Men with Animals Women with Animals

Menage de Rott


© 2024 by The_Wizened_Raconteur

Hey there! I’m not usually one to kiss and tell, but as this involves a lot more than kissing, I rather feel obliged to spill some details. The tale you are about to read probably shouldn’t be told, but you don’t know me and I don’t know you, so that makes it alright.

This story goes back a few years. You see, once I had been engaged to get married. I have a good job, and at the time, I really thought I was in love. But, as life often gets in the way of the best laid plans of mice and men, she broke if off and left me for another guy.

Might be one of the best things that ever happened to me.

The breakup left me heart-broken, but instead of finding solace in drink, I went out and bought a puppy to have as a companion.

I named her Bailey.

She was small and cute for a little while. Then she grew up to be a beast.

But then, that’s what Rottweilers do.

She ended up being a really big girl; not fat or overweight; just big. And that was alright with me, for that meant there was more to love.

Figuratively and actually.

That first year saw her growing up fast. I swear to god that I’d go to bed and the next morning she was larger than the day before. If she had been a boy dog I think I would have renamed her Clifford.

After the first year she reached a whopping one hundred and thirty pounds. That made her as big as a male Rotty. Thankfully, she was hardly one to push her weight around, and was a total lamb to everyone, even kids.

Well, that first year had passed, and never once did I have any weird thoughts pertaining to her. True, I hadn’t been looking for a human partner, mostly because I found that I really wasn’t in the mood for dating scene. But that didn’t mean that I wasn’t feeling the urges of wanting a mate in my bed.

But seeing as Bailey slept in the same bad as me, nothing like that would have ever worked. She took up more space than you’d think a dog could. I think she had turned it into an art form. No one else was ever going to occupy the bed except for me and her.


So you see, she finally came into her first heat. One of the conditions of me buying her was that she had to be bred at least once. But they had also admonished me to not do it her first ovulating. I was pretty sure she could handle her own, being as big as she was, but I took their advice to heart. There was no point in going against the advice of someone who knew better then I did.

She started spotting, and that made life a little tougher. I ended up covering her side of the bed in an old comforter that I could wash. I did the same to the chair she liked to sit on. If that would have been the end to it, then great. But she started getting in my face, laying on me, and generally being a nuisance. She was trying to tell me something and I was too dense to figure it out.

Okay. So I figured it out.

It dawned on me that she was horny, as nature intended. She was in heat, and had she been around other dogs; male dogs, there would have been some serious humping going on. While I was a male, I wasn’t a dog. But maybe I could do something to help her out.

I was a little nervous at first, sticking my fingers in her. My fears were completely unfounded. She went stiff as I delicately slipped in one, then two, and then three fingers. I pushed them in up to my knuckles and wiggled them around inside. She arched her back and grunted.

I about blew a wad in my shorts. She was hot and wet, and to top if off, totally into what I was doing. Me? Well I hadn’t gotten laid in over a year.

I hardly need to elaborate on what I was suddenly thinking.

I got my shorts off. That was step one.

Step two was to get my balls off.

It took me a little coaxing to get her in a position I could work with, but I finally got her with her head and paws down, and her rump up in the air. You know, kind of like the way dogs try to get you to play. I spit in my hand, rubbed my cock and guided the head of it directly at her hole.

I think my eyes rolled back in the sockets as I penetrated her for the very first time. Damn, that was one fine feeling. I forced my eyes back open to watch my cock get engulfed by the best pussy a man could ever have. I had done plenty of girls in the past, but never did I ever encounter a cunt like this. I blew my wad after only a minute or two of thrusting. They had said she had to be bred, but I doubt this had been what they had meant.

I leaned against her rump, feeling her insides twitch and spasm around me. That was all it took to get me back in shape. After a moment or two, I was back to pushing against her, drilling her for all I was worth. She joined in by pushing her ass back towards me. The fur on her back was raised a little. While normally a sign of anger or aggression, in this case, I think it was the same reason the hairs on the back of my neck were raised.

Sheer, excruciating pleasure.

