Women with Animals

The Alien Re-population Required Strange Sexual Pleasures


Prior to Elena’s arrival

Elena was a stunning , flawless-model like living being … from human standards, her beasts were large … nipples erect with a quality of being in need of some attention … skin tone bronzed to a perfect depth … summarizing what she was like .. a sex bomb waiting, begging and pleading to be used, enjoyed.

She was one of a dozen identical females listening to the sad news their planet was dying, their species was dying … they did not have the ability to reproduce … that was the bad news – the good news, each of them had the ability to reproduce by using creatures from earth. They were instructed on ways to contact a human female, seduce her, implant a series of eggs – help her fertilize them on a daily basis … hopefully giving birth to a dozen or more small creatures, all nursing on the heavy milk filled breasts, each impregnated female would have … then when a few weeks old, the new ones would be sent back here for instruction and growth – thus within a few years, the new population would be stable to sustain new life, as has been enjoyed for ages.

Elena was assigned to come to earth, enabling her to visit a pre-determined area, hopefully seducing a targeted female – possibly more, impregnating each one … then waiting to see if and how many little ones would be produced.

Angie’s world is turned upside down

Leaving work early on a Friday afternoon, I was more then pissed … calling mom ….”Hey is it OK if I come to your place to stay for the weekend?”

My mom has always been the one person who could easily read the mood I was in or what was wrong. Her voice changed immediately, “Honey what is wrong? Are you and Ralph having problems?”

Explaining I’d just found out he was cheating on me … one of my work associates had a luncheon appointment at a private club … she immediately recognized my boy friend … taking some pics – showing them to me as soon as she got back, I called him … from what I heard, he and this new bimbo were in some hotel … when I heard her ask him who was on the phone … that ended our relationship.

Mom of course said she’d love to have me stay for as long as I needed. That evening we cried together, ate ice cream finally falling asleep in my old room – crying

When I was a young girl, not far from our home, deep in the forest surrounding the home, was a large flat rock, seemed to be made for mom and me to relax, soaking up the sun – a special place, no one ever was there – it was a perfect place to think out problems .. that was exactly what I needed that particular Saturday morning when I woke.

Showering, slipping on a simple sundress and sandals … since no one was ever there, I planned on soaking up the rays nude, deepening the already bronzed skin covering my body … packing a few snacks, some water … feeling naughty as a slight breeze moved between my legs, making my pantyless pussy becoming slightly aroused.

The path to the rock is narrow, windy, slowing climbing slightly – until it suddenly opens up a few feet from the flat surface. I’d been here so often … combined with how depressed I was feeling .. I’d stepped out a few feet from the surface … stopping dead in my tracks – a stunning young lady was laying face down on the stone … nude from waist up, the smallest shimmering bikini bottom , barely covering anything. Her breasts looked large, the shaved area between her legs .. smooth but puffy lips displayed a definite moisture, making me wonder what she was dreaming about.

I didn’t recognize her, but the place was open to anyone, not solely mine … keeping as quite as I could turning to leave before I disturbed her .. “Don’t leave on my count. I’m surprised to see you here Angie, I was actually expecting your mom to come … sounds like something has gone wrong with your personal life, please come and join me”

I was more then startled, how had she heard me come up, how did she know my name, why expecting my mom … who was she … so many questions as she rolled over on her side … a full view of her magnificent breasts – they looked almost swollen .. they could have been full of milk, but her body gave no indications she had been pregnant .. before anything was making any sense, “You look like this has not been a good week for you, why don’t you let me move so you can take this place … maybe even telling me why you’re so sad?”

Moving, patting the stone next to her …. somehow I trusted her, tears flowing down my face, while I told of the shithead I’d been dating and what he did … she had moved closer to me, wrapping her arms around me, pulling my body to her … Telling me how sorry she was that I’d hooked up with someone like him … totally surprising me, leaning forward, kissing me … her tongue tracing my lips.

I have never been interested in developing a relationship with a female .. never even considered or thought anything about this .. but where her tongue had touched, licking my lips, tasting something so sweet, so desirable … my eyes flashed wide open, looking at her to see what it was I tasted … smiling the second kiss happened just as fast, but this time, her tongue slipped inside my mouth.

