Women with Animals

Being Homeless, Seduced by a Shemale Gorilla


Standing in my one room apartment, looking at the eviction notice the manager hand delivered … he was sorry, but I needed to be out by Friday, the renewal crew were scheduled to go over the place on Saturday then it goes up for rent on Monday.

Looking around, I didn’t have much to pack, a few boxes that would all fit in my small car … within an hour everything was boxed, packed and I was on my way to no where. Parking under an overpass, it seemed like a good place to spend the night, peaceful, quiet and a place to stay dry.

I had just started to drift off when a large SUV an expensive Caddy, stopped by me, rolling down the window … From what I could tell she was older and extremely good looking … rolling down my window, “Can I help you Miss?”

Taking the longest time to look at me, “Sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you, I’m Savanah, I own a research company, just out side of town … it looks like you may be in need of a job and maybe a place to stay. You interested?”

The car was already getting cold, what she was offering sounded a lot better then what my night was promising … “What kind of job do you have available?” Then thinking more, “You don’t even know me, why would you offer me a job?”

She told me the opening just came up, she found from experience that employees who had nothing to loose were the best candidates. I’d be helping her take care of a special animal her research centered around and help in a few other ways. The position had a small cabin by the side of her home – I’d make some good money and in time if I wanted to leave, I’d have more then what I had now.

Everything seemed to good to be true, why I had been chosen had to have more then I was being told … but anything seemed better then spending the night here, nodding that I’d like that, following her to a large ranch, maybe five or six miles from where we meant.

The place was so much more then I had expected … my new place a cute two bedroom home with all the necessities .. when we had moved in all of my boxes … following her back to the main house …. a nice dinner had been prepared for me … the first real meal I’d had for many months. When I was finally getting full, “So what kind of research do you do here with this special animal you mentioned?”

Taking my hand, we went to a large stunning barn, inside I was surprised to see a large female gorilla, one of the biggest ones I’d ever seen. She stood well over 6 feet, bigger breasts then any animal … then looking closer it looked like she was lactating. “This is Stella, the end result of my work, she can help me create a whole new species of gorillas, ones that are stronger and wiser”

The animal seemed overly friendly, my new boss told me we’d go over everything in the morning, nothing else was said, we headed back to the house, opening the fridge, she got out a large pitcher of milk, “I don’t know if you’re a milk person or not, but I guarantee when you try this you’ll become one” Pouring me a large glass full, sliding it to me … I had not had the opportunity to drink much milk in my life, it always seemed too expensive, but after what this nice lady had done for me so far, how could I refuse.

Swallowing a large mouth full, it seemed almost immediately to have a body tingling effect on me. I lost focus, eyes rolling up in my head .. feeling them open and shut … my breathing becoming heavy … the taste was different then I’d ever experienced before. Two more gulps and the glass was empty .. I was in some sort of a haze … I didn’t see her, but my glass was refilled, I think she said she knew I’d like it. Maybe one or two more glasses were emptied … a heavy need for sleep overcame me.

Helping me to the small apartment, stripping me down nude, making sure I had a warm blanket over me … a deep sleep and strange funny dreams took over my night.

Waking early the next morning, showering, but only dressing in a long tee shirt I sometimes wore, breakfast was ready when I joined. Mixing a large batch of pancakes for me with the milk I’d had the night before, then pouring me a full glass full, “How’d you sleep Nikki? You looked fairly tired when I helped you in bed last night”

The milk looked so good, emptying the glass before what she asked sunk in, smiling, “I don’t think I’ve ever slept that good in my life … had some strange dreams that I don’t remember, but I really feel good”

Six large pancakes were ready for me, buttering each, covering them with syrup, a full glass of milk was ready … I can’t remember ever being that hungry, devouring them, while I finished off the second glass full of this fantastic milk, “What kind of milk is this? I’ve never tasted anything like it before”

Watching me eat, “Oh I get it from Stella, then I mix it with some cow milk, hers is way to strong to drink straight … at least until your body gets used to the modified version. I’m so glad you like it”

Normally the thought of drinking gorilla milk would have disgusted me, but in the current cloudy state my mind was in, it just passed over me without a second thought.

