Women with Animals
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The Girl on the Train


© 2017 by Mbf17

Part One

Sara was in a hurry. The train would be pulling out in 20 minutes and even though the traffic wasn’t bad it was going to be tight. She needed to be on the late train out of Kings Cross otherwise she wouldn’t make that morning meeting in Edinburgh .Make the train, make the meeting, make the deal and make a fortune in bonuses. This was her chance to take a seat at the top table and with it the life she had dreamed about. Sara knew that she was cutting it fine. The weekend fucking Karl had taken its toll. That said, a nap on the train and a couple of hours prep time and she would be fine.

The cab pulled up at the station with under 5 minutes to go. Sara grabbed her small suitcase, briefcase and handbag and ran like crazy, hoping she would make the train. The guard was holding open the door to the 1st Class carriage as Sara ran down the platform and with literally seconds to spare, she stepped onto the train. Flopping down into her seat she was pleased to notice that she was almost alone in the carriage, she kicked off her shoes and curled up across both seats and closed her eyes.

Sara desperately needed to sleep but the events of the weekend were never going to let that happen. Images of Karl and the way that he had sexually redefined her life were way too powerful for that to happen. Almost everything Karl had done to her was a new experience and she loved it, all of it. Saturday though, was a whole new ball game and now, as the train shuddered on its way out of the station, she took her mind back to Karl’s apartment and all that happened there. Sara was no sexual novice. She had, under Karl’s guidance tried many things and loved it all, particularly the threesome when Karl’s best friend Pete had joined them. That was just a couple of weeks back and Sara hoped that it wouldn’t be too long before she would taste Pete’s cock again. She was especially keen to see Pete again after watching one of Karl’s homemade porn tapes not many hours earlier.

Karl would often play porn tapes on his large screen tv whilst fucking Sara. Many of the tapes were of Sara herself and sometimes they were of strangers, particularly if Karl was introducing something new to their lovemaking. Saturday was something new alright and Sara could not get it out of her mind.

Karl was bringing Sara to her third climax when the tape started. Sara was on all fours with her breasts low onto the bed and Karl was rhythmically fucking her anus whilst at the same time cupping her pussy in his hand and massaging her clit with his thumb. Sara was swaying her hips to Karl’s rhythm and loving every thrust of his thick cock. She just loved the sensation of his cock almost popping out of her anus before being pushed back in. The pleasure of this was so intense that Sara barely noticed the tv playing. It was only when she heard Pete’s voice on the tape that she looked up. Pete was fucking a dark haired voluptuous woman hard and she was moaning very loudly. Watching the tape was bringing Sara to a climax and she had to alter her rhythm to hold off the orgasm. She wanted to watch where this tape was going and see what was in store for this woman with the wide hips and the ample cleavage.

Pete had not been fucking the woman for more than a few minutes when he stopped and asked her if she was ready. She nodded and with that a man came into shot with a black Labrador dog on a leash. The woman flipped over onto all fours, readying herself for the dog to take her.

The owner of the dog was masturbating the dog gently and as its penis started to engorge he pulled the sheath back over the already swelling knot. The dog had socks taped to its front paws and legs and it was getting very excited at the prospect of what was to come.

It was Pete that lifted the dog onto the woman and guided its penis into the woman’s vagina. The dog began humping and very quickly the whole of the knot slipped inside the woman. The effect was instantaneous, she bucked violently and screamed out as the orgasm ripped through her body. This was all that Sara needed to reach climax herself and she too screamed out as Karl, sensing her orgasm, pushed his penis all the way in and hard.

Sara’s thoughts were quickly brought back to the present by the train guard who was moving down the train checking tickets. After her ticket was punched and the guard moved on, Sara became aware that she was very wet and aching for sexual release and although there was hardly anyone on the train, she decided against pleasuring herself. She got out her laptop and began her preparation for the meeting hoping that this would be enough of a distraction. And mostly it worked. The sensations between her legs subsided and she was becoming more focused on her work.

If Sara thought that work would be the subject on her mind for the rest of the journey, she was badly mistaken.

It was still the early hours of the day as the train pulled in to York and a number of passengers were waiting to get on board for the journey to Edinburgh. Waiting patiently for the train was Caroline Svensson and her dog Kai. Caroline was a hugely successful business woman and owned property in London, York and Edinburgh. Her business was as unconventional as it was controversial but all the same, had earned her a fortune. She provided sexual services for wealthy men and women, not just any run of the mill services, but services of a far more rare and specialised kind. Caroline enjoyed her work immensely and whilst the money was welcome, in truth, she would do it for free. She enjoyed sex with both men and women equally, but nothing could compare to the feelings she got from her horses and dogs. They took her to an altogether higher level of pleasure, another world. Especially Kaiser, Kai for short, a huge black and tan Rottweiler, who was patiently waiting by her side.

