Women with Animals
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Laura Robson’s Tour


© 2022 by killer bishops

The advantage of being a tennis star travelling the globe was every once in a while you’d end up in the most stunning of places. This was one of those times for Laura Robson, the stunning British tennis player. She found herself on a private beach on a stunning Maldives island.

The brunette laid out soaking in the sun in a tight red bikini set which showed of her toned athletic body. It also nicely showed off her full tits with a hint of under boob showing.

Laura knew how hot she looked and in such a setting could only be disappointed she had no-one to share it with. Well to be honest, she had always wanted to have sex on the beach. She’d be happy with a quick fuck and then continue to enjoy this paradise herself.

The naughty thoughts got Laura hot between her thighs. The desire was there, the setting was there, just not a partner. A thought of getting room service entered her head. Perhaps a cute waiter? That would work. But then it might be tricky and there were no guarantees that the man was what Laura was hoping for.

Laura stirred on her sun lounger, the heat from her pussy distinctly different from the sizzle on her skin caused by the strong sun. It was more distracting and was beginning to demand attention. What she wouldn’t give for a good fuck right now.

Laura’s hand began to slide across her toned stomach and down towards the excited area. It was going to be the best and only option. As her fingertips reached the hem of her bikini bottoms however she stopped suddenly and her head glanced up. She needed to make sure she was alone before she did this.

She looked round quickly to the left, her hand wanting to creep under the fabric of bikini. Nobody there, just deserted beach and palm trees. She could feel the cloth on her fingernails as her fingertips sensed her smooth hot skin.

Laura turned to the right. A sense of relief flooded over her. Nothing but sand and palm trees. Laura relaxed back in to lounger and spread her legs a little. She felt her wet pussy and began to finger her clit gently. Laura felt good.


Laura shot up, her hand quickly retracted to her stomach. She paused for a microsecond trying to calm down to put on a relaxed face, just like nothing had happened. She turned round to greet her guest.

There was no-one there. It was two wild dogs, fucking behind her. Laura’s first reaction was of massive relief. She hadn’t been caught with her hand in her pants. She let out a sigh before giving a little giggle at the animal sex behind her.

Despite the quiet giggle, it was obviously enough to disturb the pair as the male was quickly dismounted from the startled female. He had mounted her and was going doggy style but the female tussled and rolled at the interruption and the male found himself standing on all fours. The female didn’t take long before she ran.

This all seemed to happen in a fraction of a second leaving the male stunned. He stared at Laura who looked up after the female before looking back at the male.

“Oh sorry boy,” she smiled. “I didn’t know you were there.” It then hit her that she was apologising to an animal. It was strange but seemed natural giving all that was going on. “Looks like neither of us are getting lucky today.”

The wild dog looked rather sad as his tongue hung from his mouth, still panting from his exertion. He moved over to Laura and pushed his golden and spotty black coat over her legs before craning his head up for attention.

“Aww cutie it’s ok,” Laura said as she gave him a gentle pat. He seemed to like it so the star continued. She rubbed his coat as the dog playfully responded, encouraging more. It was then Laura’s hand brushed off a long hard wet object. It took a second for her to realise it was the animal’s cock.

To her surprise she and the dog didn’t recoil. She just kept on rubbing, glancing the shaft more and more with each rub. She felt the cock get harder and then she remembered how hot hot her pussy was. She was desperate to be fucked, and a wild one on a beach would fulfil a fantasy.

The last thought tipped her over the edge. She looked the dog in the eye and took hold of his cock in her hand and began to jerk him off. She had his full attention.

“What do you say boy? Think we could make a good pairing?”

The dog gave a loud bark of approval signalling Laura to stand up and untie her bikini top and bottoms. The feel of the hot sun on her intimate areas was exhilarating but nowhere near as good as loving out a long held fantasy.

Laura got on all fours feeling the soft white sand on her shins, feet and hands. She turned round, aching to be mounted.

“I’m ready boy!” she exclaimed. The animal didn’t need a second invitation, immediately mounting Laura and inserting his hard cock into her pussy.

Laura immediately felt a rush of pleasure as the dog cock entered her. It was couple with odd sensation of paws on her back but it definitely wasn’t unpleasant. If anything, the sharp nails and padded feet only enhanced her excitement.

The dog began to thrust quickly as Laura Robson pushed back. “Mmmmm that feels so good!” The big fat cock was ramming her, making her feel better than ever before. She felt her tits bounce on her chest with a force she’d never known.

“I’m your fucking bitch and I need your big doggy cock inside me!” Laura moaned erotically as the dog continued. It had Laura exactly where it wanted her and she loved it. The feel of fur on her ass with doggy paws on her back.

“Oh fuck!” Laura bit her lip. Her orgasm was a moment away. She couldn’t wait. Her whole body was on edge as she felt the soft sand beneath her hands and legs.

