Women with Animals

Under Cover Assignment for Reporter leads to unbelievable Sexual Encounters


Interviewed and accepted as a young reporter for the universities campus broadcast station .. my first year heard about one of the senior professors accepting sexual favors for good grades – enrolling in his class my spring semester, he was easy to convince I’d do anything for a good grade … once I had everything needed, we published the news coverage on a Friday evening, all with recordings of him explaining what an “A” took in his class – by Monday, he was gone, the school administrators threatened to shut down the news broadcast … when I showed them the footage we had just recorded, they came out publicly telling the student body, they had been working with us on this undercover problem – the school would not put up with any facility member abusing their power – I had made a name for myself as a good reporter … more stories for the next three years landed me a top notch position with a local affiliate – that lead to a national position and finally by the time I was in my late twenties I was working for an international company, specializing in finding heavy reaching stories about such things as sex trafficking, animal cruelty, female abuse and so on … many of these stories taking place outside the United States jurisdiction, but none the less important to the world.

College taught me a cruel lesson, the fact how I looked was almost as important as how tough the questions were – so between my junior and senior year, I had an enhanced boob job – they were so big they literally shook when I walked, a tummy tuck gave me a super thin waist and bimbo blonde hair rounded out the ditzy look I needed to get in many doors otherwise would have been locked. Adding a set of 5 inch fuck-me-heels rounded off the perfect look.

That brings us to my current situation. We had received some reports of animal cruelty taking place inside a large pharmaceutical research company, located in a small island off the coast in South America, but really under no legitimate government jurisdiction.

At first it looked like a simple … slide in take some pics and leave story, but when Jean never reported in … our management became concerned … by now the cruelty stories had changed to genetic changes taking place with the animals, forcing them to perform un-natural sexual practices with various species.

Liz was a seasoned pro, graduating with a chemistry major, so she could easily get in to check on our missing reporter, as well as find out what was going on. Our human resources department set up a back life story … she contacted us when she was having her first interview … more reports when she was interviewed by a specific department … then we received a shot of Jean, but her body had been changed, it was her face … the rest of her body was blurred, even then nothing looked like her in anyway. That was also the last communication Jean sent to us.

Legally we had no way of filing a missing person report, the facility was out of our jurisdiction and since no real government oversaw them, all we could do was try and figure out a way to show the world what was happening, then maybe a deal to release the two reporters .. a deal with the devil looked like the only card we could play.

That was when our security division brought me in … they had a new security camera that could be implanted in my left eye … giving our office the same views I would be seeing .. while we were working out the details of this, a new report arrived telling us they had succeeded in cross breeding multiple species .. humans mixed with various animals, various animals mixed … all with some sort of sexual end result. This new information really worried us .. consequently within a few weeks, the implant had been completed, it was broadcasting clear perfect pics – a few days later I checked into a hotel not far from the plant. Since I wasn’t planning on going in the front door, I just checked in as a tourist … equipped with a couple of self-defense items … a couple hours after the majority of the staff had left for the weekend, I breeched a outer fence, moving easy to an area patrolled by a single guard, stripping off my blouse … I found a male faced with 5 hours of loneliness vs fucking a huge titted blonde … was not a tough decision .. when he saw me, in moments I had his pants down, stroking his shaft .. as we kissed, a drugged ring needle sent him into a pleasant sleep – one that was guaranteed to keep him dreaming of sex. The entrance he was guarding was not locked, allowing me easy access in a few moments.

We had done a preliminary review of the facility, taking the elevator to the third floor .. stepping out … within moments my facility saw what I was looking at. A room to one side, large glass windows showed what looked like a horse bred with a ape … standing on two legs, a huge horse cock, being pumped in and out of a helpless primate … it looked like they were trying to get the female pregnant – the strange thing was how susceptible she seemed. The size of this cock, was making her excited. The next room had an ostrich with what looked like a pig penis, impregnating a strange looking gator mixed with something … she was snapping while that curly shaft continued to fill her …

I could hear our staff gasp, just as a voice shook me to the bone, “Well well well, if it isn’t our famous Nikki the famous reporter. I see you love the combinations we’ve created … stunning aren’t they … but I’m curious – no camera, so why are you here?”