Following her to the barn, that was my first time to step inside this huge animals cage .. it was funny she seemed to be expecting me … “Stella this is Nikki, she will be our new girl who helps take care of you”

She moved so quickly it took me completely off guard, picking me up easily, slipping a long tongue deep in my mouth while she kissed me like a human would kiss … I didn’t realize how excited I was until her thumbs began rubbing and teasing my nipples … moving her leg between mine, rubbing my body back and forth over her soft hair covered leg, sent me into a sexually erotic haze … I’d never enjoyed the pleasures of tribbing with another female, but as soon as I started riding her leg, I was convinced this would not be my last.

Grabbing the hair on her arms to hold on to, my legs tightening around hers, hips thrusting back and forth, trying to match what she was doing to me … it didn’t take long for me to scream, my body shaking …. an orgasm, like nothing I’d ever experienced before, rolled over my body … coating her leg, leaving me wasted … she gently place me on a soft surface .. while she licked the juices that had coated all of my inner thighs.

My new employer was by my side, “Sorry about that, I should have warned you how passionate she can be when she likes someone. It looks like you have been a perfect choice to work with her”

Helping me back inside, my body was still experiencing small spasms coming one on top of the next. Laying me on a soft sofa, covering me with a soft blanket, sleep once again over took me.

It was late afternoon when I woke, still feeling the effects of what she had done to me, a tall cool glass of milk was waiting, “Glad to see you’re back with us, I just poured you some of the delicious you like, to help you come back to us .. she is just so lovable and she really likes you … you’ll be perfect to hep us”

My first day at work, I’d made love to a lesbian gorilla, slept most of the day and downed more of the milk that seemed to relax the muscles she’s used to seduce me.

That evening I went back to check on her by myself … I had barely stepped into the enclosure when she lifted me up, this time sending her tongue deep inside my pussy .. the length of it, the roughness and the ability to move it all around, shot me over the edge again, almost immediately. Her tongue stayed in me, deep in me, even though I had enjoyed a mind blowing climax, the playing never stopped … my body began shaking … an uncontrollable shaking … it felt like wave after wave of pleasure was hitting me.

Vaguely remembering her carrying me to the main house, Miss S was waiting with a glass of my favorite milk … as soon as I finished it, sleep over took me … the next morning waking even more confused then any time since I arrived … No longer worrying about wearing anything, joining Savanah for breakfast.

Handing me a cold glass of milk, she walked around me, touching here and there, finally stacking me a pile of pancakes again …”Oh honey you are coming along so wonderful … I think you’ll be able to spend more time with Stella soon. She was so happy when she brought you back last night”

Eating my breakfast, drinking more and more of the wonderfully tasting milk, trying to remember what happened the previous evening .. then how I got here, what I was doing prior to being here … it was all foggy, some fleeting images but no real idea of what my past was like .. Being helped to the barn area, the glorious creature played with my whole body, triggering more pleasurable explosions, slipping me into the erotic sleep.

How long this routine, waking, eating breakfast, spending time with Stella, sleeping, more milk, evening meals then more time with the creature .. ending in a long wonderful restful sleep, took place could have only been a guess to me.

At sometime I was helped to the animals area, easily picking me up, holding me, so I could latch onto one of her nipples, sucking – tasting the first milk, coming directly from her breasts .. .a full mouthful and swallowing .. I lay there for the longest time, a new wonderful pleasurable feelings rushing all over me. A small whimper closed my eyes, feeling like I was floating in a cloud of warm blanket wonderfulness wrapping me up … slowly taking the nipple in again … this time sucking continually, no stopping.

When the one breast was empty, she lifted me, switching to the other one … as soon as that one was empty … she’d carry me to a small cot off to the side … covering me with a light blanket to keep me warm. I’d sleep until her breasts were full, being wakened emptying them then back to sleep again.

I have no idea how long this took place or what was slowly changing. My toes and fingers began to take on new shapes, becoming shorter, heavier .. next a fine film of hair like fur started to cover my whole body. When my entire body was covered in the same amount of covering Stella had, the final change was my head … reshaping of my head was the last of me to take on my new look.

Savanah joined us, bringing in a full length mirror … when I saw the new me, gasping, I looked like Stella’s sister, I had become a full sized gorilla, a sexy full breasted gorilla … “Oh Nikki has to be the best female gorilla we’ve ever created. Now I think it is time for you to show her the hidden surprise.

I have no idea how long it had been since I had consumed her milk, but the cloudy feeling seemed to be disappearing slowly. It was obvious my body had been changed into that of an animal … how I got here was clearing up as well and how all of this happened was becoming clear – it had to do with the milk Stella produced. Somehow it had been altered to change a human female into what I looked like now.