The wild dog continued thrusting hard and fast with Laura now unable to match his timing. She remained perfectly still as she let the fat hard cock slide in and out of her soaking hot pussy.

In an instant, a large wave of pleasure rupee through the brunette tennis player’s tight body. Laura could barely move as her pussy squeezed and convulsed in orgasmic pleasure round her lover’s shaft. She felt her muscles contract in an unbelievable tingly pleasure.

Everything was perfect. The sound of the sea and the dog panting above her. The feel of the soft sand beneath her and then the hard cock pummeling deep inside. And the view was remarkable. Not that it was in perfect focus currently.

A moment had passed as Laura savoured the feeling of the biggest orgasm of her life before her pussy was flooded with the feel of hot cum. It caused more pleasure to take hold of her body and render her motionless again save for her tits bouncing on her chest.

The feeling overwhelmed Laura as a second load filled her pussy. It was a sensation she’d never experienced before as dog froze deep inside her, holding his cock as deep as Laura could take. It also however left little room for the cum and Laura could feel the hot liquid overflowing from her.

Laura could barely see or breathe as this orgasm seemed to take over everything. She felt incredible. Another load squirted into her, prolonging this wonderful high.

Just for a moment, everything was perfect as she lived out her beach sex fantasy. She could hear the sea. She could feel the sand. The sun warmed her nsked body.

Laura started to recover as her lover finished pumping his cum into her. She wished she could stay this high forever.

“That’s it boy, give me every last drop.”

She savoured every drop, living the feeling of cum rushing against her sensitive walls. Every little tickle pushed the pleasure longer.

Laura took a deep satisfied breath as she fell in the sand, completely in love. She felt herself tug her partner down, by his cock, feeling the knot inside her. All they could do was lie together.

A few minutes passed as Laura smiled to herself as a dog lay on her back. She felt happy his cock lay inside her. This was heaven.


Laura Robson looked outside hopefully. Two days had passed since she’d had sex on the beach with a dog but it had barely left her thoughts. She was surprised she had managed to win her tennis matches as her focus was elsewhere but she had played extremely well. It must have been the extra energy she had.

Laura had hoped for the wild dog to return to the beach for a repeat session but there were no signs. She had rushed home from the tennis especially. Yesterday the beach had been empty and although Laura waited in the hot sun with her amazing bikini body, nothing happened.

Today she had tried the same thing but nothing happened still. Now though, she was not going to wait around and decided to take matters into her own hands.

It was now night time and the heat of the sun had gone but a very pleasent warmth remained. The beach was lit up by stars and moonlight as well as a few tiki candles lining paths and the boundaries of the beach. Laura’s beautiful beach hut also contributed, giving a warm glow.

Laura had been in there all evening, getting her hair and makeup done perfectly. She wore her wavy brunette hair up in a sexy messy bun, complimented by red lipstick and dark eyeliner. After that she had on a lace black bra and panties set, which covered very little of her bronzed skin. The bra pushed up her full tits, giving her more cleavage. The panties were just enough to cover her intimate areas but perfectly highlighted her toned stomach, long legs and awesome ass. She finished with black platformed peep toe designer high heels.

The tennis star took a tentative step out into the night. She triple checked for anyone near by before proceeding down the wooden stairs, her high heels causing a distinctive knocking on wood sound. She carefully tottered over to the forest and stared into the darkness. She could only make out a few feet In front of her.

Laura was excited and horny but not quite foolhardy enough to get deep into the lush surroundings. She took hold of a tree and leaned up against it seductively, letting her hot body show her intentions.

“Here boy!” Laura said smoothly. “I’d love another round of you’re free.”

Nothing happened but Laura continued.

“I’m so hot and horny. I’d love a nice big animal cock to play with.”

Still nothing happened as Laura paused for a moment. This was frustrating but maybe predictable. She just hoped her body would communicate with the wild dog if her words couldn’t.

“Maybe I could use my mouth this time, get you nice and hard by sucking your cock.”

Laura looked round. Nothing. She gave a sigh and turned round to head back to her luxury beach hut. She’d get herself off but it wouldn’t be anywhere near as good as getting fucked by the wild dog. Thinking about that though was already making her smile.

Then she heard it, a rustle in the trees. She turned around to see a small chimp standing there. He looked up with a grin. Laura could see his little monkey cock semi erect between his legs. It was only 3-4 inches big but knowing that either her lingerie or dirty talk had made him hard caused Laura to smile.

“Come with me if you want to feel good.” Laura said as she turned around, showing her toned ass to the animal. She then made a slow walk to the beach hut, knowing the monkey would follow her hypnotic sway.

Laura confidently moved towards the balcony, knowing her soon to be lover was behind her. She smiled thinking about it, not at all caring this wasn’t the same animal as before. She just wanted to have a wild time again.

