Women with Animals
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Jennys First Time At Dads Scrapyard


© 2016 by Thatguyyouknow1991

It was a cold and gloomy night on the streets of east london, but for one sexy, beautiful, and particularly kinky young 18 year old named Jenny, it was the first night of the rest of her naughty life. Jenny was a sweet, educated, family oriented sweetheart from east london. She was short, brunette, trim and all the right curves in all the right places. Nice, perky C cup tits with cute suckable pink nipples. Heading south across her smooth stomach led to the most perfect shaved, sweet, and at the moment, swollen 18 year old pussy you’ve ever seen.But what most people, including her close friends and family didn’t know, was that jenny had a dark side..

Jenny was different, not in a bad way, but just different. She knew why and she loved it. You see, Jenny was sex addict and a kinky slut to boot. It would be faster to say all the things that turn her off then listing turn ons! But tonight was about one kink in particular, and Jenny wouldn’t be happy until she had her fill.

As she walked the relatively short distance to her father’s scrapyard to meet with her partner in crime, she thought about what was about to happen. She ran it through her mind over and over and over during the walk, soaking the pretty white cotton panties she had worn in her sweet, dewy cum. She ran a checklist over and over again in her mind: towel, check. Two pairs of her dads old socks, check. A small metal bowl, check. Her camera and tripod, check and double check. Her gag? ‘shit’ she cursed to herself. She had left it beside her bag on the floor, in her rush to sneak out unnoticed, she must have forgotten it. ‘oh well, i like to scream anyways’ she grinned as you closed in on her destination.

As she hopped the old steel fence into the scrap yard, she had thought about all the times her father had said he was going to put barbed wire on the fence, and thanked him to herself for being too cheap to follow through, thus allowing her easy access to the yard. Once inside, she cautiously looked around, searching for any trace of anyone who may be working late or in the yard for any reason, but came up empty, much to her delight. After she felt safe, she made her way to the back of the yard, to a broken down delivery truck with a large empty compartment in the rear. As she walked, she attracted the attention of the roaming junkyard dogs. To a burglar, this is the part where you pray to god you can make the fence before they make you a meal, but to Jenny all the pups were thrilled to see their friend came for a visit. Jenny too, was happy to see the dogs but was searching for one in particular. As her eyes roamed the dogs looking for her partner, she couldn’t help but graze her eyes across all the boys big furry sheaths and swollen balls and her mind ran wild for a moment ‘you’ll all be mine soon, but tonight’s about one boy in particular’ , and then her eyes caught her prize. There, walking up from the rear of the pack, was the leader, the alpha male of the group. Oscar.

Oscar was a beast of a mastiff, purebred, pure muscle, intimidating at first, but once you see his cock, your intimidation rises ten fold. Oscar had a cock jenny had discovered, was near as long as her forearm and just as thick. The way jenny had discovered this was playing around with oscar one day while she was left to watch the yard. That playing ended with Jenny and oscar in the back of a broken shipping truck, with jenny naked, on her hands and knees, jerking and sucking like a hungry baby on oscars huge cock, eventually getting a belly full of cum and an intro into a brand new world, but that’s a story for another day.

She greeted oscar in her usual manner, patting his head and calling him a good boy, and told him to ‘follow her for a big surprise’. Oscar, not understanding what she was talking about, was happy to follow his friend, and followed her back towards the familiar truck, his tail beginning to wag as he got closer. ‘thats right boy, you know where we’re going, jennys got something special planned for you tonight. She led the dog into the back of the truck and closed the rear shutter all the way down but made sure to leave the opening strap inside so she could get out after. Jenny stood there for a moment, taking in all the senses surrounding her in this moment. It was finally happening. After years of fantasies, and months of secretly sucking off oscar for a belly full of cum whenever she got the chance, she was now ready to go all the way.

She turned on her cellphone flashlight and the compartment lit up. It was dark, dirty, private, the perfect place. She set her phone on the floor against the wall and began setting up. There was an old blanket she had brought out after a few trips with oscar, folded over in a corner, she spread it out on the floor and laid the towel, rolled up at one end of the blanket. She then grabbed her silver bowl and placed it beside the towel, ‘i’ll need that soon enough’ she giggled and continued. She set up the tripod and camera in the corner and checked the angle. Perfect, between the camera flashlight and her cells, the lighting was perfect. The stage was set and the show was about to begin. Little to jenny’s knowledge, it wasn’t quite the show she had in mind.

