Women with Animals

Sarah’s Adventure (by plinkerson)


© 2016 by plinkerson

When she got off the train Sarah looked nervously up and down the platform. There were a couple of people fitting her mind’s eye image of Pete, but as she had not seen a picture of him her imagination filled in the gaps. In truth she was not overly bothered as to what Pete looked like, as she was more interested in his dog. The dog was called Billy and she had seen a picture of him, black and shiny with a waggy tail, he looked like a normal family pet. How did Sarah find herself in this position of meeting a strange man to pet his dog and see if somehow it might fulfil some of her darker fantasies?

Nobody tried to make eye contact as she moved along the platform towards the exit, to the point that Sarah was beginning to think this was going to be a no show and a waste of time. In those few seconds her mind flicked between disappointment and relief, as whilst she liked the dangerous thoughts dancing in her mind, she was unsure if she could go through with them in reality. She was here after many weeks of exchanging messages and stories with Pete, slowly building both trust and desire in unequal portions. However, desire had raced ahead and she after a heavy solo session alone in her room she had made the decision to take the leap of faith and arrange to meet Pete in person.

As she exited the station she saw a line of taxis and then beyond them rows of parked cars outside the adjoining supermarket. Just then some movement caught her and a tall older guy swiftly got out of his car and looking at his watch starting walking quickly towards the station entrance. She stood frozen as something about the man suggested urgent business but she did not want to initiate eye contact if this was not Pete. She tried to look casual and looked around the car park as if to suggest she was waiting for someone. It seemed to take an eternity for his strides to bring him close to Sarah but before she had a time to look him in the eye he was suddenly stood in front of her. “Excuse me, are you Sarah” he asked. Sarah acted surprised and answered “yes” in a voice that betrayed her nervousness. “I’m Pete” he offered, it is me you are expecting?” “I am” she said in a voice that had started to settle down as she realised Pete seemed pleasant enough and better looking than she had imagined. “Sorry I was not able to meet you directly off the train but the car park machine was playing up” He offered as an excuse but Sarah shook her head and said “that’s fine. I wouldn’t want you to get a ticket because of me” They both laughed nervously and realised the awkward meeting ice had been broken. Pete gestured towards the car and they walked towards it through the parked taxis. Sarah couldn’t help but double check that people were not watching them but no one seemed at all bothered by this seemingly normal pair meeting at a train station.

The car was a modern white BMW 4×4 which Sarah liked, as she also did when Pete opened her door for her before going around to the driver’s side. As she had to climb up into the high car and swing her feet inside the leather seats slightly caught the material of her summer dress, causing the hem to ride up above her knees. Although still relatively young Sarah was enough of a woman to note Pete glance briefly at her shapely exposed legs and even more of a woman to enjoy it. Sarah, like all women enjoyed the attentions of men and found it a slow turn on to be watched as she walked around her home town. Pete rubbed his hands and said “wow, you look great, much better than in your pictures” “Thank you” replied Sarah feeling her face redden a little. Pete then said “This may sound strange but other than a thousand wicked thoughts about this day, I don’t actually have a plan. What do you want to do?” Sarah equally had a thousand wicked thoughts about today but she was a little disappointed that Pete had not put anything definite in place. He explained that firstly he was not sure she would show up and secondly just what Sarah wanted from the meeting. Sarah forgave him when she realised that they were both in this for the first time and on new ground, so she took the lead “what about a coffee somewhere?” She suggested. “Great idea” Pete replied, relieved that at least she was staying for coffee and that the day was at last underway. Galvanised by her suggestion Pete started the car and drove out onto the main road. “ I know a great café on the edge of our recreational woods, we can have a drink and walk Billy” In the few minutes of excitement of the arrival, Sarah had almost forgotten Billy before looking over her seat passed the dog guard at his glowing doggy eyes in the rear of the car. “So that’s Billy then?” Sarah said awkwardly, trying to be complimentary about him whilst checking out his pretty doggy face. “Yep” said Pete “he is a good boy but just recently has been showing more and more interest in bitches” Sarah’s eye rolled in her head and shuddered, something about the word bitch hit a nerve and a wave of excitement ran through her as she realised she might be a bitch at some point if she saw this through. Slightly thrown by a new rash of thoughts Sarah decided to make a point “Pete, I know I have come down to meet you and Billy, but I am not sure if I want to do anything today, I hope you don’t mind?” Pete smiled and answered “All that’s on today is a coffee and a chat…anything more is a bonus” Hoping she had not put him off too much Sarah secretly smiled as she noticed Pete used every gear change as an excuse to look at her legs. She made no effort to pull her dress down to where it should be and with a little wriggle on the leather seat managed to get it to ride up another half an inch. If Pete noticed he did not say anything but she realised he must have seen because his eyes spent more time on her dress than on the road. Having established a little more man control Sarah looked steadfastly ahead as if she did not notice his frequent glances at her exposed flesh.

