bulging knot keeping it from retracting completely. Ruth hoped that they would get to wherever they were going soon. They had passed a dozen people – probably on their way to a nightclub or a theatre show – the street was quite packed. And she was walking down the street in a short skirt and no knickers, reeking of horny dog, and walking a dog with a huge erect penis. She was sure everyone was looking, but she dare not meet anyone’s eyes.

Finally the well dressed man stopped at another narrow alley.

“Down here.” he said.

Ruth hurried down the alley, not necessarily looking forward to whatever task awaited her, but to get away from the crowd. This alley was very much like the last one, with a wrought iron gate halfway down, and a bright lamp illuminating the end. This time she could clearly see the large dog waiting behind the gate.

“This is Butch – Spike’s brother. Go say hello.”

He opened the gate, then closed it again once Ruth and Spike were safely inside.

“Get on your hands and knees facing me” he ordered. Ruth obeyed without hesitation, even though she guessed what was going to follow.

The man took two pairs of handcuffs out of his pocket and cuffed her wrists to the lower bars of the gate. Ruth could not move away from the gate or stand up. She knew why. Bent over like this, her rear was completely exposed; not to the passing public, but to the back wall – and the dogs.

Butch immediately began to sniff at her rear, and explore with his tongue. Ruth cried out a little as his rough tongue lapped at her pussy, making her wet. She spread her thighs apart giving him complete access, and moaned as his tongue delved into her pouting hole.

Certain that she was now ready, Butch quickly mounted her back, and she gasped as she felt the hot boney tip of his cock poking at her rear end. Gods this was it! She knew it was coming, but she still wasn’t prepared for it. She felt something warm and wet poke at her thigh. Then again. Once more, but this time she felt that hot fleshy tip poke her pussy. Another thrust and that warm wet bone was sliding in and out of her cunt.

Butch waddled a little closer in, trying to wrap his thighs around Ruth’s as he thrust his groin rapidly, jack-hammering his hot dick deeper and deeper into her pussy. It was hard and slender at first, ramming into her cunt like a knife through butter, but he quickly began to grow bigger as his cock became more engorged. She felt his peculiar shaped cock sliding in and out of her hungry hole, and wanted more. Yes, this was utterly depraved and humiliating, but god help her she was loving every moment.

Ruth felt his knot slam against her cunt lips, and was pretty sure he wouldnt be able to get it in, but it was not yet fully engorged, and he was very strong. Butch gripped her belly in his forepaws, and with the enormous strength of his hind legs thrust hard.

Ruth cried out in pain as with a pop the hard knot breached her opening and was quickly swelling inside her cunt. Butch rutted fast and furiously as his meaty cock became fully engorged deep inside Ruth’s vagina. Through her tears, she could see the man was pointing the camera of his i-pad at her and grinning.

It was almost unbearable – Ruth panted fast and heavily as the monstrously endowed dog fucked her hard. She felt like she was giving birth – her insides wanting to bear down and push the huge swollen knot out of her body, but it was just too large and trapped inside her. Even though there was barely enough room, she could feel the huge organ move back and forth inside her until it suddenly stopped. She felt the heavy dog on her back suddenly tense as his strong thighs squeezed her thighs rhythmically and a sudden warmth filled her body as he flooded her womb with his hot cum.

For the second time tonight she noticed that doggy cum was a lot warmer than human cum, only this time it was filling her insides. Ruth almost screamed as she orgasmed and nearly passed out.

Butch lay still on her back for a few moments as he continued to pump his seed inside her. Her belly swelled with cum and swollen dog dick, and she felt enormous pressure building up inside her.

Once he had done he tried to dismount, but was firmly tied. Ruth cried out in pain as he tried to pull his knot out of her cunt, then cocked his right leg over her ass and turned around so they were stuck together butt to butt.

“Oh God! Help – he’s stuck.” Ruth cried.
“Hush – don’t panic. You’re just tied – he’ll be able to pull his knot out after he’s gone down a bit.”
“But he’s HUGE!”

Butch whined as he tried to pull his cock out of Ruth’s cunt. After a while he gave up as straining against her tight pussy was only making him harder, so he stood with his muscular ass pressed against her soft fleshy bottom panting happily.

After a few minutes Ruth felt the massive cock inside her begin to get smaller as the congealing fluids surrounding it gurgled. The pressure was still great, and her belly ached. Ruth had seen Spike’s erection, so had a good idea of what was inside her. Was eighteen thousand pounds worth this? What damage was it doing to her? Probably none, but would her pussy ever be the same? Would she ever be the same?

