Women with Animals
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Kara’s survival training


© by Tamedwolf

In order to become a park ranger, Kara must undergo survival training with a mysterious man who lives in a cabin in the woods​

Chapter One

Kara leaned against the wall as she listened to her boss’s weekly speech. Kara worked for the Parks System and had her dream job as a park ranger at the Old Mountain National Park. She loved the outdoors, even though she’d been raised as a city girl. David, the park director, gave a weekly staff meeting to set the agenda for the coming week.

“Ok, as you know, our rangers as required to undergo a survival training course.” He said motioning towards one of the other female rangers.

“ Debbie has just come back from her week long course.”

Debbie, a bust blond smiled, ” It was fantastic! I learned so much.”

Kara and Debbie had been friends since they started working there. She’d not had a chance to talk with Deb since she’d gotten back from the training course.

“ Kara,”, David said, ” Its your turn this week. I assume you have a bag packed.”

“Yes”, she responded, dreading the weeklong trip.

With that said, the meeting broke up and everyone went to their tasks. Kara moved towards her friend, but saw her looking at David, as if she were expecting something. David walked in to his office and looked back and gave her a nod. Kara watched as Deb jumped and almost ran in to his office. The door shut quickly behind her.

She was a little disturbed by this. Deb disliked David, thinking he was just a young college grad that had connections, which got him a good job. She looked around and saw that everyone else had left the small building to get the park ready for tourist. She walked to the door and peeked in the window. She was shocked to see David sitting behind his desk, with Deb on her knees in front of him, her head bobbing up and down.

“Excuse me, are you Kara?”

The voice made her jump in the air. She was shocked at what she’d just seen and frightened by the unexpected voice. She turned to see a 50ish year old man in the doorway.

“Yes” she said sheepishly.

“I’m Jack, are you ready for your survival training?”


Chapter Two

They rove a short ways to Jack’s cabin, where he asked her to go in and they’d do some book training before they mounted the horses and rode up in to the mountains. She went in to the small cabin. It was cluttered with all kinds of mountain and survival gear.

“ Ok…the first and most important part of survival training is learning to relax and not allow panic or fear to rule the day.” he said as he waved to a small couch.

Kara took a seat, as he dug in a box for something. After a moment, he pulled out a small candle and lit it with a lighter.

“ Now, just watch the flame for a moment and concentrate on it.”

She smiled, ‘what’s this crap…..’ she thought.

“Just relax and watch. You must learn to relax.”

She watched the flame, noting the colors and shape of the flame. He was saying stuff but she really wasn’t paying attention. Her mind seemed so relaxed and open. Thoughts kept entering her mind…. Thought that seemed so right and necessary. I want to learn…..must listen to Jack…he will help me be the best park ranger…..everything I do is for my own good…..everything he teaches me will make me stronger…..must open my mind to new things……must look at bad things with a new light…



Kara climbed on to the large black horse. She loved riding and knew she’d be doing a lot of riding this week. She looked over at Jack as he mounted his horse, a strong brown stallion. Running around the horses was Demon, Jack’s German Shepard. As the horses started down the trail, Demon followed, occasionally running ahead to scout the trail for them.

“Ok, we ride for an hour and then stop for another meditation secession.” He said.

“mmmmmm, sound great”, she purred.

They rode all afternoon, each hour stopping to meditate, at which time, Jack would hypnotize Her and help her to learn the skills she’d need, and pushing his suggestions deeper in to her subconscious.

As they rode, Jack told her different tricks to surviving in the wild. He watched her lovely frame as it bounced on the horse’s back. Her perfectly round ass fit the saddle nicely. While her large breast bounced deliciously around. She look at him and realized he was studying her body, but it didn’t bother her at all. Normally she hated men that looked and lusted after women, but she thought ’ he needs to study my body to make sure I’m riding correctly.’

“Ok, now lets talk about some unconventional means for getting food in the wild.”

She looked over to him, ” What do you mean?”

“Well, what if you didn’t have any food, and there was no source of food around. What would you do, if you and I had left our food at the cabin and were stranded out here?”, he asked.

She looked around, ” and no food out there?” waving her hand around.

He laughed, ” You could pull a Bonnie O’leary.”

“Whats that?”