I leaned into her with a berserker rage. If she had any complaints, I was sure she would have let me know. But she needed to get fucked as badly as I did. Hormones were running high this day and we both needed to have the edge taken off.

It took about ten minutes but I finally blew another load, driving it into her as deeply as I could go. Shit. My cock was still hard after that, so I did want any good man would have done.

I kept fucking her.

As horny as she was, and as big as she was, I got thinking…

But thinking has no place in sex. It just gets in the way. Action was going to be the word of the day.

I pulled out, sucked in a breath, and put the head of my cock against her rectum. I figured I would either get her pissed off royally or I’d have to force my way in. Not saying that had happened with one of my human girlfriends, but I’m also not denying it.

In this case, neither happened.

I slid into that hole as smooth as silk, and she let out a groan that made me shiver. This girl was high on hormones and ready for anything.

I drove into her anus with all my weight. My pubic hairs were introducing themselves to hers in the most intimate manner imaginable. My balls were slapping away at those puffy lips I had just been plowing, and all the while her feet were moving like a cats.

Come on, you know what I mean. You’ve seen a feline in heat.

Just like that.

It was a good thing she was big and tough, because I didn’t let up on that ass until I came again. That took a while. She wasn’t as tight here as down below, but that hole was as hot and lubricated as the other, and honestly, just as sensually active.

When I finally came, I had a tight grip on her haunches, and she let out a continuous groan, that turned into a little bit of a yowl. I unloaded into her colon until I had nothing left to give but the rhythmic spasms of my cock. Even then I continued to pump away just for the grand feeling if it.

When all was said and done, I pulled out and dropped back onto the bed.

She got up and stated licking her privates for a bit, before turning her attention to me. She started to lick me clean, which considering how sensitive my skin was right now, only managed to get me hard again. If that was the way she wanted it, then so be it.

This time I flipped her onto her back and did her missionary style. I cleaved those now-puffy pussy lips and wiggled my cock into her until I was buried deep again. She was tighter now than before, and the cause was readily discernible from my present position. Her cunt was pulsating. She was so into this that she was having an orgasm. I didn’t know dogs could have orgasms. More importantly, they can have multiple ones.

Needless to say I fucked her again, this time working towards shooting my wad as deeply into her cunt as was humanly possible. In and out; in and out; repeating that motion as one might chant a mantra. Her vagina was fitting me like the proverbial glove, and she was so fucking slick I moved like friction didn’t exist.

Nearly an hour of pleasurable punishment later, my balls finally coughed up their last remaining dose of sperm, which I willingly and thankfully blasted into her. I was pounding away like a total madman by this point, and she was whimpering just a little. I pushed her legs forward and unleashed a fury upon her. By the time I was empty, I was too worn to even think about doing it again.

I lay there on top of her, enjoying the myriad of twitches coming from her body.

But you see, this is not what this story is about. Not completely anyways. No, this was just her and I’s first time. I could tell you about the second and the third and the fourth, but then I might as well tell you about every other day during the past year. That girl might as well have been in heat every moment of her life.

No, this story is a little different.

It has to do with an actually breeding.

His name was Bruno.

They had met at a dog park when they were young, and they had gotten along rather nicely. They were both the same age, and as it happened, Bruno was also a Rotty. I had talked to his owner about the possibility of breeding them, well before I had taken up that role in her life. But as the buyer’s contract said she needed to be bred, I figured I had to go through with it. I wasn’t really willing to share her at this point, but rules were rules. And she was coming into her second heat.

I made arrangements and picked him up one day, bringing him back to the house. Bailey was both curious and excited to see him, and he was definitely interested in her. After a minute of sniffing, the tip of his cock was showing. But she made it clear she wasn’t interested in him in that way. Well, not too interested. I mean, after a year of daily, hour-long fuck sessions, what was this guy going to offer her?

I took them both into the house, and then up to the bedroom. She had grown rather used to having sex on the bed, so maybe that was what it was going to take. There was a chance I had imprinted on her, and despite him being the same species; and breed for that matter, she was not going to have anything to do with him.