The car took a turn off the main road into a forestry commission woods, with a sign that highlighted it was an area of natural beauty and valuables should not be left in the car because of thieves. Following the bark chipping path the car wound through the woods before coming to an open recreational area with picnic benches and a caravan coffee shop. They both excited the car before Pete released Billy from the rear door. Billy instantly ran up to Sarah, wagging his tail and sniffing her intently. Sarah patted him and rubbed his soft black ears, the feel of the fur setting a little tingle somewhere deep in her psyche. Billy began running around them as they walked to the coffee stall and obediently sat when told to do so. “Grab a seat with Billy and I will get the drinks. White coffee do you?” “Mm yes please “said Sarah, although she was distracted as she found herself rubbing Billy’s furry ears back and forth between her fingers. She hardly noticed Pete arrive with the coffee and had to catch herself to bring her mind back to the present. “What do you think then, a pretty boy?” asked Pete, before quickly adding “the dog, not me” Sarah laughed, so far this was going well, Billy was just like his pictures and Pete was easy going and quite funny to boot. Sarah thought back to the first picture she had seen of Billy and how her imagination and fingers had brought the two of them together in her darkened bedroom. Now, here she was in the flesh with Billy, a summer’s day and whatever else she had the courage to allow to happen.

The coffee and polite chit chat flowed freely, and Sarah relaxed in the company of Pete and Billy. She stole the odd glance down at the dog nether regions before realising that’s what Pete had done to her in the car and laughed out loud. When asked by Pete what was funny she boldly told him and enjoyed the feeling of control it gave her. It was Pete’s turn to blush a little as he explained how good she looked and hope she didn’t mind him looking. This was of course a test, she could either chide him or actively encourage him, although saying nothing would also be seen as encouragement, so she gave him a look and bit her lower lip. Hint taken, Pete suggested they take Billy for a walk in the woods which Sarah agreed to, perhaps a bit too quickly. Pete seemed to know the area well as he guided the three of them around the various paths between the heavily wooded areas. They walked for about half a mile before coming to the end of the wood and fences bordering empty fields. They climbed the small gate and walked along edge of the wood coming to a corner of a filed with hedges on both sides. Because of the position of the sun this area was a sun trap and Pete suggested they sit for a while and enjoy the warmth of the afternoon sun. The chat between them was easy and other than the odd jokey comment there was no mention of sex or even the way they been communicating over the previous weeks. Pete lay down with a piece of grass in his mouth and sighed a relaxing sigh with his eyes closed against the sun. This gave Sarah a moment to check out this stranger and considering some of the things that had gone through her mind when considering this trip. She had warmed to Pete’s easy going chat and for an older man he was quite nice looking. She had never been with an older guy and now the option was available it was one she was beginning to relish. Her elbow got tired of propping her up so she gave in and also laid back in the warm afternoon sunshine.

She was aware that Billy had come and lay next to her and she stroked his head, giving special attention to his ears. He sniffed her hand and then used his nose to sniff around her under arm area. She pushed his nose away but in doing moved the dog’s head towards her lower body. Billy continued his lazy sniffing until his head reach the hem of her dress. Sarah had previously pulled up the dress to catch the sun a little on her legs but this had allowed some of her female musk to drift on the air towards the dog’s nose. Without much grace Billy put his nose under her dress and sniffed at the front of her panties. Sarah pushed him away and looked over in some embarrassment at Pete, but he was still apparently lying with his eyes closed. When Billy tried again to sniff her panties she put her hand on his head but did not push him away. She looked across at Pete again and seeing he was taking no notice she allowed Billy to continue sniffing at her crotch. “Don’t let him be a nuisance Sarah” came Pete’s voice and Sarah was surprised to hear herself reply “oh he’s fine” in a voice higher than she would have liked.