“A hundred years ago, a ship sank in a storm in the Atlantic. A group of survivors had escaped in a life raft. 9 men and 1 woman. During the weeks they were at sea, the men slow began to starve, because they had no food. Bonnie began to perform oral sex on the men. She told them that she wanted to do her part to keep them happy before they all starved to death. She was sucking them off one at a time, several times a day. What the men didn’t realize was that she was really feeding off of them. Their seaman was helping to fill her belly and keep her alive.”

Kara looked at him, ” but I don’t get it.”

“Well, seaman is full of vitamins and minerals and proteins. It is a life producing mixture. Once your mind overcomes the idea of where it comes from, you see that it is the perfect food.”

Kara had always hated oral sex, but her mind told her that this was a great trick to surviving. As her mind was absorbing this, Jack just smiled.

“Repeat this.”, he said activating a trigger he’d implanted in her subconscious. “All cum is good for me. My body needs to feed off others.”

Without realizing what she was saying, Kara began repeating the words. Her mind absorbing her own words as the truth. All the time, she didn’t even realize that she was talking.



They set up camp and started a fire. Jack quickly helped Kara to relax and put her under. When she awoke, she could only think about the Bonnie O’leary story.

“Damn,“Jack said, ” I think I forget to pack enough food.”

This triggered something in Kara’s head. She was so hungry, and Jack was right there….. waiting to feed her.

“Its ok.” She said as she pushed him back and unzipped his fly. With a skill that amazed her, she had his cock out and stroked it until it was hard and ready to feed her. She lowered her mouth to it and swallowed it quickly and hungrily. Jack just lay there and let her work. After watching her for the day bouncing around on the horse, he couldn’t hold it long. He erupted and came in her waiting mouth. She swallowed every drop and purred as she kept milking his cock for more.

She could not get full, however. The rest of the evening, she sucked and milked him for every drop she could get.


Chapter Three

The second day and night was spent riding deeper in to the mountains, with an occasional stop for the wonderful meditation secessions and Kara’s feeding. The third day, Jack decided that Kara was ready for more.

As the rode, he asked, ” What would you do if I weren’t here? How would you feed?”

She shook her head, “I don’t know.”

“Well,”, he started, you could do what the old gold prospector did in Alaska during the gold rush of the 1800’s.”

She looked over at him and asked, ” What was that.”

“Most of them were alone, except for their dogs that pulled the sleds.”. He watched in satisfaction as she caught what he was saying, but didn’t flinch. “They’d pull the Bonnie O’Leary trick by using the dogs.”

“Sound a little gross.”

“Not at all, after all, dogs are much cleaner animals then humans. In addition they produce far more pre-cum and cum then a man.”

Kara took the words in, she thought that she should be grossed out, yet she seemed ok with this. In her mind she heard the words, ‘all cum is good for me. My body needs to feed off others.’ As she rode on, her mind kept thinking about feeding. The day’s trip was like the one before. Riding for a while, meditation and feeding.



Day four of Kara’s survival was almost over. She rode with Jack deeper in to the mountains, with Demon, Jack’s dog leading the way. The day had been as most on this trip had been. Riding for a while, followed by a mediation secession, where Jack would hypnotize her and reinforce his suggestions. This would be followed by a feeding in which Kara would suck off both Jack and Demon, drinking there to nourish her own body. Kara loved this. A few days earlier, she’d always detested oral sex, but now, she knew that cum, all cum was good for her.

Jack and Kara got the tents up quickly and then started cooking dinner. As always, dinner was light and this left Kara hungry, but she knew how to deal with this. But before she could get Jack’s cock free from his pants, he stopped her and suggested another mediation secession.

Kara sat back and allowed her mind to drift away to the sounds of Jack’s words. Jack smiled as she slipped away in to this state. She just sat there, her eyes open but staring blankly ahead. Her mind was totally open to suggestions. For the last few days, Jack had been programming her to enjoy eating cum. She now craved it, but she didn’t realize it. More then that, he’d been able to get her to open herself to eating all cum, not just human. She now knew with out a doubt, that all cum was good for her. He wanted to have some more fun and open her up a little more. He’d been working to make her realize that she could act and dress, or undress, to create arousal in him, as a way of feeding more often. Now he wanted more, not just oral pleasures. He wanted her to give herself to him. He’d need to make her open to more suggestions. He smiled as she sat and accepted his words, his suggestions, and his commands as absolute fact.


