Women with Animals
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The Bestiality Club


(c) 2007 by David Lavenham

The silver BMW carrying the last of the club members pulled into the yard with a wave to Jake, their young friend who was hosting the event, who closed the gate behind them and locked it shut. This was a private event for fee paying club members only and they did not want any interruptions.

“Hi Andy, good to see you again!” said Jake shaking hands with his old college buddy, “How’s life in the big city? Looks like you are still doing OK!” Jake continued, running his fingers along the side of Andy’s new BMW M3.

“Good to see you Jake”, Andy replied as Jake rushed around the car the help Rachel out of the car.

“Hello beautiful!” Jake said as he gallantly took Rachel’s hand to help her out of the car, feasting his eyes on her fantastic legs, barely covered by a short denim skirt. Rachel gave him a kiss on the cheek, her red hair brushing against him as she greeted him. “Hi Jake”, Rachel said, “How are you doing?”

“Pretty good”, Jake replied, “and I am so looking forward to this evening!”

“Us to”, Rachel said as she looked down the line of BMW’s, Mercedes and Porches parked in the yard, “is everyone here?”

“Pretty much, Sally is ill so she and John cannot make it, but other wise it’s a full house”

Still talking they walked through the yard towards the big barn at the back of the house. The bright golden glow of powerful lights was seeping through gaps and cracks in the barn wall, illuminating the rapidly darkening farmyard. They could hear the chatter and laughter of the other guests as Jake opened the door and lead them into the barn to a chorus of “Hi’s” and “Good to see you’s”.

There were six couples in the club and Jake had known all of them for a very long time. As the guests chatted and his pregnant wife Amy served them drinks Jake reflected on how lucky he was to have such a great wife and business partner. Amy was 8 months pregnant and was the centre of attention right now, fending off congratulations and questions. Although Jake was the guy with the contacts setting up the club was Amy’s idea. They had been a couple since they were kids and lived on neighbouring farms, Amy stayed behind while Jake went to college but when he secured a place at business school she moved up to join him. He was a couple of years in to a very profitable career as a broker when he inherited the family farm and despite the draw of the big buck income they badly missed the freedom of rural life and the easy access to the animals they loved so much so quickly decided to move back to the rural life.

Jake checked around the barn. It was spotlessly clean, with a layer of fresh straw on the ground and fresh bales of hay scattered around the centre. He walked over to the stalls and checked the straps and harnesses were all in place and the pots of lube were all full. Satisfied all was ok he joined the group at the far end of the barn for a drink.

The Club had been going for 3 years and was an extension of one of the more profitable activities of the farm for special friends. Most of their neighbours put Jake and Amy’s relative affluence down to money Jake had earned whilst working in the city. But that was not the full truth. As well as the normal farming activities the couple ran what could only be described as an animal whore house, providing specially trained creatures of all types for those who enjoyed the pleasures of bestiality but did not have the luxury of their own animals. Their clientele, mostly rich and sometimes famous, were loyal and paid well for the specialist services on offer. In fact most of Jakes money had gone to try keep the farm afloat in the early years. Jake and Amy had always shared a love of bestiality. They met when Amy found Jake fucking a goat near the boundary of their parents farms. Jake was shocked to be discovered but Amy quickly eased his fears by confessing that she often had sex with her pet dog and saw no problem with Jake fucking the goat as long as he was kind to it. When they finally came to own a farm of their own they spent far too much time having fun with the animals and training them to be their lovers and not enough time working the land. They were facing bankruptcy when Amy finally hit on the idea. Her sister Abigail also enjoyed sex with animals and her and her husband Sam often joined Amy and Jake for some fun on the farm. They were lying naked in the sun one afternoon, relaxing after a very heavy session with two new stallions they were breaking in, when Abigail told us about some swinger friends of theirs that had expressed some interest in experiences beyond fucking their dog. It was when Abigail said “I’m sure they would be happy to pay you something for the trouble” that the penny dropped with Amy and the business was formed.

The Club started as a way of thanking Abigail and allowing her and Amy to indulge in their passion for group sex and orgies. The guests tonight included Abigail and Sam who were in deep conversation with Jed and Sarah, their swinging partners who were the inspiration for the business and were now honoured guests in the inner circle. The final guests were David and Allison, former work colleagues of Jake who were joking with Jake, Andy and Rachel.

Amy joined the small group and pulled Jake to one side.