Caroline and Kai boarded the train and made their way to her reserved seat. She was a little irritated to find that she would be sharing the group of four seats with a young woman, despite the carriage being less than half full. She took the outer seat, opposite the young woman, whilst Kai stretched out underneath the window. She smiled politely at the young woman opposite who returned the gesture, but in smiling back, Caroline noticed the eyes of the young woman flicker across to look at Kai and wondered if the young woman was frightened by Kai or was it something else ? ………..

Sara watched with interest as the elegant woman and her giant dog walked down the carriage looking for her reserved seat. The thoughts of the woman on the tape being fucked by the black Labrador were still dancing around her mind and secretly she hoped that the lady and her huge dog would be sitting close by. When the lady with the dog took the seat opposite and the huge dog lay out next to Sara, her heart skipped a beat. The dog was laid on its side and Sara could see his large cock and enormous balls. The pink tip of Kai’s cock was poking out of the sheath and Sara knew she was becoming unstoppably aroused. She smiled back at the Lady who’s arrival added fuel to the fire that was beginning to burn between her legs.

Sara’s mind was fixed on the tape she had watched whilst Karl was fucking her. The older woman’s shaved pussy had been pounded by the Labrador and was now being filled with cum as the dog was now quite still, just holding her firmly, his anus flexing as he pumped his semen deep inside her. At the same time the woman was sucking on Pete’s cock and unashamedly moaning and convulsing as another orgasm raged through her body. All the while, as she was thinking about the tape, Sara was looking more and more frequently at Kai’s cock and the impulse to finger her own pussy was becoming overwhelming.

Caroline, watching Sara from the opposite seat, was becoming more and more convinced that this young woman was being aroused by the site of Kai’s cock. After all, she had seen that same look hundreds of times before. Caroline pulled up her skirt a little, revealing the tops of her stockings and watched Sara to see if there would be any reaction. Caroline was not disappointed, she watched as Sara, clearly becoming more and more aroused, began caressing herself. All the while, she noticed that Sara’s eyes flicked between Kai’s cock and her stocking tops. Caroline pulled up her skirt a little further so that her pale skin above the stocking tops was now visible. The effect on Sara was immediate, the urge to masturbate overwhelming, the need to climax unstoppable. Caroline wore no panties and pulling up her skirt still further, revealed this to Sara who was by now fingering her own pussy frantically.

Caroline could sense that a climax for Sara was fast approaching and wanted to make the moment special. She bent down towards Kai and gently began stroking his cock. He engorged quickly and Caroline slipped his sheath over his expanding knot. She sat back in her seat and put one leg on the spare seat next to her. This had the effect of displaying her shaved pussy to Sara. Using her forefinger and ring finger she opened her labia and gently caressed her clitoris with her middle finger.

Sara realised very quickly that the elegant woman sat opposite had noticed Sara’s interest in the huge dog laid between them. Sara also realised that some sort of sexual game was in play, the way the lady had hitched her skirt a little at a time and the way she was being watched. Sara was up for this game, it was exciting and she desperately needed to climax. Her mind drifted back to the tape and the sight of the black Labrador pulling his cock out of the older woman. The dog’s cock and knot were huge and the amount of cum that sprayed from the woman’s pussy was astonishing. After withdrawal, the woman spun round and began greedily sucking the Labrador’s cock which continued to spray cum down her throat and chin. Pete pushed his way in, so that the woman now had Pete’s cock as well as that of the dog in her mouth. Back on the train, Sara could feel the approach of her climax and when the woman opposite began stroking the cock of the beast at her feet, revealing his massive pink cock in all its glory, the climax was unstoppable. The sight of the lady opposite opening up her pussy in plain view and the thought of sucking that magnificent dog cock gave Sara one of the most intense orgasms of her life. It was surge after surge of unimaginable pleasure. The spasms were so powerful that she thought her chest would cave in. Her legs squeezing her hand so hard that the breaking of the bones in her hand was a real possibility. She would certainly be having a conversation with Karl and Pete when she returned to London!

After Sara had reached climax, Caroline pulled her skirt back down and settled into her seat for the remainder of the journey. Astonishingly, not a word had been spoken between the two women, yet something very intimate and personal had just taken place. Caroline could wait for her sexual pleasure, that would come later in the day up on the farm with her dogs and horses.

As the train pulled in to Edinburgh, Caroline got up first and along with Kai began to make her way to the door. She hadn’t gone more than a couple of paces when she turned around and placed a beautifully crafted business card into Sara’s hand.