Morning of day 5​

Kara woke up and looked around the tent. Jack was still asleep. She smiled and decided to let him have a few more minutes. Demon, who had been asleep looked at her and panted. Kara got up on to all fours and moved to him. She began rubbing him and rolled him on to his back. Demon knew what was coming nest and his cock automatically began to emerge from it sheath and take life in her hands. Kara lowered her mouth and began to suck the life juice from him. As her head bobbed up and down, her mind raced. She kept thinking about sex. It had been a good while since she’d been fuck by anyone. Her pussy felt so empty. Even though she loved the taste of cum and loved getting it, she knew that her body could absorb cum that was shot in to her pussy…. Or even her ass. Ass, why had she thought that. She hated anal sex, but if it meant getting cum, she didn’t seem to care.

She continued to work Demon’s cock when she realized that something was rubbing her pussy. Her mind wanted to stop and look around, but something in her head told her to suck the cock until it came. The something that was rubbing her was moving towards her lips, probing its way in to her. The pleasure was wonderful. Her mind was filling with a dizzying lust as the something pushed its way in to her. She wanted to react, but she knew that she must satisfy the cock in her mouth and feed from it. Her mind finally connected to dots and she moaned as Jack’s cock began to pump in and out of her. Demon lost himself and began filling Kara’s mouth. She drank greedily as Jack pounded her pussy. She pulled her head off of Demon and screamed as the orgasm overtook her. Her body shivered and then she was reward as Jack filled her with his cum.

He pulled out of her and sat back, a devilish grin on his face. Deep in her mind, something told her that she’d been taken against her will. She’d not asked him to do this to her. If she’d wanted him, she’d have sucked him off. But she smiled as the suggestions took over her thought. Jack had been good enough to feed her pussy. Her pussy had been hungry and she needed it fed.

‘All cum is good cum.’, she thought to herself.

“Thank you, I need that.” She said to him as she lowered her head and milked Demon’s cock for the last few drops of cum.

“Not a problem, You can’t just go around nude all day and not expect me to fuck you.”, Jack responded, watching her move from Demon over to him. Kara lowered her head and milked his cock for the last little bit of cum, then began to lick his cock clean. She found that she loved the taste of her own pussy on him.

In her mind, his words struck a cord. If she were nude all the time, he’d want to fuck her. Yes, that was the key she needed to hear.



They broke camp and began to ride further down the trail. Kara’s nude form bounced around on the saddle. Jack’s eyes stayed on her, watching her breasts bouncing around and her ass slapping against the saddle. For Kara, the feeling of her naked pussy rubbing against the saddle and her ass being slapped by it was keeping her in a constant state of arousal. Her mind was filled with images of sex and cocks. Jack would try to tell her about some of the natural highlights along the trail, but she kept changing the subject of conversation back to sex. He smiled, knowing that his suggestions were in complete control of her mind now. She was becoming obsessed with sex and cum.

They stopped at a creek for lunch and mediation secession. The ride had been long for a change. Kara feed from his cock, Jack fell asleep. She smiled as he laid there, his limp cock sticking out of his pants. Kara walked down along the creek for a bit and stopped, lying down and stretching out in the grass. The sun felt so good against her naked skin. She laughed as she thought about how she used to be. So shy and hated sex and cum. She had been so stupid.

Demon walked up to her and began sniffing at her. She pulled him to her so that he was strattleing her face. She raised her head and began to feed. Demon held his place as she milked him. After a short while, he came, but moved so that his cock was pulled out of her mouth, spraying her face with his seed. She laughed. Demon, having been spent, walked off in the direction of Jack. She smeared the cum around on her face and neck. Something in her head told her that the cum was good for her skin.

She lay there for a good while, half asleep, then woke up, feeling a dark presence near her. She looked around and saw a large dark wolf emerging from some bushes. His eyes were locked on her. She froze with fear.

