Women with Animals

A cabin – A cursed necklace – Sex, Sex and more Sex


I love the way wives tales move from someone telling a tall tale, to a few people hearing the story enhancing it a bit here and there – add a few years, the ‘real story’, is told again and again and before long you have a tale that is too good to be true.

I was pretty sure this was what had happened to a log cabin that had been on the market for a long time. A real estate agent was the one who found it for me. A perfect place to live, located on the top of a mountain range, well over a hundred acres surrounding it – one private road leading in …. But the stories that swirled around it had kept any prospective buyers from pursuing the purchase.

My agent gave me a high overview of why no one wanted to purchase. Going back well over 80 plus years to a SouthAmerican practicing black witch. There wasn’t much to go on, but it seemed after she built the cabin, local people swear she was having unhealthy relationships with some of the animals around the area. Not much was thought of these stories until she died. A young lady purchased the place, paying with it from a loan … she had lived on the place for well over six months, when an emergency phone call came in, claiming a wild animal a wolf had raped her.

It took over an hour to arrive at her place – when they entered the home, she was on all fours, nude sprawled over the sofa … legs spread wide open, the vaginal area had bruises consistent with her claim of being raped. The only problem was her description, a wolf, a huge wolf came in raping her. According to the story she tried to fight it off, but he was far too strong.

She also kept saying something about a strange necklace that was cursed – even though the police searched the home top to bottom, there was no evidence of any necklace like she was describing.

She was still pushing a creamy substance out of her opening – once they had her successfully safe in the hospital, a full work up was done on the fluids they discovered. That was when the authorities were stumped … the seed was from a wolf, the same species of wolf that was present in that area.

The young lady refused to go back … multiple lawsuits threw the place back to the lending agent, which was the one still listing it at a large discounted price.

Driving to the place, walking around, it was beautiful … I did see a lot of animals, but none seemed aggressive, so I dismissed the strange stories.

One thing she had continued to say was that these strange things started when she put on the beautiful necklace – it must have been the necklace that made her susceptible – they had made a complete search, but turned up nothing. Her description was a stunning black rose, surrounded by a five star pagan design … carved on an expensive silver surface.

Somehow as I was sitting on the porch, knowing this would be a perfect place to live, I also had the feeling, what the young lady had said may have been the truth – it made sense the witch could have designed a necklace making the wearer susceptible to the advances of wild animals.

Opening my laptop, searching beastality videos … Most were between females and dogs, a few adding in some smaller horses and an occasional pig, which had the area between my legs more moist than I could ever remember.

Slipping a hand between the legs, rubbing my lips, watching more videos, the on coming aroused explosion was building slow but steady … finally triggering its release, leaving me breathing like a sex slut.

The pleasure each and every woman was enjoying as soon as her chosen animal sent her over the edge was hard to miss.

I wasn’t sure any of the stories were true, but I loved the place … so I figured if the stories were correct, the last thing I’d do was cry rape.

A lowball offer was quickly accepted, especially when I made it a cash offer … they got it off their books, even agreed to pay for all my moving costs – within a few weeks, I was living in a perfect place – my dream home.

Prior to the move, I had purchased a purebred male lab pub, naming him Charlie – he was playful, loved to explore and as soon as he was home with me, I stripped nude, allowing him to sniff and lick every part of my body, especially between my legs – watching more porn – when I’d get excited, making sure he licked the juices forming … he was a perfect fit, I figured in 6 to 8 months we’d be ready for some more intense training.

I’d downloaded some guidelines on training to become a dogs bitch, one thing that was mentioned was to have them comfortable with you rubbing and teasing between their legs – I’d rub that whole region on Charlie, taking the time to lick, suck and even going as far as giving him his first blowjobs, knowing soon he’d love them.

The dog and I had gone into town one afternoon for supplies … several people I knew loved Charlie, but were concerned about the stories – I assured them the place was perfect, lots and lots of animals but none aggressive … none of us could explain what had happened to the young lady who owned the place before me, but I made sure the thoughts were she had somehow instigated it then was embarrassed and cried rape.

As soon as we returned home, there was a different feeling around the place, inside was different – even my new companion started acting strange. Once the groceries were unloaded, as my usual attire, stripped down nude, when a strange scratching sound came from the back porch area.

I hadn’t noticed the door on the floor before, but opening it, the most beautiful large Boa made eye to eye contact with me. He was almost pure white, with various gold spots randomly located all over the smooth skin.

My poor Charlie should have been terrified, he’d have been a nice snack for a reptile this size, but he wasn’t afraid or scared – the snake didn’t seem to be interested in him, but concentrated on me.

As soon as he crawled out of the area – his twirling, spinning, flashing eyes locked on mine, – making it impossible for me to look away. His swaying body moved closer and closer to me. Normally I’d have been petrified, but a strange feeling came over me, comforting my fears, making me become more and more relaxed.

Inches from my face, the forked tongue dove deep inside my mouth, dueling with my own tongue, while his body wrapped itself around my bare skin. Somehow it felt like he was massaging my bottom, caressing and teasing my breasts – moving in such a way, the scales began scraping the interior of my thighs, spiking my arousal – quickly bringing my body to the edge of an explosion … then somehow keeping me on the edge, whimpering, moaning, writhing from side to side … praying, begging that he’d use me, finish me off

It wasn’t his tail, I could feel it playing with my feet, but something thick and long began making its way between my legs, moving slowly upward, touching first one side then the other – my legs spreading as wide as possible, at sometime toppling over on my back … the new hardness still making its way further and further between my legs, until finally the tip was rubbing back and forth, the opening of my sexual core, teasing, stimulating those super sensitive lips – my eyes had rolled up in my head, the pleasure I was feeling more than I’d ever dreamed – without any warning the rigid shaft shot deep inside me, going more than 12 or 14 inches, filling me instantly, triggering the first climax that he’d been building ever since I saw him.