“Give me a call” was all that Caroline said as she made her way off the train.

Sara looked at the card in her hand. It simply had Caroline Svensson’s name and cell phone number. She tapped the card on her hand as if she was thinking about something, then, putting it away in her purse, stepped off the train.


Part Two – Sara’s Journey

Sara’s head was spinning. She had no idea how she had managed to close the deal that had been her purpose for travelling up by train to Edinburgh. Sure, she was in the room and pitched the sale beautifully, but in truth, her mind was still on that train and wasn’t thinking of anything other than the huge black and tan Rottweiler that was laid on its side by her feet. The way the elegant woman gently stroked the dog’s cock and pulled the sheath back over his knot made Sara’s heart jump. The dog’s cock was huge and if she could she would have rammed it all the way into her pussy. As it was, the sight of this mysterious lady sat opposite, lifting her leg on to the seat and playing with her beautiful pussy was all it took to bring the full waves of the most intense orgasm to come crashing over Sara.

Just after one in the afternoon, Sara was back at the hotel and was laid on her bed thinking about all that had happened in the last couple of days. The video tape of Pete, the voluptuous woman and the black Labrador had most certainly triggered something inside Sara. The orgasm of the woman in the tape was explosive. The way she bucked and shuddered and the sound she made as the Labrador pounded her to a climax made Sara think about the experience from her own perspective.

Watching the tape had made Sara receptive to the idea of canine sex, even if she had yet to fully realise it. Had she not seen the tape, the events on the train would never have happened. Where did these feelings come from and what was she going to do about it? Could she even handle a dog as big as the one on the train? The dog’s cock was truly enormous and the knot was the size of a couple of tennis balls. How would that work? As Sara lay on the bed thinking of very little other than canine cock, her hand had slipped under her panties and her fingers were caressing her clit. She climaxed very quickly and being utterly exhausted, fell into a short but deep sleep.

Sara woke just before five and went straight to the shower. As she sat combing through her hair, she picked up the card that had been given to her by the elegant lady on the train. She looked at it for a couple of moments and momentarily wondered whether or not to make the call. Sara knew she was on the edge of something that was dangerous but was in equal measure, profoundly exciting. She came to the decision that she knew all along would be her choice and reached for her phone.

Caroline Svensson’s day was very much business as usual. The encounter on the train had been a delicious distraction. She loved watching the girl’s reaction as she stroked Kai to erection and drew back his sheath to reveal the dog’s impressive penis. Caroline wondered if the girl was a canine virgin. The way the girl looked at Kai’s cock told Caroline all she needed to know, if she hadn’t already tasted dog cock, it was only a matter of time.

The girl was young, extremely pretty with a good body and Caroline wondered if she would ever see her again.

After leaving the train, Caroline headed out to her small farm. It was located between Edinburgh and South Queensferry, sandwiched between a couple of golf courses with views over the river. This was her favourite place. She enjoyed riding out on her horses almost as much as fucking them and whilst they could never pleasure her as much as the dogs, taking the fully erect stallion in her mouth or pussy was a truly unique experience.

The farm, however, was not just a retreat for Caroline Svensson, it was the lynchpin of her business. More clients came here than the houses in York and London put together. It was the attraction of the larger animals, the horses, ponies and boars that brought the high rollers in to town. It was one of her regulars that had booked a full afternoon down on the farm. Paul and Lynn Cooper had more money than could be spent in ten lifetimes and were determined that no sexual experience should pass them by. Paul Cooper would get Madame to fuck him with a huge strap-on whilst he watched his wife Lynn suck on one of the ponies. If the day went well, Lynn would get her wish to fuck a boar. The Coopers loved cum and lots of it. Paul Cooper loved nothing more than to eat the cum of a horse or dog straight out of his wife’s pussy and it was worth every penny of the large fees demanded by Madame. She ran a professional, secure business that was non-judgemental. Best of all, whatever the Coopers demanded it was always catered for. Madame had a number of other men and women only too pleased to be a part of the Cooper’s pleasure-dome life.

So it was that just before five in the afternoon, Paul and Lynn Cooper headed for Edinburgh Airport after an afternoon of sexual gratification that was towards the upper end of the Richter scale. Caroline Svensson was well pleased with how well the afternoon had passed and knew that it wouldn’t be too long before the Coopers would be returning. Caroline showered and feeling refreshed, poured herself a large gin and tonic, distilled locally in Edinburgh. She stood outside the back of the farmhouse watching the horses in the paddock enjoying her drink immensely. The Pickerings gin was delicious and Caroline enjoyed it most with a slice of red grapefruit. Her simple pleasure didn’t last long as her phone started to wring. Very few people had her number and almost no one had her number that wasn’t already in her contact lists. The number flashing up on her phone was one that wasn’t in her contact list. She answered the phone formally and politely, a smile flickering across her face when she realised who was making the call.