‘Run.’ She thought. She slowly rolled over and got to all fours when she hear the growl. She froze. She could see the wolf out of the corner of her eye moving towards her. Fear paralyzed her. The wolf began to sniff at her. His nose touched her ass cheeks and she felt him pushing his was in to her crack. She winced. The creature moved around her and sniffed at her face. He licked her face and she realized that her face was still covered with the most dry doggy cum. The wolf licked a couple of more times. AS he moved on around her, she could see that his cock was becoming erect. In her mind, she realized that his knew that she had been sexually used by a dog. Her face was covered with his scent..with his cum. She had been marked by Demon as his property, and now there was another that was here to take her as his property.

Somehow the idea of being a dog’s property comforted her and aroused her. The wolf moved behind her and its tongue began to moisten her pussy lips. After a moment, she didn’t need his tongue; she was becoming wet on her own. She jerked as the wolf mounted her. His cock pushing its way deep in to her. She groaned as he began to work her. Kara could feel his cock swelling inside her. His knot swelled up and locked him to her. She couldn’t help but enjoy it. It seemed like hours passed before the wolf finally filled her with his cum, but not before Kara had experienced three delicious orgasms of her own.

‘All cum is good cum’, she thought automatically.

The wolf stayed inside her for a few more minutes until his knot had shrank. He then pulled out, growled a couple of times then darted off in to the forest. Kara just stayed there, on all fours with Demon’s cum on her face and the wolf’s cum dripping out of her pussy. She didn’t know what to think. A wolf had just raped her, but something inside her told her that the wolf had been nice to satisfy her need for sex and her craving for cum. She stayed there for a little while longer until she heard Jack calling for her. She jumped to her feet and ran to him.

After telling him the story of what had happened, the two got back on to the horses and began to ride. She’d wanted to jump in the creek, but Jack had told her not too. As they rode, he explained why.

“You should leave the cum on your skin. It’s good for you. The vitamins and minerals are absorbed by your skin and It’s health. Haven’t you ever heard a guy say that to you?”, Jack said.

“Yeah, but I thought it was just some guy thing to degrade women.”

“Many guys say it for that reason, but in reality, cum is very good for the skin.” Jack smiled as he talked. He had been planting suggestions about this.


Later that night​

The two had eaten and Kara had fed from Jack and Demon. This was followed by Meditation secession. Afterwards, Jack needed to test her on a few things.

“Kara.” He asked, “When you told me about the wolf, today, you said that he raped you. Do you still feel that way about what happened.”

“No…I don’t. I think he was just aroused by the doggy cum on me. He couldn’t help it. Besides I was horny anyway and needed a good fuck.”

“Good, I would hate for you to have something bad happen to you while you’re under my care.”.

She smiled at him for his concern for her well being. She felt her face and felt Demon’s dried cum on it. The wolf’s cum had dried all around her pussy and ass. Jack saw what she was thinking about.

“You can wash off tomorrow, it get more to rub in to your skin.”, he said to her in a soft voice. ” I remember in college, a girl from one of the sorieties would came to the frat house. She liked to get naked and have us all jack off on to her. She’d have her face and chest covered with cum.”

“MMMMM, sounds nice.” She purred. “Too bad there aren’t a bunch of guys here. I might just try it.”

Jack laughed, “I can’t cum that much. I’d have to be a horse to produce that much cum.”

They laughed and made love before sleep finally took them.


Day Six

Jack woke up. Something seemed wrong. He looked over and saw that Kara was gone. Demon was lying there. His cock was wet. He knew that she’d fed before she left the tent. He got up, not bothering to dress and stepped out of the tent. Kara was tending to the fire and making him breakfast. She looked up at him and smiled. She ran over to him. Her beautiful nude form was covered in something. Her face, hair and chest were wet with cum.

“I hope you don’t mind, but I wanted to see what it would be like.” She said, her head motioning towards the two horses. “They taste wonderful, but not as good as you.”

She dropped to her knees and took his erect cock in to her mouth. The sight of her cum covered body sent him to a quick orgasm. His suggestions were firmly fixed in her. He thought about the next two days. He’d be taking her back to the cabin and to her new life. He thought about a name. John. That was the name of the man that would be receiving this wonderful treat of a woman. He smiled as her cum covered face looked up and their eyes met. She only wanted to please and be rewarded with a belly full of cum.

“Good girl”

After the Training was over.

Kara came in to the Ranger’s Office early. Debbie, her best friend, ran over to her.

“So how was it.”

