Men with Animals

The Initiation


(c) 2019 by dogupme

This was it. Dave was on the verge of achieving full membership of the most exclusive club in the county. Not only did it promise pleasures beyond his wildest imagination, but members were all important people with connections – this would open so many doors for him – all starting with the one in front of him now.

The door opened and Dave walked into a large room with no windows that looked a little like a gymnasium – there was even a padded bench-like apparatus in the middle comprising of steel bars and a wheel for adjusting the height and angle of the bed. It also had padding on upper bars which seemed strangely high to Dave.

Fifteen men sitting in seats around the walls immediately stood up and stepped forward, ready to watch the initiation no doubt. They were mostly naked but for their masks, leather and PVC harnesses, and in some cases, tight PVC pants.

“For your initiation, you must accept the challenge. Do you accept?”
“What is the challenge?”
“Well that’s just it – we can’t tell you. You won’t know what the challenge is, even during the ordeal.”
“That’s insane!”
“No – it is the true test of commitment and courage. Every member here has accepted and gone through it, but none will tell of it. It is the rule that only those who have already undergone initiation may witness an initiation”

Dave looked around at the assembly. Some of the men present were completely naked, some wore leather harnesses. Several were wearing PVC pants, but he could tell by the bulge near the back that beneath those pants were the bases of large butt-plugs and dildos. Someone had told him earlier that most of those in pants wore them because it was the only way to keep the “toys” from falling out.

Most of those without pants were clenching something large between their buttocks. Of course, it was impossible to tell their expressions under their masks.

He had come this far, it was too late to back out now – Dave accepted. As soon as he gave consent, The Grand Master stepped forward and slipped a velvet blindfold over Dave’s eyes.

“You will see nor hear nothing until the ordeal is over – you need obey no orders, just submit and feel the experience, and place your complete trust in us.”
He then put a couple of ear-buds into Dave’s ears before placing the obligatory gimp mask over his head and zipping up the back.

The mask forced a rubber mouth-guard into his mouth, keeping it wide open. Firm hands gripped his arms and led him forward a few steps towards the apparatus, and bent him forward belly down over the padded bench. He immediately felt someone fasten his ankles to the front legs of the device, and strap his wrists to the back legs. His knees were slightly bent, and legs splayed apart by two foot, but he was moderately comfortable. His lower abdomen rested on a narrow extension of the bench, with a slot in the middle for his penis to hang.

Dave breathed deeply and began to drool a little through the open mouth of his mask as a gentle hand massaged a cool gel around his asshole, slowly working wet fingers into his anus. At first he was only invaded by two fingers, but then another, and another until his ring was being worked and massaged into allowing a whole hand into his back passage.

More of the cool lubricating gel was squeezed into his hole, until it was dripping from him. Then it stopped, and someone must have turned the wheel, because he felt the bench underneath him drop lower, forcing him to bend his knees more. A few moments later he felt a weight on his back. He couldn’t tell through his harness whether it was a man’s chest and belly or not, but assumed so as very soon he felt something hard and warm poke at his anus. He flexed his ring and soon felt a warm fleshy member penetrate him. He could feel warm breath on his neck as he was being fucked by the hard cock. It felt as though whoever was fucking him was trying to get his balls in – something hard and rounded was hitting his anus hard.

There was a slightly painful pop as something very large and round was thrust into his rectum. The cock inside his gut grew bigger and throbbed. He wanted to expel the hard fleshy knot that continued to grow as it filled his back passage. What the hell was fucking him? A hairy narrow chin rested on his neck, drooling on him. But weren’t they all masked? Maybe they took their masks off as soon as he was blindfolded.

Something grabbed his waist, but it didn’t feel like hands. Too narrow, more like ….?

a suspicion crept into his mind, then dawning realisation as he felt claws dig into his lower belly, just above his hips.

A dog! He was being fucked by a dog – and a bloody big one by the feel of things. He wanted to call an immediate stop to all this, but it was too late now, all he could do was allow the dog to breed him.

The pressure of the swollen knot against his sphincter was immense, and the huge canine organ filling his bowel was almost unbearable. Then, suddenly he felt an intense heat spread through his insides as the dog ejaculated and filled him with hot cum. Dave was drooling as much as the dog was as the beast’s strangely shaped cock pummeled his prostate and made him cum. The dog stopped thrusting, and just lay across Dave’s back, it’s throbbing cock spurting inside his back passage until it was completely spent.

Dave felt a tug at his throbbing ring as the beast dismounted, then he ejaculated again as with a pop he felt but couldn’t hear, the dog pulled his dripping cock out of his wet hole.

Even before he had a chance to recover, someone turned the wheel to raise the bench until Dave was almost standing. Someone lubed his hole again, which Dave didnt think necessary until they started working on his anus again. He felt something large being pushed into him – maybe a giant sized butt-plug, then began to pant heavily as he felt it swell inside his gut. It must have been an inflatable one, and they were pumping it really big.

Keeping it inside him was unbearable, but trying to expel it stretched his anus too far. Finally there was a sudden relief as his anus stretched wide enough to pass the monster butt-plug, that felt as big as a football.

Someone negan fisting him, which he was able to take easily now, but then they introduced a second hand and probed around his guts, stretching his anus painfully wide, then wriggling elbow deep in his guts.

Dave was feeling like a well used glove puppet, and was utterly exhausted when they finally stopped. His hole was gaping, and he felt cool air waft his bowel, which was now feeling empty. His sphincter ached, but he wanted to be filled again – and was not left wanting for long. He felt two hands prising his buttocks apart, then felt something warm and fleshy against his gaping hole.

There was a feeling of pressure, then a thrust as the warm flesh plunged into his back passage. What was fucking him now? It felt soft like a penis, but it was incredibly thick, like an arm.

He couldn’t feel anything across his back this time, but he felt the frame shake. The fleshy organ thrust deeper inside him, and in spite of his anal dilation, could feel throbbing veins and something big and bulbous inside his gut.

His anus was stretched even more by a thick fleshy ring as the huge organ burrowed deeper inside him, straightening his guts until until it bottomed out and could go no further. Then he felt it withdraw a few inches before roughly thrusting back in, driving the breath out of his body.

Sweat was pouring off him as he took the huge stiff cock. His legs were too weak for him to stand, and his jaw was aching as he tried to bite down hard on the rubber mouth piece. Just as he felt he might pass out, he suddenly felt a jet of warm cum literally flood his insides. So much cum that his belly ached from it, and when the huge cock withdrew from his ruined hole, almost pulling his bowels out with it’s now impossibly swollen head, he felt a deluge of cum splash his legs.

When they loosened the straps on his wrists and ankles, and removed his mask and blindfold he weakly raised his head and looked behind him. He was not totally surprised to see a tall stallion standing behind him, it’s now limp cock beginning to shrink back into it’s sheath.

“Congratulations” said the Grand Master, “You are now one of us.”

The End

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