They were obviously now both pretending this was not happening, with Pete adding to the ‘normality’ of the situation by pretending not to look.

Billy’s cold nose pressed against the now moist linen of Sarah’s panties. She felt the top of his nose run up the groove of her labia several times as he took in her female smells. The dog’s nose was replaced by a different texture and Sarah realised he was now licking the front of her panties in a slow deliberate way from the bottom up. Each stroke of his tongue pushing the thin material into her cleft and making more and more contact with her moist fanny. This is one of those many things Sarah had fantasied about and now it was here happening in the warmth of a summer’s afternoon. Her breathing heavy, Sarah took one last look to see if Pete was watching and then in a moment of madness and passion pulled her panties to one side. Seeing this as the encouragement it was, the dog eagerly gave Sarah’s fanny a push with his nose. Satisfied that the smell suited his needs he began to lick frantically at her outer labia, his tongue occasionally getting as far as her clitoris but not quite making the contact she needed. Her head now in a whirl with the dirty thing happening to her Sarah began to move her hips to ensure the dog’s tongue made contact with her sensitive clit and lips. Not knowing where exactly he should be licking Billy frenzied licking became more intense but also random. Each new place his tongue licked was different, frustrating but exciting as Sarah sought out clit contact. She was shocked to suddenly feel a hand on her thigh and looked over to see that Pete had assumed a grandstand position watching the action happening in front of him. With a questioning tilt of his head Pete asked for permission to help and between panting breaths Sarah breathed a quick yes, no longer caring that they had just met that day. Unsure what Pete had in mind, her passion was inflamed when she felt his hands gently move to her fanny and slowly hold back her outer lips. This enabled the dogs tongue to go past the outer lips of her wet fanny and actually penetrate her. The further his tongue went in the more the dog and Sarah wanted it to go, so she lifted her hips to enable further tongue fucking of her wet fanny. Pete seemed to understand her need for her clit to be stimulated because she felt his finger gently massaging her swollen hood, completing the cycle of pleasure she needed for her quickly building orgasm. Her head was spinning, but no longer with just dirty thoughts but now also dirty deeds Sarah felt herself heading for the precipice that leads to orgasm but enjoying the moment so much tried to put if off. She might well have managed to prolong the moment had not at that moment Pete replaced his experienced finger on her clit with his equally experienced tongue. Although she could not look down at the scene happening below her waist, her mind painted the mind image of the black furry dog deeply tongue fucking her cunt, whilst his master flicked his tongue back and forth over her exposed clit. The image, the thought and the physical sensations overwhelmed her self-control and Sarah’s mind exploded in a colourful ecstatic orgasm, with spurts of women juice being forced from her fanny onto the tongues of her two lovers fulfilling her lust. Slowly, very slowly the first, second and third waves all subsided and Sarah lay breathing heavily in the afternoon sun. Well worth the £10 rail ticket she thought as still quivering she looked down and smiled at Pete & Billy.