At the same time, this pole started pumping in and out, faster and harder than I could have ever imagined – wrapping my legs around the smooth, slick body, my arms around his beautiful head, trying to swallow his tongue … what was happening to me, unknown, where this thing had come from – it was obvious it couldn’t have survived the extremely cold weather … this was no real reptile, the many ways he was exciting me, the way he totally captured and dominated me and now the way he was fucking me …. Told me it had something to do with the ancient one who built this place, but right now I didn’t care – he was fucking me, bringing on a second body blowing explosion and that was all that mattered at the time.

The pumping never slowed, my body continued to enjoy one orgasm after the next … finally when I couldn’t take it any longer, I simply shut down, slipping into a deep sleep.

Charlie licking my face was what woke me … it had been a full day since I found the snake – looking closely now, the door was gone, only solid flooring – as I stood, the weight of a heavy chain surprised me …. Standing to look in a mirror, a medallion showing a single black rose, surrounded by the wicca five star symbol … the silver necklace was expensive, the medallion the same, heavy and pure. Thinking about what the young lady had said, she’d somehow left out being fucked by a beautiful boa.

On my way to the shower, that’s when I looked closer at Charlie. He was bigger, his red rocket now completely out of his sheath – it was showing a good 8 to 9 inches … who knew what had happened to him … Dropping down to check him out, his eyes were flashing multiple colors, but other than that, he was the same companion I had purchased so many months ago.

There were so many things that had happened, a long shower, didn’t help me make any sense. I’d discovered a large snake that wouldn’t have been able to survive in the cold climate … it had hypnotized than fucked me … leaving me with a strange necklace, the same or similar one that had made a wolf fuck the previous owner. Something had happened to my pet dog, after I’d passed out.

After drying off, fixing a small snack and a soft drink … still nude, I headed to the front porch. As soon as I sat down, absently playing with my new necklace, this was the first time I caught a whiff of the new scent coming from between my legs. Even though I’d showered, paying close attention to the area between my legs, it was still a wild, heady aroma, I’m sure would be easily picked up in the wild.

Reaching down to stroke Charlie’s cock, it didn’t take long for him to ejaculate the warm seed all over my hand – I had just brought my hand up to see what his first full explosion would taste like, when I noticed the huge wolf just a few feet away. I have no idea how long he’d been there, if he was the same one that enjoyed what the previous lady had given him, I only knew the monster looking shaft in full display, between his legs – instantly locking my gaze on it –

He slowly methodically crept towards me, plunging that huge snout deep between my legs, the long tongue sliding inside me, the roughness making contact with all sides, plunging me into the deepest erotic haze I’d ever been in or dreamed of …

My legs shot as wide as possible, head rolled on the chair back, hands grabbing on the padded arms … before I realized what had happened, he pulled that wonderful tongue out, instantly replacing it with what had to be close to two feet of rigid, rock hard cock. It was much thicker than the snake pumped me with.

The fullness, the depth, the frantic way he was pumping, threw every fiber of my body into the most intense, massive orgasm I’ve ever enjoyed. Just when this one was ending, he was still pumping and the second one arrived.

When he emptied his warm life giving cream in me, a warmth flooded me, setting off an euphoric feeling of pure bliss … one I was only sorry I hadn’t enjoyed before.

Pulling out, relaxing next to my small bundle of fur …. Licking his cock, but not concerned or bothered by Charlie’s presence. I sat there basking in the glow of what he had given me … rubbing my legs together, never wanting what I had just discovered to end, as I drifted off into a lazy nap.

Slowly waking, feeling more relaxed and satisfied than I have ever felt, the huge wolf was sound asleep on the porch, just a few feet from me …. His huge cock, still on full display, looking at it, I wondered if after he fucked me, this would be on full display from now on …. Charlie was not too far to my right, his smaller cock was still showing.

Crawling to my new lover, licking the rigid shaft, sucking on his large balls, bringing life back into this marvelous member, then turning, so I was resting on my knees, the padded love seat I had, supporting my body …. This was not a dumb wolf, he was licking between my legs, gathering the juices already flowing …. In a few seconds he had mounted me, a sudden gasp, when he filled me to the max again … just as he started pumping, my forever watch dog jumped up on the surface, turning my head so I guided him in my mouth … it only took a few seconds for him to start fucking my face …..

I have no idea how many climatic explosions took place between my legs, Charlie filled me with his tasty cream, my new master emptied his warm relaxing load deep inside – then stayed inside me for the longest time.

That evening he took me again and as before I swallowed all Charlie had to give me. The following morning he and the k9 were asleep on the front porch, when I came out, The wild scent between my legs was even stronger now … I had just sat down when a large male mountain lion walked towards me, sniffing the air. The closer he got, more and more of his penis – erect, hard and throbbing, was showing – the two asleep didn’t seem to bother him –
With this one, I dropped to my knees, resting on the padded surface. His massive mouth, captured my neck, applying enough pressure to let me know I was his, that shaft was different then the wolves or the snake – the more he pounded me, the more wild and frantic I was twisting – he had somehow held off any explosions in me until he emptied his load, than my body enjoyed a new sensation of combined pleasure.

My two other companions were just watching … not threatened at all by this one’s presence.

He allowed me to clean him thoroughly when he pulled out, Charlie jumped up to drink the liquids I was leaking … When he was finished, his eyes were lost in what looked like a sexual haze ….

I was now the sex bitch to three powerful animals, as I lay there, legs wide apart, rubbing the super sensitive lips covering my sex, I wondered how many animals were going to use me … too bad I’d never have a chance to thank the ancient witch, but thank goodness the necklace was never leaving my body.

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