Women with Animals
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© 2022 by killer bishops

This story is entirely fictional.

“Always be positive. Always smile. Always look your best. Take every opportunity you get and you’ll make it one day.” Nadine Mulkerrin kept repeating it to herself. They were the words of her agent, Scott, and they were trying to inspire her after a difficult few weeks.

Nadine had moved to Hollywood three months ago to try and make it big. She always knew it would be tough but wasn’t prepared for this. She hadn’t even got one audition yet and was running out of funds. People here were all competing for the same thing and it was ridiculously competitive.

It was no surprise then that she had taken a slightly unusual job to see if she could get a small foothold. At short notice, someone needed a dog sitter and Nadine jumped at the chance, hearing who it was for.


Nadine kept repeating the words in her head. “ … positive … smile … opportunity.”

The door gently swung open. Even though Nadine knew who it was going to be, she was still stunned as she was greeted by the biggest, most amazing cleavage she’d ever seen. It was like being greeted by two bazookas. The young woman had to make sure to lift her eyes and head so she would stop staring. An equally beautiful smile was waiting for her.

It was the stunning Christina Hendricks. She had stunning natural wavy hair which she allowed to sit over her shoulder. She had piercing blue eyes which just highlighted every aspect of her perfect face. She wore red lipstick which complemented her hair and outfit nicely.

Christina wore a tight white corset and blue jeans combination that showed off all her voluptuous curves. She topped it all with black platformed peep toe high heels with red in the sole.

The superstar gave Nadine a warm smile almost apologetic as she what Nadine was wearing.

“Scott asked you to do this didn’t he?”

Nadine nodded, still in awe of the woman in front of her.

“Always be positive. Always smile. Always look your best. Take every opportunity you get and you’ll make it one day.” Christina repeated the mantra.

“He’s not wrong you know. Look what it’s done for me.” Christina opened her body in a way that showed her glamour but also invited Nadine to look at her huge luxury home.

“But maybe he could have said you maybe didn’t need the makeup, dress and heels for dog sitting.”

Nadine’s heart sank a little. She’d worked hard to get even here. But Christina wasn’t being harsh, she was being kind and did sense Nadine’s disappointment.

“Tell you what. We’ll talk when I get back,” Christina drew a smile before she had to go, gently brushing past Nadine. The redhead turned as she made her way to the waiting black limousine.

“ZuZu is upstairs and Triscuit is in the kitchen. Just try to keep them apart. ZuZu is in heat and Triscuit is a little…”


The heavy limousine door was shut, cutting Christina off abruptly.

As Nadine was wondering what Christina could have said, she found herself still in awe of just having been in Christina’s presence. She was so lovely, and kind, and welcoming and sexy.

Nadine thought of Christina’s huge tits which were virtually pushing themselves on to her when she opened the door. A grin crossed her face as she momentarily thought of her head buried in between them, before quickly realising she had a job to do. What had Christina said again?

Nadine looked down at herself. Perhaps her stunning strapless yellow dress with high leg line was more suited to red carpet than dog sitting. And the black peep toe platform high heels were certainly not practical, but it is what Scott had told her to do.

Another smile came over Nadine’s face. She and Christina Hendricks had the same agent. And look at how famous she was. Nadine would certainly be happy with this or even half of it. And if some nights dog sitting in a glamorous dress was what it took, she’d do it.

And if she got to work with Christina’s tits … eh Christina Hendricks in something then she’d like that too. Nadine gave a giggle as she wondered internally why she kept thinking of Christina’s enticing chest.

Trying to put it out of her mind, Nadine focused on the job she was here for, the dogs. She set off for the kitchen, her designer high heels making a loud echo-y click on the solid marble floors as she made her way though the house.

The commotion was obviously heard by ZuZu who came bounding down stairs. ZuZu was one of Christina’s cockapoos and had a cute brown coat. Nadine stopped to introduce herself as she knelt and gaze ZuZu an affectionate nuzzle under the jaw with her hand.

“Hey there. I’m Nadine and I’ll be looking after you tonight…” The dog responded happily, angling her head to get maximal comfort from Nadine. “You’re a cutie aren’t you?” Nadine lauded, feeling the relaxing thrill of having a loving pet beside her.