“Wonderful!” Kara exclaimed. ” I understand why I saw you with David before I left.”

“You saw us?”

“Yes, I saw you in his office, feeding from him.” Kara said with a smile.

“mmmmm Yes, feeding.” Debbie purred. The word, feeding, striking a cord with in her adjusted mind.

David leaned out of his office door and called Kara inside. She ran quickly to his office and stood at attention in front of him. He walked over and closed the door.

“I guess your hungry this morning.” He asked as he pulled out his cock and presented it to her. She dropped to her knees and took it in to her hungry mouth. The door opened and Debbie walked in and sat on the desk and watched her friend as she drank from her boss.

“Kara, Debbie has moved in with me. I think you should be the same, but I’m thinking that you’d be happy with John.”

Kara’s mind raced at the possibilities. She’d save all that money on her bills, plus she’d have him to feed her, everyday and night.

“Yes. I’d love that.” She responded as she milked his now limp cock for a few more drops of cum.

With that, Debbie walked to the door and opened it. John walked in and looked down on her.

“Girls, why don’t you get undressed.”, David said. Both girls stood and stripped quickly. Kara knelt before John and freed his cock. She began to pleasure him as the door opened again. She looked over to see Jack enter the room with a big dark dog. She gasps as she realized that it was the wolf that had taken her out in the mountains.

“Kara, I have a gift for you. He has been trained and will serve John well, just as you will serve him well. His name is Master.” Jack said to her.

Kara looked at the wolf. She felt so submissive. Both to the wolf and to John. She looked up to John and he motioned towards the wolf. She moved to him and began to run her hands through his fur. Kara was surprised when another wolf entered the room and walked over to Debbie. Debbie immediately got on to all fours and reached under to pleasure the wolf. Kara did the same to Master. Debbie turned and her wolf mounted her, taking her in front of everyone. Kara was surprised, she’d never seen Debbie naked before, let alone doing anything like this. But in her head, she felt very comfortable with this. She turned and allowed Master to mount her. His cock filled her up and she felt incredible. John moved and positioned himself so his cock was in her mouth. Kara felt that all was right in the world. Her John was feeding her mouth and her Master was feeding her pussy. She could see Debbie out of the corner of her eye. She had David and her wolf in her too. As the first orgasm of the day overtook her, she smiled. She was always going to have enough to eat now.



They set up the tent and started to prepare for the night. Dinner was light and Kara was still hungry. She knew what would fill her up. AS soon as they were in the tent, her hands went to work, freeing Jack’s cock from his pants. Her mouth gently worked him till he gave her what she needed. Yet, she was still hungry.

Jack laid back and Kara thought that he had drifted off to sleep. She looked over at Demon, who was sleeping near her feet. A voice in her head screamed that she couldn’t really be thinking about this, but she moved closer to him. Her hands rubbed him and pulled him on to his back. Demon just lay there, looking up at her. One hand ran over and began to play with his sheathed cock. She laughed at herself, as she thought, ‘no cock stays limp when I’m touching it.’ Sure enough, his cock began to emerge from its sheath and take form. She was amazed by its size. Her hands stroked it faster as she lowered her mouth over the tip. Demon just lay there and let this human use him for her needs. Fairly soon, she felt his pre-cum spraying out in to her mouth. Her altered mind found the taste to be wonderful. She stroked even faster, until the dog could resist no more. Demon filled her mouth with wad after wad of dog cum. Kara was in heaven as she swallowed it all.

“Now that’s a good girl.”

Kara jumped as she turned to see Jack watching her. He sat there with a wicked smile on his face. She knew he’d seen everything. Her eyes looked down to see his erect cock saluting her. Her need for cum overtook her embarrassment, and she moved and lowered her head to feed some more from her Jack.


The Next Morning….​

Kara opened her eyes after another meditation secession. She felt so good and relaxed. Jack had left the tent and was cooking himself breakfast. She started to follow but when she opened the flap on the tent, the cool air sent a shiver through her naked breast. Her mind raced about this. Where was her shirt and bra? She was surprised, when she realized that she was more concerned about having them packed then having them on. A voice in her head told her, ‘I should bear my breast for Jack to keep him aroused for feeding.’ It made since to her.

She left the tent and stood tall. Her breast exposed to Jack and Demon to see. Kara had always been a little shy about showing herself off, but not now. It actually made her feel good, made even sexy.