She stared over at oscar, he was standing on the blanket, tail wagging, the red tip of his fat cock poking out of its furry sheath in anticipation of the pleasure he was about to receive. Jenny gave him a sultry, sexy look and begin to strip. She kept eye contact with oscar, slowly strip teasing for him, she wasn’t sure if he enjoyed it but it made her hard pound and her pussy drip with excitement for the show she was putting on. She slipped off her sweater, then shirt, and finally her pants, leaving her standing there in her matching white cotton bra and panties. She had thought about wearing sexy lingerie but decided against it. This would work for now.

‘it’s now or never’ jenny thought. She then slipped down to her hands and knees and began to crawl, slowly, over to Oscar. Every inch closer only increased her horniness and urges. She came face to face with oscar, he gave her a friendly lick and turned to the side, exposing his now half exposed cock. They both knew the routine, and were both happy to comply with each other for the sake of pleasure. She leaned in, smelling the dogs sex, his stench overpowering and enticing. She smiled, whispered ‘ here’s my big boy’ and began her assault. She started slow, flicking her tongue on the tip, licking the entrance to his cock, he loved this and she knew it. She licked up and down the shaft, taking in the familiar scent and taste as she did. She reached up and lightly scratched at his tight swollen ballsack, ‘oh you’re so full tonight boy, lucky for you i’m here to help’ she loved dirty talking with oscar, it made her feel dirty, nasty, down right slutty. ‘ you don’t know it yet boy but we’re going to be emptying some of your delicious cum somewhere else tonight’ , her pussy twitched and tightened as she said it. ‘ focus Jenny, you need to empty this first load quick, make him last longer for his next round’ she quit with the foreplay and got to it, oscars cock was now almost fully out of his sheath, and jenny was a pro at this.

She spit a big wad on oscars cock, then again, then once more, making it nice and slimy. She wrapped her hands around his thick cock and worked her spit all over his shaft. As she jerked his shiny cock she swallowed the head and half his cock in one quick gulp. Oscar was used to this and didn’t flinch a muscle. Jenny took the fat cock into her mouth as deep as she could, working her tongue up and down the veiny shaft as she jerked the rest of his cock and rubbed his balls. She loved the feeling of oscar’s big cock stuffed in her little mouth, she loved every minute of it, but a blowjob was just the start of tonight. With that thought, sge went into full slut mode, furiously working oscars shaft and balls with her wet mouth and hands. She could feel tge swelling growing and oscars knot was the size of a baseball. He was ready. And so was jenny.

With one final deep suck, oscar erupted like a cannon in jenny’s mouth. Firing stream after stream of sweet, watery cum down jenny’s throat and into her awaiting belly. She loved the feeling of a belly full of oscars cum. Oscars hips were fucking jenny’s mouth as he erupted and made her choke a few times. She liked it and pushed her head deeper, making her gag and forcing tears from her at the effort she was exhorting trying to keep up with oscars furious humping. She was granted some relief as oscar started to withdraw his cock from her greedy mouth and stood there panting. Jenny noticed oscars cock still spurting out small jets of cum and decided not to be wasteful, so she lightly grabbed oscars cock and directed his final sprays over her face and tits. She loved being such a dirty girl, she just wished she had someone to share it with..

As oscar laid down to take a rest, jenny reached into her purse and grabbed her small vibrator she always kept on her. She had gotten horny alot and so she often masterbated in public when no one was looking. The thrill added to her orgasms and she always had powerful ones with this vibe. She laid back on the blanket, head on the towel she had set up, stuck the vibrator in her mouth to lube it up and slowly slid it into her awaiting pussy and turned it on. The feeling was incredible. This vibe had always made her cum hard, but tonight, with what she had just finished doing, the taste of oscars cum still fresh in her mouth, and the thought of what comes next had her cumming twice in less than a minute. ‘ holy fuck’ thought jenny ‘ i’m way too horny to handle this myself. Time for the main attraction’ she looked over at oscar and saw him standing, cock at full attention once again, staring intently at her pussy. It’s like he knew what was coming. And he was as ready as i was.