The dog let out a little happy yelp as Nadine continued to lavish rubs on the dog’s cute face.

A bark came from the kitchen and suddenly ZuZu sped off.

Then Nadine remembered. Keep them apart.

The young Brit stood up and immediately trotted through to the kitchen as fast as she could on high heels. She was just in time to see the two dogs circling each other excitedly.

“No!” Nadine commanded as ZuZu presented herself to Triscuit, another cockapoo, but had white fur with black spots. He would have been equally as cute as ZuZu had he not been so turned on right now.

The pair ignored Nadine who moved over and was just able to interject with her high heel as Triscuit tried to mount ZuZu.

Not to be deterred they moved slightly and tried again. This time Nadine bent over and pulled Triscuit up. She felt his hard cock brush her hand as she did so, remembering it had been a while since she’d felt deep inside her.

“Come on guys, if we could just stop…” Triscuit was wriggling and squirming in her grip, rubbing his hard cock as best he could on Nadine’s hand. She tried to reposition but he broke out and ran off, ZuZu in hot pursuit.

Nadine raced after the pair, trying to make sure they didn’t copulate on her watch. She got back to the hall but could only give further chase as the pair ran up stairs. She could hear the strange sound oh high heels on hard floor mixing with little paws echoing through the large house.

“What a night,” she breathed as she followed the pair into a bedroom.

The two dogs then began to play and circle once more which allowed Nadine a moment to grab ZuZu before she was mounted again. Without further thought she let the dog back outside and closed the door, leaning on it in relief as she thought her problem was solved.


Triscuit stood on a large bed now looking a mix of sad and annoyed. Nadine was kind hearted and was keen to console him but couldn’t have him give ZuZu puppies.

“I’m sorry boy. I just don’t think your owner would want to come home to a pregnant dog. I know it’s tough when you’re all excited.”


Nadine did know how tough it was. She’d wanted a one night stand to relieve stress last week but it didn’t happen. And her vibrator just wasn’t quite cutting it. She wanted to feel cum inside her. It must have been similar for Triscuit.


Nadine looked at the dog standing on the bed, his doggy cock hard and ready. “What if I just…” Nadine stopped herself. She had thought of jerking Triscuit off, giving him a release. “No I shouldn’t.”


This bark seemed happier, more encouraging. It was as if Triscuit knew what Nadine was thinking.

Nadine’s heart sank. She was such a kind hearted person and she ached inside seeing this cute cockapoo struggling with his urges. She thought for another second.

“Ok then … just one handjob! And you better behave after!”


Nadine gave a smile as warmth spread in her chest. She enjoyed being kind and she enjoyed seeing Triscuit happy.

The young Englishwoman went over to the bed and hopped up on it, curling her legs underneath her. She snuggled up to Triscuit, and reached round his body, hugging him tight while she searched under his body for his cock.

As soon as her fingers clasped the stuff rod in her hands, she felt Triscuit give a shiver of excitement.


Slowly Nadine started to run her hand up and down the shaft, making sure she got from tip to balls. It was slow at first, as she let her fingers and palm explore every intricacy of the surface.

Nadine felt the dog stiffen, clearly turned on by her touch.

“I’m told I give great handjobs,” Nadine said happily. “It’s a skill.” Nadine laughed, realising she really loved doing it well.


“Now we get a bit faster,” she said as she sped up. “Adding in a little twist sometime to keep you focused.”


Nadine got faster, feeling more and more turned on. “You’ve got a nice big hard cock, don’t you?”


Nadine really started to wank off the cock as best she could, responding to Triscuit’s little twitches.

“You’re going to cum for me, aren’t you? Shoot that big load right into my mouth.”

The words shocked Nadine that she was so cum hungry that she’d take a load from a dog. But there was nowhere else for it to go.

She jerked a bit faster, almost trying to pull the cum from Triscuit’s balls.


Triscuit started to quiver and his cock twitched.

Nadine lay down on her chest and positioned her mouth just millimetres from the tip. She managed to keep stroking the shaft, giving it everything so she could get the most cum.

“That’s it Triscuit. I want to taste that hot dog cum!” Nadine was now lusting after it. The young star was totally turned on by what she was doing and was desperate to really please her partner. “Let me have it all!”