Sarah remained laying on her back in the sunshine, her breath slowly returning to normal as the shudders of her orgasm slowly subsided. It was a full minute before she could speak and then only a brief “wow” was all she could muster. “So you enjoyed that?” asked Peter with a grin on his face, even though the answer was obvious. “I have never experienced anything quite like that before, even down to the gushing she replied. “Was this one of your fantasies, being licked?” Pete asked “Well kind of’ she replied but I never imagined the tongue going into me so deep and actually fucking me….it was just so, sooo intense. Then when you started to lick me as well my mind just began spinning…it was fantastic” Pete smiled and said “It was incredible to watch, especially so close up. I have never had a women come over me like that before…it was so horny I nearly came myself. With the mention of Pete’s nearly orgasm Sarah thoughts switched to him. Not quite knowing what answer she wanted from the question she asked “I suppose you are still horny and in need of something?” Pete looked a bit sheepish and said, “I know that wasn’t part of the deal, but yes, after what I have just watched I could do with a little relief right now” After thinking it through for a second, Sarah had a quick look around to ensure they were still alone. She leant forward and taking charge she pushed Pete back onto the grass. Her hand went straight to his trousers and she quickly unbuttoned the top of his jeans and pulled down the zip. Pete’s cock stood straight up in the sunshine, a little over seven inches and still with his foreskin, it was the biggest cock she had seen in her young life. Grasping it between her thumb and forefinger Sarah slowly and gently moved the skin up and down the shaft. A small drop of cum fluid oozed from the eye and without thinking she bobbed her head towards the cock and licked the drop into her mouth. Pete’s gentle moan was obviously one of encouragement so she got up onto her knees over him and proceeded to slowly take the end of his cock into her mouth. Sarah liked to think sucking cock was something she was good at and wanted to repay Pete for the marvellous orgasm she had just received. She timed the movement of her mouth perfectly with the down stroke of her hand, so there was always something making contact with the underside of Pete’s cock and providing pleasuring physical stimulus. She alternated this with a sweeping movement of her tongue when her mouth was on the way up providing Pete with another reason to moan out loud. Whilst concentrating on the job in hand Sarah had lost all thought of where Billy the dog was, but she soon became aware that he was once again interested in sniffing her moist fanny which was now exposed. Having already thrown caution to the winds and enjoyed it, she dismissed any ideas of stopping the dog and briefly wondered if she could concentrate on the two things at once. She reached down and removed her panties and enjoying the feeling of the fresh air on her wet fanny lips. Billy sensed encouragement and once again started investigating her rear end, but because of the position she was in he started by first sniffing then licking her exposed anus. This made Sarah jump slightly as it was both a first for her, but as she discovered not an entirely unpleasant sensation. She had to split her mind on the pleasure she was receiving as she continued slowly sucking off Pete’s cock into her small mouth. The dog explored every crevice on display to him and at one point managed a small but delightful penetration of her ass with his tongue. This anal stimulation sent Sarah into deep and dirty thoughts of her own again. No longer concentrating about the blowjob she was giving, she continued the motions but without regard for Pete’s pleasure or keeping the cock under control. By slightly moving her knees apart she managed to expose a bit more of her ass cheeks which allowed the dog to move his tongue down towards her wet labia. Having again found the flavour that he liked and the spot that Sarah obviously enjoyed, Billy lapped wildly at the wet cunt, moving the lips apart and once again push into the young girls wet and glistening hole. Whether it was the hormones, passion or taste of the young women, Billy had reached the point where his needs also had to be met. In one quick natural movement the dog jumped up onto Sarah’s back and grabbed her tightly with his front paws, his rear end jerking and seeking to make contact. Sarah was missing his tongue but also panicking a little that things were moving quicker than she planned and sex with a dog, which had so far been a fantasy, was now happening on this hot summer’s afternoon. She found herself reaching back towards the dog in what her brain told her would be to push him away, but some deeper instinct took over and she found herself actually pulling him towards her with one hand. She felt the tip of his dog cock touch her ass cheeks then her outer lips several times before without warning the dog found his mark and plunged into her cunt up to the hilt. Sarah gasped out long and loud, both at the physical insertion but also the mental barrier that had been crossed. Immediately the dog started to fuck Sarah quicker than any human cock had ever done. The speed and motion managed to stimulate every fibre and nerve ending in the girl’s wet cunt and the fucking sounds only added to the delicious sensuousness of the moment. She continued to greedily wank and suck Pete’s cock, in what he thought was her determination to make him come, but this was not the case Sarah was thinking her own dirty thoughts and her second impending orgasm of the afternoon. Her motions with his cock were put onto automatic, as she thought about what was happening and used those thoughts for her own pleasure. Sarah deliberately took stock of what was happening to her so that she would both never forget this moment but also use the imagery for her own passionate orgasm. Here she was in the corner of a secluded field, in the middle of the day in glorious sunshine. Her cunt was being pummelled by the cock of a large black dog and she was sucking the cock of a man she had only met an hour before. The full sexual depravity that she fantasied about was now here for real and she found herself spiralling into another round of exploding orgasm. In doing so the guttural sounds she was making, along with the plunging of her mouth up and down Pete’s cock became too much for him. He grabbed her head in both hands and began to fuck his cock in and out of Sarah mouth, which only pushed Sarah deeper into her dirty thoughts and closer to orgasm. Feeling the dog cock quickly fucking her cunt was a new and delicious sensation, but when the dog began grasped her tightly she knew she could not stop him coming inside her. She could actually feel the dog’s large cock engorging and spraying his cum deep inside her. Sarah’s mind was overloaded with the mental imagery and the combinations of physical sensations that were not happening to her, and overloaded, she began yet another and deeper body shaking orgasm. On the third violent shudder of her new orgasm, Pete stiffened and thrust his cock deeper into her mouth before shooting his sperm across the back of her tongue. Normally, this would have been something that Sarah would not have enjoyed, but today it fitted perfectly with the overload of emotions, thought and deeds happening to her. She moved her mouth to the top of his cock and let the cum slowly ease out of the sides of her mouth as gently sucking she slowly brought Pete back down to earth. Billy had finished fucking her as quickly as he had started and his cock slid out of her wet swollen cunt lips before he lay down and started to lick himself clean.