What I had licked off my lips .. .the taste seeming to excite me quicker then I can ever remember .. now so much of it available to me, my body betraying my common sense, started sucking on her tongue .. getting more and more of the golden taste in my body … my poor eyes closing to only a slit … my mind trying to warn me of the dangers.

Being sufficiently aroused, pulling away from me … “Why don’t I help you slip off the covering … you came here to relax and enjoy the sun .. we can lay on the rock together”

Still having no desire to explore a lesbian relationship … wanted so much to fight what was happening, the little dress slipped off without any resistance … at the same time her small bikini seemed to disappear without her getting up – moving so we were facing each other, our boobs teasing with erect nipples .. her tongue back in my mouth, giving me even more pleasure then I ever thought possible … gently guided my hand between her legs … having never felt anyones skin as soft and somehow exciting like her pussy felt … running my whole hand over the puffy lips … somehow she twisted her body, so my finger slid deep inside her … it felt like the opening was pulsating, drawing first the one finger, then adding a second .. until my whole hand was inside her … while that was happing, she moved my head down to her breasts, guiding me over one nipple – as soon as I started to suck, a creamy liquid, the same taste her tongues saliva was like, but now much more concentrated … the first mouthful I swallowed, spiraled my world out of control

Deep in my subconscious it was screaming for me to get away, I also knew her juices were drugged, plunging into a sexual fervor I was enjoying way too much to try and stop …

Drinking the steady flowing liquid, moving my hand in and out of her cunt … was more than I could ever have dreamed of happening … suddenly something moved into my hand …the hand inside her … it felt firm and yet soft, moving like a snake, back and forth, from side to side … everywhere it touched seemed to excite me …

Her hand moved to the back of my head … she was so strong held me there easily … whispering to me, “There there Angie, just relax, keep drinking the wonderful tasting milk I’m giving you .. what you’re feeling won’t hurt you, it is getting ready to help in the changes your body will be making .. I promise you’ll love every moment of it”

Changes, what kind of changes was she getting me ready for … but something in the milk, this strange thing in my hand, had me in an erotic frenzy … not sure what was happening to me.

This strange new thing kept growing in my hand, eventually forcing me out of her body … then shaking off my hold, it weaved back and forth, knowing exactly where it was heading … I knew what was coming – where it was heading, but her hand held me against her boob, having to drink more and more of the addicting liquid … unable to put up any resistance.

It entered me slowly, twisting, turning, expanding my opening .. moving from side to side, it felt like tiny bites were causing me pain .. this combined with the intense pleasure her milk was giving me … caused me to spike even higher … my body writhing from side to side ..

I’ve enjoyed sex with a few guys who had big cocks .. and I realized ‘size does matter’, but I’ve enjoyed some fun sex with various sizes … now however, this one was bigger in size – that combined with the way it was moving … unbelievably different then anything I’ve ever experienced … I needed to breathe, but her hand kept me drinking … the more I consumed, the deeper in the sexual zone I was falling

Suddenly it must have been deep enough, or the area opened wide enough … pulling her hand away, allowing me to stop sucking on her nipples

… the tube started pumping, but instead of filling me with normal gooey cum … instead it was depositing eggs inside me … one after the next, totally more then a dozen when finished … I could feel what had happened … before I could ask why, she triggered the much needed climax … this one however wasn’t stopping … wave after wave of pleasure … the cream washing over the new eggs, soaking each one … eventually flooding them, along with her creamy substance – mixed to give the proper fertilization so the little ones would successfully grow.

None of this made any sense … however after both of us had time to rest and relax, I was told the combination of our two juices fed the soon to be newborns … neither of us by ourselves could help them receive the nourishment needed to continue to grow. To my delight I would need to return here everyday, so the two of us could feed the little ones.

Laying on my back, enjoying how she was playing and teasing my nipples .. thinking that this was not only the best sex I’d ever enjoyed, but possibly the best I’d ever enjoy … my breasts were feeling funny, like they were becoming heavy … opening my eyes … looking at her, a smile spread all over her face … “Your milk is coming in – it won’t be as seductively strong as mine, but more then adequate for what I need you to do”

I was to seduce mom, bring her with me tomorrow … the two of us would be new mommies and so happy to be pregnant with lots and lots of little ones. We continued to enjoy each others bodies with multiple sexual couplings over the next few hours, early evening my milk had completely come in … dad and my brother had gone on some kind of a sporting event, leaving mom home alone.