The chimp followed as expected, a few places behind, taking in Laura’s body. She was tall from his perspective, especially in high heels. He stopped as Laura stood at the top of the stairs, beckoning him up.

“You coming?” she said with a cheeky grin before patting the railing beside her.

The chimp changed gears and hopped quickly up to Laura’s hand, the platform putting him closer to eye level.

“You just relax and enjoy,” beamed the star as she knelt down on her knees. The chimp’s cock was small but seemed to be getting bigger which pleased Laura. She was determined to get it as big as possible for later on.

Slowly she moved forward, nervously opening her lips so not to scare her companion. As she got closer, she felt his hair on her forehead as she moved in. She had to get super close. Slowly, she placed her soft luscious lips round the semi erect shaft.

There was an instant connection between the pair as Laura felt a thrill through her body. She could sense the chimp was going anywhere so she ever so slowly began to suck on the animal cock in front of her.

The chimp made immediate appreciative sounds as Laura felt the cock garden in her mouth. She was able to flick her tongue round the shaft as it did so, as well as add in some gentle head bobbing.

More pleasent cries came from the beast as Laura did this, something that turned her on immensely. She looked up and saw a grin on the chimp’s face as he peered down over his belly to look at her. To know that the chimp was loving this made Laura feel incredible.

The cock grew a bit more in her mouth allowing Laura to bob a bit more. The whole shaft comfortably fitted in her mouth even now and she could feel every bit of skin with her lips and tongue. It felt so good to Laura.

Laura lifted her hands on to the hairy back side of the beast, pushing his groin forward into her mouth and savouring the feel of animal hair in her manicured hands. She wanted it all as she began to really bob and twist her head as much as possible on the small shaft. She wanted the animal to feel what an incredible blowjob was like.

The chimp grinned with pleasure, watching the beautiful young woman beneath him service his member. She was exquisitely beautiful, something the animal could understand and desire.

Laura knew she was wanted and while she’d have been happy for the chimp to cum in her mouth from the blowjob, she really wanted another beastial fucking. She wanted her fit young body ravished by the animal.

Laura took a step back as she stood up and ended her oral pleasures. The chimp look disappointed but Laura just continued with her plan.

“I know boy, but I really want you to fuck me.”

With that she dropped her black lacy bra to the floor exposing her full round tits. They stood proudly on her chest, much bigger than her athletic body would suggest. Laura gave a grin as the chimp’s facial expression changed to a more curious tone.

Knowing the chimp was curious, she then hooked her thumbs round the straps of her lacy thong and gave a sexy wiggle. The pants shortly fell to her high heels before she stepped out over them. Laura was soaking wet, wanting the beast to fuck her hard.

Laura gave a knowing grin as she then moved onto the cushioned seat behind her and sprawled herself across it, inviting her lover to join her between her luscious legs. The chimp quickly decided to make the trip to Laura and clambered up beside the sports star.

“Mmm fuck me! Fuck me hard!” Laura moaned as her chimp partner grabbed her waist and lined up his cock with her pussy. It didn’t take him long to put it in.

“Oh yes,” moaned Laura as the chimp cock gently parted her wet pussy lips. It wasn’t as big as the wild dog’s cock, but the feel of beastial cock inside her made Laura feel as good as before. She could feel the hard rough skin on her sensitive inner walls and it felt great.

Laura looked the chimp in his eyes as he entered her and quickly began to hump her. The star loved how the chimp just got going. It felt more natural. It felt more real. And despite the small size of the cock, Laura felt more turned on than when she was with a human.

“That’s it! Fuck me with your animal cock!”

The chimp responded in kind, immediately using his hands to pull the stunner onto his hard cock as he fucked her.

“Mmmm … Yes … Yes … Yesssss!” Laura breathed as her pleasure skyrocketed. She was so turned on looking at the hairy chimp, using her as a fuck toy. She loved how his hands felt on her skin and the feel of his soft fur on the insides of her thighs.

Laura was getting close to another amazing orgasm. Her whole body tingled in anticipation of that incredible feeling and release. She felt her hands search for something to hold on to, in anticipation of losing control.

The chimp looked at Laura with a grin. Laura felt his little cock twitch and then an eruption of hot cum filled her pussy.

“Fucckkk…” The feeling of hot animal cum flooding her pussy again sent Laura over the top. The beauty felt her whole body quiver and tingle in orgasmic pleasure as her beastial lover shot his load inside her. There was nothing that Laura couldn’t feel, every little movement or touch from the chimp seemed to make her feel even better.

Laura lay back and continued to take the pounding as another load fired in. She grasped the cushions of her chair tightly, almost scared she’d move too violently for the chimp, such was the force of her orgasm. She felt her back arch strongly, pushing her full tits out. She arched her neck back too, finding herself looking up and backwards. This was intense.