“I am so exited Jake! Can we start now? I just cant wait to show off my new talent!”

“Sure honey”, Jake responded, “let’s do it!”

With that he jumped on a hay bail and clapped his hands to attract attention.

“If I could have your attention for a few minutes”, he said as the chatting couples turned to face him. “We are all friends and you are all regulars here so no need to do my normal spiel about the do’s and don’ts and how to avoid getting trodden on by a horny horse or have your dick bitten off by a goat! I just wanted to thank you all for coming tonight, for being such good friends” he paused to let a ripple of applause pass before continuing, “Now as a special treat to get us warmed up Amy has a little surprise for you all!”

Amy jumped up onto the hay bale and, having given his wife a quick kiss Jake jumped down. He flicked a switch on a wall console and the lights dimmed. A second switch triggered a spot light pointing directly at Amy. She was a petite woman with wavy golden hair and a dusting of freckles over her face and body. This evening she was dressed in a simple floral dress and white pumps. As music began to play through the sound system she shut her eyes and began to gyrate, slowly slipping the straps of her dress over her shoulders, she held it with an arm across her chest for a few moments then let it slip down to reveal her naked body. Her tit’s had grown with her pregnancy and her nipples were no longer pink buds but brown disks. She stroked her swollen stomach and crouched down to expose her puffy pussy lips to her friends.

“Wow Amy, you look so beautiful”, Rachel commented as they all drew closer to get a better look. Amy began to massage her tits and as their guests watched agog she began to milk herself, squeezing the base of her breast and bringing her hand forward towards her nipple. The first few strokes were dry, but then, to the amazement of the onlookers a drip of milk appeared. The next stroke brought forward another few drips and then Amy’s milk came in fully and she was spraying her audience with sweet milk.

“Oh my god that is so amazing!” Sarah said, obviously aroused. Jed was silent but now had his erect dick in his hand as he watched. Smiling at the reaction his wife was getting Jake prepared for her finale. He collected a Labrador puppy and its mother from the animal pound and brought them into the barn. Amy was laying back on the hay bale now, one hand fingering her pussy and the other milking her tits. Jake released the Labrador bitch that ran straight over to Amy and began greedily licking her pussy. He passed the pup to Amy who held it to her chest and allowed it to suckle her lactating mammary. Jake, who had stripped off and lubricated his erect dick while getting the animals stepped forward and lifted the tail of the Labrador bitch and slipped his dick into her receptive vagina. The bitch whimpered a little but carried on pleasuring Amy as she was fuchking by her human master.

“You guy’s have surpassed yourself, that is the horniest fucking thing I have ever seen!”, Sam commented. Amy smiled broadly and then gestured to Abigail , “Hey Sis, do you want to taste my milk?” She asked.

Her sister did not hesitate; she simply pulled off her denim dress to reveal her fantastic body and moved to Amy’s side. They had different builds, with Abigail having a more curvaceous figure, but with them both naked except their pumps they were obviously sisters, sharing as they did the same hair colour, skin tone and freckles. Abigail kissed her sister full on the lips before nuzzling into Amy’s breast next to the puppy.

Jake was pleased, as an exhibition to set the tone of the party this was the best yet. He felt his balls tighten and he thrust his dick hard into the Labradors tight hole as he came. He had withdrawn his dick and was holding the bitches tail up so his friends could see his white human cum oozing from the canine cunt when the Labrador brought Amy to climax. She screamed as she came and a jet of white milk sprayed Abigail’s body as Amy’s orgasm increased the flow of her milk.

The friends gathered around were overwhelmed at the display. They all loved bestiality and the extremes of sex and they had just witnessed one of the kinkiest, weirdest, most wonderful acts of depravity that they could imagine.

“I’m guessing you are all pretty keen to get started!” Jake joked. Sam was already licking Amy’s milk from his wife’s body and David and Allison were both masturbating wildly. “Rachel and Allison, do you want first choice of animals?”

As the rest of the group stripped off he lead Rachel and Allison into the animal holding area and let them chose their first playmates. Jake was pretty good at judging the mood of his clients and he had already ensured their favourite pets were available.

Allison returned to the barn first. She was very petite, a size 8 and only 5’2″ tall and was known for a particular fetish that the group all knew she was about to demonstrate as soon as they saw the bucket she was carrying.

