Women with Animals

Sharing is Caring


Maria rolled over in bed and realised that she was alone. She lay there smiling to herself happily as she looked at the turned-back covers and the dent in the pillow where Ellie her partner had been recently. Seeing the dawn light breaking through the window of the little cottage they bought last year with Ellie’s divorce settlement and some of Maria’s savings. It was the perfect little hideaway, being able to work from home most of the time with her own freelance graphic design company. Ellie seemed to have settled happily into country life and would go for long walks with their golden Labrador Buster coming back giggling and happy. Maria was naked and rolled onto her back as she kicked off the covers and began touching herself as she thought about how she and Ellie had first met.


Maria had been staying in Birmingham when she came across Ellie weeping in the corner of a pub. There was something about her tiny frame that made her look so vulnerable and the need to protect her was strong inside Maria. As an added bonus Ellie’s perky breasts and pert ass made Maria get damp and sitting down next to her, she couldn’t help but pick up her small hand and hold it reassuringly.

“Whatever it is, it can’t be that bad,” she said taking in the tear-stained face framed by a mass of curly brown hair, “I’m Maria by the way.”

“Ellie,” she sobbed between sniffs, “And my husband has thrown me out.”

Without thought Maria put her arm around the young woman and pulled her close to her ample breasts and the pair began to talk. Within an hour the pair were laughing with Ellie making a few derisory jokes about men which were met with agreeable nods from Maria. They were just two years apart in age but had led very different lives with Ellie getting married when she was 18, some 10 years ago and although she had never had children, it was always something they had considered in the future. Getting a little tipsy she hinted that it had been the involvement of someone else that had caused the split but didn’t expand.

When Ellie questioned Maria about why she wasn’t married or had kids Maria just smiled as she said softly, “You do realise I am a lesbian don’t you?”

Ellie said nothing for a moment then laughed, “Are you going to seduce me then?”

Maria stared into Ellie’s large brown eyes in silence for a moment and then said, “Do you want me to?”

Ellie said nothing for a moment and then in a quiet voice said, “Yes.”

Maria took Ellie’s hand and led her back to her hotel room in silence but squeezed occasionally in reassurance. Once in the room Maria kissed Ellie and was surprised by the passionate response by Ellie who met Maria’s darting tongue with her own. As they kissed Maria’s hands roamed over Ellie’s body caressing her breasts through her thin blouse.

Breaking their kiss Ellie said breathlessly, “I need to use the bathroom,” and vanished. Maria stood for a moment and then making a decision in her head discarded her clothing before climbing onto the bed naked. She was delighted to see that when Ellie emerged from the bathroom she was as naked as she was.

“Have you ever been with another woman?” Maria asked and smiled as Ellie shook her head. She loved being the first to seduce married women, taking them to heights of pleasure they had never experienced before. One of her great joys, after using her fingers and tongue to induce multiple orgasms leaving her partner panting in heat, was to take her trusty strap-on and fuck them until they couldn’t stand.

“Do you seduce many married women?” Ellie asked as she lay on the bed and admired Maria’s full breasts and taut belly leading to what looked like a shaved pussy.

“A few now and then,” Maria said and decided not to mention that 24 hours before, Ellie’s place had been filled by a much older woman who despite being married was skilled in the ways of lesbian love. Maria could feel her pussy flip as she recalled how after she had fucked the woman with her strap on the woman had then insisted on using it on Maria. Not that Maria complained as she enjoyed taking as much as she did giving.

Maria let her hands and tongue wander over Ellie’s body teasing her flesh with little kisses and licks. When Ellie tried to do the same Maria stilled her with, “The first time just lie back and enjoy.” Ellie complied and lay on her back, soon twisting and writhing under Maria’s skilled touch.

Ellie ran her hands over Maria’s short dark curly hair urging her to lick deeper and giving her as many verbal signals as she could. For one brief moment, she worried that perhaps Maria would discover her secret but her fears were not realised as Maria devoured her pussy. As Maria teased and tugged at her clit Ellie felt her slide two fingers into her wetness and then curl them inside. Ellie had been fingered many times in the past as a prelude to sex but this was different. Maria touched something inside that almost made her cum on the spot.

Maria smiled inside as she knew she had found Ellie’s g-spot by the way she gasped and grabbed a handful of her hair. Using two fingers to massage the soft spongy pad Maria tortured Ellie’s clit until she arched up off the bed in climax and almost ripped out a clump of Maria’s hair.

That night Ellie slept in Maria’s arms and when Ellie talked in the morning about going ‘sofa-surfing’ with friends until she could sort things out. Maria insisted that she came and lived with her.