Bruno was doing his best to bully her. All that was doing was making her defensive.

That tactic wasn’t going to work. Not one bit.

I had to think. If he persisted, there might be a showdown. That would not be good.

I thought a little trickery might be necessary.

I stripped down and got back on the bed. She knew what that meant and was immediately compliant. I grabbed the lube (which I had plenty of just for such occasions) and made myself nice and slick. Bruno was standing on the floor, bemused and a bit put out.

I slipped into her like hundreds of times before, and went to work giving her hell. I hated sharing such a fine hole, but rules had to be followed. I patted the bed for Bruno to come up, and once he was there, I pulled out and let him take my place.

He was on her like flies to honey. I hoped he didn’t ruin her for me. That big piece of meat he had was sizably larger than my own. Reaming her out just might make her; well, less tight for me.

Bailey let out a yip as he went in, but she stayed firmly in place. Good.

The problem now was, I was horny, and watching those two fuck was making it worse. I considered jacking off as they screwed, but that seemed pedantic and boring.

But I noticed something funny. Weird funny. Enticingly funny.

Bruno’s anus was contracting and relaxing as he went to work. Sort of like how one imagined a heart beating. Contract and relax, contract and relax; moving to beat all its own.

I had screwed Bailey’s ass a hundred times or more. And had never seen it do that.

And here I was, already a bit slick, with the lube close at hand if it was needed.

What was the possibility?

I got up behind them, positioned myself, and with one quick thrust that took him by surprise, penetrated his beckoning ass in one swift motion. He let out a startled grunt, but continued to hump my girl like there was no tomorrow.

I buried my cock into him and worked on finding a rhythm. I was fucking him as he was fucking her and man, there has never been anything since to beat that. His ass was a whole hell of a lot tighter than hers. Now maybe that was because I had been reaming her for so long, and maybe not. But I knew for certain that I had taken Bruno’s virgin ass and he was never going to be the same again.

I worked on ramming into him as he was pushing back, but he was going at it full tilt, and I couldn’t quite match his speed. I opted for every two of his thrusts, which was just about perfect. I was driving into him with a little more energy than was required. But then,I thought this was going to be a one time gig, and I was going to get my money’s worth. I had paid good money for his breeding rights, and I was going to squeeze every last penny from the encounter.

I had to wonder what Bailey was thinking during all of this. I couldn’t quite see her, but she wasn’t growling or anything, so I figured she was okay with it. Shit, for all I knew, she was laying there taking it, bemused to be screwed for a dog for once instead of me. Bruno didn’t let up, and his legs were driving his cock into her, even as his movements were helping to drive my cock into him.

I knew when he started to ejaculate, for his ass went into total lock-down. His sphincter muscles went into a frenzy of convulsions, and goddam did that feel good. He started whimpering as he shot his load, and I went a little crazy on his ass until I came too.

As per the usual, he had knotted up inside of Bailey, and thus was stuck. I had no such problem, but as the thrill of this was keeping me hard, I stayed put too. In fact, now that he wasn’t moving, I found it easier to drill him out some more.

I re-secured my grip on his haunches and launched a full blown attack on his anus. It was still twitching and spasming, and that was all the better for me. I started taking longer strokes, pulling back and pushing in, giving him what-for. I was half surprised he was taking it so well. I had never considered ever fucking a dog only a little over a year ago, and now here I was fucking a male dog. And he was knotted up inside a female dog. I chuckled to myself as I made up a new term, menage de Rott.

How life changes you!

I worked over his ass for like ten minutes more, causing him to have an extended orgasm which finally got to be a little too much for him, for he started whimpering and trying to pull away. That was all it took for me to blow another wad deep into his bowels. I finally gave him a break and pulled out, leaving his once-tight ass gaping, his own cock still knotted up inside my girl.

All the while, Bailey had been holding her own.

While I can’t claim to know what she was thinking, I wanted to guess that she was as amused by this whole affair as I was. She had tolerated having Bruno as a partner, but I knew she knew that I was somewhere in the mix as well. I think that made it tolerable for her.