What I saw was a man, but with the body of a snake and the biggest cock I think I’ve ever seen. It was semi hard, sticking out a good two feet in front of the slithering body. I recognized him immediately, “You’re Mr. Goodwin, the CEO of this facility, but I guess I’ve never seen your whole body … but you’re correct I was curious to see what was happening and where our two missing reporters are”

That answer amused him, “Oh we have them together, they’re enjoying each other more then we expected … but we figured they’d send one of the companies heavies … believe me, you’ll love what we have in mind for you”

What I had showed the company so far was more then enough to bring down some heat on this place, so I was more then confident … tipping my head, “And what thinks you can capture me? Do you have some magical product that will turn me into one of your sex craved bimbos?”

Taking hold of his identification badge, “Oh we’ve already done that … without this identification badge, the whole facility is filled with our sex drugs” Then an evil grin, “Oh I know you don’t believe me, but the air that fills the whole facility is designed to spike the arousal in any living thing … that’s why known enemies are fucking – don’t believe me .. your nipples are already harder then they have ever been, the moisture between your legs is building up .. in moments, I’ll escort you to our changing room … a few hours in there and you’ll be ready to join your two workers, but I think designing you to breed with a goat would be fantastic” Then he laughed … “A female goat”

I heard what he was saying, heard him say I’d be breeding a female goat … but more important was the way I was feeling. What he had said about the air may be correct, for no reason I was becoming aroused .. then to my shock, he brought out his cell phone, typing in something, instantly filling our area with a pinkish air … it hit me so hard, had to lean against the wall to keep upright … back in the office, everyone was seeing what was happening … but the CEO explained they could do nothing, there were no authorities they could contact … all they could do was watch.

Knowing I was in deep trouble, never considering the whole facility would be filled with a drug in the air … then he intensified the dosage .. making my eyes roll up in my head .. he slid behind me … in a few minutes, without any resistance from me, stripping me nude – bending me over one of the display cases, slid that huge snake cock easily inside my well lubricated pussy.

Remembering back, never has anything felt so arousing and exciting as he was making me at this time, but I was enjoying sex with a snake, an altered snake, but still a snake with a huge cock, what had I fallen into —- the way his body moved in and out of me .. despite what I was feeling, my body betrayed me, pushing back, whimpering .. all the time writhing around this fantastic shaft.

It didn’t take long, when the warm liquid started to fill me, the sensation triggered on of the most intense climaxes my body has ever experienced … wave after wave of pleasure washed over me … eventually my legs gave out, slumping down on the ground … his and my own nectar running out of me …

Adding insult, sliding around to my front, shaking that monster in my face, “Lick it clean … I need you to taste the new delicacy all of our seed has now … lick it, clean me completely”

Normally I’d have told him to go to hell, but something in the drug I’d been breathing had awakened a deep submissive need … not able to resist a command, as instructed I started to lick the combined juices.

I’ve given a few blowjobs in my life, so I know how a human males cum tastes – but this was like nothing I’d ever tasted. It was sweet, no salty taste … as soon as I had swallowed some, a new internal need came over me , wanting more and more, until finally I was on my knees, sucking, licking, swallowing as much as I could get … surprisingly, he knew I needed more .. as soon as the shaft and balls were clean … guiding my head over the head of the shaft … it felt like a controlled blowjob .. he’d fill my mouth, I’d swallow, more in my mouth, swallowing on and on … until finally I couldn’t take anymore. Falling back to the ground, my usually flat tummy now looked like I was pregnant. Leaning down to me, “All of our seed has been drugged to make you permanently submissive to any and all commands we, the staff, gives to you, now tell me what I don’t know about you coming here?”

Despite all the training I’d had, the drug had washed away any of that, telling him all about the special lens I had in my eye, all the information we had gathered on his organization, as well as what we planned on doing with what we already had. He listened intently, smiling as he looked at my eyes, “Miss Leslie, since you are watching what has been going on, let me show you how well I am treating your two reporters who arrived here ealier”

By now, nothing was shocking me … so when two chimpanzees with tits bigger then mine and a cock as big as the snake boy’s, showed up to help me move down the hall, I wondered what the staff was thinking now. These two had human qualities, the tits were human, the cock had the shape of a human, but they were so big … easily picking me up .. we moved to the end of the hall, entering a secured room, one that required his badge.