Load after load filled her as the chimp continued to fuck her enthusiastically. The feel of cock and cum in her pussy caused Laura to orgasm again just as her body seemed to relax, causing more lust for the chimp. She was loving every second of this.

After what seemed like a minute, the chimp stopped thrusting as he stopped emptying his cum into Laura. The brunette had to come down too, relaxing back into the couch with a satisfied smile on her face and a lovely warm tingle all over her body.

Laura looked at the chimp as she felt his cock and cum fall out of her pussy. It gave another tingle of pleasure as she savoured the feel of the chimp hair on her thighs.

“Thank you boy, that was incredible…”

And with that the chimp turned round and clambered away leaving one delighted tennis star very satisfied.


Laura Robson loved New York. The big city was full of life and adventure, something that had been lacking since her trip to a private beach where she’d had sex with a wild dog and a chimp. Laura was constantly been fantasizing about more but her schedule had got in the way.

However, New York was not the place to seek out more opportunities as privacy was not something it tended to offer. In a few minutes, she’d be in front of the cameras, posing for pictures in her new dress before proceeding to the annual tennis awards gathering. It was always a glamorous affair and Laura would certainly fit right in.

Laura hurried along the side in her tight little red sequinned dress which showed plenty of her long toned legs. She wore black platformed peep toe high heels which only accentuated the sexiness of her legs. The dress was long sleeved on top and the neck line was high. Only the tightness of the dress gave away the fullness of her tits, giving some curve to an otherwise athletic figure.

Laura’s dark brunette hair was done up in a stylish bun and her makeup was picture perfect. She had noticed passers by glimpsing at her, she was overly dressed for daily life, but she had sought a brief walk to clear her mind.

Still, the area between her hotel and the reception was not what Laura had thought. Two high end hotels with nothing in-between but cheap bars, hotels, motels and cafes in between. The area appeared dimmer and run down and if it wasn’t quite so busy, Laura would have felt a bit scared. She could see the light and the camera flashes in the distance faintly. She couldn’t be too far.

Laura’s thoughts lingered on her beastial experiences on the beach many miles away however. She’d never experienced anything so wild and thrilling before. She wanted more. She wondered if any of her fellow pros had done something similar. Or if they’d think she was weird if they found out. Maybe she could convince them. All these thoughts ran through her mind, but tonight was not the night she’d find out she thought. Not yet at least.

A clatter of trash cans disturbed Laura from her thoughts. She turned round, seeing a dark alley filled with dumpsters and bins. It was then she saw movement. It was a tail. And legs trying to pull away from something. It was a dog. And it appeared to be stuck on something.

Laura looked around but the people walking around her didn’t seem to notice or care about the noise or the dog’s situation. Laura grabbed her clutch bag as determination took over her. She was going to help.

Laura strode into the dimly lit alley and immediately heard the reverberation of her heels echo of the walls. She focused on the dog and could see it had hauled over a trash can with garbage spilling around. Both the dog and alley were grubby but Laura remained undeterred. It was then Laura noted that the dog appeared to by humping something. A pillow.

The tennis star’s heart skipped a beat as she realised what the dog was doing. This was more exciting than she thought. She sped up, covering the 20m or so much faster than the first few.

The dog was big and a dirty hound, clearly homeless from the look of it. It was strong though, and animalistic. It humped the pillow hard despite being caught on a bin. She knelt down beside it gently, making sure she had a clean piece of paper between her and the dirty ground.

Laura reached gently for the dog so as not to startle it and just as her manicured fingers made contact with the fur, the tennis babe felt that now familiar unique excitement of being with an animal. The dog glanced round at her not missing a stroke. He didn’t seem unhappy she was there.

Laura ran her hand over the dog’s body, taking in the feel of the fur and it’s powerful muscles. She loved how strong he was.

“Its ok boy,” she murmured, “I’m here to help.”

Laura ran her hand round under the powerful body, immediately finding a big hard cock. She wrapped her fingers round it carefully, and began to jerk the cock in her grip. The dog gave a little bark as she did so.

“That feels so much better, doesn’t it boy?” she asked, speeding up the handjob quickly. The dog responded with another bark and stood up a bit, now letting Laura takeover.

“Just relax and enjoy,” said Laura as she petted the dog with one hand and jerked him off with the other. She pulled him close, feeling his fur on her legs. Laura felt exhilarated.

Laura could feel the size of the cock as she jerked it. It was long and thick, and felt smooth in her hand, gliding over the surface as she moved it back and forth. It was easily longer and thicker than any man she’d ever been with.

“You’ve got a big cock, don’t you boy?” teased Laura provocatively. “It feels so hard for me.” The Brit continued to pick up the pace. She was now going fast and she could hear the sound of a handjob being given as skin moved about. The dog was close, as Laura felt by the twitching in his shaft.