I went and washed up, waiting for him to unknot. Some people got worried when dogs were tied together for an extended period of time, but there was simply no rushing these things. Time was the only fix for it.

I sat on the bed with them for a while, until with a rather rough tug, Bruno got himself free. He nearly went backwards off the bed, but he righted himself and made it to the floor, albeit with an ungraceful leap. Bailey got up, shook herself and came over to lick my face.

“Interesting twist on our usual, huh girl?”

Her stubby little tail started wagging to beat the band. I looked over to where he was, furiously licking his ass.

“Your romeo seems none the worse for wear.”

To be honest, while Bruno was licking his ass furiously, his one rear leg was twitching like it was afflicted with a palsy. If I didn’t know any better, I would have said he was enjoying himself. Perhaps I had shown him something new. He seemed to be just triggering nerves already rubbed raw with excitement.

She jumped down from the bed and headed for the door. She was always let out right after our sessions to make sure she didn’t end up with a urinary tract infection. I hardly wanted to explain anything like that to the vet. I mean, it wouldn’t take a genius to look at her genitals and know that she was seeing some pretty intense action.

Bruno stopped what he was doing and ran after her. I let them out into the backyard where they both did their business. Bruno was obviously still interested in her, but he made a beeline for me once she ignored him. Perhaps she was a little peeved at having been duped, but hey, the contract said I had to breed her. There was no way in a million years I was going to be able to explain that to her.

She pushed her way past us to get back into the house. I watched her rump as she walked past us. I gave Bruno a few scratches.

“You got a nice tight ass too boy. If I hadn’t been doing Bailey that way, I would never have thought about nailing you in the exact same manner.”

He just wagged his butt like an idiot.

It was a nice butt. Just like hers.

We went inside and she was nowhere to be seen. I rolled my eyes and went to the bedroom. Sure enough, she was on the bed, in that pose you see in puppies; front down and the ass up in the air. It showed she wanted to play. Just like I had taught her.

“You haven’t had enough?”

That little tail came alive.

“And you think I’ve got it in me to give you more?”

The tail wagged even harder.

“Fine. I wouldn’t want to disappoint by little muffin.”

Truthfully, I wasn’t certain I did have it in me right now.

To make matters worse, or better, depending on your point of view, Bruno hopped up, looked at Bailey, and put himself into the exact same position.

“Jesus Christ you two. How am I supposed to do you both?”

But I knew deep down inside, that where there was a will, there was a way.

I got the lube, doused myself good, and started with Bruno. He grunted like a pig when I first went in, his tightness none the lesser for the reaming I had given him. I gave him about five minutes, then moved over to Bailey, who was growing impatient.

I plowed into her ass, avoiding the possibility of cross contamination to her other hole, and I swear to god she looked over at Bruno and stuck her tongue out. It may have been nothing, but it seemed pretty purposeful. He did nothing but stay where he was.

I gave her about five minutes of pleasuring before going back to him. And so it went; in one ass and then into the other. I was growing exhausted doing all of this, so thankfully, that all too familiar sensation hit me, and the lucky one ended up being Bruno. I slapped his backside with my pelvis, rocking him and the bed to such an extent that it was shifting back and forth across the floor.

I was ass-fucking with all I was worth, and damn if that ole boy didn’t decide to unload on the comforter. I knew this because his ass went rigid again, and then started spasming as I pounded away like a lunatic. I blew my wad as he was loosing his, and together we came in a manner I didn’t know existed.

I pulled out of him and watched his whole body quiver. I was pretty sure the ole boy had just been given a whole new outlook on life.

Bailey looked at me a bit disappointed.

“Sorry girl. Maybe later.”

I got up, took a quick shower, and then got dressed. By that time Bruno had recovered a bit, and was actually snuggling next to Bailey.

I laughed a little.

As it was, you see, I had him for a full twenty four hours. We had just taken up around two or three of them.

I was definitely thinking of getting my money’s worth.

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