There was little talk as the three of them lay panting in the afterglow of a glorious fucking escapade. Pete was the first to speak and wanting to tick another box in his sexual fantasy list said “well that was fantastic. Perhaps you should go the whole hog and help clean Billy up?” This had always been a fantasy of Pete’s, to actually watch a girl sucking a dog’s cock. An hour ago Sarah might have slapped him, but now after the events of the last few minutes the idea did not seem such a terrible one. Getting into the role of the depraved slut she had become she found herself saying “I will if you will” in what was a seductive voice. Pete was horrified, nowhere in his sexual fantasy list was there images of him licking a dog, not even his own. Seeing his reaction Sarah bit her lower lip and said “well that’s the deal” thinking she had found Pete’s limits, if not her own. “Okay then, if that is what it will take “said Pete. They both moved slowly and awkwardly to get in a position where they were nose to nose next to Billy slowly softening cock. “go” Sarah commanded and both their tongues began to dance around the end of Billy glistening cock. Sarah sensed she would have to take the lead on this and attempted to push the end of the cock into Pete’s mouth but he deftly avoided that each time it came close. She instinctively reached out and grabbed Billy’ cock which made it stand a little more erect before taking the plunge and lowering her mouth over the quivering end. Still eye to eye, Pete was at last treated to his fantasy of seeing a young pretty girl sucking a dog’s cock, and all within inches of his face. Feeling another growing erection he massaged his own cock while enjoying the view before him. “Are you not going to help me?” Sarah asked, which encouraged Pete to give the dog’s dick a couple more tentative strokes along the length of the shaft whilst the tip was firmly being sucked by Sarah. Enjoying the visual stimulation more than the dog’s cock, Pete decided on a bold course of action and leaving Sarah sucking the cock he moved behind and licked her outer cunt lips. He realised he was tasting a combination of fluids dripping from her pussy and so then positioned his cock tip against her labia. Wanting a signal to proceed he waited and was treated to Sarah pushing back and sliding her wet cunt lips slowly over his erect seven inch cock. He leant forward and looked over her shoulder at her mouth sucking and teasing the dog cock, just as she had done with him a few minutes ago. He stated to slowly fuck Sarah from behind, going from nearly fully out to right up to the hilt with a slow sensuous stroke. Sarah moaned in encouragement and tried to push back in between his fucking strokes for more penetration, but Pete held his ground and continued his slow but relentless fucking. As an older man he did have some experience and knew when to change speed and depth to suit his both their needs. Sarah once again relished the day’s events in her mind and in her physical being. She had already had the two most explosive orgasms of her young life and now was headed for the third. She could tell that Pete was very much enjoying watching her sucking the dog cock and that when she went worked faster on the cock or became passionate it inspired Pete speed up fucking her. She started to use this to her advantage as she felt the familiar onset of yet another approaching orgasm. She went from slowly sucking the tip of the dog cock to moving her mouth quickly up and down the whole length. Pete tried to add a verbal element to the scene before him and asked “why are you doing that?” and Sarah found herself playing the slut game by replying “because I want his cock to think that my mouth is a cunt for him to come into” With just the saying of those few words Sarah fell over the edge and began mouth fucking the dog cock as quick as she could. Pete could not hold himself back at the wild sight in front of him and the deviant words just uttered by Sarah as she greedily mouth fucked the dock’s cock. He thrust deep into Sarah’s cunt, spurting his man cum deep inside her. Sarah did not know who came first, but she knew Pete was coming deep inside her pussy at the same time as more dog cum was spurting into her mouth. She arched her back and let out a deep and earthly moan as she shuddered through the deepest and best orgasm of her life. Would there be any other day’s like this in my life she thought? Yes, oh yes.

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