“Cum for me boy,” Laura commanded as the dog remained motionless but with loud panting. The beauty double her efforts making sure to massage with her fingertips as if trying to draw the cum out.

Back and forth. Back and forth.

Laura got her reward. A sudden swelling in the cock was followed by blast after blast of cum firing onto the ground and trash In front of the dog. Laura could feel each twitch of the cock as cum passed the shaft and out into the world.

“That’s such a big load boy!” Laura marvelled as she stroked the shaft. “You must be an absolute stud.”

Laura was holding the dog close. She could feel how powerful an orgasm the dog was having, especially through her skin. She felt bonded to the dog, almost as if she was enjoying his orgasm.

“Mmmm boy. This feels so good.”

The dog didn’t respond. He was too busy enjoying the last remenents of his orgasm. The breathing was slowed momentarily and then picked up again as the feeling ebbed away.

Laura finished her task, sweeping her hand over the cock tip, feeling the thick fluid get on her palm and fingers. She liftrd her hand to her face and examined it. She then glanced at the ground and saw gallons of the stuff cover the trash and ground. It glistened and gleamed, almost calling Laura to it.

Laura had one thing on her mind. She slowly lifted her hand and put her fingers in her mouth. She used her lips to suck off the goo from her digits. A sudden taste of salty hot cum filled her mouth and a huge smile came across her face.

“Mmmm your cum is fucking delicious boy! I should never have let you cum on to the ground.”

Lust filled thoughts took over the beauty’s brain as erotic sensations took over her body. The brunette looked round and saw a motel further down the alley. She just had to get there. Laura looked down at the dog, still recovering from its orgasm, panting away. For the first time, she thought to look round to see if anyone was watching. She saw nobody. Nobody cared.

Laura freed the dog’s paw from a piece of string around it’s foot. He responded by giving an affectionate nuzzle with his nose as Laura’s legs, genuinely loving her kindness.

“Come with me boy, there’s definitely more we could up to.” The stunner’s naughty grin said it all. She was totally turned on and desperate to get more cum from her doggy partner.

Laura stood up and beckoned the dog to follow her with a “Here boy.” She strode confidently towards the run down motel sign before stopping outside for a moment. She never thought for a moment to turn back.

“Boy, come!” She smirked at the double entendre as she stepped into the reception. Its was dark, old and smoke filled. A rather big gentleman sat behind a kiosk. He looked like he hadn’t moved all day, with a TV on beside him. He was sweating in the humid conditions as a single fan tried forlornly to cool him.

Laura smiled. “One room please,” she said in her gorgeous English accent.

The man looked at the woman for a moment, her dress, shoes or clutch bag worth several weeks of residency in the place. He turned around to face the TV, not caring. “We charge by the hour.”

“I’ll take two hours then!” Laura replied happily, and then realised she might have been displaying too much excitement.

“That’ll be twenty dollars then,” he replied gruffly.

Laura reached into her bag and took out a twenty. She placed it gingerly on the counter.

The man reached for a key without looking and placed it beside the bill. “Room six. Through the door, third on the left.”

“Thank you,” Laura said, again now regretting making unnecessary communication. She sounded far too bubbly and happy.

RUFF! RUFF! Laura shot down a state at the dog hoping he’d be quiet.

The man lifted his head from the TV. He clocked the origin of the sound. He looked at the dog.

“Humper! You filthy mutt!”

Laura felt an overwhelming sense of trouble brewing.

“You been gettin’ your scraps elsewhere?”

The dog responded. RUFF!

“Humper?” Laura winced, still not sure what was going on. “Is he your dog?”

“No mam,” the man replied, happier than before. “He’s a stray, but we often end up feedin’ him when he comes in.”

Laura took a step to continue but stopped. “Why do you call him Humper?” Laura asked. “Is that his name?”

“No mam. We don’t know his actual name. Its just he tries to hump most things he sees so we call him Humper.”

Laura looked down coyly.

“I’m surprised he hasn’t tried to hump you. He’ll go at it with trash cans, legs, pillows, boxes…” the man said grinning. This was the first time the man gave a smirk and Laura wondered if he knew or was just remarking on Laura’s attractiveness. Regardless, this was now uncomfortable and the star decided to move on with Humper in tow.

Laura moved off hoping that Humper would still follow after. She dare not look back for him in case she would give the game away completely. She went through the door and felt relief when she saw her lover in the corner of her eye follow her through the door.

Almost instantly Laura felt relief from closing the door on the attendant. She was now refocused on her goal but couldn’t help but giggle at her companion’s name.

“Humper?” she said wryly, “I better not be just another thing to shag.” Laura looked down, and Humper looked up innocently. Laura smiled. “Come on then, let’s see what you’ve really got.”

Room six was not far away. Laura used the key in the lock and turned to the dog as she enticingly pushed the door open. “Our sex den,” she purred as she let Humper in first.