By the time Rachel entered the barn leading her favourite Great Dane Allison was already on her back on a hay bale with her knees up and legs open. David had already fucked her for a few strokes to get her good and wet and was now fishing around in the bucket. He selected a large eel and, holding it by the head he held it so the flapping tail slapped against his wife’s clit. Jake and Amy’s attention to detail meant that the eels had already had their teeth filed and their dorsal and lateral fins clipped so Allison was totally comfortable as David turned the eel around and rubbed its face into her wet slit. Abigail Jumped up on the hay bale and straddled Allison’s face, holding her friends pussy open for David as Allison licked greedily at her pussy. The eel slipped easily into Allison’s pussy, causing her to squeal with delight as its writhing body worked its magic on her pussy. David pushed the animal deep into his wife’s cunt, holding it with both hands as he fucked her with it.

Abigail dipped her head between Allison’s legs and licked her clit as David fucked her with the eel. “Oh fuck, I would love one of them in my cunt right now!’ she said. Sam responded immediately and selected the largest eel in the pail, its body as thick as his wrist.

“Do you want to be fucked with this?”, he taunted his wife, `Do you want to feel this animal in your hot pussy?”

“Oh fuck yes!” She moaned.

But before he let the eel fuck his wife he wanted some fun with it. He slipped his finger into its mouth and reassured its teeth had been removed he held the beasts mouth open next to the end of his erect dick. Guessing what he wanted to do Amy came over to help, supporting the weight of the eel as Sam held it’s mouth wide open and slipped his dick down its neck.

“Look honey, its sucking my dick”, he taunted Abigail as, with Amy’s help he began to fuck the eels mouth.

“Oh fuck, that is so fucking hot!” Abigail squealed, her husbands depravity, and Allison’s tongue, driving her towards orgasm.

Fucking the mouth of a fish was a first for Sam and the unusual sensations and the response from his wife son brought him close to ejaculation. “Oh fuck, I’m going to cum!” he moaned as Amy pushed the eel further and further onto his dick, with his last stroke he pushed his dick deep into the eels body, his hot cum filling the animals body and seeping out of its gills.

“Jesus!” Abigail exclaimed, “Now fuck me with it!”

The eel was still alive despite the cum oozing from its mouth and gills and it struggled as Sam inserted it into his wife’s pussy. Allison held Abigail’s pussy open for him as he inserted the fish and rubbed her clit as she watched her friend take the huge writhing eel deep into her cunt.

As Sam fucked his wife with the eel some of his cum leaked out and dripped around the mouth of her pussy, only to be lapped up by Allison.

Both fish were beginning to suffocate and they began to wriggle and flap madly as they were repeatedly buried in the two pussies. Abigail and Allison came together as the eels finally died in their pussies, moaning and writhing themselves as their orgasms passed through them.

As this was going on Rachel was crouched over a nearby hay bail and was being fucked by the huge Great Dane. The dog was fucking her hard and fast, its shiny red dick rock hard in her soft pussy. Rachel reached behind her and began to finger her butt. When she was ready she signalled to Andy who guided the dogs cock into his wife’s ass. Rachel fingered her pussy some while the dog butt fucked her. Jake had spoken to them about their plan to attempt something different and came over to help.

“Are you ready?” he asked Andy, but it was Rachel who answered. “Oh fuck yes!” she groaned, “I have been looking forward to this for weeks”.

Jake pulled the dog off as whilst Andy and Rachel got into position. Andy lay on the hay bale and Rachel knelt over him, easing his dick into her pussy. Then she leant forward and held her butt cheeks apart whilst Jake positioned the huge dog so its paws were eather side of them. Then Jake let go and allowed Rachel to guide the dogs dick into her ass.

“Oh God!”, She moaned as she was fucked simultaneously by the dog and her husband, amazed how good it felt to receive dp from two different species at once. The others gathered around and watched as the three of them worked themselves into a frenzy. Andy was amazed how clearly he could feel the dogs cock through the delicate membranes of his wife’s pussy and ass.

Rachel began to quake and Andy knew she was about to cum. He fucked her with a couple of deep strokes and was amazed when the dog responded as well, increasing its rhythm. With a screech Rachel started to cum, her cunt and ass gripping the dicks buried deep in her and causing Andy and the dog to peak at the same time, filling her with their cum simultaneously.