“Think of it as a trial run,” Maria said knowing she had fallen in love with this woman already, “If once you are on your feet and find you don’t want to stay, then we can part as friends.”

“OK,” Ellie laughed, “But only one condition.”

“Which is?” said Maria raising her eyes in question.

“That you fuck me senseless with that strap-on you have been boasting about.”


Maria walked downstairs naked and followed the noises coming from the kitchen. As she turned the corner, she was greeted with a sight that she wouldn’t have dreamed of. There was Ellie on her hands and knees with her head under Buster, their Labrador. In her hand was Buster’s large red cock, half of which was in her mouth as she sucked eagerly.

Maria could feel herself get wet as she watched, her mouth was dry but her pussy was flowing and she pushed two fingers deep into herself as her eyes feasted on the scene. With her other hand, she alternated between twisting her nipples and tweaking her clit as she felt her orgasm building. She only just had time to step back as Ellie stopped sucking the dog and put her head down, patting her ass in encouragement.

Maria could not believe her eyes; she had seen this scenario many times in videos but here was a real-life sex show in front of her and with her girlfriend as well. She watched Buster’s long tongue snake out and lick at Ellie’s upturned ass and pussy and Maria found herself licking her own lips as she knew how sweet that pussy was. Maria had pushed three fingers into herself but it still wasn’t enough and looking around saw the dowel marble rolling pin sitting on its stand. The rolling pin was a cylinder of black marble with grey streaks running through, and rounded on both ends of its 11-inch length. They had often joked it would make the perfect dildo though they had never used it for that purpose before. Ellie was making the same noises she made when Maria was licking her and as she came Maria picked up the rolling pin and placed the end to her aching pussy.

Buster stopped licking Ellie and lifted himself onto her back in a fluid movement, his cock swinging wildly as he jabbed trying to find Ellie’s open hole. As he found his mark and thrust in Maria pushed the rolling pin into herself and had to bite her lip to stop herself from crying out as the cold marble penetrated her flesh. Buster had pushed in deeply and had then set off fucking Ellie at a pace that even in her wildest moments Maria could never match with a strap-on.

The noise of Buster’s panting filled the room and Maria could see Ellie was biting her arm trying not to cry out as orgasms ripped through her petite frame. Maria could feel the rolling pin tugging at her insides as she fucked herself harder with it and she knew that her own orgasm was fast approaching. Then like a chain reaction, things started to happen.

Firstly, Maria shouted loudly as she flooded the marble with her copious juices. This noise caused Ellie to twist her head around and realise that she was being spied on by her partner. Before she could open her mouth Buster heaved a mighty effort and forced his pulsing knot deep into Ellie’s body. The feeling of the knot pushing in and expanding to seal her opening, combined with the visions of her partner cumming as she watched her, sent Ellie over the top. As she howled like a bitch Buster started to pump jets of hot seed deep into her body.

Hanging her head down Ellie pressed her forehead to the tiled floor and felt the orgasms rush through her like storm driven waves crashing against the beach. It took her a moment to realise that Maria had moved across the kitchen and was now crouched beside her with the rolling pin still embedded in her cunt. Ellie could see Maria’s juices flowing down the small amount of the rolling pin outside as she rode it slowly and then she felt Maria’s hand reach under her. With Buster’s knot pulsing and squirting inside, Maria pulled on Ellie’s clit teasing it as she drove her to new heights.

After things calmed down and Buster had retired to the corner Ellie remained kneeling on the floor too tired to move. Maria lay next to her and pulled her into her arms, holding her tight as their breathing returned to normal.

“Why?” Maria asked looking into her lover’s eyes, “Am I not enough for you?”

Ellie looked at Maria with love on her face, “You are the most wonderful thing in my life and not a day goes by that I don’t give thanks for you seducing me that night.” Ellie paused for a moment before she went on, “But I miss dog cock, I crave it. The desire burns inside me like an eternal flame.”

“When did its start?” Maria asked.

“With Buster or my first time?” Ellie responded.


“My first time was when I was 16 with our family dog on the farm. I carried on doing it whenever I could but never told my husband. Perhaps I should have as when he caught me being fucked in the garage by the next door neighbour’s dog he threw me out.”

“So that was the night we met,” laughed Maria softly, “But what about Buster?”

“He has been fucking me since the start of the summer,” Ellie said. “When we go for walks, there is a secluded spot and we spend some quality time together.”

Maria had a vision pop onto her head of her lovely Ellie in a sunlight glade. Naked with Buster on her back pounding her as she tore up clumps of grass with her hands. Her vision was interrupted by Elli asking, “What about you?” You didn’t seem phased by it at all, have you been with a dog?”