As this huge animal slowly separated her legs, what began happening more then shocked me. At first it looked like a small growth, then enlarging into what could have been a small penis … continuing to grow until she or he/she or what ever it was, had a massive 14 inch, maybe larger raging red cock … a cloudy substance dripping from the tip. Fully extended, it seemed to be throbbing in a way that locked my gaze, almost as if it were hypnotizing me.

She took hold, stroking it a few times, Savanah leaned in close, “Beautiful isn’t it. When I discovered we could make her into a living breathing version of a human shemale but in a primate … I just couldn’t wait to see what she’d be like”

Seeing this thing change, started to stir an erotic feeling between my legs, up inside, deep within me. The juices started to flow, a distinctive scent surrounded all of me, circling everyone in the area … She lifted me up as easy as she previously had, my body betraying me, opening my legs as wide as they would go, in one smooth motion she was all the way inside me, triggering an erratic writhing of my body … both of us pumping up and down, like crazed animals trying desperately to achieve the pleasure that was building quickly.

My frantic movements continued, how long we were like this / no way of knowing … I had enjoyed multiple explosions deep inside me, she kept a steady pumping until finally throwing her head back … that’s when I felt the super warm liquid flood all of my insides.

Holding me in place, it was easy to feel her continue to pump more and more of her seed, eventually pulling out – to my amazement the wonderful cock quickly disappeared as fast it had excited me …. Sylvia placed some type of instrument where my normal clit would have been … checked the readings … then smiling, “Oh honey good news, Stella has knocked you up, you’re pregnant”

While I was trying to come to grips with all the changes, she called some number telling them she had a female gorilla, very pregnant and expected the $500,000 to be deposited in her account … shipment would be arranged as soon as the fees had cleared.

By the end of the day a huge semi pulled up, I was loaded into an animal carrier and off to a zoo in Cleveland.

When the cage opened, I cautiously moved into my new home – a huge Silver Back was setting in the corner watching me.

Watching him sniff the air, a huge shaft appearing between his legs … I knew what was coming, but not sure if he’d fuck me or kill me, heading to a corner of the area … thats when he grabbed me … my eyes closed feeling the monster enter me and began to pump …

Several people, well dressed people were just a few feet away, one of the ladies reached in, scratching just above my new nose, “I’m always amazed at how easy Savanah’s females are received by the males. I’ve seen times when the male attack new ones, won’t get near them and refuses to mate with them, but all of hers are the same – as soon as they are in, the male is all over them. They never know the female is already pregnant, so they think it is theres”

One of the well dressed gentleman added, “It is almost as if they are a different species. I’ve been present for all 12 of hers and besides her becoming very rich, it is almost as if they are different”

Everything had happened so fast, I hadn’t said a word, just enjoyed the pleasure. Thinking of what I was facing before this – homelessness, begging for food .. no place to sleep, now I was being pounded like no tomorrow, no need to worry about food or a place to sleep, but still what she had done to me and it sounded like eleven other girls as well – I shocked all of them, “Excuse me, I don’t mean to barge in, but maybe one reason I and it sounds like my sisters are being fucked so quickly is I wasn’t born a gorilla, I was a homeless girl Savanah kidnapped and changed me into what you are seeing now”

Needless to say the witch had forgotten to clip my vocal cords, so stunned is a mild way of saying what they all looked like when I spoke. During the next hour or so, I’d have to stop, enjoying a wave of pure pleasure wash over me, while my eyes rolled up in my head … then we’d start again trying to answer the many questions they all had.

It was also easy to see the effect we were having on all of them, the men had huge tents in their slacks, the two women looked flushed and fidgety while their breathing was becoming more like pants.

Contacting each zoo that had one of my sisters, an immediate operation was done to repair their voices .. each one telling a similar story on how they became what they were. When enough evidence was gathered, she was charged with twelve counts of kidnapping, plus additional charges … my companion Zeus kept pumping me almost non stop for three days, then when convinced I was pregnant – I’d be lucky if I could get him in me once a week.

Knowing gorillas are not highly sexual animals, I convinced the five directors to come and play with me on a regular basis. The women love how my fat fingers and long erotic tongue can give them multiple climaxes … the men love the way my pussy feels … what I found out is any cock, no matter what the size, feels wonderful in me and triggers multiple explosions as soon as they are in me.

I hate how she kidnapped me, but my life couldn’t be any better.

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