I pulled the vibe out from my pussy, much to its displeasure and rolled onto my hands and knees. I had seen this in many,many videos before and figured with a little coaxing, i could get oscar to lick my pussy and ass out a bit, and then, when ready, i would take his cock into my pussy slowly and be fuxked like the bitch i am and deserved to be. This is not what

Oscar pounced like a rabid, starving wolf on the first piece of meat in ages. Before Jenny could even gasp, oscar was on top of her, laying all his weight down on her back, paws clawing at her side, stinging and drawing blood, making her cry slightly. She felt his hips and the tip of his massive swollen cock probing for her waiting pussy, ‘no oscar, no, not yet, i’m not rea..’ before she could finish pleading, it was too late and she screamed so loud, she thought her throat may explode. Oscar found his target alright, and drove all 16 inches up to the knot, deep inside Jenny’s tight, surprised asshole. ‘OW OSCAR, PLEASE, IT HURTS! YOU’RE TEARING MY ASS IN HALF!! STOOOOOPPP’ but jenny’s pleas went unanswered as oscar continued to rape her from behind without remorse. She could feel every inch of him inside, stabbing his cock around her anus, jabbing at her g spot as he did. After a while the pain started to subside and she began enjoying the assault on her asshole from this beast. She even moaned and cooed, pushing back against his giant knot. And with one final push from both, oscars knot was sucked into jenny’s asshole and she blacked out.

Jenny awoke a few seconds later to the intense feeling of something fucking her ass with what felt like a baseball bat. She looked underneath herself to see she was still being raped by oscar, albeit slower and more direct humping compared to the frantic fucking that left her unconscious moments ago. She felt something warm filling her asshole, it was a somewhat familiar feeling. The feeling of a guy filling her ass up with cream. But this was different, the sheer amount being pumped into her was unlike anything she had ever felt.

Her ass was filled to the brim with oscars hot, sweet doggy cum, and she loved it. She could see traces of cum and blood running down her inner thighs and knew oscar must have ripped her ass a bit, but she didn’t care. It was the most amazing aex she had ever had. Then she remembered her original plan. She scanned the floor around her and found her prize. Her little metal bowl, she grabbed it and placed it between her knees, right over her dripping openings and let the cum start to collect. ‘that’ll be a nice treat for after’ jenny thought with a devilish grin. She then began the task of removing oscars now less swollen, but still massive cock and know from her ass. She tried pulling against him and felt only pain, but this encouraged oscar to attempt the same, and in a series of extremely painful yanks, oscars cock popped out of her ass, followed swiftly by a flood of oscars cum. It flowed out of her ass like pouring champagne, splashing and collecting in the bowl below. She smiled at the amount of cum she collected and looked over at oscar, he had laid down in a corner in an effort to relax and clean his equipment.

Jenny thought that oscar deserved some gratitude after the show he just put on and crawled her way towards him. Oscar looked over at jenny, with a tired but satisfied look on his face, ‘ who’s a good boy’ jenny moaned in her sexiest voice, ‘ let jenny take care of you baby’ and with that, jenny once again, had oscar’s big cock in her mouth. She loved how dirty she felt, she was cleaning the cum off the dog cock that raped her asshole and came inside her. She was such a dirty little slut, and she loved it. After she finished licking every last drip of cum from oscar and his cock had returned to its furry sheath, she lay there on the floor for a few moments thinking. Thinking about what had just happened, thinking about how amazing it was , how perverted she was for letting oscar rape and breed her in her dad’s salvage yard. But mostly, she thought about her pussy, and how it was aching to be filled up the way her ass had just been. Jenny thought about this, and then thought about all the other dogs roaming the scrap yard, and she smiled that wicked grin. ‘this night is far from over’ she said to herself, and made her way towards the back door to look for more trouble…


Jenny Opened the large rear door to the abandoned truck she had just been raped in. It was still night, and the refreshing feeling of the brisk london air felt good against her wet, sore, pussy. She stared off into the midnight sky, running through her mind the events that had just transpired. ‘I cant believe it’ , she thought to herself in twisted joy ‘ oscar fucking raped my asshole and instead of hating it, I loved every second of it and just want more, whats that about?’ she pondered these thoughts in her head for a few moments, before being brought back to reality by the small horny hurd of dogs surrounding the back gate of the truck. apperently they had heard jennys screams and crys, and subsequent moans and groans, and came to investigate the trouble. Jenny stared at the group of them, Other than oscar, her dad had 3 other dogs to protect the junkyard.