Sara’s heart was going like a hammer and she began to feel sexually aroused when she made the call to the elegant lady on the train. Sara knew exactly what she was going to be asking for and the thought of it turned her legs to jelly. The phone rang for a long time before it was answered, adding to the tension and excitement that Sara was feeling. Eventually, a silky voice came over the line
“Good afternoon, Caroline speaking”
Sara replied “Hi my name is Sara, we sort of met on the train this morning”
“Oh Hi, I was rather hoping you might call, how can I help?”
“Hmm, this is a bit awkward to say, so I’m going to come right out and say it. I’ve never had sex with a dog and I would like to try…. I think you might be able to help me with that.”
“Well, yes, I probably can help but I’m fully booked up, I’ve really only got this evening free”
Sara’s heart was beating so fast she thought it might jump out of her chest
“OK, well tonight would be perfect for me, if I wait, I might lose my nerve”
“Good, that’s settled then, I’ll pick you up in an hour. Where are you staying?”
“I’m staying at the Scotsman^
“OK see you in an hour”

When she came off the phone, Sara was shaking like a leaf. She was a sexually experienced person and in most senses, completely unflappable. But this! Well, this was something entirely different. This was total taboo, illegal and dangerous, yet the way she was feeling, nothing in the world would make her late for the rendezvous with Caroline.

Sara was dressed in jeans and a blouse, her makeup light and delicate. Her underwear was expensive and sexy and she looked absolutely gorgeous. She waited in the bar, sipping her second vodka and staring, absentmindedly at the oak panelling and thinking of nothing but the night to come.

Caroline Svensson was never late and walked in to the foyer of the Scotsman Hotel precisely an hour after she had hung up the phone. She knew the hotel well and made her way to the bar. She had met her clients here on a number of occasions and always found it to be a hotel where discreet conversation could take place without worrying about what other guests were able to hear. She saw Sara sitting on a grey fabric chair, towards the corner of the room and well away from the bar.

“Perfect choice, no one to listen in” thought Caroline as she made her way over towards where Sara was nervously getting up out of her seat. Caroline greeted Sara with a full-on, sensual kiss on the lips that seemed to Sara like it was never going to end. She felt Caroline’s tongue dart into her mouth and slide across her teeth, she also felt a hand cup her breast and gently squeeze her nipple.

“Christ, we haven’t left the hotel yet” thought Sara as she at last broke away from the embrace and sat back down in her seat.

Caroline took the seat opposite, straightening her short leather skirt as she sat.

“Sorry about that, couldn’t resist, you truly are gorgeous”

Sara smiled at the compliment, her face giving no clue to the turmoil she felt inside. As she looked at Caroline sat opposite, Sara could see that once again this confident, older woman was without her panties. The sexual, electricity between the women just cranked up a couple of notches and Sara could feel that warm, moist feeling in her pussy begin to send signals to her hands and fingers. She consciously placed her hands on the arms of the chair and forcibly closed her mind, at least for the time being, to what was happening between her legs.

“So, I’m Caroline and I’m here to help with the matter we discussed on the phone”

“It’s not something that has been on my mind for any length of time. In fact it was only watching a homemade movie the other night that ever put the thought of it in my head. And then seeing you on the train with your dog this morning, well, that’s got me thinking of nothing else. The desire of having your dog, a dog, any dog has completely overwhelmed me. It’s kind of unstoppable now”

“I have a small farm, just forty minutes from here. There are dogs, horses, ponies and other large animals there. Would you like to come and play? There is a price. “

“Okay, no problem. How much?” said Sara, barely able to contain her excitement

“I have you first!”

The journey to the farm went by in a blur of dreamy expectations of things to come.

Sara was impressed by the fact that Caroline had her own chauffeur, a balding, older guy, smartly dressed in a suit and tie. The car was a Range Rover, top of its class with beautiful white leather upholstery. Caroline was holding Sara’s hand and gently massaging the back of it with her thumb. Sara had no problems with the thought of sex with Caroline, she was, after all, very attractive and this was not new ground for Sara. She had experienced some of the best sex of her life with other girls.

As the car sped along through the beautiful Scottish countryside, Caroline turned to Sara: “Fucking you is not only for my pleasure, Sara. It’s necessary to prepare you for Kai. When I showed you his cock on the train he wasn’t fully erect. He is quite magnificent when he is aroused and his cock is huge. He will want to pound you with it too. If I’m scaring you, don’t worry, I have other dogs”

The way Sara was feeling, fear didn’t come in to it. She was so aroused that all she could think of was fucking them all!