She was in the kitchen as I came in, not looking … “So how was your day by the stone, relax and get your head somewhat straight again?”

Moving behind her, wrapping my arms around her waist, pressing my new larger breasts into her back, kissing her neck …. my new seductive scent surrounding her … “I found a perfect young lady who has changed my life.

Mom knew I had not been interested in any female to female relationship, what I said surprised her, turning … looking at me, realizing something was different … my saliva was not as seductive as my new companions, but sufficient to start the seduction … kissing her on the lips … allowing my tongue to trace her lips, leaving the moisture … automatically she licked the new taste

Complete satisfaction came when I watched her eyes roll up on her head … the second kiss, much longer, more passion – my hands gripping her bottom, squeezing .. enjoying the way she started to suck on my tongue just like I had earlier with my new lover.

Slipping off my covering, moving her head to one nipple … she started to suck the erotic liquid, since this was the first time I’d nursed … the feeling so exciting along with knowing many young lives were growing inside of me …

It took a little over an hour to almost empty the one breasts … slipping her clothes off … leading her to my bedroom, exciting her pussy, moving fingers in and out … enjoying the feelings rushing over my body as she empties the second udder. Multiple orgasms have her in a euphoric state … sleep overcoming both of us .. my day has been long but so exciting … knowing mom will soon join my good news … waking early the next morning, letting her relieve some of the pressure each breast was feeling … satisfied she was in the sexual haze needed to meet my new friend .. Elena was sunning on the rock when we arrived .. hugging mom, I relaxed, not far from the two of them, watching mom’s body being prepared to receive little ones like I had growing in me …

Making sure both of us enjoyed a combined climaxes to feed the little ones, late in the evening we headed home. We weren’t sure why, but both of us had been instructed to seduce my dad and brother … bringing both of them to her the following day.

Holding hands on the way home, both of us giggling, knowing we were both pregnant .. mom decided to be with her son, while I focused on dad.

Dad was watching some sports event when we arrived … mom headed up to Steve’s bedroom, joining my father in the study, “HI Daddy, how was your trip?”

Turning off the TV, looking at me … telling me he was fine, but more important how was I feeling … he was so sorry when he heard what the young man had done … offering a place by his side …. instead I slid in on his lap … the new scent, quickly had him floating in a euphoric haze … wiggling my bottom several times – becoming satisfied when his tent started to form under me … Not wasting any time, leaning in to kiss him, plunging my tongue deep in his mouth … it only took a few moments for him to start sucking on it … the pressure underneath me becoming more exciting, making me wiggle continuing to enjoy what was happening.

Undoing the buttons on my blouse, exposing these new more excitingly full orbs … the nipples already starting to drip a few droplets from … Dad still had some of his original inhibitions – pulling back … his eyes floating open and closing, having trouble focusing … “Honey this isn’t right, we can’t be doing this” Then he gave out a low moan just as I guided one nipple into his mouth .. a few droplets made him whimper …

A few swallows, had him excited when I stood, slipping off the shorts covering the raging hardness between his legs … guiding him inside me … returning his sucking to the addictive milk I was producing, gave me the chance to ride my dad, I was fucking my dad, each time I’d raise up then dropping down … it felt so naughty.

The thick creamy substance we had in our breasts only made us horny, but on males, it made it almost impossible for them to cum … so we just kept on doing what we both were enjoying … finally moving to his bedroom, we continued – until total exhaustion took over, dropping him into a deep sleep.

I had exploded so many times, normally I should have been exhausted, but some how fucking my dad had me so horny … I knew I needed more.

Joining mom, my poor brother was on his back, cock as hard as it had ever been, sticking straight up … mom and I hugged, “Wonder why she wanted us to seduce them, what does she have in mind?”

I had no idea, but both of us were way beyond horny, we needed to enjoy more pleasure in the worst way … the two of us joined sleepy on his bed, fucking each other through multiple explosions before sleep over took us.

Early the next morning, the two of us showered, gave more milk to dad and Steve … staying nude, we all headed to the rock area … as expected our new Mistress was waiting.