A large blast of cum shot out of Triscuit’s hard cock, landing squarely on Nadine’s waiting tongue, her eyes widening with delight at it’s hot salty taste.

Another came, then another, filling Nadine’s mouth then getting her bottom lip and chin.

Nadine was ecstatic as load after load stung her mouth and skin, causing a pleasent satisfied tingle over her body. It was a pleasure she’d never felt before, a total and unique high.

As Triscuit’s orgasm and cum ended a satisfied Nadine sat back up again, carefully holding the cum in her mouth. She looked at Triscuit before taking a big happy gulp.

“Mmm that tastes so good,” Nadine beamed. “I bet that feels so much better.”


“But now I’m horny and want a fuck! And with you being the only one around…”


Nadine stood up momentarily and let unzipped her dress at the back, letting it fall to the floor. It revealed her toned, glamorous body and black lacy thong. She had small round pert tits, just about a perfect handful to cup.

Nadine then wiggled her hips playfully, pushing her underwear down her perfect round thighs and letting it drop over her high heels. She was now completely naked, apart from her high heels, and she was certain this is what she wanted.

Triscuit could see the gorgeous Nadine right there in front of him, her shaved wet pussy just waiting for him. He had remained rock hard watching the starlet undress and listening to her sexy chat.

Nadine clambered up on the bed with much more purpose this time, her high heels making her sexy legs look incredible. She was delighted that her friend was still hard but needed access to his cock so Nadine rolled him over on to his back.

Nadine then straddled the happy dog, his tongue out and panting, before dropping her wet pussy onto the five or six inch shaft.

“Holy fuck!” moaned Nadine as she felt the thrill of cock inside her, but it was even better than she knew. There was something about the feel of fur on her thighs which was super stimulating as well as the sight of the cute little dog with his paws in the air underneath her.

Carefully Nadine started to bounce, feeling the incredible sense of her pussy on dog cock.


“This feels so nice,” Nadine smiled happily as she got more and more in to it.


“Doggy cock is so hot, I’m definitely doing this again.”

Nadine began to rub her hands over her body, caressing her soft skin gently in order to generate more tingly feelings. She stopped at her breasts and gave them a rub, showing her body off to the dog beneath her.

“These tits feel so good right now,” Nadine purred, as a thought of Christina’s big tits popped into her head and it got her even more hot.

“I bet you love your mummy’s titties. You probably spend all day nuzzled into those big jugs.” Nadine mused at the thought, wishing he could do the same.

“He sure does!” Nadine spun round quickly to see Christina Hendricks just behind her. Christina was wearing her white corset and black high heels, having removed her jeans. The white corset caused her tits to bulge out over the top, but hid her nipples.

“Oh my God!”

Nadine wanted to run but before she could do anything Christina was by her and leaning over her dog.

“He loves fucking my big tits and spraying his cum all over them.”

Nadine took a second to process what was said. Did Christina give titfucks to her dog. Any doubt was soon answered in a moment as the red head joined the pair on the bed.

“Hi boy, I see she’s taking really good care of you.”

Christina bent over and began to kiss the dog, initially using her lips on the dog mouth but quickly became more tongue. Triscuit had a long tongue and was easily able to lap at Christina’s.

Nadine watched in awe, the horny feeling quickly returning as Christina Hendricks made out with her dog. Nadine started to bounce on the cock again, sharing her dog lover with Christina.

Christina was totally absorbed by the kiss for a moment and only remembered Nadine was there when she caught her pussy out if the corner of her eye.

Christina got up slowly smiling. “You lucky dog, you’ve picked up a hottie.”

Nadine loved the complement as she continued to ride Triscuit. She looked at Christina’s shiny mouth and was easily drawn to it, meeting her lips with the redhead’s and beginning a passionate lesbian kiss.

Nadine was bouncing on dog cock while kissing Christina Hendricks, she’d never felt so alive. She kissed the star hungrily who was kissing just as hard back until Nadine’s bouncing was getting too hard to coordinate the more delicate kiss. The pair stopped to take in the view.

Christina licked her lips happily as she watched Nadine on her pet. “His cum tastes so good, doesn’t it?” She had managed to take some cum from Nadine’s lips.