Curious passers by occasionally glanced down the alley, but could not properly see what was going on because the man blocked most of the view of her. They would have to step into the alley to see that a woman was being fucked by a dog. All the same, she still felt exposed and humiliated.

Ruth’s belly gurgled again and she could feel the pressure increase as her cunt tried to expel the swollen cock. Butch must have felt it too, because he tried to pull out again. He walked a couple of steps away, dragging Ruth with him, but she was still cuffed to the gate. She gripped the bars of the gate with both hands as Butch lunged forwards and with a loud painful pop his knot was free and his cock slipped out with a wet splosh.

Ruth screamed, then collapsed exhausted. The man unlocked her cuffs and opened the gate as Butch sat in a corner licking his shrinking cock.

“You did well. I’d say you’ve earned your next payment, but the hour isn’t up yet. Another fifteen minutes. I’ll give you five minutes to recover, then we get going again – I’m assuming you don’t want to back down at this stage?”

Hell No! She thought. She had not gone through that ordeal for nothing. Ruth took a few minutes to get her breath back, then staggered to her feet. Of course, walking was not too easy now – she had just been fucked by the biggest cock she’d ever seen, and none too gently at that.

On instructions, she took hold of both leashes and let the two dogs lead her out of the alley. Her steps were a bit wobbly, and eventually she had to stop and break the heels off her shoes to be able to walk. She still staggered awkwardly, and though the dogs had lost their tell-tale erections she still reeked of wet fur and doggy cum.

In her mind, she was sure everyone knew that she had just been fucked senseless by these huge dogs. She was walking like a £20 street whore on a saturday morning smelling of dog cum and being dragged down the street by two horny dogs – it was obvious. She decided in her mind that she would use the money to pay off her debts and then move away from this city to a place nobody would know her.

It was ten minutes to ten and still two hours left. Ruth hoped that the town clock would strike ten before the next ordeal began and she could claim her next £18,000 and call it quits. But life was not that easy – barely five minutes had passed before they stopped again.

They had stopped at a shop doorway where a beggar in a filthy anorak was begging for loose change, sat on a dirty old blanket next to a scruffy looking black Labrador.

“Remember me from last night? Remember our deal?” Ruth’s client asked the beggar.
The beggar looked up.
“Yeah. Were you serious then?”
“I was serious. Do it right and it’ll be your last night sleeping rough. Tomorrow you’ll have a job and keys to a flat.”

The beggar grinned “You’ve got a deal mate. Where we gonna do this?”
“Behind the skip next to the shop.”

There was a back street and a large skip next to the entrance to the loading bay. Ruth prayed the clock would strike now.

As they darted behind the skip out of sight of passers by, the beggar unbuckled his belt, dropped his trousers, and pulled down a pair of very grimy tracksuit bottoms.

“Sit on that step so she can do it on her knees whilst your dog fucks her.” the smartly dressed man ordered, then turning to Ruth said “get down on all fours and suck him off.”

Ruth shuddered, but knew full well he was serious and she would lose it all if she didn’t obey. She crawled between the filthy beggar’s knees and grabbing his semi erect cock, wrapped her lips around his shaft. It tasted of stale piss and musty nob cheese, and quite honestly she would have preferred to suck off one of the dogs again.

The man had tied Spike and Butch’s leashes to the skip, and was now helping the beggar’s dog to mount Ruth. The beggar’s cock was fully erect and filling her mouth as the man pulled back the Labrador’s sheath and guided his hard red bone – but not to Ruth’s still dripping cunt.

Her eyes went wide and she would have cried out if her mouth was not full of cock. She tried to get up, but the beggar grabbed her head and forced her down on him so his cock was in her throat. She felt the quivering tip of the ruby rocket poke her anus a couple of times, then a sharp stab as the hard member penetrated her.

Ruth was no back door virgin, she had been ass fucked before, and if it was done right she enjoyed a bit of anal, but not by a vagrant’s dog! She felt the hot member dart in and out of her arsehole, gradually loosening it as the canine cock grew bigger with each stroke.

The Labrador’s boney member was already buried deep into her arsehole as she finally heard the town hall clock strike ten. Too late for her now – she would have to go through with this to the end now it had already started. Besides, with a mouth full of cock she couldn’t speak anyway.

“I can’t believe this is happening.” the beggar said as he fucked Ruth’s face. “Go for it Sooty – fill her ass.”

The black dog was nowhere near as huge as the Pitbulls, but she had not expected anything in her ass. She felt the hot penis begin to swell and grow as the dog became fully erect, and felt the sharp pain as his knot breached her sphincter and sank into her rectum.