Jack turned to watch her. He liked what he saw. She was accepting all of his suggestion without any problems. He’d have her topless for today, and then work on having her completely nude tomorrow. To his surprise, Kara suddenly pulled off her shorts and panties, and stood there for him to inspect. He smiled, knowing that his suggestions that she become more of a slut to feed more was taking better then he’d hoped.

She walked to him. A look of uncertainty in her eyes. Kara knelt before him and pulled his cock out of his pants. Working like a pro, she’d fed from him and then turned and fed from Demon. Jack was pleased and this was just the start of day four.

Day four of Kara’s survival was almost over. She rode with Jack deeper in to the mountains, with Demon, Jack’s dog leading the way. The day had been as most on this trip had been. Riding for a while, followed by a mediation secession, where Jack would hypnotize her and reinforce his suggestions. This would be followed by a feeding in which Kara would suck off both Jack and Demon, drinking there to nourish her own body. Kara loved this. A few days earlier, she’d always detested oral sex, but now, she knew that cum, all cum was good for her.

Jack and Kara got the tents up quickly and then started cooking dinner. As always, dinner was light and this left Kara hungry, but she knew how to deal with this. But before she could get Jack’s cock free from his pants, he stopped her and suggested another mediation secession.

Kara sat back and allowed her mind to drift away to the sounds of Jack’s words. Jack smiled as she slipped away in to this state. She just sat there, her eyes open but staring blankly ahead. Her mind was totally open to suggestions. For the last few days, Jack had been programming her to enjoy eating cum. She now craved it, but she didn’t realize it. More then that, he’d been able to get her to open herself to eating all cum, not just human. She now knew with out a doubt, that all cum was good for her. He wanted to have some more fun and open her up a little more. He’d been working to make her realize that she could act and dress, or undress, to create arousal in him, as a way of feeding more often. Now he wanted more, not just oral pleasures. He wanted her to give herself to him. He’d need to make her open to more suggestions. He smiled as she sat and accepted his words, his suggestions, and his commands as absolute fact.


Morning of day 5​

Kara woke up and looked around the tent. Jack was still asleep. She smiled and decided to let him have a few more minutes. Demon, who had been asleep looked at her and panted. Kara got up on to all fours and moved to him. She began rubbing him and rolled him on to his back. Demon knew what was coming nest and his cock automatically began to emerge from it sheath and take life in her hands. Kara lowered her mouth and began to suck the life juice from him. As her head bobbed up and down, her mind raced. She kept thinking about sex. It had been a good while since she’d been fuck by anyone. Her pussy felt so empty. Even though she loved the taste of cum and loved getting it, she knew that her body could absorb cum that was shot in to her pussy…. Or even her ass. Ass, why had she thought that. She hated anal sex, but if it meant getting cum, she didn’t seem to care.

She continued to work Demon’s cock when she realized that something was rubbing her pussy. Her mind wanted to stop and look around, but something in her head told her to suck the cock until it came. The something that was rubbing her was moving towards her lips, probing its way in to her. The pleasure was wonderful. Her mind was filling with a dizzying lust as the something pushed its way in to her. She wanted to react, but she knew that she must satisfy the cock in her mouth and feed from it. Her mind finally connected to dots and she moaned as Jack’s cock began to pump in and out of her. Demon lost himself and began filling Kara’s mouth. She drank greedily as Jack pounded her pussy. She pulled her head off of Demon and screamed as the orgasm overtook her. Her body shivered and then she was reward as Jack filled her with his cum.

He pulled out of her and sat back, a devilish grin on his face. Deep in her mind, something told her that she’d been taken against her will. She’d not asked him to do this to her. If she’d wanted him, she’d have sucked him off. But she smiled as the suggestions took over her thought. Jack had been good enough to feed her pussy. Her pussy had been hungry and she needed it fed.

‘All cum is good cum.’, she thought to herself.

“Thank you, I need that.” She said to him as she lowered her head and milked Demon’s cock for the last few drops of cum.

“Not a problem, You can’t just go around nude all day and not expect me to fuck you.”, Jack responded, watching her move from Demon over to him. Kara lowered her head and milked his cock for the last little bit of cum, then began to lick his cock clean. She found that she loved the taste of her own pussy on him.