First, there was Otis, Otis was a mastiff/ great dane mix, tall, lean, pure muscle. Once you got to know him, and more importantly, him know you, he was your best friend. However, if you had not had the chance to meet Otis prior to him finding you rummaging the scrapyard, run. Jenny had gotten along really well with Otis ever since her father had gotten him earlier that year. Part of the reason they got along so well, unbeknowst to her father, was because the first time her father had brought otis home, Jenny immediatly noticed the GIGANTIC sheath that otis had and actually drooled alittle at the sight. As luck would have it, the day she met Otis, her father had left her in charge of the yard for a couple hour to go and look at a load of scrap, Leaving Jenny to manage the yard, and more importantly, get aqquainted to the new dog she had just fell in love with. Jenny spent the next few hours sucking, jerking, cumming, and swallowing until both her and otis had their fill. She remembered how as she sucked his giant cock into her mouth, how badly she wanted to feel it inside her pussy instead, but she knew then that he was far too big and would hurt her. Now however, she was rethinking that..

Next up was Dakota, who was the oldest of the group at 8 years old. A rottie/ husky mix who had done his share of the protecting and was now mainly basking in the joys of doggy old age. Dakota was quite a bit smaller than otis, both in body and cock size, but Jenny didnt mind at all, she spent many an afternoon pleasuring dakota with her hands and mouth. Dakota was one of her favorite dogs to play with. His cock and knot were perfect size to filll up her mouth completely, just slightly gagging her, and she loved the feeling.He would hump her face so rapidly but because of his size and her skill, she became quite the deep throat expert. She always made Dakota empty his loads down her throat and licked his cock clean after. She loved leaning back against the couch, Dakota infront of her, mounting her face, fucking her like a bitch in heat until he came. She would always grab his legs and pull him deep down her throat, and at this moment was when she would usually orgasm.

Finally, Staring at her with a hunger in his eyes that Jenny had never noticed before, was Cooper. Cooper was also a rottie husky mix, But was defiently more a rottie than anything else. Big. Strong. Intimadating. It was he and oscar who consistantly fought for dominance of both the yard, and of jennys slutty body. Cooper and Jenny had some history together and Jenny had some mixed feelings about her. Jenny had once been brave enough, or stupid enough, she wasnt sure, to try and actually fuck cooper. She had been on beastforum that day and was watching videos of women being fucked missionary style by their do, and the urge had struck jenny so hard, she acted without thinking.

She had sat on the couch in the office (the same couch dakota always fucked her face on) , stripped off her shorts and black lacey thong and began fingering herself furiosuly for cooper. She has seen the woman in the video doing this and figured it would be that easy. She was young and naive, and had no idea what was instore. Jenny had just fingered herself to a powerful, slippery orgasm when cooper struck without warning. Jenny WAS going to suck him off first and then have him try to mount her missionary style, but cooper wasnt known for his patience, and with one swift jump, he had dug his paws into jennys shoulders, sliding her ass down and off the couch a bit, and directly into coopers massive 13 inch long, beer bottle thickness cock. She screamed like a pig in a slaughter house. Cooper had begun pounding his giant dog meat in and out of jennys pussy so fast, she thought it was going to start a fire. While looking back on it, she wished she had let the moment run its course, but in her fear, she had slapped cooper, quite hard as was needed, in the face, which while angering cooper to the point of showing teeth, sent him the message to stop and get the hell of her, his cock coming out with an audible pop..

Jenny snapped back from her interesting history with her junkyard friends to the moment at hand. She stood there, in the midnight light, fully naked and feeling free as she’d ever been. The weather had cleared up while she was busy inside with oscar, and she could see the yard pretty clearly thanks to the yard lights her father had installed, however, the light covering her sex truck, as she was thinking of calling it, was near the rear of the yard, and her lazy father hadnt gotten around to fixing it yet. ‘hope he never does haha’ she laughed and ran her hands over her smooth body, tracing her fingers across her curves, up and down over her sensitive tits and hard nipples. ‘fuck im so god damn horny, I could take on an army of cock right now, and then some!’ she thought as her hand reached her swollen pussy and she slid her fingers inside with ease. the raping oscar had given her had left her soaking wetting and her pussy was actually gaping in desperate anticipation of being stuffed with cock.