Nadine could only nod as her body started to quiver and tremble.

“I just get him to cum all day,” Christina smiled. “It’s such incredible stuff!”

Nadine again nodded. She was too filled with excitement for anything else.

“Cum in her! Fill that amazing pussy up with cum!” Christina commanded and like a good dog, Triscuit obeyed.

“Ahhh,” was all Nadine could moan as the first wad of hot cum filled inside her. It was an incredible feeling, having the hot cum stimulate her wet pussy while she also slid the hard doggy cock in and out.

A wave of pleasure rushed over Nadine as she orgasmed too, her body no longer hers to control. The amazing tingly muscle spasms throughout her body caused her to go weak, barely able to move as Triscuit injected his seed into her. Nadine’s vision went blurry.

Despite her altered senses and abilities, she was able to take in the most magnificent thing. Christina unhooked her corset at the back, freeing her huge tits from the material restraint. The contrast of Christina’s slim waist was marked with her huge big round tits.

Just as another orgasm took hold, Nadine was guided face first into Christina’s pillows, giving the young woman more support and joy. With the last of energy, she kissed the heavenly titty flesh around her, embracing her lust for them.

“That’s it,” Christina consoled, “Use my tits.”

Nadine felt a few more pumps of hot sperm into her pussy as she orgasmed a few more times. She could barely move with her body deserting her, but Christina’s generous chest somehow kept her going.

A few seconds passed in this almost delirious state before Nadine was able to sense exactly what had happened. She lifted her head and smiled at the beautiful redhead in front of her.

“Feels hot doesn’t it?” Christina said. “And wait to see what I can get him to do.”

The stunned Nadine just fell off Triscuit as he lay there, feeling her pussy filled with cum. She savoured it as much as the feeling in her body of unbelievable satisfaction. For now though, all she could do was watch.

Christina took charge as unbelievably Triscuit found another burst of energy. He was still rock hard despite having mind blowing sex with Nadine.

“Right boy, Mummy’s home. Show this sexy slut what we love to do.”

Without a second invitation, Triscuit jumped onto Christina forcing her to lie on her back. He immediately stuck his cock in between her breasts and start to fuck them even before Christina could get her hands to her chest.

“He loves a titfuck,” enthused the busty star as she pressed her tits round the hard shaft and settled into the sexual act.

BARK! Triscuit agreed.

“Fuck these tits,” Christina begged as Triscuit sped up. “They love to be fucked.”

Triscuit hammered at Christina’s melons, his few inch cock completely devoured by her large rack. He was clearly in heaven though, on top of his owner, fucking her chest he was in charge.

“I love getting doggy cum all over them,” Christina moaned sensually, feeling some pleasure from the act. It was also in part aimed at enticing Nadine back to the action.

Nadine was recovering enough. Watching the cockapoo fucking the big tits of the bombshell Christina Hendricks was certainly a big turn on, something she’d have never thought of before but would never not want in the future.

Nadine looked at her own tits, wondering if they be able to accommodate a tit fuck. She cupped them sensually, turning herself on as did so, thinking of doggy cock between them.

This hadn’t escaped Christina who was also liking watching the beautiful Nadine touch her own sexy body.

“Triscuit would cover those gorgeous tits in cum after fucking them like crazy,” Christina confirmed, reading Nadine’s mind.

Nadine’s spirit lifted as the thought of this pushed one hand from her tits down to her cum filled pussy. As one hand touched the hot cum dripping from her, the one on her boob massaged the mound, causing a huge spike in pleasure.

Christina gave a little chuckle before realising Triscuit was going to cum again.

“That’s it boy, fuck my glorious tits. Give me that doggy cum.”

Again, Triscuit responded, instantly squeezing a big load between Christina’s tits.

“Mmmpphh” moaned Christina as she grabbed the dog cock and began to fire it on top of her tits.

“Cover them in cum.”

Nadine watched in love at as cum shot over Christina’s big chest, each load of cum making it seem even more beautiful. She was transfixed by the sight but also her fingers were now deep in her cum filled pussy. She fucked herself, imaging how good it felt to be Christina.

Another orgasm took over her body, as she watched the hot beastial titfuck in front of her. She had the feeling the night wasn’t ending yet.

The End

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