Ordinarily Laura would have been appalled at the state of the room. It was barely habitable and far from the luxury that Laura was used to. The yellow wallpaper was old, dirty and hanging from damp walls. The furniture had seen better days. It was originally white bit was now more coffee stained. The TV was ancient. The bed was a single and the sheets were discoloured.

But Laura just didn’t care. She just had lustful thoughts about her doggy companion. Laura shut the door and got over to the bed before letting her designer dress fall to the floor. She had a glorious body. One which she knew the dog would want to get with.

Laura’s body was toned and smooth, but the athletic figure only appeared to compliment her round tits even more. Normally she would appear a small to medium size, her slim body only served to accentuate her bust to a medium-large. She wore a red lacy thong which just covered her hot, throbbing pussy. The lack of material showed how long and toned her legs were, accentuated by her high heels.

Laura could see Humper leering at her. “Come here Humper,” Laura began, wasting no time at all. She patted the bed. “Let me get you hard again.”

Humper jumped up on the bed before Laura fell to her knees on the floor. Humper sat happily on the edge of the bed, waiting for Laura to act.

The tennis babe smiled at Jumper’s length. She knew she was in for a treat. She also knew Humper was in for a treat and that he’d be rock hard soon.

Laura was keen to not waste any time so moved forward and took Jumper’s cock in her mouth. Initially her lips engulfed the tip, sensing the hot salty cum from a few minutes ago. Instinctively, Laura began to twist her tongue round the hot surface, taking as much of cum as she could. She could also feel the cock begin to harden, encouraging her to continue.

The soft tenderness of the initial contact continued for a moment as Laura moved her tongue down the shaft, gently caressing the skin with her lips and tongue. It made Laura very horny to feel the shaft quickly expanding with her oral touch. The star gave plenty of soft kisses, taking the taste of doggy cum with each one.

Laura took a moment to look her companion in the eyes. “Mmm, I love how your cock tastes covered in cum.” She then gave a little smile before returning to her blowjob.

The passion was building and and Laura found herself begin to bob up and down the shaft, slowly at first but then more quickly as she started to crave hard cock in her pussy.


Laura knew she was giving great head as Humper’s erection was quickly harder and bigger than before. He was excited and so was Laura. She knew what he was thinking as she took his cock into her throat, feeling the tightness around his shaft, adding to the pleasure.

RUFF RUFF Humper gave approving barks.

Laura felt her hot pussy throbbing. She wanted the big dog cock between her legs. The thought made her work harder, desperate to make Humper as hard as possible. But it was getting hard to ignore her urges. She felt sad to not finish with her mouth, but realised it could be done later. She lifted her head.

“Come on Humper, let’s fuck!” Laura smiled as she looked up, throwing her long brunette back.

RUFF RUFF Humper agreed enthusiastically.

Laura gazed lovingly into Humper’s eyes as she gently rolled him on to his back and straddled him. “You’re in for a real treat boy.”

Laura wondered if he’d ever been underneath. He probably hadn’t but she knew he’d have never seen as hot a body as hers fucking him. It was a thought that just drove Laura wild.

The tennis babe began to lower herself down on to the erect dog cock. She gave a whimper as her pussy lips parted and the the length slid in. She exhaled as pleasure came over her body.

“Mmm,” Laura moaned, closing her eyes for a moment.

Gently, Laura began to roll her hips as her hands found their way to her lover’s torso. She loved the feel of dog fur in between her thighs and on her hands and fingers. It felt so naughty but yet so good.

She looked down as Humper looked back at her. She was happy and he had an angel riding on top of him. They were both about to feel incredible.

“Your big cock feels so good inside of me,” Laura cooed as she picked up the pace. She could feel Humper’s legs on her ass as she massaged his shaft with her pussy. It felt amazing.

Laura kept her eyes fixed on Humper. She was enthralled by him. He was giving her so much and she just wanted him to feel as she did.

“Mmmm, fuck…” Laura moaned as pleasure continued to build inside of her.

Humper whined back, looking at the tennis babe smile and bite her lip as she rode him. As Laura got more and more energetic, Humper became more and more enthralled. And was something she could see as well as feel.

Laura sat back a little and took her hands of Humper’s body and began to run them up her own.

“Do you like this Humper? A hot sexy woman riding on top of you.” Laura’s hands traced her toned stomach and then her round full boobs. “Do you like my body on yours?”

Humper was clearly too far into realms of pleasure to respond. Laura took a proud happiness with this as she ran her hands up behind her head, thrusting out her chest, displaying all she could

“I love this too,” she continued as she rocked her hips. “I love your big cock inside me!” Laura was getting carried away. She moaned as she spoke, struggling to be completely coherent. The pleasure was reaching maximum.