Tears welled in Ruth’s eyes as she felt the dog’s knot grow bigger and bigger inside her back passage. The hot red cock was not very big, but it felt like she needed to take a dump very badly and couldn’t. When she flexed her anus and bore down, the dog just thrust deeper inside her gut.

“That’s it boy – fuck her ass! Fuck her good. Good boy Sooty.” the beggar encouraged .

“Jeeze – I can’t believe what I’m seeing.” said a new voice. “The dirty cow.”
A chill ran down Ruth’s spine. They were not alone – someone had spotted them and was watching her committing this filthy act.

“I saw something like this in a show when I was serving in Korea.” said a gruff, older voice. “Had to pay to see that though. This ones a free show.”

“Not just free.” said Ruth’s employer, “but getting paid. A tenner each if you take part.”
“What we gotta do?” asked a voice dubiously.
“Up to you.” he replied. “wank over her and cum in her hair, take turns fucking her after the dog’s finished. The more degrading, the better – she likes it dirty.”

“How dare he say that” she thought to herself, but then realised with a shock that it wasn’t entirely untrue. Though she felt disgusted and humiliated, she also felt incredibly turned on.

Ruth had done many things in the past, but before tonight she had been fucked by an animal, and she had never had sex in front of a group of spectators – apart from once when she was drunk at a party, but that was not quite the same. Other than that, the closest she had been was the time she had slipped into a Gents lavatory at a bus station and serviced three guys one after another through a glory hole – but though there had been a small chance of discovery and one of them might have been peeping through a smaller hole whilst waiting his turn, she had no audience for that.

“I’ll just go for the wank.” one voice said. “I don’t fancy sticking my dick in a whore that has been fucked by dogs – who knows what I might catch?”

“I think I might if someone can gimme a rubber – I aint had a fuck in ages. Don’t wanna catch owt from the slag though” said another voice.

“She’s probably had a dog up her cunt already.” said another voice

“Indeed she has – her cunt is still sticky with doggy cum, but don’t worry – I’ve got plenty of condoms for you all.” assured the rich gentleman.

Ruth’s head was swimming and she was beginning to feel like she might pass out. The homeless man’s cock was deep into her throat, but she was past her gag reflex now, and was just concentrating on breathing through her nose whilst fighting the urge to clench her sphincter. The hot doggy dick was deep in her ass, but his knot was big and hard, and filling her rectum to full capacity.

Suddenly she felt a warmth spread through her belly and felt pressure in her bowel increase and she knew the black dog must have cum and was now pumping her guts with his hot seed. At almost the same moment she felt the cock in her mouth twitch and choked as her throat took the vagrant’s load.

She coughed and sputtered as he pulled his spurting cock out of her mouth, and as her body went into the paroxysm of coughing, her bowels painfully ejected the swollen canine knot. Sooty’s cock slid out of her ass quickly, along with a wet gush of doggy cum that splashed onto the ground and down her thighs.

As soon as her gaping hole had finished vomiting forth a gut full of dog cum, she felt someone’s dick penetrate her as the crowd gathered closer. She could hear a tell tale slapping sound as the men surrounding her masturbated over her. She opened her eyes to see two rough looking men in filthy clothes with their cocks out and wanking furiously in front of her face.

“Lean back a bit.” a voice from behind said to the man fucking her. “I’m gonna cum on her ass.” . Two seconds later she felt a warm wet splash on her left buttock as a few drops of cum fell, and the man fucking her suddenly thrust balls deep into her sloppy hole. Even if he had not been wearing a condom she doubted she would have felt him cum in her – not after being filled with hot doggy cum.

“Open your mouth and stick your tongue out.” one of the men in front of her demanded. She did so without hesitation, and was immediately showered in cum – some of it landing on her tongue and the sides of her mouth, but mostly over her face and in her eye.

Ruth had no idea how close she was to the end of the third hour – she had lost all track of time. But she guessed that a bunch of homeless guys who hadn’t had sex in a while wouldn’t take long to nut, particularly if they were already turned on by the bizarre sex show first.

The rich pervert paid off the vagrants and gave the first vagrant his calling card and a set of keys.
“The address is the Basement flat, 623 Albion Road. Give me a call on Sunday and I’ll fill you in on the job.”

He helped Ruth to her feet. She could barely stand, and her face was streaked with tears, cum, and smeared makeup.

“Don’t worry – it’s not far to walk to the car.” he told her as she staggered out of the alley. She was wishing now that she had taken to straight prostitution to pay her debts, but she knew that it wouls have taken a long time to earn as much as she had already earned tonight. And despite her shame and self disgust, there was no denying it was a unique experience so far.