In her mind, his words struck a cord. If she were nude all the time, he’d want to fuck her. Yes, that was the key she needed to hear.



They broke camp and began to ride further down the trail. Kara’s nude form bounced around on the saddle. Jack’s eyes stayed on her, watching her breasts bouncing around and her ass slapping against the saddle. For Kara, the feeling of her naked pussy rubbing against the saddle and her ass being slapped by it was keeping her in a constant state of arousal. Her mind was filled with images of sex and cocks. Jack would try to tell her about some of the natural highlights along the trail, but she kept changing the subject of conversation back to sex. He smiled, knowing that his suggestions were in complete control of her mind now. She was becoming obsessed with sex and cum.

They stopped at a creek for lunch and mediation secession. The ride had been long for a change. Kara feed from his cock, Jack fell asleep. She smiled as he laid there, his limp cock sticking out of his pants. Kara walked down along the creek for a bit and stopped, lying down and stretching out in the grass. The sun felt so good against her naked skin. She laughed as she thought about how she used to be. So shy and hated sex and cum. She had been so stupid.

Demon walked up to her and began sniffing at her. She pulled him to her so that he was strattleing her face. She raised her head and began to feed. Demon held his place as she milked him. After a short while, he came, but moved so that his cock was pulled out of her mouth, spraying her face with his seed. She laughed. Demon, having been spent, walked off in the direction of Jack. She smeared the cum around on her face and neck. Something in her head told her that the cum was good for her skin.

She lay there for a good while, half asleep, then woke up, feeling a dark presence near her. She looked around and saw a large dark wolf emerging from some bushes. His eyes were locked on her. She froze with fear.

‘Run.’ She thought. She slowly rolled over and got to all fours when she hear the growl. She froze. She could see the wolf out of the corner of her eye moving towards her. Fear paralyzed her. The wolf began to sniff at her. His nose touched her ass cheeks and she felt him pushing his was in to her crack. She winced. The creature moved around her and sniffed at her face. He licked her face and she realized that her face was still covered with the most dry doggy cum. The wolf licked a couple of more times. AS he moved on around her, she could see that his cock was becoming erect. In her mind, she realized that his knew that she had been sexually used by a dog. Her face was covered with his scent..with his cum. She had been marked by Demon as his property, and now there was another that was here to take her as his property.

Somehow the idea of being a dog’s property comforted her and aroused her. The wolf moved behind her and its tongue began to moisten her pussy lips. After a moment, she didn’t need his tongue; she was becoming wet on her own. She jerked as the wolf mounted her. His cock pushing its way deep in to her. She groaned as he began to work her. Kara could feel his cock swelling inside her. His knot swelled up and locked him to her. She couldn’t help but enjoy it. It seemed like hours passed before the wolf finally filled her with his cum, but not before Kara had experienced three delicious orgasms of her own.

‘All cum is good cum’, she thought automatically.

The wolf stayed inside her for a few more minutes until his knot had shrank. He then pulled out, growled a couple of times then darted off in to the forest. Kara just stayed there, on all fours with Demon’s cum on her face and the wolf’s cum dripping out of her pussy. She didn’t know what to think. A wolf had just raped her, but something inside her told her that the wolf had been nice to satisfy her need for sex and her craving for cum. She stayed there for a little while longer until she heard Jack calling for her. She jumped to her feet and ran to him.

After telling him the story of what had happened, the two got back on to the horses and began to ride. She’d wanted to jump in the creek, but Jack had told her not too. As they rode, he explained why.

“You should leave the cum on your skin. It’s good for you. The vitamins and minerals are absorbed by your skin and It’s health. Haven’t you ever heard a guy say that to you?”, Jack said.

“Yeah, but I thought it was just some guy thing to degrade women.”

“Many guys say it for that reason, but in reality, cum is very good for the skin.” Jack smiled as he talked. He had been planting suggestions about this.


Later that night​

The two had eaten and Kara had fed from Jack and Demon. This was followed by Meditation secession. Afterwards, Jack needed to test her on a few things.

“Kara.” He asked, “When you told me about the wolf, today, you said that he raped you. Do you still feel that way about what happened.”