Laura felt terrific. The star’s body tingled with anticipation while her mind raced with erotic thoughts on what she was doing. She thrashed her hips on the cock, feeling it twitch and move inside her. She knew Humper would cum soon.

“Ahhh, yes, yes, yes, fuck…”

An orgasm took over Laura’s hot body as her voice trailed off. She froze as her muscles burned in orgasmic bliss. Her mind could only focus on the cock in her wet pussy and the dog’s animal body In front of her.

Every inch of Laura felt amazing. It was a feeling that she could only replicate one way. Nothing else came close. She took it all in. The feel of dog cock in her wet pussy, the look of her canine lover between her legs. The thought of doing it again. It was all overwhelming her in the best possible way.

It was then she realised that Humper hadn’t cum yet. An image of dog cum spraying over her body filled her head and was something she instantly desired.

Laura looked down at Humper as her strong orgasm faded to a generalised gentle pleasure state. It was Humper’s turn.

“You want to cum Humper? Do you want to cum all over my pretty face and body?” Laura asked as Humper continued to fuck her, desperate to bust his load once more.

Laura happily got off the beast and found herself back on her knees on the dirty floor again.

Laura gave her biggest happiest smile as Humper stood up and pointed his hard cock towards her. She immediately started to jerk him off.

“I want all that cum on me. Let’s not waste a single drop!”

Laura stroked faster, loving the feel of the shaft in her hand, demanding her lover’s cum.

“I want you to be my first. The first time I’ve let anyone shoot a load all over me.”

With that, a strand of cum pulsed from Humper’s cock, hitting Laura’s right cheek. There was an immediate hot sting, almost like the thick wad was sizzling on her skin. It felt incredible. And a moment later a huge load hit hit nose and top lip.

Laura opened her mouth and stick out her tongue, feeling the saltiness stimulate her taste buds as it made contact. It tasted heavenly.

Another load hit her forehead. Then her right eye. Then her chin. Each load was huge and came with a very pleasurable tingle on her soft skin.

“That’s it Humper!” Laura encouraged before a spurt hit her left boob, reminding Laura how good attention on her tits felt. “Put some on my tits!”

Laura jerked a bit more while pointing the shaft at her chest. She felt more intense tingling as her globes received cum.



“Fuck!” Laura cooed with every load but knew Humper was drying up. She was in a state of bliss and could have kept going with Humper covering her body.

Laura wanked the last drops of cum on to her heaving chest as she smiled happily. She was drenched and she felt amazing. Humper looked happy too.

“Looks like you enjoyed that Humper…” Laura suggested rhetorically. “You certainly managed to cover me in your hot delicious cum.”


“You have more for me?” Laura stroked her lover’s fur as she asked, surprised he’d still be up for more.


“Well I definitely won’t say no,” Laura said as she got up on to her high heels. “I just need to get the room for the whole night.”


It was a fortuitous time of year to be home for Laura Robson. It was Christmas time, and she loved all the festive fun and cheer. However, she had some other things on her mind.

There was a new law coming into effect in the new year about XL American Bully dogs and they were being put to vets to be put down.

Laura was naturally abhorred at the idea of the dogs being put down and while she was home she was going to do something about it.

Or rather she was doing something about it right now.

Despite it being late on Christmas Eve and freezing cold, Laura was out on the streets looking to save some canine lives. She had got to her local veterinary office and was checking her surroundings, to make sure no-one was about to see what she was about to do.

It was clear. No cars driving past. No people out for a late stroll. All was peaceful and quiet.

Laura took a breath and ran up to the wall in front of her. She vaulted it easily, although she had to admit, her choice of black high heels were not the most practical. The loud ‘clack’ as she landed could have perhaps been avoided.

It would have been quite a sight for anyone who might have seen her land. A gorgeous young woman, wearing a sexy red Santa jacket landing on her black peep toe platform high heels from over a security wall. The sexy jacket was classically styled for glamour, the length allowing most of Laura’s long toned legs to be seen. The black belt was tight at the waist, alluding to a slim figure with some womanly curves in the chest and hips.

Laura had forgone the Santa hat in order to style her dark hair up in an elegant bun while she had done her makeup to a photoshoot level of perfection. She looked stunning, completely out of place in the environment she had put herself in.

At the moment she landed, loud barking had puncture the silent night air. It was harsh and aggressive in nature, like the dog was upset at the intrusion.

Laura looked quickly for the source, knowing that if it went on too long, the rescue would be over. In the corner, tied up to a post on the snow covered lawn was an XL American Bully barking maniacally at her. It heaved and strained at its restraint, every one of its large muscles bulging with effort.

Laura gave it a gentle smile, standing in front of it confidently as it barked. She raised a finger to her red lips and let out a gentle “Ssssshhhh,” to the animal.