It took a few minutes for the dogs dick to shrink and withdraw. When it did Rachel wriggled off her husband and stood shakily, smiling at her friends. Amy, who loved the taste of dog cum knelt between Rachel’s legs and lapped her pussy and ass, gobbling up the mixture of human cum and dog cum seeping from Rachel’s orifices.

Jed and Sarah had been in the background up to now but Sarah was anxious to get involved. Knowing her particular fetish Jake had selected a number of animals for her and tied them all up along the side of the barn. She started with the Dalmatian dog, rolling it onto its back and taking its dick into her mouth. Her full tits swung as she sucked hard on the animal, rubbing its dick as she blew it to make it cum quickly. Soon the dog obliged and she was rewarded with a mouthful of hot dog cum.

Rachel and Amy came over to help Sarah with her animal bukake, holding a goat on its back while she sucked it off. Meanwhile Abigail and Sam were living up to their reputation as the wilder members of the group. Abigail had two fingers in Sam’s ass and was lubricating his dirt hole as he knelt on a hay bail. Satisfied he was ready she signalled to Jake who brought over another Great Dane, which needed no encouragement and immediately mounted Sam, plunging his hard dog cock into Sam’s ass. Sam groaned with pleasure as the dog fucked him and Abigail positioned herself so she could take her husbands dick in her mouth as the dog fucked him.

Sarah had finished with the goat and swallowed back it’s cum along with that of the ram she had sucked off as Jed fucked its ass. She was now desperate for the big challenge, the huge boar Jake had selected. As Jed, Rachel and Amy held it down Sarah began to suck its cock. Up until now Sarah had not spilt a drop of cum, but she knew that pigs produced pints of sperm as they ejaculated and so this one was the big challenge. She quickly brought the huge animal to climax and prepared herself for the [SPAM] of cum. The first jet was fairly small and she quickly gulped it back, but then the boar grunted loudly and let loose a huge cascade of cum. Sarah opened her throat but could not help gagging as the pig cum shot into her mouth. She coughed and sprayed Rachel with pig cum before she could get control and swallow back the rest of the beasts semen. Sarah ended up with pig cum al over her face and body and, as Amy left to set up the harnesses with Jake, Rachel and Sarah got down to licking each other clean as Jed looked on.

Abigail had just finished licking the dog cum from her husbands arse when Jake called them over to the harnesses. They had set up two harnesses, a device Amy and Jake had perfected in their quest for the ultimate animal sex. Amy usually rode the stallions but she passed on this occasion given her heavily pregnant state and Sarah preferred to suck the stallions off rather than be fucked by them.

So it was Rachel and Abigail that prepared themselves for the ride of a lifetime. The harnesses were lowered to the ground and the two stallions led in. Jake and Amy loved working with old friends as they knew the routine and all helped out. The stallions were positioned and the harnesses slung under them. Rachel chose to lay on her back and Abigail leant forward over her harness to take the stallion standing. As Sarah and Amy stroked the huge horse dicks to erect Andy and Sam lubricated and fisted their wives pussies to prepare them.

“Are you both ready?” Jake asked

“Yes”, the girls replied.

Their husbands took hold of the harness ropes and manipulated the pulley system to hold them in the right position. Abigail was ready first and Amy guided the huge horse cock to the entrance of her pussy. Sensing the human warmth at the tip of its cock the horse whinnied and reared up, resting its feet on the step built into the side of the barn and thrusting its huge dick deep into Abigail’s cunt.

“Oh fuck yesss!” She screamed as the horse began to pound its huge dick into her. She lost her footing but Andy held her in place with the harness so she did not loose contact with the stallion.

Rachel’s position meant that as the huge horse cock penetrated her gravity impaled her on its length. She bounced violently as the stallion thrust its dick deep within her, crashing against her with each stroke.

Both women screamed and moaned with lust as they were fucked, experiencing multiple orgasms as they were fucked by the huge beasts, writhing beneath their animal lovers until at last the stallions began to cum.

Abigail was first to get inseminated. “He’s fucking cumming!” She screamed as she felt the horse tense inside her. Then it hit her, a huge wall of animal cum that filled her pussy like a balloon before spewing out and down her legs.

Rachel was going wild as her horse began to orgasm. She screamed as it filled her with its cum, her position meaning that there was no where for the cum to go but deep into her womb.

As Abigail and Rachel were helped out of the harnesses and onto a rug to recover Jake declared a break.

“Lets give it a few minutes” he said, “then you can tell me what you want to do next!

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