Walking around both of our companions, touching here and there .. squeezing their balls and shaft …”Oh these two are prefect .. let me take your dad first, while you two keep your brother entertained … then I’ll take care of him”

Taking the opportunity to climb up on my brothers cock, closing my eyes … how good he felt … started to ride him, just as dad was led to the edge of the surface … leaning him over, she stepped in behind, pushing her cock in easily. Looking at dad’s face, it was obvious he was in some pain … but at the same time there seemed to be more pleasure … she kept fucking him … when she pulled out, a funny pale green liquid fell from the tip of her shaft …rolling dad on his back, she repeated the process on my brother … “While we’re waiting for their bodies to change, why don’t I help you feed the little ones?”

We spent more then two hours enjoying the way each of us could feed the growing little ones, while she was in us, one explosion after the next took place, the combined liquid running from between our legs … that was about the time mom noticed dad’s body was changing. He was developing small breasts, it looked like his penis was shrinking – looking at both of them … there was no doubt – both were shrinking while developing a serious set of boobs. I had enjoyed daddy’s cock as well as my brothers – telling her that … she smiled, “Believe me honey, I’ll give you more then enough cock … once I have them pregnant, I’ll be moving in with you and believe me I do love to fuck”

By mid afternoon both of them were totally female … it took a few hours to impregnate them … around 8 pm in the evening the five of us headed home, all happy .. four of us pregnant with multiple alien species … Our new Mistress moving between bedrooms, triggering multiple climaxes each day … she had indeed kept her word, we were being fucked more times each day then we ever expected.

Approximately three weeks after my initial encounter with Elena, my former boy friend Ralph – knocked at our front door … we were all relaxing in the family room, none of us wearing any clothes .. “Not speaking to anyone in particular, “It’s that shithead Ralph … don’t answer it, just let him stand there, I’m not interested in talking to him or seeing him”

Jumping up, Elena heading to the front door, “Oh but I am .. anyone who has hurt you is an enemy of mine”

Staying nude she answered the door, “So you’re the idiot who hurt my friend .. please come in”

Seeing her nude, more then surprised by this … he was speechless, but stepped inside. As soon as the door closed, she blew a redish mist in his face, rendering him instantly helpless, unable to speak, only look at the four of us … recognizing both mom and me, not familiar with dad or my bother, since they were completely female now. HIs eyes were wide open in surprise as his clothes were taken off. Stepping in front of him, a huge cock grew out of the middle of her pussy. When it reached approximately 16 inches … you could see the fear in his eyes.

She stepped around behind him, forcing that huge member deep inside his ass. I had stepped up close to him … the pain in his face was so obvious, forcing tears to run down his cheeks. His own penis was harder and throbbing more then I had ever seen … My Mistress leaned over his shoulder, “I”m pumping a special liquid deep inside him … why don’t you start to pump his cheating cock, I think you’ll love his punishment”

Doing what had been suggested, each time I pumped him, the length and girth of him began to shrink .. a few pumps, his normal 7 to 8 in shaft was down to 4 inches … few more pumps, I had to switch from my hand to holding him with two fingers … eventually he was around an inch long and so tiny in girth, my fingers were close to touching. “I think he’s as small as it can go, any smaller I won’t be able to hold him”

That was when she pulled out of him, with him looking down … “With that little thing, you won’t be cheating on anyone again – no one will want someone with a tiny bitty little penie. I have added a need to be fucked in your ass on a regular basis as well as changing your macho attitude to one of completely feminized … good luck”

Looking at me, “I …oh noooo, I came here to apologize … but what have you done to me … this can’t be true … I can go to the authorities, but if you change me back, I won’t say a thing”

We all laughed, mom was the one who asked him if he was going to tell the police, “I had a huge cock and now nothing, the nude girl changed me … that should give them a good laugh, now get out of here before we call the police and have you arrested.”

He gathered his clothes, left crying … that brought on a huge cheer from all of us … looking at this impressive cock, “I guess we’ll never know how much that thing can do, but we love when it is used on us”

This brought a flurry of more laughter.

Approximately three months after the first meeting, we all gave birth to over 50 small creatures, all hungry, all clamoring to drink the milk each of us had … laying back, having multiple creatures crawling all over me, each one taking a few swallows of my rich milk .. sexually more arousing then anything so far … a few weeks like this, they were all packed up and sent back to their planet … the four of us were pregnant again … this looks like our new life for the near future.

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