They walked a few more yards to the car park, passing several people who may well have looked at her in disgust, or maybe not payed her more than a quick glance – she didn’t know, she couldn’t look at their faces, but just buried her own in shame.

Her client opened the rear door of a black car with darkened windows, and the two dogs hopped in straight away. The back seats had been adapted, with a narrow middle seat witch had two dildos fitted to it.

“Sit on those – one in your ass and the other in your cunt.” he ordered. Ruth obeyed as she climbed into the car. They weren’t very large, and wouldn’t be too uncomfortable after being so well fucked tonight. At least at first. As soon as the car started up, the driver flipped a couple of switches. The dildos began to vibrate, and inflate. Soon she was feeling unbearably stretched and filled in both holes.

“Play with the dogs to keep yourself occupied if you wish – I’m sure Spike and Butch will appreciate it.”

the huge dogs were sat in the passenger seats either side of her, and she figured that if she could bring them close to orgasm on the way to wherever they were going, they might finish faster when it came to the inevitable fucking. As she fondled their slimy red cocks, she gazed at the swelling organs. She wasn’t sure she could take one of those monsters in her ass, even though it had been already loosened by the black Labrador and one of the vagrants.

Ruth almost cum herself when the car suddenly drove over a few bumps in the road. How far had they traveled? Where were they going? She glanced at the clock on the dashboard and saw that it was twenty to eleven. The fuck in the alley hadn’t taken as long as she had thought. Maybe only fifteen minutes. She tried to see out of the front windscreen, and could see only road ans a few trees picked out in the headlights.

There must have been a camera in the car, because he could see a monitor screen set into the headrest of the front passenger seat displaying a clear image of her dripping cunt with the large dildo stretching her wide. She knew it was her crotch on the screen because she recognized her black skirt. The scene changed, and she could now see an image of her left hand masturbating Spike’s huge dick. So there were at least two cameras trained on her, and undoubtedly more. Her rich client was sitting next to the driver and also watching her on a mobile screen. He leaned forward to press a button on the dash, and she felt the dildo in her pussy inflate a little more.

Ruth bit her lip as the dildo grew and vibrated strongly against the anal dildo through the walls of her vagina and rectum. She wasn’t sure how much more of this she could take.

The screen flipped to another camera, this time a close-up of her right hand around Butch’s quivering shaft. She knew she should feel disgusted, but instead couldn’t help but marvel at it’s beauty. The blueish white knot and shaft was covered by thousands of tiny web-like capillaries. The end of his penis was slightly bulbous and bright crimson, and tapering to a point at the tip. As it throbbed in her hand, she imagined it buried deep inside her.

“Oh God! What’s happened to me?” she thought, as she realised with horror that she had become corrupted by her client’s sick perversion.

The car slowed down and took an abrupt turning to the left, down a rough bumpy road until it came to a stop in the middle of a farmyard. The dildos stopped vibrating and deflated.

The rich client helped Ruth dismount the now wet and sticky seat and get out of the car, then put a studded collar around her neck and attached a leash to lead her across the courtyard. Ruth couldn’t see much, apart from a few blinding spotlights and half a dozen cars parked in the courtyard, but there were strong farmyard smells, including a strong smell of manure, ammonia, and something else she couldn’t quite identify.

“From hereon the only word you may speak is Yes. You can scream, gasp, moan as much as you like, but when prompted you must say YES. Understood?”

“Yes.” Ruth replied.

As she followed him and the dogs she smelled something vaguely familiar, something from long ago. Then she recalled what it was. When she was a little girl her cousin once took her to a riding school. There were stables here.

As they walked past the stables, Ruth could smell the horses inside, and heard them snort and stomp about, probably awakened by the sudden activity outside. But to her surprise, they did not stop at any of the stables, but instead continued towards an old but brightly lit barn.

All the walls of the barn were stacked high with hay bales, but the centre of the barn was mostly bare, apart from a few arc lamps on stands, a few cameras on tripods, and something that at first Ruth took to be a piece of exercise equipment. It comprised of a framework of metal bars, with a few padded rests at various heights. Ruth became a little nervous when she also saw that there were leather straps at certain points.

Standing and sitting in front of the hay bales was a waiting audience of around thirty men and women wearing masquerade type masks, some of them holding glasses of wine or other refreshments. They let out a cheer as Ruth was led into the arena.

A couple of attendants stepped up to Ruth and removed her clothing to leave her completely naked. Everyone could see her face, chest, and lower body was streaked with dried cum, and she felt more vulnerable than she ever had in her whole life..