She could feel some of oscars cum leaking out of her stretched asshole, and she took her fingers out of her pussy, stuffed 3 of them up her stretched ass and coated them in their mixed juices, then she brought her hand to her mouth, and one by one, licked the sticky mess off each finger. Doing this had turned her on even more , and she felt like her pussy was going to explode soon if she didnt get some relief. She looked back at the 3 dogs and got that slutty, evil grin across her face again. She wasnt sure how this was going to work, or if it would even work at all. but she didnt care, she didnt care if she got hurt. all she cared about at this point, was getting those 3 big beautiful dogs off, and she was going to do it come hell or high water.

She looked back towards Oscar. He had decided to gone for a nap towards the front of the cab, and Jenny decided against waking him. ‘he’ll wake up once the boys get to work’ she thought, and looked back toward the three horny mutts, wagging their tails intently infront of her. ‘alright boys, common up and join in the fun!!’ she called to them and they snapped. The three of them jumped into the back of the truck without a moments hesitation. Luckily this cube truck was big enough for the 5 of them to be realtivly comfortable. Jenny went to the rear of the truck once again, and reached for the sliding door above her, scanning the yard one last time, just to be safe. for a moment, Jenny debated leaving the door wide open, so that hear screams could echo the country side and anyone who happened to be passing by, may be able to see through the fence and watch Jenny being a massive dirty dog whore.

She loved the idea of being watched, she’d done webcam shows and the like in the past, even had one of her best girlfriends watch her get assfucked in a club bathroom once. She had loved that feeling, of another person watching her in ectasy, and getting turned on by it, the thought drove jenny insane with pleasure. She however, decided against making this a public spectacle, for now anyways, since if she had gotten caught, she would surely be in the deepest of trouble to say the least. She closed the door of the truck slowly, leaving about a foot open at the bottom for moon light, and to help with airflow. She noticed while oscar had been buried up her asshole that it had gotten very hot and sweaty and felt a breeze would be nice and worth the small risk.

She looked back towards the inside of the truck. The blanket had been balled up in the rape, so she spread it back out properly. she then looked over to the tripod, ‘fuck! how longs that been going on for?’ she trotted over to the camera and picked it up off the tripod, and looked at the preview screen. ‘holy, that was only half an hour with oscar! it felt like an eternity was he was knotted, ive got all night!’ she grinned, as she quickly scanned over the previously recorded footage of her and oscar. It was like oscar knew he was being filmed or something, He stood at the perfect angle for the camera to get great footage of the rape. Jenny felt flushed and wet looking at the footage, her hand subconciously made its way to her clit and was rubbing hard as she scanned the footage. She could see the pained expression on her face as oscar started his assult, and how that same pained expression soon turned to unimaginable pleasure, and she loved it. she finished scanning the tape and returned the camera to the tripod, setting up the angle again, making sure the battery would last, it would for another few hours anyways. She took a deep breath, took a look over the three horny mutts eyeing down their bitch, gave them a slutty grin, and pressed ‘Record’ on the camera. ‘alright boys, round 2!’

She stared at the three of them, and a wave of slutty submission came over her. She made a pact with the dogs, even though she knew they didnt understand her, it made her feel dirty to say the words outloud, ‘ I, Jenny, Submit myself to four dogs, for your service and pleasure. I will be your whore, your fuck slut, your cum dumpster. My body, my mouth, my tits, my pussy, my asshole, I give them all to you, to do with as you please. if I scream, go harder, if I yell stop, dont. Make me your dirty doggy bitch.’ saying this had Jenny almost cumming on the spot, and she could feel her cum running down her legs. she noticed the dogs sniffing at the air, searching for the source of the sweet aroma. Their eyes all drawn towards jenny, standing there infront of them, naked and flowing. Jenny, without thought, turned around, sunk to her hands and knees, laid her face on the cold truck floor, and wimpered. She wimpered like a bitch in heat infront of a horny stud, because thats what she was.