The star then brought her hand down to her fantasy Santa outfit and slowly unbuttoned it. As it parted, Laura’s lacy red bra with white trim and toned stomach came into view, quickly followed by a glimpse of her matching white trimmed red lacy thong.

The XL American Bully immediately stopped as he watched intently at Laura’s hot body, wondering what was next.

Laura was quick to oblige, letting the coat fall onto the snow ground, confirming her intention to show off her body. The stunner stood for a second in her underwear and high heels, imaging what was about to come.

The grey XL American Bully was totally under Laura’s spell now, just staring at her sexy body. He was not wild anymore, he was tamed by the hot tennis player.

“Merry Christmas,” Laura said quietly, dropping her bra and then thong to the snowy ground.

The dog perked up further, sensing how wet she was through his heightened smell.

He let out a small bark as if to reciprocate Laura’s holiday greeting.

Not wasting a moment longer, Laura knelt down beside her companion, her legs hitting the cold snow. It was a sharp shock, but it was exhilarating. She thought if her first time with an animal in warmer climes and how much fun it was. This seemed as good as if not better.

Laura reached under the muscular body of the Bully, quickly locating his hard shaft and wrapping her fingers round it. She began to jerk it off as she felt his body press against her bare thighs.

“I love the feel of fur,” Laura confessed as she stroked the Bully, feeling the shaft getting longer and harder. She knew he’d be a great fuck.

Laura was feeling hotter and hotter. She looked at the Billy’s hard face and tough, muscular body. He’d give it to her hard, just how she wanted. She couldn’t wait to feel his cock inside of her.

As if by command, the American Bully jumped up, placing his paws on Laura’s shoulders giving her a now familiar buzz. She looked down, seeing the dog cock pointing straight at her.

Without hesitation, Laura took the cock into her mouth, gently starting to give a blowjob. She loved the feel of the hot skin on her soft lips and she loved feeling every inch as she ran her mouth up and down it.

“Mmmm,” she moaned as she felt his cock bulge with her work, knowing he’d give a huge load.

Laura doubled her efforts, bobbing her head faster, as well as twisting it slightly, stimulating the beast even more. He responded with a quiver and a whine. She was clearly more than this brute could handle.

The thought of the control of that beastly power was intoxicating, Laura feeling her shaved pussy burning with desire for that hard cock to be inside her.

By now Laura was really getting the shaft all the way into her mouth a throat, fully servicing the dog. If she hadn’t been so horny, she would have wanted him to blow in her mouth right now. Her blowjob was certainly getting him there.

Laura could feel the dog beginning to fuck her mouth but she needed her pussy filled. She took control again, bringing his cock out of her mouth with her gentle hand.

“Fuck me!” Laura said, trying to catch her breath. “I need you to fuck me.”

There was a crisp crunch of snow as Laura placed her hands down. The icy cold contrasting with the heat her body felt. She could see the vapour funneling out with each breath she took. She felt very primal.

In a flash though, the Bully was mounting her from behind, his paws landing with a scratch on her back, causing a burst of energy through Laura’s hyper excited body.

A second later though, Laura felt his hard cock slam into her body, the hard shaft penetrating deep inside. The rush of sexual lust took over, as Laura moaned in ecstasy.

“Ohhh … Fuck! Your cock feels so good.”

A second thrust came, causing the same feeling, her hot body barely able to contain the wonderful sensation the Bully was generating.

The Bully began to slam his cock into Laura with animal vigour. Laura could feel his powerful body and strength with each thrust into her. She loved the feel if paws on her back as well as the fur brushing her thighs.

“Harder,” she moaned, scarcely believing it to be possible but hoping it was.

The Bully complied, working his cock in and out of Laura with complete precision.

Laura’s eyes rolled back. It was all too good.

An orgasm tore through Laura’s body, every last muscle and fibre feeling the warm pleasure of endorphins coursing through her. Laura could sense everything, and it all felt wonderful as her pussy squeezed the cock fucking her.

A moment of bliss had passed but Laura soon entered another as the telltale twitch of her partner’s cock occured. A sudden burst of cum filled her wet pussy, causing more eruptions of orgasmic pleasure to capture Laura’s senses.

Cum fired into the star as the dog kept pumping her as he came, really making use of all his stamina.

Laura was very still, just her tits bouncing and her chest heaving as she tried to function as best she could. But for now, she was essentially a fuck toy and she loved it.

A few moments passed but to Laura it could have been years and she wouldn’t have known such was the heaven she was in. It was only as the Bully slowed down and the icy cold if her hands and legs in the snow replaced the sexual heat that the woman got up.

Laura smiled down on the dog as he looked up at her. “Thanks boy,” she said “but we better get outta here before I freeze.”

Laura picked up her clothes and slightly regretted throwing them into the snow in passion. She put them on and let the bully off his chain.

“Come home with me,” she beamed. “My bed is much warmer but just as fun.”

The End

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