A masked woman in a shimmering red dress carried a padded stool into the arena and placed it in front of Ruth. It was angled, so when Ruth knelt over it, resting her belly on the padding, her head was low, and her ass raised high.
“Ladies and Gentlemen, behold as the wanton slut supplicates herself before you in her insatiable desire for cock.”

Ruth blushed with shame.

“Do you lust for the dogs bitch?” he asked her.
“Do you want to feel their swollen members deep in your cunt?”
“Yes!” she replied, and found herself meaning it.

Her tormentor released the eager animals, who were already beginning to show as they sniffed at Ruth. Butch immediately attempted to mount her, and she welcomed the jabs of his bone against her pussy. It didn’t take long for the expert beast to sink his hot member inside her cunt, and was quickly jack hammering her sex.

She was loose from the previous fucking, and the huge dildo that had stretched her in the car, so had no trouble ramming his emerging knot into her. In less than a minute his cock and throbbing knot were swelling inside her as he fucked her more completely than any man ever had.

Butch clutched her belly tightly in his forepaws as he filled it with his cum, then after a few moments dismounted. Ruth was so loose now that even though his huge knot was still swollen, it only took one tug from him to pull his huge cock out of her dripping cunt.

Spike took his turn to fuck her, and within moments her pussy was filled again.

“Do you like the feeling of being bred by these beasts?” the man said with a sneer.

“Y… Yessss” Ruth managed to gasp as Spike’s cock pummeled her already cum filled cunt.

“I expect you would like more wouldn’t you?”

Ruth groaned as she shook with an orgasm, then managed to say “Yes, yes please!”

the man clapped once, and the woman in the red dress returned leading a large Great Dane. As soon as Spike dismounted, the woman helped the massive dog to mount Ruth, and soon his enormous cock was deep inside her. He was even bigger than the two Pit-Bulls, but by now her vulva was a big hungry maw that could take anything.

The audience watched with delight as Ruth gave herself completely to the huge dog, then as soon as he dismounted and pulled his monster of a cock out of her, watched as a large Doberman fucked her asshole.

Eventually, all the dogs present had emptied their balls into the slut and two attendants came out to help her up, then strap her wrists onto the large frame. She was standing, but leaning over a cushioned bar, her rear too high for the dogs to reach, so Ruth wondered if she was going to be fucked by a man instead. Maybe all the men present were going to fuck her?

Then she heard the hoof beats behind her and realised what they were preparing her for.

“Are you ready to be fucked by a real stud?” the man asked.

Ruth hesitated at first. Could she take a horse cock? Was it even possible? Surely it would kill her, tear her apart! She remembered that the contract had said she would not be physically harmed. Had he lied? Had he tricked her? She thought it unlikely he would allow a stallion to fuck her to death in front of so many witnesses, and so many people had seen her with him tonight that he couldn’t possibly get away with it could he?

Ruth heard the horse snort, and felt his breath on her ass, and decided. She wasnt going to throw away that last big payoff at this point, and was so giddy from her last orgasm that she had to satisfy her own curiosity.


The audience clapped authentically as the attendants helped the horse mount the framework that was designed to take the weight of the stallion as though he were fucking a mare, but with Ruth beneath him.

Ruth felt the large cockhead thrust into her cunt, then as the horse positioned himself closer, felt her cunt stretch wider as the huge stiff cock thrust deeper inside her.

The huge beast thrust again, winding Ruth as twelve inches of throbbing horse cock filled her. Her belly ached as he thrust again and again, then her tummy swelled as the beasts enormous cock head flared and flooded her with a deluge of hot cum. As the stallion dismounted Ruth almost passed out as he pulled the huge flared cock out of her and she spouted a pool of cum onto the floor between her shaking legs.

“Congratulations” the man said to her. “You’ve earned another eighteen thousand – plus a bonus two thousand for being such a good sport.”

The audience gave her a round of applause as she collapsed from exhaustion.

The next morning Ruth awoke in her flat still sticky and reeking of animals – she had been too worn out to even take a shower. She staggered to her feet and managed to limp to the bathroom, aching in every joint. She sat in the hot shower, trying to wash away the filth and stink of dog and horse cum, trying to wash away the memory. But though she could wash her body, she couldn’t clean her mind.

She could never forget that night, never forget what she did, never forget the feeling of being fucked by the animals. She had wanted a new experience, and she had got it. She had wanted money and was prepared to sink to any depth to get it. Last night didnt just give her a new experience, didnt just add another wicked sin to add to her sexual resume – it had completely changed who she was and how she saw herself.

Last night was not an experience she could put behind her – it was the spotlight to show her the new life ahead.

The End

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