She was a bitch in heat, and she needed to be mounted. she heard the clatter of nails walking across the metal floor, she looked between her legs, and past her dripping pussy, she saw her three studs eyeing up their new bitch. In the past, she had done plenty with each of these dogs, but never presented herself like this. She was completely naked, on all fours bent over, pussy and asshole flowing with cum, presenting herself for three horny giant dogs. and she loved every second of it. then she felt it and nearly collapsed. The dogs has decided it was time to feast, and almost in unison, began licking furiously at her tingling body. she looked between her legs and saw a heavenly sight.

Cooper and dakota were both licking hungerly at her pussy and clit, digging their wet, rough tongues in and out of her dripping cunt, trying to lick up every last drop of her sweet cum, ‘good luck with that boys, keep it up, and im going to cum hard’ Jenny thought as she watched, she then looked to otis, who was obsessed with removing all the cum from her asshole. his tongue was huge in itself and it felt like he was licking her insides out. Her ass was still very loose and gaped from oscars rape that it took nothing for otis to bury his tongue deep inside her anus. she loved the feeling of a dog licking the walls of her asshole, and that, mixed with the two dogs feasting on her swollen pussy, sent Jenny over the edge. She came harder than she ever had before in her life, which is saying something considering how much Jenny masterbated.

But she had never came this hard before ever. It felt like someone was sending electric shocks from a car battery through her body and straight to her pussy, her pussy and ass clenched in orgasm but the dogs were too frantic and wouldnt stop their oral assualt on her. this proved too much for Jenny and she erupted like an overdue volcano. She sprayed the dogs hungry faces in her cum as she squirted over and over again, it was like she was pissing in bursts, and it sprayed everywhere. This just sent the dogs into overdrive. Jenny reached back with every bit of will she had, and spread her ass and pussy for the dogs to get a better taste. her nails dug into her skin as she continued cumming and squirting, for what seemed like ages, before her sensitive holes could take no more, and she collapsed flat on the floor, into a soaking pool of her own cum. ‘i must have cum two gallons there, holy fuck! that was amazing, ive never squirted before!’ she exclaimed to herself, her face laying in the pool of her cum, she decided if she was to act like a dog bitch, she was going to do it right, and proceed to lift her head, and lick at the pool of her juices, savouring the taste and get a good fill before rolling over. with some of her own cum still pooled in her mouth, she reached over for the steel bowl beside her, still holding oscars load from their fuck session earlier. She brought the bowl up to her mouth, locking eyes with otis while the other two stared at her, hungry for more. she poured some of oscars cum into her mouth and sloshed it around in her mouth with her own.

It was a unique taste, granted she had tried it earlier on her fingers, but drinking it like this, like a dog drinking water, turned her on so much more. she felt dirty, so very dirty and slutty, she loved being a dog whore and didnt know how she would ever go back. She took one more BIG gulp of oscars cum and set the bowl back down beside the blanket, well within reach. She looked over to her dogs and saw 3 beautiful pink tips sticking out from their furry sheaths. Jenny must have died and went to heaven when she saw this. her lips watered, her pussy tightened and flowed free with cum in anticapation. She got back up on all fours, feeling the expended energy finally taking its toll on her, but she summoned up the strength and began crawling towards the horny hounds staring her down. ‘no time for rest now, ive got work to do’ she said to herself as she arrived in the middle of the group of dogs. she sat back on her knees and lowered herself down to get a view of her targets. her eyes lit up like a little girl on christmas morning when she saw their big fat cocks, all sticking slightly out from their holsters. She debated which one to start with, and decided that it didnt matter, they would all get their chance. She reached out with both hands, one under dakota and one under otis, and began to slowly jerk their cocks from their sheaths.

Their cocks were already covered in precum and this turned Jenny on so much, she loved how horny she made her dogs, and loved how horny they made her. she stroked each dog with loving embarace, slowly jerking and rubbing their growing cocks, loving the slick feeling of dog dicks in her hand. but she felt for a moment, she was missing something. that moment quickly passed when she looked at dakota, looking somewhat left out, standing in the middle of the other two. Jenny felt bad for leaving him out, but did so for a specfic reason. Because of her frequent blowjobs with dakota, he had learned to mount her face with a simple command, which she issued to him an instant later. ‘ come on dakota, fuck jennys mouth’ and with that, dakota knew his role. now usually she was leaning against a couch and dakota could stand over her with his paws resting on said couch, and thus avoiding pain and injury. unfortunetly ( or fortunetly, depending) for jenny, there was no couch this time, and as dakota mounted her face, his paws landed on her bare back and began digging for grip. Jenny jumped at the sudden jolts of pain shooting up her back and winced, but, being the good dog slut she was, she did her best to ignore the pain, tilted her head to get a good angle, and swallowed dakotas big cock into her horny mouth and down her throat.