“No…I don’t. I think he was just aroused by the doggy cum on me. He couldn’t help it. Besides I was horny anyway and needed a good fuck.”

“Good, I would hate for you to have something bad happen to you while you’re under my care.”.

She smiled at him for his concern for her well being. She felt her face and felt Demon’s dried cum on it. The wolf’s cum had dried all around her pussy and ass. Jack saw what she was thinking about.

“You can wash off tomorrow, it get more to rub in to your skin.”, he said to her in a soft voice. ” I remember in college, a girl from one of the sorieties would came to the frat house. She liked to get naked and have us all jack off on to her. She’d have her face and chest covered with cum.”

“MMMMM, sounds nice.” She purred. “Too bad there aren’t a bunch of guys here. I might just try it.”

Jack laughed, “I can’t cum that much. I’d have to be a horse to produce that much cum.”

They laughed and made love before sleep finally took them.


Day Six

Jack woke up. Something seemed wrong. He looked over and saw that Kara was gone. Demon was lying there. His cock was wet. He knew that she’d fed before she left the tent. He got up, not bothering to dress and stepped out of the tent. Kara was tending to the fire and making him breakfast. She looked up at him and smiled. She ran over to him. Her beautiful nude form was covered in something. Her face, hair and chest were wet with cum.

“I hope you don’t mind, but I wanted to see what it would be like.” She said, her head motioning towards the two horses. “They taste wonderful, but not as good as you.”

She dropped to her knees and took his erect cock in to her mouth. The sight of her cum covered body sent him to a quick orgasm. His suggestions were firmly fixed in her. He thought about the next two days. He’d be taking her back to the cabin and to her new life. He thought about a name. John. That was the name of the man that would be receiving this wonderful treat of a woman. He smiled as her cum covered face looked up and their eyes met. She only wanted to please and be rewarded with a belly full of cum.

“Good girl”

After the Training was over.

Kara came in to the Ranger’s Office early. Debbie, her best friend, ran over to her.

“So how was it.”

“Wonderful!” Kara exclaimed. ” I understand why I saw you with David before I left.”

“You saw us?”

“Yes, I saw you in his office, feeding from him.” Kara said with a smile.

“mmmmm Yes, feeding.” Debbie purred. The word, feeding, striking a cord with in her adjusted mind.

David leaned out of his office door and called Kara inside. She ran quickly to his office and stood at attention in front of him. He walked over and closed the door.

“I guess your hungry this morning.” He asked as he pulled out his cock and presented it to her. She dropped to her knees and took it in to her hungry mouth. The door opened and Debbie walked in and sat on the desk and watched her friend as she drank from her boss.

“Kara, Debbie has moved in with me. I think you should be the same, but I’m thinking that you’d be happy with John.”

Kara’s mind raced at the possibilities. She’d save all that money on her bills, plus she’d have him to feed her, everyday and night.

“Yes. I’d love that.” She responded as she milked his now limp cock for a few more drops of cum.

With that, Debbie walked to the door and opened it. John walked in and looked down on her.

“Girls, why don’t you get undressed.”, David said. Both girls stood and stripped quickly. Kara knelt before John and freed his cock. She began to pleasure him as the door opened again. She looked over to see Jack enter the room with a big dark dog. She gasps as she realized that it was the wolf that had taken her out in the mountains.

“Kara, I have a gift for you. He has been trained and will serve John well, just as you will serve him well. His name is Master.” Jack said to her.

Kara looked at the wolf. She felt so submissive. Both to the wolf and to John. She looked up to John and he motioned towards the wolf. She moved to him and began to run her hands through his fur. Kara was surprised when another wolf entered the room and walked over to Debbie. Debbie immediately got on to all fours and reached under to pleasure the wolf. Kara did the same to Master. Debbie turned and her wolf mounted her, taking her in front of everyone. Kara was surprised, she’d never seen Debbie naked before, let alone doing anything like this. But in her head, she felt very comfortable with this. She turned and allowed Master to mount her. His cock filled her up and she felt incredible. John moved and positioned himself so his cock was in her mouth. Kara felt that all was right in the world. Her John was feeding her mouth and her Master was feeding her pussy. She could see Debbie out of the corner of her eye. She had David and her wolf in her too. As the first orgasm of the day overtook her, she smiled. She was always going to have enough to eat now.

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