The farm was on raised ground which gave spectacular views over the river. The house and outbuildings were pristine and the land around was well tended. Private too, with a deep band of evergreen conifers creating a very secluded barrier around the property. Caroline had asked about Sara’s plans and it was quickly agreed that Sara would stay the night. There would be no need to watch the clock and that suited both women just fine.

The conversation between the women was easy, helped along by a couple of drinks. Caroline was quite guarded about how much she would tell Sara about her business and no mention was made of her many clients. The sex talk was open and explicit however and was steadily having its effect on Sara. She readily described some of the more unusual aspects of her sex life, particularly her time with Karl. For her part, Caroline explained that sex with men no longer held any appeal.

“Sara, experience tells me that once a woman has fucked a dog, two things can happen. One, the experience is a disappointment. The itch is scratched and it never happens again. Or, two, it’s the best sex of your life, nothing comes close and you become a k9 girl for life.”

“I can tell you, most women choose option two!”

Sara nodded secretly thinking that if a choice had to be made she would probably also be an option 2 kind of girl. Sara, already aroused, looked at Caroline with an appreciative eye. The mature woman sat opposite wasn’t tall like Sara, five-four at best but she had good legs and a very ample cleavage. Caroline was sat right back in the large armchair with her legs up on the seat with her shaved pussy on display. Sara watched as Caroline touched her lower lips, gently opening them to reveal her swollen clitoris.

“Do you like what you see?” she asked.

Sara nodded, her breathing getting deeper and the impulses to shove her tongue deep into Caroline’s sex getting ever stronger.

Caroline could sense that the time was right to move upstairs. She silkily moved out of the chair, grabbed Sara’s hand and together climbed the stairs to the bedroom.

“I’ll just be a few minutes, how’s about getting undressed” said Caroline as she headed out through the door to her dressing room. Sara undressed quickly and laid back on the huge bed and began to think about what might be coming down the road.

“ How big can Kai’s cock be?” she thought and what about the other dogs, if Kai’s cock IS too big?

After a few minutes Caroline returned to the room carrying a small suitcase. She was dressed in black fetish leather and looked sensational.

She opened the case and selected a strap-on double dildo. She stepped into the straps and inserted one of the dildos deep inside her shaved pussy. She then buckled the straps leaving the larger of the two dildos prominently sticking out in front of her. She climbed on to the bed next to Sara and began to caress her breasts. Sara’s response was immediate, a gentle groan followed by a full kiss to the mouth of Caroline, her tongue thrusting deep. Caroline continued to caress Sara’s breast, rolling her thumb across the nipple and kissing her fiercely, their tongues now darting around as if in some kind of exotic dance.

Caroline slipped her hand down between Sara’s legs and was not disappointed, the girl was soaked. She opened Sara’s pussy with her fingers, eagerly seeking out her clitoris. Once found, she began to stroke around it and across it in a deliberate pattern, steadily increasing the frequency and intensity of it. Sara began to moan louder and deeper as Caroline skilfully brought her to her first powerful climax. Caroline was keen to keep Sara on the boil and quickly spun around into a 69 position. She plunged her tongue deep into Sara’s creamy pussy and quickly found her clitoris. She pulled Sara’s legs back, giving her tongue greater access to her pussy and her anus. Now, with a mixture of licking across Sara’s clitoris and sucking it into her mouth, Caroline began to flick her fingers across the puckered skin around Sara’s anus bringing about another shuddering orgasm for Sara.

Flipping Sara over onto all fours, Caroline now pushed the large dildo all the way in to Sara’s pussy and began to fuck her, slowly at first, but gradually building up the tempo. The action of fucking Sara with the double dildo began to weave its magic on both women. The knobbled dildo that Caroline had inserted in to her own pussy was rubbing along her clitoris with every thrust she was giving to Sara. This was amplified by Sara who was thrusting herself back onto the strap-on dildo with each push from Caroline. Without realising it, the women were in perfect harmony and were very quickly bringing each other to a climax. It was Caroline who began to orgasm first and the way that she began to shudder as she convulsed with the power of it was all that Sara needed to tip her into one more intense orgasm of her own.

Before Sara could flop, face down on to the bed, Caroline withdrew the strap-on from Sara leaving her on all fours with her buttocks high in the air. She then shuffled up behind Sara and using both hands opened Sara’s vagina. She looked at it appreciatively and said gently

“I think you are ready for Kai”

Unfortunately unfinished due to the closure of the Beastforum…

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