‘What a sight this must have been’ Jenny thought to herself. Here she was, in her dads scrapyard, in a junk trunk, buck naked, jerking off two big swollen dog cocks, while she let a third fuck her throat. god she wished someone would just stumble across her right then and there. throw up the truck door and see her acting like a little dog whore. she would love for a guy to be here, to help her, to command her, to punish her for being a bad girl. The thought of her dirty kink being exposed to a stranger was a very hot thought, especially if that stranger decided to partake in fucking her. She thought about going for walks with one of the dogs, going into a public park, finding some hidden bushes or something, just stripping then and there, and getting fucked by her pups for anyone to stumble upon. but fear got the best of her.

While she and alot of others were fairly open minded these days, all it would take is the wrong person and her life would be ruined. for now, that was just a fantasy, and she didnt have time to fantasize. She continued to jerk cooper and otis as she felt a familiar swelling and quickened pace from dakota. She knew he was close, so she opened her mouth up wide, stuck her tongue out, and let dakota fuck a load of cum into her stomach. she swallowed his load greedily, enjoying every last drop before licking him clean and spitting him out. dakota stood on her back a few seconds later, and then hoped off to rest and clean himself, leaving jenny with otis and cooper to satisfy.

She looked at their big bulging cocks, humping her hands as she slowly jerked each one of them. she tugged their cocks gently to bring them closer together and leaned forward between them. She was now on her knees, jerking two big, fat doggy dicks, just inchs from her face. She leaned in one way, than the other, taking each of their hot cocks into her mouth and giving them a nice hard suck and lick. the dogs reacted by shooting precum onto her tongue and she happily licked it up. she noticed that after a few sucks, otis was near fully swollen and dying to release. ‘nows my chance’ jenny thought quickly, and with that, she let go of the two dogs cocks, and turned, presenting her juicy pussy and asshole for otis’s pleasure. she reached back and patted her ass, signaling for him to mount, and then covered her asshole with her hand. She needed her pussy fucked, and she needed a big dog cock to do the fucking, right now. Otis got the hint, and mounted her without issue. His massive cock slid into jennys slutty waiting pussy without resistance, well, none that otis could force through, and jenny groaned as her pussy was impaled by her dogs gigantic dog. She loved the feeling of it. it streched her to the limits and she could feel every last inch as he slammed her pussy. She was moaning and pushing back against otis, meeting his humps, forcing more and more of his big dick inside her. she wanted that knot. that big fucking baseball knot, she wanted it stuffed in her pussy and she wanted to be a tied bitch for otis. This thought made jennys humps backward more forceful. she slammed herself into otis and screamed in pleasure as her pussy finally gave way to his giant knot. she felt like her pussy was literally ripped in half.

She screamed, she wailed, she started to cry, she tried to pull away but it was too late. She had gotten more than she bargained for and now she was paying. big time. Otis rammed her pussy like a jackhammer, slamming against her, forcing her lower to the floor, and as she got lower, otis got deeper. Her screams began to subside, her tears stopped flowing, and she began to moan. she raised herself to her elbows once more and started humping herself back against otis. fucking herself on his cock as hard as he was fucking her pussy. the feeling was driving her wild. did it hurt still? sure, a little, but the pain was turning her on even more. she was enjoying her pussy being ripped open and raped. just as she enjoyed oscar attacking and raping her earlier. she reached back with a free hand and slid 3 fingers all the way to the last knuckle. deep in her asshole as otis fucked her. her ass was still raw and sore from oscars massive cock, but she didnt care as she stuffed a fourth in, fucking her asshole in tandum with her pussy.