Blushing Maria admitted that she had been watching dog porn all her life but had never gone further. Seeing Ellie being fucked by their dog was the sexiest thing she had ever witnessed.

“Why don’t you try it?” Ellie said quietly and before Maria could protest, she went on, “They have the best tongues ever and it’s not like you haven’t been fucked before.”

Although normally it was Maria who wore the strap-on there had been a couple of occasions when Ellie had buckled up with Maria’s help, and then under her guidance fucked her. At first her movements had been clumsy but as Maria tutored her, Ellie became quite skilled, to the point that she could bring Maria to a climax with ease.

Maria allowed herself to lie on her back and felt her legs being gently opened. Having been a lesbian all her life she had been licked by some very skilful lovers and some not so. She wasn’t sure what to expect but hoped it would be at least half decent, as the girls in the videos seemed to like it. She always put that down to typical bad porn acting. Nothing in the world could have prepared her for Buster’s first lick. His long pink tongue scraped from under her, through her lips and across her clit in a long rasping movement. She wanted to scream in pleasure but the sound was stuck in her throat and all that came out was a high-pitched yelp.

She felt Ellie kiss her breasts and tease her nipples as Buster put his tongue in her pussy in places that she didn’t even know existed.

“I told you it would feel good, didn’t I?” Ellie said and then went on, “Would you like to lick me at the same time?”

Maria nodded.

“You know I am still full of Buster’s cum don’t you?” Ellie said softly.

“Yes,” moaned Maria as Buster’s tongue started to make her shudder.

Ellie squatted over Maria’s face, with a foot on either side of her head, her open pussy above Maria’s open mouth. Rather than drop down, Ellie hovered a few inches above and coughed gently making a large dollop fall onto Maria’s tongue.

Maria swallowed and laughed, “So that’s what I could taste that first night.”

Reaching up Maria pulled Ellie down until her pussy was against her lips. Then she delved inside seeking and lapping up Buster’s cum from her partner’s pussy. To Maria this was the sweetest nectar she had ever known and what made it even better was the receptacle she was taking from. Coupled with Buster’s magic tongue, she was truly in heaven. Thinking that things couldn’t get any better she was delighted when Ellie came in a loud orgasm, as she filled her mouth with a flood of juices and seed. Lifting her hips from the floor Maria orgasmed hard, her cries of pleasure joining Ellie’s.

“Now you need to be fucked,” Ellie said as she stood, a little unsteady on her feet.

“I want you to film it,” Maria panted as she moved to all fours ready to be mounted.

Ellie picked up her phone and turned it onto video mode only just in time to capture Buster lifting himself onto Maria’s back and starting to jab, seeking a hole for his cock. Ellie moved so that she could capture Maria’s face as Buster entered her. The picture was perfect as Maria’s eyes went wide open as she screamed, “Oh my fucking god.”

Moving the camera phone quickly around, she panned down Maria’s body to show Buster’s red cock slamming in and out as his hips moved with incredible speed. Ellie lifted Buster’s tail out of the way with one hand so she could record his heavy swinging balls and his cock thrusting deep into Maria. The room was filled with the sounds of Maria cumming over and over as Buster gripped her with his front paws to increase his leverage.

Ellie was enjoying her role as a camerawoman and at one point got onto the floor so she could film under Maria and record the dog’s cock impaling her from that angle. She knew it was making an amazing video as juices dripped from Maria around Buster’s cock. She even managed to perfectly capture the moment that Buster drove his knot into Maria’s pussy and the deep guttural moan and yell that escaped her mouth.

Maria wasn’t focused on the camera, instead her attention was on the sensations that were tearing through her body. Buster’s cock was truly as amazing as Ellie had promised her it would be as she orgasmed yet again. She now knew how all those women in the videos had felt and could understand the noises of joy they were making. When Buster knotted her, Maria knew she had died and had gone to heaven. It was like being fisted but warmer and throbbing inside from the piece of living flesh it was. When the first jet of his hot seed hit her cervix Maria nearly passed out as she erupted in the biggest orgasm of her life.


It was a few days later as Maria and Ellie sat in front of their PC. Both were naked and bathed in the afterglow of sex. In the corner sat Buster with a very pleased-with-himself look on his face, having fucked both of his bitches.

“Are you sure you want to do this?” Ellie asked as Maria started uploading the video onto a site she often frequented.

“Yes I am sure,” Maria said firmly as she pressed the live button, “After all sharing is caring.”

“Well I’m thinking of how we’re about to share Buster’s cum,” giggled Ellie as she pulled Maria into a 69 position.

Edited by RF Fast

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