As soon as we stepped inside, a room to our left, lit up, showing two strange women … looking closer – it was my missing friends, Liz and Jean, but they were different then I had remembered. First both of them now has huge boobs, almost twice as big as mine, then to my shock, both had huge cocks …

When we saw them, Liz was fucking poor Jean in the ass .. the expression on Jeans face told me she was in heaven, her eyes were rolled back, opening then closing. He told me they were like life size rabbits, literally fucking all the time. Then the shock of all shocks hit me, “We’ve decided boobs and cocks are necessary for all of our creatures we keep here, so good news, the next stop is to make that possible for you”

Although almost everything was a blur, adding a penis to my body, making me look like one of them, sunk in … turning to him, “Please I beg you please don’t do this to me … I’ve given you all the information you asked for … I’ll do anything, become anything for you but …”

That was as far as I got …one of the chimps gave me a shot in my bottom, almost immediately rendering me helpless … still fully aware of what was happening but unable to speak or resist.

A exam cart was pushed up by me, easily lifting me up to it .. starring at the ceiling … taken to the end of this area, into a smaller room … again lifted onto a large medical type of table.

Someone put in an IV line on one arm .. a huge machine was pulled over me … one extension arm pulled down, covering my entire pussy … then it felt like a dildo was guided inside me … next two identical extensions covered my boobs … he was behind me …”Let’s give her double F tits and maybe an 18 inch penis … that should be sufficient for any breeding we may need”

I heard what he said, at that moment I’d have agreed to anything if this somehow could be stopped … but within seconds one strange looking animal pushed a syringe in the port of my IV .. eyes closed as a relaxing sleep took over.

As soon as I was out, they propped my eye with the camera open, so everyone could see what was happening … at the office there was an uproar to do something … my poor boss Miss Lesie looked on in horror, dropping her head … “He has gone way beyond anything we could ever have imagined, but there is nothing we can do. No agency will intervene, no government oversees them … I wish I could help in someway but there isn’t anything anyone can do”

I love waking up from a Propofol induced sleep … the time has been so peaceful – slowly opening my eyes, hearing people talking … I was in a different room … my body felt funny in all sorts of ways, but no pain … maybe a little arousal … that’s when that creature came up to my side … “Everything went just as we had planned .. you have a whole new body, one I’m sure you’ll come to love”

They wheeled an overhead mirror for me to look at, tears filled my eyes as soon as I saw what they had done. My nearly perfect breasts now looked like cartoon balloons … then the shock of my life .. where my shaved pussy had been, was now a huge, fully erect penis … he reached out stroking it, instantly causing me to moan … spiking my arousal so quickly, I thought I was going to explode … he moved his hand to my new breasts, just sliding a fingernail over one of the nipples made me whimper …”We’ve made sure anything will turn you on, even the air-conditioner will bring you close to an orgasm … we’ve changed your DNA slightly … if all goes well you will be impregnating several female goats that we’ve prepared just for you.”

Then he pinched the nipple, making my new cock jump … turning to someone in the room, “Why don’t we help her to our first subject and see what happens?”

Everything he had done to me, along with the new sensations I was feeling with my cock, had me in such a horny state … what was happening became a blur … the two chimp looking assistants helped me up, placing me in a wheel chair – making several turns, finally entering one large room .. a small bed to one side, a fridge and some food on the shelves … a small bathroom just past the bed …then I saw the goat … a female goat … when she looked at me, those big brown eyes melted my heart … the new stiffy shot out hard as a rock, already leaking … moving to her as quickly as I could, sniffing her back side then licking it … knowing how ready she was … not taking any time to arouse her, grabbing hold of her broad hips, driving the new monster all the way in … the feeling of being inside her, the tightness of the walls … my whole body began shaking … pumping in and out, I found each time I’d bottom out, my cock would empty a load of seed … pulling out, pushing back in … more seed …. this went on and on for what seemed like a long time, so much semen had been pumped in her, when I pulled back, it would start leaking out, running down her legs … eventually, I could no longer stand, pulling out .. stumbling to the bed … dropping down on my back, my hands becoming soaked in the juices .. licking them dry then back to the shaft, gathering more.