She forced her hand deeper up her streched ass.slipping in her thumb and burying her hand, raping herself like oscar had. the feeling was undescriable. She felt pleasures she didnt know ever possible as she was rocked by yet another orgasm. she exploded and screamed her lungs out. Her ass and pussy contracting around the objects filling them. This proved to be the last straw for otis apperently as Jenny began feeling warm busrts deep within her cervix. Otis was emptying his load inside her pussy and she was dying from the amazing pleasures washing over her. She reached over deperatly with her free hand for the silver bow, luckily it was still within reach. She placed the bowl tightly between her knees right underneath her pussy. She came again as otis began filling her up, partly from the thought of the load of doggy cum she was going to collect , but mostly from the fact that otis was humping like crazy as he came, making jennys eyes roll back into her head. Her fist still buried in her ass, her pussy orgasming and being filled with sticky dog jizz once again proved too much for jenny, and She blacked out right during her orgasm.

As she lay there unconscious. Otis finished his rapid humping but was still tied to Jenny. He began tugging against her and with a rough pop, his dick slid out of her gaping cunt, followed by a literal river of her and otis’s cum. pouring into the bowl below. Lucky for jenny that she placed the bowl there or that would have been a big waste of cum. Otis walked away to lay down and care for his swollen cock as cooper took his place. While Jenny was still blacked out, Cooper raped her asshole. It wasnt particularly his fault, as her ass was slumped down, and her asshole was still gaped open from the self fisting she had just given herself, giving cooper the perfect hole. He mounted her with force, probing the tip of his cock for her holes, he stuck it once into her sloppy pussy and accidently pulled out, but, finding his mark before, cooper rammed with all his force to find that same mark again, except he missed. and he buried his significantly large cock up jennys ass, knot and all, in one thrust.

A thrust that drove jenny into a startling wake. She awoke to the feeling of both extreme pleasure and pain, and it was a feeling, she thought, she could get used too. She lay there, being raped up the ass by cooper, being a good submissive bitch. As she looked down to get a good view of the action, she noticed her bowl, almost 3/4 full, still sitting between her knees, she grinned, and started humping back into cooper, fucking her ass deep onto his dick. It wasnt long before that familar swelling and pumping feeling filled her ass and she knew he was dumping a big load in her gaped asshole. she kept humping against him, fucking more and more cum out of his full doggy sack, getting every last drop she could into her ass. After what felt like 20 minutes, she could feel the pumping had finished and cooper had successfuly breeded his bitches ass. She reached back around her ass, wrapped her hand around the base of his knot, and literally yanked his big swollen cock and knot out of her ass. The pain was immense, but so was the pleasure, so she felt it worth it.

She held his cock in her slippery hand as she began pushing the load of cum out of her sore asshole, and into the bowl below. it flowed out of her like water from a tap, and filled the bowl almost to the top. Her mouth was watering at the sight. She turned around so the bowl was beneath her swaying breasts, and took coopers cock, which she was still holding, and sucked and licked it clean, from knot to tip. she loved cleaning her dogs cocks of their mixed juices, just like a good bitch would! Then she looked down at the bowl full of their cum, almost all their cum, except for dakotas, which was seated happily in her hungry tummy. Something took over her in that moment.

Some raw, animal, primal, slutty whore side of her grabbed the bowl from between her leg, leaned up a bit, being careful to allow cooper to continue raping her, while she, in one continuous pour, gulped down load after load after load of mixed doggy and pussy cum. The feeling was euphoric to say the very least. She gulped down as much as she possibly could, and any she missed poured warmly over her body, down her breasts and stomach, and across her sore, swollen pussy. she loved it, every second, she would never shower again if she had her way. She realized the time. ‘oh FUCK!’ she yelled at herself, hours passed between her first rape with oscar and now, and her parents would be waking up soon. she needed to move, now.

In a flurry, she was packing all her gear up, she closed the camera, excited to view the footage later in privacy and masterbate, and packed it away in her bag with the tripod and bowl. She threw the blanket into the back corner of the truck and proceeded to get dressed, slidding her shirt and shorts over her slimey body was a feeling she very much enjoyed. She felt like a whore, a dirty filthy doggy whore. and for the first time, she actually felt like she WAS one. She made her way to the back of the truck, threw open the door, and began her journey home, but not before giving each dog a kiss goodbye and a thank you for the lovely night spent. And with that, she was off..

To be continued?

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