Like the snakes, mine didn’t taste anything like human cum … more sweet, tasty. As sleep slowly took over, looking at the goat laying on her side, licking the cum still oozing from her pussy … what had I just done? I’d had sex with an animal, a goat .. I’d let a snake seduce me … my two lost friends were shemales, like me and fucking each other … the last thoughts before exhaustion took over, ‘why had we ever gotten involved in this story’.

She was licking my cock when I woke … looking at her, an internal desire building – stretching then mounting her as soon as I was up, this time staying in her, pumping my new cock in and out a little faster, each time realizing nothing felt as good as this shaft, being deep inside a body.

When I had filled her with as much as seed as I had stored, pulling out, this time going to the kitchen area, replenishing the much need food and drink … returning to the bed, but this time taking time to explore the new additions to my body. The tits were super sensitive, nipples even more so … the cock felt strange, stroking it, I realized why guys love feeling themselves … this thing was fantastic.

Fucking the goat for two straight days, sleazy Snake Man joined us, telling me my companion was indeed pregnant … now they’d wait to see the off spring .. then decide if this was a path they needed to pursue. In the mean time I was going to join my old work companions. Jean and Liz were surprised to see me … both rushing to hug me … kissing me, our cocks banging each others bodies … Jean stopped, “So you’ve been fucking, but have you been fucked with this new body?”

Shaking my head, Liz was already behind me, slipping her tool easily deep inside my virgin ass .. the feeling was unbelievable … looking at Jean, my eyes became instantly clouded with desire … in a whimpering sound, “OMG I never knew it would feel like this … oh please fuck me, fuck me hard and long … please oh please make me cum”

The new feeling, never experiencing any anal play prior to this, it only took a few minutes … my cock shot a load of creamy cum all over Jean, who was more then ready to drink all of it …

My camera was still working … a few weeks later, the huge facility had an older lady walked in .. stopping at an automatic welcoming device … “Hell-o Miss and welcome to Goodwin Pharmaceutical Research, how may we be of service to you?”

She was dressed in a simple pull over short skirt, her larger then average breasts, seemed excited … her nipples showing hard … a nervous demeanor seemed to be all around her, leaning in close …”My name is Barbara Leslie … I’d like to see Mr. Goodwin if he has time. I’ve been watching three of my reporters and would like to volunteer my services if he has the time or an opening”

An automatic door slid open, the statuesque lady walked through, as soon as the door closed, slithering up behind her, “Welcome to my facility Miss Leslie … I thought you might be joining us after watching the video”

She looked at him, at his cock, knowing as the door closed behind her, she’d never leave … smiling … “I love what you did to my girls … do you by chance have any openings for me?”

Without being asked, she took off her clothes … allowing him to look over her entire body … he moved slowly around her taking in all she had to offer … she didn’t notice the same pinkish color surrounded them – before she knew what was happening, it was becoming difficult to stand on her own … moving quickly behind her, the huge member sliding easily between her legs, reaching around – cupping each of her ample boobs … kissing her neck … her eyes had already rolled up in her head .. she was having a hard time keeping them open … never being as aroused as she was at this moment … also having no idea of what would actually happen.

He slipped his cock inside her, burying it, balls deep, “We’ve been preparing two large apes .. the male has a 14 inch cock … but he will only fuck a human shemale. She is in prime breeding condition … the way we’ve programed her … she’ll stay in this condition for a week … we can have you ready to fuck her in 48 hours … but first being able to fuck you has been something I’ve thought about for years”

Two days later, she was led into the area containing the two large apes. The sleazy snake came to get me … when we moved to the window … I couldn’t believe what I was seeing, Barbara with a huge cock, fucking a female ape, while a large male was fucking her.

Watching one of my best friends … instantly made me extremely horny, not objecting when the snakes cock slid inside me …”She is a natural isn’t she?”

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